West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Jan 1916, p. 8

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' “as REVIEW irwsll teqyipped Through Equipment Filerctric lighted Compartment Ob- "s'r'b mu) Uit', standard and loans! [ "r, x’ptl'i. duung Car, tirst.tiase coaches) The frequent C.P.R. Sonics passing l “was!!! me Business Centre of cachl t " ia an asget to the Traveller.” l n'm-cia! round Trip Fares. Long Rum. -- stumvers. A,1,ville and “an Springs.-,N. 'C., ,‘!;,.rles;own. S. C'. t Nassau N. P. ; .Lv' springs. Ark I French L‘ek i; ones, Ind. :Jacksonville and all mid-l points : Havana. Oahu and 'tcw Orleans, La. via New York and an: mr steamer mending to destin- muu.) " via "attslo, Detroit or Chi- WINTER RESORTS hmilpd Twins ttttttect at Detroit with through Sleepers to Florida; also lune-cum: ' m 1lultalo, wushingtou and Cincinnati. Impr‘nved smvigurvia C. P. l{._.1nd M, U. R. to Chicago connects with all 'Hu'gh so: yu-e Cltiogo In 1uhiornia. Pu-m-nlvsrs from It. MacFarlane, Agent, Durham. or write M. G. MURPHY Dist. Pusan. Act ' Toronn A BRAHAM he '. Transcanada ,, The'Rideau'to Ottawa Bermuda and West Indies Other Health Resorts Ilount Clemens, Mich. . [hale wk. Mich ; St. Catharina, Well, ,' _ l'rcston Sprmes, Ont. hum, .4 .5 ful' 'rt1rrttt,r.tttrtt on up- Il IRAL‘ mr. WINTER TOURS to California, Florida,' Etc. n! Bev 'hem hare. We have a Fresh and varied stock at the eh may: Gncsrie-a. Outages. Lemons. Peels Dates, Nuts, Candies u.- an Bum-1. and evarvmm; required tor the Holiday fenivitieo. Oar prices will suit your purse. Give us . call. Highest prices for Butter and 8:30. Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods SQUARE Great Clearing Sale Rag lieg- Beg. Tailor and Haberdasher You can buy a Keg of " I Lake Superior Herring Why not buy a Trade Book and then get trlreg of Her- ring ? You‘ll have Thirty-five cents left to get a pound of real Tipperary Tea, and you can give some lucky girl a present of Thir'y thousand votes for your trade book, we give you two hundred extra votes with a package of this Tea. Everyone IS drinking Tipperary. Fifty pieces new Prints in the newest patterns. Our order was placed for these a long time ago, but they just came to hand this week. Lucky for us, wasn't it? Yes, and lucky for you too. No higher prices here. Lots of good patterns at the old price, ten cents, and plenty of that best Shilling Print at the old price, 121, cents. No scarcity of Blues either. Never mind what the other merchants tell you about not being able to get Indigo Print. You can get it here and no advance in price. From Toronto Daily for turning out all kinds of Con%er.. cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. PtMIT ARTH UR 1' CRT WILLIAM W lNNlPEG VA N! 70L” V ER regardless of price. As space will not permit us to mention all the extraordinary value we will quote just a few. See the bills for full list. 12.30 (UH 15.00 Raincoats clearing out at _ _., l. 1mm. 1050 and 11.00 Raincoats clearing at. ..s. 5.00, 5.50 and 6.00 " ._.._. We Emcee going at..........,......,..................... 15c unl 50c Braces going at,.,................,..... Also Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Underwear and oilter articles too numerous to mention all going the, some ,iaerificing way. Come early and get the best. G C if . . l e High-grade Men's Furnishings l have decided to clear out my entire stock of 6.40 p. In 3-2;: E. A ROWE "nation on Mr l‘umk Ticket New Prints . The record of the School In pug yen: is ' rimming one. The lmstees are progressive ed! l Nona y and spam no painswsee ttmt mchera and pupils tttt ve every Mannie for the groper ptegeuttstiou and acquisition of nowlcdge. FEES-01 per month In 5417ch. Leaves Toronto I rr, p. m. for WhithV. H-huwn. Bowmanville, Port 11ope. Cobourg,Tveuton, Belleville, Kingston unending Students should enter " the begin lung or the term it Mable. Board egg be ob tamed " reuonuble ates. Durham 1: A with: I?! attractive. town. Inning it I mo" delmblf p .ty tor residupcg. . _ . A . arrives OTTAWA 1009p. m. Central Station-tSparks strwet at Chateau Usurier The school ly thoroughly equipped in cencmns .hilivy, in chemical and electrical luppuel Illl mum“. am. tor lull Junior having no Munic- uhmon work. The following competem Inf! He trt Charge t THOS. ALLAN, Principal Ind Provincinl Mod ttl School Tenn-r. 133mm Cantu-tn THE "YORK"-- Leaves Ottawa 1.15 p. In. Amws Toronto 9,30 p. m Goods you Need How DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL ll. RANGE. (llama-o Popular Afternoon Train via Lake Ontario Shore sun and Ettsri.atot. Durham, Ont. illl. l. r. GRANT, itePrtttBr, for only $9.99 7.50 2.99 39c 19e Grey County makes Highest Pro. fit in ttog Feeding Competition. thw maiiiug sheet " corrected to date this week, Among hundreds of changes at this season of the year it is possible some omission may have oc- curred. If any are detected please notify us. Too m'uty still are in ur- rears. To these we urge attention at once to their label. Again we explain that the tigurms after the month are NOT the date of the month. butthe year. Thus " Dec. " " means “3lst Dee., 1016," The winners of the above various competitions Ire given a Two Weeks' Course in Stock and Seed Judging at the Ontario Agrmttltural Collage, Guelph, with allANttttoses paid. The returns of the Hog Feeding Competitions carried on m sixteen counties under the direction of the District Representatives have been published by the Ontario Department of Agriculture. The young men provmg himself the most etfieient feeder in the province was Mr Law son Sewell of Meaford, who had an average net profit of $12.31 per hog. The hogs which avenged 276 lbs. were sold for $24.84 each. The cost of production was $12.53 allowing $4 00 on the value of each hog at six weeks of age. An accurate account was kept of all feed consumed by the hogs uliwhey were tlee months old when they were sold at 0ts per lb. The wmner of the Competition in potatoes is Mr ll. S. Mundle of Owen Sound, who had a yield of 868 bush. els which gave him a profit of $196 . 22 for the acre. This competition was mm last year ty A Grey County boy, Mr Carl At- kinson of Rock Mulls. who made an nyerage net profit of $11.56 per hcg. In the Grey County Acre Profit Competition m Ensilnge Corn Mr Elmer Wading of Vandeleur, won first place with a yield of 29 tons, 1360 lbs, at A profit of $70.29 (corn valued at $300 per ton. They are so simple that a child c a Standard next time. You’ll like it A Special Purchase of Cottons Extra - Faétory Cotton smooth even thread and free from specks. Full 36 inches wide, on sale while it lasts at only............... We opened this week a shipment of Bleached Canons which go on sale to-day at only 10 cents. This is extra value. It is very fine, soft and free from dressing and a full yard wide. You'll need some of this for your Spring sewing. We have also seven pieces of an The J. D. Abraham Co. a,t,tpit1s National Drug & Chemical Co., of Canada, Limilted “For?“ KIDNEY! Perhaps Your KIDNEYS are out of order. Make the doctor's test, Examine your urine. It should twilight _vtrattr color-it' it is hi§hly colored, reddish or deep orange-i the odor is strong or unusual-itil dust" or mucus is present, look to the kidtt.erscIhEtAtout of order, . Rheu%atisim Sciatica, Lumbago. pain in the back, groin or hips-all gain! to weakness in the kidney or ladder action, and the pressing neces- sityjprgxx “In. . . . . . Gin Pills are worth their weight in gold because they drive these pains clean out of the system. They only cost so cents A box, with the absolute grantee of satisfaction or your money A, Six boxes for $2.50, or a free treatment if . Au write to Git GIN FILLS " once, and like there. regulayly. - . . " . How is your Label ? 1lrlloLsTETi)4 THE DU BEAM REVIEW a child can understand them. The new patterns for Spring are now in stock. Try 'll like it. We sell the Designer and the Standard Fashion-Book. at Prices Worth While ifiiirict" Standard Patterns Mr and Mrs Williamson, who have been engaged with Jas. Brown the past yen, left Monday for Toronto. Last Friday night a few of the Knox wags people gum them a lurptile Miss Pearl Falkingham left on Monday for Toronto to take a situa- tion there. Quite a number oi the people here attended the anniversary services " Holstein Methodist Church Sundav and Monday and enjoyed seeing and hearing their old pastor, Rev. Mr Magwood, of Toronto. Miss Norma Finder is visiting a few days in Mt. Forest w ith her hi. nd Miss L. Mercer. W Fergttsotr--Httnt--Th t we now adiourn to meet on Feb. th to re- ceive Auditors Report, te darn for making tile, appoint panama tens and general business. Carrie DAVID ALLAN. lerk Council met January IO, members elected subscribed to the required declarations end took their Semis " follows : Thos. J. Gordon. reeve ; Walter Ferguson, John A, Ferguson, Chas Hunt and Chas W. Robb, coun- cillors. The Reeve addressed the Council regarding the work of the year; By-law No 310 to appoint audi- torslor the year 1915 Was passed. The names ot W W Ramage and W, J, McDougall Were inserted iuby- law, salary $10 each. Bylaw No. 311 to uppoint a member of Local Board at Health was passed The name of Geo Eakett Was inserted in by-law ;said Board consists of Reeve. Dr Susana. M. O. H. and G'eo Eakemn with the Clerk as Secy. marriages and 3I d Huhs amounted to 19 80. Mun'l World Electinn Sup plies 9.48 ; J Grimahaw, gravel 72e ; John MuGruh, use of enuncil room, $2 ; Councillors pay isheeth'15. 1gobb-ilant--That the Treaisttrer's salary be increased F25 ;'Carried. J. A. Ferguson and W. Ferguson voting my. bepaid ;Jas Eden D lt O 89.50:, Wm Leith, D R o 9.50 ', N McDougall. do $9.50 ; C. Molnues do, 9 50: W. It. Walker, do 9 iso ', P Knit!) do $9.50: $4 50 W, 1erqrason-Hunt -That Com': Robb's report be adopted and he re- ceive .50.: com fees. Curried Hunt-J, A. r'erttason-Itat W Ferguson be instructed to report on changes naked " re Ihad Dev. Base line con 21 & 22. Carded Robb--Hant--'l%" Cum'r W. Fer, [moon‘s report be adopted. Carried Cumr Robb reported Ilobt Robb. yyi_erbroshiug 1015 at lot 16 can 12, Corny W. Ferguson reported W, Dania 26 rods wire fence lot IOC, n 2 $6.50. Com'r J. A. Ferguson reported W, Hester drawing one 10 mch tile m 10:26 con ll, btJe.. J. A, kergmsnn-liant--That we gram the sum of85to 8iak Ctiildren's Hospital. Toronto. Carried Robb-Rant-That Com'r J A Fer. guson‘s report be adopted. Carri:d Robb-d A 1s'ergttsson-in regard to the communication trom Rich Cronin. Dep, reeve of Proton. n questing this council to pay $5.50. Egt's share ot work done on lig': & Proton townline that as this Council has spent money on the Said r, ad and nevvr asked Proton Counc:l w piy half cow, that it be reterr. d back and this council is ready to balunce accounts at an) time. Carried llobb-J . A. Ferguson --That the Road Divisions be same aslun year with the exception that C-im‘r Robb take the Iteeven divismn and Cumr Hum take Com'r koob‘s division. Car 1tobb-1Nnt-. Tbat Walm Fer- gusan be nppnintcd to examine the Registry ottiee re Tress snrecies and report at next sitting of council. Gr, Clerk‘s registration of 53 births, 1teyoletdthatth? following aeet's Egremont Council ORCHARD tt Feb. thirre. , Tort, te darn for tpathma tensand Carrie ALLAN. lerk l TORONTO l0c in eight different patterns. Get your Shining now while the price is right. You'll have to pay more for it soon. Be advised. That good Indigo Bhirting that does not fade is scan-re, but we have lots of it, also the For Less than you Pay Elsewhere l, The Anniversary Services in the _ Methodist Church were very well " itended, considering the stormv ineather. Rev. Mr Mngwood gave e.xcvllent sermons both morning and (evening on Sabbath. Monday even- Jug Dr. Jamieson, of Durham, very _ ibiy presided " Chairman instead of , Hon. Ge a. Brown, who could not re- ;mam in Holstein for the evening. ,'stev. Mr Magwood gavea very in. -;tructive lecture on " Mind your own Business." J. C. P Mag wood, who left Toron. mu . private in the Eaton Machine Gun Battery, he. been given e com- mission in the Ravel Field Artillery, according to a cablegrem received by his father, the Rev. J. W. Magwood. pastor of Epumrth Methodist church, Toronto. Previous to the war Lieut Magwood was a student at Vietctia College- He was a splendid athlete and won the all round championship in athletics at the 1'niversity of Tor- onto. Mr Magwood is e pendent: of Kev. J. C. Pomeroy. On Tuesday,' an, 25th. Samuel Seaman will sel by public auction it his premises ld 7, con. a, Egre- motat, half mile so hot Holstein, 4 horses. I. cows. 8 l " cattle, I3 "IKS, shunt 80 hens. vatoes,mtn, nay, wheat, rootm imp! ents, lumi- 'ure, etc. Terms: 85 and under "ash, 12 mos. credit, 5 rceut off hr cash. Sale at 1.30 m. See mills. £3 LOCAL AND PERSONAL All partie 1 ebtcd to C. McKin- nnn, Holatei will please call and settle on or bef Feb. ist and save cost of collection accounts. Owi o the recenNtormy weath- er, H. A gham's big clearing Sale will bc cou ued for one week long. er, The sn await you-take ad. 'antage cl the t once. The Young Girls' Patriotic Club I ‘st week shipped the following bale: l s doz bandages, u doz. pads, 6 LOT, mouthwipers, 15 towels, 5 unit- ted wash cloths, 2 pm. socks. The many acquaintances John W. Hallidav will be intern to now that he has enlisted wi the . tst Overseas Battalion. He lends his little rhyme he enmpoeed to ex- piess the spitit of the Battalion l We are the have of the 6rst, Let Kaiser Willie do his worst, Shots nnu shells from German guns , ______ -'"-" _ '?uaresetaamsaaie Mrs J. D. Roberts, who has been under the Dr's care forthe last few z'. 'YS, is, we are glad to say, getting along nicely. The matter re R. Irwin & Son vs J. M. Matthews has been settled out of court. Will never make a Canadian tun? V” Come on Boys, get in the ring ! Who'd stay at home on apron strings ? Mrs Marsh entertained the Junior Bible Class on Friday evening of last veek at the manse. About " young W"ople were present and a very enjoy- able evening was spent in games. etc. A delicious lunch was served. The Annual Meeting of the Library was postponed and will be held in the Library mom Saturday evening, Jus. 21nd. at 7.30 p. m All who are interasted in the Library be sure to be present at this meeting. The Christian Endeavor Society of l "eshyterian Church will have a So. col Evening on Tuesday, Jan. 25th, at which they will entertain the young people of the Methodist Church. A free-will offering will be taken in aid of a Special Patriotic Fund. Miss Louise Ramage spent over Sunday with Durham relatives. Mr Geo. Brown, of Toronto and Mr Jas. Brown, of Regina, Sankn visited their sister, Mrs W. T. Petrie, this last week. Mr Geo. Brown intended remaining to take part in Methodist Anniversary Monday evening, but had to leave on Fridav on account of business. Mr Jas. Brown left Tues- tay afternoon for Toronto, en route f-r Southern States, where he intends spending a couple of months. f"""""" ”smawmm: Old Reliable Rockfast Drill D. McP il AIL, Auhioneer . Shirting The Store That Sets the Pace New. in! on; Jeri.""."."."."'....".'.".:'.'. The Review sud TUIODD Daily World for "tte..................... The Review sud Weekly Mail and Empire fort ytar.................. The Review and the Familv Her. ald and Weekly Star for l yan- The Iuru. land Wrokty Witness for I "ar-...................... The Review and Toronto Duly Sun tur I butar....................... The; Review od Toronto Duly ‘A... I - _ gm... Lime} in}; ‘g‘gm; 'iii) 2, is bound. in mug... in "$3 he tree m... with t boxes as tfo'"'du'd'"If'eell 34:33.3? ever ‘gentlgmen IOC. A Sp did tune " cumin mew heel. This certainly anticipated lots of tun d instruct. an...” w on” in"... m the 'srititttt ive as well. price of tum lundc. l tun tor we. I -- It!) were: near Dromon, convenient to _ BORN nrhml. Bplvndidly improved. only Stevemron-0n Friday, Jan. nth, to $532 "ig-gt balance " 5 percent, Mr and Mrs J no Stevenson, a son. lat “a.” can is, “mom. qreril pr... ‘W _ served 'tlg? or with “other 50 Our attention In: hem drawn to the lair; Ext-cumin near Mt Forest fact that certain people receiving re- (land farm, worth - but 'i,iiidi lief from the to am, me sending such I mm or tulle under for quick “In money to the Toronto Dwartmenul’ am me- Egromont. near Hal-trill. stores for their good" " correct. their; One of the may heat (an)! in the lilillld? should he investigated by the ', lo',':,","','),',; 'de mu“ , picked up Belief G'ommitteeand the pructicp die: “I, a; 'ilQ't"i',"fa'll'1'e' iohn Clark continued. Ttsis is practising duality ( Int-m. mu 3. W G B. Che-per than with I venue-lace and la a C& b'.sckeye " ' “I?" 'ii',CU'i,tt"ta trt c m d, u G to those forced to put u t the monev. "trea P“ . " ' . .. We have no obPction tu'thi'm rem-ii. lar" Dulhnm. Good (arm. ing the money, bat ouch indircre-n 'ott 3 le cannot. IRON! to BUY or SELL on their part cam-.01 Ire ove'rrsoked,--, to BORROW or LEND without Int. Meaiord Express. , swing um... .. l u- uz-II- .11 cc Coat Sweaters you to purchusp. _ PRINT! "Riblki'ill rm In fur Mn. r Loav" UH Your Urdu!" for the "L'irrLU't"'rt'i,,y'd , procurahlv. Per mmulu M M, (single Copy 15(- , JOHN M. FINDLAY . VWOMW‘ Mr and Mrs Smith, of Conn. visit. ed at the latter's parent: on Sunday last. Mrs Eccles, who has been quite ill, we are glad to say. is im. proving nicely. o """'oaio"aveo-oA, g Bargains Before Stock Tatum Mr W. Coburn and sister Marion spent the latter part of last week with friends in Cheeky. The Annual Business Meeting of the Holstein Ptesbvterian Church Was held on Tuesday evening. A splendid report was given by each department of the church, showing a good record for the Tear THi. Miss Nettie Rogers returned from Toronto Monday, owing to illness. The Hols Patriotic Society is having an en ttainmeut on Friday awning, Jan. wt, in Town Hill. The program [lie evening mll consist of views Bermuda and oth. er stuthern plac Jy Rev. Dr. Marsh. Also a B Social will be a pleasant part of th evening's pro- gram. Ladies brlu gboxes will befree Ladies with t boxes 25c, gentlemen too. A sp did time is anticipated lots ofiun d instruct. ive as well, PAPER CHANGES HANDH. -The Uenwsville Express. which fur the put tour and a half years has burn controlled by G. E. Hudson. appeared this week under new management, having been taken owr by Menar- Culp and Gibson. Mr Hudson is leav- ing Beamsville. Credit Auction le of Farm Stock and Hay on pram s at late War. Hamburg on Friday, an. 21st. 12 mos credit given on proved :joint notes. 6 per cent off for ash. Chas McInues i Walter Horskurg f zonly Lulu Short In Jackets, reg as... tor ....... only men I black beuver cloth Coat,tter count.“ Snlcprlcc 'r"""'...-........, F...... . .. "'....rrr........ t Indie: Fur Stole, my. moo. tor............................. t Lululu Stolc. reg. " for .... .... .""'.....rv......... 'Ladies Iluklu' Segue: " "r...-.............. Child‘s Fur Beter. at Corretttottdinsriv "alum: Bcocetaeloe lel in M in a cup‘ we my. new”! Im ., which In it 1itturea nth-r mm cu"! vawr. We I!!!” "-Muki'uz Clubbing Rates D. Mel'hail. \uctioneer Our Piano Contest is nearing a close. and you still have an opportunity to help your fa- vorite contestant to win this beautiful instru- ment. She wants to sell you a Five Dollar Trade Book. It will give her Thirty Thousand votes and you can trade it out any time. Don't turn her down. You‘ll need something Boon, and Your Trade Book will buy anything here same as cash. It's worth Five dollars to you anytime. Loosen up and put Four favorite at the top. Your votes must be handed in by Saturday, J an. 29th, as the standing will then be made up and published. Remember the date please We have u few left In Meer, u. reaters dies, and Children. which um I!" g mun for new Spain; Goods. lit-mun Value tte, for 'it,' Reeutar vduv [no foe I "lets for the "t?rlt'neoot," the hect Ladies 3oueamt nnmun M tio, Single Copy "tr. Contestants Please Take Notice Buy a Trade Book H n in a C unh- of weeks Mad hutch lulu.- wlu-h we will 'r- at u ttretr reduced r'y Now. We. qua e only a few PM": " corm'stroetdittttly Mac-ed peices burmers t Why remain idle all win- tor Wheat you on an up n paying agency P - 7 at once for Dl REA“ and DUtActNor Ihu Old Run-ml:- I'oothin Nurseries. Chou-e list of vunatiea for Spring Plum-nu. Luhonu'l‘ornv. Bardeen"- free Outfit [inductive turriloty. Write now for mun-ulna. STONE & WELLINGNL, _ Town“. Onwiu ti. H. MILLER, “mover urn sot Wu: nrtmotm,-Att or do , u be"! issued forbidding the Us" . t the varied colon-d ribbon worn by men who have returned from the from. The ribbon reproach“ the rot. orofttto Allies nod wu not outby some enterprising manhunt who has never been Iu'hnriud by any of the gnw-rmueuu of the Allin. " is mu cusmmuy to produce I ribbon before a medal is struck for it, and -ise medals are only made after the cun- paizn is over. The proud-In ribbon i, premature. unotttehU, and doe. nut conform In to width, etc. All the re. tdroed soldier! are no. forbidden In wen this ribbon on uniform. Buy Farm A Metrreseatativo “hated Obtain the very best Business training by attending the Shorthand, Businesa and Civil Service Coursea leading to high salaried positions. Demand tor gtaduatea exceed. 'it.',','.': Itt. wmgate before deci in; which School, Catalogue free, D.A.MCLACKLAN, 0.841st Mt. Forest Business College JANUARY 20 ttGGend Principal you CAN Property Now M10 VOL. ll W IEU G. T-l SW

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