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Durham Review (1897), 23 Dec 1915, p. 8

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if] .5 Mis T c. L. GRANT g? $$*¢§@$$%ww* DURHAM d SIG" SCHOOL R. Ital. "titanium munch] nod cl um: Inch-r. m Clu- Cerium“: , 2:. Hon. 3, t'Nrettvrtrl""u_"eu in from "I ' .it', ' mile from ”I 100 acres 'gmul HIV and (My I unhwoww 'leared, ft an?» n! r wudwund bud , " itcr'P.4 ol' min-d "I. This Iarm H wo-ll ietutd,n l ~pring creek I mug through, l no want-land. g u! building»! ' barn with stun thmndation unv» shod and . stood haunt- with woodwind tactwd, a t drilled w H " human urn-s of Wheat, a good arch» . For k male. __ M and Equipment. "etutol u moron! y equipped mum-mun c', in chemical on otectrical suppliu sun is. ac., tor aslt Junior unviuu and Matrie. " no". In. following competent ma r 'G"GikrriiGrTiiiiiF IR Hill-naive edu. mllv and - no [diatom um cache" mun!- have every naval“? toe the proper Manon and news-gluon ol nowledxe. "i.81 per mom!- tn “an" "i"""""""' To hand, 't, . . (i? Military ie QUAKE BRAHAM "Mn. “an“ would emu u the begin 1 the an"! possible. Bond can be ob I " will: has. Durban: is n the-Inn) "vacuum". mm. It a moo dent-bk tor ”not. ' mead can school m wt PHI', It I in Black and White and Khaki, also Blue and IL“; Flannels at 40e, 500 and Pie. "hilt In , Flannelette 3per cent on taxes Fw'..rrw. 'FF Sale of copper wire ...... ..s.p. Durham Furniture Co., Ltd. ... ..., interest and Premium on Debentures sold Miscellaneous .._ .V ...... ...... Hugh} ._rr._ "'"‘. ..r. lycctric httht money and Furniture 1'o mm: _........ .....wW.. Hulancc, C25 l new. ISM M H Starts Abstract Statement, for year 1915, up to 15th December RECEIPTS mutan- " 2ebent rea at a reasonable price so. ours. It's just about perfection. Pnices lie and IN. mung Arr lk F lor be "m. fi, Rgmn mm ”I , 'IP, farres ‘gmul l Kttacre 'b-MH Wood lm- . n "" 'his hum H w m creek I In 'aulelnml. g M n with t,tott Juux WALMsu-A. “Wu-in. If you want "7 Insurance JLight... -- .. "Law Costa .. and [Homes ... Red Cross and Charity re res ll Taxes. IS] , tor Sale Flannel 'it'," larl.et fe ctry' Light Plant ‘ctnc Supplies Debentures, net )uponx ‘CCIISCS ‘UWHIIC&S TOWN OF DURHAM W. l. r. all“. tat January. 1915 Arrears taxes if "at." " Mrs. Geo. S. Burnett _The Tipperary Tea Contest closed Saturday night. Mrs Geo. S. Burnett handed us One Hundred and Six Tipperary labels, which was the largest number received from one person. 99nsequemly she was entitled to the Silk Waist "which" we offered as a prize to .the per- son returning the largest number of Tipperary Labels in one month. in: sled I: from iiNPFiN DITE $40270 " met. Cash on band 't8643 05 Srflt1sr?"s and NEW (YEAR Excursion [ARES ithe surply. Spring De' Ind is alxx y: Jgrcater than that of th Falland V il- tcr. Enroll now for I.-keeping ur isno.rthartt fours" and be cady for a igcod possum nex' spring. cw Yea: lTerm begins Jan. 3, 1915. rite for ifataloguc. Mount Forest Busi an Col. , egc. Book=keepe and Stem) phers Wanted During the past t cc months the dc mund upon us for nographers .and ifook-ketpers_hat, bee» over ghyce .times Good grim: UN- 24 um! Dec. 25, 1915 Return “mu lit-P. 27. 1915. Also Dee '3tit, 1915. Jan 1,1916. Return limit Jan :5, mm. Minimum charge ere. Between all stalionu in Canada. fut \Villiam and EM! and to Saull. Sm Marie, "etrost, Mlch. Buffalo and N' "gal-a Falls, N Y. “and mung Doc. 2eod, 28rd, 2tth and 25th, WIS. Return limit " 't Pd) lol, Also Dec 29, Yil, ' " My 19r5.,Itu L 110M. Return "nut Jan 4, 1910. Minimum charge 25c Particulars from R. MacFarlune. Ag out. Durham, In write It is bound to increase in vn-ue. Men in a position to judge any that no farmer livtng to-day will ewr again we cheap beef. This anon“! means an parlv Increase In the 801”} price of tarm I 1.19. l he"? [or “la ', Ill) acres nmu- Dromore, convrnien' to school. Splrxdidly improved, only 3mm dawn. h dance u 5 per cent, Price $2.31!. 100 acres con Mi, ligremant. well pre- served .51“)! or with another 50 acres, 'tfor. 111) acre: Egremont, near Mt. Fore M. G "td farm, worth more but othned W!) or tritic under for quick ttale. 200 acres Egremont. near Fol-tun. One of the "11 beat farms in the Township. Wt t soon bopicked up at yory low pace quoted. 100 - Btmtieaek-tho John C 3‘: (”Emma W c, R. Cheaper '1. a "or o hofor Macra- Bentiock, iii 51 con 2, W . G. R., new Durham. Good Inn-m. rhup. You cannot Incl-d to BUY or BELL to BORROW or LEN D without 'trat seeing H. ti. MILLER, Hanover ll. MacFarlane, Agent, Durham Buy Farm RE Fare and One Third .. u, MURPHY, Dist. Pansy. Aqt ' Toronto Property N ow Single Fare G200 00 167 75 3800 00 1357 27 H922 T2 450 00 669 79 was. the Silk Waist 765 84 too 00 208 00 523 08 3731 2t 2540 " 3800 00 ”we 14 7 3 50 ti2 853913 51 s53913 iil 295 00 28000 00 3027 40 6928 62 5615 97 168 00 260 55 13 65 648 50 2000 00 1265 21 139 23 895 83 Egremont Council Favors Women Suffrage Uomr U W Robb reported W J Me Dougan m-avelling dye labor B L be. tween Cons 8 and 9, $4.50 l Jaa Klein. und washing lot 5 con 10, 2.00: J H McDougall, rep wow, lot 8 con 19, 7.75; w Snell, gram-1.13 dye labor ligt and Flown l i, '._twrots con w, and 14,3100: W Fairhairn, 40 rode wire fence, lot k.5 con 12, 8 00: Hy Cowan, gravel. 72c l Wrrt Tehby. gra- vel, 25e ; Jno (Elllespnu gravel. 2.00: RT Dodds, 4U rods wire fence. zanh sideruad, 10.c0 ', A McEachern, 50 rods wipe fence, Eat and Proton I L, can 8, 12.50. Hume“ mit Dec 1.3m. 3temhers all present. Minutes adopted. Gordon-W Fssrwv.sott--That Count Robb'u report headopted and he re- ceive 51.00 Com $ew.--CUrried. thunr w Ferguson reported James Marshall. putting in vulverl, Iot2 of 3, can 1 tend drawing tile. 7.50; Thou Harrison. rep bridge, lots " and Is, con 22, 250; N u Wilson, 100 mda wire tence, lots " and 26. con 20, 4000; Joseph Patterson. pathmuu-r, dys la. ber, shovelling snow. 13.00. Itobb--uordon--Ihat Comr w Fer. guson's report bl adopted and he re- ceive 2.50 Com feetc--Uattied, Conn Gordon reported Chas Snider, gravelling. lot 8 cans sand“, 21.61; FredRoss. 61 rds wire fence, lot W, con 7, 8.20 l Wm McDonasd, i7 rds, 1otslts and 17, can a, 11.75; J W Irwin. 06 Na slim) mad, 10.50. J A Ferguson reported 9 McMurdo 41 rds wire fence. 25th sick-road. 51 tlo l ‘Zul McUillivmy. cleaning out ditch, con H, 1.s6; Jas Brown, 2 dys with team, levelling and removing stones Eat and Nomlanby TL, 6:00; Chas McInnea. digginz ditch serous 16th aideumd, too, also made nix-ange- nents with James Blown to elect wire fence in front of his own property, Em. and Nurmanby T L and provide a winter road on top of two hilll in from. of and property by erecting wire fence on his own property, ll feet. from Hydro poles. W Fergusnrv--ttoNs -i-- That (Joint Gordon 3 upon be adopted and he re- ceive 8 60 Cum feetr,--Uarried. W Ferguson - 0otdon--TUt the agreement. between James Brown and (Juror J A Ferguson be aoeepted, said agreement, to he ttled with the Uterk.-.. burned. W Fertrtvson--Robh -That Comr J A Petttusou's report he adopted and he retain 3 00 Con: tees.-uarned. Robb-d A Fe-gtrsost--Thtxt the ac- count from Sunbeam Hospital. Mt Forest, for uiedieat Mandamus and board " Mn Emma Wllh'tuns, amounting to 26.00, he paid .--t3as ied. J A Ferguson-W Me-n-That “any Bye beretuudod 2,00, error m dog tam-Carried. By Jaw No 309 to urnoint I place to receive Nominations for Municipal Council for 1916 and appoint Hep R ofBeers and Poll Clerks. was passed, Nichol McDougall being appointed DRUM." in Die No 3 and Peter Keith. Jr., in Diy No 6, being the on- ly eharttres from Int. your. J A Ferguson-W Feison--Tut in reference to the communication re- ceived from the Dunedin: t$ufltrstre Minion. this Council put. in.“ on record " being In ("or of the wo-ou Reeve reported Goo Calder. plough, ing and discing road on B L and con 2, W Ferguson .-- Uordon--That the Reeve's report he adopted.-Cmrrsed. J A Fergasotr--W Ferauson-/1hat Geo Dyer by paid 3.00 and Jun Plea- ter MJe for work I a Eat and Proton I L, In certit'ed by patoataster.--Car. Robb-f A Ferguson-That Frank Walla be paid 1.50 for dining road, Egt and Normnnuy T L, " trertiiied t y pathmaster.--%rrted. Harmonious Year’l Work Concluded THE DURHAM REVIEW of Ontario. Ming plan"! in a partition to ertereiae the franchise in Municipal nmttets on an t-qual footing with men and whereas some of the younger provinces an about, to take ttwortshiel, actions in ibis matter. we are of the) opinion mu. the Batmer' Provinceuf the Dominion. Ontario, rhouid nor be behind in so Worthy a cause and where". the women of this Province in the great crisis my this country ie passing through ulthis time, are ex- erting thetrmelves equally as much as the men in all nobie, loyal and patriot- icwotks, We therefore instruct the Uletk to memorialize. the Provincial Government. "ski. 2 it to enact a. Law grantmg the funichise to women 'st municipal nmlten --Catried, G'ordorr-W Ferguson-- That the Reeve and Treasm er be authorized to sell the Hydra Elvctric Debentures to the best advauirqrv.-AUrrieii, J A Fetguson--Gonion--Trr" in ref erence to tttedeputation lint waited on the Gnu-mil. requesting 850 to help pty meditml I run-uses of a party who has enlisted, In render him fit for over- seas smvim- mu! 10.00 to each rmruil. that this How-ml is of the opinion that whereas tlte Imple in the township hive given freely and are willing to give more voluntarily. ll is not advis- akle to do anything in the matter at the present time. -t,'arvied. unsolved that th ' fulluwing amounts be paid l W A Reeves. pot payment 1 ot sultry. $105 00: Wm Falkiuguam,' sheep ktlled, 5.38: J P Noonan, axle grease and engine oils, 58e l Alex Ross road through lick s. 1.00; Jun D Rob. ens. use of hall, 3 sittings, Magis- trate's mun, 300; Hy 11otrtuan, gm- vel, 5.10; Arch Clank. sheep killed. 0 00 : Tonss,, l, yn. salary and scrvicrs re, Fin. Stateiut-nl. 5310; Trent. post- age and exehange, 540; Trans” star tionely, 2.59: County tax exchange, 4 62 l Reeve. servers no Fin Statement. 3.00: Clerk, wet-rites Fm Stutuuent. 3.00; Clerk, (In-rt” salary. postage and atatiuoery, 5600: D Par-er. gm- vel ttoc, C tlair, gravel, 90c: , Hopkins, services us Tax Collector, 40.00; Erwin Robb, DClVlCeC as Tax Collector, 40.00; It Christie. use at ball, Judge's Court of Revision, 3.00'. Uomr Robb, telerhonintt, 50:; Cotnt Goudon. telephoning, 30e l Reeve, postage and strtionety, 1.50; Hy Reid serving summons. (00; Jae Hunt, tile 6,00 ; Chas Ferguson, Com money, 3.00; Councillor,,' pay sheet, 15.00; Jno Mt-Urmh. nu of Council wow. Robh-Gotdon ~That the Finunciul Statement he adopted as read and 20o copies be printed for dirteihution.-- Carried. golidny week). We his all a sion any émuuund u “may " pun-1116:! " ALI-‘5‘" 12terB I In perfect health we hardly realize that I we have a network of nerves, but when .'------------------ 1 health is ebbing, when strength is declin- . ing, the same nervous system gives the Notice alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected, We beg to intorm our my 006- leads straight toa breakdown. toner: that We will not lhip . 28 . To.correct nervousness. Scott's Emu!- (holiday Ink). w. w' all n IP.? " exactly whnt rr, M14 sure: it? W Ferguam‘ -- Robb - That the Reeve “we the chair orut MrGordon occupy the 5.2m? -turried. Crord.on--0 A Fcrttutrnn-Thur "itil',,?,."),',',',', 91 "oltitettt are _about ready Council now tender ahearty vote orig” 'tlrreerl'g to the public. The De. thanks to the Reeve for the able and! en ur.t.s are at tt rule of " Wer cent emeient manner It which he has per- , and will y.e.ofre.r.e.d m block or Beer" d ' h , ately. This will be a good invest- "Y".""'."" titles as bend oft-ebony). meat and parties having money to cil during the SPMIIOW drawinR to " loan should take :dvanuge of this close. Be has always manifested alby applying to the Reeve or Treasur- willingness to discuss any question er. Mr]. R Philp, Holstein. that. was presented for consideration -----_-i--e.--.-.-r----r---r----_-- and whalever W38 considered to he for the belt interest of the ratepayers and Pure Br owl tor sue the municipality at Urge he was will- A number of p e bred Bin-k Mim. ing to adopt.- Untied. orca Bad Rose Ch, b, Rhode Island Red. Rooptrrs, this White Pekin The Reeve leaned in his lentleu Mt. DIIckjnnd Drakes. at be sold be- The Reeve "plied in his gentleu m- ptsckeyurd 1 IV way. expressing " pleasure of I fore Xtmgtr, presiding over the deliberations of the 1 Cannon when such harmony prevail-' ed. The other members of Council i SMEleeerMeepe.e spoke briefly on Ute friendly relation. '; WHY lfi chip that had existed during the year. 3 l Council then rose. 1 Aloe perm iria, New Yer, With hearty good wishes, The watchman comes by : A clear frosty morning! Rings out his loud cry ; When this cheery season Old friends you recall, May this be his greeting--- Good luck to you ALL. rs '2).grhraharn Go TORONTO Gree gs TRIBE & DOWDING D. ALLAN, Clerk (iumht AND PERSONAL; 'WP -"ll- [III- . -...-i--"- - rtcs.iiii2ii.idsAGial-de Mr and Mrs Robt. Sim and child. ren, of Gap View.t3ask.,are visiting friends and relatives around Hal. stein. it"""'" MHt.99'99dHb9 Mr and Mrs Black, of Proton, vis- ited Mrs Geddes last Week. Mr Bert Eccles. who has been at. tending Normal at Stratford, is home to spend the Xmas holidays with his parents. Another of our Holstein boys, Chas Nichol, has enlisted, He left Thurs- day to go into training at Owen Sound. I Township Debentures covering the icost of Hydro Construction in the 'village of Holstein are about ready “or offering to the public. The De. j bentures are at a rate of " Wer cent and will be offered in block or sepa- ately. This will be a good invest- lmcnt and parties having money to loan should take :dvantage of this ll? applying to the Reeve or Treasur- er. Mr J. R Philp, Holstein. Rev. Mr lbbott went to Hanover Tuesday to give his lecture on " A Trip to the British Isles." Mr Geog e Hostetter is home from the West for the Xmas holidays. Christmas Services will be held on Sunday next in Methodist church. Special music will be given by choir. All are cordially invited. The Biblical Story will be given in the Presbyterian church on the evening of Dec. 29th by the Bible Classes and choir. A very interesting and instructive ptogram is being pre- pared. Mrs R. Irwin returned home from Fergus on Sunday last. The Methodist Sunday School Xmas party was held at the paleon- age on Monday evening and was pro. nounced by all a decided success. About loo scholars and friends as- sembled and indulged in games. music, recitations, etc. A sumptu- ous lunch was thoroughly enjoyed. after which Santa Claus distributed the bags of candies to the scholars. Mr Geo. Hunt very kindly took the llttle ones for a sleighride the early part of the evening. Rev. Dr. Marsh was in Drayton Tuesday, giving Illustrated Xmas entertainment for Sunday School. Quite a number of our villagers took in the teauneeting " Orchard Monday evening. Mr Wm. Jarvis, of Lumsden. Sasha, is visiting at the home of Mr Wm, Rogers. A Patriotic meeting was held It Fairbairn on Monday evening. The speakers who addressed this meeting were Corporal Christie and Lieut. Douglas, also Private Willings, a British reservist, who left with the lst contingent and was one of the victims of gas. Miss De Guerre leaves Thmsday mowing to spend Xmas at her home at Mt. Albert, Miss Atkinson left tor London on Wednesday atteraoon to spend the holidays at her home there. rich nutriment gets into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny Berve-telis while the whole system responds to its retreslv ins tonic force. Free from harmful drugs. The nervous system is the alarm system offhe Ingmar} body. - __ ,, Wt lla ARE NERVOUS Scott & Borne. Tomato. Out. JOHN A. wanna): R. R. Holstein W we Wlu accept 'Fuoe'c"u""'"" -- h... per year. Come in and subscribe at once and get a big dollar's worth for only 40 cents. Many subscriptions run out this month. We will renew your subscription for the year for 40 cents. Do not wait until it is too late. Get your name on the list to-day. Please take notice that for a short time on- ly we will accept subscriptions at only 40 ct: -. . ' ' __ec, --t Anna an The DESIGNER "Again we ask what about next year's town council y'-Ridgctown Dominion. We did not hear the f1rtrt time or we I ins would have told you. Next year's town I I council will be a great deal like thisI me year'-retty much the same men De doing pretty much the same things. we Even if some new men are elected they [ will do pretty much the same things as I "I were done by this years, because after , Pil all it is very dillcult for a council to i get out of doing things as they alwaysI ' have been done. If a man geuelected I ' and starts in to do a lot of new things . you want to see done, he soon learns I that there are a lot of people “ho dol not want these things done " all. Ha I gets tripped up whicheVi F way he turns'; until, with sore shins. he learns to sit. down and avoid bumps. When a man I j is iirgt elected he wants progress. He I “U gathers from what everybody tells him i "' that everybody wants progress. But) ttt when he starts to get it and tries to St give it the people they do not know itl ur' when they see. it. "Not that" they m shout at him. "That would be worse I pf than ever." If he asks these people; if to tell him what he ought to do theyIAI tell him and when he sets out to do it, I G half the town tells him he is going! l crazy. He isn't but he decides that he l probably will be if he does not Quin!" trying to do things. He asks hilllSkllfI f i "What is Progress ?" He replies that , 'li l'tis something that everybody wants, abut which nobody can describe in such l a way that anybody else will agree With l 1'dl1ltl'd"t'o' Star. I The Ontario fur Farms Limited e'.'") The opvrncionn of he company to be curried on throun at the Domin- ion of Canada Mid cl when: by MW mum» of “The dam Fur Farms, Limiter," with u up" stock of Forty thousand dolluru um divided into 40.000 shares of am- II I "ach,oand the chief place of the m unmmny in to be M, Holstein in t Province of Oahu-in. PUBLIC NOT CE Is howhy given shat. under the a t part of Chapwr 7" ohhe Revised ’utulrs of bemmlnl 1000. known as. “Tue (‘umpaniem Act,"Letters Pat t have bran walled I under the tie at the Set-H rec-my ot Stile 0 Canada. lwmmgl date the hi. c'v.y f le-unlwr, 1915,, Incorporating Gem e Bye,eetttlrrutsm 1 John Richard Phil . capitalist, Leslie f Bernard Nicholsoi miller, Altied ( Joseph Buller, in: uiacturer, all oil the Lowu of Halalei in the Province 1 of Ontario and Jo Peter Duthts of; the City at New Y rk in the slate ot 1 New Yolk. orte ot e United Slouch of Americas. linunci lhroeer, for the, totlowing purposes, via (up To buy.; sell, exchange oru erwnw and In foxes and other fur retiring animus, tor breeding or an other purpowg and of pelts and m r fun, and lo curry on u gem-ml fu business inelud. ing all lines incident are!" l Dated at the oittee 0 he Hum-mu y of Blue of (Imam-I thi 2nd day of Deermber 1915. (h) To purchase, l tre and nther. wiu acquire and due of real estate in crnnection with ad to turtlrtr the purposes herein s t forth. 6 ' lord." "rica." Fi.Gii “.75 front per m- a: Iii JOHN M. FINDLAY Dmmore 0941041041041 Java. S For Your Christmas ', aking l We. have been fortunate to secure a gnu 9;: l this season of all ya.ri.eties of food stuffs which will be new». , tr' your Christ!!!" baking. The quality is the best obtautable 4" us Mlle“ a few of the most Important linen ; RAisiNtt-Fineat qualit Musca- MIN"li11f T Just the thing teu, lone orin " UE, t1'l'l,i'ld!'t'lc" for hm L cs, per package 12c CURRANTS - Rc~cleaned new N, rs- A varieties, per m Manda! shortly, 2 u, ik 25C. ....r..r. .., ,..rw...r....wt...rr..F. 20c "RLS-Ali huh fruit lemon & SHELLEII ALMONDS AND may“ lb 20e, aim in n, soc, WALNUT: per Ib............... soc DATES-The beat we can procure in packages I," looge per lb t'2)c tres) Water Eating and Lake Twat Next Year's Council haetjust arrived. Other vn'n'ctiu expected "P was. MIXLVEY. Under Sec-rem y of St tt ' a short tire on- 81.00 per h Patriots unwed!!! it being held in Urchud el, and: Wednuday even- ing, Dec. 22 1. ' Orchard (h. mums Tree 15an- mem will b held Toads, evening, Dec. 21tt. l‘ull psrticulcrl next week. Mien Lucy Irnsreer, from Mt. Fur- eat, is visiul ", a " day: st W. T. Finder's. Nu ti. EUREMONT 5ttt-- Ii tul; indlay. Wnteer Hunk). 4th Hetvl 1 1mm. Snub Tucker. (we. Aldus ' Reggie Rum-go. Keo. neth Finding Greee Bun-gm Genie Btewnmn. _ uc-Arthur Hunk. Per. cy Hun-ism. ‘luu-ld Acclaim. Percy Renwick, St. ley Harrison. Jan Hoc. per, absent. hr. 2ad--John Email. Eddie Smail. Irene Hooper, David Hooper, abs. v.1. Jr. Pod-Murray Allan. Alex ‘1rMIllun. Itoht Small. Gm Hooper. JAB Adam». Luelh Ford. let-Edwin Findlay. Viola Hem-y. Ernest Hum r. tir. PrimarHordon Leitb, (iozdm Adams. - Mor- lison. Geo. R. uwhk. Jr. Primary-- Walter Ilene irk, Jun“ Ford. lie-Jan Cal, r and HeArthut visited Stand" at D glus'. Ttw Pietvs' (huweh fun). lots, 3ivod 32, con. 2, Nun-w ' cont-mining :30 aux-rm: (if hind Itin 2cm of good wmk- uhlu mud. halmwr hush um] pumm- DECIIBBB " 1915 Wehave ; r ll graduate: in millions Inverter co, action. exclusive and special cow u. ndemand for gradu. Itcn'nh ct -:9 our supply. These features me n your success and make our ochool LEADER. Write to. day for full "formatum in free cata. logue hetor der-Mng. Mt. Forcm Business College D.ANeLa nt.es", (i. M, HENRY. Pr» ujcn', Principa If you wisl New Ye s" “at Jo ll." ' Suly tl Reports THE K{ES I' Fs rm ior Sale lt I "J: HARD l. G. GEMIEL. Teaulret T __ Just the thing 'eib, per package 12c varieties, per lb to A1TENB to enter bounce: in fhe Wefquotc VOL. [in-elm “he" a ttge man paths a n The n I)

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