1@Â¥ #% at Particulars Hi!_hest p!’i\es for Bay them here. We have a Fresh and varied stock of the choicest Grocerias, Qranges, Lo nous Peels Dates, Nuts, Candies Â¥ all kinds and evarythin> required toc the Holiday festivities. ar prices wili suit yoar parse Give us a calil. hrough "qa Car. S anc PW Your _ Holiday Groceries_, Fruits and Confections THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods Down Town Shoe Store Also have stocked a line of Children‘s School Cases retail at 60c. Come in and inspect our new Military last in Men‘s Working Shoes. Best on the market. We have just received a shipment of $ aitâ€"cases and Clubbags, prices ranging from $1.40 to 5 50. Oar Shoes embrace all the good leathers, made metal and Dongola, on the latest model lasts _ T# durable and handsome Shoes. _ No better footwear ed, and they are priced according to quality. "Did yor know that they can make skins ?" "How about banana sking 2" of them." 1 es L r sale by WM. BLACK, Hardware Merchant, Durham, and Dealers Everywhere etrequent 2. P R Service Ees upene spatin? toswv azatzen Mss in hcsiil s Th until it is sold and used all over the world. by over three million gractical farmers. It is lar, most reliable an most suecessful tonic sale by dealers everywhere in 50c. and #1.¢ FREEâ€"Write for our new book "Interna cause, symptons and remedies for discases o send you oneâ€"absolutely free of cost, postag it am{mentiou the number of head ofP:tmk it and mentinn 14 1 .. . _ 7 _ Cl Of cost, postage poi it and mention the number of head of stock you INTERNATIONAL STOCK FC The mere fact that International Stock Fo the practical everyday test of farmers and sto a quarter of a century is absolute indisputable tefligcnt man that it must possess very superio for over twentyâ€"six years can be explained by seller in the world can be built u only on mer Stock Food Tzlmic has constantly li)ncteased dan mmbi® s Loo llry us wss C SmRIme NPC, Nn is a mixture of ten medicinal roots, herl cellent tonic and blood purifier. It stimu to be forced for rapid growth and fatteni or disease. It costs only three feeds for one It is not what a hog eats but what is strength, rapid growth or quick fattening gives good appetite, pure blood, perfect diz and quick growth. It has always had th venting disease in hogs and for helping 1 amazing‘y. It is not to take the place ef better health and larger profit, by impron of all animals. THE or Winnipeg and Vancouver ‘Did yor kno We are in the market i Mixed Grain and Barley, ar any quantity at our Elevator Qa‘pment including Electric Lighted C indard and Toarist Sicepers, Dining C If you want Feed shipped to outside stations up and get delivered prices. from R. MacF We expect a car of Yellow Corn in a few days and will sell it in ton lots off the car at $1.50 per 100 lbs., and we have a car of Bran now en route that we will sell off car at $24.50 per ton. Leave your order now and we will advise you when cars arrive, We have a good stock of other Feed on hand that we are offering at following prices in ton lots : . ;) Gi.°eH medicinal roots, herbs, barks and seeds, fc.'mnin%:e exâ€" t tonic and blood purifier. It stimuletes digestion and enables “Log' forced for rapid growth and fattening without fear of indigestion scours ase. It costs only three feeds for one centâ€"less thane cent a day per hog. is not what a hog eats but what is digested and asstmilated th.t’givgl th, rapid growth or quick fattening. International Stock Food Tonic ood appetite, pure blood, perfect digestion and assimilation, good health rick growth. It has always had the largest sale in the world for preâ€" ; disease in hogs and for helping to make vies shoats or IGWe Sheu: wrie Welew oo eme s cth P 1 DEPT "#eâ€"_ E. A. ROWE STOCK FOOD TONIC Special Prices on Feed Chicftain Corn Feed per ton, $27.00, sacks included Ground Feed Wheat perton, 25.00, sacks included Oat Shorts, per ton, 22.00, sacks included Leave Toronto 6.40 p. m. Daily Via the Transcanada. Connecting train leaves 7 a. m. ase in hogs and for fajil" IC OTkeSst sale in the world for preâ€". ase in hogs and for helping to make pigs, shoats or hogs grow It is not to take the place of grain but is mixed with grain for _and larger profit, by improving the digestion and assimilation . REPAIRING PROMPTIY DONE Rob Roy Cereal M ills Co. PHONES : Day §4, Night $ 26 Use for All ! SV 20mg weetric Lighted C»mpartment, (Observation 1 Toarist Siecepers, Dining Car, First Class Coaches t _Service passing through the business centre of each City is an asset to the Traveller." arlane, Agent, Durham, or write W. B TORONTO MADE IN CANADA J. S. McILRAITH indisputable proof to any fairâ€"minded inâ€" s very superior merits. The increasing sale explained by no other basis. The largest p only on merit. ‘The sale of International increased during the last twentyâ€"six years the world. It is now used and endorsed ners,. It is without a doubt, the most popuâ€" ssful tonic preparation in the world. For c. and g1.00 packages and 25 pound pails. k "International Veterinary Digest" givin% diseases of stock and poult:ry. ‘We wil )d leathers, made in patent, gun model lasts They are stylish, Stocl': Food Tonic has successfully stood for Milling Oats, Feed Oats, and will pay highest prices for ostage paid, if stock you own hoes out of all kinds of "They make slippers out ONTARIO FOOD CO. Limited r write W.B. HOWARD Dist, Passgr. Agt., Toronto kmen all over the world for proof to any fairâ€"minded inâ€" is manufacturâ€" you write and requgsi which , call us 178 is a strong health ."â€"Mrs. THomas e meace Pss oo apory 4 , our cod liver and fron tonic, for m-dm conditions, chronic coughs, colds bronchitis. Macfariane & Co., Druggists, Durham, Ont. Made Her Delicate Boy Strong New York City.â€"* My little boy was in a ve7 weak, delicate condition as a result of gastritis and the measles and there seemed no hope of saving his life, The doctor greurlbod cod liver oil but he could not take it. I decided to niy Vinol â€"and with :glendld results. It seemed to agree with him so that now he is a strong boglns‘h;y_bo{. *""â€"Mrs. THOMAS MOTHER TELLS HOW viNot Jackson, Miss.â€""1I shall feel repaid for writing this letter if I can help any tired, wornâ€"out mother or housekeeper to ï¬?dbl.:edtb mm?tbfl as I have. T *# ve a of five, sew, coo lnddomyhmowot"k udlboamoverx much runâ€"down in health. A frien Eue oo t‘ e . Lt se and now am we my o e energy has been restored. Vlnol has no superior as a tonic for wornâ€"out, runâ€" down, tired mothers or houoekee&erl. t «â€"â€"Mrs. J. N. MELTON, Jackson, Miss. SAP BUCKETS at old prices. Buy now The Variety Store two 95 piece Dinner Sets at low prices. Alen £ 048 â€" .e« sser k. 6..+ ... 1 70 to 1 70 Darlicy...:....:.,« ... 55 to 55 Potatoes per bag. .... 150 to 2 CO Uidecg.............. 14 00 Beef, dressed ... ... .. 13 00 to 15 00 Hay, per ton...... .... 13 00 to 14 00 List has been carcfally reviged, We offer this week Durnam, Mareh 1, 1916. Hogs, live, f o b.... . Dulter................ 26 to c RRE:::....!virs :. sn . 24 to Flour per ewt ........ 325 to QOatmeal per sack..... 2 90 Chop;)er CwWt........ 1 25 to Outs, feed............. 38 to Oats, milling.......... 40 to Fall Wheat........... 90 to Spring Wheat........ 90 to Poms:::....:..;+..:â€". 1 70 to Darlcy.........;..«... 55 to Potatoes per bag. .... 150 to Uhkles.:....;..,... .. < If such a trip is under consideration, apply to any C. P. R Agent for full particulars, or write W. B, Howard, District Prssenger Agent, Toronto Onf- zood train serviee, operating through Standard and Tourist Sleepers, also Dining® Uars o Winnipeg and Vanâ€" couver, via one of the most picturesque routes in the world. MRS. MELTON‘S LETTER If so, bear in mind thas the Canaâ€" dian Pacific Railway offers the tinest possible equipment and exceptionally Are You Geing West this Spring ? Durham â€" Markets. This is quite in line with the Tor. onco World‘s eriticism levelled against the Government a short time ag0, when it accused it of being a â€"* wibbâ€" ledy wobbledy " governmen.. «.....* Compelled from them by Mr Fallis and his supporters | ‘ This is surely the severest kind of indictment eagainst any government, to say that they were compelied ty Mr Fallig or anvbody else to give bim their support. Where has the strenguh of mind and dscision of the Oatatio Government itself gane m 9 As a matier of fact, accordisy to their own men, ons of the cluet charâ€". acerist cs of the preâ€"en: Ou‘ario Gov. ernment, is their fanure to make de cisions. â€" Even Mr Hears lumseif, in bis famous remark, has sard that a * Zig zag "‘ course is often the best une to pursue, Macfarlane & Co., b:::;;n:l:, Durham. Ont To Tired Wornâ€"out Mothers ters are to be congratulated upon a lueky escape. They will haye to bear some reproach for not taking a more active part on the right side, but we do not think their hearts were in the scquiescence which appears to have been compelled from them by M Failis and bis supporters." _Instead of that, they not only did not say anything against him hut ac cording to Mr Fallis and Mr Blain, four or five Cabinet Ministers would have been glad to take pluces on the platform beside Mr Fallis, had they been asked to do so. The chief compleint ugainst the Government is their quality of weakâ€" ness in the matter. ‘The World (Conâ€" servatiye) says : " The Ontario Minis. Lowe (Liberal) defeated Fallis (Con.â€" servative) by 305. Fallis Maâ€" jority 1914â€"627, Although it is recogurzed, as Mr‘ Rowell says, that the result in Peel was a victory for the people, rather than a victory simply for a party, yet it is a prevalent opmnion widely ex. pressed on the streets and in the clubs toâ€"day, that the Hearst Government is serionsly affected. They could have prevented Fallis ruoning at aii as their representative if they haa eared to do so, and could have deâ€" pounced him, as Sir Robert Borden at Ottawa read De ‘Vitt Foster and Garland out of the Conservatiye party. G‘!‘ Pï¬tlymu RHReview r sack..... 2 90 3 00 Wt........ 1 25 to 1 70 erirxsirrriss« 88 to 3y Ig..........0 40 to 42 ie eE 38 +3Â¥ a4 90 to 90 ND : ++ x x+ +« 90 to 90 e eÂ¥ «xÂ¥ k .+« 1 70 to 1 70 tÂ¥iaw A+6% ++ 55 to 55 $1.50 per year. $100;if paid in advance, Peel Byeâ€"Election MARCH 2. is 9e s 26 to â€" 26 24 to â€" 24 325 to 3 75 xae 8 25 _ Homeseekers‘ Excursions to mt . ern Canada at iow fares via CanalÂ¥ia: Pacific, each Taeslay, March TtR to October 31st inclusive. Particula from any Canadian Pacific Agent, of W. B. Howard, Districte Passeng:s Ageut, Toronto. Homeseekers‘ Excursions t\ the Land of Wheat Write to Gx‘u. M. Farrer LD, 447 Woolwich, Sty, Guelph, for par cularsâ€" ence cash or terms for y i inside properties in the tities don or Guelpb, including be we electric lights, gas, ceme t si street cars past propertie n built up factory districts 0 e dential. These properties and are right at home, THE DUBHAM REVIEWK We will allow fal! daluae for a limir. ed amount up to 0n« Thousand Do:. lars worth oi Weste: Cansda Towp Lots in exchange with slight differ ence cash or terms for lly improysd BE U# sde t o t P 19& a respousiue chord, they have their own appeal, The vyerses were th» greeting trom the Toron:to Branch c the Caledoovian Society to its sister sn cieties ail over C aada, and it will be strange if this echo of the «kirling ‘pipes" does not «tri; some Canadian blood into the rind of active response which 1s being so urgently asked for: toâ€"day.â€"Com ' Nuhanns ns atotiat ds icA 2 12. 1 oA 345 | _ share, [ Gie‘s but the weapons, we‘ve the wil , Avont the main, to prove again Auld Scotland counts for sometbir still, The above verses may be as uninte. ligible to som» renders as 1° they wer written in Russian, but to those of 16 who love the " land o‘ cakes." whos speech has always th power of rouet . more, 7 eaues On mony a bloody fiela afar, But ne‘er did skirling pipes afore Ory on sae urgently to war, Gin danger‘s there, we‘ll thol three To clip the reivin‘ eagle‘s claws And drook his feathers i‘ the sea,. For gallant loons in brochs an‘ toor Are leavin‘ shop, an‘ yard, an‘ mill, A‘ keen to show baith friend and foe Auld Scotland counts for somethin ; * still, The grim, grey fithers, bent wi year, Cume. stridin‘ through the muiblan o. mist Wi‘ beardless ‘a 1s, scarce by wi‘ schn J But eager as the lave to list, We‘ve flashed o‘ yore the braid clay ' miare . â€" Aunt dinin t Antrtindnbli Au‘ mony a widowed colter wife Is greetin‘ at her shank alane, In Freedom‘s cause, for ane that fa‘ y We‘ll glean the glens and send the: : s m doee emerememite SLlilt, Halfâ€"m»st the castle banner droops, The laird‘s lament was played yestrec; uy‘ T 1 f The corn was tus nin‘, hairst was n But lang sfore the sey hes could st» A sough o‘ war gaed through the 1« An‘ stirred it to ins benmost beart, Nae ours the blam =, but when it car We couldna pars the challenge by ; For credit of our honest name There could be but she ane reply. Aun‘ bandly men, frae strath and whe Au‘ shepherds frse the bucht an‘ bi Wid show them a‘ whate‘r befa‘ Auid Bceotland counis for somethi+ The Institut. meeting will bs he at the nome of Miss nargaret MoJ tosb, Wednesda , March 8 at 20 o‘clock. Everybâ€"dy is cordialiy i vited. Come ladies, get some . a and help knit â€"â€" °* 2arle Well. _A large number of { avoid sick boxes were sold a: a handsome price s The Red Cross quilt was also msld | ~â€"â€"â€"â€" Corp. Alex Stewar being the luct buyer. The procecds amountig, i QU $95 45â€" will go to buy varn to br soeks for the solmers of the 147 HO Battalion, Qwen sourd. Sntunnnta ce The Box Social held in the tow: hall, Dornoch, Feb. 23rd, under th auspices of the Women‘s Institute was a decided success. The weathe man favored them with a beautifui evening, bringing large crowds from the surrounding districts. A numâ€" ber of our soldier boys from Owe! Sound were present, Rev. Mr Mills made an efficient chairm»n, keepiny good order throughout the evening A l ngthy program., consisting c songs. dialogues, instrumental mu s1c and solos were we}l re sdered Special mention should be m=Se of a dialogue given by the Cra wfora young people, etiued " A Perplex ing Situation," in which all too: their parts well. _A large number of boxes were sold a: a handâ€"ome proce _ Who was the fellow who got out to fix some harness Wed night and go left on the road, had to run halt «: mile to catch up. A Recruiting meeting was hel: bere Monday eve, but no recruits were secured. It would be only their duty for some more of our young men around the burg to don the khak: How can you sit on the fence au . cheer for the boys when you won‘t g yourself ? 1 think if the wome could enlist, their battalions wonlu have been filled long ago. A few of our lads and lassies took in the Bali at Holland Centre Frida; eve and bad a yery nice time. Sorry to hear of the illness of Pte Bryce Dargavel, also of M:s R. Dar gavel, who are both lard us wilh an attack of la grippe. Hope to hsar 0 their speedy recovery. Sorry to hear of Mrs J. Watt‘s il1â€" ness, but hope oon to hear of her Miss Carrie Mortley is spending a few days in Durham. Quite a number of the young peoâ€" ple took in the party at Ireland‘: Tuesday eve and report a fine time. Miss E. Frook spent Saturday with Dargavel‘s. Counts for Something properties Yirn quick ** @n +4 n the #ities of Lonâ€" luding bewer, water, , cement sidewalks, r Wes n Lots ali dalue for OnA Thous ater \ Canse with t sligt s for ly i n the Rities luding bewe , cement si opertieslanc stricts orfee operties tp me, ‘*nin, hairst was ne be sey hes could st» gaed through the l», its benmost beart, l0ns to agt . # via C.m:&i,,, , March TtR to . _â€" Particulaps , we‘ll thole ou TORONTO nd in wel select regiâ€" CaU+ For Sale by Win. Black, Hardâ€" Departmental Store I To be stronger when older, keep your blood pure and rich and active with the é strengthâ€"Duilding and bloodâ€"nourishing properties of Scott‘s Emulsion which is a food, a tonic and a medicine to keep your | blood rich, alleviate rhenmatism and g avoid sickness. At any drug store. ) Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. Boys‘, TOoROonto INTERNATIGNAL stock Foop ce Absolutely guaranteed to cure every Colic or money refunded. Sold by Dealers Everywhere 60¢. and $1.00 per bottle 1 10 MCCC, CS Ceolic, Kidney Colic, Bloat, Acute Indigestion, Grain Founder. It neutralizes the acids in the stomachâ€"expels gases from the intestinesâ€" instantly reduces bloatingâ€"stops the spasms of painâ€"and renders the stomach and bowels clean and antiseptic, Our Bargains in To be hcealthy at seventy, prepare at forty, is sound advice, because in the strength of middle life we too often forget that neglected colds, or careless treatâ€" ment of slight aches and pains, simplhy: undermine strength and bring chron‘ weakness for later years. We have last week corrected our mailing sheet to date and trust the many who have renewed since last change will accept the changed date as a receipt. _ Always remember the ï¬{ure after the month is not the date of the month, but the year. The date of the month is always understood to be the last day of that month. _ While it is gratifying to see our **6‘s" about used up and the boxes of *7‘s" cominf down, we regret that there are still many friends whose label bears a *5" {meanâ€" I ing 1915) or even an earlier figure. _ To these we appeal to change this condition | by remitting at once to end of 1916 at ; least. We quote QLOER BUT STRONGER Mrs R. Edge entertained a number of young people at ber home on sfonâ€" day night. _ A very enjoyable time was epent in playving games and maâ€" sle. Her son Jas and bride leave for their home in Elbow, Sask, on Wedâ€" nesd»y and with them goes the good wishes of their many triends. Mr. Campbell Davis of near Mcâ€" Leod. Alberta, is visiting his Greenâ€" wc;(_)d and Davis cousins in this loâ€" cality. _ ___ duite s‘ s a Vr. J. D. McFayden is in Owen Sound this week on the jary. » Misses M. A. and E. E. Edge are visiting with cousins in Grand Valley. ware Merchant, Durhumr, Dealere Everywhere visiting with his brother at preseot. E7 Lo s omcs ce e Pevs & pair of Heavy Rubbors of the best makes These are good values and it will nav va How does your Label Read ? ‘sik I@gg_echnie’s Weekly News . QUICKâ€"or YOUR HORSE WILL DIE Mr. D. H Firth of Winnipeg is In looking over our Are as follows : _ Ladies‘ Dong Bluc... Ladies Common Sense Bal, low heel.... Ludies Dong Button, very dressy Shoes Ladies Dong Bluc, on double E lasts (t to give yon solid comfort) .. .. â€"â€"sâ€"l1 Cures in ten minutes Srn- modic Colic, Gas Colic, ic, Bloat, Acute Indigestion, Grain It neutralizes the acids in the which are of the best quality and at the right prices Mens Heavy Slipper, bluc.... t * a x 4 66 " _ guaranteed waterproof. . Mens Heavy Elk Biuc, a yery pliable shoe. . . . Mens Military Shoe, chrome tanned . . . . >A Mens Tan Elk ... . also you Lads Heavy Rubbers, 3 hole laced ... . Boys Heavy Rubbers, 3 hole laced. ... Men‘s 1 buckle, a very neat rubber. ... Men‘s 2 buckle, very serviceable.... .. Men‘s Snagproof, 12 in leather top, a bi A Fevg of our Rubber Prices EDGE HILL Bring your Produce LIMITED The thing to do is to have a bottle of a International a Colic Gure Suppose one of your horses dropped down with Colic ? What would you do? What could a Veterinary do after you got him? Colic often kills in an hourâ€"30 minutes delay means a valuable horse lost, Some Prices on Men‘s k ONTARIO , and ‘ and Children‘s Shoes at equally reasonable prices or he best makes, which we wili offer at ;;d: and it will pay you to call and look them over J. McKECHNIE on double E lasts (this « sn e e k ks solid comfart\ (this shoe we guarantee .Boot am_l Shpe stock this week FQ e Aeramarr. .. se |oeeles elete|aee a=ole #a l tel helu C ale oo ae‘e o_ ole" djs "o aa e Cahe Cl e= ce Cl e"ole Cal e _ale c ole Colecaldne ; The Wagon Shop That Became the Largest ‘Automobile Factory in the British Empire Nobody would have believed at that time that this shop would. in a few years, develop into the largest plant of its kind in the Empire having a Hoor acreage of over 435,000 square feet and making 3 times as many cars as any other automobile factory in the British Empire. If on some day when business was not rushing, the general manager, Gordon M. McGregor, wished to take a little ltroll‘ie could walk around his shop in about 2 minutes by the factory clock. Back in 1903, the town of Walkerville, Ont., was posâ€" sessed of a concern called the Walkerville Wagon Co. and Trade with us , a big snap #e#8 8800 / M * , we find we have several ++ +++«++ $1.50 Durham reduced prices. $1.25 1.50 1.75 2.039 $2.35 275 MARCH 2, 1916 Shoes 2.10 3.10 W +> > z2. 11 Qual J PRICC\ s mm ’ m i"= Pammer r When rency : Chorce advanoe 1 sarly | stocked . is to se‘ ant Only read of a in Toro Rennie s a loss of mount of that we that ar gardles: any cheat Ho: your and onee winter a good For th For P Stoci its Howar The on y The !a Choice Spic from H Qld I J A We O« For 48 ures ire Hi