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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jan 1916, p. 5

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AXE " a co. Ill Gold 'apcr Fish Sale TIr 'YI V- Vase n 'Ayiy' ',' i.r:xs:xxaiiiliii U il,' Car JANUARY M, mo mieal ERHS’ ADVICE 9m ude can WOMAN We have \larkets. " stream Wy blood .- 'nk, not?” ied di am: and one "r ut Vinol. II ave . "a. In?! :3 medicine on Down We“ an Vino] or Ind m t ytetitq h “nod - _ That on] authorised to mm plum Pressure: uh. I dueczed by V My har. Cot no to 3 appetite. td strong. in woman T. KERN; r and im manna. lid _dig.. 56d Thu. Conn. met a La... i to 'tppoirtt we". pound. .r and Inns. 191f K. Clerk I long breaEd IND 885 t Ladies Coats f) Mens' coils; et CN-' g Overshoes g Light and Heavy Rubbers I unly Ladies Astrachan coat sable collar, reg $.;n,special price........ '.....r....... c l only Ladies rat lined coat excellent shell. . . I only Sealette coat, long, reg 18.00, for. . .. A large range of other coats, reg. values up to 12.50, special price ."............. Children’s Corduroy Velvet Coats Reg. Value '2.26,for.............. Reg. Value 9,5o,for.............. I only Men's curly lined Overcoat with collar, reg. '2ofirr.............V.' .. I only Mans quilted cloth lined Overcoat witl mink marmot collar reg 17.00 for. . . . . . . . I only Hens Beaver cloth, velvet collar, reg m.oof0ronly.......................... I only meas rat lined coat. good shell for. .. Boys Corduroy velvet pea jackets reg 3.50! Boys woolen shirts, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . snec 'iaiiiimpiiii" Men's high 3 and 4 Buckle Overshoes Men's medium a Buckle Oversboes .. Men's low I buckle overshoe .... . . .. Mans low Overshoes........ ... .... Women's 3 Buckle Overshoes .. . . . . . Women's low Overshaes .. . . . . . . . . .. - c -v - 'n w J ' " high cut, " reg 2 75 et medium cut, " reg 2.5m " laced, 3 hole, reg 2.25 for. . . .. $t buckle, 3 buckle, reg 2.25 for _ Men's Light Over Rubbers reg. 1 oo for. . . . Women's lignt " reg 75c for. . .. ... t""lhhhh"""ihhsiiuitashoiissssuvwvvwvvvJi" gJas. Pattison & Co., Ceylon Store 1 Men's heavy sew on's Men's heavv IQ in in Never were goods offered at such low pri- ces considering their quality. This is one of the sales you can count on saving money. The Manager of our Priceville store has enlisted and will join the colors Feb. lst, and in order to re- duce both stocks so as to be easier handled we have decided to clear out our heavy stock of winter goods regardless of profit or cost at the Ceylon Store only. Look over the prices we quote and see if you ever bought high quality goods at SuCh astounding prices in face of an ad- vance on all lines. Patriotic Prices JANUARY 20, 1916 - may, acw on s, red rolled edge, reg $2 for 1.63 's heavy " in top, rolled cdge,reg 4 5o for 3 " " high cut, " reg 2 75 for 2.13 ef medium cut, " reg 2.50 for 1.79 H T__, I I ' Commencing Jan until the end of l PiiICEfoITE_§In%}Q , red rolled edge 1g Jan. 15th end of Month. jackets reg 3.50 for 2.25 ."......... special 250 SALE i with fur 25.00 32.00 Is.oo 8.00 35400 12.75 5.oo $15 29 79 19 98 37 68 55 79 25 Iris, lime Black returned home afar spuudmg a. few mnmbs wal- friends m the city. Somebody wean a mule to see Ettie home again, Mrs W. Arrowsmnth spent: var) ilasunt afternoon " J. J. MWisar'i, Mr Jim Beach from the West ii spending a few months " Mr T. Mo. Keown’s. MFR Tenn McCormick and Mr nglne McDunuld spent a week with friun,t, in Waterloo. Mr Jus Meagher has gone to Tor onto for the Winner. Miss Katie McCormick spent the week end at her home. Mlss Tens McDonald is spending I Wcrk or so with her sister in Holstein. Mr Willus John Arrowsmith. from New Ontario, spam Xmas and New Years at his home here. Mr and Mrs J. Grannes. from Tor. onto, spent. Anus and New Yen's at J, S. Black's. Mr and Mrs Tom Meleown and family spent New Years at Mrs G', McDonald's. I It's a long was since we heard from nut burg, We are sorry to New the death of Mrs lluglne McGinnes and Mrs Nic- kel of Jaeldisb. Mr and Mrs Hockridge assisted Cedarville Annivarsary Services the 9th and 10th inst. Born-on Thursday, Jan. 13th, to Mr and Mrs John Watt, a daughter. Mr Archie Business Col over Sunday. Mr Bob Nelson, Owen Sound, via ited last week at Mr W. McKech me's. Owing to the icy conditions of the roads our blacksmith, are more than rushed. The Young People gave quite a pleasant evening last Wednesday to many of their friends in Mr Mock. rhlge's hail. In spite of the inclem- ent weather, a goodly number were presult. Mr and Mrs W. Terry spent the week end with friends in their old neighborhood of Cedaryille. Cold stormy weather still prevails, M r and Mrs Thos. Ferris, Oxbow, Sash, renewed acquaintances, here last week at Mr Jno. Ferris'. Miss Pate, Oxbow, is a visitor in our midst. V __‘.v "mu yuan Br03MI At Home Friday last. which rm a large success. The program consist- ed of mums by the orchestra; also bag. plpe selections, comic dialogues and _ songs by the Musses KInnell and Miss G. and F. Knox, Mrs S. Haw. Messrs J, Wilson, E, Heard and T. Weir. MISS Sadre Heard was accompanist and all ably performed their duties., Lunch was served after the program and then the young and old enjoyed themeelyus by dancing till the early murmng. All went home greatly pleased," as they admired the evening spent I DOW. Mr Wm. Knox épent Sunday, the 7th, Visiting Durham friends, Pte. J. Fox, of 0mm Sound, went the week end at. bwinton, Some of our sports attended I Boll in Hopeyille Wednesday [an Ind "v port a good time. I Lua, seems to be the moat populu DOW. Mr o. Come”. Gred in the Park. Mrs J. Cranston, of under tbe Dr's care " Mrs J. Richardson. mth In grippe. Mr and Mrs T, J. Form at ll. and Miss P, Pate, who are " In our burg for this lat month vxqumg this week in Bruce Co. OLENELG CENTRE College, visiiteriiiil'isiiiri ._1136 held their HOPEVILLE Burnct_t,_ 9tHtirtville - ,7 -- _-u-uvw, a. Dr's care " her mothers” ~ .2. _ - W . ' V ' wnh an Isaak}? of Inestogo. Sun. ' Who are wanting IA _. u '. For": and Mr Lucknow. is annual at We had this toad already that an” the last were tV blown up but to no avail as gallium: found a road over ll _ ‘â€"â€" ___ UI_W - ”"3""5" our uns "rndulll (Allin back. I and captured eight of our tieid Rune, I mud: my lad at nyight 'eu?,',',',' the forcing us to Call hank through rf,e,liififii, of the outwith my horse tied Mori" I” the mountains to te'i"g,t,iv)'ii.ii.ii.'iri'liil', Inc. On the thud alum where we entrenched an , erected newl which I hanced to be loam-duly. trolled batteries. This gorge runs between , un m mv blanket between the shafts iwu mountains and has. a road (jut l u; nine O'clock to be wakened at ten through it Out " the mild york with _ by the ahll'uing new: th st. the Dinars a drop ot ubuu! 2m ft. Tlte v',.y1y,yytliiiu't'iii'i'Ji' Dalian. a village only tt ts only wide mmmh tot two Ir..elttt,s.,iiiiire,', away from us and we were to to Inn: at (mm- and i3 Elbe confusmn of l get out at once. the retreat, men an or". an nug- _ . , m Inn to roll our gums Were pushed over the ledge yiowu ; “1:233: V.tl'," than: a: saddles l'S tr,,, awful l"? . blip the saddled on the home And set We had this toad ”INN” mir.ted tro l mounted, but we found that the rand that atier the last WP!" over tt was] was choked and blocked with troops blown up but to Lo "N” d“ the Bul'l and we Cqud only move It few feet an gmiuns found a road ovet. the moun- a. time. uutr! not havimr "on, " mm. ----, I wrote an hat letter trout Han- santi which you will we marked on my rude map and at the time I wrote It our guns and men were ennenclwd where I have Hitlrkl'd the English line. flu: Bulgarians attacked between Tar. tali and Dedelli which are two villages und captured eight of our Held gums, forcing us to cw back through the germ In the mountains to Causti, where we entrenched an F erected new batteries. This gorge runs between iwo mountains and has a road out Inronuh it out if tho solid 'rak with i u drop oi that', um ft. The mad tharel is only wide sanctum fox two lunlmy to pass at one? and in the coul'iuimi of! are l I suppose you have been waiting , anxiously fora letter from me since; you received my last letter, which 1 , believe I wrote on Dec. 210. as M was. written from Hauuanti, in Servin,} which in now In the hands of the but; gal-mus. I have had no chance or! means of writing a letter mnce as it) Would have no way to reach the base, , and we have been cmmnunlly on the move. until now in rather last night when we arrived in timicmica and Very { glad we were to get here, I Will try, to give you as good an account. of 5 [ what happened as l pnmihly can which il Von will understand better if idraw l I you a rude map on the next page. , ' man to " parents here showa illulked contrast to his experiences in Egypt. We hare read few more graphic lunches of war experience and We hope Cecil will live to teil to his (owne- uu-u in person the trials of that re- lireruent that has burned lulu his brain. Bring your Produce Departmental Store, “no“. -r.-_ er. "Phone whoGidiirih, themselves, A letter for Pte. H. Gray's parents says he reached Owen Sound safely and is in uniform. We have heard so many say since he enlisted " Har- ry Will make a good soldier." Icy roads and cold stormy Weath- er. Those whn an“. n..- a..... ---_ chiidreiAnGG her l I We weicon; Sauzeen Valley cor. Back to the columns of the Review. l Master Ray McClocklin had the misfortune to hurt his foot. keeping him from school for a time. Rep, Mr Whaley visited in the vi.. cinity last week. A daughter of Mrs J. Anderson died last week and was buried on Monday. Ber husband and three .,u."t.a-, ._, . - The lolyowing letter from our towns As seen in the Revlew last week this community mourns the death ot Mr lobt. Banks. His nephew James and he were alone whan the end came. Much 3) tupattry itt passed to the family who are left to moutn. Graphic Description ot Conditions by Cecil Wolfe. I Black measles are in the vicinity and those who have them are pretty sick. Miss Sadie McGillivray and J. Mchb have returned home from Toronto. 'tE hhikahniey, Weekly News 'gtg, Quito I number of the yo Mayo onlnmd for the war. Wedding be": In ringing McDonald have returned after mend ing I few days in Dundalk. The Retreat to Salonika T113 DURHAM REVIEW BEAVER CREEK p on the next pagv. hat hitter trout Han- Our Stock is large and fall in all lines, fitting lasts. Special kinds and qualities 0 notice. number ot the young boys I I..- .L- ---- ,, Specials in Rugs Fresh Groceries are do do do Size o feet x 12 feet, worth do Size o feet x f) feet, worth 8 9.00 for.. .. Si 7.49 Boots and Shoes enjoy ONTARIO ARC TORONTO IS large and tall in all lines, made on as, Special kinds and qualities got on two days ' MCKECHN IE __ - _.._, -_..._e9... -u-u~- - ml ' WV . ' Initial ! That morning I had the great mis. 1.3:?me .m'gflid 37;: a.” that 3 fortunate have my ham die with iiiaiGi'diri' “no“ humble and " ‘urute laruygitis which the had been the time the gum tour“ behind. At _sutrtaring from for two days, no I was “at we ttot started and not our Int l, forced to ride, a mule, but lucky for me oitruytty in form.“ . river um“ '1 l l rurmmandeered a horse which was Rot the can um - and the an- :rnnmihg rider-lens on the roadside on "u... too with tho elepption of two (th,, way to Dnrim With only a bridle pack mules who pt swept " their ' my and tbifl‘d ‘my saddle from my 18 legs and lost the numumtim " the ‘ hand mule In him. He turned out not pack ntddles. We moved " from too bad but rather tough to ride. there to Vilindu 'h." the null.” when we reached Dorian station. we took up fresh poultionu and then we hipped our waggons. kits, etc. on the started on our trek to Edwin. train and strapned nur blankets on the 1 unnot duct-lb. fully our non-ch or saddles and landed our mules with tun- ride in thin letter would take the (or. 'nurgmon Mid made CHIRP nettr lb" '0' A volume but when t ct home [an 5mm”). Wt; had only one yehlcle well you 'shout it in irlt'af as it in Come- with us. which was a two wheeledlmin“ that will live in my memory-I nut for the. doctorfs medical cheats. lions " I tire. n y... g [and exper- For thy we kept "X mules pnd har. i ierie but one which you don't are to nus with two spare mules In use of “a" repented. W. p.“ through 'vrtsitierttta, There we 9pm.; thren days .0: country which wu practicnllv road. )v mung tyr orders, with the .Baledr: ies, and we had otirrmq um.- fouling was getting nearer all the tune and rivers and ttpdintt wt" through the out' guns grudunllx falling back. I umunuine. sleeping only '11.. k. made my Md at, night between the 1..." “mg and up And 'war will e Shafts ofthe cart with my horse tied n.” ii In of dawn. To eat " N right beside me. On the third night bully a“ And 51...“. oonntimu 'Ith which ' lunced to be Saturday. [rolled water and other lime! with ten. if we up m my blanket between the shafts lcuuld Ind watter to ask. it. We Or- an nine o'clock to be wakenod at ten “Wed in gnome. last nittht and made ‘ by the startling news th d the Lillian-n lamp Bndlhsa my clothe! on for the hmiteacln-d Burial). .1 village only elhrit"iiriii, in . week and 1 half and miles away from us and we were to -wont to bed in a tent feeling that t get out at mare. [could sleep for wgehs. 7 ll didn't tuke IN Inna In .mn -it-- . A' ' . J. . -- ,_-._ - val, IILIU . of retreat along a mud leading to Dor- lian. When it not too hot at Hmnnti l We lecelved orders to tall back to Um . i ian station with our waggona and mi- l [mils and ship all wnguons. lumen and all kit with the exception of one ' H mket and one waterproof sheet per I "mu and use our animals as track uni- l'nmls for ammunition. - in..- .0.“ -usuw ul VIII 0! (Mum. and the forces t'otreated to Batman“. We had no order: to more back until they started to shell ' santi which we had to hold at all costs as it afforded the French the only has of retreat along a road leading to Dor- ian. When It not mu hat or u._-__.: luinu to the.ritr.ht lpd shelled 5 [g ti KARSTEDT BROS. 'lr/det/halt', ity,"! wagxamxgflxflflmxmfiuausswfix Groceries smmammmacsmmmmfi i; mama’s BUSY "on a. This is No. 1 stock and our prices are lowest when buying I keg. Also No t Oklnleu Cod. Let us quote you. Thu contact. we are willing to pay the Highest Market price for Farm Produce. A full stock of Royal Household Flour, 'dg't Leaf III Mar Floats, Btu, Ihorto. Low grade Flour an Oil Cake A special-ditto',, Maple Leaf-excellent Flour, per bag. There in going to be e ocucity of the above liner. There in no question of a doubt. We are planed to any our Spring Import Goods are miving daily and all will be sold ct the old prices. We secured them at thou prices and are willing to pm them along Thru early buying. we've been able to place in shock a com- plete line of Ladlea Patent Leather Cloth Tape, Kid Topa. mun- ed Kida, Oxfonla. Gunmetale, Beat Cell and Gained Bale. Menu and Boye' Bora' Velour, Patent, Um Calf; Beat Calf and Chm-e Tan Shoes, together with a full range of Miner and Childna'a footwear. No where will be found any fuller line of Footwear than we carry. The beat of it la, our price. appeal to buyeta. striving every few days. 'ttth Lake letting and Trout Prints,_ Gingham, Longeloths I loaded our mules witiiGii and made Camp near the We had only one "hiele ”LTAL - not 'urinit kai; We pay you Highest Price Spring Footwear hid: the had been two days. no I was le, but lucky for me horse whieh was m the roadside on With only a bridle saddle from my 18 He tamed out not 1000 for.. .. 11.50 for.... 12.00 for. . .. 16 00 for. . .. 14.00 for.... homes and get that the road 1 with troops I a few feet an 1nottr and Feed a mile us out of In. feeling very Boe and hoping you we all well " home. I WM: you Had my friends 3 very. very happy New Year. CTijiiiiirt'iiiUiT't,"ietmu any with for this time as l nut to so: it I." for four I min the mail. a :ing ware two ditferent things " the road WM jammed with m-uniuon “when. animals, men. Ac, no that moving we. tuatoet it-ibte and all the time the mm- were! behind. At not we gne started end not our Int oittiruiti' in fording e river which '0 Rot the can acme- - and the en- amels too with the exception ot two peck mules who got ewept " their legs and lost the ammunition on the puck uddles. We moved " from thereto Vilindar when the artillery took up fresh positions end then we slatted on our trek to Selaniu. _ At, soon uric vu light we were or- (it-red to m0ve (fl! but argorlngngd move luck. We ware 2't.t', to sit on our horau till it brat. [light before We could no" on, not. known": how "on the 'tttg would attaek under cover of the uk. To In“. it all worse it was bitterly cold and to w citing and uncertainty w“ nwful. and we all looked - for the firtst sign at dawn. we were ordered " the row to let n mum. of batteries ol Artillery go put Intake up " bonitlon tat mu..- nun- 8. 76 10.98 10.98 Durham 8. 3t; le FIBRE BOARD $i4tstg,gtttte,eab.ci ltd had a right rim. dailii" M Mupsy attended a _tjhl- lad latit Alva I band at titht mic“. Jul: mu. nouns. and an m1 s at HOUSE FITTIIGS - I. nod beg: to amuuul. . B Hulda-u a Dun-hun- and nun-out. £- ttPetr/i; that he but his leiv .1 I and factory fully equippod and a .- to “he one" for DURHAM PLANING MILLS mm 1 Speciality. “an: Framing. Shortest Noun: "tttRoos"---,", from Midduu, t UNDERTAKER an , Funeral Directt - - Mr lcl'hul duo- m can is“? trl?,l,ly,,io Insurance Agent. Mnuev to Le, has of Manage Liclesles. Ati, on! $15ch bataess thwarted. ARTHUR a. JACKSO " ttomuuigAucarris of Univ-City, WHILE of Ruya lot 1Amtat Surgeons of l in! an” wff!iitt1ieiti0 o. " s., L D i Hon GRADUATEM tat' T ' _ S,'ii,'iliht/il'tl,'lit',i gum 'la'tt', l , 1MIco-Atva. Javelin-y same nd a nu. Poet once. ppr w: loom”! noun.- south of mm \' a In due qt Moan a. OHIO! nouns H1..- 8--drirt. 7 a p. I “on ' unusual: helwucn onion u . “We: M all noun. J. G. HUTTON.M.D.. c. Ir'. mum. rut. with as... not Casual“. “- Nodirtdraii, Mandatory...“ L McPHA IL lrluPluu has u telcpooue m " thgh (Sn-I.- [Village of Catlin”? Kuhn at! tum mute u... atrad Maple. "---i___. VII-uB-k|““g ”ml. ONT. tLowes Town Notary Public, Go"tmivtiionev, J. BORINT D. tt,tr, L “(We Human- nnd autumn Ontdeto m: om. J, " 11-110mm 0mm new gnu-m Imam ' IMO“ GRADUATE of Town . nit}. graduate of Royal colin J In: Surgeons {Unmnu Root; 3 I a J UNTEH'H New Sun J. p. TELFOdD. bur. Sollcnor m Supren- loan Plume Commissaon. " Money w Loan. I on Lambrou HI... "mum": deole'a t$tablos. 00““ch --n house south .I " lamiu. Shop. at out! Dealer for uy at an q BELL I. PEAR. Ce Ion ilt muss. 'lflle Big bog. tt? Sttttotgt. . All“ I)

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