West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Jan 1916, p. 1

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a9 'th it sttg1ici, " JR My 'Fr,., gm played. . _ also shown r5 jnum to do the quilt. Vimtora and neighbors no cordially Invited. " y-u don’t Wish to quilt, bring your knitting. f Dummy: CUBLEB. -A recent copy d o the Mlnnnapoliq Joarmy has a his. , of curling in tttat State from the ' ofJ. A. Hunter. now one of the Ci _ g curlers ot the west. A splen- _ _ ;m§ shows an “and" with four rt: played. The old Durham boy iboohown an natunl as life and is a“, skip as he stands intensely a”. logo apart. broom in front and hand out-notched and saying " lay it We " or tome our" curler's lingo. Drunk! (can! ling Store ' T. R. 1w. M'mcy Send 'on here without a tear 300. ge. fusraorg, dupt. Beer True. The Dunc“: Branch od the Wu. men‘. [asthma wilt meet at the home od In J. M, Shark. the. Line, Ber tirtch, on Jan, mall. Wednesdav' Malabar. are requested to beat In Shotk’. in tho morning. After . short basin... meaning the hull". wall " Yttea “if! led i"" I ttvo differ; “News at Edt, p m a 8 p m an J,, " 1018. Mr. J. Fo tr, Bramptt will award the priznn. ntriu ck Jan. ll, 1910. W. J. RITCHIE, J. E. GIBSON, Cm. work ia, uying little and in: they purpose to continue Mood nut. The ottieer. elect Hon. Pram. MN. Geo. Wilson l P If. R McParluw ' Beer, Min Mal a “mum :TEPAS Mia W. Park It b ttot alwaye convenient no cone to the Drug Store genteel! and some people Mute about sending their children. hm Reno-her we keep every- thing that you expect to and inn well equipped drug store. ords. m wishto ”are you it in . plants to wait on the um. talks here. We take special pain: to urn them quickly and no to it that “sync in: what's wanted. Ligand 'em in - An "tteretstiobtette, from Dr. I Walk. "lathe to the British rel from Serbia to thuonika 'urired Into for publication and will apg [on week Btaak a dt lam-'3 Drug re lam-Pair of w ite faced\nrli Stun. about Dee lat "V" marked, right hip. Suitable re rd for inf: nation that will lead to th . recovery Jan. my. Lot Mt, Con I, livan \ Dornoch, O. fe like to Wail '. Mo CAM/ran ~â€"-â€" v- .uvulrvulr. 0C" "H" the Mud-n pulpit. Sunday Bev. Mr. Whloy conducting "min:- in a- Theo in an place. Born "tr next Thursday, The turionc lwinduorm of - Ion", ADM“! to h “he! on the behool. when " too! vu- blown otf. II". In. (in-mm " mal- VOL. xxxrx, N0. -ii to” to continue tho the 0mm. elect are I a. Geo. Wilson t Pros.. a or all kinds at ai, 'iiiai6ihl?:l'li'i'. Mom of Wednes. rod to have most, I. when some of the ', Min Man-gar. 9! .Cedarviite, oc- British tell-on. n om Ur. Uni] ptriu clone marked or; for in for. recovery. ', BLAcx "peter Polar- 'rling curred. If any are detected please notify no. Tao msny still are in ar. ran. To than we urge “nation at one. to their label. Attain we "plain that the - Wer the month He not the date od the month. bank: you. Ittae'Dee.6" than. "ttist Our nailing sheet is corrected to date this week, Among hundreds of clause. at this sen-on of the yen it in pouiblo some omluion may have oc- Me was buried on Monday in Zion cemetery. Relatives fronndintunce were Mr Jar. Bum. Mr B, Wilson and wife. [known the latter a niece. Deceaud was born in Ireland, but in only youth came with his pnrenu'to Amaranth township and moved to the Staten in the 60's " last century. About 12 years ago he came luck to Cloud: and has since made hil home muons his kindred. Death came someth suddenly to the uboye gentleman on Saturday, ti" h January, at the. home of his nephew, Mrgas. Bantu. Glenelg, with whom he had been Itaying. He had been com- plaining for a week or two, but only on Thursday took to his bed and dio-d as above. He was in bis 7am yen and unmuried. He mu 3 son ot the lute James Batten, well-known in: a ten.» and thus a cousin of Mr Th m, _ Bank, and ot Mrs Limin of town. One brother Wm. in Ohio and a sister Jennie. Mrs -----, San Franmsco. survive him. A brother Richard died in Glenelg about 5 year. nun. . Deceased has been for many years a teacher and as such was most suc- cessful. Wlnl'llng many enconiums from Inspectors. trustees and parents, and receiving a salary much abovn tho average. She was the youngest daughter of the family and the first break in the group of ten children, whose sunning members sincerely mourn separation from their sister Selina. The brothers are John o. Sound. Wm. in Allenford, Daniel in Holstein. Frank at Grand View. Man., James, Toronto. Thos. in L0: - don. Sisters my Mrs Lesate. Gay] '.t and Mrs Chan. and Mr. Wm. Ram. ( In. Bountiful ttoral osrrinm/irJi, the family and friends lay on the cus- km. A about service here also by Rev. B. Smith and interment took place beside her mother and father, who died in 1911 and 1913 respectively. The pail ueurers were her brothers William, James. Thomas. Chas. and Wm. Bam. age. rtrothers-m-hsw, and Peter Ram, age, nephew. _ _ The remains were brought to Roi. stein by eeeruntt train. and reposed for A night at the home of her brother Mr Daniel Coleridge. A brief eervice here on Wednesday at10 B. m. by Rev. Mr 1bbott preceded the removal of the mind to Dream" cemetery: The whet was takeh into the church and He remains viewed by a number of old friends of deceased and her familv. Mrs Legato went down " once and wore with her until death relieved the vigil sally on Tuesday. 1th incl. Her sister Mrs Wm. Rnuage and brothers Dan and William also visited her in her last illness. I Miss S. A. CULERIDGI ’ it is our painful duty thil week to announce the death of the above lady. other an illness ofabout six weeks, the trouble being in the heart with other complications. About the middle of November last she had to give .ip teaching and shortly after went to Grace Hospital. Toronto. where im. provement followed, but not for long. On and January a relapse took place. her sister. Mrs C. Rimege and ago. She Was a devoted member oi' the Anglican communion and inter. ment will take place on Fliday at2 p. m. to English Uhulch cemetery. use "no continuously on the ole: I ho-eutead on 2nd Uou., Glenelg. ( The children of this union Int-e Robert. who died ii years Nto, Mar. Ann. Daniel, the well-known Treasur- " of Glam-lg. Eliza Ellen and Sarah Jane who died in 1877. Deceased baa been about tive years ttedtant, but in ttood health though in her 100th year. being tenderly caged for by her daugh- Iera. The iuuuedint e cause of death was a cold contracted about a wee1 In 183! deco-led came with her per- enu to Tecumseh Tp.. Simone 00.. and was married in 1847 to tlamuet Edge. who predeceased her ly 27 you". For seven year» they liyed a." Milburn'. corner. and sinoe then she has lived continuously on the ole homestead on 2nd Con., Glenehr. I. the hr gone you-- of 1816. an the son. of June. " Balthdrum, Co. Wick- low, Ireland. Elizabeth Ellison Iv horn, when you: we" unmet to up» the century. She died on Wednesday, 12111 Jan., 1910. tiow is your Label ? Almost a Centenarian Romm- BANKS Mus Saw“. loan. Obituary. 'grWiitt','ff?t he iitititttitt", The REVIEW to New Subscribers 76 At present we are “min-30mg the wet care and are gnduuly bung flooded out. Another' foot and our present dog-om- mil be and» tho not". It mood tsll In; night and in still running. Batman hero ma the bout iiete in g cm." river. which bu overflowed in hunks uni in nu thin; tit numb“. Our trettte u u- Your letter come to-night with Rey’e end mother‘e along with it. 1 am tether interested in the coke which you any is on the wey. Percale from home ere elweye valuable eeeete and ere certainly epprecieted. Life in the front line ie not of the most plenum chemter Just " pree- ent. We have bed elmoet continuous rein and the trenches ere like cenele. Quite e number of eeeee e! trench feet hove been reported. Trench teat ere ceased by etendin. in weter for Hang time. The foot well. become diecol- cred end ere ex'remely painful. High rubber boots ere eupplied. but even with then feet een’t be kept ebeoletely dry, Fortnnetely I em not in the front line " preeent.loheve e " more oomforte then the lellowe up there. We were flooded out of our heppy home thie morning end had to make e hurried get ewe: to our new heedqnertere which. ea luck would hare it. were just completed. By the way. McCartney is in Tor.. onto an 15 Emmonon Avenue. Ho was 3 Lance Corporal when he come out with us and no one of the decont- eat. chaps 1 ever met. At Ypru he lost his am: so was no: homo to Canada. He haila from Bttotlattd, although I am not Into from what part. Mac is a good old Mtottt and made some good pm for no in our first mass in Franco. You can tell him that the old lellowl of the notion ( one still alive and kicking. m doubt- less known that Bobbi. Trow got a bullet through the neck, but in [stung along splendidly, . By Lance Corporal J. M. rarqnhmon No. 24793 Signal Section, 18th Ball-lion. 8rd Brigade, Canadian Contingent VII London. Eng. Duo. 10th, 1915 A very merry Christan“ to you all. I am afraid this letter will acutely reach you by Christmas. but if it gets right away. it may be in time yet. I certainly manage to hove I good time here. The work is congenial nnd iiiirih,, lots of room for improvement. in my knowledge of mono. l The report of Dr. Hutton'l on the town's health was presented. And in gonernl was favorable. Btramirution in company with the provincul omen- reveuied that conditions round the Furniture factory wore all right, some improvement needed on the daughter hoare and cons pools must give way to "mic unis. thumderit-G'mnt-rtt" Dr. Hut- ton'a report. be meivod and he he l paid half year’s salary, $37.50.-Csr. _ The Treason er'a report was rad. and it in enough to “y'jult now thaw 'PP, not 3 may one. _ ' Mayan. Row: Ind Simmer- were appointed a. committee to take charge of the Hydro. I To the industrial com. the Mnyor signed a proposition for a new ind try to employ 50 hands. Reported that 3645 had been realized from sale of copper wire, The council. " ton-mar councilgluvo done, made an attach on the hot of tax arrears, and judging by the man- ner of attack and the Iceve'a deter. mination. a big manure of success may be looked for. A cheek for $8.35 was received from the Cockshutt Co., back Maine“ In on that agency here when in charge of N. Walpole. A request. for uni-l grant of $h5to Poultry Association met With regret- ful opposition. Reeve Oman aid the tittanciat condition of the town cuils for tttutr) and other. took the “In! view and the grant was not sing. On motion of thrattt--huua, no wu voted to Sick Uhildren'n 80-pin]. Also the delayed - of 8225 for Int halt ot1915 was panned. on Dr. Groves. of 8100 tor opention on Mrs B star. The chart. sud whole proceeding was ext-panting. but the conncil felt that it had gone too far to remedy now and ”nod the Account. $129.00 In all, po on motion of Snunders --Urant the report. ot Finance com. was adopted. Aeeta totnllmg 830986 were pasted. some discussion Ming place over can To the right of the Mayor lit Goun- cillou Saunden, Uochnne ind KM. to tue left Councillor: Want, MturEar and Lloyd, Reeve canons: out! he- " the Mlyor. year made. The inaugural meeting of the town council took plus Monday night. The "Inning in took plncc at I p. m. and g draft of the commune for the Economy the Watchword ot MG Town Could! Wha Tho les Uwercomes 1 oltn DUBH"" 'rGUe Dec. 11. 7:“? 'hrmumar, *ENUARY M, 1916 indus- _ A plentiful lunch WI! then and. after which was "my the National Anthem. Matty then returned to thclr homes. while may others ro- mslmd . coup!» of hours louger. sin- III ”In” - all My. 1 Wm. Cook Baum-Id McDonald J-ee Walker John Sheurmun Thomas Flannigsn I Anumber of patriotic and (ample- meutuy speeches mm- then given-- one from Corporal Alex Stewart. tell. lug us We were were to bid the boys good-bye. hut he was there to welcome them, something tte would gladly do. A non surplus was still left which Wu handed over to Mrs Bailey. up ing it was she who would min In: hon most when they were (one. with which is incorporated the [outcl- Lulu Learning with s'ncere regret of your intended removal from our midst, We, your friends. have taken this liberty of stumbling here to spend an even- ing with you and by our presence manifest our good wtll toward you. We have All felt the deepest admira- tion for you In your manly and noble sacrilco tor your country. You are giving up voluntary the comforts and I pleasure. of this country, to take up Out. the discomfort: and trials of mil. [ itary camp life and then the risk and heard of the trattletield. We hope that wherever you no and at all times you will bear in mind that we are with you in lympathy and lore and that after those arduous duties are com- pleted, you will return to as safe and well-ad happy. We now ask yonto mept these small tokens iu remem- brnce of your past friendships with us. Learning that two mus of Mr and I Mrs Thomas Bailey of the 12h can" Bentinck, had enliated. their many lfrlends arrsemlrlcd at their home on [needgy evening of but weuk, when they presented them with two hand some gold wrist watches, Another young man, who has lived in this neighborhood for a couple to! years. Hour] Cross by name, was also taken into consideration. having no home of bll owu. and was presented at the “In. time mth {handsome watch also. The following Address was read: _ Signed on beha.T of the Presentation to James and Thomas Bailey Neither of the parcels have yet come, but I 'apeot them when we go out, as no parcels are gent to the trenches now. There are so msny that it would be impeaeible especially Mound Christmas lime. It is just three years since I left Durham, so this will be my third Christmas away from home. There have certainly been some radical changes since then. but Idon't thmk they have hurt me seriously. In the dry time we are nearly rush. ad otf our fest with work. Today we took and sent a total c1125 messages on the key. Then about one quarter of the time the line is taken up by ot. futsrtr talking to each other. Having the speaking apparatus attached to the inettument is a convenience to eho oifiiterrtr, but it is a cause of much cutting from the igh rs, as in the union pan of tltitktt': tine is helix - 7". V fy -, up for oonvoreatxona! we”: ' This is certainly a greet job for emokrug. especially from midnight till morning when everyone else is asleep. Sometimes we have a little music to cheer as up in the small hours. bat, unuelly the only sound on the wires us some in 0 K'mg stamens. The music comes from brigade headquarters where they lure n grumaplene which they play into the telephone, _ The water has gone down caneider~ webly, so that album)? the trenches are gttll muddy, they ’re much more comfort-bio than last week. We are in no Immediate (linger of being aotriied out as we were last week end 1 think we aha" always baa-shove high want level. eel think We broke the record in rainfall just‘ before I wrote my lest. letter. it wouldn't be a bad mu- it it were not for the winter, rein end cold. ”UV! null-l I hove neglected to haul the letters, no 1 ouppou you will be worrying. Over here we know what is happening and noturelly only' worry in a few oritiool moments. s, a rule the thought of danger doesn't enter your heed. With you. who imogme we ere up against it every minute, 1 pre- i some worry is part of the regullr dolly routine. However I am {only onpoble of looking after myself and certainly .don't take any unnecessary I or foolilh risks. When a. chap first comes out he is apt to be bit, as u re- sult of his own curiosity. but after he gets on to the game, he doesu't er. pose himself when he cau‘uvoid it. He has too much respect for (3911mm ampere. - - -_-v - -. VIII of m mm. He he dummed up the aha-Inca to the dug-out or he would be ton“, under water. Hor the follows [in in inter over their hum is I puzlle, burthe majority of them "tun to stick it out pretty well. They ought to postpone the war till decent weather sets in again. ly 3.131995!" ue ta.bla t? hep oat ------ qi----- ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO lst January I917 tor" only neighbor. an ttto'; Dec. 18th Wt 53¢." blor. 91:03.1 8: 1915 Cr. July I Cut: In Bank...... ... Wi,' 23 Rea-ind from Madge H I " Bt Panic, Enremont... ... " 00 It. Buzha' locturo... .. 7 25 Lawn ten it Kalli-1.... 106 16 Sale of griddle cake! ... ll 40 Silootlcecrocm ........ " 18 Luna nodal a Iorloek’a " on ' ly..-.,.,..,..:-.-..'.-.".. " Aug. Emma-hating .....q tit a J,t,1'tte& 're'iiitci'l,'i) a??? agar: may: Lt?! The Society has a ipped to Red Crone headquarters, Toro 0 l 175 Ihiru, 170 sheets, 50 pillows, 1 put: loch. 1167 bandages. 220 thum nulls. 974 face cloths, 725 pillow all.» MO touch. 112 mil bandages. 19 h dketrehieN, l4 slings. 402 wipes, 20 arty In... 2 pr wrlstietr, “my: and boorbent cot- ton, in all 4961 articles. The Durha Bunch of the Red Crou Society just cloned a Terr succeuful six ntha' work And wish to thank thou ietiel who no gener- ously helped the and every person who "did their bit. to help swell the unduly. After eongtatuutiomr, the guest!- re- paired to the dining room, where a sumptuous dinner awaited them ', " ter which the evening was spent in music and germ-I. On the ensuing morning the happy newly wed. left on the O 45 train amid shower- of rice end hosts of good with" for Toronto. The bride trevelled in a. tailored cult; of navy blue urge end large but of block velvet. On their return they will re. 1 side on the groom’s term north of J Swinton Perk. A pretty wedding wu solemniud on Wedneadar, January I at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Martin, Hanover. when their only daughter, Ethel Maud, became the bride of Mr. I, Porter. Promptly at 4 o'clock to the strain- of Lohengrin'o wedding march, played by Miss Filth Porter, the groom‘s liner. the bride entered the parlor on the arm of her (other. ‘She looked charming in n gown of embroidered ninon our white utin end Perri trimming" and carried“ shower boquet of white rose. end moi- den heir fern and wore the groom's gift, an amethyst necklnce. The bride was attended by little Mics Mildred Porter as fiower girl, who Itef sweet in her gown of silk nnd carried a dainty hash-st of I‘OIOI and lily of the valley. The ceremony we: performed by the bride's pastor.) Rev. Juo. W. Cooler, under an Arch of evergreen- profusely trimmed. During the sign- ing of the register, Miss Porter nag very beautifully "The Perfect Dar." Mr. Dan. McDougelM Win-med. Alta., came east Int week end 'its I sue-t of meny friende. Bentinck and the eeet he: meny attractions for the veteran, though the We» bu rec- ognized his merits extensively to he holde various government Inspector. lhipa and has fitted in to the Icheme of thinge political to I. large degree. each as being Preeidsnt of the Liberal Association in hie district. Planned to have tum call again. Miss Winnie Binnie. of Buncsun. who bu been “timely ill fur . month past with pneumom: and ploutisy in tapped last week end and is now hap- pily somewhlt better. Miss McKenzie of Camilla in visiting her sister. Mu. E. A. Goodwin. Miss Mabel Burnett, Prieevitie, was the Meet of Miss Jean McGowan A few any. recently. Mrs I M. Bun-gen attended the fun- end of the late line tr. Coleridge In Holstein, Wednesday. They were friende of long etanding. . Mrs. Thou Hattie And daughter Mile Margaret left lest week to reeide for the water in Toronto. Hr. WI. Wotan of Detroit mind lost Fridsy on n couple week's visit to " PM“. Mr. and Mrs. Ins. Wu. sou. Normonby. ' Kiss In Iceman leaves on Thun- dny to hike chug. of tho junior room of the school at White River in New Ontario. White River is n illusion-l point on the U. P. R. Inninllne nod is l famed for being the coldest spot in Canada. bliss Mu will be molly inur- ed to withstood the rigoun of nay winter on her return. Mia: Grace Petty left loot week for Cree-more. Simone Go. when sh. hos been amused u teacher. Mrs. Wm, Johnston hiss been quite ill the last three weeks nod her health as yet is but slightly improved. Nurse McDonald ot Pricevillo is in attend. attce. Red cltss Society Report M, (300 IN,Secy musuunn's a at Portaam- Man-m Hymnal Cheque: initiator good! "tit I Jani 8.1mm in hmk........ as! U .1232 " Thrush the grated danger from this disease is Fretr'r'wyfu I have never known a single ace of IMuettza to result m h ' .,s" Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was freely given. The perci, '2; . cough that frequently follow. huh- an be relieved I: _ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. and altmald not be allowed tr, run on until it becomes troubleoomef,‘ ' . ", No one who has not had Irtf1-tm an mlize the mm, .L T , it causes or how it defies. treatment. I know of nothing ts.., V. I . give such prompt relief a Chamberlain's Cough Rem. ." i . when it it taken the pain in the chest disappears. the [cam suis- t sides and the whole body becomes more comfortable, . C' Th2; 5.83.3, the after effeets of htflue.za are oftrn even r" _ J distressing than the discus itself. but than be avg; I .'r I you use V l f q , _ - L, e Chamberlain s Cough Remeey . w LAURA G. McKBNZIE. Tron. Cz-f""'"'""."...'....-... if") Buptiat Sanity School. .. no IO .?frs,heoiut'. Leann...” 48a iiii/. 1Tirauaasi 1.x: portyion,............ 'tttth Advertising Does not Make sit so Advertising does not make clothing any better, but "Progress" brand clothing makes advertising a progressive propo- sition. Progress Brand Clothing is ad- .vertised because it is worthy of being known. Why not give us a trial before buying your spring suit or overcoat else- where, full line of worsteds, serges and tweeds to choose from. Fit and quality guaranteed. Buying largely and buying early has enabled us to offer our custo- mers exceptional values this season. The dial of your watch marks the time but the truthfulness of the time depends upon the works inside. Unless the works are properly adjusted, the dial it- self is of no use. . F. MORLOCK linflluenaa The Store of Honest Value Dr. A Gem-I Ila-kin Mo... Conducts m" of Fur-m. Mcnhnt- ind Mum _ "mr MD: M to huh-u- - uvmm EyW' "but can: lunch-mute STAIN!” BANE TignANc Bi, tg": stone cabling under. u " and (In: hone. on Propc " good wells. Convenient to Sc- nnd church. Two miles from I noel: P. o. Term remnable. ply on the premium or by letter. ROBT. HAY, Pmpr Et*31ahrRbehtr “Hutu“. G. m. l male-ulna THE 'i/tiii'? ii 'u' i; .) g if, f l l '/, ‘ -; iii 'tJ.' In“! 1 'ftej"fl. 152’WELI ', . , 'f,","', . Ir'd . .. . Ri) N' P Cr bet. ‘1 trih, " 501 x. "

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