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Durham Review (1897), 30 Dec 1915, p. 1

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BRABAM mm AND " RE VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 52 Apply W. J. McFADnll Bahl'crxux Pluses c-From now on s dun-n mun will sell 3e per lb. in- .-t wad " 15: as formerly. "".Vrv by, 'r, M Hexail ('hilhiain re cures chil- un-. Ah. at Mach els. Fun N.\I.b:.~0utt “male SIHRh, ch' md hmvysingle VHF-F. Phone I apply tit Mrs. Allan , iinnon. ' i"irrr1.lel.tty,'iiy sisv4rs-ii'i..rifihié"i"g' 0 In '-wiioe 'rus sub. to this Review Mr Arch Wynmald of Po'tland. Ore- gnn, Winn \‘ithl in Priceville neigh- h "hood [his Hummer. says: l had n ri-m trip hmue and did not sew any rm. after I left Canada until about ,dx weeks ngn. We have not had any fun! yet, rows are in bad In the gar- dere and the grasa is green, though the Have-s have now mostly " fallen hum the trees." A " 'cm N.o.--Rettiqte ll ed.. ioWr I'm patriotic purposes. The Inn-ham Branch Women's In. ilu'" will hold a Patriotic meeting tht, L+rary an Thursday. Jan. tsth, " Tl Friday, III Methodiet Chulch. Sor- nuon by Rev. Jno. Mania. who") cough MA th The "ndersigaest desire! to "tend mere thank-I and upprociation to lite umny [Hands wbu rendered sym- puhy and aquatics during the last. I Incas and at the death of my ante and to aunt. than". was much up- mitten. " I meeondharid tive octave org“ L "t as C 'ndition, for sale cheap. 3:? residence. n-yuu'hful heart ih one of the ivr- nl‘. a Durham mute w“ glad- 41m. (Thrismms day by maven-u] nubranrw, three In money. from patron". Such (haughlfulneu .w u Natl Dickens' Chtitgttnae of n "lith otherwise he on sucha my dun a dickens of a Christina. tl m N" “upunsxhh- men. darn-r , “wk-hm Cr., L'd.. ronto, Kinny: "gr', occupation a d ret, NT.“ l.cu,., w.xsTEu.' The under- , ptrpid to buy SUN-mill Iv 1. as of the foliow kinda: w urn. “damn. “Hm ck cr I): It that a .91 1 for next cruits from via C. P. R while as or n that day. no no from E) Pair of white tacxIYeariing bunt Dec Ittth ' "V" urked on wi Fan‘s Cough Out for that rn cough. ah: at M larlanr's. Hrs A s'er:cu.tu-T'h rumor is that u special train will be ar- for next Wednesday to convey rum from South Grey to Owen nu C. I'. R. Such would be well .vlnle as one hundred or more will that day. There are about 60 I go from Durham, about 30 from pr und possibly 20 from Pricevillo Temtmt. If the speciulbo secured n-c,mred friends of the boys will m mks in the trip and return at mama. , cows atw lt “I , p. Ill. How. Mr Whaley s r}... meeting and a rope". vxwminn will be given. , " sun-d, for whicha 10: will be made. All are . ,,\,, indu rious mun. ttt .4100 par mo h and ex. ng ml!“ Products " farmers , "sttte mmm f taunting ml t'urnish Contra' t signed -~pnn.~:hh- "19". ddrets v|.-h:h Cr., Lrd,, ronto, Week of Prayer ._" --0e------ Card of Thanks trrp “Ride Shorlhorns 4 In It! onthe. both um] hvitvr . calf. nt Munmmi vt t, Mu)» WILSON will increase Ii- s for 1916. Cars pay the lowest 1 from " For ZENI'S t'rhbruc trip inds at MAMM- l, Durham Taco. DANIILI In Durham, Olenelg, Bentinck. Contests in Egremont and Normanby. DURHAM Although It men were nominated tor the Council, Clerk Voile: about, 8 p. m. Tuesday evening began to think seriously that a few council po- anions would go a-hegging. There was still an hour to spue, and three vacancies. Uouncillor Uochrane hung back to allow og * new man, but none apneurlng he signed up and there was left two, At 8 45, Dr. Gram. anxious to Ielire. was urged toleave another Inn-91mg and qua'ifr, which he did re- luctantly and lbw-re wzu one vacancy still. Mr J. W. Crawford hecaml- meswngnr buy and brought Mr bid. Kwsn. who signed up and so 9 o'clock Siw the l s cotuplete. Eu-lwr m the day Messrs Laidlaw and Wolfe took thtur mun-‘9 " the Maynmlly list. M: Calder had signed up for Reeve, hut wuhdrew in favor of Mr A. A. Cam-m. so by the genu- om wwmlmwals of nominees, L be town has been saved an eieccion, and the new council is as below '. Mayor-A, s. Hunter; iteeve--A. A. Canon l Cotutcil-L'octu'tusr', Rum, Gram. Dr. J. F.. Kress, Edward, Lloyd. Jsases, Mactsay, Geo., Saun- dere, B. P. The M syor and four councilmen were in last year's body. Mr Unlon'a busineas ability and knowledge ot " hu'u should make him a suitable "u." cesaor to Mr Calder. Mr Kama” pre- vious experience will he of value. Mr Maekay has yet to prove himself. but no doubt he and all of them will give the heal. that is in than; for the good of the town. The council of 1916 ha. no picnic before menu I there Is much to intend to, much needing attention, and all caucus should endeavor to make their path and pl'ng'eso‘ as C Is) as possible. All by Acclamation J. P. Telford was rte-elected trustee for the Nortu Ward, John McGowan for k. Ward, J. B. Mellmilh for Wet" GLENELG [Immunity here alw. Several Cllizeuu able and Willing to give good set-Vice hung back to avoid an election and the council for 191b is the same as this year. Reeve- Thus. Nitlml, l C,oune0--Mvinnis, Irsl. ', Pam, Geo, k. ; Turnbull, Thos, l Young, Joseph, l BEN 1INUE l No electiun here either. Mr Schmidt _ one of the council of 1015, is leaving the township and his place is taken ht Jas. McDougull, The list is lteeve--. Geo. Brown. Deputy-weve-- Wu. Lunney. Count il - J Ag. int-Mum. Fred Sbewell. Jas, Vlrlhmgull. EH REMONI‘ A run in this township all tound. Thus. J . Gordon and Jim. McArthuI , the present wave. will contest the 1reeveshlp and for the four council po- |itmns the followmg 7 names go on the hallot: Wm. Falkmglrcout John A. Ferguson. Walter Ferguson, ch, ". Hunt, IV". A, Lawrence, Chas W. Robb, Geo. Swanson, “Kurd. Holstein Ponce Village Truatves we elected by neclnmation : Nu-lxmwn. Tube. Irwin. NORMANBY Keen contests are expected here, A. Schenk and Hulm are Living for the position of reeve; l'mlmchmm Whilefmd for deputy wave ; Uoumi ”@L he El tttlt itiir 2tgitttt --C',ort. Bum. Ric-n1 irulrer, M F singer, Fisher. Miller, Matthews. --------- o 0 ---- The Roll Call. The REVIEW to New Subscribers to lst January 1917 for only One Dollar F. there will he a large. attendance of friends from the community in which she was held in highest respect. Tuesday morning early death called! another of the pioneers in the person all Mr John Davis, who had passed his 84th year, the cause being heart trouble. T though indeed it might well be called: old age. '; Mr Davis was born at Stoneham. near] Quebec city, and with father and moth. I er and ten of a family moved to Olenelg l in 1848. settling first on the Ector PHS, 1 He married Miss Agnes Vesaie, and; amid the toils and triumphs of the earlyi days a family grew up around them. l These are Jno. and Matthew in Mani. toulin ', Wm. in Egremont ; Agnes, Mrs Hcslip. Aberdeen ; Ellen, Mrs' Knisley and Thos. of Durham ; Albert in the west. Two daughters Maria and Ann Jane died some years ago. Two sisters survive him, Mrs Geo. Whit- more and Ilrs Jas Edge. Deceased was Conservative in politics and Anglican in religion. His remains were interred in Trinity Church ceme- tery on Wednesday. amid many tokens of respect. the results of the re still open, so that if still open, so to add to his be made to e Abraham, J, D, ik Co. 2.5 Allen, David 're...mmt.. S Allen, Alex .._..re.r.r.' ii Allen, Myrt'e............ 5 Alice, Robt Jr B........ 10 Allan, Mr, & Mrs, T...100 Arrowsmith, Geo... .. 25 Adams, John C.,.......lo Aljoc, Robt. Sr........, 1 Alexander, R. J....... l Browning, A. D....... Black, Mus............... Bell,Jane ..F............ Bolgcr, John.,.,......., Burnett, Robt ......... Bell. Allan............... Burnett, Ed. Sr....... Blackburn, Mrs F H Burnett, Ed Jr.., ..... Brown Joe (Bruce st) Burt, Jas .....-rs......... Burnett. H N........,.. Bauer, John ...at....... Burnett, Geo......,., ... Burgess, Jno M......... Bogle,Jas W '.r.. Bean, w. il ..._. .. Bangs. Mrs & Son. . Brooks. Arthur _ . . ... Black,\Vm . ... ... 1llan,MrtMrs H:3m840 Clark Clark, Wm Collinsnn, \Vm .. Cook, Thos _ .. . Crawford, Agnes Crawford, Vivien Caldwell, Mrs s. Cameron, Allan r. Cochrane, Kate... Calder. Wm .... Cox,W R. V. .. Cotton, Geo .. . Catton, A Crawford, J. w . Chapman, Sam'l ‘Clark, Wm R r Campbvll, N w Cliff, John A .. Cryderman, Mis Cochrane, Rom Carmount, Mis Durham Patriotic and Red Cross Fund Dunn, Mrs ... Donnellv, Jas Davis, Thos Dineman,fr, B iiii.'iiim “as. Lodge Damm, Geo..... .... Davidson, A ... r... Ewen. J, IV. Blvidgc, Cliff Everett. Geo Frapc, Geo . . . .. Pagan, Ambrose Furncaux. Gen .. Fagan, Nicholas Firth, Jos. ', . .. Ferguson, S. u, . . ., lelaisr. John. . .. Firth, Wm J ... .. Fnleoncr, H A .... Firth, Joe Sr .... Fafkini.rh,nm, 1Vm J Glnssfnrd. J R .. Giles. J. F ..r. . Gun, Dr Arthur ...r Graham. John A .. Goodchild. T G..., Gray, Jean..., .... Glass, Wm ..... .. Grasby, John ru.. Greenwood. MrsD Goodwin, E A .. r. drecnwood, A .... Grant, Dr .....'. Glaser. Moses .... tiagnoruPettr _.. Ford, Andrew Grant, Chas l. Gagnnn. Geo .. Gun, Miss A... Gun, Miss E..... Graham, Finley Hildehrarttit, Ed. -._ 25 Hutton. Mrs Sarah 1 Holmes, Anth0n\',, . 1 Harris, Margaret T. lo Hay.A.............. I Harvev, John . 6 Harvey, Nat . .. 5 Hutton.Dr . .-. . 23 Hahn Oncar.. ...' .50 Hahn. Val ... ... 23 Hawkins. DJr ,. . " Holmes, W . .. 'FV '2 Hutton. Thou c. ...' 1 Hind. Mr: F A. . . 1" Hughes, M " .._ ' 3 Howell, Clifford. , ... 5 ‘Havcnn.Geo......... 3 "lGti'icrisr../'.rr. y, st DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1915 cnus {31-125 :19. “7620... 24 Juan DAVIS lbst 101' of tl N, caref 50 180 10 I0 lo 5t) H 50 20 80 20 Within Sight of $6000 10 10 '25 10 l0 25 " '25 60 10 13 '20 50 In IO 10 It) 50 May, h. A Hughes, Je Hill, Peter Irwin Irwin Irwin Isaac Kinnee, C P .. Knight. Murv,m Knislcy, Jesse Kress, ll ...' Kennedv, Coli, Krcss. Ed ... A. H Johnston. NV Jackson, Mrs Jamieson, D Johnston, W i McCracken, Wm.... Mckechnie, Mrs Neil 11cliarh1 'm.. ..... MC Auliffe, David Jr.. McGirr, Thna c, .. .. McGrath, Thos .rme. McAuliffe. Michacl.. McFarlane, D B .... McGrath, M.... .... . McLean. H.. st wr.. amicson. D tht rcistG, Mr & Mrs Lauder, Wt Levine. J Langdon, 1 Lauder, Dr Leggette, McLean. ll. Sr ... McDonald Arman. McDonald. Dam... McCrae, Hugh ..... McLean, Neil. .. .. ., McDonald, Wm ... Mckenzie, Miss A I McKenzie. Miss M McGowan, Wm A.... McCrirr, W J...,,....,, McCroskey, John H McClocklin, TH r.Br McOirr, .11iyyes B Amin, " w .. 'owe, SamueL .ivix‘gs'on. Jos .umerson. W J .audcr. Camer‘ .rltimcr, John .uidlaw. Wm McGirr. Mrs I McComb, Gm: McGowan. .101 McGowan, W McGowan, Re McKim. J M.., MacFarlane. I Mcllraith, J S McIntyre, N, McKercy, Dn McLellan, A I McKenzie. L1: McLachlan, Alex... McLachlan, Ms 0.. McCracken, Mrn M McFadden. John.... McFadden, Thos... McDonald, Howard McFadden. W J.... xudcr aw'cr McFadden. IV J ' .rm... 5 1tc-tulcv. Jun. ...... Cl McDonald, F. 'rl........ y MrCauplrw Jvc....... S McLaughlin. J ts..,.. I MeNaughttvo, Firm... 4 McIntyre, NH..,..,.... In ilrhVrnrie, hrdoc,'ln .. In 1irDonald, H 'tnation) q Mrronnrl Howard... li “Camden. S°mucl.. 5 McFavden. J H.,...... 5 Mckechnie, G & 1.....175 ttrkechrGe, Dmuttrt1d ft McMreken. fPobt.. ... 5 v.Mnonnld ”(.mtmw) h" W-r'her, A-ch......,... S Mtrtytrro, Jrvv........... 5 Ir,toerrir, \vmic C... 5 McUnnniri. C & son... 10 's'rltrrvre. Rtcrlev ..... 12 McKinpnn. MN B...., In McAuhlemrhunD 5 With which is incorporated the Holstein healer IVm Miss RH nct' "rl W bl IV u Interest seemed to have waned thm vear in the annual presentation of victims willing to be "critic-ed on the altar of their country. The hall was little more han ha" filled, bus atten- tion was good and well sustained to tho cud. At the expiration of tberustomary hour, Returning (Miter Vollet had be. fore him for mayor the. 1mm“ of A. S, Hunter, Dr Wolfe, Wm. Lauliaw l for Reeve, w. Calder, A. A, Cation. W. Uudlaw, C. [human I for Council, Ed. Kress, Wes, Storey, Jae. Lloyd, J F. Grant. F. Lenahan, J. C. Adams, B. P Saunders. (ice McKav, Mich. McAul- HN, Dr Wolfe, J A Grah nu. Jon Firth 5n. R. Cochrane, Wm. Laidiawz For Public School Trnuu'w, J. P. Pelford, J. B, Mollmith. J mu Me'lowan, It. Aire. Uri lunliuh of (HJIlH', ”unit-l, Mr, Vulhel \vnnskuu to comm“ chair as chairman. lie called Mayor Hunt " who proceeded what ttw tmurwil had gives crdir). .850 & Son. we met L. a Laura C N, Sr Dnid WR rot p " H Bobt.....x20 b'.....,..... lo V Sr..,... 50 nt M Durham Nominations. lIe informs nadpre.rtetltly. I. Subscri mi 200 I 0 Co nth: u 100 10 I0 10 I” o 50 " 0 " l ti) l5 I0 10 10 10 ti 50 40 20 6 10 I Morton, Tho: Martin, W'm l Murdoch; Jn i, Moore, Wm. _ Marshall, Ze I Marsha". Mr I Marshall, Jo Moore. Wm I Mayne, Mrs. .Wty, James, Meyer. Paw. Murray, Alf. [ Morluck. S I ', Morrison, Jo _ Jidnc, R E.. Mcuklc, Geo: It Moorc, Chas......,.. Morton, Thos., Sr, Martin, W'm. ....... Murdoch; Jno N.... Moore, Wm.......... Marshall, Zena A Marshall, Mrs M,., Marshall, John... Moore. Wm.... .. Mayne, Jira., ....... .Wty, James......... Moyer, Paw. E S.. Orr, Wm Mmklc, George” Morris, Rev. Jno Nichol, "avid...., Nnhlc. Albert..... Noble., Wm h'.... Noble, Arnold... Bumage Stormy. H Sharp, Alf Stormy. y Smith, W. Storrcy, l Smith, fl: Sharm But Spurlmg. I 'ctty “we. John Ryan, Geo, Stormy. Wus....... Smith, ftolot........, Sharp, Ben .......... Spurlmg. Mrs. 0.. Search. F. w,....., Schutz, John,,.,.... Saunders, Jas....... Snell, H J....,......, Smith, Jas J...,.,.. Smith, John..,..... Stonehouse, Bert.. Saunders, S. P..... Sparling, Chris.... Smith, C. & Sons 'Snell, Joe.........,., Saunders, W. T.., Smlth, K. J.... Saunders, R. L Shier, Gun”... Simpson, H.. Sharpe, R, W Turnbull, Gen... ..r Traynor, w H...... Thompson, Geo. A Town, D. c........,... Torry, Martha....... Towner, John........ Torry, Roh?., Telford, J .' P V ollct, Vollet, Vollet, Vollctt “le5011, H. . _ 1Vu'son. Thor, V. Whitmcrc, Wm Willis, fithcl...., Whalen, Mrs, 1 Whittaker. John Wolfe, A C........ whrtchurcro, H N icy, Wcir, 1VNtmttrs, up WW1}!!! Bert .., ”\Vrigh, Find, Wanamc. B.. Ylm. Geo 'r'.rrr........ kcrl ctor .vr C rson, W Ott Thos tr rat the l Ttr, ,W. C Hit; Wttn B John Mcl Dr w C 1515.. tter lam ......, T0, Thus re, Rob: ,'cc & Mrs il. Sr RE ttt NN my WISH sits may H w W h " on he Ill 50 l5 lo 10 10 loo 100 25 IO IO Ill 10 15 100 10 H 10 10 BS " 10 10 Mr Edgar Ritchie returned Peay hom Elbow, Sash" to spend the wtn- tar si-ith his parents. Mrs. Jas. A!kinson arrived home from the city last Frudav and with Mr. A, Mu'ttt Christmas at theirdu1ghtertr, Mrs. B. H, Uoutts, Vickers. Miss Mina Edwards and Myrtle Mc- Clockiin, of Zion, left Monday to spend a couple weeks with friends hen Guelph. IO 10 Miss Lillie Harris of Sick Children's Hospimlof Toronto was home from Friday till Monday. Mr. Edgar Harris of Rockwood, spent over Umistmas ssith relative. liete. Mr Robt McAlpine of tit. Marys was in town on Monday to see his mother and sister, Mrs. Ed. Buschlen. Gordon Ewen of Uxbridge is spending holidays with his parents. Misses Maimie Munro and Jean Crawford, are nurses home for the vacaiit n from Hulfalu. Ala. and Mis. Munro Sutherland and mm of i'ruvnto ueteCitristmt" visitors ut w. B, Vullrt's. Ali‘s Maliun (hm. A. T. U. M, of Tommtu. is at. her home tor the holiday Miss Dom Dwidaon. teacher in Wsituiocg, arrived home Monday In: "5 l2 Miss MrDoand of Toronto, spent thc "oliday with her sister Mrs N. w. Unmphrll. Mr, and Mrs. John Atkinson and four children from Sask. are visiting " parents east of town and at Mr. Jnlm Lawrence's. Egremont. Pm. Johnston Allen, of the Us: Htttuliou, Galt, spent Christmas Day with his sister, Mr, New. Hopkins, Me- Williams, His parents, Mr and Mrs D. Allen. ws-Ie also present, Pte Gordon Gun and Sgt. C. Marshall oqult and Woodstock, were home fur Christmas holidays. Douglas Ewen of Toronto, spent Xmas day with his parents Mr and Mrs J. W. Ewen. Mr md .All'a Wm. Pt ue are here from the was: to spend the Winter with the latter'e parents, Mr and Mrs Tuna. McNaulty. M Capt. ' Uxbridge MM 'i,F.AN--.Iu Henlinck. on Wedner- d 1;. Dec. 15m. 1915, to Mr and Mrs 'muipog m t inn. " qu HT Fred Lundlcw L ft Monday to com- uwnce hrs training for lieutenant in I Toronto, Ind will bentacbed to the Grey amnion when completed. M M A' t'. (n wrmn. who uuul l hrlslludb v. FK Ir‘uhvv at Hatton Hull “haul, ..:..1 Wm. lK-ltv, w-nuf Thus. Pen“. ' I" 1 nurd tho Una-10nd Sign dim; l orps and min " Ottawa. " 'tt'1u'. “We. " t%tlkerton, who eu- Ist, " tlrtco mnuth- ARrt nnd hau beer, in ttainmgntGo. vi-ited bown_friettds (Ito-r Sunday. He baa. Men rein-ed how hm cumpally all Gult, tot"es I-o'uiHndln's (nurse In London. kers M rl l. M. Meruan. a daughter-Flor mu- Elizwbelh. Chas Wes, The following recruits have been en. llcd hcrc since last issue by Sgt. Len. an and L.-Corp. Willis. Durham ma is now tre during the last three Robt " rmer tie Alice and Agnes and Mr. Chas. ye. visited Flesherton and Cey- ves the first of the week. ti. Muir, of Corlon, in a visitor with ll Saunders. Durham Bailey. Allan Park t Hughes Durham 1itivr,um. wlm unul M Va”. Durham Ewen, Durham we rt M L' ke Wednesday Mi It: R Military Notes Mrs, Arch. McFarlane of :1 children were Christmas their relatives here before Te "age of the Army Medica s A. Ramage, teacher " spent Christmas at home Wm,Mclntost1 arrived st last week to apcud th the latter's parents. Wm, Chr in town, and M whose Anon -.i------ BORN Kechn idie in [mic of 2nd e winter m , tiuitl 1 hrzshuns Hum Hull t_thool, 'tt of Thos. Penn ietunal Sign dim; field" Ill ll had Christ narrmg I] h the rik nt f Miss n tar con. nuns It ttet ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Lieul. Hector McKinnon, of Price- stlle, in (mining in Utmtfnrd. has v0- c ‘Hrd a gaptalncy in the 1mm '9th mutant-n, having transit-med [mm Caldwell Maui: A! has completed bis nurse in Woodstock, nnd in now mixed " sergeant. fr by his old arkool, S. 8. No, g, lint-vi aunt, and Ale: with an L, O. L. tingi ft out (ilenelg lodge. i, We congratulate Bandnuastel Into. i C." mm. recently of Strulford, former. ‘ lv of Durham and Uhesley. who has, h- r-n appointed IrurdmvAer of the l mm: Bruce hattulion. There will be i '.".: pieces in the band and be is meeting mm good success in securing lundsmen ; Harper Kress, non of Mrs J . Kreas, l, an old Durham boy. who recently w-l truest MeGivr and Alex Bell an . (Rm-puny signallers in the 76! lulion sctioned at Bartie. M m a few days over Chris-mm: " homes here. Ernest was pt ted with am auto-strap Safety my. h A Card of Thanks y Calder. who euli , Grey battalion here hus- been trauaerved ‘e he will rcreive " S. F. MORLOCK ”To Ion SAVINGS BANK. at all Bram DURHA1v1_gnAN on,“ In thanking you for the liberal patron been favored with, 1 take the opportunity 1 You all the season‘s greetings and to msh measure of success and happiness for the .\‘u The CENTRAL DRUG bl t ,1?! The inventory of the year j ask ci sax: reveal. the fact that we are indebud 1w our customers' business favors. which i' is a pleasure for us to acknowledge v.11}! thanks. We hope the present year will raiforv,1, u many opportunities of showing trl ', appreciation and we solicit your com? a med co-operation in our efforts to clernn the general standard of our business, an , to create such friendly business 32m . course as may prove profitable to yi"sl, it well as to ourselves. Wishing you I New Year of 1m perity and happiness, The Store of Honest Va] receive urllllm-y In the People of Durham and Vicinitv : STANDARE] 'fi/r-., ted m the two works to Guelph, SN GEO, B, DINGMAN Bihcient ©@© DURHAM Publish“ Weakly at 01.00 I we", C. 3mm: t 50313113143“.- OF CANADA a.» omce - TCrqONro a'ent and Prompt Sen m In every Department MIC d cuivod 3 “mm been plncwd t and will lake, uiucy. him“. (‘1 the British ‘ uika in are m “(and I (o my Sal To w u cum, and I“: oeated men he 147th anal" s sl w IAIN” tld DC

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