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Durham Review (1897), 30 Dec 1915, p. 6

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.I favor. knew n be here He the a ,,,V_.._‘... u, "an" [In men of her class were judged, " she suddenly realized that he Possess ed a touch of that quality which lift. ed him at once far over their heads The man had genius. Without edu. cation or culture he had yet achieved greatness. By his side the men who were passing about on the lawn be., .me suddenly puppets. Form and style. manners and easy speech be, Came suddenly stripped of their six- itieance to her. The man at her side ad none of these things, yet he was “I _ --_-- . . _ --- __ ..... “nuns-l Der veins. She could no more think of this man as a clmlhopper, a coarse upstart without manners or imagina- tion. In many ways he fell short of all the usual standards by which the ...... .1 ___, ' - - ut’ many races. stripped to the waisi and toiling as though for their live, umi.r a tropical sun, she saw the Int-zit hrown water-jars passed down the line. men fttintirkfieneatit the burning sun and their places taken by others. She heard the shrill whistle of alarm. the beaten drum; she saw the spade exchanged for the rifle, and the long line of mum disappear' behind the natural earthwork which their labors had created. She saw Mack forms rise stealthily from the lung rank grass. tt ftittht of quivering spears. the horrid battle-cry of the m- tuws ran: in her ears. The whole drama at the man's great past rose up before her eyes. made a living and real thing by his simple but vigorous language. That he effaced himself from it went for nothing; she saw him there perhaps more clearly than any- thing else, the central and domineer- ing future, a man of hrnins and nerve1 who, with his life in his hands, faced with equal irnrytovatruity a herculean task and the rhances of death. Cer. tain phrases in Fred's letter had sunk deep into her mind, they Were recalled very vividly by the present-o nf tha. SM V." _...,_,........,, "a gold cup. I have trained-L" She half arose and shook out her ~kirts as though about to leave him. "a stopped short and found another rum’lusion to his sentence. "Experience.'" A faint smile parted her lips. She resumed her seat. “I am glad to find you," she said, "up much of a philosopher. Now talk to me for a few minutes about what you have been doing in Africa." He obeyed her. and very soon she l'ur‘wrt the well-dressed crowd of men and women by whom they were sur- rounded. the light hum of gay conver- mutton, the hand which was playing the fashionable air of the than". "The boxes " Trent suggested. "must be very hot now!” He turned down I ride walk away from the stand towards an empty seat under an elm-tree. and, after a nu» ment's scarcely rceptible hesita- tion, she followed glen lend. He hush- ed softly to himself. If this was de- frat, what in the world was better? "This is your tirst Ascot, is it not ?" she asked. "My first!" "And your first defeat Y' "I suppose it is," he admitted cheerfully. “I rather expected to Win. too, "You must he v "n afraid." "t have lost," he 'it ttold can. I hm: "You will let me take you to Lady Tresham now," he said. "tr you please,” she answered quietly. They left the paddock by the un- derground way. When they emerged upon the lawn the hand was playing and crowds of people were strolling about under the trees. "The boxes " Trent suggested. "must .’ VII.“ c. “‘7." Several people a but he turned away tine. ,,____,. Macy, VII] left he patted lris's head. "Never mind, Dick," he fully. "you rode " tine " best horse won. Better time." without awkw; time in Bttd t the treatfallen left he nan-l "Your horse mu rurht for it, Mr. Tr. afraid I only got t fluke. Another tim the fortunate one'." -t"'Pk uncut graceful] . They walk- ed niowiy up the pad-tick Ind stood on the edge of the crowd, whilst a great person went out to meet his horse amidst a storm of cheering. It chanced that he caught sight of Tum crt 9|... ...__- . cn the I ment, he r. "_.." 3:!" ed slowly up the 1 on the edge of th Rreat. person went home amidst a no - ---- "f'"'"HL'ont'O. He Mddod, and pointed to the num- bers which re going up. She nub ed a suddntok upon him which more than co-msated him for his defeat. At least I. had earned her respect that day, " I man who knew how to 'C"RI defeat gracefully. Thev ".11.- 9, “than“ - no I only not the" vGdiirh,, Nt. Another time my you fortunate one'." 'rent answered him simnlv. L,.... H ' - CHAPTER ‘lture he had "iGGitii'v"iii By his side the men who aces, stripped to the waist , as though fur their lives opieal sun, she saw the m want-jars passed down mm fainting beneath the m and their places taken She heard the shrill whistle the beaten drum; she saw exchanged for the rim-- was: a storm of cheering. It that he caught sight of Trent way. and, pausing for a mo- e held out his hand. awkwafcihes'; _ Pry) he held {changed for the ritte, line of tnilers disappear' Iatural earthwork which had Heated. She saw " red him simply, but minus. Then his horse e held out his hand to guy-kg, whilst with his very disappointed, xNrm.--iconed, mic] th.outthyully lace sshook,Gid ran through no more think ttpproaehed Trent, y at once to limes. 'k," he said cheer- fine rm and the Better luck next aliz wo' he ed, yet possess- in his ld, he would mtrtmitieent '.traid. "pm edu- WV me case or the building, and called for a glass of brandy. He drank it slowly, his eyes fixed upon the long row of bottles ranged upon the shelf opposite to him, he himself carried back upon a long wave of thoughts to a little West African station where the moist heat rose in fever mists and where an endless stream of men passed backward and forward to their tasks with wan, weary faces and slow- ly dragging limbs. What a cursed chance which had brought him once more face to face with the one weak, spot in his life, the one chapter) which. had he the power, he would! most willingly seal for ever.' From' outside came the ringing of a belly the hoarse shouting of many voices in: the ring, through the nnpn Am.- -- Trent. who did not understand the illusion, was for once discreet. "He is a man with whom I had dealings with abroad," he said. "I did not expect him to turn up here." "fn West Africa?" she asked quick- ly. Trent smiled eniemptieally. "There are many foreign countries besides Africa." he said, "and I've been in most of them. This is box No. 13 then. I shall see you this evening." She nodded. and Trent was free again. He did not make his way at once to the bandstand. Instead he en- tered the small refreshment room at the base of the building. and called ._, ' - _ - Francis nodded and stood aside. Trent and Ernestine continued their progress towards the stand. "Your friend," Ernestine remarked, "seemed to come upon you like a mod- ern Banqug.” "In nve minutes," he said. "I will return here-on the other side of the battdstatui, say." . "me people of your world," he t answered, with a flash of contempt, t "are the people who find it so." ' She was silent then, and Trent was a far from being discouraged by her I momentary irritability. He was cross- , ing the lawn now by her side, carry- . ing himself well, with a new con- . tidence in his air and bearing which , she did not fail to take note of. The _ sunlight, the music, and the pleasant air of excitement were all in his veins. He was full of the strong joy of liv- ing. And then, in the midst of it all, came a dull, crashing blow. It was as though all his castles in the air had come toppling about his ears, the blue sky had turned to ston grey and the sweet waltz music had iug,e, a dirge. Always a keen watcher of men's faces, he had glanced for a sec- ond time at a gaunt, sallow man, who wore a loose check suit and a grey allumburg hat. The eyes of the two (men met. Then the blood had turned Ito ice in Trent's veins and the ground had heaved beneath his feet. It was the one terrible glance which Fate _ had held against him, and she had I played the card. _ Considering the nature and sudden- l ness of the blow which had fallen I upon him, Trent's recovery was mar- venous. The two men had come face I to face u on the short turf, involun.. I tarily each had come to a standstill. t Ernestine looked from one to the other a little bewildered. ' "t should like a word with you, l Trent," Captain Francis said quietly.: Trent nodded. i "In five minutes." he said. "I will A rs, as a matter of fact barely five utes had passed since he had left estine. He st£_od for a moment on edge of the Ilk, dazzled by tho be "I think not," she answered short.. ly. "You don't know Lady Tresham, and they might not approve. Lady Tresham is rather old-fashioned." "Oh, Lady Tresham is all right," he answered. "I suppose I shall see you to-night if you are staying there. They have asked me to dinner!" She was taken aback and showed it. Again he had the advantage. He did not tell her that on his return he had found scores of invitations from peo le he had never heard of before. T,',',, are by way of going into so- viet ' then," she answered insolently. "iv don't think I've made any par- ticular efforts," he answered. "Money," she murmured, "is an everlasting force!" _ "The people of your world," he answered, with a flash of contempt, "et the people who find it so." . ”V.. v-CIII" w..... I all. IVE.- "Are you still at your rooms?" he asked. She nodded. "Yes, only I'm having them spring- cleaned for a few days. I am staying at Trash-m House." “May I come and see you there?" The man's quiet pertinacity kindled a sort of indignation in her. The sud- den weakness in her defences was un- bearable. I'll"; ttt ledgard." "What He cont Her." "And now," she said, rising, "you really must take me to Lady Tresham. Til?! will thinlrthat I am lost." ence which could make a man. In a dim way he realized that there were few in her own class likely to satisfy Ernestine. He even dared to tell himself that those things which ren- dered him ehiefly unfit for her, the acquired vulgarities of his rougher life, were things which he could put away; that a time would come when he would take his place confidently in her world, and that the end would be success. And all the while from out of the blue sky Fate was forging a thunderbolt to launch against him! l gbld, quaintly fashioned, and the he gold chain around her neck, from l'hlc hung her racing glasses. She wan to him' the very type of everg- thine that was aristocratic. It mitt t be, as she had told him, that she chose to work for her living, but he knew as though by inspiration that her Peo- pie and connections were of that world to which he could never belong. save on sutferanee. He meant to be.. lone to it, for her sake-to win her'. He admitted the presumption, but then it would be presumption of any man to lift his eyes to her. He esti- _ mated his chances with common sense; he was not a man disposed to under- value himself. He knew the power of his wealth and his advantage over the crowd of young men who were her equals by birth. For he had met some of them, had inquired into their lives, listened to their jargon, and had come in a faint sort of way to under- stand them. It had been an encour- agement to him. After all it was only serious work, life lived out face to, face wit.h.the great realities of exist- 'old, im-and now there t upon the day. ohim when he Iefl t he had been there latter of fact harelv uat rose in fever mists n endless stream of men rard and forward to their an. y'earxjaces and slow. Imbs. What a cursed had brought him once face with the one weak life, the one chapter the power, he would 'seal for ever.' From the ringing of a bell, >uting of many voices in augh the open door a CHAPTER XXXIT, color, little soft l few the do. lay worth the other nations shown a desire to gov- ern with Justice and sympathy. In the third place, the British nation, having begun to learn the lesson of liberty further back than any other people, we had always felt that what.. ever else we did we must be true to our own principle of liberty." "we -- .-...5 a College, London, said that "there were three great merits which the British nation had shown in the government of the Empire, In the first place, we had always proved ourselves capable of learning by experience. The see.. ond was sympathy, and he claimed that our Governors in India (except in very early days) and in all the Crown Colonies had to a degree which was unparalleled by the rulers of other nations shown A Again n. mu- ', British Nation's Three Merits. Viscount Bryce, presiding at a lecture by Sir Charles Lucas at King's r, _ II _ V ' . . _ V Each man throws his furs, that serve for mattress and coverlet, on the spot the tschabawn has assigned to him, and between every two beds of the dogs and men the same inter- vals dbcur. When the evening meal is over the shepherds and their dogs sit about a fire of dry reeds and grass for an hour or two. Afterward the arrangements for the night are made. a kind of cheese, known as "brinse," very popular in Russia and East Ger- many. During the severe winter months the sheep are sheltered, but in spring, summer and autumn they are pastur- ed on the plains. From five to six hundred ewes are in the ottara, and the tschabawn draws the milk from them and “laces it in huge shallow wooden bowls to be exposed to the sun and made into When he comes to good pasture he does not leave until the grass has been eaten down, and even when on the march his encampment is seldom more than two or three miles from where he started at sunrise. The shepherd of a large floek, or ottara, is called a tschabawn. The tsehabawn usually owns a wagon or two, drawn by oxen, in which he car- ries his provisions and cooking uten- sils, together with the skins of such sheep as have died and those of wolves he has killed. The wagon or wagons lead the van when this wild shepherd travels, next he comes, and after him trail the sheep. l But with every hundred sheep three or four goats are kept, and, as these can easily be made to face almost any wind, they are used to lead the way down the rugged descents and the sheep follow blindly. [sunlight then he stepped on to the {nu and made his wny through the I.tle.1trr_7,1thairr.it, fully! soft, gal During the tempests the sheep make no effort to weather the storm, but run panic-stricken before the wind, and are forced by the thousand into the streams and ravines with which the steppes are intertwined. Were it not for the intelligent use of goats neither the shepherds nor their dogs could avail much at such times, for the sheep can scarcely ever be brought to face the terrible winds or to seek: the shelter of a ravine. l . "F""' ""'""r" 1 The number of sheep being raised on the steppes gets larger every year, but this is not because they are care- fully nurtured. They are, in fact, ex- posed. to the most severe weather, and the scorching heat of summer and the freezing blasts of winter are only to be dreaded second to the hur- ricanes which sweep over the plains at times. tt ,Baaing Billions on the Steppes of l Russia. Russia ranks among the first of the old-world nations where sheep are concerned. In southern Russia, where the plains, or steppes, as they are called, stretch across the enormous empire from the outskirts of Hungary to Mongolia, countless flocks of sheep roam. One man often possesses as many as 500,000 or 600,000 sheep. Cot' NTLES'S FL0CKS 0F "He either came quite alone," Trent said, "in which case it is odd that no- thing has been heard of him, or De Souza has got hold of him." "0om Sam's brother?" . Trent nodded, ""i"hiiiri"iiiii; Braid left," Francis said, “from Mr. Walsh." "Don't you know where he is'.'" Trent asked quickly. ‘13.]? Certainly not! How should "Perhaps not," Trent said, "but here's the truth. When I trot back to Attra Monty had disappeared-run away to England, and as et I've heard never a word of him. {Id meant to do the square thing by him and bring him back myself. Instead of that he gave us all the slip, but un- less he’s a lot dithrrent to what he was the last time I saw him he's not fit Ato_ be abqut alone." ; "Look here," he said, “I want to be.. lieve in you! You saved my life, and I'm not over-anxious to do you a mis- chief. But you must tell me what you hayt, do'ne with vill--Aonty.r' _ - - curious mixture of expressions m his Nee. “If wen't%f%d,"H'rent answer- ed shortly. "Now what do you want with me t" "You couid "istaiv"iti4TniidirTure of it," Francis answered. I “I did not expect to Bee-you in I England quite so soon, Captain Fran- ‘cis," Trent said. . “I did not expect," Francis nnswer- ed, "ever to be in England again. I am told that my recovery was a miracle. I am also told that I owe my life to you'." Trent shrugged his shoulders. "I would have done as much for any of my people," he said, "and you) don't owe me an thanks. To be frag? with you, [hoped you'd die." :music, and the skirts and Bounces of ';the women brushed against him at every step. Laughter and excitement were the order of the day. Trent, with his suddenly pallid face and un- seeing eyes, seemed a little out of place in such a scene of pleasure. Francis, who was smoking a cigar, looked up as he approached and made worn {or him upon the seat. 1 cost. F.rancirturned towards him with a one " (To be continued.) to buys in sometime t a living is to SHEEP. ginning of the war on the Western jisGiiitaura idiirirr' front, is put as equal to the officer,“ v., who is the poorest personnel of 240 batteries. . nalaces of all the old war In a private report which has come into the hands of the French, the number of German field artillery of- fieers of all ranks who have been kill- ed up to September 10 since the be- "He mentioned that he met Queen Victoria in her younger days and climbed Mount Pilatus with her. Several times he repeated his grati- tude towards 'England. our greatest friend.' He mentioned that he suf- fers from rheumatism; certainly his movements did not betray it. When speaking of the war his voice had a sad note--'attaeks _ on three sides, and the ravages of typhus'---but he was not gloomy; he seemed eonft- dent that things would be well in the} end." "I was about to kiss his hand, but he gave me a hearty hand-shake in- stead, indicating that he did not de- sire any ceremony. We walked and talked for about twenty minutes in the most friendly fashion. He spoke in fluent French and expressed his great regret that he could not use the tongue of "the country that had been so good to his own people." "He sent for me because he de- sired to hear about the sanitary work in connection with the hospitals. He was in his bungalow at Topola, north- west of Kragujevuce, a nice, unpre- tentious stone building on the side of a hill, under the shadow of a white marble church which he is erecting to leave to his people as a memorial. I was presented to the King in the garden, where he was walking. He is a short, slim, erect figure. He, walks with an alert, springy step. He has a blonde, yellowish moustache and imperial, and keen blue eyes under shaggy brows. i i KING PETER AND ENGLAND. of improving the Gnitary "cJndiiia"i of the hospitals there, tells of a visit to King Peter: of "That Country Has Done So Much For My People." In describing the Serbian people's retreat from Nish, Charles S. Jenk- ins, who was engaged in the work Milifary Jeeupation of Berlin pend- ine fulfilment of treaty. All German shipping in allied ports to be confiscated. Kiel Canal to be internationalized. Rigorous justice to be meted out to all German criminals and arch.. criminals. General von Bissing to be publicly executed prior to any peace pour parlers. The German navy to be Ehnhghdered to the allies and distributed pro rata among them. Austria-Hungary to be dealt with as leniently as Russia's interests permit. Turkey to be leniently dealt with. No territory freed from German rule during the war in any part of the world to be returned to her. Serbia's claims to be It by the Serbian Government. Italy to obtain Trieste Trentino. Russia to be similarly compensated as Belgium and France, and to secure similar security against future ag- greasion. Alsace-Lorraine to France and such oth she may deem necess security. France to be compensated on the same scale as Belgium. Belgium to be fully compensated by Germany for all losses she has sustained directly or indirectly through Germany's unprovoked at- tack. In addition to the amount of such losses to be fixed by allied commissioners, the sum of 2500,- 000,000 to be paid by Germany to Belgium. _ All enemy trogps to retire from allied territories before any pe overtures be entertained. Among preliminaries to peace sug- gested by the "National Review" are the following:-- Some German Oeieerss Killed whom Ge" ace and such other territoly as may deem necessary for national ALLIES' PEACE TERMS. Demands Suggested by British National Review. m Gen. Join-e has appointed his chief of stall. Three of ttte will" sons of Gen. de (‘nstrlnnu It the front have been killed. The sic: and son to mu was brought to his father's camp terribly wounged, and died three hours inter. I he General kissed In; dead son And laid: "Go, son. Foo have lnd the ttnest death you could possibly wish tor. I swear that our arming wilt avenge you in Awaiting all French families." ms of the death of the General”: ttrsst son was brought to him while. he was in conference with his 0"mrs. He read the “moment. bowed his head a moment. as d laid t"Genuemen, let us continue." T'hehthird son. Lieut. Hugues de (madman, It“ killed in October " ' In unn- of this "ai. TORONTO NEW FRENCH CHIEF OF STAFF. be formulated GEN. EDOI'ARD DE (‘ASTELNAL‘ restored to and the the _ l-iT-c,--'.:---.---- Ref Telling His Experiences. Hel An Irish soldier just home from the :ep. front was relating is experiences to the his mates at home. "I well remember yes one time. Myself and Brother Denis iwas a listenin' control, when a 'Jack but Johnson' burst close to us, and when in- we came to ourselves after the shock de- there was my poor Brother Denis md with his left arm blown clean from' in the shoulder. When he saw what tke they had done he got so mad that he his dashed out before I could stop him/ Ise and he grabbed two Germans, one in ad each hand, and dashed their heads cl Sgether till they fell insensible." "Ah,", en said one of his mates, "sure and are' nd you not just telling us your Brother Pr. Denis had his left arm blown off?", ti- "l am," says the Irish soldier; "but, mt sure, you don't take any notice of I? i these thing's when youre fightincr." ( Czar, World's Wealthiest King. There is no doubt that the richest ruler in the world is the Czar ot :‘Russia. On his accession he inherited the Romanoff private estate, yielding ,about two million pounds a year. Be- ‘yond that his allowance amounts to another two millions. There were small expenses to be deducted, such as some tive hundred thousand pound, a year to grand dukes and duehesses, But when everything had been taken, into account the Czar remained far1 richer than the Turkish sultan, WithI his million and a half, or King cmml Everywhere over there, adds Mrs. Swan, one is astounded and uplifted by the reverent perception in our fighting men of the spiritual forces which are necessary as the material ones to the conduct of the war. "Go home and tell the women to: -------F--... pray for us, and never to leave off.: MEASURING SPEED OF LIGHT. We are helped more than you know) -- by the prayers of those at home/Said to Be About 186.000 Miles 1 and in the trenches we know when) Second. they have had a slack day." I m . . . The Chaplain-General’s appeal for more faithful prayer for the troops recalls to my remembrance what a Canadian Highlander, just down from the trenches, said to 'ttte one evening in a camp in France. I'anadian Highlander Voiced Senti- ments of the Men. Annie S. Swan, the well-known writer, in a letter to the London Tings, Sawt-- In Only the Best of Material ls Suitable l for Them. {-1 The great cost of the shells used " in warfare has astounded moat per- sons who are unfamiliar with such ll matters, and in answer to a corre- e‘spondent asking why cheaper shells made of cast iron were not made use d of in preference to the more expen-‘ s sive steel, the Eingineer of London! V has the following: In the first place.; - where shrapnel is concerned, the; f number of bullets is reduced because‘ I the walls of the projectile must be, . made thicker. There is not an ob-l l jection to high explosive shells, which ' .call for walls thicker than is Peees-i' r sary for strength, but there is danger 3of cast iron shells developing cracks y during manufacture, and there would he a risk of such shells bursting in' the gun. I I Another objection is that a cast' iron shell is liable to be inaccurate in its flight. The projectile must be in . perfect balance with the walls. not', only of the same thickness all around, l but homogeneous. At the high speed 1 of revolution, the slightest difference I in weight on one side would cause 1 irregular shooting. The steel shell is s machined inside and out to insure i uniformity; but if a shell Were east) on a core and the core were not ab- f]. solutely concentric, the centre of gra- I r, vity would not lie exactly in the I, longitudinal axis of the shell. Fur- o thermore, the making of a steel shell g has been so perfected that such shells a can be turned out more quickly than it those of cast iron of equal reliability ' b of accuracy. An 'W.tteen-poyryidr, a shell can be completely machined“ from the bar in forty minutes. I.” SOLDIERS ASK PRAYERS, METALS USED FOR SHELLS. it had been taken calcul; :ar remained fariooo m Kish sultan, with r, or King George It y rest in pelf and want world pohntateS. a nobl calculate 000 milo: l"%-aE2 always late, and as he came 'nearer the eclipses little by little got back to schedule time lug-in. When Jupiter was farthest “my the eclipses were about sixteen minutes behind time. In 1676 Roemer, 1 Dutch astronomer, accounted for this by say- iue that light, instead of being an' instant flash, toek an appreciable} time to travel throne-k 'l...--- . . " The most interesting thing about . Jupiter is his moons, eight of them, L four of which can be seen through 1 'Aield glass. These four were the first _ discovery made by the telescope. ;Galileo seeing them first on Jan. 7, ,1610. They revolve about Jupiter, one in four and one-quarter days, one in eight and one-half days, one in {seventeen and one-quarter days, and one in forty and one-half days. l It was these moons that first taught omen the speed of light. Boon after ithey were discovered astronomers be- gan watching their eclipses, and be- tore long they were able to foretell 'the exact hours at which the moons would disappear behind Jupiter and [reappear on the other side. But it was noticed that as Jupiter got fur- ther away from the earth the eclipses were always late, and as he came nearer the eclipses little by little got back to schedule time again. When I Jupiter was farthest away the ', eclipses Were about sixteen minutes , behind time. In 1675 Roemer, a Dutch " astronomer. account“! in... use ' Which the earth is a member. Jupiter has only just passed the point at which he is nearest the earth. He is now only about 400,000,000 miles away from us. Blazing in the as these evenings-far than any of the sta even the moon-is th largest of all the I which the earth is a 1 A Zeppelin is a costly production, and $200,000 is required to build such a military weapon and equip it for destructive purposes. The expenses connected with these airship: does not end here. Great sheds must be erect- ed, and 'ttus-producing iii/ii, "€11.in down, so that the Zeppelin may have its daily feed of hydrogen. 1 The interior of the Zeppelin enve- "ope is not filled entirely with gas, so [is the case with the balloon. It is ‘divided up into 16 compartments, each _'of which contains its portion of hydro- gen gas. These "btuloonets," as they are termed, look like 16 sacks lined up inside the "usage-tshaped “parent” balloon envelope. By means of this, constructional system the Zeppelin cannot be sunk unless half of its “bal- loonets" are robbed of their gas. Also these sections prevent the body of the airship being torced out of shape! through the wind resistance set up when the machine is forcing its way! through the air at 50 miles an hour. mile ‘gThe Zeppelin As Employed in the War I (but. 8200.000. 1 Few military instruments in the l present war have come in for so much discussion as the Zeppelin airships. jyet few people really know just what ,these. formidable machines are like. In appearance the Zeppelin resembles a long,' narrow pencil with 16 sides, its i exact measurements being 400 feet [long and 50 feet in diameter. If a "Zeppelin were placed vertically next to St. Paul’s Cathedral. London, it F would prove to be over 100 feet taller ,than this historic building. The body ‘of a Zeppelin is constructed of alumi- num, and is so built on the girder principle that despite its extreme i lightness it can withstand immense= strain. Over this frame specially! prepared rubberized silk is stretched. l It is said that submarines have been Idriven from German ports in the iNorth Sea to the Dardunelles without 'fresh supplies. If proper supply tanks were stationed in all the WI- lters of the globe it is safe to assume (that submarines could wnge war on enemy commerce in my or all parts (oi the navigable earth. -- l A half-hour’s pumping of " i'tto the tanks and the container rises to the surface and supplies are taken from it. If the tank contains only fuel and oil it is claimed the Iubmnr- ine can empty it without rising to View. simply by the use of n diver and a Pump. l These tanks are constructed with 1 large air ehnmbers which are emptied; when the container is sunk. In times _ of war a submarine, desiring a fresh:I supply of fuel, anchors near the sub-i merged tank and sends down a diver,’ who attaches an air hose to the empty tanks. The latest plans call for submerged] oil and supply tanks to be sunk in! inlets, where they may be securely anchored safe from the ravages of a! storm. It is claimed that these tanks! may be sunk in the waters of on enemy in times of peace and that their contents will be as useful year: later M as if stored on land. l 1 intend to ftnytrty thing dd it Supply boats with nmmunition, oil,f extra parts, ete., have been designed; to accompany submarines, but it is; pointed out that they, being visible,; attract attention to the presence of I the underwater fighters and are alsoI very liable to seizure. ! But 'the submarine of the future will be designed to act alone, a soli- tary ranger in the course of com- merce, quite able to. escape should it meet with a superior enemy. __ -H travel th'tousrh space d this speed to be ab, s a second. The battleship can entry suppliel' and coal or oil suMcient for 'i'iriil weeks and also has the advantage of; the miller: and supply ships which are a part of every fleet. I which can be seen through I ass. These four were the first ry made by the telescope. seeing them first on Jan. 7, They revolve about Jupiter, rm... “1 ---, _ - The recent launching of submarines designed to permit I great crush“! radius brought naval experts mee to face with 1 new problem--' system of supply stations which would promo“ the submarine from the class of auxil- iaries to that of battleships. vays late, ending le eclipses little by schedule time an l (‘OSTLY PRODUCTION. at which the moons . behind Jupiter and 2 other side. But it t as Jupiter got ftir- the length the eclipses the southeastern sky A NEW PROBLEM. --far more brilliant e stars, and rivnlling -is the planet Jupiter, the sun's family, of do a mean thing If you are to do now.‘ ' do tee, and he about 186,. I Kind thoughts and wor wasted, and if we were set apart five minutes , morning for sending out love and sympathy for al would, say: I writer, of from forgetting to do a ki the opjiortunity Cami. rays Tribute to Raisins. An enthusinstic tribute to the Rus. sian soldier and his leaders is paid by Gen. Arr, the Hungarian military leader who for tive months was Field l,iiiiiLi. Mackensen's chief lieutenant 1in the Russian campaign. Gon. Arr. says: "The Russian military lender- ship is energetic, determined and up to date. The Russian infantry soldier is active, brave, determined And nol afraid of death. Those stories which assert that their other: drive them into battle with machine guns are nursery tales. His individual merits are indisputable." w uewsplper ndvertisment am pseudo-scientific pretenses, are read: to take unfair advantage of the op portunlty to fatten on the earnings 0' 'poor and rich alike . * t We know something of the lengths to which these shalt: can Co, the Profits than they make and the receptivity of th: easily deluded mind, when We ex. press a hope that the powers in au. thority will keep a careful watch over this matter.” neu medical man," he does hold a brief “against those who with the aid of newspnper advertisment and ptseudo-seientitie pretenses, are ready to take unfair ndvnnh-n-n " rr, The exploitation of a great variety of electrical devices for the trcamet of disease. bu attended the return to London of wounded soldiers from the front. Most. of these ore absolute-y valueless and many have been sold fraudulently. WORTHLESS DEVICES Medical Quack- l’rosper u Iter London'. ioetsteirt Ji, in, roughly. sixteen and u half, with the shortest about eight hours. In some parts of Norway the day lasts two whole months without in- terruptiont Three and s hnlf months constitutes the period of the longest day in Spitzbergen, while the short- est only registers two and a half hours! That is, judging the actual period of light, which would be the natural day. Petrograd's longest day Is nine- teen hours, and the shortest tive. At Hamburg the longest is seventeen, and the shortest In"; e'"""""--. l A day in generally supposed to be a period of twenty-four hours, but this is not necessarily so. The period of the sun's position Above the hori- zon also constitute: I dar. The Ictull measure of time covered by I day as we know it is " hours, 56 minutes and 5 seconds. the i dren, Liverpool to become pastor to the mit. lionaires' church in New York, and whose utterances on the war have lately been aevenely eritieUed, doea not lack for courage. He commenced his career in New York by attacking millionaires, and when they stayed away denounced his Bock for stingi- new, the result being the arrival by post of many chequea. To increase the share of women in local government is now the keenest interest of that most philanthropic of Society damn, the Ducheaa of Marlborough. Her Grace believes that if there were more women on the borough and county councilu, invalu- able aasietance would be rendered to the country in regard to auch pm- blems as a pure milk supply, muni- cipal 1odeintt-houset, for women. and One of the most popular men at the Front is Prince Arthur of Con- nsught. He is liked became of his ex- treme absence of side. It is recalled that ut~Aldershot I Indy journalist was once surprised to find him sitting on the edge of the counter of the regi- mental coffee-bar, whistling to him- self as he gravely counted out the coppers in the till, end entered then in the account-book. his Tribute I Sir J. Forbes Robertaon, who in the last few yeara has earned a sub. stantial fortune after a long Period of moderate luck, may care to remember that he was once told by Ilia Ellen Terry that he had better stick to " painting, and become an artist intend of an actor. I The eloquent sermon: of the Arch- bishop of Canterbury hnve been one od the features of wartime in England. Dr. Davidson's one recreation in chess, and people will remember his witty remark that he had n good deal to do with kings and queens, lived in two castles, and was both I knight and u bishop. Lieutenant Mercani, who has been with the Italian troops at the front, thinks it premature to say the least, to discuss the possibility of ammuni- tion being exploded by electric waves sent out by wireless instruments. The scientist is cautious enough to add that he doesn't say it is impossible. I Tod sun. the {m m. I... .been engaged in It! Cro- wuk In iFrence. Hie "ttrititm is to hm [at lone more ride on the 'llttalia* M til _ Idme.Chantt.vhohlwori‘g! sohnrdfortheeoldiergmho“, '. to have enriched our msasseasedMiq. ' She has a daughter celled Joy, arbe . had the honor, some time Mo, ted ”r senting a bouquet to Queen Mary at a concert arranged by the famous singer. increase of playgrounds fw'chil: Thoughts " 1atse emetic, determine) £1819 7he Russian infantry 'sohlier brave, determined ad not Parts of Norway " Lut- I". “our uranium i WHAT m A DAY? the lengths to which m tto, the profits that the receptivity of the mind, when we 9):. the War. he does hold a who with the aid vertisment and all“. are ready ttatte of the op- t the earnings of . . * We know 'teault of left N yr

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