West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Dec 1915, p. 4

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. '9. ' iii I t y t I! ?' fb 2,"."t John McGowan Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour All kinds ofgrain boutht at market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton Iota. 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Large Quantity of No. l Feeding Hay Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop It you have any to sell, bring it to us and we will pay highest prices Ur it. Grai n Waite-1's. 3 We have a. large stock of HEAVY MIXED FEED on hand. If you need feed, get our prices. We are in Citt "Pio 0V3 fur Horse Feed at Frir Prices ‘JHO.’PED OATS at . . . very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE":", MILLS (i KEE'J‘INGS Milling Oats Feed Oats Mixed Grain Feed Barley Fresh and Clean. the very best. See this Hay buioreptrchasing elsewhere. it wiil pay you. E-mry bag guaranteed. 1 Wing It back and get your r The Hunabout us now $480 ', the town car D780 : l. o. h. Ford, Ontario. All curs completely equipped includ- nng vlectrtc headlights Equipment does not include speedometer. (in particulars from C Smith & Sons. Durham, Ont. We wish our many Customers and Friends a very Pieasant Cr-ina,, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Mrr.cit mvn mm affordIthe first cost ofa var. Few can afford the after expense ofruost cars. Like its first'cost, the af- ter cost of a Ford is lower than that of any othvr real motor cur. The Ford has made walking an extravagance. Ford Touring Car Price$530i i 3V. ISLLXUK PHONES: Day M, Night iM Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Oatmeal Mills, Durham the market for any quantity of "MADE IN CANADA" If no: satisfaetorv "VT-“E v. Fair Haven, vt.--'H was so nervous nnd run down that I could not do my housework for my little family of three. [ I had doetored for nan-1y twig“: with- _ out help. One day I read at Vinol, nnd thinks to it, my health has been re- _ “and so I tun doing I" my housework , once more. 1 am telling all my friends ; who: Vinol hu done or me."'- Mrs. JAMES H. EDDY. ‘ Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron ', tonic which crates n healthy Igpetite, l aids digestion and nukes pure b bod. Vinol is n delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, . eomtitrttieetat run- edy which creates an Oprah. aids di- gestion and min. pun "lttir blood. ll children love to take it. M , Ii: rtatie & Uo.. Druggintm Durham. Ont, appetite improved. Ibo coined in woi ht, and is now one of the balthieat chilgron in town. Mothers of delicate children should tryVinol."- Muconnoxnwm Vino! is . delicious cod liver and iron Made Strong By Our Vinol Fayetteville, N. .-“My little daugh- ter was in poor health, delieatq and so weak it mad. no " new. I heard about Vino? and ara to n; it and the _reaulu yep nt.arttlotu,. _er Brown's Trees, the best that can be grown. Who is our agent in your town 't BROWN BRMHERS COMPANY N urserymen, Limited Brown's Nursuries, Welland The Council also wish to state that l l’mrimc meeting will be held at close at nomination for the purpose of appointing offieert, tor patriotic lauds, aw. J. H. C1lii'TIC'K, Clerk ls'Shewell, hiring mom... .... 5o We, the Council of Beutinck wish to acknowledge the resignation und thanks ot J. W. Vickers who has tor pai5. 4o years been iruditor ut accounts and Dep. Returning Utilcer of Poll N03. We regret to lose one who hassotuithlully and honnrubly per- lormeu the duties of these was tor so long a time and unite in Wishing him many yuan; of retired lite. Signed on behalf of Council The annual nomination of Bentiuck will be held at Lamluah. Monday, Dec. 27, at 1 o‘clock tor purpose at nominating reeve. Deputy Reeve and three councillors. laying culvert. ...... .rpet.6 L. brown, 2 men 2 days each.. L. Brown, blasting rock ...... L Brown, removmg rock '..... U Monk, 48 yards gravel . . . . .. tf swung, , day underbrush‘g J Hewitsun, do ll Chrisuie. do W Campbell do F tmewell do l" SheWell, hiring men ' ... .... til, Jos Rody $3. F 7 Carried I Lanney-- Shewell-That Council {rant $5 to Elmwocd Library. Car. pa, Mn Alex McDonald visited friends ‘11: Owen Sound last. week. Ilia. Mildred Mighton spam 1 few days recently with Hanover friends Lanney--Se,hmidt-That $7.10 be paid to Sullivan tor A cost. ot work Townline B. and B. Carried Ltuiney--Tttrnball --- That $30.91 be paid to Brant tori cost at work Townline B. and B. Carried Brown-8hewell-Thar, request of Almwood ratepay ers (re estimate (-9 cash ot Hydro light uni pOWer) be granted. Curried solumdt-'Nrabttli-- NW tie to]- lowing ratepayers h- I' Mixed their dost taxel ; Jerry Swim u $1. Chris. Way cu, .1115. l'orter $1, any. Range] Ely Thee Tarabul1-. tihewell-TGt report at Dr J I. Smith be accepted Car. Mr. Barclay will preach histam- well sermon here, Dec. 26. He has been vary faithful in the discharge of " dutiel while hue. and regret hm leaving us. We hear for Manitou- lin d. Pursuant th adjournment, Council met " show tune and place. Mr. and Mrs. John Omeltead pur- pou spending their Christmas holi. days with relatives and friends in London and Poncho, Mich. Lamlash, Dee 15, Messrs Campbell Clark end Anth- ony Punt enlisted in Durham last week for oversees service. We ere glad3to have our locality represented and wish more would "all them- when to new: tor King and Country. All honor to our two boys. Mrs W. B. Patterson of Priceville. and Mrs Robt Lone of Wnlkerton. re. turned home thin week after spend- ing IUIne time with their mother. Mrs John MeGilliyray. Mr. Alex. MeG'illivray “Chats- worth spent last week with triendl here. A S. school concert is to be held in Unlock Baptist church on Dec. 24, A good program is assured. Mina Margaret Lunacy spent last week with Crawtord friends] " THIS 1lllTlliil Got Strength To Do Her Work Mncfarlune & Co., Drugcistn, Durham, Ont. t IlillWii MO BBNTINCK COUNCIL $1.50 per ye If. "oo if paid in dance. Brown's Trees DECEMBER 23, 1915 MULOCK lptttt 'iitetuettr, ENE-ELL ,...,........53 uiu...... 2.50 '.......... 3.00 we and ...rp.'.. 500 yseacb.. 300 " ...... 250 ook,..... 400 THE DURHAM REVIEW 3 " 75 75 " " Remember thet ('hristmaa callI you to open the purse of your kindnesl to the Hospital that the Hospital may open the heart of its help to the children. Will you send a dollar, or more It you can. to Douglas Davidson, Secu- tary-Treasurer. or The Hospital has waged its war tor (arty years. Tim people of Toronto nnd Ontario have been its friend, and this year of all years it requires help. Surely you will give to a charity that cares for every Molt child in Ontario. for only as your money reaches the, Hospital can tbe Hospital" marry reach the children. Every dollar is a link ot kindneu In the chain of mercy that Joins tho money In your pocket to the miseriel of some chlld‘s life, some mother's heart. Will the people at large, as ot old, respond to our call? Will they remem- ber that every year is a war you for the Hospital, ovary day a day of batik. and that the Hawk“ needs money, not tor its own aka, but tur the chi!- ien's sake? Our bsttle is neyverontiirur--itt on. that will continue while the world laltl, tor it is the tUht lit-tween the armies of Me and death, to save the child lite, the sick little (ma-,3, son: And daughter. not only ot our soldier men, but of the fathers and mutilers still in this homelapd provim'c. The Hospital is beating back dis- ease and death, the enemiel that al- sail the lives of little children as tho British Empire is beating back Ger. many, Austria and Turkey, the eno- mies that avail the life of liberty. So we appeal to the generous people at Ontario not to forget those so near and dear to us, who lie in the bedl and cots of this great murky. - Ot the 2,838 In-patients last. year 1,771 ware medical case: Ind 1,067 lurgical. In the orthopedic department or the 2,838 in-patients, 264 war. treated tor deformities, 21 Pott'l dil- eale of the spine, 10 lateral curnturo of the Ipine. 10 bow~less. 57 club-feat, 17 dislocations of hip, 42 tubercular disease of knee, hip, ankle. wrist and elbow; 76 infantile paralysis, ir-wry neck. and 21 miscellaneous. The Hospital tor Sick Children gives a province-wide service, for mu. patients trom every section ot Ott. tario have sought its aid. but year 499 patients were admitted from 232 places outside the city of Toronto. In 1914 there were 394 from 210 places. The Itivtew and the Farmers‘ Li. vocate for l your... . . ............... TheReviuw and Canadian Farm In the 40 years of the Hospital's u- istenx there have been treated within its w in 26,108 children as irtoatienta; 231,768 as out-patients; a grand total of 257,876 in and out-patients. Thanks for your kindneu in lllow- In: me the privilege of appenllng u this Christmas time on behalf ot the Hospital for Silk Children, Toronto. The Renew and Weekly Advertis. " for onOtst1r........................ The Ravi w and Poromo Daily Globe tot I)1nr..................... The Rev ow and Toronto Daily MM and Empire for I your...... The Revipw and Daily Free Press fort "ttr.......-..........,.... The Review and Weekly Free Press for one year.................. The Renew an»! Fanning World Dear Mr. Editor ..-- The Hospital t'i'rRgtt children The Review and Toronto Daily Starter 1 Fel..................... The Review av-d Puronto Duly Newaf'n one yenr.................. I‘he Review and Toronto Daily World for ye"......-......... The Review and Weekly Mail and Empire torl year The Review and the Family Her. ald and Weekly Star for 1 your The Review and Weekly Witness tor 1 'tNw.......-............,.... t'be Review and Weekly Sun for Chairman ot the Board of Trauma. Toronto. TORONTO NO, 3, BENTINCK Sr 'th--Betmie Mather, Tom Corbett, Basie Adlam. Jr. 'h-John Mather, Mary Charlton. Br 8rtt-. Velva Reap, Very Rear. Jr 8rd--M Alexander, H. Livingstone. tir. 2ad-H. Milligan. ery Mlghton, Maggie Mighton. Jr, 2nd--D Mather. M Alexander, A Reay. O Livingstone. Pt L'ad-tGra McCul- loch. A Bartman. W McCullocb. Ar. erage attendance for November M. JESSIE SHORTT. teach” S. S. No. 9, GLENELG tir 4th--V, Ritchie, M, Haley. M At. kinson. "Ire- 4 Dans, A. Ritchio, A, Lindsay. o Bell, 0. Bell, M/Newell, M. Whitmore Jr. azi--A, Horst, o, Lindsay, K Davie. R. Davis, M. Aljue. 2nd--R McFarlane, J Bell, M Bell, lit --E Hargrave, M. Horst, S. Lawrrnre & H. Ritchie, eq. Primer (AF-H. Law.ence, Sr. I'timer-r, Dania & M Hargmveul. Jr. Primer-R, p rnrtt. A Lawrence. Min Emmi Rimhia uh) " unend- ing Toronto Numb] came home Fn- a, for the holudnya. Wishing the Review and all the readers, the compliments of the sea:- on. Mr, Jnrvia of Tz‘rovlo in It present visiting " Mrs. D. Firth]. The teacher and pupils no having I concert. on the has dny of "hool to which .11 the people of the section are invited. We undemeud the pu- pile have I plenum surprise for the teaeher. Born-To Mr and Mrs W. J. Firth on Saturday. Dee. 18, a duughter. Mr. and Mrs. Tlo. 1ioirst-ot Port McNicoll He winning at present with his brother, Mr J Moffat. Over 20 ladies word»! we Ted Cross sowing bee " Mrs L11 was.” last Thursday. The coliecuun to: Bed Cross purposes amounted to $3.65. for I yet"......... for/ you.............::.....'.' ......... Christmas Appeal ly Frtbr............,.., _ "rec" COLLEGE ST., TORONTO. School Reports J. ROSS ROBERTSON, Clubbing Rates reroute Dally lsr.................. 8 U) Toronto Daily ‘oekly Mail and tr,...-..,..... 1 " tt Family Her. b'tar for 1 your I 90 n'eckly Wxtness Veekly Bun for 'o..."..........". l 90 Jekly Advertis. l SC( , IT, Teacher 250 176 890 390 I90 during his stay sin town and here will be found Farmers I Why remain idle all wir. ter when you can take up a paying "gym-y? _ Chance list of VHI'IPUPQ for Spring Plunllng. Ltbe,mlTermts. Handsome free Outfit. Exclusive territory, Write now for particulars. at once for Oh RH AM and District for the Old Relughls anthill Nursssriese, BUREAU. Dee. P.e. 19t5, Butter................ 27a Eggs................. 32t Ii'loarperewt........ 3000 Oatmeal persack .... 300 Chop tif ewt........ 125t Oata, 'tted............. Mt it'allWhestt.......,... 100 1 Spring Wheat,........ 95t Oats, milling...,...... 35 t Peas.......:.,....... 170 t Barley............... 48t Buckwheat.......... 65t, Potatoes per bag. .... 125 a Hides.............. Beef, dressed........ 1200:01566 Hogs. live,fo b..... 8 40 Hay, perton...... .... 1200tou00 Toys of all kinds, Books, China, Games. Fancy arti- cles, and everything to delight the heart of all. A Representative Wanted List has been carefully revised. Durham Markets. Santa Claus' Headquarters r. H. BEAN STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto. Ontario Our Store is it'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' hear.....,.. ling........ .. CY..'.".'.'.'.' Jer bag. .... iii'.'.'.'.','.. t25tolli0 35to 35 100 to100 95to100 35to 35 l70to170 48to 50 65to 70 125:0130 1400 27to 27 32to 32 300co350 The Best Canadian Weekly and the " st Local Paper .' Little More Than Half Price Send or Bring All Orders to REVUCLV Office, hurl) :. The Weekly Mail and Empire The War at Your Door B" theat lyre. We hue u Prstt and uried stock of the 0*"in lirotysritu, Ounces. Lemons. Peels D 0-5:. Nuts. Candies of “I M In .tyt trerrthitte required tor the " “(lay footivitial. oar Prtt"0 will "R Your um. am an s Col. Highest prices for Btrtter tutd Run. Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Conie'rtions THE? CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and a Bakery goods Tailor and Haberdasher regardless of price. As space will not permit us to mention all the e_xtraordinary values .we will quote just a few. See the bills in full list. R98.12.50 and 15.00 Raincoats clearing r Int at...,...., “eg. 10.00, 10.50 and 11.00 Rainc oat < during at...... “as. 5.00, 5.50 and 6.00 " .'.... Reg. 500 Braces going at...,......,.,......,.. '""'.'....... Reg. Me and 50e Braces going at......... ""'........ Also Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mitts, riderwear and other articles too numerous i h-r‘nliun all going the same saerificing way. Come earl x and get the best. if o. C RI e Great Clearing' Sale Now till Jan. I, l9l6, for 25 cents Now till Jan. I, l9l7, “fur $I.75 You can Read the Best Story t f the Great European Struggle in I have decided to clear out nigltgryie Men's Furnishings The Durham Review Which we can supply you aluug with the two together, from or from 1yiiiaiag1t.lr'lt " ----e mqqtqrlN my am he stock of ROWE Durham. Unl- z, 1915 59.99 7.5o 99 'rw. 'xhl'.vd li. KARS Dec. 2tttt & Mt Return It.“ Bee '31». m .I‘JII tqt, '9t Return "an Christ New y, Port A?” Huron, I Single Fare Spices New" Jun. 8rd. 1% “N5 Laps ll hnuv (We 1ioccu' hill Btu " Bru sl Mill! ICE! for "

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