West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Jan 1916, p. 8

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- of The REVIEW is Bermuda and West Indies Other Health Resorts Mount Clemens, Micln.: Bade 1 real. Mich ; St. C.ulmrlues, Well, nut t Preston Springs. Oat. Tueete and full Information on up- lnc-Auou to Grand 'I‘quk Ticket Ago-nun. , Coat siireatdrriiri" H i,t J Ol IN M. FINDLAY Dromore ii s s"i-rSCsV-"ieHVq_to o The "Transcanada " The'Rideau'to 0ttas, "a minim! Train»: onnnet‘t at Detroit with through Sleepers to Florida: duo unern ' l L Blind", Washington and Cincinnati. lmxmwml service via C. P. R. and M. U. R. to Chicago connects with all hmugh sen Vice 1'hieatto to California. ' Partivuluis from It. MacFarlane, Agent, Durham. or write td. u, MURPH L. Dist. ngr. Nts, Toronto Through Equipment Elm-true lights-d Uompartroont Orr. urvnlurn car. annular“ and tom-ht I»; pd". dining car. 'frnt.etasts coaches "The frett"nt c, P R. Survive pas-sing .t's.ruih ttte [ht-Hume Centro " mob v! y IU u. mm to the Traveller." aunanunoaoaaae i, E Bargains Before Stock Taking , I Ashyille and Irrt Springs. N. C., Ultra mm]. a 'h '. ’hssau N P. ; H a Swings. Ark : French L‘ek 'mrings. Ind T Jacks nville and Ill ' :r‘xd ' wims . [In anna, Oaba and Sew Urleuns. La. via New York and til (or Steamer ace ading to destin- "ttur) or via Buf1 do. Dotroit or Chi- WrNTEit RESORTS n y ig an an Il IRACTIVE WINTER TOURS to California, Florida?, Etc. A BRAHAM FAIR ynu m purchase. '7‘, PRINTS "Making room for new Swing tioods. Rvgular value tte, for 12le Regular value PHe for 10e Law» [H Von! Orders for the "Delineator," the beat Ladies Journal [urnflll‘ mlu. Per Annum 51 50, Slngle Copy 15c "Hl Making will he- nn in " couple of weeks and before doing so wa- h w» wvw I! liner, which we will dispose of at grmnly reduced fis,riuua, r,ttttr't than any ave-r. We qlmu- only a few Furs: aonly Ladies Short Fur chkete, reg 33.00 for .r.........r.p.... $21.50 I only menu black beaver cloth 'toat,fttr cottar,rett22." SMepriee-..-...-.. .rr.... . ._...t....Frt.......q.....m.... 19.50 t Ladies Fur Stole, "3.10.00. for .....r..-.r.........rt..r......r...r.. 3.75 ILadles Fur Stole. reg. " for .......F. ..r..r...............r.......... 1.15 ' Ladies Black Fur Setoett. " for...........................,..... 3.90 l'hlld'u Fur tie-h at correspondingly reduced prices SQUARE From Toronto Daily for turning out all kinds of Commer- cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. A Five Dollar book gives the contestant Twenty-five Thousand votes. A One. Dollar curd gives her Five 'l‘hvusund votes. The girls are all very close together. You can put any C it) of them at the top. LISTEN YOU have a friend who is trying to win one of there prizes. YOU can help her to win it. Are you doing your share ? You are needing something almost. every day. It will not cost you any more at tins store and by com- itsg here, you can help your friend to win. You who, have been wnitiug until the contest is nearing a ciose, get busy NOR . Buy a Trade Book from your favonte contestant. You can use it any time. It is not necessary to trade it out before The contest closes. st In two short months some lady will be the proud possessor of this beautiful Cabinet Gland Piano. Another will enjoy in her own home the sweet music of this splendid Columbia Phonograph and still mother mil pride home” on having won this beautiful Mahogany Rocker. thiO p. m. PORT ARTHUR FORT WILLIAM \VISNIPEG VANCOUVER The gill Telephone Co. of Canada hers, some Groceries or a keg of Fish, it's all the same. You can buy it with a Trade Book and it costs no more at this store. You are glvin your friend just twenty-five thousand votes-- and they cost you nothing. . The Store TI The J. D. Abraham Co. Sets the Pt met: 1d ll T I If it's a Raincoat, a Boy's Suit, some Flannellette, a pair ot Suspenders, a pair of Shoes or Rule A NEW ISSUE res is now beitur prep-red. and additions and channel tor it should be upon-d to our Local ”my" law you a htchphom? Thou who but will tel! you that " is the matpndoul ot not!!! qogtWetttetteetb. Whymnordettodlyudhuym numin thouwdinmry? mg We have: few left in Menu, La. dies and ()bnldrens which will pay Nun (u u I 'tsur.................'. in" New y. and T 'rotttgt Daily Woruiior year. The Reyiew and Weekly Mail and Empire turl yeur.................. The Review and the Fumilv Her- ald and Weekly Sm for 1 you The Review and Weekly Witness for 1 year..-........................ The Review and Weekly Sun for "ear-.................,........... The Renew and Week!) Adeertis er for uue "tir........................ The Rev! w and Toronto Daily Globe tot lyettr....,...............". The Rev aw .hd Poronto Daily Matl and Empire for I yeah”... The Review and Daily Free Press Ibrl w"".............................. The Review and Weekly Flee Page hr one your Lean as Imuntu l 45 p. u). for Whitby. outrswa, Bowmanvilie. Port Hor . Cobourtt,Tvetuon, Belleville, Kings u arlivo-n OTTAWA 10 on p. In. Central tstation-Sparks ctrr-et at Chateau Laurie'- THE "YORK"-- L an,” Oman 1 " p. m. All-NM Toronto 9.30 p. m. Telephone Directory The Review and Toronto Duly Star tor 1 'tM"...,................... The Review and Toronto Dani) THEI TIME IS SHORT" Popular Atwrnoon Train via Lake Ontario Shore well equipped of the Clubbing Rates ing , . J, ring so -duced $27.50 g 19.50 8.75 7.75 3.90 a , 'H, La. . ill pay , turnal g lore c " 800 l 110 loo 375 175 90 h) l) 'ale. The first Hall was held purely lor patriotic purpose-H. the net pro" ”was of which amounted to 863.00 This was ronducted under the annpucee of the Patriotic Society. who deemed it advisable. as previous attempts at raising tinane" along vocal lines had not proved very successful. It was rather a surprise to us to learn there IS In a (n. v.) one who tspparentlr deems humetf competent, tu dictate to our young men of their freedom to enlist, We would not care to assume thin del- Icme responsibility ourselves and pro" vided we did, would nruhshly com- mence the work nearer our own place of abode. We understand two more Balls are being held this week lo neighboring villages and we would "uttgost your N, E. C. get husy and likewise endeavor to exercise hi, Be- formation Policies in these respecuye vicinities. Ono cause is generally assigned I "A mantle“ job." lt is too true and we would recommend " . New Year ru- olmion to eye! , citizen outside of the council. to tench rather for point- for which pulse can be given rather than toe slip. [or which blame an tm when“. On behalf of this (neighboring vil- hut) we wish to repudiate the at“ e- ments made Cy your N. a, correspond" ent in [all weekuistsue, re the holding of two Bulls at this particular season. We feel sure that had your' C. any teal mirvances to complain of he would have accomplished his end Hume "setter.'"': by approaching the ~uppnN-d Promoters ot game Huber hnn giving vent In his 'eeliute by "irirut the whole ptomvotiort lulule lb" public. We are awme that. these vvrnh have always been of a thorarirr. ttat-tie) Inmuw lo the above mm judg-ng by the ulteu'inn given to wane, will always continue to be ,uch. For his own enlightenment we uniuhn my that the Promoters of the bud Bull were neither members nor adher. ents of the church "ferred to. nur do they realde In our vicinity and thew- fore were not Mime of the Precam- munion services being held on that IaAAc--In Toronto on Jan. 3rd to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. In“ a daughter. Inactivity in Municipal Affairs Meatord had an exporiente this year. Only two council men qmUltied and another nomination must be made. Barrie had many nominees but they, like Durham. fell " to ac- climation proportions. Chataworth had six nomineea. two eouldn's qualify and three wouldn't, so another nomin- ation must be held there. This and much more leads the Mustard Exprau to any that the inactivity in " alarm- ing.” and that a radical change mast take place and civic acthltlea be plac- ed in the handa of Commissioners. who woald he paid for their services. The light ibppant war nomination. are made, the tywel-eeo ot many even to record their Vole. the repug- nance ot some of the but citizen. to give their urvicecnll point to an un- henlthfnl condition of civic main, needing mending or remodelling. Last week's notice gave Mrs John McMuvdo us being Mess. Secy. of the W. M. S This should have read Mn C. McMillan. Quite a number of our young people attended the Ball in Hopewlle on Wed- neadny. Pte. W. Brngginl. of o, Bound, Will be in the vicinity for the next two weeks recruiting for 147th Battalion. Mrs N. Watson. with her dattgltter, Mrs Lawrence, f5usk., Vlaith at J. Benton's Saturday. Messrs T. Stunsbie and Arthur Rous- ton enlisted this week and leave for o, Bound Feb. let. New phones wave installed hurt week m the following places I T. Renwick, F. Adams, J. Bunston and W. Hustle. Miss lime Hastie returned to Mt, Forest, B. (I. on quday. HOLSTI DROMORE THE DURHAM REVIEW mtAtitisrrastm-iinaietitrmttrr a“ At a meeting ot the representative" at the township in the, Pre-shyreri'u Church or. Tuesday ancrnmm of lt i weak, the {chewing organization u ', l completed in cunneciion with ci , One Hundred CHI!" tt (‘ummmm I The township virus organized in my ‘ ml, the six Voting municipalicle. ' having captains and teams to canvas: r tor every voter to sign the 100 Com. , mime Petition. t _ Credit Auction Sale t Farm Staci. and Hay on premises t late Wu; Hamburg on Friday, J n. net. I. mos credit given on a roved joint notes. 6 per cent of? fo.t sh. The Holstein Patr'otic st‘eu shipped anotht-r good bale on k, id " luv. to Shornclilt'e. Eng.. forty flannel shut, and tony-Wu pains at knitted socks. “water and uafflers They expect to have another shipment ready in two wve‘n. are: Mn Ih1m1s, trl N..~garu, is spendimr a tew dug in our village in the in term of the Fox Farm Syudlca'e. The Holstein Branch " the W.. 2 kit 3 d, Ma, in " 3980 J, F, nk men's Insulate Will meet at the h me ' [NI-3.73“" 370 (M K tt Baird 367 (h)- ut MrsJ R. Ehilplm l‘burldn. .L u HUN“ - w udyuru 550 (h) Jark sun“. 20th. Mrs(Da.) if rgusnn Willspeals; h) Auburhwm an. I',' ,'i,!,vtep(,,,t1tgcrlnail i,'y.o'L/" l, J, Svd--Fl 'ft'?"' 37.337333 Mamie ing on Att allowanee." Sill",' w 'ltlJy.,1rt"'.,"y'Pe" Eu” In connL-‘ri' u A , "ftrb iyeiety ml ll ist, I; 45 I have subscmu-d I," 'll' Run will be pllhllh‘lld HIIPrI 1916. Tu, an m. illw not .u'mm ed and msh their nann- m up. l, will call nu tr bend In Miss E almlp Tress. The Methodist Church is holdingiot poles very emu-ti b: their Anniversary Services on Snu~zlor Mt. Forest Mr t day and Moudny evening, Jan 1rispeaitirvery highlyol l and 17. Rev. Mr Magwond, oi Tor. lat missmun plant whi onto, former puscur here, will preach l run the 8-inch grinder on Sunday and give a lemure on 500 lbs. ul’hard grain Monday eve entitled bb Mind )our'also run It cutting bu: own Business." " nu. as, Brown, filler manufactured by 1 Ex Litstlt,.Goveruo ot Sask, nuw (H Ne ot1tfr certainly is Toruuto, will pI-s'memer the mee.- tine. itttt and gm: Br. address. Spccinl‘ - _ -- " a music will be given by the choir. _ Hold.“ Crhnnl Egremouc Cotu.eil minutes brld o'er till next Wet k, ELOCAL AND PERSONAL f? Miss Lem" Re, hv. been Visiting friendsin m ko m', Im wank. ge""""'"'""""""', Hr Calder‘s Inch and the "totttit _ -- - _ - ---- ___ ---_--- '» ._‘-A --- z. _:__._ __.A..Al.. m” .hun %-s-.a-.-.aaasasv.saseir Mrs Jno, Horsburg. ot Sash. is vis- iting Mrs Doupe and other friends in this vicinity. Mrs Wm. Geddes, Messrs Jan. fled. dea and Alex Henderson attended the funeral oftheir uncle. Mr Thou. Philip, at Guelph, last week. The Boy Scouts are beginning pre- garationa for the 2tth May celebra- uon. Mr John J. Merchant, formerly of Holstein. now ot Winnipeg, who has been in training for over a year, ex pee" to sail in the near future for England. Store That the Pace D. McPhail, vuctioneex TORONTO ie if I” £36669. aee:ste:tsaaseq.qastas:-i" i.) Good for 20 Votes - Free t. Cut out this Cou- l' Abraham pon and bring it a. if"; to us not later il, Square t h a n Thursday, Q Jan. 22nd, and re- 5't gm“, ceive 20 Votes. 'i,""""""""""" 3 CO UPON W " , Mn Jun Douglas new. I dunes on ' Wednesday evening to any of her friends. Min tUry ll leaving for j Toronto this Week. signed In prepared to buy " law-mill or new" logs of the following kinds t Pine. Sprnrp. Balsam, Hemlock n Gvdur. (op, i; 1627 EMI ‘II 62n M 33.4. Willie Ilnhntt 831. Bernice Penis .515 Charlie Suctou 303, Addie Hao., 260. Class u - Lillian McCall. Bath Smith. Juan Baird, Jean Haney. A". Brooks, Gladys Pettigrew. Class D-Prank Haney. John tut. der, Robbie Ahkem Lizzie Mcarttth, Ruby Lewis. Jean Ellis, Jim Christie. Clue E-luhel Hus. Hound Reid. Sandy Me Kenzie. Class A--John McKenzie. Matilda Christie, Willie Ellis. Michael Mc, Grub. Clue B-Johu Mathews, Gladys Rice, Ala-jury McCall. Roberta Hans. Murray Hunt, Alfred McClockliu. Ed. na Dyer, Mabel Sutton, John Helney J, 3rd--Fl 't'ent'e R-'H370(h) Mami- Pt‘ltlL'I w 365 (h) Annie Hauultmu M Danny Irwm 28?. Lloyd Hamilton 288. Peutlrhrrgwrsli 277. Marin iruonue, BA Rl'hy Kort 253, Laura Hunt 229. Geo Baird 229, willre McKenzie Mg. Burmwu thvith 198, Arthur Brown 188. Clinton Rice 185. Melville Hunt (H. y. DE lenan, Teacher. JUNIOR DIVISION Jt 2nd--Elsie Reid 894. Austin O'C,ort [1911384. Ella Matthews 867, Joan Mr, wrs 860, Joe Ellis 359. Tom McKrnz u tit. 1-t--Cltsra qulhews '07, Agues Ennis 80t, Grnce Rain: mo, Emma Aitken 278. Edward Brooms IN. BIN LEADER " used was 5g pints exactly. To those who use saline engines. this is it very smal eonsumptiOu and proves the engine to be very economical. The salesma in charge attain chal- lenged the akers of water-cooled enginestoe blie comfetition. So far none ha accepte the Com- pttry's chullen es. It is evident the makers feel v ry sure of their pro- duct, as they n only chellenge the makers of other ngmes to col-Pete. but they also se to the farmers on 30days approve betore be pays 3 cent, on conditio that he at es not buy a rival engin until he has had it also on the sum approval condi- tions so that be me have A tair eom- perison. On the mine of the 7th the operators eswe large quantity at poles Verv smart! before leaving for Mt. Forest Mr G. T. Calder speaks very highly at e great power at this small plant whi eannot only run the 8-ineh grinder o grind about 500 lbs. ut‘hard grain r hour, bat also ion in cutting bo and the lilo filler manufactured by t e company. ”hug" S7 4ti.--M. "N By tMt (Inn). Smile " Holstein School Rbort. " SENIOR DIVISION h 434 an? grain rr' cutting bo no [crured by t e l certainly is I n School It tirsr1slia Invites you to the HAPPY HOUR TEEN!!! Friday & Saturday Evening; We will exhibit a Moving Picture film showing the Peabody Overall factory at Walkerville being dynamited by German "tn- pathizers while clothing was being made for the soldiers. See the girls at work, the wall being blown out by dynamite, the interior of the building after the explosion, the men in khaki on guard. Also the Armories at Windsor which were occupied by recruits and which the Germans attempted to destroy the same night, and the finding of the suit case with 24 sticks of dynamite. The story II told in a splendid Moving Picture film Friday and Saturday nights. Thin is the Factory that makes the famous Peabody Overalls that wear like a pig's nose and are sold in Durham only by ABRAHAM NOTICE There was such a holler when we discontinued ttiv- ing 200 votes with each package of TIPPERARY TEA that we were forced to continue giving 200 votes with each package and we will continue to give this special inducement until the end of the contest. Everybody is drinking TIPPERARY. The Annual Meeting of I5gn-mon! As:titsuit"ral Suriv'v “in he head in the Agriculluml H~il. “minimum. Tumdny. January Mi, S'., 2trtu. A full :t'endanrv of all u amends re quvsted. W. M. qytoAT, L. B. N (mommy, McCAw--At Avunlen. Sank” Samuel I Mchw, aged 32 brti., 10 months. : GrLVEs--At " son's residence. 10th 1 com, Egremnnc. Mr Chas. Gillies. Ag. Society Ankpal Meeting You will find hundreds of real snaps here. So. large bills for partial list. Be on hand early in the 8ale--.let nothing keep you away. More open every evening. Till. ALLINGHAM, Holstein Before 8toek-talring w our ij9toelr,z-everything is goods are first-eh-anne gains. For " Days Only Commencing Monday, Jan. lo of our Entire $9000 stock of " Goods, Gentl' Furnishings. Groceries, Ma, loch. Shoes, Patent Medicines, sum-a7 The cceusuf The Niagara Prime Ed's Comp: which paid 30 per cent this in” m f of [on] pic are interested. is commnnh u an oppnrt nity to share in the profits at T but. next 'all, if y--l.l act ttt 0: ca. Prun» In“ be " from the Sacrmarv or any D t F allotment. e applicnzum blank below. Applications for slides will be received by t , Bar]. L. B. Nich- olson and allotted in order received. the mp hem: m to recur 'spplioatious received before tttttpee date if mulling amou open for wbbcripmu is sud OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS President.G rge Bee, Holstein Andimr..Dr “anon. admin Vice-Pros. oh n Philp. Holstein Direetor.itieh-1 Ellie, Romain Secv . .L. B. ’chnlaou. Holstein Direator.TJ O‘Neill.KOIllwonh ”on Maul P aims. New York lantern}: "(Iontrodllolcuh Treo...,A, J. tlt: "Hillel" Soliciwr..li. 1Etlttottr,tKti'oes ' Head OMise, Romain, Ont. Ranch for prese t with Mulr- Prince Edward Silver Black Fox Compuny. much at O'Leary, Prince Edward bland. until the Company Sh!“ mild their unch near Holrvln, Ontario. when foxes will be move . The first annual eating of the above c1mmny vol hold n Holstein when oftiec " above were Pleated ttr d try-luvs ”and. A very tew mares re tuning open tor “Mount un. it 'u voted to close subscription )kl on the 24th ittet. Incorporated under [)0an CUrter Cnpltal Stock . .... "O,000 ream hone. .37 500-71300 Shun- ul' $1 Each Par Value Shares $1 ouch. All Sum tally pad non-guest“. THE ONTARIO FUR FARMS, Limited President L. B. NIC LSON. Serv, The Ont io Fur Farms, Ltd. Him-m: Out I herein, " scribe for .. Sh, Capital Stock the Ontario Fur Farm. Lid at: and enclose S . . . ' J. ' . . " deposit on "me, I pay balance with interest. PUBLIC SALE ABRAHAM DIED I. N C'NoLt$otr. _ cy,-Tnmn. I Si qr.ed tt0LSTfilN, ONTARIO Fr, ing 'is beiryr" iiiGi'iiiU" as deposit ull llllle, and agree to itit, w? must largely reduce O btllll the very best Iuineu (ninth; by attending the Mt. Forest Bushes: College Shorthand, Business and Civil Service course- lending to high aalaried pmitlona. Demand for graduates exceed. In lr. ll sztlgllr helm (lacing which School Catalogue free, [LAM "LACILAI. G... In”! PMIdeIIL Prim-cal and'share "lift-tie ia".' Shae. ttd the um: Ltd at gum-hare JANUAE! 13, 1910 YOU “I which a number w". and yo. hive "It-win hr Fun. , "od ‘ntonnulon s, mr Black Fox VOL

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