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Durham Review (1897), 3 Feb 1916, p. 4

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h I"! m'houi i 54:17; John McGowan Plt Otis; Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Large Quaptjty of No. I Feeding tiay 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND HARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop " Highest prices for Bitter and 812., Buy them have. We have a F choicest Groceries. Oranges, Lemons. of all kinds. and everything required Our pncaa will suit your purse. G Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionury and all Bakery goods Down Town Shoe Store Also ha retail at 60c “,0. ..-......a, man: an pascal, full metal and Dungolrl, on the latest model lasts They ate atyl ah, tlur"trle and h 1ndec Shove. No better footwear is manuhctut- ml. and thcy are priced according to quality. Come in and inspect our new Military last in Men's Working Shoes. Best on the mark”. We have just received a shipment of S sit-cases and Clubbags, prices ranging from $1.40 to 5 50. Also have stocked a line of Children's Salim! thou.. -hGh Ont Shoes embrace al metal and Dongola, on th durable and hmdsome Sh ed, and they are priced am Skms , of them THE PE0PLE'S MILLS CRUIPED OATS ior Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates ces" a": a‘mamwfiaamwa EIK%?, ' we)” u gag AM .1 I) - J, ,2 19‘ i5 €113 The THE We FEED l If you have any to sell, bring it to us and we uill pay highest prices for it. Fresh and Clean, the very best. Seejhis ttay beforelpurchaeing elsewhere. It wiil pay you. We are i Grain Wanted wry bag guaranteed. '1 a: I'. bark and set. , Milling Oats Feed Oats Mixed Grain Feed Barley ml ya”, know that they can make Shoes out of all kinds of . "How al, mt banana skms ?" "They make slippers out 17.. _'t?"d)ii'. E. A. ROWE rhave a large stock of HEAVY MIXED on hand. If you need feed, get our prices. moms: Day M, Night we Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. in the market for any quantity of REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE Ilse for All I Oatmeal Mills, Durham mtantaed. If not tratisfaotorr ml! get. your menu}: 1 ttarkct pr ml Ferd in b We ham a la'rgsh pm: variel stock at the all the good leathers, made in patent H... 1.. .-" ___ ' . . _ _. Le IP": - Pee ii." Dita? iiii,%i'ii'i"Ji J. S. McILRAITH of Childrcn‘s School Cases which ad tor the BoruurukiiGiiC Give us a can. Speeru'. Reduction :,__g1}n VIRGIN GIRL (hind " huub ltr hung Vino! tz'fititgticiktit, 1'llint?t)t,'t,'," thin. N I “and who! no me-am‘ifi 9.35.9592 pyy?1YstPte Met Vino! Entered Ir. Ma'- 9mm Wnpekonetn, Ohio.--", em n farmer by occupation, and the grippe left me with . bed ttfl and In 3 anon-meek, run-dun t thm, an: I could JI', seem to to In o me en tr until I tool: much built go up, end my couch and norm-nan In all we. ind I can truly say Vinol ls ell t is chimed forit' --Jhtma Manrm. Vinol in a eotmtitatiotml remedy for all week, nervous and run-down condi- tions of men, women and children end for chronic cough, colds and bronchitis. i Hepburn Bros. who operate a plan. ing mill " Picton, Ont. got a contract tor forging and mochining seven hun. dred thousand dollars worth ot shell, but " e planing mill in no place to make shell: they paddled it out to a manufacturer in Montreal. Dr Peg- eley bed previously glanced ntthia cue mentioning $15000 as the sum, but this, " you see was tt consider- able tutderstatetmsnt. "Barney " l, What made it worse was that while the shell commiatee store tel. ling bone-tide manufacturers that all the orders were let they were award. ing enormous contracts to these mush- room combinations hastily formed to enjoy the spray from the lonntain ol blessing. He cited the correspond- once ofGen. " Alexander Bertram with the Dunbar Engine and Found- ry Co. ot Woodstock. N, B. use case in point. As a matter of factthc shell committee the so tender of par- l ty lrisnds that the Albion Machine Co. ofNew Glasgow. N S. which bad twice tried to slip a load of bad shells put the inspector, was still allowed to go on manufacturing. "Middleman. middleman. Lido,. man everywhere!“ exclaimed Mr. Carve]! mm rising emphasis --ee -'""""'". "'""""J w. a» Juan, LN. A. had no more notion ot making shells than you and I have ot claim- our mansions in the skies as the pres- ent moment. They simply snubs contracts and hawked them out. i His charges were directed against _ the mushrcom companies operated by conservative politicians to whom the Shell com. proceeded to pay out mal- lions of dollars. Of such companies he named a bakers' dozen, capital mostly a shoe string. which received contracts aggregating many millions ot dollars. He promised it necessary to name a hundred more and all up to sample. Many of these companies like the York and Cornwall Cotton company which turned its contract over on a 10 per cent commission to the Fleming Grundy po. St John, N. Mada-Inna * Co.. Druemutst, Durham. Ont I WhacFrnnk Carvell did Tuesday week was merely to Mate the indiot. ment. Being a good player he due: not throw his hand on the table, His speech, long though it was. held not a dull minute. It WM lull otsallem points. In fact it was all salient points and every point in paled a humbng. He left the sullen: points sticking in the government‘s hide and naturally there was some sqnlrming. Anyone who knows Frank Carve“ knows that there is more behind. N 0 man uses less fiabditb and more facts than the member for Carlton, N B. Be is the greatest recipient or under ground information in Canada. The hotrible details fioak to him from all over the country and as Frank Car. yell is: lawyer and knows what ev- idence meanI, his informants don't try to put him off with backyard gossip. It’s a safe bet that when Frank Cerell makes a tive hour speech he has material for a five months enquiry at the back at it and that his real brief is a tight fit for the ome,tt vault. can be. after the "tiiaiiiiCirUy""iii which Carve" covered the ground is hard to make oat. Bennett ot Simone. on the other hand, ventured the suggestion that the Libernil ought to take I: a col- lection and pro-ant Frank Sane“ with 1 gold watch for touching them how to put up a good battle. Which "out: to show that than is I action ot the Conan-riv- nrty that would like to see you of it thoughhow that Some took it with I wry (Ice, as tor "ample Capt-in John Hampden Barnum. who nnooiled his luv kha- ki length in the midst ot Mr Carve“? mos: glowing periods, and naked, "Why all these words?" The moraletreet of " tive hours speech lust week in which he deliv- ered n coneentruted utteck on the Old Shell Committee. the hey eon then made by the Agricultural De. psrtment in New Brunswick, and the perfunctory operation, of the Davidson eommiseiou linger yet. It lingered to such en extent that the day utter the rpeech u Conservative caucus we: held " which nothing elee vaulted about. It lingers now. Not lines the tar eturted have l the government supporters bed to, take sueh u gruelling. l i like putlpuu _ -e-v -. -'"t""J may plant, Arthur Meighen may water by " denials, but it in Prank Carve”. M. P. who alveth the insane. In other words the member tor Carlton, N. B. is a tine chm fitrtttitstr man Ind believes in spilling nil the beans in. stead of one hem at a time. AFTER EBIPPE Ottawa, Petr. 3rd-', Carve" as a Detective. ; (ffiiitfjiiii Fi, 81.50 per yen. .1 oo if paid in naval”. FEBRUARY 3. ms Dr Puzzle; mfr I Are your hens laying , Mr We _' ‘beck. While calling on us tbr, om _ 'day. remarked that he thought h , l hens were getting too old. He in r) investlgued and found that nnc J, I them Indn't a tooth in her held, Me Hugh Ridden brought "an, , an. prohihimn tretirion 'tttd In signed Mr John McKechnie has dis.. posed of his farm to Mr Tho:, Ball. . Mr Jae. Hanna, ofAyton, span : a few days last week with his uncle, Mr John Birr. TH: DURHAM REVIEW cow last week. I The annual meeting of Knox (ehureh was held Monday own- ing, Jan. 23rd, the business bein:: done in a satisfactory manne. the Treasurer resigning aftera period of eleven years and Mr George Sharp was chosen as hrs successor, while Mr D. MtWvrido, was elected Manager in place of Mr John Sharp, whose term has expired. Messrs John Leith and Wm. Grant are in Toronto this week as delegates to the Dominion Gauge. Miss Janet Sharp, of Hampden, spent over the week end with her brothers here. ; Another of our boys, Mr Jas. l Wallace, has donned the khaki. Mr and Mrs W. Backus enter-i tained a few from these parts on l, Friday evening. i Mr and Mrs Jas, Kerr, of Hampden, spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Jas. Watson. The%sather Pickers' Associa- tion held their annual fowl sup- per last week. Miss Clark spent over the week end with Miss Carrie Wilton, of Va._rpe;:. Amongst the boys we know fron- this townslup are. Jae, Wallace. Ge Webber, Harold MoKecbnie, GN It:u. tie. Perry lioeihn, Murray Hay Arthur Gadd, Will McAlhsLet. all or this neighborhood are training at dim um points. Accmmittee of five rnpresentirg Knox church and vunnity have beet out collecting funds to take their shire in ricoguimng the boyalrou Normanby who [Jaye enlisted. Suc- cess to Ibem. We notice m last week's Ubrmm't a statement about. Knox being behim in Mission”. No doubt we are. bu: when we know that. money amoum. ing in the neighborhood ot $1200 he, been raised it will be admitted Bt have no n 01 to hang our heads It name. MISS A, C. Clark, teacher. View: over the week end with Miss Can-u Wilton. 1 Mr. Jae. Wallace has enlisted arm leaves next. week to train m Owen. bound. ilu, many friends wwlr hum I safe return. Mr and Mrs. Jul. Kerr of Hampden uten'i‘ed service in Knox last Sunday and spent the evening at the Watson home. Mr Goo Slurp was chosen as [rem urer this gear for Knox church. Mr. Wm Gram resigned after a nutnlt.r ot years as treasurer. - . . I From horses to hay ls but 1 step| and there Mr. Carroll ended " re- marks. It seems that some of Mr.! Hazen‘s friends operated s hay} squeeze in New Brunswick with the 1 result that New Brunswick farmers i got $13 a ton for bay in the barn, i i while Quebec farmers got $17 n tun. ' Presumably the font dollars 'prend l indicates the high value the govern- ment sets on Nationalist support To give him credit the Minister of Ag- ticultnre sought to intervene bat who is little Martin Burrell to oppose In elemental force like 10hn Douglas Hazen? lie might as well try to] sweep back the Atlantic ocean I 7 The real queuion is how did "Par. _ ney" get the contract ? it must have _ been " smile. "Barnev" has a I smile like n morning in Ita,. and Major General Sun docs in r . t, l I' tblithe hearts about him. it i I, t the Major Generel’n word for it tit " "he never interfered with the Shell Committee in giving contracts or fix-4 ine prime, " but we also havathis further deelaration t "lam the father ofthe 8hellCommitieL I stand back i of it, ttmt last and all the time. " As. anther ween‘t it his duty to Know: how the Shell Committee was band., line nglnd voting thing like ' Ban; ney ?" And there Frank Carveil halt? it. Conservative members often won [ der at the fiereeness of the Carvell . nit-ck. Hislriends who he: pen tol know what he is holding back wonder oftener at his moderation. I The Afr-tire Cox in which the Peer ident ot the Canada Life tried to give 60hitth bred home to the (Morn- men: bat could not get them past " Adam Beck. will take a lot of ex- plaining. When these horses were afterwards led up anonymously at Brampton market they passed with honors and brought big prices. It seems that Sir Adam looks a lift horse in the month --ptsrtiettlarl.s when it in Grit mount. The ang- “cation ig made that Sir Adam didn't. want Mr Cox‘s name to eompete with his in the newspapers. i F #7., -____.. u: I: "'K" I he in true a patriot couldn't I one the Empire's danger l 8700.000 worth. Hepburn the senior member of that ttrm in . P. for Prince Edward 30 ( Ind $15,000 would be small po- I ma for one as full at the Joy of liv. ine " he in. The joy ofliving and incidentally the can: of it bus shot up terribly in the In: ten yam until i "Barney" who 1: " high a flyer nsl (hm G "...eu---.,, .. - -. NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY '. Cgrson lost a valuable KNOX CORNERS WELBECK 9%.. o - TORONTO w. i I, I Must: Brown and Lunacy attended or it on " lCounty Council in Owen Bound Ill! he Shell t week. on or ii.x.-i Mr Dan McDougall u tenem'n; ac- hIVe this quaintanccl here. i atrord to lass man Intemational Stock Food tu., limitd Yorulo . . III". of For Silt/ry. Wm. Black, Hard- Departmental siGi, _ 7..- ___. ...., m... unmistakable earnmmuss: They need ticott's Emulsion, and need it now. It possesses in concentrated form the very food elements to enrich their blood. It changes weakness to strength; it nuke. them sturdy and strong and active. Scott a Bone. Toronto, on. Insure Your Horse For "e""'"-'"'"-' Fifty Cents Boys', I Miss Gladys Patterson returned to gher home in Prieeville, after uvenl , weeks' any with relatives here. Call %raii, Gladys. ever receive the proper balance of food to rsufficiently nourish both body and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in mature life. This is shown in so many pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. For all such childrvn we say witty .......:,.‘..t. .1 I _--- Mr Malcolm McLeIh. of Durham, called on his various friends of this community one day last week. Mr Malcolm McCallum purposes having a sale on Keb.9th, prior to his leaving the vicinity for town. Our Bargains in NUT ENOUGH CHILDREN Rev. Mr Kelly filled the pulpit of the Unlock Baptist Church Int Butt. day. His services were vety accept able and much enjoyed by all who attended. Next Sunday. Feb. 6th, we are to be favored with sermons by Rev. Mr Aehmore. All are cordially invited to attend. Him-IT'- il,' care It. Then Inn at": a. 'l been I {allure In all (it "Ei 'f) t'l years this wonderful hall- “ - ”3| my all but been and , Xdh'kitaTt, w farmers and stock-Inn. t (gr. I he" soothuthe pun-prevent! - tt ‘ l irthonmattoh, proud tu.t, m :' Ind blood 'to'mutintr--osd rMaB" _ causal the cuts to lull clan-1y and rapidly. Cum . Old Sons. Bruises, Strum, Swell), Sweaty. Equally Good for Muscular Rheum-Hill. 'h,ige: Ith/sy, Spain, Son Throat, my UiGa'teWiiirr"aa'.' - Mrs Marshall, of Durham, apent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs Wm. Brown. We also quote you Jlnuary is certainly living up to the record for (lawn. ware Meichant, Durham,' in; Dealers Everywhere" '-'Pattttt" oi: thi, bills at home. We .mven't seen such mud for sixty yen". L.et us not ghrow my " anyone. The weatuer-orhr, you. anybody . dawning It. It's even more pn- .uctive of comment then the III. W's almost spring. We can Inn" the pair of Heav/itwarliiiriTiii" Ignites These are good values and it will pay m t! ”when: "" tending the bill. Pull ism-:1, £3; ua _ Safis Sur a "ttle-- sold b team any where on I W cash guns!” to can. Ito _l9oking over Are as follows .. Ladies' Dong Blue... Ladies Common Sense Ba], low heel.... Ladies Pong Button, very dressy Shoes Ladies Dong Blue, on double E lasts (tl to give you solid comfort) . . . . which are of the best quslity and at the right prices Mans Heavy Slipper, blue. . . . .. . . .. tt " guaranteed waterproof. . Mans Heavy Elk Blue, a very pliable shoe. . . . Mans _Militiry Shoe, chrome tanned. . . . ' . MensTauElk .... w--, Lads Heavy Rubbers, 3 hole laced. . . . Boys Heavy Rubbers, 3 hole laced. . . . Men's 1 buckle, a very neat rubber. . .. Men's 2 buckle, very serviceable. . . . .. Men's Snagproof, 12 in leather top, a big , Few of our Rubber Prices McKechnie’s Weekly News 332:3 Bring your Produce MULOCK No nutter he. bully CI! A horse or to. may be. "su-NEB, PINE" will Cures Kicks and Spain: Iver LIOOJIIW all with“! I sink "uphill. Silver Pine Heals Barb Some Prices on Men's k , and Children's Shoes at etlltuutar reasonable prices our I.ootyutd Shoe Mock this week ot the best makes, which we wili oiura" noducea grim: and it will pay you to call and look them over. ir, McKECHN IE 'i'; After Grippe g Builders U. P. R. The Reeatlk m _ Town Office IggigtgtglglglgthMlMt 'ttniNtlRlgllglRlyllX 39: IgeawiBoetrrmtsttdWimt....---.-.-.. igr.zoqrineotCodLier0it..-.....--..- Rex-lle‘pophmphira.......... ...... ...... R'x-llOllveOllEmnluioo..................... Nyall'l Nutritive mpopbospttitm. .... .... ..... " Pepmniud Beet, Beef. Iron and Wine... " CeleryNervoTonic.................... " OodLiverOUComponud............... Eiiiiiiugtgriagtramrrrrrsraarrtlm Mr: Take a little comfort us you go-especi- ally if you can combine it with profit. The man who owns a Ford has provided healthful enjoyment foe his entire family and equipped himself with an economical servant as well. Ford Touring Car Price $530 and Trade with us MacFARLANE & co. "you have land a muck of " Grim. one or these m, media will may win In bulldiu you up and help you throw " the had elem mull] following ........ (dig-Elmo we gummtee " a bottle. Sui-{notion (manual. "no... snap “MADE IN CANADA" , we find we have several ........ 81.60 Durham , Shoes "DRUM“ 3, I916 .81.25 C235 2. " Shoes 2.10 1.75 2.03 3.10 GP; ht **$% (it? , Sr Era- " In tlt SPE Coat 5-73 the thn as I td d u Sp 50 I" Vel ,0 Idol " M an

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