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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jan 1916, p. 1

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IR THEATRE ,turday Evenings t of Dry Goods, Gentl' s, Crockery, Boots, Ges, Stationery YOU aw RMS, Limited onday, Jan. 10 IDN'HRH) SALE ER JANUAH 13, 1916 YOU CAN ttat Holstein >5 here. See nd early in Store open rly reduce ced. The n the bar- ABRAHAM FAIR AND SQUARE ABRAHAM l R R H med ttlv ERARY See allege detain niacin worth rlmin when able nbody sym- 98 the CM or ot Also and the ' is thts. that " RY 'or til 4) V LACK aNorits.-oar account! le now ready, Any person indebte ill con- - fer a favor by calling now d get. llinu. as l require money. VOL. Doo Lrsr.--Btaeie an an. bound but". little white on he» Reward on return to Jas. MCLACHLAN. “it“. We haw: nnolho-r ply of Hi m- pre cure, [Mme Killer. . ock Food and Silver Pi .e on. Sun‘s. b'octis--Our boys in M trenches are sully-ling for the need of more Btrt kw. Who will help along the ttood can“! by knitting a few pairs? A mpply of yarn and of sewing can be had " MN, Lturts McKenzie's. This your is to he a momentous one tor you"! men. They will be luxy in. deed if Iht-y got through without en- lillinz. The leap yew maid is on their "nil amt ulna the recruiting ofrteer. " will trs. a mm- of get married or join The mom Bruce battalion has now att", mm in training. Walkenon has unppl'nd tu, while Wiattort including tho- of prevnmn cunctirutents has far. ni-hrd mun-100 The “Rh Urey hat. lnliun now nuluhela About 700, while Simcoe is nlluOnL at full strength. the r Two ”um (um hlark) went into the "alumni. and said ' " We want Tur- key without Ureeee." The man said '. ft You can“ Koulndni 'ele because we dot.'c Watrtenetrru and I won't Ser- bia." Ha [th said ' 't Call the Bos. phnrua." So the boss mum and said I " G Uhpoli now or I'M Russia oat." tbo thev wvnt Hungary. The Durham Choral Society will Dre-em thor new lumicnl play "A Vuginiau Rvumnxc" m the Town Hui. on Turerday evening. February Ist, and it prmniws to be equall‘ as ttood. ll not better than their modal.- tlon of last young with supelior name "ttings The proveeds co for recruit- ing league plllpi-‘Fi “ml this alone mhould Pn~ure A lmunpvr house. died Work 1rltrits (lmwmg lugs [rum tn? bust, trr'. Ma tya'i', Crrtrs. Thu hols»; Ire. caute Us! In a. wiry place and ware up. Ible to wave the In sd. The deceased oeuuue a Mile excited, took a weak ppell ard died in a few minutes. At the recent election: he was defeated lor deputy-reeve. and has been prom- inent in the municip d life of Enpbras- in for many years. Forum in m mu: FAsuLv.---The Lloyd lamily of town is certainly " doing its Int " for the cause of the Empile. Three 5mm. George. James and Anson are now in training and their sister Miss Edith. a trained nurse. some months ago. volunteered her In vices. Last Saturday afterneon l sho- reeeived ww‘d that the Can. Govt. had accepted .wr application and to proceed to Kingston on Monday to jnin a hospital corps which was being ”ranged there for servire in Egypt. No time was av nimble to arrange for a public tsrt.well for her-the hrst nnl'ni' to leave Durham hr the front--- but ona su,rgestion emanating trom Mr Ludhw a number of cilizous gathered at the station Monday morning to bid her “nod-bve. and Hon. Dr. Jruuieeoo, with a short commend wiry address, vreiented her With 810 as an apprecia- tion from the town. She will rem un in Kingdon for a few days at least. ' '1th:)er _. cis. Mr J Ihn M. Dw Jhw Coughing WI t oty0MAY't", SYRUP WHITE PINE EUCALYPI‘OL AND HONEY Central Drug Store ll. T. R. Town Ticket Agency Seo. 99. chyman . Draggist Early winter coughs must have prompt and right attention or they pave the way to more ser- ions trouble. Don't let any lung or bronchial trouble get a grip on you with sev- eral cold months ahead to aggravate these affections. It is safer to get a bottle of and have it on hand for instant use. It soothes the inflamed lungs and bronchial tubes. cures the cough and gives strength against future attacks. Only Me a bottle heart. fadu bile drawi of Euphmsi», Mmulay of last lnm from the Store Ticks: Agency ,NO. 3 i' iiiilitt 'iiiihittliitiiti, ilhtgitttt 5K Assembling of Durham Soldiers A meeting representative ot the titre ( municipalities of Durham, Normanhy, Egremont/ Bentinck and Glenelg was held in the Library on Saturday last, the purpose being to make arrange- ments for an assembling in Khaki of all the luvs who have enlisted from Durham and townships near by. Ben- tinch council were out in full includ- ing Clerk Chittick. Messrs Pttilp and Irwin of Holstein from Egreumnt, Mr Geo. Binnie, Glenelg, and other», while a number had written Sect, Telferd promising beauty cc.operutton in rec.. ugnizing she buys. Messrs Lsidlaw, Calder and Canon were charged with linking armnge- mains for a place of mrPt'ng, an the Town Hall will almost. certainly prove inadequate bsvitatious are to be sent to all the I) rys ot Durham and view- ity, no In liter where they enlisted, to jun in the function. and couuuittees trom each "suuicipaliry will camper. ate with Secyfl‘vli'urd by funnishing the name! of their recruits and unk- ing piovmuu for tiuatscutg. These cmuiuilleeu "re as below ' Glenelg ', Reeve .v'ich'll. Geo, Binnie, J. '5. Blwic, Geo. Pearl. It. I'. E twavds Colin Ali-Arthur. Rum Lmdoay. Bantinuk: Ibreye Brown. Dep.. Reeve [mum-y. L'ottrtcitlors tiheweil, Tarnbull, M:0ougall, Cruk Chilllck, Twas. W, G. Hume, Ur. 31mm. Egreuiom J J. It. Pnilp. Di. t,'ueath ‘Juu. M. Findlay. Dr. Feurosou, W. [Banning Jno McArthur. Nurmanhy '. Reeve Srhenk Aaron Wenger, Clerk Fortune, Rut-had Bus ber. John Cooper. Mal. McPue-n. Dun-mun '. A. H. Jukion. S. Hughes w. Calder. W. Ludlnw, A, A. Catton John Kelly. A Program) cnunnmw was appoint- ed consisting of J. P. 'l‘ulfnm, U. Run- aue, W. Irwin. Dr. J “H.830", Mayor Hunter. Arrangements for billetrug those who wish to stay trver night, are in Mr L‘idlaw'u hands. and Messrs Calder. Jameson and Lude me another committee to interview the th P. R. as to reduced rates, &£'. Adi lummeal wan made till Monday Slat. Jammy. at B p. In. in the same place. when it is hoped a hearty leprr- uenlaliou wnil assemble to nuke ti L1 arrangements for a timing demonstra- tion on the Friday following. which day has been accepved as suitable by the Regimental authorities at Owen Sound. The Regimental Band is coming and if desired. Will rendrt a concert tree in the evening and shun-Lime during the day a hot key match will take pl we. one of the teams being soldiers. The ottieers of the Regiment will 8cc0in- pany the contingent. and altogether. it will be a day unique in the annals " Durham. Since writing the foregoing we learn it is the intention to have u hot dinner awaiting the boys on train hum Os" u Sound. A meeting of all ladies intets ested in making provision fur the diu- uer is called fol Tuesday evening, 23th inst at S p. m. in the Juiisrary. Reception Friday. 4th February Made good Showing on Route March Although the weather was not the most desirable for route marching and the roads somewhat heavy over six hun. dred omcers and men of the 147th Can. adian Greys paraded the streets of the town last Saturday afternoon and made a very favorable showing it the comment ot the civilians on the streets is worth anything, which although diverse in character, were agreed in that every one of the hundreds who were on the Itreets and watched the procession go by, remarked the line appearance the _ men made a.nd expressed surprise at the manner in which the tthh contin. . ues to grow. The unit is rapidly :l?- ', suming such proportions and organiza. ( tions from headquarters stall down, to I make such a line showing that it will he t one of thetirst batallions to go across l the water in the spring. If it were pos I sible to have the men march through the i different towns and villages of the couir , ‘ty u they did through the streets of Owen Sound on Saturday, they would not be long in iilling up to the required strength of over 1100. The head of the column was taken by the new band which considering the fact that it has only had a few practices, did excellently and gives promise of being one of the best bands with the overseas force, when Bandmaster Young has had an opportunity to organize it properly. Fol. lowing the band were the staff with Lieut. Col. McFarland in charge and then the men in companies. The par- ade wal mhrehed up to the town hall, where A Co tell out and received their check! and then proceeded to the Mer- chant. bank where they were cashed. The remaining two companies marched _ on around town until A Company had been paid and then they also had the enjoyable sensation of being paid. Route marches of this nature will be eonduc- tedtrequentlr in the training of the remand . marsh t1S!eteretteil! igii,itijetr,'rrhtug e------.------- The REVIEW to aairhtir an ht Town Council Appoints Ott1ciais No little interest. was taken In the meettog of Mondny last an it is " thin meetmgthst appointments are made to important oMees, Mr. C. Elvidge is again “senor for the'steenth time. H. Koch mdP. Haulage were reappointed nuditorl. Ihos Daniels was re-appointed truant otllcer, By fat the moat interest wu taken _ in the appointment of Consume u minors were around town that there were other applicants. Only two names however came before Council. Councillors MncKuy and Blunders voiced the need for economy but the council evidently thought that econo- my would he best served by the ap- point uncut of the old ottieer and pract- ically unanimously the appointment was given to Mr. Arrowsmith at the old salary. In doing thin the Council are certainly in aceord With the mind of the cutizons who are convinced that no laetter otti 'erever held the position. Many indeed 'hiuk that his record in 191.3 should lnve been recognized by I" increase in sultry. Same belated disc-union took place‘ In regard to the settlement for light ioowtacs.ttpplittd by the Furniture Co. m the time between 11tdntyre's clon- mg and inst. {Nation of Hydro. Cnun. S mum-Is and some others think a re- .hu'liun should be made for the time (he streets were in darkness. We Hunk thew Canon's position is unus- sailatrle. Tuey supplied power to the limits or the corporation, there their vtatnpoue,itrililies ceased. The power was “ways there and the blame for we darkness must rest on town or hr. din. Geo. Arrowsmlth again Consume. The check issued to the Library Bd in >25. which had been drawn as if fur 1910. Was changed to make It up- ply ml 191S account and so ratified by council. Ort mutiuu of Reeve Outton, the htuuty appreciation of the council was extended '0 the trand for services at patriotic deusontstratiom', an. Much discussion took place on what is to he done with the stock of elect- riml supplies on hand in Clerk’s otBee and in Town Hall. Though bought. " a ten per cent reduction it is truly stated that the supplies can be pro- cured cheaper by retail in Toronto. Somebody Munderetl apparently and returning the. stuff will undoubtedly mum: a loss to the town. perhaps of a few hundred dollars. Guelph in 't s00,000 campugn for the C mad'wn Pstriotir, Fund raised 837, 800 the tirst day . A budget from N. Egremont hm: been delayed in transmission and has not reached as as we go to press. DEATH up Mas TUCKER. GttiMtgtw-- Mtera lingering illness from cancer. Mrs. Geo. Tucker, of Grimsby, passed 1-way Monday morning at the age of 52 years. Deceased was until six or seven l years ago, a resident of the 6th con“ Glenclg, when the family removed to' their new home near Hamilton. Mr, GcoArrowsmith of town, her brother, left Monday to attend the funeral which takes place to-day, Wednesday, in Grimsby. Two other brothers Wm. of Glcnclg and Albert of Stratford, and one sistcr,Mrs, Geo. McRae, Glenelg, will with the bereaved husband and six children, deeply mourn .the loss of their loved one. The family are grown up the two sons living in Br. Columbia and Cleveland and the four daughters, two at home and two married, in Hamilton and Grand Rapids, Mich. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved. Grey Battalion to England in May Col. )lcb‘uland in aspeech in Men- iurd a few days agomtamaled. says Ihe Mmaiord Mirror, that the 147m Grey Battalion was likely to go to England about May next to complete their training there. So many county Battalions are being formed that ne- coaunodwtiots at Niagara and other summer camps would be quite innde- quate. The grounds for this hope in eon-i tamed in a. speech by Col. Sam Hughes in which he announced that twelve Bittalionsofthe Military Division in “him the 117th is stationed would be taken direct to England in the spring. As our battalion is one of the best and the most adv mood in recruiting there seems justification tor the hope. The Ivotrpect, we are surv, will pleas. our buys. who will give earnest. attention to their duties, so that their attain- _ [Dentin] lV be tlarir. tecommendatiotn By May,saysllw Minov. the Grey soldiers will have I thorn-ugh ttround. l ing in squul dull, mmk-‘ry and aen- I em! f'eld Wonk. [my will alto, it, is "rwetr'd. he Hunwuyhly , q tipped with .r New. and all m-ce-enrv m1- vu t'eturttrr, tl Id kicchen. hmd, bombing, <c0uli) F, signalling and auMbim- gun sectio u. The men an enrhusiastie ovor the prospect of an early departure for Euglnnd and the new. at" not. lumen illicit interest on ttti t'ntkitit id that mm. DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1916 New Subscribers to lst January l9l7 for only P. 4' ' tak, With which is lucorponted Fleslurton Boys Severely Injured By’conapse In Owen Sound link --- The collapsing of the balcony of a tank in Owen Bound brought injury to seven or eight wldierl nudione civilian. At1oeker motel: had just ended, the "rtowd were dispersing. and hoppily those on the ground floor below the balcony had all gone out. The sol. diers in the bnlcony nllowed civilians to pass out tlrst and began to mark time, the extra attain proving too much and the balcony went down, throwing 40 or 50 persons on to the ice below. The Bun gives the following list of injured I Quartermaster Sergeant Norman} Stewart, o. Sound. 1 Beta. F. Pearson, 0. Sound. I Pro. W. J. Radley. Ceylon. ( Pte. Cr, B. Qumlon. 0 Bound. Put, Stanley Blyom. Demure. Pte. le’l‘ayinh. Flesherton, who is severely injured, as is also Pte, Richardson, Fleaherton. The civilians, with one exception, escaped with slight injuries. ()0! Me. Farland was present, :bul um. in the melee, and at once telephoned for doctors and the ambulance. An Investigation in to he held to " retsponmhilitr for such an untoward and unnecessury accident. [he Luties' Aid Society of Presby‘ termu Church held their annual bu") ness meeting last week and the report l of year's work was most trratitrittg. Since Mareh the Society has been doing Red Cross walk and 90111045716 articles have been shipped to Red Cross headquarters. notice of ship. ment and list of articles appearing in local papers throughuut the year. The Socivty also forwarded 10 dozen jars of frulr. to Toronto. Total Receipts tor year $671.88. Expenditure $545 0.u, ( Balance in book 8126.80. Oftieers for I910 ' Hon. PreiL-Mts Wilson l Pres-Mrs McFarlane ; V we Pre-Mrs Wtsaley l Becr.--Markaret Hunter: Tram-45 Wimaifred Park. Sewing“ are held every Monday after- noon in basement of church. A hearty vote of thanks was tender- ed the ladies of Dornoch. Rocky and South Bentinck for their great help m ea-operation with Society. The ladies are glad loinform the public' that so far word has been re- ceived from six of the boys who were sent Xmas boxes hom the 'ciocietr-- Maior Knight, Cecil (inn. Cecil and Manley McNully. Willie Gndd. Dr. Jno. Cochrane. Each wrote letters of thanks and appreciation. The big article on page 4 of this issue needs little explanation. The " Citizens' Committee of One Hundred," represent- ing the whole province and composed of men of both political parties in equal numbers is conducting an Province-wide campaign next week. Réad the article on page 4 and you will readily give your signature and speed the canvassers so that Durham may roll up a large vote. p, "‘ u. I _ 4,; I l, _ " ' _ "'1'. _ - .2. ME H.393: Have youl Cl » seen the Poul I = .' . try Show ? In [ r _ ll' " ' ilill, . Town Hall? ' qlllil . Over 500 en- , I Mi tries and birds ' ‘ from Orange- ville. Flesherton. Mt Forest, Hanover, and elsewhere. The Judge is Mr For, ter of Brampton, and he has much co-mendation for tine specimens. Open Thursday Mternoon and evening and lecture at 2.30 and 8 p. m. Don t, mine it. Presbyterian Ladies' Aid N I All mast be done during next A War-Time Measure IIT'D "" An Empire Call 135. 3:53.; '5...- iiiria GTiGiiiu,i-itr1te, "" Ta'iliiifiiTRrii0iiittiAyByye. " DURHAM BRAN CHC, page 4 and you STANDARD BANK, OF CANADA [HEAD OFFICE " TtNt0NY O EVERY and In. I RESERVE FUND an a pro" vldol for you! and the innit-“0 mid day. ThiF-ndhabool neon-M fa- Milkmen 1iriirrGraGGtrugttsettfEtr: Em a...“ In" a RESERVE FUND. Without ii'="iii'nriaiiE-u'eft - 0-,,n ---u.. I. ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO week the Holstein Ludo: Min Agnes “humid I“ operated on for nppendmltiu Fridty Int and [amt report. are nine in recoverinl nicely. Dr Brad Junie-on performed the operation. Mr. and In. W. a. [his returned last, week from their Wedding trip to Eastern States sud leave in a few day! for Markham . l Mr Duncan C, Town received word {San-may manning of the death of " 'itistht'r' in Gull“; early lhnt dar and left In the uv'tunoon to be patent It inu- last, and rite, He had returned just a few days previously from his I tather'r, dying bedside. Muss Mary HBrttord left Ttutrsdsr for Owen Bound to visit u few months with her sister and brother. Mrs. David Jukton and sister, Mm. E Smith of Hamilton, tailed from New York fur England Suturdlv lost. to “an their mother who in very ill. Miss Margaret hunter wu Imam of It pleasant evening to I number of friends Wednesday. Mr, Peter and Min Alice Bum-go attended I little gathering Fridny night last at M1 and Mn Ju Wsuon'u. N, E, New anby, whose son Will wu home froat Detroit. Mr Geo. AttrowssmiUt went .0 Ulimshy on Monday to attend the tu. lwrnl of hi: sister, Mrs Tucker, who passed away that may after an extend- ed illness. I AIAIAI Mr Frank Bum ' an employs of the Furniture Co. and a citizen here for two years. inn enlisted in the 147th battalion as a member of its band an! knives this week for Owen Bound. Be was a valued member ot Darin-I band, being highly profteient on cor- uet and trombone. Mrs. - Armstrong from Brampton, who has been visiting Mrs E. A. Good- win was stricken mth appendicitis at her house lure and was operated on Saturday last by Dr. Shawn-t, Guelph assisted by Or, D. B. Jnmieoon. Nurse Wilson Is in attendance. Mus Geo. Montgomery Wu taken to the Tomnto General Hospital Int week to undergo an operation for some facial trouble. Mr Dan McGrath and Min Kate McMillan were guests at the wedding of Miss Lyla Freud in Tomato on Wednesday Met. Pte. Lance McGUr, of the "at bit cation, Gall. was I. UB over Sundly. Pces. Alwyn and James Lloyd, of the tthh ' JCLIHOD, Owen Bound, were home over Sunday to bid are. well to their. sister Miss Edith, before leaving for naive service " nurse. Hon. Geo Brown, Toronto, and brother James of Regina, visited their cousin, Mr. Jos. Brown here last week. James goes to Florida for two months. Hymnal u tit John's H. C. Church. Kma- ston Rand. Toronto, was the scene o a prertv wedding. on Wednesday. Jun. 12, thomrticipeting parties being Miss Lyla Head of Lippendnvic Ave. Toronto and Mr. Francis W. Willisv alsnul' Toronto. The bride woren‘ dlnss of white silk crepe de Che-e I trimmed with shadow lace and pearls and also wearing a wreath and veil and carrying a boquet of lily of the pulley and term. She woe attended by Miss Kate McMillan of Durham. in bile the groom wus supported " Mr MrElwin. The groom’s gift to the" bride was a puree of $50, to the brides- maid a cameo ring and to the groome- mnn a. pearl tie pin. Immediately after the ceremony which won per- formed by Rev Father Frances. the wedding pu-ty adjourned to the home of the bride's mother where o pu- took ot " dainty wedding breekfnt. The happy couple left for . short honeymoon to Detroit. New York and Ion their return will reside in Toronto. "The bride being a format D shun girl the Review extends good wishes for a happy married life. Cocrrtr--ltt antinck. on 15th Jan. mm, to Mr and Mrs Ben (Donut, a daughter. McEAcamns--In Glenelg. on Thu-shy Jett, 6, to Mr and Mrs Hector Moo Ecchern. a Won, THE BOIH Advertising Does not Make it so "You know it in not an euymm to "'"""., ." get children to take medicine. and forcing “M" t "I I it on them does no coed. Most mothers ', 'MW '“ know that a cough. medicine. while palatable, should con', ‘n ' drug injurious to the child. .. The great popularity of Chunkduin's Cough l n" plained by the fact that it contain: no opium or nan: '., tr' _ "Did you know that they an nuke Shoes out u skin P" "How that bun.“ skin " "They nut Our Shoe. embrace all the good lumen, metal end Danton. on the latest model lasts dnrnble and handsome Shoes. No bettet ton ed. and they are priced mowing to quality. The dial of your watch . marks the mm but the truthfulness of the time depends upon the works inside. Unless thv works are properly adjusted, the dial it- self is of no use. For this moon alone it in. $emUwith the mrthr ' y Come in and - a: new Knit-1y last m Men ," Wrsrrstii, Shoes. Beat on ttte nuket. We hue just received I “:19qu of S nit-cues and Clubhap prices ranging In. 3:40 to s so. Advertising does not make clothing an y better, but “Progress" brand clothing makes advertising a progressive prop" sition. Progress Brand Clothing ic ml- vertised because it is worthy of being known. Why not give us a trial lwi‘uw buying your spring suit or overcoat els; _ where, full line of worsteds, sergw aw tweeds to choose from. Fit and qualil y guaranteed. Buying largely and buying early has enabled us to offer our l min- mers exceptional values this season. Moo have stocked retail " 60c. “:21... She sun J. S. 11:11.er . F. MORLOCK The Store of Honest Value REPAIRING PIOKPTLY DONE. Use for I” - a “.00 3"". ' m 0 ”IBM" I line of Ctu'idrett's School Cases uh cod bakes. undc 1n want, r', t node! has. They an slylh No better Iootwem I5 mama“ t. ot all kmd rke clippers you u out

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