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Durham Review (1897), 16 Dec 1915, p. 3

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Lid W 5..-... 2-23 1-13 h' 3 xyalM'lgyfRtlgllgggMXtXlXlglgXlXllgll8 ff "N -. Wlnter DUIDS Ill The monthly meeting of the " ' i t n m " d V . ' '... men's. Institute was held at the a t " , an . 'rnru"rrruu't, il home ot Mrs u. Patterson, N. L., r' and notwithstanding the iu'sltrrntstusy A - r- - - '_“'â€"â€"â€"_ il of the weather, is goodly number oi ' g . ' . ' . ladies ware present. A sleighlosd E “like: oi all kinds il drove over trom our own burg. Mrs . . r . McKinnon. our delegate to the W. I. t' lor Pickling Convention at Toronto, gave a very m I .' ',.s ' m h H t . interesting report, Ot course the cr. 'ir" t ‘L. . "res . . . convention extending over I period ' lot three days with two meetings each , - -- -e-----w--- - day and so many splendid speakers, ' _ , . it is almost impossible " the dele- E lh _ards Epsom Salts gates to give anything like a mu re- m _ port in the time at our disposal. Our h. i, i i ' ki' " lor "oturrstic usv ilfiiiiit)'. was very enthusiastic over . the splendid way in which the W0- , - __ _---------------.--.--- il men from all parts of the country .g . were entertained, tirat at the Techni- ii), I! ' his: mtrds Eleni College and later stPthe magnifi- Cl . , t Scent home of ndy ellatt (Case a m Pure 0rugs ind loner) showing that the Women‘s [a \ 'i' h I. IH iiret,e,yti' is reeettnizai asu working "'d ' w.t I . . power in the land. Mrs Mathest-n " . {gave a very good paper, dealing a " '. tlitx Pharmacy e [with the same subject. Alter lunch ' H T . , was served, Christmas greetings ' Pl "t.l:\|l.i li, - ONT. were exchanged, " this is the last Imeeting in 19t.5 The meeting wee '. _ 's,t' "r the ('hu-apvst. lclosed by singing the Women's Na- ',i _ . him)" the “(NI Hgtional Anthem . 'sl _I' God save our splendid men. £2733 _ _'..esr'-ri-'Ejysi:?hiee.e.?.,ePimi?. I Send them sale home again, Ma." Gr, '.n, " pAlesv I Mr D. U. McLean. We are pleased ELI "'"t [m NK SYSTEM lto say, is s'eadily improving. -.o ', A Mr Colin McLean has finished -;axxxxzmxmxxzwmxxxgmxxxxmfi Dec l Choice Dec Mst, I915 and] so 139.1916 new” limit __ Lizz'istmas and New Year Fares (" .f l M ES PAT'rlls0tf, A, 59mm? Sirig!e Fare Choice Fresh Fruit and Cereals A few timely Suggestions For Mother . u Bl ”Apt. Hues“ towels a l,. 1.1.1. '.v m' "r.' (‘u'lHy h] KARSTEDT BROS. 7;me 2 weeks till Christmas -m, your Shopping How Snowshoes Hmwsins Miation Caps Caps with Scaris to match Sweater Coats mcrzaiters or '01il01iMBER'16, 1915 aunt! trcsn If]!!! all. cereals We have received -' N 'ii n- lurk u! ve-cleaned curmntu. rnistnu, evaporated peaches, 'rirr's, " ", thi.. I "pples. canned goods, '4y't'up", starches, ctr. The vaH .4 hw- no- ttu. lmst. It pays to try the heat. and painter} a‘uahoes water Coat Spats Eruéh and Comb Sets rush. Comb and Mirror Sets Pulitary Brush Sets Y'Un'L was until the but. wnk when everybody is in n rush hut ko Vmu- selections NOW white you have the best chonce of quick hm: ruerctvutdGe. Our Xmas assortment. is now at its beet. Al For Her 'rtterl sl, 1'0st wt M twrhunit; Toys, Toys, Trains. Rattles... Dolls, mm. ll sndkerchiet,s, Chine Cups and Saucers. Bee our di.pur. N wr.ll wnl'fh while, PRICEVILLE 31%ng j. c?, . PATTISON, Manager The Leading louse J Winter Bulbs fl 3rst,t9t6 Slippers h and Comb Sets I yuu see our Posters ? Did you weigh the “new whey mean to you? They have already and big results. Are you taking advantage :‘uem ? Por Silt" Irtrulkercuiers tir-ur-G " ts will he issued hm “a in Canada ms! ot M In Detroit and Port Bulfaln, Black Rock, vulSmponsion Bridge, l'flll CEYLON PRICEVILLE t. Ttiii LEADING HOUSE " nl'urvnntmn on up- vl Tsunk Ticket - elusive Return thgtit - Jan. 1th, 1916 aina 'are Bring in your but Fowl Now g n tK Jon-s C ISaIts a urestic use a re Drugs ir N rmacy r, .. ONT. l mu ws ' l I",",',',',",', 'ff imam; {Nd Gloves Neck Tues Handkerchiefs Shirts and Collars , Mocha Gloves Club Bag Silk and Cashmere Hosiery Military Brushes Sweater Coat One-Third Hr! “Oink For the Children Del Here we are men the largest assorted suck of High Class Groceries in Price- ville. Christmas For Him groceries Cunnmhnnu Sunkist. Oranges fallen Lemons Evaporated peaches Museum Raisins Valencia Raisins Seedless Raisin: Seeded Rabin New Prunes Recleaued Currants Shelled Almonds 8helled"'WalmtU Heimy Olives Pickles. kewherpete , Remember our S. S. Anniversary Dee. 22nd. A good program is being prepared. Tea from 6 l0 8 o'eloek, l, Everybody come. Mr Colin McLean has finished threshing for this season. Mr Miller, the Principal of our Continuation School. is entertaining his brother this week. Miss Marv Shand is a visitor under the parental root. Election talk is very quiet so bar. Duly two weeks until nomination. Mr. John Russell returned from Toronto University last Saturday. Mr Wm Dingwall is drawing brick from Proton fur his new home. Sweater Coat Underwear Mitts or Gloves Silk Knitted Surfs ieek Tics H: Heavy Rubbers Some of our farmers delivered hogs in Holstein last Thursday to their Good sleighing is ours at last PRICEVILLE VILLAGE For Brother For Father Brander's Old Stand, PRICE VILLE. HOPEVILLE Snowshoes Moccasins Caps, Scaris Four in hands Suspenders Armlets Shirts Garters Swenter Coats Cuff Links Military Brush Sets Tipperary Hand- kerchiels ..-.. Handkerchiefs Misses Flossie Mchar and Tenn McDonaid, who bus spent a week or so with Mrs John MeGnsth, of 11ol. stein, returned home last Wednesday, Miss Ritchie, ot Durham, spént the week end with her triend, Miss Ruth Stewart. Messrs Donald Black and Hughie McCormick, from Mich.. are visiting triends around Glenelg. We are sorry to hear Miss R. O'Connor is not coming back nicer Xmas. Mr Wm. Knox was out with his engine cutting wood for Mr A. Rich- Mason. Mr Geo. Forglson had n very luc- cesstul card party one night last week. Mr and Mrs D, McCormick 8tttt-. dayed at Mr J. Niehol's, Prietsyille. Misses It, 0.Cunnor and Tena " Donald and Mr Alex Mchcar spent an” pleasant evening recently at the home of Mr and Mrs J. J. Black‘s Scotchtown. The young people He talking of organizinga Social Circle or Drama. tic Club. Success, Mr Geo. Black fell on the cement trough Ind fractured two ribs. At time of writing he is saifering, " pleurisy is feared. We are glad to see Mr Clarence McKeown home again trom the West. M'ss Jean Livingstone, from Price- ville, visited Miss Tenn McDonald over the week end. Misses Tenn McCurmIck and Flow sie McViuur spent a very plenum afternoon in Pricenllc Wednesday. Mr Willred Campbell, ot Owen Sound Mxlicuxy Training, spent Sun- dae at his home here. Some one wears a smile to see Wilfred once in a while. wood with his"ittusoiine Ga iFGi McCormick Bros. Mr J. Porter made a business trip to Hanover last week. John has patella-ed u new cutter. Wonder whatnext? Miss Maggie Ferguson spent the week end with her Mend. Miss Hazel Ferguson. Mr E, niunel, of Dundalk, was a Sunday visitor in our bare. Mr and Mrs Wm. Lawrence. of Durham. Visited on Saturdav with Mr and Mrs D. McCormick. Mr Alf. Horton, now in tnining in Owen Sound was a visitor in our burg last week. Miss E Lawrence, of Dundalk, is visiting her aunt, Mrs J. Hardy. Mr J. Wilssu spent Sunday with his triend, Mr Fred Knox. disappointment. The pticea had dropped considerably . Mr. Geo. McLeish. Toronto, is a visitor in this vicinity. Mr. P. Myers finished threshing in this vicinity last Saturday. The following write-up ot the mm- isterial references to the late Mr James, supplied to us. was crowded out last weak, but are of interest yet. Rev. Mr Ottawa”, of Alma, was the clnei spokesman at the funeral servxce and Ing text was .' Thou shalt be missed because thy place will be empty." He said in part, our depart. ed brother who was held in the very highest esteem, requested me to preach his funeral sermon. After an acquaintance of 29 years lam eon. vmoed that the departed led a cor- alstent Christian lite, though at times some might not agree with his Views. It was eiiietly through his iniluenee and that ut the late Mr Stone. that the Methodist circuit here became in- dependent, it haying previously been a Mission. The removal of an awful life is pro- vrdemial and would not be mused-. not so with a consistent Christian life. It is our privilege to feel our r"Pone- ibility in the community in which we live and this uur departed brother felt, especially in regard to the young. When a wrong example might lead to disastrous results, seldom did he let an opportunity peas where wise coun- sel in regard to moral fibre would be beneficial. His sympathy with the young was conspicuous, and gave tone and inspiration '0 his work and to others, God pity those who take no Interest in others. In citizmahip and in the Christian Church he will be missed because of faithlulness. re. sponstulim devotion. We also note his benevolence in practicel sympsnhy to those in dis. tress, More than all in the home circle Will he be missed, where his prayers. counsel and deep devotion were indelibly Impressed. Himself of more than ordinary intellectual pawer lie strove to give his children I thor- ough education. Then you realize the utter weakness that rnhs omlCvrn, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden, Torcstorethnt strcuutlmnd staminatlut is so er,srutia1, nothing has ever equaled or compand with yGcott's Emulsion, be- cause its strvngth-sustaining nourish- ment invigorates the blood to distribute energy throughout thebody while its tonic value slrarpeus the appetite and restores health in a natural, permanent way. If you n e run down, tin-(l, nervous, overwpixevs or lack strength, get Scott's Emulsion today. At Any drug store. " Km - ..--..-- *anM HAVE 1fllll BEEN SICK? 'i', Travellers to the bar of God! r, A:Ar.right 1!." beep sums-a The Late Mr c. c. James OLENELG CENTRE SWINTON PARK n a natural. pemmncm way. I23: run duwh, tin-II; nervous, L or lack strength, get Scott’s m toAlay, At any drug store. Scott & Bone. Tomato. out. utter weakness The present pastor. Rev. Mr Bowen spoke of his friendship and lOyalty to former pascors. His devotion when not able to leave home. was shown by his desire to have meetings of ofiieusl board and Bible Society held in his house. The service was closed by singing 6s Swift to lti close ebbs out life's little Gy,"--)" N. 1ieli. Miss Jane Ritchie who has been away for the past two years in Port Arthur, Edmonton and other western points, returned last week and is at present visiting with her brother George here and other friends. Mr. Chas Cotton is visiting this week with friends in Molesworth. Mr. Herb Edge is serving in Owen Sound this week on the jury. llev. Mr Mothescu said that for 18 years Mr James had been one of " best. memo and he was a tower of 'atrenttth to those among whom he as- sociated. lie would be greatly mise- ed for his tsterhug worth. lie corro- borated what. had been said of his ro- bust, healthy Chrismn chaucter. Mr. J. W. Greenwood visited last week with friends in Priceviile and Dromore. Mrs Moffat is having a Red Cross Tea on Thursday of this week. Miss Maggie Firth has returned home after spending a month with London friends. Rev. Mr Loose. the last pastor. and there were few homes it was his privilege to visit as frequently as this Former speakers knew him in days of robust health. and he, (the speaker) know that his failing health in recent years was a source of anxiety to han for the sake of others, bat it also showed qualities of character. that robust health did not bring out, chief ef these being courage and undimmed faith, He wished to extend to the girls the sympathy of himself and Mrs Leece. m reminded them sep- aration here meant reunian there and this thought brought comfort. His strong character and companionship with Christ. it was this that sustain. ed him, His hospitality was of the rare old fashioned type making it a delight to yielt his home. .. (hr brother " not dead but liveth.may God give grace and strength to family and friends to walk in his footsteps. _ Rev. Mr Humphrey, Cookeville, and he came, not to preach a sermon, but to stand with the family in their sorrow and pay s tribute to his friend, who hod gone. The friendship with deceased and his fomily had continu- ed through the years. Mr James was a men of character. of strong person- ality, and overcome many disadvaut- ages of early life, The trials he {need Were not few, but they were met with faith and a hardy spirit. He is new beyond the criticism of the world, but his memory will always be I precious treasure to family and friends, Dear Mr. Editor:-- Thanks tor your kindnenl in allow. ing me the privilege of appealing It this Christmas time on behalf ot tho Hospital for Silk Children. Toronto. In the 40 years of the Hospital" ox- lstengf there hare been treated within its w is 26,108 children as fn-patients; 231,768 as out-patients; a. grand total ot 257,876 In and out-patients. The Hospital for Sick Children given . province-wide service. tor little patients from every section of Ott. tario have sought its aid. but "" 499 patients were admitted from tte places outside the city of Toronto. In 1914 there were 394 from 210 pieces. Of the 2,838 impatient: last you 1,771 were medical cases and 1,067 surgicnl. In the orthopedic department ot the 2.838 in-patients, 264 were treated for deformities. 21 Pow- dil- ouo ot the spine, 10 lateral curvaturo of the wine. 10 bow-Ion, " club-feet. 17 dislocation: of hip, 42 tuberculur din“. of knee. hip, ankle, wrist Ind elbow; " infrntlle paralysll, 8 wry nook. and 21 mfrseeliatteout1. The Hospital iirat children Our male is tt-tttiit_ on. that will continue while the world lasts, tor it is the "lst between the 11-min of lit. and death, to lave the child life. the nick little ones, 30m and daughters not only of our Ioldier men, but ot tho fathers and mothers Mill in this home-land province._ . _ A lou have s duty to halt. See em- ‘ply places end use ittihttrutte to bans. tit, others. Today. he whom we mourn, tekes his piece smong the great crowd of witnesses; let our hearts rejoice thst the battle is (ought end the Victory won. The Hospital is beating back dis- ease and death, the enemies tlnt " nil the lives of little children n the British Empire is beating back Ger. mlny. Austria and-Turkey. the en.- mles that “sail tug life of liberty. Bo we appeal to the generous péopl. at Ontario not to forget those no neu- and dear to us, who lie in the beds and col: ot thll great charity. Will the people at large. as ot old, respond to our call? Will they remem- ber that every year i: a war Year tor the Hosspital, every day a day ot batth, and In” the Hospital needs money, not tor its own snko. but for the chi]- wen'l lake? . . ' .. The Hospital has waged It: war tor forty years. The people of Toronto Ind Ontario have been its friend, and this year of all years it requires help. Surely you will give to a charity that cares tor every sick child in Ontario‘ tor only " your money media the Hospital can the Hospital'- mercy reach the children. . Every dollar in . link of kindness in tho chain of mercy that joins the money in your pocket to the miner-in ot some child's life, some mother'g heart. Remember that Christmas cull. yo. to open the purse of your kindneu to the Hospital that the “capitol may open the heart of its help to the children. Will you send a dollar. or more it you can, to Douglas Davidson, Secret tarrTret"urer. or Messrs McCrae and Kennedy from Christmas Appeal ci'nlrma-n of the Board of Tun-u... Toronto. . COLLEGE ST,, TORONTO. TH DURHAM REVIEW J. ROSS ROBERTSON, EDGE HILL To bring about a more even dialli- bution of the wealth of the world is one of the great problems of this dem. near Guelph visited la Mr and Mrs T. Ritchie auntie age, guys the Paisley Advocate Tillie Is no doubt this war was origin- ally conceived With the idea of check- ing the development of democracy among the nations of Europe. Uansa the Allies fail to carry out their grim determination to overthrow ttutoch-y and militarism. hytlwtime peace is restored Ihe Vast {gulf between the over-iieh and the very poor willbe more nearly bridged than it his ever been. and n Inger proportion of men moving through hf? on the some level in point of worldly Wealth. During the war sums of the most. powerful governments haw undertaken to con. trol what has heretofore been consid- ered exclusive tialdu for private enter- priue, The cousmandeering of part of the Canadian wheat, crop is one of the many moves made by the government to promote the But-("vets of the war. THY: ADVOCATE is so radically inclined as to belieyethrst the whole grain crop of any producing country such as Can- ada could he handled to very much better advantage to the wheat glow- ers if we had a system hy which a Government Commission took it all over for math-ting. The speculative grain market has made a lot of million "ire: in this young Dominion. and all at the expense of the farmers who plow the tialde, now, cultivate. reap and thresh the crop. The instehility of .he grain rockets of the would due to the gambling in the txxchnngea in I rut-e to the world I feommerce, which would be completely eliminated were governments looking after the Iner- keting interest. ofthe people tor the pimple. No. would we "top at whent "lone. All natural resources and um an: of ""trtsporutiott should he in the hands of the peopH, instead of be- utu ' printed for purposes of “.3" aud ptotit to pinata pockets. Individu) glow greedy and no not handled with a reasonable margin of profits. We need more government ownership to make our democracy the renlthiug. The Onttiio Hydro Communion in potmrtle destined to demonstrate to u! the beaetite of that plan at conducting [use bovine... and In ty he the fore- runner of numerous other when” for the beattttt of the public. . tLV Al ,r K Cong] gala ‘; "it xx”: 7:”? t buy. if" been *‘ iali. 2). A near] ; .. - A; too 1 I MB _ " ' ' I . 2 " ii?” need, i J 'llEiif, [a Ib,; g I L'F,ytf l habit 'i; £11713: " if - been , e [ " LU, . child "i/ill!,)",'));;";':?,,) wet "i' itii';'iijtiit(iiit) ., and a a'k'iitrs"r's'Tirip' . ' I 'ifif)ii)',ii; - " off, I e ' "iS. ive., i I /, J. throu , 3%, Lti's, - f rc?, C-yrs"-.; rylifsH. '7}:- whoc -.-- tis-i', riiF:-errj H aid o 'ki'ii'siiit'" had L_-_ " . 4, __ , 'i : [tj,): ili [have helped young mothers whose rid, l :37 babies were chokin with crou and " A ', \ g p, , ,uikzurir been the comfort of parents whose f 31 i? ir: . children tramp to achool through the " En l1§\_‘2§‘% wet winter weather. Many a cold t'ie Atsi'iill.tt/tfr"ft/ , and attack of bronchitis l have warded {4‘ i'i'i1'iii)risf'; . y, off, and thousands l have helped trriut)i'ti)f,,-K1'c:ri1', through the anxious moments of g 313i“- , :' j-ICT-al j whooping cough. 1 have come to the EE "G LA, 'rips 3"” IC aid of mothers and fathers when they had colds and influenza, and have ..' " . been a relief to old folks suffering mm, “Wham from bronchitis and asthma. I have had a most varied experience; I go everywhere-- 9.24:1; '. :21: f .1 .1 the poor, in cities and the country. Now don't tors-t "Granny" Chamherlainl You will see me (witch now, for! :im going to tell you of my experience and what can be done in your home with metal Lin; "iiTiigTii,Tn' G iaiegt model lasts. They Le stslfsh, durable and handsome Shoes. No better footwear is manufactur- ed, and they are priced according to quality. Come in and inspect our new Military last in Men's Working Shoes. Best on the market. We have just received a shipment of S zit-cases and Clubbags, prices ranging from “.40 to 5.50. Also have stocked a line of Children's School Cases which retail at 60c. of them." "Did you know that they can make Shoes out of all kinds of skins ?" "How about banana skins ?" "They make slippers out ooiG Town Shoe Store THE Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Our Shoes embrace all the goal 1yttlysrt, male. in patent, gun REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE Use for All l '"dranny" ( last week with Everybody's friend when they have coughs and coils and their el/dclrcn have croup and whooping cough. Most everyone knows me. I have been going from heme to home for nearly fifty years-always welcome, too, for I never fail in their hour of J. s. McILRAITH i; To hand, 't Military Brown's Trees, the best that can Le (roux. Who is our agent in your town t BROWN BROTHERS Conny __ trrtryprrrntn, L391??? . sibsbiFsiviihsiFsiFsbtilrsitttta?ilt it." and Icahn-out. The whom it thoroughly equipped In teachml “duty. tn (mental 3nd electrics] cupplieu nun dttindd, ac" tor full Junie! Inning um Intric- Ill-"on work. The [allowing corny-emu mm In Ill charge I MMM. ALLAN, Princlpnl and Provincial Nod 01 School “Fetch-I. m cm: Carma-w Imam. Bandeau would cum " the begin an. loe term" pausble. Boom out be ob- Ya"lP2l,rtt','tell."pdtt Damn: in tttlil' in Whelown. nun. n l loot can e pine. Incidence. Thoma“! oi "105::th Input yem u I human one. The "News mmuvmvo edu. F,'irilt'l,,li and [we no min: to aw t ha! "when Ind pupi a have every Mums? for the proper Wham: tad wquuluon of new ledge. "ruC.tt per month in nuance. x Good t Flannelette vie 9r t c. L. GRANT 's),' as F4sqs4sqs4s4iiiseasifs as: DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL l titikilll, "h-Irmcn in Black and White Ji-, and Khaki, also Blue ' and Rm] P'nvnels at gr 400, 500 and 750. sit at a reasonable price see ours. It's just about perfection. Prices 11c and 120. Brown's trees If you want BroGiiriGi'iGri'jiiidnd ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Flannel u. J. r. all“. LG-HUTTOHJ‘; rr. t HONOR GRAD: Al: 1.. amM34A...‘ ', I may Ut an up um mk .._ ottice-0eer Jean-m l an; l’--~l um OFFICE: Over J. 1'. T“ Wu: Minty Ith' momma: Seton-1 tious Mon out siac o; \.u HONOR mm; tt University. gmdm. of Dental Sm gown Ova J Ag MLM HI B. I I _ lumen: qumunn W.C.PICKtR|'\~. Bun-um. Sohm r' Court Notary t'utnt K Money I nice on Lumm 1. " 0 Walpole'., H .m . -- F 4ftm'i1'-ft4,'?stfr , ti)'slCfftC(l?iii,ie) ARTHUR H. _ Insurance Agen leaner of Na: Help on] t1nattcial hue“ 01 out - Mr McPhatl in. denoein Ceylon. DURHAM. UNDERTsK Funeral fl , Embalmlng a typo Picture Framing. 5mm t$teowRooMs--Ar lion CANADIAN r. t Shingles and law hand It right p1 Eu; Sawing prompt y all Also Sale Ag nt and “on! Only and VIC'Iuly M the For interior ot fruslttiutts _ LN: -v ., cheaper than huh and [liner F, 1raartotraotile Cate oi'! 1 I My put on (Alumni ‘ .1 - [In] No in o: mus- CI" and m (I for yourml Lenvin IT Connecting '1': D. MchoHA.i, Fast “Daiig to WlNNllWi m The uudet to reeidentt, inq counlry. It I And hm prepared to SASH,DOQRS w of HOLSE FIT) DURHL PLANINC ”use. lir to _ qtou “and“ to. rerun u licensed Aucln n Terms modem“ . r' ,' was. Are., tt ml _ ' ROBEPW- 1-." , T unwell“ warns of sud}. Hum a”. Hhorthand and Tysnutlmg Civil Service and Picparuiorr. In dividualinstruction. A "I' m» motion with the 3x st I‘m“. » 1 __ F eawhoemploy our gradt: l s". tir, i mootmeuful. h Sli, , ' .. i, Investigate. Full mfon: 'rt \ CAQLlymGJCA G. n 1-; ' l "', Wforss years hm t, 'x E-OPenl for enrollrncnt for thc " crux-non Monday. Jan. 3.1“»- f MncFarlan: l r J. F.GRANT C. D t. MONK-go Puyv mane OHM-no Particular It. Durban Notary Puislic, CONVEYA DURHAM. ONT, 9, wr MI'I lending School of Bum l ,3 ZENUS CLARK NEW FIBRE BOAR; Vin 'Ill Through Sec Um Full line of and bl sck n tor aged pe J. P. TEL-E 's,' A. BEI OWEN SO UND UFFIL. warm; Ihm " f tt I) L uu ONTKRIO Cu at M i7

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