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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jan 1916, p. 4

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" Brown "' skeu whim JAMES MALES. Taro-to. Wit c-(‘hab-Iuan. Citizens' Committee of One mm: mummy how-r lol- .lu-ri “In! In-nur mom. " am: In!” to amp n31- mon'a, h-M‘Ilima. "quad- rons human”. Jamar! um 25mm". rh"y must phi- ttmy thee grout minimal at salh-u-nuol and un- "r_rtttee." Plans": Cl pun "ttit "Tm-IT the hurl Army 1 If you have any to sell, bring it to us and we will pay highest prices for it. We have a large stock of HEAVY MIXED FEED on hand. If you need feed, get our prices. In". qua-ml.- You which Mum-my mu My Wadi The] are db- cwlluv. “might “chariot. Ind chum-“me: and 'thtm, prune» ynuueMtionatalp [than HIPSNV to '.hr. "I'D- mullon of Hm."- qnuiuxu' We are i Baron French “The men who n... “. cently Joined the (3". - ttning than um t. Pup-n them-elm toe Cain 'rervimt "th tttq hut pomble “new mutt an only " I " If " hard M m urn-t mutiny a” " (hams-Ive. W1, and healthy " " 'N "We arr- ttuhttaur GOP- mn,v.‘Annlria. and drink, and. no fur nu I can a the zrmtawt of the“ ttum dug-Hy row is drink" (‘hairmal Milling Oats Peed Oats Mixed Grain Feed Barley Lord Kitchener is ao "outrt thot " hh-h the ttorar ‘lulwmnve _ Prim on make. Andy huh-r IO}- istrdGmet The PHONES: Day " Night l 26 Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Oatmeal Mills, Durham :74. Berne. in the market for my quantity of w N These facts brin right home to us that this is, as Premi \ War of Money as wag as Men.” $333: Sir Robert Borden, Sir Thomas White, Jihtanee Minister, 3337-39.; men have emphasized the necessity of economy. " tor p',-rotiition to the Government. Tim Citizens' Committee of Om, H the executin- head of this hie new p', movmm-nt. It represents the. whole G. A. Warburton, Chairman of Executive Committee T mam returns, the consumption Bi EC. holic beverages in the Dominion in 1914 Pro The Cl NONE y The existence of the British E of the War. All our resources "ECOl)uin/nciiinEy' Wanted Empire's Call to 4th. Or Rations, Subsistence or Money Allowances for 226,027 "boys" on active service for one year. 5th. Or the Canadian Government', Separation Allowance for 117,773 dependents for the entire year of 1916. The foregoing figures are based on the war estimates of the Department of Militia and Defence for 1916-17, as published on December 3hrt; 1915, in The Toronto Globe. front. - -', - '"""'""Wu"ul OE a1eo- Consumption Jt- "rhsiiii'iiiriie;'t'i'i'i's', forages in the Dominion in 1914 represents the cost of-- lst. Rid1ssa,Niihas Guns and Field Guns for an army of 690,523 men on active service for a period of 12 months. 2nd. 0rAetyoyirermsnts, Camp Equipment, Harness and Sad- dleriy, 2ra,t Vehicles, Signalling and Telephone Equipment, Too 3 and cellaneous Requirements for 1,269,231 men at the front. Eliminate This Expenditure Something to Think About Or am, year'; Building, Toronto, wealth. Cut down expenses. One Hrmdred is WW prohibition whole Province night ham to us that this is, as Premier Asquith stated. as “In " 's Clothing and N ecessaries for 330,000 men, ", " There is little use in eome people {praying lor e " dry Brentford 't so long " they ere willing to continue In: ttflue the men who ere reepeneible 'ier meinteining that greet former of ' die liquor tradio in thle province. the 1treeuitttm hendneep. n Menitobe the thrtreuitttu, preveiled at one time, heving been copied from Ontario, but even the Roblin Government rew in unieireeee end returned tothe bare ‘mejority principle. Is it not time? the people of this provinoeinalered} upon the Hearst Government giving! them e fair deel in this metter ", 'tyy/Ord/iii-or. .___-- -.._B. VIII" WI. "I. 'ehief victor yeamdu." Port Arthur (Chronicle. - " Tho bsll Ind chain of the thru- Iifthe alum lutonod to the leg' of temperance people M Ontario." Sn. " Oburver. Ely: Pulp”: 3a; " Sisyphus: eAiiLtingy rolling Ind That Popular ThreeFitttm 81.50 per you. '1.00 it paid in advance. palhies If you live in a Local Option municipality your signature to the petition hi just as urgent- ly wanted as it would be if you Were under license. Province-wide prohibition would nut only confer a benefit on people living where Local Option does not revail, but would als, help to enforce the law f, Local Option munici- null“..- it numbers men of both politinnl 5.:z.rties_mcn who welcome this chance to Work in: prohi- bition now that it has been taken out of poli- ties-earnest men who are Working together for the common good. The public, and this includes those living in DRY municipalities, are urged to join hands with the Committee and insure the success of the movement, Doing so will show that you appreeiate the benefita of prohibition in your own municipality and add great strength to the Committee', campaign. 'pt-tith' _trutye In tho JANUARY so. me, was $103,049,129. Assuming that On- tario whose population is one-third of the bG'iifi'u', consumes one-third of the alcoholic beverages, her share amounts to 8M,349,'r0si.'66.' Let us say $33,000,000. Telephone Main 2246 emits; This is what we must da other words”, Ontario', Annual THE DUDE“ “V131! ', and other prominent mot' ----. It possesses in con very elements to im strengthen the tissues, and Build strength. It is a grave mistake for mothers to neg- lect their aches and pains and suffer in silence-this only leads to chronic sick- ness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves an: excitable; if you feel languid weary or depressed, you should know that Scott's Emulsion overcomes just such conditions. to .%-----_, . 524 law Loos Mrasrsro.-rtte und, signed in prepared to buy at saw-uni or factory log. of the Inl‘rv ivy Fm!» Pine. Spruce. Balsam, u. u I ' k I CAI-dun hook]. up the hill by man can] ort'g to no it go crushing don again just on it mend the top, had no horde: tuk then the tonponnee men of Ou- mio who ore 'rtd_eavorintr, in {use "t the thme..fittts .heditaii, to Abolish the her. What in Mr Hum going to do About it ' The Farmer of Ontario had better woke up. It Premier Hemt stands by the bar he about tannin Premier Helm." Toronto _ Globe. I ll. ~mum run METERS; " TORONTO in concentrated form the P invigorat_e_ the blood. Hundred PM“ ...__ “W... s, nounsh the nerves " run-K KEN!“ luvs Ct. ma x F. Wrox “'YLI R, 573 Tuuit'lpallttes are ..uw dry unl than an “l'enh'l la on!) 274. ‘hll comm: " dry th municipal!!!” voted dry on January 3rd During the WI tin year» only I s nzle mu nicimllty in Ontario has xono back from nruhlblllon to “can”. Local prnhlbltlon tor proved nu Immpmu nun-cu. You Ire "kw! to Join with the Com mittee of One Hundred In the don-ad for I Nature to pronounce on ProritteqoFide' "tine. t',tstt of the tratBe. Ontario AI Juli; Quebec bu 000 mqnieumltties New Bruu-wlck bu prohibition In tea on! ot tifteen count!" and In two of m tum cm". Primm Edward Inland In dry. New. sooth: In all un- der prohibition except the city of Bums. Canada seven more In“! voted "ya" on Dean- ber 30th. for sun-I'M! prohibition of thoman. ufmrrur. and mo " Manor. WHY t United States On February 17th mm. the Govern! Com. m-nderJa-ued a proc. [nation that any ulconkeoper min. alcoholic drink: to my ”Idler would be Ben. toncod to on. year’- tmpmonnont, and Ma bun-cu closed up. wuv 9 K F. x T, Mentor-d, Treasurer. v~v'v_l1 lIIl'l lion). We. and pov- any ha" nlveu way to hapnlrr homo. and en- ormously "nomad uv- Inn ut‘oounu. WHY? Germany The most outstanding example In the world“: history or the prohibi- tion of the llqudr trat. tie Is Hun-In. Our all: bu annexed lbwluu prohibition with in- gllqulnble ".ultn-. Russia The French Gown» ment has prohibited the mluuflcluro or ule of Alumnae. and provided heavy penal- ties for any person supplying any such llquon to salmon. WHY! been curtailed-it; TG and one-half hour, per day. WHY , France England She "_left.t. H_quor tpo Signs of the Times bu 000 drr ”1th In. H'onomlo “a ... - _ -uiti2. I 1tPbup---sieeir-ru,,tl, ‘Iccouma be pud as follows.. I mess, 8200, use of ichml ; h' itane, 4.00, Dvputy “alumnus l iyo Iii-ck, 2.00, Poll Clank ititorrar, 2.00, Polling Booth., l sltyrell-r-renneiurt Ch ", be taretalier of hall at $5 ’ "".--uarried. "Le1ty7-ra.teoougw--aa,,. jinn “counts be mid : Clerk, p. 312 M; Trenurer. pos'nge, Collector. letter. 2.61 ; Reeve. ing, ah, ; F BbewelL 25 : Wm I MtDourur-Lunner-, Thu Pts ltion for cutting " um lot 27 con ll, 'be conaxdered next meeting, ---CUrried I Lutmer---rarntuur. ~That Clerk re. lcewe tenders for township plintmg I1916. tenders to be opened next meet- I ing.--currmd. I , Pytrryeusugw - Thnt cor} 5100M” Roll be Accepted and Cullector ) paid his "urr--caned. . . .. . . .. 74 , - ,7 I......... .. . .. l yeoougelt--shewelr--Tut “[1:34ng dim-b ... .. P2 oo to 1: J. ‘ofAuoaaor and Collector be 890 OWE"... V2800 ..... 1200to H , ' $100.00 respectively Ind Clem t)! (y, pe. ..... .... ' (iiiiiiif for npplicltiou for next, Lin tma besern Wally "VIM. Pt,,11r,-,-cyriy, /"e!""e""eee-se-r--.-.- "utwell=--ac1)ougw --1'lsat yty/ iand Auditor McDomld be a commit. In an. WE gtoe to enmme Treasurer's securities. """hrmrmrsatnr,t-,,a,e,, ---Grried. fl . _u my 'F I Turnbull _ sum“ --.e Tim tiiek .taij.lthhp'il'plnh,,1dcggt grid): :Children's Hoepnal be shunt-d $5 00. dorm. Aerti.nirGridiWG, and mu 'i---Grrieit. ... -.-- . -_--- - -. -- ' ._..9 you.-. IMUIIIUI. WEI-W; “Mal WWI u... ' m i l J McDomld. ludnor. ieootjigt'tgQ'.'.'t.:yr::. 125 u I I. ;Cuuncil 250 per meeting and 2 00 for Shui, iiri .... . . ... . .. ie, cu i,',t'..ePelP, work: Geoege Brown, 1tNtet.e ...... .. 105 ‘n- I " [Bridge Com; Wm Lunuey. the No 8, :s‘ n wail" .. ..... 105 'i),' I Il Jlmel Turnbull, No 2; Fred Sbew if!” ' .... .... I 70 a? . -' ell,Nol ', Me- McDoeli, No 4.,' Ch'ay.::y.y. 21:11:: am t , tilyyrtur-Meoougw - TUt Br (.t9eewtterat./.... .... 65 to T ‘luv No 1 be rend I second and third Pontoon P" W. .... t 25 to 1 l ‘time And titully pMired.---thrrried. fawn... . .. .. ..r... :4 ‘1 yeoousro---stsewelr-m"t ul-ry I F,tth d.ttetd-.. . .. .. P2 oo to Ir,' I D‘AIIA-nn- .mA l"_ll--._n I -»~- -- f Lunttey-- Turnbull-Tut Bruw "-"-'-"---eee-eess,s-- No 1 ootnheming appointment of orl w (iii; and outing respective "urierl Durham Markets ‘be read o first time " follows l J H I " . Clsittiek, Clerk. 82 00 um Raglan-l Damn Jan.. w. 1910 tion fees; Wm G Hum, Ir-er, ,ant ... . .. . . .. .. .. .. 27 $10400; Dr J L b'ttsittt, M 0 H, 3‘37... ........ .. ... l':., 'f, ' $100 00; Alex Wilson, member ofih‘lonr per cm .... .... 300 1.. l 3 lid or il.; _Tbos Clark. auditor. $6.00; Oatmeal per not. .. .. I m I BBNTINCK COUNCIL 6 15 in. tile, 6.90.---Carried, .._ l MtDotttrtli-inner--. That I.” First Sell-ion of Beutmek Council (“9'95“ of Council be_outhom I L for you 1916 In held uLemluhf'”°"° mot"rtor pnnoue purr a loudly. Jen. low. n 11 o'clock in Ite, h?t..rd "tne to Trenum “A the forenoon, me member. elected yy1l.di.sttitrto funds, " dlrectv-x t) being George Brown, Reeve, ti,',',',".)';?':'; L-.--turried. 1t'da' Deputy Reeve end James} ur0oell-rumter--aut t l, Tumbull. Fred Suewell. Jame. Me. ed do now adjourn to meet " L, l, Dougell. Connolllou. Members all let Fob. ll, "lo o'clock to app 'l. being present, on" who: their detslpulmt-, lance "ewe". [mm 1 [notion of emcee. took their um u I keeper. Aim-or. Colleemr and trail-, Council Bond. Minute: of Decom- action of gene“! business. ber meeting were read end tsoniirmed. ( J. Ir. an r'r'rt, u ,., .. i1trerrxxxxasms 'tmrmatgxxxxx.s:':'ii" iiioaiirrrx"i'r'"""ru"'mtoiiii"i Take a little comfort on you [go-especi- ally if you can combine it with pmiit. The man who owns 3 Ford he provided healthful enjoyment for his entite {emily and equipped himself with an economical servant no well. Th F R . ; ,' h 3.:33‘mf‘:.::§}::811°.»§3‘ (?tple,t,',pt, ttie. or ntario. . 'iiifii,i,ijiii'ttitiC, 'ii'itieyili',l.ij',iiiiisi'i'i: 'Ford Touring Car i Price $530 For recent Golda. 256 n bottle. Try For newborn coughs Fully “canned. My, I bottle. ‘uputy iietyrr/utg%ii'ie'; ; 2.00, 1Ut Clank; Jno , Polling tfootlt.--cur. Carr's Cough Cure K of k-kt) color '23e a box Patriotic Stationery Fg'm'ire'i ', 25 ; Wm]: --That Ch" tail Balsam MacFARLANE dy C0. 4--1'lur. fullow Clerk, poluga Wine, b' 20 mm leg-ye. in; .---uur, Election D Bur- N' Wild 5.00 per m w. make REINANTB " Hall Price. stock n To nut. non for new stock to arrive Feb. Ist, we are clearing lad-nee of Wall Paper theCou letmo: the tir. All gee-are f, o. h. tte amp,“ inland. Mien died notmc e " c, Smith & Sorts, 1itllerontaine, Ohio.-.) blood wu Very poor-t van in a wax. ttervotir run-down condition. I tiled dim-rent remedie- without lit-cat and one _ my Wat told In. that Vino). tried " and it built an up in overv w“ --bl9od, “Hugh and ”no, and! t,4: my friend- it the but medicine on earth. "..- In. Em human. 1'inol, our Meson. cod liver and tron me trithoyt oil, dun-pen. the appetite. aids yllceouon. arid-a the blood and In 'h.trtttakirniiiii7r"at'd. mngzh. NMfurlJno Aru. n......-: . loft', ng. mid iiiiiriiriiii 7.".- w-u-u; Inc In: W.“ and all-mm Eula nervous, Weak run-down won-m Chou try vhioi.CiUd D. w. Raw “no! id a delicioul cod liver and Iron tonic, without oil, which We [tn-ramm- to create I healthy appetite, aid dign- tion Ind make pure healthy blood. To Vat. Imus. “Women So. Cumberllnd, Md.--"ttto. I hung time I .ttiteseed trim a Iefvoun break, dowu. I could not actor sleep and was so weak I could hardly walk. My bus, band head About Vino] and got me to try te Now I have ure nppvmu. sleep soundly Ind m w and strum: liver}; nervggl. wed, run-down Rum 'Art "tlmsrperesm........ 300 to Oatmulperuck..." 8(1) Chop r cm........ 125u, Outs. llh".'.".:y.y.:y.. 36 cu Outs. Inltling.......... 38 tt, FnuWhm........... 105 2.0 Ewing When........ 105 to In. mit " Won Vino! v __ --. "m Inf-urine: c 00.. Draught " Durham. Ont -,,JAE1lg.11r, M, I916 J. B. CHITTI' h', (in; 5 purchase nave a tew (ft ! left free with a I a Aft .. -- Old faution, I “Mound Car,.. dr, we . In. lulu - tci,,", kiad _ we . u, Bre4 Hard Pea Rem'edios Town Oific 27 to 2. 82to 32 . 300 to 3 ho am y, w 125 to I ig) " to Tr, 88 to 41} 106 to 105 106 tot (as. tro to l ;, 5000 In; 66to TH l25 to 1 Gl: cem of (iii (ii "

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