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Durham Review (1897), 23 Dec 1915, p. 5

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ceries, NG M15 rham. 0m. 001' It N +5 iiARSTEDT BROS. 'h"lti2/l.N,'tft: iii 1 y 4"rDlh'lXt'l4fe'fMlXll2MNeMtatggg5tgxgy5i '. _. y'. '4'lillhl'Xxlrimli=ririitritiirgtansirgaegiE: 53E Christmas and "WW Year Fares ‘ec. Mtbtlélh "urn limit Dec. 27th Ct "cm ard *c 3tat, I dJam, m. l :tm'n "a" Single Fare L‘KH‘WS PATTISON & COMPANY CEYLOH PRICIVILLE tro our Customer, and intact: .. {We wish you one and all Snowshoes 11occasins triatiort Caps Caps with 39:13 . to match Sweater Coats ()vergaiters DECEMBER 23, 1916 Spats Brush and Comb Sets Brush. Comb and Mirror Sets Military Brush Sets Did you see our Posters ? Did Vm weigh the values they mean to you? Tluy. have already mused big results. Are you taking advantage of them ? I. j. PATTISON, Manager Ke For in Christmas For Him . Groceries mm,“ 'ikeri will he issued tte- ‘mun-I in Canada enat of ‘I " And to Detroitand Port Miiir.. Buthlo, Black Rook, F' dl- and Suspension Bridge, PRICEVILLEEM 3rd, 19t6 J. J. lil I full information on. at») tip “mud Tsunk Ticket v kw“! for domestic use _ lipsorn Salts I915 '9t6 Tlerry Imus and a 3tumsy 'ea, M,a, u'mu good going Dec. 200, 1915, " Jug. 18". t9t6,in- _ alusivc _ Return "all -- Jtsrs. qttt, t9t6 f, 1m! Kaine Dec 22nd, 13rd 24th and Mth Return "it- Fare a " THE LEADING HOUSE " One-Third Here We are with 'lo lame“ "sorted It'ck of High .0!" Sutsk:y ()rart es Y‘allen '/ll2fl', Evapurau,4 peaches Museum Raisins Valencia Raising Seedlcas Kai-ins Seeded Railing New Prunes Recloaued Currants Shelled Almond- Shelled'Walnutn Bonny Olive. Pastries, ketolterpets Wei-mics? ii, Price. I At the Women‘s Missionary Society Theld in the basement of the Presby- 'teriln church on the li5tlt Dec., 1915. i the oifhseri, for the coming year are as Hollows : President, Mrs Rev. Ihstho- !aon ; let. Vice Pres., Mn Thos. Nick. fol ; 2nd Vice Pres., Mu D, Campbell: (r Secretary. Miss Elsie McLeod ; iTreuurer. Mrs Neil McKinnon. town ; .Supply Sec, Mrs D. G. McLean; ‘Meuenger Sec.. Miss Lizzie Mather ', {Stunner Sam. Mrs Hector McDonald. EOur ladies deserve credit for their punctuality in attending to their var- l, ions duties. Sleighing is good again one: the than on Friday of last week. Hector McDomld. who spent the last ten years in Montana, arrived to his old home, south line, Glenelg. a few days use and intends to any fox some time. Teuchers who are some distance from their homes will be glad tr gel to their old homes for n few day: at thet Xmas and New Year holidays. Wm. Romnge. Esq ' is a busy man for some time buck teaching different choirs for a number of entertainment. " this season ot the year. He comes to this town three nights . week. Xmas will in mnny I home bring “dues: thereto, for many who anj oy ed the [activities of the season a year ago With on unbroken family. are this Xmas morning mourning the loss of loved ones. Io urge young men to join to qo to the war. Quite a few are going and we hope that they any ufely mturn and that the war will be over before they are called upon. A large patriotic meeting was iwld in Wuson's hall on Saturday night, the 18th ihu. h number of speaker: from a distance were there besides our own local talent. The object was Some of the sick are gemng better. Mr Dan McLean is getting along well while others are still hanging in the throes of death and It’s only a matter of time with them. Alex McMillan is still very low end no hope for his re- covery. but he is patiently waning the “me he will be relieved from the troubles of the body to enjoy a better life in the future. PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS oTred ranted! ii! 3taratd Warned! it?, louse Snowshoes Moccasins Caps, Scaris Four in hands Suspenders Armlets Shirts Garters Sweater Coats aff Links Military Brush Sets Tipperary. Hand- kerchiels The ““109, peop'" if nur Vlcmm t the will give a pavrlmic concert. tire-pl eady ening one in the new hull. Friday, New rears tEve, when a play "A ltage call tor Volunteers" will be prvatmted also good music, dialogues, timer drill. A good time is promised. l Mr E. E lluckridge‘s store will be closed Xmas day, open only " my mail 2 20 l: m. Monday the 27rh is yur-tio. Deetioa talk 13 very quiet so far. We read of two Highlanders who went to the minister to be questioned as to be ilt suhjects to give them bap- tism for their chil‘ren, One who may be called Donald wmt to the minister first and failed to pass the examination " his way home he met Sandy. his mighbor, going ior the same purpcw. “ All!" said Donald, bt tin: tmnioter was ham an me the day, she canna get no hap-I tism." $g And what for no," said ,.i,r'i,) neighbor,-- ' what did he ask ye ? "1 "Why he and me hoo many com mandlnents there are," " And why] did you no any ten," said neighbo: Sandy. ti Ten, ten," cried Donald,l " she tried hnn wi' a hamlet and he l was no iutigfied, ye needna try him l m' ten." We heard a sermon not! long ago touching on the peculiarities: oi different people. Donald had bis I otrn--be probably thought there were) ten times ten commandments, for per-l haps he was thinking that he was ten'; times ten guilty of breaktng the ten l commandments, but for all he might l be as good as an old highlander sand; long ago aboutlns brother, that he; had the scripture on the top of lnsi tongue from (imam to 1levelatloml but prohab'y never got down to the; heart to realize the true meaning of'; what he read. l Charge " noble hearted heroes, l " The Lord be thenlnt. the gospel ls makin' sic progress." The late Sir John A. McDonald. the old pioneer, talking once to a friend of We peeulisr customs of the people. than, on a Visit to the West a reception was gum!) hum, at which a bishop from near by was present As the party were being escorted by u body of men in highland costume. the foreign highly) seeing the hen legs asked why the men were without toueera. " lu’sjusna luul canom.’ gravely Night-3d the witty Sir John. " in some plucus people take " then hate as a mark of honor to disung- ulshed guests. but here they take oif their trousers. Mikel, tyrants backward reel On, as did your Gun lees fathers, With their truned Highland steel. Charge for Scotland 3 stainless honor, Round he: demhlcss laurela twine ; Make her golden page af glory With unfadiug luuru shine. Iona the strazlzs of purple heather. Ioura the moumm‘n and the glen. By your valor let d “was know That these nun»: hm. gallant men, To the pihroch proudly sounding. On they bound With hardy pride ; In the yin the clay more Gislws, Foe men fall on every side. Chorus : ' Chyge ye Scottish 'usavisain triumph, Burst the proud oppresgor's chaihs. Like your monnmeuml Wallace, Noble blood roll through your veins. Wishing Editor and the numeroul tenders or the Review the compli- ments of the season. The question has been asked why Highland men wear kilts and several mowers given A missionary spoke of some of the notions Tearing some- thing like the HighLtud him. At the close of his address, an aged goalie mother came up and Warmly shoal: the miasionsryis hand, asking him " did ye say the people wore knits ?" " Well yes mam," said the mission ory, " something like that." The good old lady closed her eyes and fold- ed her hands and di Y)qu exclaimed " The Lord be thenhu. the gospel it? makln' sic Tyttyttrtrsit." Agus Nullg Crxdhuad agus bliandua minim " do gach mach scan uguu 0g bug is mot. The hghc rain or Friday night has made sleighing excellent. All pros- pect- of snow tor Xmas. 7 Mr. In Grippe is an visiting oar) viclnity. , Mrs. Thoe Mthtrep left Friday to' visit relatives in the St was, Bethany S. S. will hold theirus~ nal Xmas eve evnvrzaiument Frid " y evening. Miss Nelson of S. S. No 13 is having her soenal alternoon Tut's day in the SCHO'H, Miss [Insseyor Nov. 4, likewise on Wednesday Mr Dougald Mchee, ot the We‘ll, formerly of the old Durham Road out of Prioeville. and his sister, Mrs Cook, are spending part of the winter with their mother before gomg away. We had a pleasant cell from Mr J. W. Greenwood, son of Mr and Mrs Thea. Greenwood, of Edge ihll, Mr Greenwood Is studying for the minis- try and by his manner he will prove successful. Mr Alex McDonald, at Toronto, is mending the holidays with his Iiater Ind brother-in law, Mr and Mrs Cross, at the town line south. e .--- ... .vuucuuuu WILD we Sunday School will be on Wednesday ot this week. Report will be given this week. Mr Donald McMillan. south line, Artemesia. was the first to remove a monument to the memory of his do- ported eon end daughter many years ago in the old graveyard. to the new cemetery " the town line. Later on ha intends to remove the remains (if any left) of those loyed children to the new cemetery. Our l Xmas tree in connection with the "- a . . ... _ VICINITY HOE’EVILLE 1 our vicinity an let him go but when seeing him on the trai , said "I am] proud of you A Farmers‘ Instituie meeting was held in the township hall recently whenalair tsized crowd adhered. Mr (Her spake on "Beet Cattle and how to attend them" ; Mrs. Hunter ot Bramptnn gave a hula speech on "Patr:orism," wniio Mr Daft trom liarkdale was a third 'peeehmaker. I) u Binnie sang a law rousing Songs. List Friday night a recruiting meeting was held in the Township Iral. when Dr Lane at I'situwille was in the chair. Pie Willings. a return- ed suldxer home to recuperate told same vi the incidents of the war. :rumhos, Ac, Limit. Rutherford told ‘mwiiu ix-il hum". letting the farm and stwck Mr in enlisted against his Lime 'o' “up and wouldnt give in] Mrs. Jas. Nelson has reached home safely after a fortnight“: visit with n ieuds and relatives. The big thaw that came recently has made the roads slushy and bad tor the some] children who have to walk. Mr. and Mrs. N. MeGillivrgy and two children, are visiting with the runners parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jae. MeGillivrtry. tit A, S. Muil Dugald McPtrail After tefreehmeuts had been set ved, tity little gathering dirpetrsed hv ail-g- "w, "Auld Lang Syur" followed Ivy “(ind be with you till we meet again." --. ----i_-------.--- up first the discomforta and trials vi military camp, and then the awlul risks and haz min of the hattlefleld it. self. We hope that where ver you go and at all times, that you Will bear in mind that we are with you in sympa- thy and lore, and that after those arduous duties are completed. that yuu will return to [N safe and well and happy, We ask you win-cept this small when in rememlm n 1- at yum" past friendship with us. S‘grmdon behalf of thetteiolor- hood. lmn for you in your manly and noble sacrifice for your countly. Yuu are giving up voluntarily the comfmls and pleasures of this country to take Lenrning with sincere regret ct' your intended removal from our midst, we, your friends, have taken this liberty " assembling here to spend an eppn. log with you and by our presence. manifest our good will toward you. We have all felt the deepest admira- i Upon learning that Mr.Thoa. Chase who lived for the put seven years around the Six Corners had enlisted, his many friends met " the home of ‘Mr. Dougnld lePhniI. Tuesday last, where they spent to enjoyable even- ing in honor of Mr. Chase who of his own accord went down to Toronto, and joined tln, ranks ofthose brave boys who are willing if needs be, to give their lives in order that the prin- ciples of liberty and Justice may still prevail In the world. The evening was spent in music. game: and song, after which Mr. Chute was presented with a silver wrist, watch and a pipe, and the following address was read I Dear Tommie .,- Presentation to Thos. Chase Large Sales Bring your Produce Departmental Store, BEAVER CREEK TEE DURHAM REVIEW hildfa)l1rri.e'sAq" eekly News s/ttll, G. d, J, M0Kfl(MilIlliil To all our Customers and Friends, we wish a Very Merry Christmas G. & J. MCKECHNIE tle . x: . t 1mmawwfi 1"ifi,i, cg, fl": Efliii aids, L .li,tl,i,i7rti"ji ' "r 1llriilii, at: ‘ apr _,i.ilii'ii's"i)i,)1, 't - 1. iMii “v (Dr "‘5' ' 'c,isi'irs" ~ il L» ' N. ,_, ,ii'j,ij)(reis,ri' in. v t a 47" _ , M ' 3yih1irit-Aiigittimie boy." England is in need otgood men and it is one's place " much as mother‘s On being told whoewr wanted tn enlist could do so there, Mr Harry may stepped forward and joined the culnrs. We hope he gets through safely. Zion intends balding their Xmas trevonthe 21th ins: when agood prugram is being prepare-d. "Rough on Rats" chars oat RAN, Mice, vu- iton1 die in tho Home. CK and 25cat Drug and t cuutry stores. is an absolutely safe and certain remedy for coup. and if given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or am that the croupy cough appears. it will prevent the attack." Also have stocked a line of Children'a School Cases which retail at 60c. 0mm Town Shoe Store vomiting. Our Shoes embrace all the good leathers, made in patent, gun metal and Dongola, on the latest model lasts. They are stylish. durable and handsome Shoes. No better footwear is manuhctur- ed. and they are priced according to quality. We have just received a shipment of S nit-cases and Clubbags, prices ranging from 3:40 to 5 so. You know the great danger of croup 1:- on is the formation of a false membrane in the larynx-ad until this is expelled relief cannot be obtained, and the opmodic choking continues. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in frequent doeee. It will loosen this membrane and - the child to and it by Come in and inspect our new Military last in Men‘s Working Shoes. Best on the market. "Did you know that they can make Shoes out of all kinds of skins?" "How about banana skins T' "They make slippers out of them." TUE Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. We pay you Highest Price Use for All l J. S. McILRAITH Containing no acres. more or less, being lot 7, Con. a. W. G. K, Ben- tinck. Good barn, 40:56. " feet posts, stone stabling under. Good log and frame houses on propelty. Six good wells. Convenient to school and church. Two miles from Dor- noch P. o. Terms reasonable. Apr ply on the premises or by letter. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Durham Farm for Sale ROBT. HAY, Proprietor CAIADIAH i" The undvh K' to residmh " I in“ county '3 I Imdtw'w: peepnred [uLuk Patticula ent, [)mhu Shim, norm: of nous: ,-r- Shingles and ' hand at light. Sawing prompt ‘Igy Boie A k, hun and v't'l iiiiaiG than I Ray tohodlr Euy put ou any! fuel R. MacFarlan DURHAM For interior SHOWRUOXD -A Hon Fast .. to WINES“ DUE "P' PLANW‘G Embalmmg Picture Framing [lamina - Hun anrence‘u Blarl. UNDERTA-v Funeral . b Mr Mel'mnl In deuce in (Xylem. D. MCPHA/L "W HONOR mm; -. University. paw. of Dental ts'ttrp,tv., . I 0V6: J Ad ALLA. Barrister, Sum“ Com Notary tu': ARTHUR li. _ Insurance Ag. I', Lmter of Max rmyu on! tinatseittl bum J. G HUTTUN, :5 dONOB mm Ill 's i. _ am no...“ |u ' mum; tlt IL m u;.. 1ttt1ce-Over Jew-1'1 mu t'ost 0.1L W. C, Plckertly 11 licensed Auctmm x-r Ml macaw Ammun- t'21'll'ifgir mun In" LAMA a tttu Mill- bar I orr u', tttede, (I In ticyiou l " ", IWEO. Termauxullm D. ',tPlW/ or no ' RAN " OFFICE: Owl J. r. appoint tlve1rtry U “Duct: mum“! l 0.0. on um mm: of HI I. I t. MM Commuub Kandy!» m orutec OWEN SO UN l) Umcelled courses of 5.. not. Shorthand and T:,: Civil Service and Prepux , ' dlvilunl instruction. l motion with the best bc, uwhocmpl om gmdu r you: 1'fc'Jei'dlruf, lt IN', ' investigate. Full minim _ C 13F1t?1ttN,r'c,A U.D.lt d.F.GRANT D o t “on banana NEW Friiff ZENUS '/',....r, "imtige . -”'"i.;;is",.c;.:s Via Tl Notary Public c, In WNVEYANCER DURHAM. ot; T, :1 Full line of sud black n for aged pa Call an J. P. TE: deole's tn I "tt luney D H 'EO " t D orka mew/M / " Outer, “I! M " Mi) FLEMING Bccrclaly it can b3 houl Grad, _ you ts m “to mu M

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