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Durham Review (1897), 6 Jan 1916, p. 4

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52 go tan-f it If PM, 1',t1t John McGowan All kinds olguin bought at market price. Special Reduction on F Ion: 3nd Peed in ton Iota. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Every bag guarautaed. If not satisfactory bring' It back and got your money. Largt Quagtjty of No. [Feeding Hay " Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop 500 tons of No l Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY I’m-men 2 Why remain idle " win. tee when you an an up n my“); “grey ? 7 - M once for DL BEAU and District for the Old Reining» Fonthill Nurseries. Choice lint of yarloties for Spring Punting. Lit-Terms. Handsome tree olirttt. _ Exhugié 753367;. Write now for partiethm. PHONES: Day " Night , M The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Oatmeal Mills, Durham h Representative Wanted We have a large stock of HEAVY MIXED FEED on hand. If you need feed, get our prices. CR'MPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates If you have any to sell, bring it to us and will pay highest prices for it. We are in THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Grain Wanted Fresh and Clean, the very best. Seejhis Ha} beforelpurchasmg elsewhere. It will pay you. STONE & WELLINGTON. Toronto, Ontario Milling Oats Feed Oats Mixed Grain Feed Barley Take a little comfort IS you go--espeei-. ally if you can combine it with profit. The man who owns" a Ford has provided hetltldulenjoymeut for his entire family and equipped himself with an economical servant as well. Ford Touring Car Price $530 The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada ta, the market for any quantity of A NEW ISSUE Why not oedet to-dnynd In" your mm": the new dam? Hm you a telephone! nan who In" will my you that it is the nonunion- of not!“ convemeneen. in new bei prepued. and additions and clan-u ft',', may; be reported to our Local Mom I we. -Parliament opens thin year no 12ch January. The spectacular r. g. tures of nailorms, gold lace. tuhion- able gowns. etc., are net to be in eVl- deuce this year, which la sensible. Zr than. like the drink tram, could be abolished till after the war, and nev- Telephone Directory Ely: putllum 3am 81.50 per year. 31.0) if paid in advulce. of the JANUARY 5. ma’ " “on acute“. At an drug a 3 “out use; 'ICI', an: f OLDER BUT STRONGER If Wearing a sweetly aerinua "pre - ! non of " meek lice. Mr Wolbm-k dipped on his nvercoa' on Wednesd»; leg, and went over to the annals! lnebool naming at No. 18, Benunck. ' Be tented he WI! . little late, but the i] annexing called for ten o'clock opened "punctnslly at11.80 sharp. Mr Jag, I Walsh was appommd no the chair ttrd proved biguly capable of iiiltng llhat piece of furniture. Mr Hugh 1 “Hide” Watt honored by Ina mums ot . trusteaship which fell from Mr Fred , new: sturdy shoulder. Ind Mr Wet. thtrek sighed s htlle tot he had dream. ( To be stronger when older, keep your blood pure and rich md active with the t trength .. building and bh?o.d-nei.thing pro C nice of Scott', Emulsion which is: any; tonic and amedicine to keep your blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and “at! tticksiewi. At any drug Ate. To be healthy at seventy, prepare " forty, is sound advice, because in the strength of middle lite we too often forget that neglected colds, or careless treat- ment of slight aches and pains, simply undermine strength and bring chronic Weakness for later years. , was" Jan and Thus Bailey m.- G Irdun Fischer are to be honored ba, tore leaving by spacial train tor theen Sound Wednesday. Accompanying them buck are Corp. Stewart nnd Pe Hugh Wright. The former bows arr m be presented with a wrist watch v piece. Mr. A. Cnmpbell gave a dance in bonnrnftha two soldier boys wh.. Were. home for Xmas holidays my week. Mrs Jan Summon and little can Jana of Bruce, acmmpauled her sister, [re A. Hume home last week. Little Inez Twamley was taken very sick with pneumonia. In: week on: glad to report she In on the mono again. l, Visitors from the West to visit parents and friends are Mr and Mn. Angus McKinnon. Mr David Hum. lies Flora McDonuld. Mr John Hu- tie and male son. Mr [lune loot lth, wiretttiafalland " little two you old buy in without a tttorher'es care. Miss Lizzie ucDongall is home trom Humilton foraauort while Mr and Mn Clark Torry very ilettimntly entertained a number ot young people on Monday evening at this week. Mr und Mrs Arnold are here from thy west to spend the winter with the latter',: parents. Mr and Mn Thos. Redford. Miss Sarah Fulton is teaching here tur the first week in January. taking the place of Miss Ws lie, who is writing exams In the McMaster U nivenity, Toronto. Mr Barclay and Mr Rennie, of Meaturd, spnut "yer the holiday a! the home .1 Mr Rub Mignzon. Mr an'd Mrs Dan McLean, of Dar- ham, spent Xmas and a. few day. this week with relatives here. Misses Jessie Meqillivray, of Chm- worth and Gladys Paterson. ot Price ville, have come to spend some Mme mth theirerandmottier, .urs J. " Giiljvrax __ - At the unnualsuhmd meeting N. " McCallum was nppoiuled trustee u an the pluce of Malcolm McCullum. who retired, Oar teacher. Mina who. create- the people ot the nation to an er tertalument in the sch-ml on Wedort, day, Dec. 22nd MISS Woe d SerVel much 'rreditturttm excvllen manner in which the children mm trained to “to their respecuv'z ants Short. Addresses were cum-n by Il'] tir Wylie and Mr B May. Thus ' the firm tnuctwu ut this nature “new has been held in the scan-pl " quilt 4 number of years and n was mum appteomed by an wan Wt-e prom . Mr and In Erwin Brown and My Gemge and Miss Mildred Mighwn ul- tundcd I Silver Wedding " Mada!" ms: week. Mr John lame, of Hamster Uni- Versny, Ipent Xaus with trienn- here. The Chriltmu etttertaintmrnt hold by the baptist Sand" School on Thaw-y. 28rd, Was s decided one- can. There Wu . large attendance and those presto: spent in enjoy-blo- evening The net proceeds amount. ed to $24 00. The trustees hava Kattt ed fort-y six new single mm tor the when]. They will be mulled for reopening. Mr Will Hopkins. at the 147th Bat. talion at 0. Sound, spent Cumin-I at hit home here. Unlock will ll way: be proud of her Ioldier boys won many friends. who will regret their departure. Mr Bprrslay goo- iumodmolv to lake surge of a field in the 1Unltottlin. Mr Bucky punched hi. have" sermon in the Baptist Church hora on Sunday evening. Dee. 26:11. He. bu served n "to your putortte and both ht 9nd In .mrefey have --The vote foe Hydro Redielelo Toronto and eke-here showed a very marked feelin . town not. withstanding the nation of Tor. onto Board of Trade other inter- ests. Hon. Adam Beck withont doubt is the apostle of the Hydro end the " (lapel ot Adam " it accepted bytne common people. This maybe the beginning bt e movement that will revolutionize freight rates In Ontario. -" Nineteen hundred and sixteen will be the not serious you the world bu known than the coming ofJeIna Christ" aid Rev. J, A. Mould in Chicago. . few days no. He also declared that the United States was tuning the pro- lonndut'crisil since the Civil War. " nmbmhed. is would “do be undue. y- WELBECK CRAWFORD MULOCK 33520331. 7 80. 17. M. " 18. " 18. 18. 24. Bulgarian troops, supported by German: and Austrians, defeated the Serbian army during October and November, opening rail communica- tion from the Danube to the Bos~ war on Austria; hoetilitiea were he- gun. and the Italians set out to cap- ture Trieste. They crossed the leonzo river, upon which Goritz is altuated. entering upon the campaign which held them. upon the Isonzo all sum- mer and fall. Turkey has acted on the defensive in Europe, but in Asia threatened the Suez canal. Attacks aimed at the canal failed, but early in December the British were forced to withdraw near Bagdad. This eastward sweep of the Ger- mnns promised important develop- ments far to the north. Austria, however. had been confronted by a new toe far to the south and west of the scene of her energies thus far. May 24th the king of Ituly declared _ -"- --ii" .......... “mu...“ in February to GG up Constantin. ople for Russia. The movement be- an by a bombardment of the Dur- danelles in February by Allied wu- ships. This failed, but in March an- other nnd more powerful Beet open- ed are on the Turkish torts along shore. The ships were roughly handled, three battleships being sunk anitwo put out of action. Melnwhile Interest in the move- ments on the eastern frontier was en- hrzed by the developments south- ward. involving most directly Russia and Austria. The Miles under the leadership of Great Britain attempted .. MN-c--.., I, _ -. _ May. The Lusitania was torpedoed and sunk " Kimmie, Munster coast, lrelsnd. Out of 2,104 persons on boa rd 1.100 were lost. British battleship Goliath torped- oed in the Dardaneiies, with loss of 500 lives. British battleship Triumph tor- pedoed in the Dardsnelles. British battleship Islestic sunk by a torpedo in the Dsrdaneiles. June. italian submarine Medusa tor-i piedoed by sn Austrian subms-| r no. British Admiralty steamer Ar-l menian, with Americans in her, crew. torpedoed ott the British coast. " Roman lost. t, The Russian chief, with his centre held to the Vistula west of Warsaw. sent an army to strike Koenigsberg, on the Baltic sea. Still another Rus- sian force was operating toward the westward on the southern border of East Prussia. aiming to tittttk the German position before Warsaw. Making a tleree hinge on the Warsaw front early in February for a teint, the German general Von Hinderburg threw a column into East Prussia, surprising the Russians. This move compelled the Russians to abandon their attempts in East Prussia, and by the end of the month the Germans had pushed the foe across the Rue. lien border. April. French stunner 2Usott thtattretta torpodood by an Austrian subma- rine in the strait of Otranto; 500 acumen drowned. Throughout the winter and spring the submarine operations furnished the ehiet elements ot public interest in the war. However, the situation on the Russian frontier began to take on_new_und striking phases. lost: March. British battleships Irresistible Ind Ocean and French battleship Bouvet sunk during a. naval at- tack in the Dardsneiles. German submsrine U-28 torped- oed British ships Palaba and trains in St. George’s chums]: fs‘puunurs sud " sailors The useleunesa of the German navy was apparent at the beginning of the year. The strongest squadron Moat, that of Captain Spec. tsorntrritw lll tive cruisers, had been wiped out in the south Pacific ocean in Decem- her. A few cruisers were sailing in Airman waters and in the Paeifie, raiding British commerce. Ot these the Dresden was sunk early in the year. and the Prince Eitel Friedrich and Kronprlnz Wilhelm were intern- ed at Newport News. Finally on Jan. 24 Vice-Admiral Beatty routed'the German raiding squadron in the North Sea. February. German admiralty declared a wu- sone in the English channel after Februlry 18. German war zone decree went into eaect. walnut]- . British battleship Formidable aunt in the English channel by German aubmarine or a mine; over 600.drawned. In a German navel nttnck on the English coat the German cruiser Bluecher was sunk, with about TOO of her crew, and other ves- sels destroyed by Wee-Admiral Batty. WAR ON THE SEA Hostlllues tretweaitur and Aun- triu began in May, and in October 31:15:11: invaded Serbia. NE may get a swift compre- hension ot the results ot the yeer's wutere in Eu- rope by viewing the con- truts between the situetion new and a. yen no this time. On the western front slight progress bu been nude by the Allies, and there is an ever increasing weakness observ- able in the German artillery. The Opposing lines in France and Bel- Blum remain practically where they were at the beginning of 1915. How- 1 ever, this line of ebout 400 miles in length has been altered but little. 1 Mr and In Rom. Corlett spent New You". Day with Mr and Mr: Gmnwood, Gleuelg. Me John Scout-I. attended the tr 'at of I niece an; Pushy laat woe ' nailed and voted tite out, motion, whilo Mr H. Alexander 1m given tho comm: of supplying the wood Ind Mr Baht. Ledinghsm unlock the responlible position of counter. ad of feeling thi Imposing gamut VII-gnu! upon: pique", Bat .he I "' . s'iifiSlt5ilgr:r 1% VA?" _ ia 14. " tO 24 ll. 28. uuuunl recaptured Przunyu. in Poland, north of Warsaw, Ap’ru. Bunions adnnced through Boo tot out. piercing the Austria lined in the grooming. . n 'tytrouurtiiiiik matured ur. oslov, /lll the we“ madam river. Inch. forcing no than to atrandon the Carmthtaa mountain. a. {twin can: run, " m Manson, "In: "li2iiiiiiti it a . - " -""V -v‘-vu‘lu. nul' alan army. North of Align-town the Russians dawned their post- tlons east ot the Maaurtan ' Germans stormed and captured Przasnysz. Poland, an important Rusman post north ot Waruw. March. The Austrian fortress of Pram- yll. in Galicia, surrendered to the Russian army after a ”nun and prolonged defense. About 50,000 armed Austrians were among the trophies. 25 RUSSIAN FRONTIER 24 A large Russian army was ad- vancing on the Russian border against Ifoenigtrtsertr, a German fortified city in But Prussia. February. Gvrmans checked In a desperate attack on Russian lines at Bolt- tuow, before Warsaw. German.., by a forced march, turned the Russian flank at Jo.. hatutctsbutg, in East Prunsin. forcing the enemy to retreat back to Russian territory. Germans in Russia cut the rail- road behind the retreating Rul- nlan g...-... "A“ -i - " .1, t "Tre' :xf,'vi'1r,'Ci"i9tltfiivis," 'MI. :EOUTHERN HU,? ZONE Russian toriGGiG.e so Carpathian mountains Hungary. 25 30. - __ -.-V-v Ivnl vac. on Salomon. British troop: withdrew from the Anzac “nos and Snola Bar. Turks began march on Egypt. December. British withdrew before superior force of Turk: near Ended. Mesopotamia. Germans and Austrian captured Monastir, Serbia. Allied troops in Greece fell buck on Salomon. M. 10. Beginning of British attach " Neuve Chnpelle. France. 12-13. French attach and German eounter-attaeU continued " Mauve Chapelle, with he"! November. Bulgarians, captured Niall. grent railway centre in Serbia. Germans and Austrian: captured Mitrovitza and Printiua. Serbia. 14. Octéber. Russia sent an ultimatum to But- garia demanding dismianl of German otmeors, ete. Greece protested against the landing of troops at Sulonicl to defend Serbia. Austro-German forces under General Von Mackensen invaded Serbia. Bulgaria sent 24-hour ultimatum to Serbia. Germans recaptured Belgrade, capital of Serbia. Bulgaria declared war on Serbia. A general attack by [aliens It Goritz failed utter an Iii-day struggle. 18. FRANCE AND BELGIUM M. September. Turkish artillery drove the allied troops from their works on the Dardanelles. Bulgaria mobilized her army. August. Italy sent an ultimatum to Tur- key. Austrians launched counterat- tacks on the Italian line at Goritz. 19. l4. Turks estimnt " " I'? .. b t,' tacknd British guards "in" . Sun: canal south of ismailia. Egypt. and were defeated. Allied tieet bombarded Turkish forts guardian the. sea entrance to Constantinople. April. Allied troops imam! on the t,hor, of the bard-rib e under tir" from the Tm !(5-~l1. puns. Mus. Italy made {urinal proclamatinr of war. Austrian navy and airshlps at- tacked ltaly‘s coast. Italian troops Srized Austrian territory. June. Italian troops, led by General Cadorna, forced the important river homo in advance toward Trieste, Austria. Italians captured Monfaheone, an important strategic town north- west of Trieste. September. Great drive of the Allies from the French seaconst to Verdun. Heavy capture ot guns reported and 20.000 unwounded prison- ers. German front broken tive u"les in length ttt Loom La Bu. Bop and Sanchez. and 25 miles In the Champagne. Allies continur-d western drive. November. Allies held joint war Ct me“ In Paris. Germans recaptured Hartman”- wellerkopf, in the V0!” moun- tains. They repulsed an attack by Allies along the Ypres can! with asphyxiaung an and erase- ed that barrier to the west aide. German artillery " Nleuport. Belgium, bombarded Dunkirk, France, at 22 miles range'. Janus-y. The Allies lean to retreat south of the Aisns " Soissons. shen- doning live miles of trenches. Allies withdrew south of the Aime, losing 5,000 prisoners and many guns. dial British submarine an: my Turkish battleship Bum tn January. Urstrt " wet south of the invading KM??? " 14. M. 15. It, l3. 20. 15. " MlNOR WAR EVENTS . The German Werument order- ed the seizure of private atom I or corn, wheat. and tiour. 6, February. ' Germany lntormed the United States that ehe would lnelat on M. malntalnlu the war zone tn the Eula]: channel. M " and.“ announced her new» I to stop all ehlpe to and from theI eeaporte of Germany. " The German cruleer Dresden. I s, which survived the battle of _ Falkland lelande. sunk itt battle _ It. with a Brtttah tuet near San! Juan Fernanda Inland. " Chili. 1 "tr. 1 to. Germany 2rtf, to t'ilt of the I United Stetee t lute ' prom» _ ing to safeguard American ,' " under their on lag. in i " Great Bnmn lent notes to the United State- upholding - blockade. I a. Bel-Ila Intern“ Wuhluten that . the tune; or American on the l Arable was 1ttriytunttoaai." , n ---e- u-nleII I and, with In nrrbon. out“ at from 40,000 to 85.000 cnptund by Gemsrat won ler'u German army. September. German captured Grodno nuanced on Riga. November. Germans utter 'deapenu tempt: to tench city abut ignorant positions In fro: General van Buchanan'- Ger- man troops captured Shame. cut- tine the Warnw-Honcow rul- '17. Novo Georgia“, the mend SNateet Run-m: tom-en In Po- lnnl mu. u- ----. umber-c. Gulch. matured by Austrian utter ten months' oc- cupntlon by Russian. July. German, min captured the but of Franny". " miles north of Wumw. Ala-trim. captured Eldon. " miles eouth of Wurnw. _ August. German ”my captured Warsaw, after cannula: which hated over eight month. The Buntu gur- ru'on retreated cut of the Via- III I Bee than: hem. WA has a Fresh um! mum-i :1 m; tsttoitseetarooaries, Ounces. Le nous. Peels. Dams. Sum t , of att kinds. ind onrvchin: required tor the tl .h-in y team oar pmu will "it your pane. Give In a can. Highest prices for Batter and Bus. Your Holiday Groceries. Fruits and Confeuions THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confechonerv and 'ti' I Down Town Shoe S We Julrjllq' ree-ar-t 4 _ tt ' plieea ranging from if“ to 5 So AIM Itatre S'ht‘kt-d I i. q sl “(all "t 6oc Come 1t1 and It '-,'r Show Best on the m on "Did you know that v'w as . skin"? ' "How 'b NF 1 I" i tt of them." m ' tur Wishing nll u very Happy and Prosperous .\1 'd, I' The RenllOo. havenrrtstured to Hire. 'l ', I " tiful Gold Fish and tinge globe a 1iCj'rtl,rli, 60tt and“: of the following rcmuimqy if. then whys: on it' Itexattst-aauvermlt' Rex-ll Kidney Pills. (ilk if. Real LittleUm m. . ..at Rea" Grippe Pills, tlk ii - I1agdartte mum RenllBIoodTahk-ulsc 5 IgltgtgllgMlliillgatMllflg m}: "Ar'. h' y: :-::-::-: :cEl THis Gold Fish Days '" add 01 nd um MacFARLANE Er C0. Only one - of Globes to be given "'errti. Be one of the lncky ones. - j,irrrtrat, u- 10. Rarukm Use for Ay, Y F nbnndonwo'd , In front of '. A ROWE l9. 24. Rf) IT. 16. 25. 15. It. 11. It. D. A. “will: Iii-rhea Elihultli“? In TTlltc1tht.ions ur mod: her. m 00030 and Lord Int ‘3 (new mm the Canadian troopb a: Frmettitd." In W101:- ot Cantdmn " “Mon reached Frame. 'yer-GG Liu, at Drum a 100,000 mom men “mud be POI-ti million dollar Ca was - Aetod In New York. July. Oahu. thtverritn.ont announced , m of 8500.000 tor “Mum . S. MCZLRAITH May. : COIonel Lord Brooke an; mam. to command Ontario .0 2.01.”! _trruade It the front. thanding, and Indium tro, " r" m n lovere attack in: mm- “"1. Ont-u. Government.) tbl '/il'u'1f)"; maul! of: asp; .- ' 7W4! PutWn_d. Juno. , Matoraten. Hughes anmu.’ Mar call for 35,000 n-cruxt: “It Ioeond Gamma dh’iszou ti'.' Mred In France. lunch. Ml! troop. dismwuished then-elven In battle of Neuve Mlle. “I. Militia Department issued than for the recruiting of a but]: contingent ot '27.! N am. ril. Gamma 330m at $2. Junta Yum sued the day My -: Her mutated I'ilh pt; nous February. Fir-t Cancun! troops the trench" in France January. 0th" Vere Issued at (711' In tor the Inhalation of a C.. ' i co"- “WEI. Th. Phnee" mo dlshwt'ns'llod thou-teln- in a violent 4-1"!!! M “Hill's Alley, nun Emu. mam. Nun's first hate how "a! In: ”(New In Enalnud open! at Clevedo... Dementia. WOD recruiting omvm 1roBr", " trtth Volunteers up»: u Lord Derby plan. Germany "avowed the snAp: ing at the table and agreed to my Nancy. eve "trutm kllled sud 114 ‘njurcc' In “do! by Zeppelin muck. CANADA AT W Ill an“? 6.19m “3423335.: 'own Ofiic Store g and 8 It ear in Coty 4MhaFit:. M a: '. 'iit iliii town'- IIn. u e'otsr you Me. 941% ("It f , For the ycat 1“ ( upon which we t ',' just entered, I wisl ? my many friend . Happy and Prospcl ' Year and trust that ' friend!) relations cl 704/ all, mg between us ever continue. WNW??? t Jim I. H. MILLER, lt'r/ [all A, eitMt In Buy Far In HA 'ttlt, tW v. L. GRAN (I It! out Koo m up." LINN!- III Brown THE L "ssrt A, The last word; in mm l a] 3'13... farm If tty aim 31 It: tW Ill/Ir (A ye up 11.01, A' G u " ropcn you'll and r y "I! I“! In "I LEN!) v rrtit mu. It ll y "I n-ad by of

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