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Durham Review (1897), 13 Jan 1916, p. 5

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.:.»-::<:-:3m33 33333332 ham n Small D Profits I? Jar wold fish Price Ce r, till we a few ft free with 50 cent co. Y t3, 19” medics base " n Ofrie I” hi l Pea. mad ood ttt ilH 6% (yi) iid' t ifi ,3 _i'ihtt.iut' t Ladies Coats t, Mens' Coats o. Ft l 0vershoes .3 ' Mea's high 3 and 4 Buckle Overshoes.. . .. l Men's medium 2 Buckle Overshoe: .. . . ... , Men's low I buckle overshoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l blenslow overshoes................., Women's 3 Buckle Overshoes . . . . . . . . . . .. Women'slow Ovenhoes ................. W mmmaMgRM1MhAMrRMllMhhMllllll EREDUGING tiiaui thhhh"*ililiiehhuhwaiiiigiiiitsaiiiiiiiwiiw" _ “PR'WV'LLB VILLAGE All regular 1 25 lines, clearing at . . All reg. 75c and Me lines to clear at All reg, 50 and 60c line clearing " . . Canadian, porgal 160 American, per gal 18e Gingham Apron Gingham, reg.1t"ic,for ...... . . . . ...: 13c b. " reg.90c, for............... 16c I Only Ladies Astrachan eeat sable collar, reg. 5.,” special price...................... a 1 only Ladies rat lined coat excellent shell. . 3 I only Sealette coat, long, reg 18.00, for... . 1 A large range of other coats, reg. values up tor2.so,sttctul price ................ Chitdren'a Corduroy Velvet Coats Reg. Value 2.26,for.............. Reg. Value 9,5o,for.............. I only Blk Goat Robe, Heavy fullcloth reg. Mc, for 69e a yd Double Fold Tweeds, reg. $2 for l.50 I only Men's curly lined Overcoat with fur c-~ll1r,reg. 'aofor....-............. $x5 1 only Mens quilted cloth lined Overcoat with mink marmot collar reg 17.00 for. . . . . . .. 12.75 I only Mens Beaver cloth, velvet collar, reg. 10.00f0r only.......................... 8.00 ', only men: rat lined coat. good shell for. . .. 35.00 Buys Corduroy velvet pea jackets reg 3.50 for 2.25 Boys woolen shirts, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . special 250 Men's heavy sew on's, red rolled edge, reg $2 for Men’s heavy " in top, rolled edge, reg 4 50 for '. high cut, " reg 2 75 for tt medium cut, " reg 2.50 for " laced, 3 hole, reg 2.25 for. . . . . . .. '. buckle, 3 buckle, reg 2.25 for .. . Men's Light Over Rubbers reg. 1 oo for... . . . Women's lignt " reg 75c for... . . . . .. Light and Heavy Rubbers "-"- __-...., ”w“ u; winter goods legardless of profit or cost at the Ceylon Store only. Look over the prices we quotf' and see if you ever bought high quality goods at such astounding prices in face of an ad- vance on all lines. Patriotic Prices Never were goods offered at such low pri- ('08 considering their quality. This is one of the sales you can count on saving money. The Manager of our Priceville store has enlisted and will join the colors Feb. lst, and in order to re- chute both stocks so as to be easier handled we have decided to clear out our heavy stock of Jas. Pattison & Co., Ceylon Store JANUARY ’13, 1916 Dress Goods PRICEfifEm Coal Oil Commencing Jan. 15th until the end of Month. PATTISON & CO. Regular ".50 for $10.00 3 lb clothes starch 2.5e 3 tins corn, peas & Tomatoes. . t , . .. 25c Fresh Trout, pet lb IN SALE Groceries reg 2 75 for 2.13 reg 2.50 for 1.79 w “I reg $2 for 1.63 .....1.25 ...x.25 _.... .63 25.00 32.00 15.00 1.79 1.90 5.00 2 29 I 79 1.19 .98 1.37 r)"'"')' 3-19 .55 _ A splendid procession of people marched to the station here last Wed. nesdny to do honor to the new re. cruits. First _ there was Piper Me, Donald playing the pipes, followed by tho school children carrying flags, Union Jacks or Canadian ensigns, then the grown-ups, scarcely a house in the village but was represented and the surrounding country as well. Quite a few " boys " were taken on here. Mr Matheson made a short, but feeling address, which was re- sponded to by Col. McFarland, to, the effect that the boys would hat-cl the very best care morally and phy- sically and paid a very high tribute‘ to the stamp of men who had already gone trom thio part of the country and hoping that still more of the same kind would go it needed. The train pulled out amid cheers and, singing. What matter it our voices were shaky or the smile that we gave them blurred by tears , Has it not always' been the same ; mothers, wives, sisters, sending their deal" ones away with a smile. while the heart is breaking. What mattered] it to our forefathers who fought and died for the liberty that we have en. Joyed down thnugh the year ? A few years less of lite to live it meant to them. but what has it meant to‘ the generation sirie‘ then, who havel enjoyed peace and liberty equalled by! no other nation in the world? We would not have our generation In-l worthy of the heritage bequeathed tol them at so great a price, but we are ready to pay the price again it need be so that we pass on the glorious heritage to our successorl, A meeting of the ratepayers of thel We noticed that Mrt Ramage had been called to the city, her sister, MissS. A. Coleridge, being danger ously ill. We are very sorry to hear of her illness, bat hope attll for het recovery. The S. S. held their annual meet- lug in the basement of the Preo. Church on Wednesday evening. ow. Ing to inclemency of the weather, the attendance was small, but quite a large amount of business was trans. acted, the S s, making a donation of $525.00 to the buying of a new carpet for the pulpit platform. Mr and Mrs Jas. Brooks have mov. ed to Calcdon, he having secured a position on the section there. We are glad to see Mr D. G. " Lean in the store again. ..--..vun-u "nu um bagpipes, ICCOE' panied the boys to Owen Sound. Miss Elsie McLeod has gone to spend it few months in the city. Miss J. Wright is Spending a few days mth her sister, Mrs Dr, Hutton cf your town. Messrs Arch. B. McDonah McLean, P. F. McArthur ( McDonald with his bagpipes panied the boys to Owen So A joint m:eting of the Farmers’ and Women's Institute wiil be held in Watson's hsll on the evening of Tuesday. Jan. 18. Delegates will be present to give addresses ; o. Bar- bour, Ctoststull, for the Farmers' ltr. stitute and Mrs Hunter, of Brampton, for the Women's Institute. Music will alao be providri. As these are both tine speakers, you Will make no mistake in attending this meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the W. I. Will be held on said afternoon at 2 o'Nock at the home of Mrs N. tlckinnon, P. o. Mrs Hunter will be present to address the ladies. All ladies: are cordially invited to be present at this meeting whether mem- law., of the Institute or not. I verse- F __ -.- u ..., Then let us pray that come it may As come it will for a' that. When man to man the wo:ld o'er Shall brothers be for a' that. . Old I915 has passed into history. I a year no fraught with misfortune! l and calamities. We are not may to i see her go But-win the New one that wa have welcomed in so gladly hold anything better in More for us ? Only the Dear Father who holds our destinies in His hand knows. In looking over the terrible lyqrpeniturai of tho past year, it required a great deal of faith to accept an implicit be. lief in that comforting old yer-c of Holy Writ that all things work to- gether for good to them that love God, Nevertheless, when we look back over the history of our Great British Empire and trace the wonderful gnid-l ing hand of Jehovah, we can easily understand that it is a reasonable faith. It may be that that great time is at hand, that our Scottish poet, Robert Burns, iorctells us of in the VICINITY thithrthur 5.136;; L McDonald, Hem: “E The North Egretuont oorretspond. ent “Drew's his disapproval ct u tht, oitl tjist.,l.ondtnep9uned them ' Bum." So we add our Amen to therexpression also, but in the 11nd of our forefathers It was kept Ilium as a upccial duty to attend tttthem nil winter. aild, Ash tha'n ttciuntvudh am chridb, Thu mi {nun ugus aglth, Cnioun ma unram an m'iautian- Nun till ind an brath, Thusa ’smeorach bhig abrinn t. 'Tha gu ceolmmr a scinn 'S misc eauidh tearaioh coibhueil mo gmaidh. Cha’n‘oil c-cran glau binn A coin solais du'm chridh‘ ‘Choinn mu curum air m'intttimt-- Nah till ind an bum. Ni ml foghlnm 'onthlar ’Bhois a tionndadh a shul Aha HI umhlachd ri UGHDAR gach We ask the gorreetiou to be. made which appeared In last week. It was Mu Malcolm Malone: that spent bot holiduyl in Toronto and not Mr " Innen as stated. ualr ; Una] baigheil an sitb. Thu 'd re-d ham was an with 'il mar tn curam 1h'air m'irtutimt-- Nun till ind an brath. Thaisaig sambradh nam flttr Obi mi neuinueauun or ’3 ind g Lionndmch an snilean " We congratulate one of our Price- ville boys, Dr. f, A MeArthar, ot Markdule. of being the, recipient of twin Dunes us a New Yen‘s present but We hope the war will be over be. ing they are c. died to ctri.ote, nigh. Ni mi gluuidh ris an Ti Thu 'ear duigr air gach ni. E 'chur dochais t' ttt'intttiun Gu‘n till ind gun dail. Nurs. Miss Charloue McDonald mus Called away to attend a. patient in Durham. by Dr. Junirun, a few days ago. Thainig aire air an tir; Cbaidh a mucruidh " dim ‘5 mar an curum 'th'aie tn'intttinn- Mich tin tad gu brash. anhd an fheilidh no tun t, 'N claidh' van gear: tia'it daira, Nucn lean Iionudadh rl'n dunudh le Gblaoidh a phlob a chad: chairm t Learn nu lauich gu‘n eaud arm, Nu fir thoiruml ‘rha oirdheare ghuath. We received the, following clipping trom tis Oban Tanis, which we are standing as We got it in the old gaelic language. The compom r, Mr hits Cormick, is a tirs: Cousin ofthe Mc- Lauhlau's, north line, Uleuelg. Per. haps there are many readers of the Review who will appreciate the well composed verses by the author, whose sons and himself am in the service ot their King and Country. A large proeesr'ov. greeted the so! (liars on the spam train on wetness. day en route. for Out: Squad. All the schools Were dismissed tor a time 1ntl,thatselylaris wrrhfrurs, marched to thu amnion, headed by Piper Dan McDonald and Reeve N iehol, Quite a number from this locality joined the totem. ShorL addresses wen made by Rev. Mr Muthvwn and oth. u's and as the train moved on slowly. those brave young soldiers cheered the crowd they were leaving behind, while pnor mothers, and sisters wept bitterly. Don, McLachiuu, sun oi Mr Alex McLachlua. ol Alberta, is visiting at his ttnele's, Mr Um. McLachlan at this town and his aunt, Mrs Short reed, somh line, and other tanner oat relatives. lie will be staying tor Game time. l We have had all kinds of weather since the Yew Year came in. rain. [snow and sun-m. Friday, the 6th, ‘Wns a beautiful day. bat cold. imagining is Rand again. We notice notices pat up for a meeting ot the ratepayers 018.3. No 12, Prieewh'e. for to tuxeinto c rniiiderat!on ',he, building of a new school or remodel the old one. which 'rseondeuuved by the authorities It is tinny-four )oale aince the present school was built and was considercd then one of the besnn the counw. The contractor was the late Alex 'Vcbster. Trustees teen were the late Dr Gheut,thelate John McAr- that and the [no John Nichol. Those who amended echo l when are now beginning no go: N1 the decline. to “bond. The Direeldrruu"To have a large attendance. T. Nichol, T. A, M. Pentagon p m for , he general irahgzictivjn of business and {he elecnion ofoatem. Ladies upd @p-mfmbers no invited The Annual meeting of Priceville Agricultural S-vciely will he held on Tl;urs¢!ay,_Jnn. 20tb at one o'clock best. It may be thought advisable at the present time to put on only what repairs will be necessary to make it comfortable. install an up-to- date furnace which could be trans- ferred to a new building at any time and 1hen build an entire new lip-to- Late school in a few years, when the war has passed over. S. B., which include thie village and a portion of the surrounding country, met on Saturday to consider the advioability of building anew school or remodelling the present one r, they having decided that something ' must be done for the comforts of the ltlrupils. But as the taxes are already igh owing to other village and township improvements, " well " the war tax and so many other de- mands on account of the war which may still be greater before it is end- ed, the building of a new school would cost probably in the neighbor- hood of $6000 and would be quite an added burden at the present time. To have it thoroughly remodelled would cost considerable expenditure and they would probably not then have a building that would come up to government requirements and as i an np-to-date community, they are l in a quandary as to which would be PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS Doilgheas agus Dochas or Sorrow and Hope Pres iden ' THE DURHAM REVIEW ', A, M. Ferguson Secroury ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mr and Mrs Normm Nun'Glllivmy and two children from Itult1e1d, Salk, are upending the winter with his fath- er. Mr J. MnGiEIivny. Mr Wm. Barney of Invermly. Alta. is visiting " Mr Duncan McNIb'a and 011m: friends, Mr Mum: Murphy, of Wnudby. spent. last. Sunday with Mr sud Mn John Bolton. Mr Ind Mrs Wm. Benton. Wudby. were It Mr and Mr: John Benton'a on Sunday. Mr Duncm Mnchb is “my him. bering spin thin winter. Among the Christmas visitors we“ Miss Josephine Metab, “an: Ida, Annie Ind Mr Percy Dovil, oll from Toronto, Misses label and Elli. Bu- ton from Durham. Mr and Mrs J. o, Greenwood. of Zion, warn guns: of It and Mu Archie Benton. Mass Ruby hioitai of Toronto spout Christmas It Mr The: Dnvis.’ Mr and Mrs Wm Md‘ulane called on Mr. Ind Mrs. Allen Cnmpbell on Sunday. Among the volunteers who left. for Owen Sonnd on Wednesday were Mr Louie Newell Ind Mr. Norman Me.. Donald, Both hue [wed for some time. We wish them . safe return from Berlin. We are pleased to Sty Mice Win nie Binnie came through the open tion “My. Mr. and Mrs. Rob: Whitman of town ace New Years dinner with his parents, Mr and Mrs N. Whitmore. Mr. and Mm. Jim Gomnloclt from Teeswater were Nor Year guests of her lister. Mrs N. Whitman. Many old Men d: will regret to learn of the death in Toronto on Tuesday of Miss S. A. Coleridge, who taught school at Swinton Park and Booth- ville many years ago. Interment took place Wednesday " Amos cemetery, Dromore. An obituary appears on first page. Mr and Mrs Thos. Ferris, accom- panied by his niece and nephew, Mr and Miss Pate, Oxbow, 819k., are visiting relatives here, Mr Howard Watson spent a few days in Toronto. Mr Alex Phiilips, of Huron and Mr and Mrs Matthew Phillipa from the west, visited Mr and Mrs Joseph Phillips and Mr Jno. Richardson and their many other relatives in the vi - cinity. Dr. Phillips, Detroit, accompanied by his sister, Mrs Hodgins of Strat, ford, visited his uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Joseph Phillips and other relatives in this vicinity. Married-tn Dundalk, on Wednes. day, Jan. 5. Mr R, J. McNulty and Mary E. White. On Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Wm. McNulty entertained in honor ot R. J. and his bride. We extend beat wishes to the happy young couple. A number from here attended the wedding at Hanover of Mr J no. Por. tcr and Miss Maude Martin (former teacher at Boothville) on Wednesday. Mr and In Porter will mak- their home in Proton. Congratulations. Mrs George Lawrence and two children. of Soak. are visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Noble Wilson. Miss Nergarth resumed her duties here, after spending the holidays " Hanover. Mr Booth Wilson returnod to tbr- riston, after spending the holidays with " parents. Mr and Mn Hugh Wilson. Mr Thomas fallow, at North Da. kota, is viaiting his mother, In T. Parslow and brothen- It is " year. since Mr Pmlow left here. Miss Smile Mquilliyny is home Ikota. The second ie‘John Menuh- len. brother of Don. IleLuhlen ot this town end lire Sham-cod. with line, eyed oven-50 yeere, bore end ruined on the fern (twin where Mr McKechnle wee re . Deeeeeed died suddenly while on hie wey with aloed ofxnie to the elentor. 1.U, tell but cemc to end wee carried by some comrade: to e term hone on the wey. where he expired in e little while, ttre - bung heart fellure. A...___._¥,_ miles We» of RENT; -srriiii ovor 50 your: at m and n broth:- to 'tttr l_g_Kechnie gr! Dyaptrid, a! Da. «not: a couple at than Inch no In the we». rim, Nail 1(th son of the late Dunk! MW and con-in at Ann. lambda. 'rtsttftthirpum. H. m been“ mud on an farm, now the my of__ur John Niqthpm and n quarter We are sorry to hue to "for! the death of “odou- hou of d, who lied I maple." thee not- Ico in SAUGEEN VALLEY SWINTON PARK 01-0. ---- (f, c. L. GRANT iii 'lMisibOqsaihaih4s4rias4iiMi “I? For the year 1916, * '5’ upon which we have t 6 iust entered, I wish all tie J 'it silt my many friends a 99? Q9 Happy and Prosperoue 'it til, Year and trust that the V9? tit friendly reletione'exist- t tit ing between us may 6 . GP dk ever contmue. At, it,tbsieibsb%iesbtiirstisbetiy ml ”m.’i;v;1§a}'m;ang“'"imh"fifl: navigation and Inclination of owlodce. ”£811 per noun: In “vane. an; of the term tt Ne. lam a on tuned " renumble n Durham is gym)- 1nd 'tire town, it . non d mm. pile! tooldeuoe. Thong“: ot the School In mt y n in I one. The names in i?s'iiittv,'ie',- 10:1.de were no gun-pong ”Ito-chars 11mm swam: would emu at the In 1ll)l'ilrll'lhh'l) urn-Athle- - am an tNl In" and luulpmont The Ichoolhlboro tor nipped launching lbw", In chemical ad Id?, a! nuppxlea MIG ttttmid, he" tor mu Junie: Leaving and Ill-Ic- mnuon watt. The (allowing communal» - am In chute l 1808. ALLAN, Princlpu and "ttritual Mod a] “tool Tenn-r. In Gnu Camila-h Died at his home in Pomona, Cal. on Monday. Dec 27, 1915. Neil Mc. Kechnie, age 48 years. 7 mos. He was born in Glenelg Township, near Prieeville on May 19, I867. Hie wile predeceased him 9 years. Me leaves as chief mourners his two none Wm, aged 16, and Donald age 12, one sister Mrs Kate McLean in Po. mona, Cal. and three brothers, Dan, Pomona, Cal ; John at Clarksburg and Peter at Pasa Robles, Cal. He left Prleeville when he wan " yearn old and lived moat of the time since in North Dakota coming to California fl years ago. Deceased was a number anda faithful worker in the Baptist church. Mr W. It. Wallace returned to " 'tg on Monday of last week. Mr Wa lace presented the children with a gum: tor doing their part at the Xmas tree. muse. Myrtle McClocklin and Min Edwatda ate expected home to-day, Slturday, an: int" after spending heir holidays at Puslinch. We are gled to eee Mr and Mrs E. W. Hunt home. Mr Hunt was once the Reeve of Gleneig and sold out two or three yen: ago. He now live, " McGee, Sank. His son Percy in also home with him. They Me the guests of Mr and life A. G. Blair Travereton. u very rusty wound that required some stitches, Mr Lawrence McKeown. while en- gaged with the O'Neil Broa., Rot I severe blow from a dry limb. Hegog It is reported that tir Adam Rob.. Ion in much better than before. We hope he returns to his old health. The school children lulu the 4th and sth cons. have u tine way of " ing to school. We noticed them go- ing in pairs last week. Mr Harry Gray left with the teat of the bays on Wednesday. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Mr Frank Ryan and his sister ited Wm. Ryan's. The 'aehool meeting on the Atth of Dec, left tune u 'rtmteer-Wrn. Cook, J. J. Peat, Bob Andean. Mr J. Campbell hen the contract of bringing the wood. What we do you Pt this watt ct, thaw end then col . It looked II if it would be icy when it ttot timed the oppoeite. {patrol-onto. who" Ibo upon! an“! Death of Neil McKechnie chum-n BEAVER GREEK n. J. r. um, 'it?, .1. "r2ddif ' Tetanus: .2. il'ft 2tti. il? My... OWN). t' d il, 1SM1iti',9, sie 'eeSeeeteeeeeey t A ,t, * "an: " “tenor of Canada‘s Juan-r ' " W dun lath and plum”. Inc, to bundle Cuts Wil u a a " My put on Cannot Ml of on. In! No dirt or who 00M and m (or ”use“ Shingles and 1ath always ' u hand u tight rices. Casual Simeing prompSy attended to Alon Hole Aeetst sud Ueate, In: I) r- hu- nud vwmlly a! tha, MSft, DOORS. and all him I of HOUSE FITTINGS Cot" under-i ned hugs to :>x.:mm to reeident. 'l,hTI'd2, and s n: mm Mftgg1'g,; that he hos hi,, Hum . Ind factory fully equippo-u "od {new to take union h t DURHAM PLANING MILLS UNDERTAKER an! Funeral Director D. a!!! IL Ceylon JMt 'ff/dd' Durha t - IrMcHull Ins» u-hpbozm 'eli In. ' degutetrtC'tsr1ttts, D. MoPHA n. Insurance Agent. Munvy to Lon, Inner of Manage Licens,i.m. A gm on] ttnaaseiat bunineu transacted. ARTHUR H. JAGKis0t of Dental SliE‘geons ()er I A} luv! mm. &tiiettoe in Sum-em Com loan-y Public Comm-mum Money to Luau. M on Lunbron tit.,, oppnmtc O deole'u Sumac. Pargt1t't Amngemeuw for “law “I” 60.. an“ betmute M. We “(WWW Meer,", if Whrlnltu'r add“: . to 00:19:: P. o.. wii, l,er INtil mm. Mon 'wtuit mu '0 n'iiiuW’ "GTtiUe' ,Tiiaiiirisiirir%r , ad'f,'L"l'rh “new. a u Ottiee--over Jewell" awn ud "mm aita Pout OtBea, wf PICKERING o. it s., l, n. HONOR GRADUATE Torauto t'uiver annular-11ml». hon-ml um... BoNott GRADUATE of kin-u“. 'ltleetn graduate of Royal l will i, milk): ' Unpaid noun loam of keg mr do.“ out am at Alum m. onto»; H0035 HI...- 2-lpn. Iain " hip-cum autumn between unm- um dt6dtrtwc at Bll nouns. J- g.mnyroti,iti.D,, c. MOON... Physician sud Susann- (Dunno OFFICE: 0m J. P. “than onice, uuuL own my onus. We wish all our Friendsrandcustomers a Happy and Pros- perous New Year. Deon-ed Auctioneer btrtio. (in ZENUS CLARK NEW FIBRE BOARD J. [GRANT D. tt.tr, L. U. a.“ mum: Mama ma, Imus. Full iafornation free. c;l_n.p_nnyq,uc4 0.0.PLIIIINO l fl", "ee-ee'-..'-.--- _._ - ,r-.......... ijil Service aged Preparatory. ln- dlvidud Instruction. A large CON. Iutioa with the beat bunineu hmm. " who employ pu- gnduatco. Grad-' DURHAI. ONT, " Una-gelled acumen of study. Bali. ',tr.t.tste.ttum.t .?nd Typeivritiytr, Notary Publit, Ununu.1.~:1 CONVEYANCER. Ne a r-nnuu . " U. U. FLU-IN“ PM 'ili' 86 years Sammy mu Bu nu fUulmrlo Poo, J t J ath'h'4il'tl New h are J. P. TELFORD. . H. BEAN A. BELL OWEN SOUND Big Mule: south " and: ShnD. If Ontario itoom owe! Town ONTARIO one: My sting the: an"

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