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Durham Review (1897), 6 Jan 1916, p. 8

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Y3w:, Eur 00" I. a} ts“ Limited Twins connect at Detroit with through Show" to Florida; also connection via Ballade, thiu'on sud tiieim"1 tin-03E TR 'Busilim' Centre a Guy is an use: to thy Traveller." Through Bqnipmonz Electric lighted Compartment Ob. -ntiort cu. Its-dud and tourist alum dlnina on. Int-clue coache- "iG,GGuiGk/rui C. P. Rind I C'. R. to Chicago connect. with all brooch ”we. Chime to "atttomia. mmmnurmwnunmu [ALI ' TOcts Ind lull information on - ligation to hand Trunk Ticket Agents. Ashville and Bot, Springo.3N. T., Charlestown, S. C. t Nassau N. P. ', Hot Springs. Ark t French Lick Springs. Ind. '. Jacksonville and Yall Florida points : Honnna. Cuba and New Orleans, La. via New York Ind rail (or steamer lac "ding to destin- "tion,) or via Bafrslo, Detroit or Chi- ergo. Bermuda and West Indies Other Health Resorts Mount Clemens. Mich. : Battle Creek. Mich ; St. Cathnrlnea. Well, Ont ; Preston Springs, Ont. Imp!“ """"» (It. IWI'QIW tv-su "PM 'Jn',',,"?, (Lilli. Sonics mil branch t e amine-open": of, a Special round Trip Pam. Lona limit -- stopover; The " Transcanada " From Toronto Daily Tells How To Cure Chronic Cough Jackson, Mistv-"I tun a carpenter, and the grippe left me with a chronic cough, run-down, worn out and wealt. I took .11 kinds of cough syrups without help. I read about Vinol and decided to 'at Before I had taken . bottle I " t better, Ind after akin two bottles my cough is entirely one: and I have lashed new trim and "terttr."-Jotm L. . Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic, gumued foe cough, with ind bronchus and for all wash, run-don conditions. Mm hu-lnno'k, Co., Drnggius, Durham. Ont. The, Annual Malina of Egremont Agriruitttrnt Society will he held in the Agricultural Hail. Holstein. on T-usduy, January 18. 312nm. A lull tsttendmttee of all members is re- “Heard. w. M. lift Ln, L. B, 3hcrrorutos. av'tive and well Iain! BAhrrtrtN,Captpet, in. cr b'ronchitis. Your money" the! It it Nils. WINTER RESORTS Canton,Miss. - ae I Am 75 tttTel, and heme very weak and fee lo from tho areas of La Grippe, but Vino! has done me a world of good. It has cured my cuugh, built an my ttrtptrth so} feel Vinol, our delicioun cod liver und iron tonie without oil, lid. digestion, en- riches the blood and mates strength. l'ncguallgd for S.hrnnie coughg. toidl We have ; All graduates in positions “penal connections, exclulive and arch] mural-s. a demand for Rt'; Atea ‘hrve tunes our amply. cu .aalurcs mean your success and make mr “that” a LEADER. Write to. day for full information in free cata- Zogue before deciding. ATTRACTIVE WINTER TOURS to Gilliam“, Florida: Etc. D.A.NvLaoL.cN, G. M. “any. President. Principal Mt. Forest Business College " you wish to enter bulincsa is the law Var Term, Jan In, 3 Ag. Society Annual Meeting AFTER THE BHIPPE Vinol Restored Her Strength JACKSON, MISS" " Madam-lam: a Co.. Dragging. Durham. 0m. THE BEST SCHOOL to ATTEND 6.40 p. m. PORT ARTHUR FORT WILLIAM WINNIPIG VANCOUVER Presiden t 26 21 22 20 21 18 16 18 H 10 11 2nd 3rd lst L. B, NICHOLSON. Secy . Wrens. 181 153 146 160 172 164 189 62 77 78 18.5 182 184 191 IM 84 137 170 ll 67 81 48 196,665 168,410 162,720 1 57,135 154,455 149,510 147,540 147,180 146,185 146,135 "the. OTTAWA ION}; In. Gonna] trtation--Mttryptrtt " Lewes Toronto I " p. m. for Whitby. Oahu". Bowmanville. Port Hope. CoNrurttarenton, Belleville, Kinntou rm, "YORK"-- have: on“: 1.15 p. In. - Toronto ”on In. The'Ridean'to Ottawa Brown's Trees. the but that car. be grown. Who is our agent in your town , BROWN BROTHzns 0mm“ N umrymen. Limited Brown's Nursuries, Welland On Tuesday, Jan. u. there will be sold by public auction in Holutein so head choice young cows, Io heit. er: 2 yrs. old, I cow with calf It foot. tO mos. crédit. 7 percent " Iotmh. Jas. E. Ferguson, D. HCPhail, c, Proprietor Auetiotrcer On Tuesuay awning. 28th ult., on other very pleasant time was open: It the home of Mr and Mrs Orme Burn, where the guests were up", outer- tainod. We wish the Editor, " "" and the mnny renders of the Renew a happy and prosperous year. Young men. learn to any " 1 will." Silk dresses are expensive, Since we wrote last the Crokinc.¢ Club met " the home of Messrs Ed- Witt and Edgar Garainer. where pleas. ant evenings were spent and the guests well entertained. On Monday evening. 27th ult,, Mr and Mrs Geo..1). Hunt entertained It number of their relatives and friend, Speeches. vocal music star. made the time pass swiftly. A repeat fit for n prune was served and host and hostess spared no pains to entertain the" guests. Among those presen- from a distance were Mr and Mrs Wm. Hunt of Holstein. Rev. and Mrs Win. Haut of-Norval. . EEfAhrp': s ' ,prtytit 145.150 144 410 142 905 It2.890 141.580 66 595 bu,960 54935 54,545 54.100 52.615 22.425 18,840 16.135 12.520 9,260 Mr Alex Shell, ol Dundnlk, wished relatives and friends here recenliy. Messrs J. Dowling and George Rum took a business trip up north lately. . Mr Elsmore Rum arrived home on Christmas eve from Sask.,nher an absence olsnxteen months. After all more is no place like home. Mr John Durant went to Oven Sound some time ago to serve us Jur- or, so now South Benders had how! “have properly or they may get Into trouble. Mr Ind Mrs Walla spent Chriltmaa wnh relatives in Peterborough. Oh nineteen hiteen, your record is block As midnight without I 'tttr--- Carnage. destruction by land and on And the cannons root Ifnr. I Lost century new fierem eonf1ieta rage. l But nothing compared to this hour, l When the youth of our Empire "tr, rushing forth To check despotic power. f', The New Year dawned o'er I blood-i stunned earth I Oh may the weeks be few [ Till the angel of peace shall fold hisi wings Where the deadly missiles flew. " Mr and Mrs Taylor. of Alisndnlo. were the guests of their niece. Mrs John Durant. for some days lately. Mrs McKinley. of Normmby. is visit" g be: con. Mrs J. Bung. Popular Afternoon Train via Lake Ontario Shore Brown’s Trees Sale Register SOUTH BEND The J. D. Abraham Company By purchasing a book from your favorite contestant, you give her Thirty Thousand Votes. One book Would put almost any ot theat at the top of the list. The girls mil explain it more fully to you. Now is the time to help your favorite " out. It costs you nothing to help her td get the piano. See how close they are to each other. Buy a Trade book, and you can put anyone you wish at the head of the list. . On Jan. 15, the Contestants will offer for sale Trade Books. These books are good for Five Dollars in trade, and can be used any time. The Contestant who sells you a trade book receives Twenty-five thousand votes for each book she sells, and when the boo is all used and the cover returned to us, we give you Five thousand votes for the cover. Clinton: Lam-{er Look at These Figures rfg /A'lfllr'at ttpl",','.',",'?',',,": A lucky And-While Ileana Wm. and Then. ttottm were cutting wood "may they came upon a btte'a no“ In ”It-Allow um [my "gen up] a. J. W. Jon... ot Owen Sound. in ope-ding “a. team moon " thand. luhu Hot-obit. Coop-tuba“: to lieu Jun Ferg. noon and Chas. Wotan. who In: Wodnenday, nomad bent and hand hunt! in mud-any. Mr Ga. Lothian is spending ho holidays with hm liner. Mn Gemmel, nu: Arr, 0nd accompanied his nieeo. our anchor, home. Mr Wm. Brownjourneyod to Tor. onto on 1biday has to visit hi, dnugh. tar. Mn John Maury. Latest re. port. any lbs in getting along nicely. Min Millie and Mum) Wilson spam Christin” " their unlo‘sin Milverton. Mia. Joanie Reid and brother Rob Are home from But. Ind looking us sf the we» agreed with them. Miss V. Rennie in sgaln under Ibo Dr's one we no sorry to hear, while Mu Wm, Mboro bu been making good progress and " :ble to be up at times. Private Grundy, lute of Pritureille, asked perrnUgion to ape-k and Ins loyelly unmet! to him, who spoke upon the requirements and neeeesit! of joining the British forces. He ec- qumed himself mrll and we! success- ful in getting the names of seven re.. unite, which In: later augmented to ten we no told. The nemoe are: Clarence Rose, Jack Ross, A White, J Bilton, Wilfrid braggine. Perry ' lm, Roy Eocles. this together mth 1). Molnnee. son of Megietnte C. Mein.- nee and Jae. We" make: the total from this port of North Egremont. one dozen, Mr P. Range “rived llama from South Battlelord on Thuuduy last. for the winter months. ll. Renwick. solos by Miss Effie Has. no cud W. Ram-go. recitation: by Arch. Clark and music by a couple of choirs, singly and combined. one of them I new one. composed of S. S. scholars, gave good aetiefaciion for the first time, giving selections from 3 Connie to be given next Sunday see. ning, entitled " The Seerch for a king." Rev. Mr Smith occupied the choir end enlarged the program wiih sniteble rem-rim. Thain to the versatility of the community. A progrnm was given tf 5390:th by Messrs G. Lothiau and The fowl supper It Amos church perused off lucceesfully on Monday evening. " far IS quantity of pro- visions were oonoerned, but looking in ottendence though she weather and the roads were Ill that could be de- sired. the public preferring present cosh than chicken pie apparently. Another disappointment In the fail. ure of all our promraea and expected speakers and singers to put in on up. penance. To e neighboring village belongs the (dis) honor of buying the second Ball of the senou in the midst of all the turmoil of war and dietreu. which the nation es a whole is subjected to and more eepecielly untimely since it is being held on pre-eormnunion day, with sacrament of the Lord's Supper on the Suedey follomng. It " no credit to the locality, while soldier: ere fighting, eye. and telling for the honor of their conntrv and the up- holding ot truth end justice. 'Twere better by for it the young promoters Were enlisting like some at those who hove already gone item this Imrt---tul honor to them. Many are returning to their various calling: and colleges thut week, after their all too short u holiday with friends. Illne- Belle Weir and Susie Hal penny no holidnylbg their New Year’s at home. Min Viola Bennie is, we ure glad to hear, holding her own, that the operation performed last. wok. NORTH EGREMONT THE DURHAM REVIEW 1ll?iloLSTEIi)4 _-__ """"", " I-""" Tu.-.” o','llfff tor. "thiv" Holltollll. was! Thmday " W, T. I ' t'lttllp,tig,e' 'tdt' 3:191:33: Finder . . . . j Council has received a tresh mandate Norman Dickson waived friends 1 “from the Citizens. we tum they will Ripley over the New Year. :take ac . to aid in We tnat"tee Mr Scan". the new nuke". Ititt test “Mk. the in"! mm hia duties on Monday. ijotic fun "10' . “tulip. which wish him mam. l ffl,', lof the .ftiryii.e,iiiiiiiiil Ii.- Iymo trailppteua, h mnd- " I may do... u. i'xr'st"oriiiii/i'liiia"a' Zia. tun In-..“ e, .._..‘ . “I w,“ , . ., t ,ewerguson ran third. One ot the [I - -M. "W h ”We”, n t j features wu HunO strong Holstein 1& con: - ---_--- - , ward suppon. where he took a any x votes as in the tee: of the township ORCHARD EFalkmgham, Lawrence and swans - fton. the new “pinata. m: well in A load of young people drove witheir hone wand: and would lute Mt. Foreu "sr. Yea"? night. and en- good rfp.rtlettutties, but u. m u joyed a “no on the rink. [present widely acquainted than“: Mr Jack Nichol from the we» In the Whip. A do“ coat-t new winking Ill-woo. Kirby natielpeted foe the new: and It and In W. Taylor. of Bruce. flgtht '"loeltr ot33 "I 'tpl,' not! It and an Inn. oersltard,rr: intern-n my lofted tot. om Holstein. mm Thaw!” at W. T. e, 1'P.eeftrii Pg ted in the, south Pinder’l. A load of young people drove to Mt. Pore" New Year; night and en- joyed a state on the rink. Mr Jack Nichol (mm the was: In vial-i..- "- '-- - . Dee.29, when their daughter, Miss Gladys Victoria. was wedded to Mr. Milford Harold Bilton. Rev. T. B. "when of Helmen tied the nuwid knot, the young couple main“ unatten- ded. To the Amine of the wedding: mud: played by Mrs. “both. Hu- bride was given as”): \by her father and wee mos: effectively “tired in white shadow lace. Very many valu- nhle present: were bestowed-, teati- mony to thew general esteem. A large guberiug of friends land rel " tivee wilneeeed the event, and wnh them the Review joins in wishing the happy couple I long and Prosperous wedded lite. They have taken up res. Idence at the g'oom's property on the 16:21 con. Standing beneath an arch of E'yet- greens. 1. pretty swan was solemnized at. lesidence of Mr and Mrs Mat Hovp' er.19th con, Earemont. on Wednesday h _ - M . - l A very pretty and btmotmmr wed. ldlrg took place at. the home of M- and Mrs Walter Ferguson. 13.11 com. lwhen their youngest daughter Jean 1 was: married to the young man of her _ ehoice. Mr Chas. Watson, in the pres ence of it large company of relatives. friends and uelghhora. At 4 o'clock the happy brudeg'oom took his place in front ot a bower of ilomo, mean. while Lohengrin’s wedding march being played by Miss Jemima Ellie, the bride entered leaning on the arm of her father and took her place be., aide him. The bride was beautifully s attired in a dress of cream silk trim ‘ med with shadow lace and earl-yum; In her hand a bouquet of carnations and mandeu hair fern. Her travelling suit was of brown hroaduloxh. The groom’s gift to the bride was a gold watch. gold lob and pendant. The happy couple. unattended. was mar-l ried by the Rev. B. M. Smith. their: pastor. They were made the recipi-g cuts of many varied. beautiful and costly pres-Ms. The best wishes of the whole community goes out to this popular young coupie. I Mr WJ McFaddcn is recovering slowly from hm mack ot inirsmma. tory rheumatism. At the wedding of Miss Gladyc Hooper to Mr Milford Bilton, only the.: immedinte relauves ol the contracting , parties were present. Rev Mr Ihbott) oftrsiatine, and Mm. Ibbott pmyingi the Wedding march. The beat msh~ ’ es of the cummuniuy go with the Imp-i py cvuple to their home on Goreh, i can 14, Eglemonc. ' Miss Elim Patterson is home for a rmliday with her parents men the Lake. Pleased to know Mrs Wm. Moore, w'“ - has been relieved from all her then-j Mrs Moses, of Toronto and I" Innis pnins two hours after the apoli- Ruth DWI“? of Mt. Forest, trpeut cation of lame pads to the feet and 152N211 Year a with Mr and Mn Durrant now gaining sclength. Jtrt. - 7 - 7 David Hgmilmnnmet with a severe’ Mr aad M" They lor, ot Thorttbtoy, accident on Thursday last wttieis"rere guests at Mr and In john or. might m”- [raved fatal. " it is ( chard over the New Year holiday. one rib is broken and three f.raeut.rys , Mrs Micklebato left Tuesday mom- ast remit of a colt knocking him mg for Fergus tomtend the funnel over a wheelbarrow. of her brother, Mr 1110. Hunt, who Miss Maud Hamilton is hocre for a deed ferA suddenly on Sunday. He few days beture leaving for Parliu- was ttl hitt 89th "ikr. tile but were soon numbed in the cold air outside. A good deal of the ( honey was wanted with the sawing; operation. _ Miss Maud Hamilton is home for a few days before leaving for Parliu- men: buildingu. Toronto, during th e session. tit meneal tied the nuptia‘ We living unatten- ot the wedding Mrs. 1thott, thrs 8-3} . . 'er ' H“. ,r .- u.-. u T. J. Gordon and Char. ing he place " Cotmeillor, mason again topped the on with Robb: good second. l Ferguson tan third. th features was Hunl'l um- The Annual meeting of the Hot. stein Public Librery will be held on Monday evening. Jan. 10th. at 7.30 p. in. in Robertip hall. As the Ci. brary is an excellent irustitutim, in our village, it is hoped a Rood repre- actuation of the people of the village and surrounding country will be II this meeting. The new board of directors will be elected. The municipal race is ovet for an- other year, with only one change in the personnel of the Council. In. McArthur as reeve being repiaeed by T. J. Gordon and mu- .., . _ _ Arthur Adam s spent a few days ot last week with his t.rmndtnotheri Mrs McCracken, in Durham. Mrs Duff Morrison, of Mount For. est, viuted Mrs J.D. Roberts n couple of days last week. Miss Elia Baird left for Hamilton on Monday to enter I hospital and train for nurse. Her nanny friends here wish her every success. Amongst the number who returned last week from spending Chrintmu out ot town Were Mrs (Dr.) Ferguson and children, who 'irefe at St. Mary's. Mr B Brebuer and Mr Bullet, who were at Themesville. i Miss Nettie Regen returned to Toronto on Saturday Int. alter apend- l ing a ween at her home here. Dr. McKenzie, of Newtonville, vis- ited his lather. Mr McKenue and sister, Mrs J. D. Roberts, over the New Year holiday. M: D. P. Coleridge left tor Town to Monday of this week. l Mr Percy Mopp, of Mt. intent. spent Sunday with Mr Percy Rom. Miss Lena Rice returned to hes home here, after spending some months with telatlvee m Tonawanda. N. York. Mus Anna Rica also spent the New Year holiday at her home here. Mrs Jas. Wading and children. ot iiarriaton, who has been waiting Mrs Coburn and other friends nomad Holstein, returned to their home on Saturday. Mr Chas. 'Legge. since running to Toronto after his Xmas holidays, has been promoted to be I Gunner In the Battalion to which he belonga. We extend cottgratulatioo to Mr and Mrs Milford Bitton. Among the number of recruits who spent the New Year holiday in the vi- cmxty ware Pte. Jno, Ray, Pte. Chu- Nichol, Dr. It. Shaikh. Dr. and Mrs Ella and children spent. N ew Yen's holiday in Dundnlk. Miss Mary Ellis left for Hummer: on Tuesday morning. fr"")"""'"" ELocAL Julio PERSONAL Derts' hall. As the Ci. I excellent inatitutiot, in it is hoped a Rood repre- the people of the village "A...” at-s..-.-, ... _ “gin-E“ II. Hunt hf. or. W. Per. council list. I. while] A. """-"-c"----ess"s--eseeeeer-e.e.rzeu--eeae,a., 004104304 Bargains '. Def: _ Smrktnking will he an in in have several Iinn which r fitture, ruthvr than any “v.- f "nn, min II“.-. I..- " __ -"-- ._ -'"'N - uuu no tune of them. They had com- pletely disappeared. Hie anxiety was relieved however, when even! days later they were dilcovered on his own property, in another barn where corn was stored, about 8o rode distant. Here they had strayed. shoved open a door which closed be. hind them, and what corn wasn't de- voured wan worthless when found. Thin barn had not been searched, an no thought of the stock getting inaide was entertained. j As all membership icon to the Pub. lic Library expired Dec. 3m, it In hoped that all membera will renew their fees no soon " possible. Our Librarian reporta that the new boots are ready for dtatritsution. They are a splendid addition to our already aplendid Library. The fee for a tam. ily for one year in 81.00, with the privilege oi taking 3 boots " a time to be exchanged an often as patron deairea. The Library contains boots on ail anbjecta. For over a week Mr Geo, Rawa had missed twelve head of young cattle from his barn, and after acou- ing the country for miles around. aa- slated by relatives and advertiain them in last week's inane. could and no trace of them. They had Giiir, pletely disappeared. Hia anxiotyl le relieved however, when aeveral Look out for fail panlculus for the Annivermy tservices in the Method int church, Halogen. on Jul. ttith and 17th. when the Rev. J, W. Mag- Our teachers. Miss De Guetre and Miss Atkinson returned from their vacation Monday evening and con:- menced school duties Tuesday mom- mg. est, spent'the New Year hoiidar" -at her uncle% Mr 1110. Savannah. "ff2.t,t't1t"eaFsuriet, Bargains. lltefore Stock Taking ?' Min Agape Orchard of It It." as vom Order, for the- " mmhle. Par Ann-m II no Fm to "Milne. mm no - - in; "ttr4h'li4 titat "I. I - ',ti.lei3Fi.U.T."."..T.."..."C.'.Tr. ',M2i2jjiEiiiiiirriiiiiic.'.' - _ .. '1‘ “HI,” TFF FB " If“ "url louyl-ulutlott rurJnckeuncg an to: ........... .. I only :3: Duck unu- cloth mt. m can». I C: " The Store That '#"""t VII-bl. - R‘V- de W. “I‘- t of Toronto, will preach and You will find hundreds of real snaps here. See large bills for partial list. Be on hand early in the "le-jet nothing keep you away. Store open every evening. - till. ALLINGHAM, Before Stock-taking we must largely redure our 8toek,--everything is being tracrifieed. Thw goods are first-elatm --eome and share in the bor.. For " Days Only Commencing Monday, Jan. 10 of our Entire $9000 stock of Dry Goods. Gents‘ Furnishings. arcades, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Patent Medicines. Sham gains. Child‘s Fur PUBLIC SALE "u" m” tor - “MM Gouda. . Bow-r m..- w. for I (In. "-1“. ., -l A.W Tour l2.“ for Par “in; 'tio, iiUi%%Vi'ii, M. FINDLAY I Sit; in. " 'We.."......-.....,.....,. " u. at W031 reduced pm" ttthee, We have. In hit in Menu, u. due-d mm. which “up" he an In a roupte which we um , Pt y “"45 We qttdl l3: n-ouo-nno Mun Dumber meeting at the “Vi-en'- linden-1y Society the m lpwiettr ' “can were elected for 1911 1%.... Mm. John Ilentoi, . lat Ihtt rm ' Mn A Hui I 2rd Vice Pres Are, J. ti. G‘rmm ; Gen. Say. In Ptatdirv ; Tran. Mrs. Awhauo; il, Fpertree, Min Snell : mu. see) In “allude .' Strangers Say, In tf. Fwy-on :Anaioou. Mr. ll, by u........ _................... lor and tteiitditiikid 1 - Jen Baird. erkmle. vim " I. Blame) over the week one .04 named to Toronto o I Monday. lean W. Huggins um Ju Weir Inc" on Wednesday tot Owen Sou-l no Marthe "emits hom the T, 'tttltr (Oh. on Fob. lst. In. Nollie Moody. Birdell, went tin with, " ttrc [cum-n". Mr Wilt Kine". Webb, 5.3.: ,trithre tun took with telatiilt thou-nutty, If. A. . IcDmnld bad I lam Who: and party on Thanh! and My of In: week. In That. Anamo- is mum; Iizt mud". in Hepwmh. ptr (a: m: Wanam- fill di " n gmzly 'a quota only u for Furs: " Mr. In" Findluv returned w Smtfaert Normal Ichonl on 1hmdry In. Boll. lamb, Hamen, viii. M'lth her mum at the lime on! the holiduv. Pea and In Wm Roustnn Whitby, V“ with 'he farmer‘s broth“: Ir_Geo Imam. over the week Mragtd " A. R. Henderson and Mil: “a Nun Yuri day IL titll, "aphieli. ll. Ate" Knox. Gurlph, is bor, 40910. with oer cousin Mrs John lit Undo. BIRD“! 6. 1915 "_........ ... ..o.. ' . '." 'tt.. “at “an.“ Dromore We Journal Holstein " I. "' "' - " here without I pen ofJ. A, Hunter, now our lacing curlers ot the u out. A Cid out down an “and " III In... tstared. The old but: In duo about: as natural nu lilo oeidrottr ship as he “no“ m1 “a1, log-1 awn-l. Moon: in frm it“ on'dtretv'hc-d and in) mg . the"! " or not». other cm In} In Drums! - Drug Stare A Dnuuu Ctretctrac-a r of the Ikmnpnliq Jam-mil I to"! of curling in th at thate uncut: In the morning. Attee Maine-w Inn-Ming the ladies but. to do the quilt. VIII! ma‘ghhon It! annually mvi Pat don'l will: to quilt, Mi kuettimr. Supt. s The {brooch Branch ad .en'u Inuiwte w ill meet at d.“ J. . liu all. But. I “not. on Jul. huh. W lube“ an; raga-natal to Chou-k3- io the morning. Ah Y‘tbm. “in in " “thH- 'tt '..yl i. Mt. 1016. tit. J It'll award the , Jul. u, 191.. w. J. “ITCU ili a. nuuur ',TYenr, M an w. The Dalton and South G ”Act-cation: “in In)“ tl “and amber M, ' ' :1' IL. L lmwury Mt, In. 2". 2. m... “(but you and: to In: In: coll equipped drag - Hon. Prom, Ir, lieo. W In R 'tisrios,, I bevy. I “an...” tYrenr, M an 1 Crow work a. u,- Pe'ar they [Mirage m Wink. The W. with to mun you n I planar. to wait on tl mu. toltm here. We at children The Lvties' Aid Hm iety of M'mnn t'hllh‘h .H -t.lected Tue-day fur the running you “my have ucoompli-lud nun . 'd? III} Imam) ol the mu day awning In! whom tbot, . Helium...“ (Imago! I eoedt'tioo ounce Ill Jul . the out freezing. haw In ordr. Wed-luau ttre to when: were: glue M tee Arm-panned with a biting Qua driving moat an It It b not ulwaya woven“ to can. to the Drug Sn 1“! and lune poo. hesitate about lendm: (In '. l Mn Ticket Agency 1Rt'ttVfdedt,,ea an an riovett Hyman”: Mt "unwed desist" '" e eotoNimoeto to the ,9 In: Mann oi ll... [ ”w ramps. " you make th any. your doctor will mic long. Maybe it at Mill. but my never can tell till Sou We confess to a liki plum. "vnlinttt trem. 'knit nut held to I Hui M, but employ the won - our present purpost ‘ Ar thought turns at m of Dean Swift, w Elihu the noondny men Jam! 'em in Perhi, if y: (div. yuur d mic song. of dumb never can tel Pa.es. If th, require a dur wine be sum: like fo 2114/ Mo Chitdrot to have wriner halt the dimes “My if you t CI . cumin after ii,?, “I in town, he -lne trades in the oAettt A We. raglan: 1aadirm, cider, wntom Pomrn, "Mia‘s, ice sausage, He survived, 'on' do lanr drum... _larrouesd to ration. Thi; ' Mimi“!!! "es. If th, toy; do undo. the" the du d'of Ptovid k fut “In 1mm Toy" me especially n u. but not than: tttod, for instance. I Whit“ W“ at T Faun” Proper l‘l-IIESTING TA Ll A NT ACMtFA. F, FACT AND we incr ‘rovidenu' "he to no.1 The Onion: 1 'i, Geo, W“. " :becy, "in p nu Ind tt p n J. Fons, B4 prim-p. Em; “Villa lime keep out am if Permimihl nu. I.- A 'lil nut-all In 'mr m1 him 't In" lmh Sons 'er? If tttt 1 th in ad GI

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