West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Jan 1916, p. 4

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W ll 2.n John McGowan- All kinds of grain bought at market price. Spechl Reduction on Flour and Peed in tonlota. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Large Quantity of No. I Feeding 'llay Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop was” AND mam Tailor and Haberdasher will quote just a few. See iheiiiihriiiiilsi. " It. i?.50 and 15.00 Raincoats clearing out at....,.... fag. 10.00, 10.50 and 11.04) Raincoats clearing at...... I'cir 5.00, 5.50 andii.00 " ...... Item 50e Braeors going at......,......-.................. Huh. 33c and We Braces going at.,...........,........... Also Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Underwear and other articles too numerous to mention all going the same saerifieing way. Come early and get the best. 0 C if . . Ri e Dav than; here. Wa MW: a Frau 1 m1 vmried stock ot the chdcaec’hwcariai Oranges Unuotto Pacts Dues. Nuts, "undies ul tll In tds and 'atrnrwthint rquired tor the H “day festivities. Oar [3’1ch will suit mar parse. Gm as a can. Highest prices for Butter and 83p. Great Clearing Sale Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods 0on Town Shoe Store Also have stocked a line of Children's School Cm: which retail at 60c. Our Shoes embrace all the good leathers, made in patent, gun metal and Dongola, on the latest model lasts. They are stylish, durable and handsome Shoes. No better footwear is manuhctur- ed. and they are priced according to quality. Come in and inspect our new Military last in Men'a Working Shoes. Best on the market. We have just received a shipment of Sait-caaes and Clubbegs, prices ranging from $1.40 to 5 50. T "Did you know that they can make Shoes oat of all kinds of 31km: ?" "How abgut banana skins ?" "They make slippers out o them." CR'KPED OATS tor Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . .. very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE'S MILLS If you have any to sell, bring it to us and we will pay highest prices for it. We have a large stock of HEAVY MIXED FRED on hand. If you need feed, get our prices. We are Grain Wanted THE Every big guaranteed. If not satisfwtorv bring It back and get your money. Fresh and Clean, the very best. See this hay 1tetoreFrcirasistg elsewhere. It will pay you. regardless of price. As space will not permit us to mention aJlAtho extraordinary values we High-grade Men's Furnishings l have decided to clear out my entire stock of Milling Oats Feed Oats Mixed Grain Peed Barley PHONES: Day if, Night §26 Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Guinea! Mills, Durham in the market for my quantity of REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. f E?'. A. ROWE Use for All l J. S. McILRAITH Durham. Ont. $9.99 2.99 39e 19e |n.u.MiL-uaa, my... You bonnot. "ord to BUY or SELL .00 _BORROW or LEND without ttmt deh'. tsaiLiaGrrrG eGii, iee m. . 100 not: con 18. Pit/lr": weal pars” - o. w t not " nun. stiff.'" 100 acm Remnant. near Mt. Fan-m, Bood tum. worth not. but ottereu won or trtt% node: for quirk Isle. 11) acre. Iguana. near Hal-tom. m ot ,','?qg?t,t,t, tum. In the _ noisy. loop popicked up it "7'15. paihikiAi.' - ‘r 100 can Bmttieteb.-the John Clark w. gong _W_G B Chap“ than no farmer Hun today wilt ever 55min see cheap 15.1. This certainty man. In our” lacuna In the selling price of farm lunch. t In" for «no , loo acres nul- Bro-on. connnionz to 1ttey., Splelnqmly “spread. only Mn is boundi :3 it,"ttr, in “11:19. anion post. a to itt go uyt " no _farmer_ "my guilt will "gr what Vino] bu dons Bi 'iafc. In. has H. EDDY. Vino] is n delicious cod liver and iron tonic which emu. I healthy am“, ddl dilution and m pun ti Buy Farm Fair Keven, vt.-"t we- no nervoue 'ndrunt.1oyittutVrulotoGiiiitrr" housework for my little family of three. I had doetored for nearly two with- out help. One day I rend “Vlad, end thank- to l, my health he been re. etored so I my WK!" my housework lode Strong By the Vino! Fsyettovillo, N. G--l'IMr little dual» ter wss in poor health, detieau ind so weak it mule us w, uneasy. I heard shout Vinol md d dad to ch it and tt J,t',t,tu'yg', 'tf,gflftt,. ll' op improv ogsin in wet angels now one of the healthiest JG'S2 in town. Mothers of donate children should stTVirt.ol.."rMm. GORDON JESSL'P. Vinol ll s delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, s constitutions] rem- edy which crests. on spgetite, sids di- rtion sud msku pure outlay blood. ll children love to take it. Mucfarlane & 00.. Dragging. Durham. Ont , Durham Markets. l The weather " ennucenblu fro, rain one day to below zen; the me: Gil' many over) one has a cold M - {Edge and MIG Jas. Edge bum lure, I Ineav» colds. Barler,.............. 50m 50 Buckwheat.......... 65 to " Potatoes per bag. .... l 25 to 1 80 Hides _............ 140t, Beet,dreamsd........ l200to 1300 was. live.fob..... 9 00 Hay, parcel”... .... 1200tou00 Lin hott been carnfullv rewind. . Oats. milling. Fall Wheat. .. Spring Wueal. Butter ...rt .eitpo'_ . Per. .. ie'tour per cwt .. Lhtwenl par sack Chop per (mm. . Una. feed. ... .. Until. "l0'""6.p....... tatlWhent... ...... Spring Woes" ......, Petra......... ......_ Barler,.............. Bnekwtieat_......... Potatoes per bag. .... Rider..:....."..... Beef.dreued........ Mr T. Jarvis, utTn-rumo, arrived Suvnrdav " Mr Will Firth's t ' spell the summer months In farm no k,'_' Mr Edgar Ritchie of Elbow, Sank, visited his brother, W J., last Week and old mend. in this district. Miss Myrtle "lkingharn, ot Or- chard, wua visiting last week With her friend, Miss Kane McNally. Mr Will Cameron of Westhope. North Dakota, is the guest ot his Greenwood cumin: in this dintriot. Mr Arch Eaton ot Eibm, Salim, is visiting with " mother, him R. Eclor. at present. The nuke of the mobilized soldiers of more! reform on growmg stronger every day; and the bugle cell of the convention shortly to be held will no doubt ring out the command for which the people have waited so long ; " Let the whole line advance I tr thttgtmtgthetrDismrWort Orgunizau'ons of :11 kinds, old and new. no lining up for In advance. In the mole of the new temper-nee soldiery than " no idea of Mention of any more postponing “was, Gov- ammenta and Psrlnmentuy bodies must (no the music and hoe it now, be meted with contempt orinddtet.. once when they demand legleleuon embedyxng the public Ienlimem spin“ the drink curse The any: of compromise, "llianee, trimming, Are gone by. The people are in ”flush They mu _ lyypr The outcome is another evidence of a. you “womb of the temporal-e monument of Ontario, which in tseeth to wipe the whole drink buaineu out of existence before very long. Everything taken into consider.- tion, the menu In remnrhhle. It must bo remembered that we liquu puny did Ill been. bad no liberally uupported by the tt trade " in osber {ll-£00. (From the Pioneer) it was n grunt tight. Wich usur- nuoe and energy w. sempennu tom. “sucked 3 number of what were con- sldoud strongholds of the liquor Inf. fu. . irte Early»: Sarina Magtfarinate a Co., Druggiota. Durham, Ont. IMI! THIS MOTHER l'unaAu. Jan 12. 1916 t IliitlWli BHILD Property Now 81.50 per your. 81 no if paid in advance. JAN UARY 18. WIS EDGE HILL The Struggle luton I, B. a. 105 ml!) 10550105 170 to1T 3(1) 3 I 86 26 to '6 32 an 33 trr l tt to THE DURHAM REVIEW 3.4 o Chomp list of vnrlaties for Spring Planting. LthiareUWrmt,. Hand-inn. free 0mm Exam-live lorritm, Write now for Mounts. Farmers I Why rennin idle all V 1 tor when you can take up 3 ply " att.tper? _A _ _ A 7 at once for DURHAM and District f .59 Old Ranch]. F's-"thin Nuvspriu. "They are bcsmmu to be tortured by hunger, and the shortage of food nukes them console of anything. The other morning I our 5 cyclist whose um had been halt devoured by a platoon of gata. “Woe to the nun who Beta to sloop with a mom] or chocoloto in 111: trousers! He will "to up to m Maul: without " cocoon“ ad al.. nost without NI tron-on." "Trenches, communications, tuldg woods. houses. callus, tad bum m choked with them. We have that holding congresses at night in the ballast roads 1nd giving concert. by dar in the most crowded “lines. We literally march on top at them. mo in French Trenches. There la a plague ot mu along the British and French lines in Flanders and France. A soldier describes the Illusion u "worse than the Ger- man" in: letter, which was: - 28. 19. 14. A Representative Wanna 31. M. 21. 26. It, 10. 14. 13. 22. M. M. 20. 17. M, 17. 24. M. 20. 12. 81038 t UTSIDE of war cuunltlee the obituery list ot notable men during 1915 is not n im.. pala: one. Cnnude'l treet- eet lot: has been the death of Mr Charm, Tapper, Bart., the lest mrnaining tether of Confederation. Another important man who disap- Peare from Canadian affairs was Sir Sendtord Fleming. Jenna-y. 9. Hon. Geo. A. Clare, MP. for B. Waterloo, died at Preston, Ont., used 61. 10. Mmhall P. Wilder. humorllt and Author, at St. Paul. Minn.; aged 55. 12. W. B. Rowley, ex-Preeldent of the C. M. A., died euddenly in ‘_ Toronto, aged 64. IT. December. Stephen Phillips. noted Englitsts poet and dramatist, in London, aged 48. Mr A, W. Rucker, British scientist in London, aged 67. Mrs. Lillian Massey Treble. To. ronto, philanthropist, died in California. Booker T. Waahingtott, metro leader and educator. " Tuckee- gee, Ala.; aged 57. . B. R. Henson, pioneer and former Mayor of Stratford, aged 86. Alexander Laird, former General Manner of the Bank ot Com- merce, died in Toronto, aged 62 November. Herman Ridder, Crerrntut-Ameri. 'it' editor, in New York; aged 4. Lewis Waller. noted English actgr, aged 55. Donald Guthrie. ex-M.P,, died in Guelph, aged 74 years. Blnncho Walsh, actress, in Cleve- land, 0.; aged 42. October. Sir Charles Tupper, former Prime Minister of Canada, died In his home at Bexley Heath, Eng., aged 94. He was the last of the Fathers ot Confederation. September. Albert tr, Spaldlng, baseball vet- eran and sporting goods manu- taeturer, at Point Loma, Cal.: used 65, Sir Charles Boucher de Douche!- ville, ex-Premier of Quebec, died at Montreal, aged 93. Slr William Van Horne, former President of the C. P. It,, died in Montreal, aged 72. Anthony Cotnatoetr, New York's moral censor. at Summit. N. J.: used 71. James Keir Hardie, British Io- clallst leader, lied in Glasgow. John W. Harper, noted publish- er, in New York; aged 84. Paul Armstrong, Playwright, in New York,' and 46. August. Maarten Maartens, Dutch novel- ist, in Zoist, Holland; aged 57. Monsignor Joseph J. McCann, Vicar-General of Toronto Roman Catholic archdiocese, died in To- ronto, aged 71. John W. Harper, noted publish- er, in New York; aged 84. July General Porfirio Din, former President ot Mexico, after sev- eral terms and deposed by Ma- dero, in Paris; aged 85. Sir Sandrord Fleming, railway pioneer engineer, scientist, died at Halifax. aged 88. Lieut.-Col. Campbell Becker. of London, Ont., killed in action, aged 42. A. R. Clarke, Toronto manure turer. died in London " a. result of injuries in the Lusitenia dis- aster, aged 56. Rafael Joseay. celebrated piatw ist, in New York city; aged 63. O'Donovan Rossa (Jeremiah O'Donovan), Irish patriot leader, in New York city; aged 84. Mar. James Stewart Tupper, eldest son of Sir Charles Tapper, at Ox~ ford, Eng., aged 63. Miss Alice Fitzgibbon, Cantdian literary and social worker in To- ronto. John W. Alexander, portreit art- ist, former president ot the Na.. tional Academy of Design, in New York city; aged " June. Lieut. R. A. Warneford. killed at Bae, France, by fall in aeroplane. F. Hopkinson' Smith, author and run. in New York city; aged 6. Liet1t.-Col. Hart MeHatg killed in action at Sthulien, aged 46. February. Lleut. Wm. Sharpe, of Ottawa, killed while tiring " Bhoreham, Eng. Fanny Crosby, bllnd hymn writ- er, in Bridgeport, Conn. Much. Charles Francis Adams. hiltorlun and publicist, in Wuhlngton: used 80. Colonel P. D. Farquhar killed in action while leading Princess Pats at St. Elol. Gen. A. Ar.-stoetsse1, noted in the defense ot Port Arthur in 1904. 6, at Petrggrnd; aged 67. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ttt'T , 'd p l Mn Schumann and family con. template moving to New Ontario ‘soon. We believe our friend " Jon eph " of the truvelhnx more but rent- ed her tum. ' Mr Andrew m y is home from the I Wert. . DORNOCH SEPARATE SCHOOL I November and Deermher ( Remark-tts) uhernnumo denotes ;Lbdencr. Number given in sun“ per cent, on much subjnct. Jr It' -Rmiu Park" 82 per cunt. Hugh V r\ 73, Jun Hi (TOR?) TI Jr 8rs... K "le." Hnll-vnn 87 alum-nu V so, Tr. M y tte Sullivan 72. but-t l' #ul- 11.. n82.Jon1 M the» c, ( ) nt-.. 't'.iri m Poa. ir. N ha mutlr., ' ttll, 'lll‘glN-i Vary 79 he, “wklner "7 ( ). Pri-x-tto,.. “auxvm ( ). w u, t 'Hw\\-( ) Mr Jan. J. Castle and family have vacated the historic building which was once Wolbeck post-omen and but Men In: their residence with Mr otttt It: Ierrie " Well Jimmie, are you going to school now ? " he and. " No.1‘m going home from them]. " .ispad the infant, " ha cuddled hope- fully In to mother and supp". One ntternoon ”canny I citizen of Ae burg met I may saunter carry- ine I little “tubal. Mica Lrhs McKnight spent 5 soup]. or days mth Mrs E. Leach. Mm by Duane! is upending I few days w th {Honda in Durham. Mr Ind Mrs Wesley Follm, “Owen Snuud sud Mr Ind Mn Colin McDon- od, of Bundezlaud. spent it few dun mm the hum”- brother, Mr Alex McIntosh, Maura Smith sud Milk, mmpm ied by their cousin. Min Ruby Smith, spun. Friday Ind: “and. II Durban. Miss Ivy Dug-we] eutaruinod A few friends on Thursday on. Mrs McLean is visning her push" for a few weeks, owing Lo dines. of 'ter mother, who has been a great sum-rot tcr the past six years Ind is vertioot the prawn: time. Mus. I'. Smith returned on Mood-y "ter spending her Xmas hollduye rub bee put-onto m " May's, "n yarn-ct cut.xrrh you should that its [ M enriching your blood with the .t in Scott's Emulsion which is a . ", x1 food and a building-tonic, tree _ my harmful drugs. Try it. Scott & Damn. Tomato, Ont. Mm Ruby Smith entertained s (a. " her mums on Tuesday vyenmg. Departmental Store, Bring your Produce _ r,' ‘m.~ . '. J; some toro.. . m;- l m "-'.rowntlstt nasaicatarrh :u ichnus a general weakness Le body: and local treatments in 11mm ct" muffs and v'arc"s do hale, WHAT QATARRH ti Large Sales oai. School Reports WELBECK McKechnie’s Weekly News 33:11 notice. Our Stock is large and full in all lines fitting lasts. Special kinds and Qualified . Specials in Rugs Nun-n :. A ' d; l McKECHNIE Fresh Groceries are uriving every few days Size 9 feet x 9 feet, worth ' 9.00 for. . . . 8 7.49 do 1000 for.... 8.39 do 11.50 for. . . . 8.45 do 12.00 for. . . . R.76 Size 9 feet x 12 feet, worth 16 00 for. . . . 10.98 do 14.00 for. . . . 10 98 Boots and Shoes a large and mu ttt all lines, mnde on e48, Special kinds and qualities got no two days g Carr's g. Cough Cure , 'â€" -'" __ = fit Igyggggggglglggegggggg5agrgMlitlgllillRlliN8gllltl Groceries For recent ooldn. 250 I bottle. Try For stubborn coughs Fully guaranteed. Mk a bonle. MacFARLANE tiy co. my Read"! MD T021] p, The Fara tior,;do,tut m 6480 I I'v- Coupe" i730 ; the Sedan $800; trr: Town (hr 3750. \ll anC1' are f. o. b. Ford. Ontario. All can c unoietcly cqnupmd includ- ing electric headlights Equipment doe, we! include speedometer. Can on sale at C Surf! O 50‘. Durham, Ont. Ford Touring Car Price $530 Balsam l, . t [ 12'" Ct nf-wt .% , m --espeei-. :', :" y L" cm '3 ml)“ it n .h profit. "Ita mm x1: mm. d Fwd tra, provided 'n'thfnleajovarrttt fo- hisuulf e family ud vqaippf‘d inane” with an N anomicd r. mm as well, We pay you Highest Price “MADE IN CANADA" REINANTS u HullPrbe. ' Th luk- non for new Omsk to arm Feb. Ut, In an clan-[u balance of loft', JANUARY tlt, 1916 Durham a". soc . lo. unu- - the doin kind - we 3 lb Old “chimed 'Frtttot"td Oun- We still X' have a few Ff, left free with M a 50 cent 3 hummus, _ a? tft Remedied l‘mh sum Pea. Town thtiee C. P. R. a,» , Light a Gingham I only Bi All reg, 5 Apron c, in All regu All Chltdren's Heavy i Double _ 1 only Ladiu 1 only Seal A Inge tax Boys Corp! Boys wonici Ladies Overs, Mans Men's Meu's Men's liens I only calla l only minl I only W W Men's I will join duce botl have der winter qn Ceylon ! quote um goods at 1 vanco on Men's he: Men's he ces consi the sales ' J ANUAT [0.0c (mu onle anagor JAS. If ttttt Goa {OI

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