West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Dec 1915, p. 4

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- All this (lpaln bought at market price. ( on Fiour and Feed in ton lots. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Large Quaqtjty of No. l Feeding Hay 500 tons of No l Mixed Chop WHEAT AND HARLEY Wheat. Barley and Oats Chop In Sleigh Bells Open Bells. 25 per cent. Discount on our Dolls and Toys Bargains Bargains nous: Day M, Night m The Rott Roy Cereal Mills Co. 'tttet as CR'HPriD (MIL; hr Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OHS at . . . . very reasonable rates If you have any to sell, will pay highest prices for it We have a large stock FRED on hand. If van m: We are in the Grain Wanted T HF, PEOPLE’S MILLS l Rohe E. nry bag guarantaed. If not I brmg 1t bat k and get your money. Fresh and Clean, the very best. seehis mi, hetoreburcttasing elsewhere. " will payyou. Whim Il m: Most men can afford the first cost ofa our. NW can affnrd the after expense ofmost cars. Like its first cost,the af- ter (-th of a Ford iv, lower than that of any other real motor car. The Ford has made walking an extravagance. Ford Touring Car Price $5tlt Milling Oats Feed Oats Mixed Grain Feed Barley H John McGowan s are rie "tt Blankets we have 14V. 131 or the out up u are driving We have a la: an immense stock of Gloves, Packs and have a large stock of Black and (he; -,ioisG/i,,ii ht Oatmeal Mills, Durham we have full string and dim-rent kinds oi market for any quantity of "MADE LN CANADA" We stock of Skates, Hockey Sticks, S) Pucks and Sleigbs. days we will give our " tome-ts " stock of HEAVY MIXED If you need feed, get our prices. Bake yourself comfortable bv using quality. quantity assortment and , bring it to us and we Special Reduction s vtisfaotor7 “in Containing no acres. more or less, being lot 7. Con. 2, W. G. R , Ben- mack. Good barn, 40x56. 20 feet posts, stone stabling under. Good mg and frame houses on property. cix good wells Convenient to school "nd church Two miles from Dor. noch P. o Tarms reasonable. Ap- pl., on the premises or by letter. I The Annual Christmas Tree will be I held in Burns' Church, Rocky Saugeen, Ion Thursday evening, Dec, 30th, I915. f Admission 15c. Proceeds to go to the I Gee had Very bury days lovely, f m I have been luukiuu after two I may. of cavalry which manna wins _ Mo hon-:9 bend" my uwu ummalr. _ I'hry arr than: mu nudes Mom us And W gs “Arm bu "av-out-long wrung a. h than. I‘m, by Ina. has) It). In) no tlost I furl “blur oted lu-. :1. gnu Yawning nflvrraaoun our of , my Lump, wlnle on pa rol, Were _tireri nu from two hull:I when hay " were down m the vullvy between. 1) " one man wan lulled and a few wuuuded, but I picked some thlny , hulluw out. of the horses this murnmu 1' "we“ 'eg drvsailg mumr cuts on u. " . wre. so I UnnkI have done a for ;day's work Well, tn marrow Is the i 25th of Nov: mber and the" only one ', month till Christmas I Wish 1 were 1notrseto enjoy n With you, but " In ta {be hoped that this struggle In“ he, i long over audI ml! be with you to 1 Enjoy the next Christmas Mme, Don't ( f worry about me, as l am enjoying the I UP.“ of hmhh. Red Cross Fund HAVE Till) WEAK lUNGS? Now I awe my candle is about done and I must clusa tor bed. In " only about half past seven, bat we go to bed early here. with the same result-a quick relief." She will tcll you that it is " thoroughly reliable for the youngest child as for the oldest member of the family. You can give it to the baby, the children going to school. or take it yourself. always -A_:‘L " I, . . .. ... bvd. Sum» cunnge from ariiirnii, of Egypn. S! Is a mother who has once used Chamberlain's " n . Cough Remedy, for she makes a point of tell.. 6.1m emu!" ing other mothers about it, who in turn pass the news on. lt is t' ", that has made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a household l, _ #1 throughout the world. Just ask some mother in your community what she thinks of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy-- she will tell you that it enables her to get her children through the winter without coughs, colds or croup, and that at first approach of a cold she herself takes l 1 am otill ontIng tor I loner from you. but I suppose out here when we ' are new it mll be some time before I get one. Iom only hopmg that my letter. are going alright to you and that you won't be Ianoua shoot me. El also hope Greece doesn't come in i ogmnat In. for tf she does we are oom- ! pletely shut m und 1 don't know how " would send any word than. " our I Mum all go through Greece and our ‘uupplies come the some woy. Thur, f Is not the moss plenum to". writing letters in Ibis cold by the hght ofo candle. I um wI-mng tttttt wuh my gloves, overcou and cup on and um none too warm " that. It sums to freeze every afternoon about five I; clock and by moruIng everthIng " ' ”oz-m tght. Bed Is the only place to knep warm In and even there It re- was some Ingenious Imam lo get tite blankets around you so that no cums come m and We, don't take off! I” our clothes anther before golug to I 1rtte Ftetratut $tetctew Dr. nod Mn Wolfe laat'F'ridar ro- celvod nn interesting letter lrom their son Dr Cecil in Serbia. low at that famous ally war centre. Inlonlkn. The following is in part : Dear father md mother Cecil Wolfe in Serbia (hunberlain's Cough Remedy Farm for Sale ROBT HAY Propttetor 81.50 per '" r . gt no if paid In “Vince. DECEMBER 30. IBIS Haaanti. Sonia, Nov, 20, 1915 CECIL THE DUDE“ Rmmlm Barlev............... 50m 50 Buckwheat...... ... 65 to 70 Potatoes per bag. .... 1 25 to l 36 Hides............. 1400 Beet, dressed........ 1200tot3m Hugs. liemfo b..... 8 4') Ray,perum..... .... 12mm140v; Butter............... Eggs................ Flow per uwt. .... .... gamma! per sack .... hop rcwt........ 'd,"ltr,'e'ii."'.w/y.y.r.y. 1s1allWheet... ....... Spring Wuem.... .... gals, milling......... "e"'"""'"--......-.. This Renew and Weekly Advertis- er for amateur The Rev: w uni Toronto Daily Globe tn: tyear....,..,,...........". The Rev aw and Toronto Daily Mail and Empivefor 1 "ar...... The Review and Daily Free Press tbrl "Rr...................,.......... The Review and Weekly Free Press for one year.................. The Revmw an-l Farming World Tin, lingw nut] tudkdliiGFri weave for 1 your... . . ............ Thekgviow and Can-dish Farm The Review and Waetsly Mail and Empire furl year.................. The Beviuw mud the Family Her. ald and Weekly Star for 1 year The lleview my! Weekly Wxtnesa for I year....... .'.....'.............. The Reyiew nu] Weekly Sun for The In view and Tv'omo Dally thar lot I ,ear....................... The Renew and Toronto Dull) New-oh: (me your.................. The Review and Toronto Daily "' -h_a x List has been cur-eiullv (avian-d Durham Markets. M rl'll .gvnl-Io‘ "'4:de W!” h tve, q): vial pruning-H. Yum-K 're" and dr- ~..-.hle 'ld ".atmerlttm should new ready 1-1."); "I Will." Februt FI y has a day added. May Day mum-s on Monday. 1916 will he Leap Year. Good Fridnv In": on Ap “ 21" and Emu-v- Sunduy on April 23 s'. King Gunny-”u Bir'hduy June 3 d. He t'Ou3tttettpr.te Ibe- Th year of 1-1 ”Ian on M 'Y 6 h. Domini m Day come on a Saturday. Uhrlatnms will he "rt Monday. There will he- tttree rchpam of line on" and two " the moon, Most, of tht. quiuwne Will be unvi~ihlv in Cat:. ada. Jmunv will have tive W!" AII'H. July 010va- - torl PM".-...........-......, for; rear,..-.....:..".' ....V.... TORONTO Mr. and lira. C. McIntyre spent Xmas With Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood of Ebordale. Mr and Mrs A. McIntosh and fam- ily spent Xmas wall the lattet's mother, Mrs R. Dargavel. Mr. Ed. Sullivan of Cobalt, spent the week end mth his brother, Mr. J. Sullivan. lyeur..................... uncle, m Wm Smith. I tug-ind every-en! Mr and Mrs J. o, Dugavel and son [ It“ Lou: Edge and Mr Jag. Edkt'i Robt spent Xmas With the former's from Elbow. Sub. and Mr Sumac mother here. ( Edge, from Under. ND. 9" upend- Mr. Ed. Sullivan of Cobalt, spent in! the winter With the" mother, t.htpttels end mth hm brother, Mr. l Mrs ll. Edge. - A, ,,_ -ee _--_-.-. a...“ are. R. Dugnvel returned home On Wedneedey Inst the "tsool " Wednesdar afternoon spending a ternoon entertainment ,r.etil "' eonpleol weeks with her daughters tended, Sent: Clan! tteiott 000 ot III Toronto. those present and took from the tree “its Belle Ray in spending a few t plenum tor all the ”helm and I weeks with hernnnt atSwinton Phrk toqmnin pen end I hand 'gtg! Mr Will Cameron ot Autism N. D MID"- 'pdon-holtur for m "u ' i, viai _ . , ' a mu Manley. An excellent run lung his ulster Mn " _ t Ib. a. I J g . . . . , I” given by the echolm r tt . Messrs Smith and Mills of lilimly G, Finn I“ chlil'mlu- The [c.1001 are spending a few weeks with mm i "g pmmy duonted with hammer. uncle, Mr Wm Smith. 6 the. end evemnenl World for "tsl..-..:. J.C. .C.Tf.. Mrs. R. Dargnvel returned .ltotne Wednesday afternoon spending a coupleol weeks with her daughters in Toronto. Rural school. closed on Wednesday when the when returned to she?! reepective homes, His: book to Hanover, Mm Smith to St. Mary's and Mia Reid to Dromore. Damn M. Dee. 29, 1915 Clubbing Rates Facts about I916 105 to 105 105 tol 05 37 to 28 1 70 to l 70 50to 50 65 to 7n 1 25 to l 30 'ti, 125to 300to 36 to 27 to 27 Sund.n,- st, and DH, .m- u 1 70 I 50 741 1 30 " ()0 37 l 05 2 go 800 800 3 or l oo, l 00 I90 1 SF I 90 375 175 l 90 I The Piercy Cornish farm, lot- 31 nod l 32, con. 2. Normwby. containing no i acre. of land, ma hem of good work. nble land. bounc- bath and puma. ! First that: barn an tt 62 Ind 40 x tio. Good frame house. all buildings good. 5 Water in bath house and until". 53 ' acres ploughed and ready for the 1 spring wading. ( tt miles from Ayton. 8 mi.from Durham f 5 " Holstein. 1 mi. from church ; 9 " Mt Forest. 5 mi. from when: l I This is one of the best and chum» i farms in the Township of Nomonby. Good reason for selling. For tam-l and conditions. apply to Otto Hoy ~2nd. S Alex memintr-ath, D tJot1siderine that eil consisting of ft y foul were m competition the much credit for standing competition and also r, totalot830in the indlvi litions. A new feature this year " the P10- vincial Winter Fair was on judging competition among teams selected ly the District representativee of the IWesvern (oumies of the province. Each leam consisted of 'hree you" lune” who had previously taken the I four week',. course in agriculture. I A hand-rune silver trophy “unof- ifr-xed by lhe Humbug. Duff to the ‘lram stiri, g the uiuhwt number of H"""'"' the trophy bo Le won threw yeals before becoming Ibe property of any th umy. In addition individuul cash prizee were offered fur the juog- ine " Henry Horses, Beet C1Ule, I trory Uncle. Sheep an t waw. Ewntrare, ('I'llllllvn hunk part in 'he rumthili "l. (“Mid lull-Hy uni-u , ttttte 'l'uplly wtrle Mnddlraex. Went. uouhnnu Guy. shod next in Imp. The merulnru ot Ihe Grey County judging team were U-rl Atkiuwn. It vk Hun, O-lo Fay. Rucklyu nod Alex Fleming, Kisrth. Thin ten-u also won the following individtuu pri- zes t au'iAtkimmn-ard, Beef Cattle, " -6th, Horses, " l Otto Hoy ---2od, Shrine m l Before partinz we ask you to ac- cept from us this little memenlum by which to remember as when you may l be far away from thecircle at triends around you today. Oar kindest re- gards and best wishes will follow you wherever your lot may be cast. Signed on behaliof Hampden Friends Alex. Sharp George Nicol Andrew Marshall The boys both made a suitable re. ply although taken by surprise. as alsodid Mrs Bradley. The remain- der of the evening was spent in mu- sie, games. .etc. After refreshments had been served, the little gathering departed tor home by singing "God Save the King." Live Stock Judging Competition at Winter Fair May God who alone knows whit self 'tseritiee you have made, protect you um nab dangers seen and unseen and bring you safely back to your home and many trieods, when this cruel strife is over and peace once more pervades this happy country. All honor to you for weing your duty clearly and embracing the op- portunity to pertorm that duty faith- [any and learlessly. Yuur mnnly conduct will be an Incentive to u: .u to grasp our opportunities whatever they may be. Britishers, the wide world over, regret the ouurse of events that thrust the ravages of ruthless war upuu them. The path at duly is unmis- ttike bly clear. mung!) " lead. to self auerltiors nnknuwn in this world be. tore we present strenuous time. It is wilt) warm. and yet with Vet) gleam pleasure Ihu We learned ul your j--ium¢ the service ot your king and country. We admin your Lrur unnmlnrss in being the tilt from Udaupdrn congregation in offering your sewn-es in min awful t6a ip which B, lush heedum. Brazen Manny and even me very existence ot w: Brnish nations are a: stake. I'ma is nun-y and Noble Lucu With an Faun ail) pen and small sum ot mum‘v each. Miss Surat. Fulton lend the lullowiug address and Mes-rs Thus Uerty and Jun. Henry presen- t» d the pm To Thou Bradley at d N .ble Luear,-. A number of the ynnnz people from arnuuo Hempdeu. met an the noun ul Mrs. Bradley. Allan Park, In: Edda}! evening and presented Mr. R. a. 'rbitiihiis, Anon. Ont. Farm for Sale tion Ihe boys deserve standing fourth in the tlso for winning: ituhviauat. Cowpe- d. Swme 99 ' DtirrCattie.87 eighteen loam. four ind vidunls The Best Canadian Weekly and the Best Little More Than Half Price Send or Bring All Orders to REI 133W l H t f 'dt'lr2Prgr. Bur than here. We hue a Fran In! chum Groceries. Ounces. Le'n'ms. Paola [I at at um. cud everything required tor the the m will suit your purse. Give III A I The Weekly Mail and Empire The War at Your Door Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections 7:515 9rry BAKERY - - - I - . ' . Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods ti The Resell/l, W ro,1fj2,' jf: g e y: 3.3 IgDgggglRxXMNllXllft y,'/xxh'tu.'XxlRlKXXy.r. y: Tailor and Haberdasher a regardless of price. As space will not permit us to mention all the extraordinary values we will quote just a few. See the bills for full list. Reg. 12.50 and 15.00 Raincouts clearing out at .rt...s. eg 10.00, 10.50 and 11.00 Raincoats clearing alum, keg. soo, 5.50 and 6.00 " Pe.... mir. 500 Braces going at--....-............-....:'. Reg. Me and We Braces going at Great Clearing Sale THE Down Town Moo have stocked a line of Childien‘s School Coca which getair " 60c. Come in and inspect our new Military last in Menu Working Shoes. Best on the marten We have just received e shipment of S Jit-cases and Clubbags. priees renging from 3:40 to 5 50. Our Shoes embrace all the g y " leather: ttl "ie in petent, gun metal and Dongoll. on the latest m pdwl lasts Tney are stylish. durable and handsome Shoes N , better to ntwear IS manufactur- ed. and they ll'e priced according to qu any. "Did you know that thegeen [nu-A S nu oat of all kmds of skin? , "How about but“ skins T' .. they m we slippers out of them." Renll Stomach & Liver Pills,25c Renll Kidney Pills, Mk Renll Little Liver Pills. . . .25c Rexall Grime Pills, 25c Renll Headache Powders. .25c RexaIIBIoodTablets 25c Wishing all a very Happy nnd Prosperous New Yvar Gold Fish Days aggrgsugtgtgrglgttlgtgligtru1s'alrrlftXllQt8e.t Now till Now till Also Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mitts and other articles too numerous t going the same sacrificing way. and get the best. I have decided to clear out Highs You can Read the Best Story of the Great European Struggle in The Which we can supply you along with Only one gross of Globes to be given away, Be one of the lucky ones. The Rexall Co. have tvrrtuteed to give a bean. tiful Gold Fish and a large globe for every 600 purchase of the foliowin g remedies on the above days : _ MacFARLAN E S, co. at MacFarlane's Drug Store Yi Friday and Sat., Jan. 7 and 8 iii grade Men's Furnishings REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE Shoe Store J. S. MCILRAITH Use for All t the two together, from Jan. I, 1916, for 25 cents or from Jan. I, W”, for $l.75 Durham Review L/L ROWE going at . Rife ' Peels. bags-a: sd for the H did Gin II I cull. REX iiih' Off1ce, D111} my entire stock of 'the Py Local Paper " s, Underwear to mention all Come early hsres, taiiJeaiiili Ir.yur Hutu... variogmog at the Durham. Ont. medics .. IK on h',' 2'2 "ttts,li1k '.1 t Pills. tlk if rahkts3lk ':2 v. yen away. h' New Year 5:5 ?,,', 0- ii.' C. P. R. y INTI Office F.' $9.99 7.,50 2.99 390 19e 1916 fie i; a: I JAM E Qualitv HUS" I‘ar " E: “awards Spices cans of th Ttre only kl (Iver Slum MOM. Min Caps Brush. Co Mim The last Bru sh Militar I) (amt at J. J. ICI tlt Mile tA

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