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Durham Review (1897), 6 Jan 1916, p. 1

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Seo. Ji?. ”(hymen Draggist Send 'em here without a fear d spiralinn - _ uni-lI-I ' A In? patriotic program was Rev. Mr Whaler in the than was featured Ivy addresses The Yunng People' Paetrhrterinn Chum-l! W h B We like {a We]? on Me Chitdre, Reno-bar We keep oveiy- thing that you exnect to tittd in: well equipped drug no". . .. VOL. xxx, iiihir, NT): we man to assure you it in a plmnre to wait on the little loIkl here. We my} spam vagina If) st/ries chain tbuf, sad we to it that "my [as just what‘s wunted. ll It is trrt alwnye convenlent to come to the Drug Store yourself and some people hesitate about sending their children. Ftolin solo by Miss Irene I .. com" chorus" and music " were amusement makers in” lunch Wu served at tha. We wish to assure nnx tFrrAL.--ou Friday, Nth Jan ' Witt, than will be held in Allan’- Schuul House, Egrrmunl, a Boat So- ebu Ind program. Admission 15 as. Indies bringing boxes free. Those it)" don't, my 2s ch. Enters, urn- 't prmenleu m bugle: for the Bugle md a: a cost of $10. The Grey boy: a“, during their training peliod " tat, lv, w abundance ulmnsical recre- Inn. What general" Seek will now tke a presentation of half adoaen gpipes, which heats them all hr in; If]. Will at com». A m - Jend ' tit amends. coating emu may Tanning C'o, along 5 presented 16 huglos md mt a coat of 8NO. 1 tl, during their "air Int, have abundant-u " G ”Mas Ash Ht tf Grr"ra.--ittr, M about 6“}.th right hip. Suitable re, n”: hip. Suitable reward hte iiigor. uation that will lead-to their maven. Jan. Vang. Lot 30. Con t, Sullivan Domoch, P. o. Nu Tort Brattett at the Wumen’u Imam» will meet at the home of Mr Gm. Pearl, an Thursday. 13ttt Jana. lry. lull}. at 2 p. m. All ladies iii) :01». A good program is in prop-In- n um: nub the Reevesbip by salama- tiun. The same pair will be eminent. ly capable of liming the mac of the body munlriml. We congratu- late both. - . W. BLACK bi. A. R. Tnylor was elected Mayor of 'urore, and Ur, Mearns was hun- and with the Reeveshln rm uni-m- " Ntrrscw. "My. At fer I In" r9tntt. I. _ A wan-0th. will be held At nel- march Vicken. January Pd pod program is being provided, 'sru.ron " and 150. Everyhtx wind. in In! -"""W mu, We. to 40e. . Peed Onto. we to Str: Rad! Chilbldl Cure can 'ui-. Sc " Incl-thus. Divide!) Court will be hel “Him-My. January tsth, at l ie the Town Mo can]. [my " eta. Entire pro- x to go for patrintic purposes. nk Book. of all kinds at Mat-fan t Drug SIM». Drug Store Town Ticket “one, , 1910. RUTH IE, J. E. GIBSON, Supt. any Tutu. m' Ash Hunt Bums, 033.“- h Mittimt Oats, we [S '.--atr_ (1.h r.) 0 F. McFar- Presented to the new mm a lull wt of brass bandin- " costing OI2L0.00. The Me. ning t'o, along the same line wuc program was rendered Vhalvy in the chair. which red by addresses by Imp. and Principal Allan and wit-on Court will be held next 'tto-ur, January 124). at 9 t. In. .ro'I "a". od "(loud-Mod ". octave organ " ehse cmition. for “I. chap. fr a "dame. no " and mt. Ever-7W] in- 'Mma- Our account: up now . Any person indebted will con- fovot by calling now and set- ‘uquire money. . urban Pair of nipped drug store. an. m In} Me 'P m ~nd S p In on J. Fusiel, Bram nent makers and n served at the (loss. (Ch as Irene Ritchie. and musical con. white faced Yearling "s 80“er of the lt held an enjoy. last Thursday, in attending it who military (mining them all for in Emu”: Grcy Poul- Imld their'. Him it, the town ha”. lmo._ Him, M. Itte held st Eben. I. January 12th. A (I) - nun w “fart-n! p m an Jan. Brampton. Entries close '. J. Molnar):- ttrarbed or; cures chi]. Mr and Mrs Evetett Hoy returned yesterday for Welland, after spend- ing holidnys with their parents in Notmauby.. The ladies intend holding th-:ir monthly Anxiliéry meeting at the home of Its Mott. Barber. Mr and Mn Jas McLaughlin, of but ate New Yen's dinner with manna-w. I?“ . l. Ad. Lime Isabel Lem: is at present the sick listand quite a numbet h the la grippe. Dawson Marshall is having a party for the young folk this Tuesday eu- 'sing. . Mesh-s S. Grant and Harold Bar. ber iG last Thursday tor Detroit. The former intends to remain for some time. M. John Leith has been ttttttrr.: feed for some of the neighbors or) shieline. Mr John Morice purchased a load of young cattle from Mr Albert Mat. Ihau Rae; week. " Miss Mary Backus, teacher, return ed to her school near Feversham last Monday. Mr Arthur Backus also leaves this Wednesday for Toronto. Messrs William and Thomas Wal. lace left on Monday for Ebordale and Toronto. Messrs John and Milton McNiece have each returned to Detroit and Woodstock. after spending their holi. days with Durham and Normanb) friends. Miss Flora McNaughton, of town visited for a week. with Mr and Mrs W. Backus on the 13th. Nell Md? lllum Arthur Lnnnev Wm. Fulton Mr Clark though given little time to collect himself, replied very approp- riately to all the good wishes, and x '. waived many personal congratulations. The cumpany then became quite ic, formal and an evening of meat. enjoy ment followed. Signed in Doha]! of neighbors and friends. Our best wishes go with you and while we know that you w:l1ulway~ be found where duty Calls we will hope for your continued safety and wiltlook forward to the time when you mil return and tell us nllahnut the time that you accompanied the Allies into Berlin. We ask you to accept these simple, tokens of our friendship. Ther, worth lies not so tum-h in their I: _ uinsic value As in the kind regat- which has made their presentation possible. We hope that you willttni, only pleasure in the memories of for. mer times which they will surely can before you. m ""-"'mxtrrys nice. Yo., 'h-ss-is. ways lived is,':"',',?!? midst and we hm learned to real»: In you those qual ties of honor and sincerity which eve make for the highest in true "mt Imod. _ The tutll of the mothwrlAnd cann- acrou to her sons in an hour of need, a call to them to go over and help her defend her sacred rights of hberty and Justice. The call was urgent and we are proud to think that you tV one of that noble number who hav We your friends have gathered hero this evening to spend a social hour wnh you to let you know thu.t we ap- preciate the step which you have tak-. eo. NORTH-EAST NORMANBY I On Monday evening. Jan. 3rd, " I number of the friends of Mr (Ian pbvll Clark gathered at his home to spend a social evening with him before hls de parture for Owen Sound to join the ithh Bm'talion. An enjoyable time was spent and the following addres- nccompanied the Presentation of a wrist Watch and fountain pen. I Dear L'amrureil,--- Trr Corr'o Cough Cure foe tho stubborn cough. 50c " 'Gefariane's. [Altman Partre.-.The home of Mr Rom. Lindsay, 3rd com. Glenelp. In: crowded Tueudny night With 1 ohont I hundred and fifty of the - friend. and neighbors who assembled on a farewell to his son Robt, and t Lewis Newell. who left. next day to ' train in Owen Sound. Each of the hoyu Ina the recipient of a ~3:30.010 . piece Ind opune, from the gathering. Tun mm Maarovrm.-ove,, half of Durham hockey teum put on states for the tint. time this winter New rear; night and gave Hanover a hold [come here. which dosed 6--t5. It was on interesting exhibition. considering thr lock of condition of both teatuse, although Hanover had the advantpg‘ of better nhape ihrcugh roller skating And it prevnous game. Hanover led the tfrt,t two periods 4---2 and C'-AJ, but ( the locals tinisUd strong. The line. i, up: , \Dorhaw Hanover " inn CampLB" Roal Kramp t Jim Mchhhu point Schafer l V. Eividie cover Devlin e R.Sriund~rs rover o. Wendorf TI C. NcLtchtan centre Urihhs a F. Mclleauh .right wing Titmus " Al, Saunders left wing Hakim-4“- Neil MM? Alum Ar A_ddre§s and Presentation - . Ct,. .' _ _ . m _. _.,' . v9% "t,jeripiT'Nl,, *2: i - * ' - . ' _ r..' . - I LSI I _WI' 'l P " T, I _-.‘ h _ , . I a: present on a number have right wing Tiunus left wing Schoerder The REVIEW to COUNCIL Barber Baetz Filsmgur Fisher Mttcltem Miter ' Schcnk for morn, wh Umbach. The camel REEVE A!steldt . Holm 80 Schenk til DEPUTY REEVE Umbach 87 1 Whiloford 48 J. A. Ferguson W. Ferguson Haut Lawrence Robb Swa Esta!) CUUNCIL iyrkirytuam REEVES Gordon McArthur Mr Thus. J. G' n-Cuu won t ship by the. sub; tntial may A, Ferguson. W. Ferguson, the only new mm. The a vote itt detail upped a below man-man try Rev. W. W. Wylie. , ' Friday, In Methodist Uhulch. Suu! won by Rev. Jnu. Morris. I Thursday. in Pr Sermon by Buv. w This ought to settle the question in our county town for more than three years. Wecotww,oueiton the re- sult. Keen contests The most sppcluculnr of all the con~ tests W‘s Lint of Owen Sound. As in former contests a "dead set" waal made by the traffic to win Owen! Sound. Thu? hut won a technical; victory when they secured n. mandala-l us cunuwlling muncil to submit the.I hy-law, yet they have gone down to; defeat by the largest majority ever; piled up agunst them, one account} My»: 178. , Ottawa. Krve mnuj‘uity rd 2000 for licenw reductiun mm! in”: will be cat down from 75 to :18. Repeal enuresis were tried in Finch and Nora Gower. and both 0efeated. 47 places votyd, involving: cs. H8 places, Includingbcil majorities in favor hut not 8, places only were defeated! ties. 20 places wan against icap and over 50 licenses wil ished. the ptos,rves's m dared by the 3, Under the ahov gives the resuln in tingsnt Messrs others, mew succvss. Col. McFarland. W. under and W. Laidlaw made address- es to the small porti ,.1 of the crowd within hearing, and alter more hand. shakes and cheering. wuying good- byes. the tram spud an to receive sim- ilar. it smaller additions on she way to Owen Sound, Tm Dundalk It wae the higgunt ueruon,tration of; lti kind vym- span in Durham. The! school, Ivueiness plague and fumiture: factory closed for n , "lulu of hours,'; and only hm-e and Illz‘lc, "way back in ! the brain, Was tint-u a realiz Atiou of.I dwgnm and Mood) w u-k th " possibly may he before mu- lwys. May Pruvi-f dence guide flu-m in their goings and? may the buys strive to honor their oil imme ttown, I Alli-Sara H. H. Millet. and It. J. Bail, . P,, accompanied the Hmover con. agent and from Human" there went 9951's W. l.-li(lla~-, A, A. Canon and A procession from the Town Halt added to the congested crowd already on the plufm-m. a crowd which mew beyond all bounds and ovettiowed in every direction. It was impossible to move through it nnd when the train, came in it was unlv by pushing Audl squeezing the boys got about-ah ac- companied by same friends. I Ihr. train pulled out in own length. the crowd apron! townwards, the tram hacked in again and an address was read by Mayor Hunter, yuert.h.intri' appreciation ot the buys and wishing; them success. Col. Mom-Mum! "' t Owen Sound grey beards and kiddies, hyrried through with their dinner on Enca- day, for were notthe newly _ sted boys to entrain at l o. m. for Owen Sound to dun His Majestv’s uniform and go into training to take their place in defence of the empire. mi King Alcohol Tottering Durham and his 'UVi3.rs .1510 resulted in the election ofan old standby. ruch, while John Whicctord wan; down to defeat bel The waned members are Huber, Filsimmr mad 1Paa., Week of Prayer 3ti vulva. involving 209 licens- faces, Including5(-itie9, gave ti in {aver hut not 8-5ths. _Six " were defeated by majori- places wuu against. the hand- over 50 licenses will be abol. To Don ms Majesty’s Uniform in I'r"sbycvrian Church 108 88 hen e resultedrjn the The Boys are 0 if Q09... V . a ',, . ' Sr ttlr -Alick Rental). Myrtle Hoop- ”:"J; 2/,'/ih',irr,,t,t', 'tll' _' Pr. Jr 4 1tirrt'f lasagna)" Dail.. '. . l . _ Tx Hm ".r. .~.-.. Jr b5, _? ‘crgmn. :41“ 'd,i't'es/i"f,',1i'7,,.,o/ 3rd --itita Lawrence. Ruby Matthews. Jult, "INN. (IL-til Is'ccles, Elva Lawrence, Harold 7 ' ' . Law trance. Milfrcd Lawrence, Gertie 'i, "tvuvlvinar it)” lurulls- ’ Lawrence, Allan Brown. Irwm Fergu- "tiHurlitir,e J, cities, gave , .rur, Edgar Brown, 2nd --Peart Dnilpv \‘nr hut um B-Sths. Nie .- DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY mun won. out againm nlful rue-j ority of 3d, r'mosoti, C. W. 13.4 .. .Th.e affairs of tl V ---, .9.._. "mm-K . Hmo-meirom, " ye "Yury!, W. , The marriage of Miafjttivoet.h Mur- l L'udlfxw made undress" ‘rry Telford. dauchLer'i'if Mr and Mr. ll purl! a of the Crowd John P. l'eltorADuthttih to Mr Wil. k, and utter more band. "huts Graham Hoig " hrkhalu. took chem-mg, w""! 890d. place on Saturday. Mainly lat, at the a spud yn to receive slm- residencp of the brim ,. parents, the ' addition, on me way H: /, S. M. Whaler, RA , performing d, vm [laudalk ' . . l tho ceremony. - _ rgg'ast 'leruon,trruion "i' After drjeuner Mr And Mrs Hnig “9"" h, Durham. The , left for a trip to Wturttiesrton, Atlantic 'SS pl..cs b' and furniture J City and New York, a washer of the "W " . "mle of ttours, ifm-nda of the bride @iving them a 'tnd 'ti "sv, "way haek in 1mm"), sand-off at. ths. station with A tin-w I realization ot Lump“: A, A . - ' " Dry tr by over 400 17 110 73 " 114 143 Ayton Ford Hump Blyth's 90 83 29 11 122 5 37 31 127 77 THE ELECTIONS New Subscribers to lst January I917 for _. . .... ll 41 wife and family, 44 21; 21 26 57 22 23 g 20 18 5 4 u ' N ORMAN BY ONTARIO jireeia7 TORONTO 30 24 IO ll and family. 98. hurried on neg. wlyzagsted for Owen V's uniform , their place Town Hall l wd already I vhieh - , "tiowed in 19013.2 JON? 5) 15 27 26 25 61 " mt Mr John McArthur d. The Council sleaze hbb and Gun. Hunt. t the township are in tnth 31 21 20 Containing no acres. more or less, being lot 7, Con. a, W. G. R., Ben- tinet, Good bard, 40x56, 20 feet posts, stone stabling under. Good log and frame houses on property. Six good wells. Convenient to school and church. Two miles from Dor. noch P. o, Terms reasonable. Ap- ply on the premises or by letter. m the past and I i, the future. 1 also w my friends!” the Co kind regards for their Wishing you all a E ides. Com Luwreilée, Era ern'tba Eeelee, Ruby E ' Brown, Jessie Hooner. To va Ratepayers of Bentincx t Ladies and Gentlemen t--l wish you to accept of my most sincere thanks for your kindness to me since I went into the Councii. I have used my best efforts in handling your money m the Dash and l I.,- .- ", - . With which is 'ndifrromted a m, l'ldgm' Brown, 2nd --Pearl Bailey Ketuaeth Long, Clarence Dailey. let ~h‘morsnn Lawrence. Pr-ara Er, cles, UomLuwrence, Eva. Luwneuce. Martha Eccles, Ruby Long, Mary ”Nnun In....:_ ll- 7 ' Jumun MILITARY Hum. --Three Iformer Durham boys and band-men. , Alex McComb and Ernest and Herb. EWrigho, of Cheeky, Aave given up Jan-H- posiuons,.pnd "titsted in the '16:)": Bruce 'dt'taion it Walkerton, {where they win be Members of the ‘militury band for lhai county. Ttus' latter's father, Mr Geo J. Wright its, the eandusaster, _ you: dawn to def-itw ife'to7i"i'vi; ', Filsinger and Fisher. - '3 ilert for a trip to Washihgmn, Atlantic :Uity and New York, a quuaher of the ifrwnds of the bride §giving thema ihetu'ty spud-off at (hi. SHHIOI’I with 'confetti and abundance)“ good wish. ea. _ " 84 34 56 72 58 66 39 12 3s Mr John Helium). " the last 3 or 4 years in McF-rlane'sdrug store, left on Wednesday for "Fox-Into. where he had enlisted but; Frid-‘g m the Goyer nor General’a Body Garth battalion. Mr and Mrs Fred R-zucimun enter- Lained over New Yuntweek end. " uncle and aunt, Mr pi Mrs Matthew Phillipp, from the Wht, his cousins. Or. Phillipps and silt»; Mn Hodgins of Btrattord and Mrs Tatqutvu, Mc- Kinnon,ot Prieerh'te. o" Mr Dwid Baum.“ Kerrohert, that. is visiting hit mister. Mrs Jul. Turnbull and other Mend: In Ben. tinck and Sullivan. Mr Wilt and Miss Jun Met tended a Military HUI in last week. Miss Joan Allen Giitured over New Yen’u at her Intel’s. In Wes. Lyon: in Milyerton. ' Jessie Hooper," fivâ€" F. M. Iu'smcx,mmrtter, 50 ll 37 It 32 16 Moorey Gleu‘n 15 14 27 ' 41 30 42 Card of Thanks Farm for Sale School Reports No. 12, mus-10M ROBT. md, 21 2l -----A "_.-----, mm!" for the Reeve- Ilytni aye Messrs J. V -- -.TtF ."_"m"r' ul- unt. the latter being in sat. hands. The d I intend to do so in also wish to extend to he Council board my T their many favors. all a. Happy New Year Yours truly, Plan Salwun 16 18 26 41 Hymencil l9 22 46 18 30 39 su M ', Proprietor ~Pearl Daiiey l Andrew Total " 267 264 271 822 327 320 Total 233 /i, b, 110.' 1781 158 168 115 234 127 Go Nam at. I Priceyille M ins M my E. Back um Collingwood and Arth Toronto dental college, 1 days with their pare: Hill. Mr. John Campbell and tron ot "'oodbrium, returned home day alter spending the holidn his hrnther,Mr Dan Campbe niece, Mrs. W. J. Lawson and town friends. _ _ C 7 --- -- .... aunt-g Mrs Walker, during the holidays. Mr and Mrs J. H, Harding and children spent over New Year's with Hillshurg relatives. Miss Middleblo, of Owen the new plimary teacher ceeding Min Black. Mr Carl Blown and his Peterhorough, vzsiled It h Mrs Walker. dnri-n um I...- Mr Allan Bell spent in Toronto this week. Miss lean Wylie mural exams this University. Mr and Mrs. John ilendermu, l'urt main, visited m'nr the New wil with the 1at,ter's hrulln-r. Mt. N. W. Campbczll. Miss hlcDouatd relurnvd Monday Mo Tue-onto after spending the holiday season with her sister Mrs N. W. Clmphell. Pte George Banks of the 7lst Ban, London, was visiting his parents over New Yams. Mr. Sid. Ferguson who hm been as- sociated mth the Royal Bank for the past four years left Monday for Bur- lington where he has promotion. Sid. was well liked in the cage " well as socially and all regret to see him leave. _ - _ - - ' - Uttt Ladies Mufflers, reg Me for...Me Ch Boys’ wool pull over cap, reg. Tire for. ' Mr. Ben McKinnou. Banana. Alta., ', arrived " his home in Pricewlle Xmas ' Day to yisit the winter with friends. Mrs Olin. Roman Item; to Toronto Monday In relponse to word received of her sister’s herious illness. Miss Allie Blackburn, teacher at Mimico, spent. the holiday season with her mother. Mr. Will Campbell returned to l Queens, Kingston, Monday to resume duties. Mr.. McCartney of Uhathnm is the new teller in the Royal Bank In place of Mr. B. R. Ferguson, Mr, W. A. Maugham of Cartrill was home over the holiday and took a _ business trip to Toronto Monday. Mr and Mrs Thee Moth! of Port Me. Niroll are at present in town and stay. ing with Mr and Mrs J, H. McFaydcn. Both have been greeted by many old friends who are pleased to rub u, Lid acqurintanceship. l 'N add-"l, "0' 2.50 Health Protectors, ladies' and gents', for,,...., Behind our holiday sale of Gents' Furnish- ings; there is a reason. It does not lie in the goods, but in the necessity of our_making room for next season's productions. 2 Overcoats, 'jtyresc----chesterfiehi, Ul= ster, and Double=breasted Models marked away down the Holstein Luau Mr, and Mrs, Robt. H tern MurieUnd Mnrlha wedding of their Ion u urduy Int. Reductions in Men's Overcoats Mrs, Smith of Hamiltan upent_ove: Christmas with her sister, Mrs. David Jackson. Mire Janet Bimbo." left Monday morning for Collinawood where the has neared a school. Mrs-d Mu he. n. Gun of Hamilton visited our the Mew Year with his mother In town. GEO. S. BURNETT tat college, spent the holi. their parents at Poplar uumpoeu and tron Rom. use returned home Mon- pending the holiday with ‘.Mr Dan Campbell and W. J. Lawson and other Wylie is writing ott extra- B, 1916 Arthur Backus; 7;} tnd his mother of Robt._Hoig 3nd daugh. week at McMaster l, teacher near Hats and Caps for January It his aunt’s. a couple days fat of Port Me. town and any. H. McFaydcn. l by many old to rub u. dd ha, attended the and brother Bat. Sound. in here, sug. only One Dollar 1.00 and 1.25 Flannel Shirts forum... . .........85c and 1.00 A few pr of Curly Gauntlets for boys or ladies, 11531..“ Chtld's curly Gnuntletu...35c Child's " Mach. Mitts .55c Child: Winter can, "3.1.50 for...............,......"..:-." "- Special Prices on Sweater Coats Special Reduced Prices on Nttttiers Special Prices on Fur Collars and Caps h few Odd Garments in Underwear U 1.00 Cord. Caps for 380 Special Prices on Hats and Caps Mturtrsurtt--ru Markdule. on Thurs day. December 23rd. ttrig, to Dr. g D U R H A iii"TiErik"t' a'g',1,',L5era_,LCii a a ,V. ---e. -v -.. I. A. and Mn McArthur, twins-tted Urnss Nurses-Vida Mae, Vida Mary, A Card of Thanks "T'tt 1.1. ; F. MORLOCK Wishing you a New Year of parity and happiness, The Store of Honest Value We hope the present year will ttffcu "1 Its many opportunities of showing our appreciation and we solicit your contiw ned 9ro.peratioo in our eiiorts to elevate the general stamina of our business, and to create such friendly business inter course as may prove profitable to you, as well as to ourselves. The inventory of the year just closed reveals the fact that we are indebted to our customers' business favors, which it is a pleasure for us to acknowledge with thanks. The Ideal (law '....... 2.00 Saving. 1hmk Deposits bear interest at _ n - Aigheyteurrent rates. l"; DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. STANDARD BANK tlic Child. Winter Cnps...33c Vada Cedar " 4 mo OFFICE " c. “MOI h 8033 Pam Durham HAW Loan 1VAsrtur,--'rtn, un signed in prcpared to buy at saw- or tumour logo of the fulluwiuu kin Pine. Spruce. Balsam. lit-munch THE p105 21mm OLA risen"- I“ or IM'

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