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Durham Review (1897), 30 Dec 1915, p. 5

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V ne) x VS cries. l I] " O , Store; 7 and 8 X >4) 1915 nau- very *1?1¥¢f¥*%¥¥$ ..' * x To handm- * it; _ . . $ f Military t JAMES PATTISON & COMPANY co:4ssqvs4ts4seaqsqhqsgsgirri'i' ,' C. L. GRANT il. n. MILLER, I n raw Egremnnt. near Mt. Rite-t. Ill-Md tarm, worth more but offered Vuor" ot' mile under for quick sale. In" nut-i Egremnnt. near Holstein. ltor. at the wry beat farms in the Trrsxirmlirp. Wilt soon bopicked up u w: y low price quoted. M) new-u NntirMrk-ttu, John Clark tsrut. run 3. w ll R ctteasper than f'b' ., otrred 'ttator'ty [-10 .. rm Buntim‘k. rot 51 can d, W. G. It ' mm Durham. Good farm. l ll ls mum! to increm In value. , tr _ puslllnn Lu judge say that nu l mum hung tar-day will ever ugmx- . "' chop heef, Tbls cet mainly mm.” V you varlv int-rem In the selling pru " ..1' [arm lands. I have tor Isle l lo, wr-w no-nr Dromnre. cnnvoniom. m w; r - S. S a chance to pr 'sent him with a ii' PRICEHLLE’ ONT. very tin.e military wrist watch. .'De m M 'tto: Ohm the Uheapest, .P.tr.tto.iuin, was beautiful am; Miss J, h. Alwuywlhe Bets, Wright deserves a compliment on K, a Mr arrangement of same». Santa Ier_3a_9aarraeeaataaaaaaaraat'it' Class was in evidence to the delight - "_""-------- .4. _|:..| A‘II,, Buy Farm g; Quality Pharmacy sf'.: PitlCfivlLLE, - ONT. S] The last words eit " I' he" P Hid you see our Posters ? Did you weigh the x dues they mean to you , They have already k uwsed big results. Are you taking advantage ,t' r',.ern ? Spats “rush and Comb Sets Brush. Comb and Mirror Sets 11ilitary Brush Sets Snowshoes Moccasins Nation Caps Caps with Souls to match m eater Coats trvcrgaiters or 'uu turnrtot. all " ttutow m- (iood Flannelétte an 40 m J.] -. .__-,_...‘_. w", oil-r.. balance at bpereeni, . " $2.300. , tr', l an M. Egremont. well pre- vml (in!) or wtrtt another' 50 "", mm. 2301- tier Christmas For Him Groceries wk at n reasonable price we ours. It's just about perfection. Pnices He and IN. In Black and White lliriaki, also Blue i lied Flaunels at ', 51k- and 75c. DECEMBER 30,1915 If you want -:ur Droruore, convpnient to Sn! mdtdiy improved, only vv.. halance at 6 per cent, .... PRICEVffliEm Property Now . PATTISON, Manager you‘ll flnd in CEYLON Flannel if ml to BUY or SELL LEND without first in Pure Drugs tb THE LEADING HOUSE " Various price- Sunkist Oranges Yallen Lemons Evaporated peaches Muacetel Raisins Valencia Raisins Seedlm Kai-ins Seeded Reining New Prunes Recleaued Currants Shelled Almonds Shelled Walnuts Heinly Olives Pickles, ketcherpete Here we are with the largest assorted stock of High Class Groceries in Price- ville. Hanover 995 i " The years are rolling by. In d llittle while the year 1915 will be 'inumbered with the Pet, The hoary heads and the aged pilgrims are fast approaching to the end oi their jour- iiii'i. We imagine that we go any ;back this last evening of the dying jyear to sixty-seven or perhapa eighty years ago and there we find thrw aged pilgrims, small children wnn beautilul cheeks and curly hair. some the color of the raven and some gold- len and again we fancy that some one [were telling those little ones that Home of them were to live to 60, some .70 and very law of them to 80 years iof age. We fancy that we hear the {different ones asking the question " ls litl that is qomg to live 80 year3 Imore , " Oh. how eagerly each one Iwo to find oat who was to live the llongest. But we follow tinge long lag!) youngsters up to the present stat” Xmas day wusquite stormy and those who were invited to eat Xmas goose with friends and relatives, had to either facethe storm or miss the goose. Most of them braved the storm. which we take it Was quite a compliment to the goose. Mr and Mrs P. F. McArthur are eating Xmas goose with friends in 'orttowti. - A few good hats left, to sell at half price or less. Apply at house. Miss E. Mather Mr Jas. Brooks has secured a job at Caledon and there is some talk of them moving there. Mr and Mrs Geo. Miles are spend- ing Xmas with friends at Proton. Mr Jack McLean is home from the West on a visit, to his Lather, Mr D G, Melanin. o! this place. Miss Tena McLeah is spending the holidan a at her home here. We are glad to see her looking so well Some ot the others of our young people, who are spending the holi- days with as. are Mr Henry and Miss Louise Watson, Mr Gordon trusk.e,t, Miss Mary Aldeorn, Heckie McLean and others. Mrs u, Watson, who has not been very well tor some time, we bslieve, is some better. PRICEVILLE Most of our soldier boys from around here are spending Xmas n their re. spective homes, among whom are Don. and Heck. McKinnon, theor. der of Don‘s comuany for overseas service. having been canceliud " sgme time at least {and possihiv for __."- "my” .v. the winter months. We are glad to have our b ya in Cansde for a. while longer at least. ‘of the S. S. Bax-formed their parts in (the drills, songs and reeitatioru, splendidly. Pte. Tom Mather Was ,bronghc all the way from Owen Sound presatnahly to get recruirs but acfually to be allowed to attend he entertainment and to give the ot the little folks l Our B. 8. ttntersaimnent on the ’22nd in a ttrent uncut Bola: thing over $50-00 '” tahgtgt in “I u all children were admitted free, tbs: moans. bill tttrttout, The 'ttp. per wu all tttat could be wished tor and the program also. 'Rev. Mr Matheson occupied the chair " nan-l Pal. Mr W. Rulings was in charge Gi the choir and they rendered some very good selections, Mr Haulage him-ell favoring he with seven! ao- floa, which were heartily encored every time. He moms to be one of the favored kind ot singers to whom people never tire of listening. Miss /1'etia McDonald sang that beautiful song "Periect Day" in splendid "tyle, answering to an insistent en- more with dear old $g Annie Laurie,“ :Mr Ramage adding his tenor, mak- ing‘it gonhly sweet. _ I'he members exuteriise, the); all lived to come w PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS PRICEVILLE VILLAGE Snowshoes Moccasins Caps, Scarts Four in hands Suspenders Armlets Shirts Garters Sweater Coats Cuff Links Military Brush Sets Tipperary Hand- kerchiels Arch.. Hector and lite Meuonid, south line. spent Xmas at their uncle's and aunt'g, Mr and Slrg N. MA'auue', of Durham. Also Me John McLeav, brother of Mrs McCunnel and Mrs McPherson. of Toronto, and Miss Ada McLean, sister and niece, spent Xmla It Mr Mchnnel’o. We must conless that. sometime. we may say nmetbm; that might burn the feeling of [hose referred to, but we assure them that it's, not dm . intentionally for that purpose, Some- times we go by information given " and we hope that no harm mil be the result. Wm. McLeod Sr., spent Xmu with his aon-in-lew and family, Mr Arch. MeCuaig, Mr McLeod is quite smart yet for a gentleman that. passed his 8(hh year. Mr Shortreed and family spent Christmas Ilternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs John Weir, of Egremont. Mr and Mrs Neil McLean and daughter, ofSwinbon Park, partook of in excellent. supper " Mr Wm. Me. Uoi's, Jr., borne, south line, Xmas night. We also had a big leg of tur- key placed before us and did justice to it as we” as we could. Those who enlisted hom l'ncevillel and Vicinity are Thus. Mather. HobLi Uonkey. Hector McKiunon. Donaldl McKmuon. Donald McLuau, Davidl McLeod. Allan McLean, Donald Cum-l eron, Hugh Cameron, D '.ijt.iiiiii) Hector McLean, Thos. Chase. James, Weir, Bert Knox. Joe Fox, Arch Mo- l Kiunon. G'oldwin Patterson, Lacnlan ‘ Dunbar, Wilfred Campbell. Harry , Gray, Mr Grundy and our barber, A, C. Roberts. ll Our Sunday School anniversary held in the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening, the 22nd Dem, was quite a success. The program is quite a long one and we feel like cur- tailing it, as it would he only intrud- ing on the Edror's space too much at this season of the year. when there are so many saying something for the press, The ladies as usual were not behind in doing their part in the base- ment of the churoh, about 500 being fed and we do not know how many baskets full of lragments Were taken up alter all were filled. Pastor Math eeon occupied the (cathair) chair and in his usual good way didjustice tol, the occasion. Superintendent Reeyel Nichol did his part well. The chair. under the leadership of Mr Ramage 1 rendered some excellent music. Solo: ‘wcre given by Miss Ttsms 'iiii,hii'ii/ Mr Haulage and others encored. The , little lolks did their part Well in veet-l tatione. ete., drills by several young,! girls trained by Miss Little, teacher, I and Miss Wright. Tommy Mather,l one of the PriceVille boys who eii~! listed, was taken by surprise whein called to the platform and presented With a watch bracelet. Tommy in: only 18 years of age and stands sis) feet, one and a half inches barefooted.1 After a vote of thanks to all taking al pert and the National Anthem sung,f the meeting closed. Proceeds 560.40.] The Xmas tree, which yielded its} fruit against its ure‘s decree. was lit-1 den With all the good thing? imaging able and quite a stir was made when 1 Santa Claus appeared to give the or. I ders to distribute to each entitled. of , the contents of the tree. It contain. i ed no foriwlo'cn lruit And many a! little boy and girl and some big ones too and we might say old ones got or, tbe fruit of the balsam tree, groaning, with the weight of its proceeds. l I!" Bertha Mclnlyn. of Toronto, The many New Years the aged pil- grim saw in this lite makes hon feel that his New Year festivities will not be many in future (if any), but we visit the ddr, rent graveyards and there we read the inscriptions on the different monuments or common head étolies. some young, some middle aged and the old all alike are laid Side by side in the grave. From this small town and neighborhood many a; home is on this Xmas and Nethear's morning left lonely. The father, ll; mother, the brother. son or daughter, l 1 who cheerl‘ully enjoyed the beginning , of the year 1915 at their severell homes, are On this New Year's dar found lying sleeping in the quietl graveyard with their mounds covered! with snow. This shows, us that curt lives are only as bubbles that are "".i; on the Waters. the least blast Willi vanish them out of sight in a moment.‘ It is said that the Kaiser is danger-; ously ill. Well, nobody in this part; of the world Wlll spend one cent in) buying crepe ll he dies, although to their sorrow we see many in incurri- ing garments on this, the last Sunday in the old year, in our different places i of worship. tural course of lite, they are on the graVe'u brink, The many New Years tht -hood and wont-oboed. They let up the]! «its on life'l Journey. .3101 knowing whither they were drifting, eon. teking to the east. norm wen, north end eonth, till they landed per- haps in the woods of the then new i County of Grey. i We go uwey back now end take e , lock at those brave young men of thet ,' {far away date, as they pitched theirl tents in the woods. They were young 1 strong and healthy. They did troll: fare sumptuously, they would be glad li " We heard an old ploneer of Dar. I ham tell, that he would be glad to got a good teed of cooked turnips when he came to Durham m 1842, so did am:I those brave then won entered the for. if esti long years ago. But we follows those breve pioneers up from yeerago long ago till now-some have Accum- l,'; b ulated largely of the world's goods,) while others w're not so Ilroirperous,,'a and how those who are living of those, Y breve people of old are getting very“ old and feeble. and according tn "m, ltr VICINITY New Years the aged pil- tins [He makes him feel Yam festivities will not. future (if any). but We according E0 n. tottering severevl I A. Claristmas passed off A quiet and pretty wedding took [lace on Wednesday, Dec. 22nd, at tho, home nf Mr Jus. Wilson, of Egre- m mt. when hie oldest daughtet. Ann Caclterine (Kate). was united in rum- mage to Mr Jnhu Ferris. of llm'eville. The I ride. was attired in a wry been": Wtt extend our sympathy to Mri Mr Jn.o, L. MiuDomrld, teaChCr. " Will McDonald in the dumb of his AIM). ‘5 home tor Xmas "um?"- ntnther. i Mr McDonald 1e.aeetspted a position Don't forget the opening Patriotic I It) Own". for 1010. . Concert in Mr Hoekridgeis hall, Fri. l 7 Mr and Mrs D.J, P.scuryniek spent day, Naw Year's Eve, Dee, .'llst, M Xmas With Glenelg friends. :nod time is promised. Admission,' Miss Maggie Campbell, teacher at :3 cents. I Maxwell. is home " holidays. Mr and Mrs Jack Hoe'sridee, of, lip Jackson, Sr., has add his [and Cedarvilie. spent Sundav with the! to Mr John Lane. latter‘s parents, Mr and Mrs Geo. , '"---"-e-ere-e-"""eteeeer-teer-rrrs--e-e. Widemati. ' Mass A. b' her home. We extend our sympathy to Mr Will McDonald in the dualh of his mother. Don't forget the opening Patriotic Concert in Mr Hoekridgeis hall. Fri. day. Naw Year's Eve, Dee, Risk A mmd time is p'omised. Admininn _ Nomination Monday madea day Mr and Mrs Werry, Mu Smelt” are visiting their da Mrs E. It. 1loukridke, Congratulations to Mr John and bride. Misses Annie and Florence Fergu- son spent Xmas under the parental roof. _ """V r“~~V‘- .... y‘all \luu'w’, the day was very stormy. Mr and Mrs E. E. Hockridge spent Xmas at Mr Joe Love's and Sunday an llt Human}. Dundalk. of the ne§ghbors I Learning with sincere regret of your intended removal from our ‘midst, we, your friends have taken [the liberty of assembling here to spend an evening with you and by lour presence manifest our good will ! towards you. We all feel the deep- i I est admiration for you in your manly I and noble sacrifice for your country. I lYnu are giving up voluntarily thcl I comforts and pleasures of tins coun- ltry, for the terrible risks and haz I ’ards of life in the trenches. We hope) l that wherever you go and at all times) vou will remember your friends here. , tor our sympathy will always he with l ion and we hope that after those} arduous duties are completed youi W1” return to us safe. well and hap. l M. We ask you to accept this small: tnken in remembrance of tour pastl friendship with us, Signed of behalf; r.r on. -- A ' , Neighbors and friends to the num- ber of about 50 gathered at the home of Mr Geo. Campbell on Friday last and presented his son Wilfrid who was home from o Sound, with a wrist watch. fountain pen and purse. Mr Wm McArthur acted as chairman. A pleasant evening was spent, lunch ( was provided at midnight and the; meeting broke up at 4 a tn. Follow. I ing is the address ; I Dear Wiltrid,- l Bring your Produce Departmental is/oi"";," “he. Glenelg. ’mpwied by her friend. MISS Thomplon, are spendmgche holiday mil It the former", old home, " her uncle'aJdr Norman McIntyre, south “an Ill..__l_, 'tE McKech pi)'g Weekly News 'gtg, Address and Presentation Fruutss--wrLsoy In nugnm REVIEW ti.drroek went Xmas at; A I'o'prer:euttttive Wanton HOPEVILLE My; _Werry, Mosslmnk __ ,7 ,..,, "r'"""'""", visiting their daughter. -- I__! , (3, “661 9-4‘M0KECHNIVE Ed. Sullivan Angus MeLachlan Wm licArthar very quietly, To all our Customers and Friends, we Wish a very Happy New Year G" & J. MCKECHNIE Ferns busy la, once for DURHAM “nd District for l McLean, “Mink?" McLean. Annie t lbw old Rplmhle anthill Nurseries. Lend. Farmers I Why remain) idle all Witt. tar whom you can take up a paying mum-y ? Chome lint of Tartrtiey for Boring Planting. Liberal Terms. Handsome free otattit. Exclurive territory. Write now for particulars. Mr and Mrs W, G. Porter and (um: ily spent Xmas with Mr and Mrs Anthony Lawrence. Mr Willie Knox inveszed in In at. tractlve new cutter. He gave it the initial trip on Xmas. We wonder it it will be a nine shiny range Willie will get next. eh ? Mr Martin, of Hanover. spent Xmas lli our burg. Mr Ilay had the miafurlune to lose a very valuable C'IW recently. Mr Cbarlic McNalty spent the week mad with Irs puems. Mr Dan Mc. Nalm vi Sask., is holidaying here. Mr and Mr; McEwen and family all: the guests of Mr and Mrs John Aldeor Miss M, J. Martin is visiting in Toronto. Pies. B. Koa and J, Fox ure home for the holidns. Pas. Grundy also spent a fewdays in the vicinity. u; I I _ 9 a y s. Andrews B. ty', hold their "neiG'i'l"l'utirault'rt"u'hLTl'ih'rl,'lt (ttl entertainment on Friday Int. AiCherlie Robson. J. E. IoGulivrey y tine program was prepared and well l and Ernie acute. The Riwhie tem- 'mveit. Much credit is due to Missix'lv gave good violin music. " We'll Neigenh and the young people. be right intend ot wrong " and Miss Neiznrth is spending her ', Tis Christm- night ,, were I032 roiidsvs at Hanover. w the $11005: sulfa}; Pt an}? Mi . y N: lwere Isa , um tom u u .u in ;)l,iit'id:ii,llt'tort;2/ronto Normal, ly, ,GIutrtoyd, Reeve Niche! ard litss Knox and brother, ot Guelph, i'ieiJ',',"ig,l,Ttilyi, fl,',ft fPefhncit are visiting Mr and Mrs Robt. Knox. have out the 'J/d'd2t, "drGydl Mr Barkmsrth Wilson, ntStmtford, rec-avert. Proceed: $3a.5u. is h “denim: with his parents here. l Much sympathy inextended to rel.. Miss Annie Fergnsm. of Toronto, any“ ot the late Geo. iiGUii.' is home tor Xmas vacation. , at...“ an”. _.. mama ... 1..-. --, ., I' . "."." -vrwu-e. was we amenity W . . mum. lime minister. Their many Lil2isu'l,fr, Ile, tgrt,tht. m a Wish them a in“; and heppy life, 3 ugppy New Your. . h __ 3 Hit?" ttfg't'dtfffg."tt an ac ' ioe‘e SWIM” PhiUt ,‘beantifnily deeoreted - the , . . TT"" {good old " hug " the in“ t Nnas time-1e here. Feniiy re-;iong end well and“ m- upmne and social functions of verinne I greeted Sent: Clue. Rev. y- kinds are the order of the day. We f, wee chit-men end the following hope the Editor, amt!“ end rtrsdery.,lper/ortqsr' eequitted "lul'. had their share ot Knee Joy ttttdi we”. Beeitetioee by Herbie Hollis. “full them all a happy and prosperous ; Clare Grrenwood. [we Firth. Win- New Year. inie Jeekeon. Eden leCloekiin. In, Mr ll. It, Kinnell entertained the Benton. Eveline Cook, J EttoGilt'i. I youth and beaaty to a jolly parte the r way, A Greenwood. Verbene Ryan. *oahcr evening. Mr W. A. 1jieurd-i),v,1ttrtey,Iood, u?” “d Rita 5m also entertained " friends. Gleneram, 2c,tiirdli,li,,t',": it‘ll); 5‘3?” f,", Dan am, spent Xmas in the i shoe " end three others Were given. c-.nn.umty. ' {all amusing. An aeroetie by the Mr and Mrs John McLean- ot valraLJi children wee well done, the cant Alta., are Visiting the former!: ,vetformers being any Brenton. F mother and other friends. (f"iri'iiii' cook, Hera. Greenwood. St Andrews tl, ti, hnid their Innn- Katie and Huei Firth. Herbie Hollis tletuerthintmrnt on Friday lest. A 'Charlie Robson. J. E. McGiilivray lane prim-am was prepared end well f and Ernie incline. The Ritchie lem- iigwu. Much credit is due to “.Sslifv gave good Violin music. " Wc/il Vs_irr,,,,ri,.,._p .L- -.-.-______8, l. - Xmas time is here. h'otily to- unions and social functions of urinal kinds are the order of the day. We hope tho Editor, gtatf and vendor- bad their share ot Xmu Joy Ind wish them all a happy and prosperoul New Year. mg drug of brown silk and was given away by her father. The New. E. o. Forde, of Hopeville. was the omen:- ing minister. ,Thpir many hiends wish them a ioott and happy life. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ontario n We ONTARIO pay you Highest Price TORONTO "rown's Trees, the best that can grown. Who is our agent inyour tow This report ii laced rhtetlron ut- zm.duu('e. punctuality. diligence and lorduct t 4 h--Chas Tucker m. 8r 8rd---J May ;-!:~Dougnll 120, Edie ICE-them loo, :;rxi--Aliie McEwhera 100. “on. Mc. "ougul 188, Esther Mclunin 182. Al. lu: Mclunil 180, J Alex McCunig LEO, Carl McLeod 100. John tihertreed 40. Fr 2ud-g May McDermid no. Annie shoxtreed 90. Jr Zuni-Kathleen Mc. Lean 300. J Elton McLean 195, Annie Much sympathy unleaded to rel: amen; at we lute Geo. Timmim. " hose death was noted an In: week‘s Review. Wm. and Robt. are two other brothers ot decanted not men (med more. l blumry Christmas, hope New rcar'g will be better. tttye/lr decorated that. the wuw’“ goo old " hm it the (to. l dong and well would“ ‘I OWEN i' greeted Santa Clan. Rev. mg). “antigen“ 'tou I grin-u chm-nun ttl the followinx 't)j,'la'e",eiegd I armors . am ttt . . . ' , We”. 'R"2iallf','l'.l har L,.t,2N,'lte 23131.15??? “CF: i. l, BEAVER CREEK Durham School Reports BROWN BROTHERS Comm“ Nurserymon, Limited Brown's N unuries, Welland No, 10, GLEN. & EGT. Brown's W. L, "iaros, Touch." many to Ist-g mt o... san, Annie in! DURHAM. [or murinr " build up We!” than lattt and pl, tty, to handh Cu' uy DI! on Cot , Inna turl N, d w tgole Axum and I, M 3nd Tit Indy n: 'r, Shingles and lam hand at Ugh. p“: Sowing prompt}; SASH, DOORS. ok of HOUSE :73? In! and hickory fu prepared m who or The undmuigmd to resident- of Du, yig.eoetrr, that I DURHR’ PLANING ,,'.r Momma; i. u tr': Lunence'n mark BmtgtlluoMe --Acr Hon lmbalmlng a yr'ir ' Picture Framing, Shc , I UNDERTA... Funeral ri. w Mr Mt duller m LL I Barrister. Solicm (Court Notary Public D. MePHPc. Inaumnm Age Issuer ot Mat 'tur eral (manual Ins., boomed Auct Mm! moan-um A mm. Ac., mun I. tgtJ.'ett. oar [ . or w Ceylon nt'mded to, Term“ ARTHUR ii. ZENUS ELM}: Univmny, madame of Dental Surgeons F on J a J i'liiril NEW FIBRE BOA c, Hogan Se.ertl a m. use ya Coluure a't human in w m yum-nu. Ottice-orer Jewellry a one Post Ottice, W. C. PICKERINU I} HONUR (”mum " ir-tl h. I New... coauruuuusiiJu' manna: M a OFFICE: Over J. P. Tulu: .Nttatte Harm-y oittus, tuttq CE I Mud house y tllWi W. lidc of ASL rl DEVIL)!" AJUC t J. G. HUTTONJu L perous DURHAM. ONT Haney to, tttce on Lamhrou WMPOlv’u titat Full litte of and his”; d for mad we Natuy Publir. on. BMVEYANCEE On" all use for yaw-w J.F.GRANT D DJ, ( “be! 0011... euyr .. 0m." ' C owaN sous? 'd','negtgtrz, of 'tud:,, llut, up And Ind Typcirrit,n, CF“. Sande: Ind Preparatory I: did‘ull instruction. A Iangr co: Motion mth the best busmcsl, ls: a Who employ our fraduan-a. t. mm-ful. t wu'i 7, w , tt lnmti‘nte. Pull infm:n..v l ' L, CAQquINOJCA u. an»; x "0 NW! far 86 your N l ' 1...) We wish all 'riemlsamlCusi, Happy and " A. BEL: J. P. TELFCIN Ir.tl PHAYL. i. or dt RAMAUL hm ha. a ' ion. Agen Big .BEAI ONTARIO R JAC eat me Oti H-

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