West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Mar 1916, p. 4

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it t) d, " I” m st " to or be IT th PI Cn sot the ve'. he thi tre spa mu . he no " ttbb he the in unti adin agar dire shou the Inou plies ends fort towr tam the " thro, from down half in d that then his 9 Her. 100 t 16 foo near! miles vices (can: fomi Inett) lath. Non It b T) ff 2r"i, John McGowan All kinds ofgraln bought at market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Large Quantity of No. l Feeding liay 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop was.“ AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Every Tuesday. March to October “All Rail” Every Wednesday During Season Navigation "Great Lakes Route” CANADIAN EACH-"lo Our Show. embrace all the good leatlmxs, nude in patent, an metal and Dorgola, on the latest model lnsLs. They ate atylflh. durable and h Andsome Shoes. No better footwear is manufactur- ed, Ind they are priced according to quality. "Did you know that theycan make Show out of all kinda of skins i" "lbw about banana skins F' “Tiny make slippers out of them." Come in and inspect our new Militmy last in Men's Working Show. Best an the market. We have just reeeived a shipment of S lit-Cases and Clubblgn, prices ranging from 31.4010 5 50. Also haw stocked a line of Childrvn‘s School Cason which retail at 60c. Down Town Shoe Store If you want Feed shipped to outside stations, call us up and get delivered prices. We are in the market for Milling Oats, Feed Oats, Mixed Grain and Barley, and will pay highest price! for any quantity at our Elevator. The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. PHONES: Day M. Night ii26 We havc a good stock of other Feed on hand that we are offering at following prices in ton lots: T HE PEOPLE'S MILLS Yellow Corn THE CRIMPED OATS ior Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates Special Prices on Feed Chieftain Corn Feed per ton, $27.00. sacks includad Ground Feed Wheat per ton, Luo, sacksincludcd Oat Shorts, per ton, 22.430. sacks include! Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactory bring It back and get your money. Freshjand Clean. the very best. See this ttay belore purchasing elsewhere, It will pay you. wltttieoheres, give you pH 1%.: ‘.\..":Hti0n am the beat M‘pruto .urceus, .. z: " " " 't-mthepmiruowherv!r-et rrr r Cunm’l'! Guam Qt”..de there is a have \-.J".ng for you. The Putlcunn from any f' Aunt. or write W. B. hi ',h “an. Toronto. R. MacFARlANE, Agent, Durham REPAIRING PROMI‘TIA DUNE Use for Ail l We have Yellow Corn in stock that we are selling in ton lots at.,..., $l.50 per I00 lbs. J. S. McILRAITH A'JJIIOH i'acitie T'iehet A. 't District Pnaenger an handed and team; Tn 5mm "admin! ',WQ'."t.ll 'tt M. an. Altntrtu, Pt. who“ rdeliei od Eve-Id trample. 1:311 t'l'l'l'di'JI tititiiiiiG Gia%rd lfJaj'll'lr,h"tdtf, rdt,'elt hiil an t, ter, in the c oettoeri. " n . «a run-down 'dMltrf. I Jltr, heart 1rt,1't'tltAr, was ".32; II E. 122E 1333:9431“? "wk. mm.- This great Fertilizer, Sydney Buaic Slum 820 00 per ton. Apply to Wu. Wm", R. n. No. I, Durham and 1 cm now do , homework with pl-."--). J. . “no“. w. (unnatuVlnol ourdcllcioul cod liver ind Iron ttlt K; all wait, run- down, nervous, debt and conditions. Subscription list of donors to Cana- ‘dian Red Urou Fund from Crawford l Presbyterian Church I Brown, Alex-.......-,..,,..,....: 2 00 Brown, Miss K......... ....... ......... 100 Gooke, Mr 3nd Mrs Wm.,..,....,. 5 Ott Campbell. Mrs Alex.........,,,...,.,. 100 Fischer, Geo,..,,....,...,.,.....,......... 100 BatrtimReid...,.......,...,...,...,....... 100 Hutie.George.........................,. 100 Elastic. ROM..........,,... ..r'......sr., to Katie, Dave.......... .. Fr... .......p 25 Rustic, Darid,.,,.................., 25 Haurtie, Minn Belle........,........, 100 Huatie, Mrs Andrew.....,.,.......,,. 100 Henderson, Robt......,......,.......... 100 Henderson, Miss Murgnret......... l oo Hobuirk. Miss Annie.................. 100 Livingstone, Donald...........,...... I 00 Livingstone, Miss Tents.....,........ I 00 Indie, R". Mr............,... .......... 2 00 MncKinnon, Dnncan.............. ... 100 Mnclinnon. Art-.................... loo MacDougall. James...... B............ 100 MneDouglll, Archie.... .......r..t... 6 00 MacDonald, Alex Br.....,............ 5 00 MacDonald. Alex Jr. '....ree...r..... 5 00 MacDonnld. D. J,..... .'.r.p..r......r. b tn MacDonald. Miss 1nora,.........,.... 100 MncKechnie. Donald..............,... i, 00 White, Mrs John...... . F'.'........... 100 Walker,,humm................. ......... 100 lo: Tired. Wed, larval: Women Belufontaine, Ohio.--", wish every tired weak, nervou- womm could have Fiiig, for I never spent any mow in my life that did no so much g " Quit I spent for Vino]. I was wenk, tired, worn out and nmoun, And Vino! mule mo smug, wall and vipmuu after “writing all. bad failed to help me, and minnow do my housework with Mr Howell urged the claims of re. turned soldiers and asked Mr Hearst if he wn doing Anything In that di- rection. Tho reply wu nun-commu- tai. I. Duohlrmo. the French Lib- u-l from N. Essex, gave an eloquent apeuh. urging whole named oo-oper- than of both French and English in the "r. MoDonsld, of Bruce. again brought in the Women's Suffrage bl", but Premier Hurst opposed It and down It went in spite of the example of the Woman provincel and the self-seen- icing services oi the women of the country which might have been re- wuded by granting the vote. Hydro Aetsta.-The Provincial Aud- itor critized severely the Hydro ac- countl. " Not "an a semblance of Logiolntivo control of Expenditure of the Hydro Commission tt he says. " Doha! dilobodience of the Act.” Time to investigate when the non patina ofiulal mikes such chases. Me Hamil made some treuchant trriii. mm, tatllll. TEABHEB Vad- off lawn Ina Down In the but you can buy for your children. All siael and colors at The Variety Store Ely: yuzlgum $Uteiett, Little Darling and Little Daisy HOSIERY Government Btumr--Thig question provided the chief excitement of the week. The Libenle " usual opposed tht,' to the million not! I qulrter ollnr cutie. With a vote ubout to be ' the discovery was mede that the Libenll were in I mejority end excitedly the Ooneetvmyal present lpoke agiuut time to tllow of bring- ing in the "relegs Ibeent ones from down town. Agrieulture-Mr Parliament, Liber. al, P. E. County, ii I pantie-l far. mer Ind urged in I spirited number a system of rural end“: and other mut- ter m the furmers‘ Interest. Prohibition--. deputation from the liquor interest: woiied on the Premier bun got little encouragement. lt " oxpooud that Prohibition will be en- uied thin union. without o misread- In. Sumo Conoeiyniveo will oppose tt, but the to» mod the Liberals will only it, The Week in the Legislature Hutu-Ian 'tthr., Drugzilts, Dunn. Ont. useful-lane & 00.. Drulgists, Durham. Ont. Cravtord Red Gross Fund tlilil 1llllNill't WISH TO MOTHERS Dave.......... .. David....,......... Minn Belle......... Mrs Andrew.... Fertilizer for Sale $1.50 per you. CHI) it paid in advance. Total -----_. MARCH 23, t9t6 Wm ......r.... 5 00 to: aaiii; ........... B 00 ..r..rc..... 100 ........... '6 00 ........... 100 . ..'...... l 00 THE DUB HAM REVIEW $54 M) Write to GEO. M. FAIRFIBLD. 447 Woolwich, Be., Guelph, for nrtlculuo- We will allow full value for n limit. ed amount. up to Oar, Thong-Id Dal. lam worth oi Western Causal. Tow- Lots in exchange with a slight. differ once cash or terms for fully improved inside properties in the cities of Lon. don or Guelph, including sewer, In". eleetritsughta, gay, cement sidewalk... street cars pest properties end in "I. built up factory districts or select ar.) dentlnl. Thege properties turn quick‘ and are right at home. l You see. reader, training nu Over- seas Battalion in no soup. up, so the OifierW room ' iuiiiiFri Important a pm ot the Bnttahim's training ground as an, . From this brief outline, our readerl can see that the training of th- 147tt Battalion is no littl.: matter. Visit any ot the plaecl we have mentioned at the hour at the day bemoan 8 a.) and 4 30, and you will find it I boy spot, with the pupils Mid irmtrttetoris working their hardest and in a few days. when to the long list are add- ed bombing and the Work of the Ma. chine Gan Section. they will be, if that be possible, even busier. We had almost torttotten to men- tion the Offigera' room " the Seldon House, where nlmoet nightly lectures or classes ot instruction are held. For the ottiger " well u the - must fit himself tor " work. What he dogg not know he nut lur- ; whnt he have he. must heap haunt for the arduous work that is ahead of them, is being carried on in the base. ments ot First Methodist snd Knox Churchet; and on certain days ot the week the boys go to the Y AC A. tor a turn in the gymnasium and a plunge in the smmtninz-pool. a teat. ure of the work that is. perhaps. more thoroughly enjoyed than any other. The Sunday Selim] room " St Geoute's Clint-:11 is usui h) in Signallers; and on (“Hermit "'30:“ sions the tsehool-rootn at Wesrrae Church has been usvd as a lecture room. An elaborate Fs plant 'for in. strnction in bayopet-i1Otimt is now being installed in the old Curling Rink. The Town Hall, of course. houses the Canteen snd Soldiers' Club-room ; bat this is by no means ith, only use. It is also s. lecture room ' and it is herethat the recruit receives his tirat training in the use of the rifle, The 1lutalioo training quartets are all over town. Riverside rink in headquarters; here the Battalion "lam in " morning and afternoon tor roll-eall and inspection ; and the Kink is "Iso used by the companies in turn as training ground in bad weather. Uahcr compames work at the G. T. it. and No. 2 C. P. It. freight sheds; and the old match factory building has been fitted up " an indoor ritlu range where the men are being pructicnd in the important work at learning to hit the bttll'ereye, Pnysical training to lit the recruits The administrative departments of the battalion are located around the corner of But Third Avenue and Ninth Street. la the Armoury. on the corner. are the Battalion Orderly room, ottieet, of the Commanding ot. Mer and Majors and " A " and "B' Companies, Signuliina Ulcer Ind Guard rooms. The anmaeter. Med. ical Oftieer, bt C " and " D "Con- panies are in the building to rear of the Armuary, while the CYirrttrrrnaa. ter's department is housed in the Kil- hourn Block adjoining the Post Of- not. So, as Wu saisi,ela,atm ot all kinds are bei g held, and to meet tl enema of those classes, accommuduuun has had to bu obtained in my: y buildings and in many parts ul' tite. town. The list is quite a lung nae. including an it does two rinks, tteo fraught about. foar churches, the Y. M. C. A., one factory building and the Town Hull. besides the Armoary and other build- ings close by. I No one who has not come into more orleas close when With the training of in Overseas Damion has more then the very taintee: and mm: In." idea of the extent ol v..a.u. a me ‘work involved. To give mm Ir. tlens a small coneeption of when Ovelaus training means. we approached re- censly one of the oftieerg of the 147th Grey Battalion. aakmg tor An outline of what was being done and we won amazed at the excem ot the “new. literally no well as metaphmiccshy. that is hung covered In getting the- men ready tor Work they wilt be called on to do when they go across the inter. But it is only when We look into the training that the mngnitude ot the work become: apparent. In theta days every soldier has to be a speckl- ist in same department or mother; and to make men itpeeitilistits menus that they must have special training. Bo classes of all kinds are being held, " weil ior trtfitsera as for men. Do not make the mistake ot thinking that a. man studies one thingto the exclusion of all else. Each must be well trained in all and in something he must excel. The quartering of almostathol- sand men in Owen Salad is in ttul! no small item ; but with the co-oper- ation of the citizens it has been wort. ed out to the satisfaction ofallcon- cetned. Tho people ot the town are pleased to have the boy: among them. the men are well tsatisfied with their quarters, and the cttieerts are glad to know that their men are com- humble and welt looked utter. The Training Many and Varied Departments of Work of Preparation for Overseas Service Exchange Your Western Town Lots of a Battalion TORONTO tlcott's Emulsion is in min; t everyday who “mm! not iinri 'r! i, Refuse the alcoholic bubstilub To arrest rheumatism it is quite an im- portant to improve your gin-ml 1mm: as to purify your blood, and the cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion is mum-"s great blood-maker, while its medicinal nourish- ment strengthens the (N nuns to exprl the impurities and upbuild Imur strum-111. Scott's 1tutulsiou islcvhtiuc-tir,-urn,is Manybmplc suffer the Urrturrs wt Lune muscles And stiffened joints lu-muw of im- purities in the blood, uni each mm rm hug attack seems more acutt until rheuumtism has invaded the whole system. .. They earned every County m Mich. ignn of which they had change. bt lt they don't stop this team, they'll [nuke the United States " (in as a dour: tt no some press opinions. While the Convention covers butl three duye. March 28th, 29m. 50th,, rexlwey sicko“ are got d going on‘ March 24ttt and tetunuug up to and including Afr“ tth, tor a single tare, I 'serutuatepun, This Will noduubt‘ hing nanny visitors in addition lothe' rtsgthrlr elected delegates. I On the whole the program is an mum" one and mum Will depend on the conclusions ot this Prohibition Parliament u to the future status of the drink trattie In the Pioyinee. Probably the moat effce:ive up-L I- date campaign novelty in the Ng prohibition tight in one titatcus is the now celebrated duiugue debate " Wet " Dry," by Hut and Sum- mers. They Will give it in 'Wronto. IllEllluflgit filllllis'dill B. Wheeler ot Wes'uiugtou D. 0.. Natiomu Attorney Aut; Saloon League " America who apptarstor the titat time on an Ontario plenum). The, two great A-ericen Protnbition Cam-' puigun lull and Summers ale.) ap- _ pear fur the ttrat time m this province. _, Among distinguished speakers {gaggle United t8ftcrsls lion. Wage In addition the names of Prof. T. u Coma, . A., B. D., Row. Dr. A, Grant, a. A. Walt-nun. Esq” Major (RM. Dr.) William. um). was. u. Mareil, M. P., H. ll menus. Esq. M. P., Joseph Gibson ESq.. and um- era nppenr " intorans ttsrottglsoat we program A reference to the program shows 'hat every Iinme of Mn three days' Convenmn fruai9 a tu. nail 10 pun. all! be occupled. Pu Lumen: speak- dl'i of Produce Wide fame will be pluent. representing the w, C. T, U. the Sons ot Tempernuce. the R. T at Temperance. the I. o. Good Templars and the chm-elm Anglican. Baptist, Congregational, Methodist, Fresh)" mien. Roma Cetholie, the Y, P. b'. C. E. end the Catholtc Total Abstin- ence Society. The Annnnl Convention ot the oo. tario lunch of the D miniun Alliance have been growing All interesttrom rear to your end the indications are that the Ittendence next week will break all previone record-s. Already inquiries regarding rates of Railway travel and program of Convention ere coming into the chine ofthe Al- liance from all pen. of the Province. Perhaps never before was temper- ance sentiment It such a lh like lien and the people every where want to know Jul: what has been done and what il likely to be done this year. Dominion Alliance Convention, Massey Hall Toronto. Inch 28th. 29th,3thh, mm Departmental Store, Large Sales Boys' Heavy Split Blue, plain and very soft " toe cap........ .. We have full lines in all Children's Shoes. If you hare a weak or sore foot Women's Pliable Chrome Bah, Having bought it nearly a year ago when prices were I, A' .. thr " by giving everyone a chance to bay good Shoes at the t A pm» ".', e will quote prices on a few of our lines : Men', heavy Split Bluc, a good serviceable shoe. . . . . . . . . 1,35 " extra heavy Split Blue, guaranteed to be waterproof 2.75 " heavy Reinforced Elk Shoe, a snap while they lam . 3.00 " heavy Tan Blk, one of the best on the market. . . . . . 3.50 We have a special shoe for Mewior Heavy wear, built on nu. Military last. Don't fail to see it when you call. It sl:, dt 3.10 We have it and Lots of It for Spring is here again "' -" GOOD 1NNyrWiii,":cc/s':; 1lkEedlulie'i! Weekly Ne: a BOY YOUR nous now Highest Price for all kinds of ou nave a weak or sore foot, try a pair of our Double P. l) '11- gola Shoes-they will give you comfort. The old pr' . L " " ' d J, MCKECHNIE Enable Chrome Bait, good and comfortable. . . . . _ |.75 Heavy Grain Bals, guaranteed waterproof. . . . . . . . . 2.00 " plainandAlstock......... ...2.l5 Men, Women, Girls, Boys and (rifdren ,‘The Wagon Shop That Became the Largest Ekutomobile Factory in the British. Empire, , Back in 1903, the town of Walkerville, Ont loaned of a concern called the \anl‘crm r l l lton tome day when business “25 Du. n: i‘gegcral mimic. Gordon M. McGrcgor, 'l tsl 12 little stroll e could walk around his bl‘np Pee' by the factory clock, it Nobody would have believed at that . n. 2|pr wy?ulAin .a (e: no": devclop Ttmll l4 I This shop he: been turned into thc gr .1 Foul pllmt lat Ford City, Ont., where a new Canud'm than; car IS horn every three and one-half min utes. Pty Runabout 8600: Touring Car "Mr. Ar, t' l . y arc f p. b., Ford, Ont. All can completely up f." _ ' Iclud Ting electric headlight; Equipment do. a ,. A Include '3eedometer. an on sale at C. Sum 3: Sore l urham, Ont. a"iUiiiiirirtiiiiG;diiUhavtu i, Hour m 185.000 square feet and making 3 times is. P, {any other automobile factory in the Brix . ‘h ,rntacFARLhN E 'fy C0. ttezsalyle Mttrts - " WILL "MADE m CANADA" stock . . Proeuc a PAY YOU HAPcn 23, 191. Durham Empire. Ford plant Ford car Is d Hues 1.3S was no. agon Co ?..10 Lili .t um tst plant art as of the take ‘0 urn Sm: Profs

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