in! IE Durham aseekers ursions Season Navitteta Route†PACIFIC oduce ORE 'il/uit C.,1 us.‘ HEEREHHEBE _ I Lit '.y'... 93-231mm 1'i'i) not Kodak this Year , tad!“ Paella Ml r11, Wm". Pug: mall F?o) Pow†e ':.m.mlh'_‘ Rec ! n m) Feet Poem“ h to October Y YOU 5’33 ", Pro '.( I: 'y .u want your fuetto rg20d, easy msd aâ€. abie, use JUNE tr, ti Man urham it . Elves page: have them n and up. [or i; wash» to the ot' Wheat 2.35 2.00 , ..|0 LIE 2.75 3.00 2J5 J.10 L75 irutritotts to Wont _ .res via Cnnadin m, " March 7th to .‘I w. Pnrturuuea n PaciSe Agent. at humor. PM“ Save an Coupons tt 2;. KARSTEDT BROS. == 1Tg'tear,,1 il 3axxxsmzuwmmmflxsxzmwxaaï¬aï¬ Well sstusted in aha town of Dur- " t , r mmining All modern conveni- tel -s. E wily heated and rooms well 4. "vgs-ad for minimum of work. It w i 1... mid awny helow cost. and the p rr h tset' "my arrange his own terms, I. oruh up possession given if desired. y Hun purchase this property for lit. n. u. un- mnmhly than rent and in t,t re' 'r%tt an Ideal home. Two build- 't 7 "sts' Hung side will be Fold with It -: â€um-d. For further particulnrl I ' tr l r mine the REVIEW OFFICE. tt uc. want svvnP woman in Duel no “4... v, " mrivty worker, to an as our tr j">‘~0 n'utin' and to look after - 4:; I retrewal subscriptions. We will 1: .2...- tho work easy. plenum tad \rly piotirrt1lr'. Our tgrmamafe vet, xwml' and the proceeds will haven It "pr-tble to you or to your favorite [lllllhtir society, Write “omelet mums and reserved district." Oun- Am. Home Journal, 71-81 Richmond 5: W,,Torooto, V' . Great Lake Route each Wed nee day _ ll )mcseekerl Excursionists Vin Iuadian Paoiiie may it they†de. w»: take adventure ot the "Weat A. ikes Trip." The Steamship "Matt. sr/ u ‘en which ilomeseekers tickets w: , be honored, on pennant out) w. lttional to cover mesls and berth ', hm,- trum Owen Sound each Wed- nc..dav during season navigation at Sault Ste Marie. Pt Arthur and Ft. William, connecting " the latter point tor Winnipeg and Wes 'm-n Canadn. The "All Bail" Home-octets Ex. cursions an in men out: fleshy mm Oct. 3Ist Inclusive. Partiealam trom Gunman Puma Takes Agents or W B Howard. Dist. 13;: Passenger Agent, Toronto. maxmmammxmmaï¬ PllttCllmll,lt,llt's BUSY STORE 1 tr" undersigned on." to rent the uuwu‘irtl Hotel in the 7“th ot l w lllt'. Immediate mansion ttir. F' I further particulars apply on pron: isâ€. 'rlomeseokers Excttrsiontf Prints, Ginghams, Gatateas Geutn' Ironten'tg and Children's Footwear The "Empress†Shoes for Women need no introduction. Try a pair of the 'Tread easy' cushioned Shoes this spring to rest the tired feet. Nothindg quite so eotntortatge on the market. In Boys', Misses', Chi] ren’s and Infants‘ Shoes and Pumps, we have a full and complete range. Our prices are the lowest. 5’le Corn, Rape and Millet . Compton's Early. Wisconsin and North Dakota Seed Corn, Dwarf Essex Rape, and Millet, Garden Seeds, Dutch Set and Multiplier Onions. Turnip and Mangel Seeds. Highest possible price for all kinds ' of Farm Produce for Trade or Cash. Ladies' Voile moe, mimetic. The. There has Just cone to hand the choicest lot of Lediss' Voile Waist: in Embroidered, Black and White Stripes, Kiddies, House Dresses, Aprons. Buhoidened Corset Covers, Under. skirts, Nightgown: t II Int everything that its necessary in Milady’s apparel. A full stock of Crompton's Corsets kept in stock. Automobile prices being raiser-but tht price has been reduce since the war began c. SMITH & SONS, Local Agts, Durham Ford nanahout Ford Touring . Ford Coupolet . Ford Sedan " Ford 101m ftt . Residence for Sale mes, umghams, Galateas, Wash Goods We were fortunate enough to techie these goods at the open- ing prices. These have advanced couaidetably, but ours are being offered " the old prices. Call in andsee our stock. We are always pleased to show them. ms’ and Ladies’ Waterproof Coats We have the best value that can beshown in l Paramatta and Womert's Poplin Waterproof Coats rm had in Olive and Tan colors. Our price is th the roads. Come in and buy. PRICEVILITE‘EIM T For Rent an “do JUN! 8, 1916 J ol. BLACK. MAS TO OFFER Misses MoArthur, Mchail and Mr G. Mtshrttu" spent Sundny at the Mines P. l N. Ferguson. Ascension day passed without mm, but plenty ut, fallen since, Mrs Joe. Black is visiting Norman- by friendy, Rev. E. O. and Mrs Forde are via. itors in the Queen City. Miss Agnes Ind Baht. Dory, Cedar- ville. were visitors In our burg Bun. any. Mr and Mo W. McEscbuie. sts N. Haw, Mr and Mrs Rob Kinnell spam Sunday at. Mr Will Iiastie'a, Egeetor. M: ma Mrs Wm. Scottspentn day recently with their daughter. Mr Will Donald. Conn. Mr MoArdlo. Markdnle. walked over to his home here last weak. Mr ttnd Mn Jno. Sinclair and he): went Sundly week at Mrs ll, Ken. wick. Dromore, Mr Ind are Jno. Sinclair, Yeovil, visited "candy with their son John. at Jeg. Mitchell and Douglas, Ven- try, uondayod at m A. II. Burnett's. In Adam Linn, of East. Linton, Ipont u week With her sister, Mrs J an. Mcthlivny. Mr und Mo Jim Collinson were guests of Mr George Colliusonlast week. Mrs H. Y, Wilson, New Jnrapy. in visiting her parents. Mr Ind Mrs Jao. Benton. Mr Theodore Fnllaiae. of Durham. In doing his bit by helping Mr A. Beaton with his tum work. Min Annie Davis, of Toronto, I: home. Mr Will but the Ford reduced $120 he shown in Men's Wool "erproot Coats. These can Our price is the closest on SAUCEBN VALLEY nopEvuE Bogle, Vnney. attended All can completely equipped, including electric humming. Equipment do" not include speedometer are service a Glens]; Contra laat Sun- 1:11]. Mus Moods MocGillimy in homo hon Toronto. Pte. Bell, from Pailloy, culled to use his nuns. Mn John Human“. tth con. Min Etta Tnmley. of Boutinok, upon the week and with Min lube! Beaten. Mia: Nichols mu culled to her home in Winglnm to no her umber who is ill. We hope sh. will soon be back to uchool duties again, Mr and Mn Wm, Fulhi'u spent In max-noon a Mr James MuGillivny'l recently. Min Ruth laoGilliu-ay is home from Toronto for the summer. Mr Percy Dui- onlisted in Toronto on Mom!" with a construction corps. Mr and Mrs J.C. Pergoott ind family ppm: A week with her father, Mr Neil hutOillivray, Mr John Gollinaon. iu., in staying with his son George It. present. Mrs Walter Turnbull 5nd Mile Duly spent Sunday with Mr: Vincent Pavlor. Mr and Mrs R. J. Mset1illivrsy vis- tted her parents. Mr and Mn John Cuff on Sunday. Mr Archie Benton bu treated him-. self to a new auto. We will be wait- ing for a ride, Mr Tom Bunnie. accompanied by Durham friends, motored to Eugenia on Sunday. Our Sunday School opened in In, wiih following of%tm: : Mr A. Beat-- on. Superintendent ; Miss Winnie Binnie. bible Clues teacher ; Mign Ruth McGilhvray. boys’ clue ; Miss Nichols. girla' class ; Miss [indie hise. Uillivray, organist. Priceville Women's Institute Financial Statement SOCKS SENT To DATE To Mrs Mephedran 843 pairs Red Cross i49 pnm Seconrs National " pain Mrs Col. McFarland 10 pairs Various article: son: to Red Crone Hospital Shirts 44 Towels 43 Cheese cloth hantike'tshitO 412 Hospital pillows 5 Small cushions 144 Wash 010ml 50 Besideu the above generals con- tributions were nude to "Belgian Relief" and to the "Patriotic Fund." RECEIPTS Total receipt: to J an: Ut, 1916 Proceeds entertainment. . ' . .. $31.00 Donations and gifts. . .. a..... 143.43 Girl‘s booth civic holiday ' ' .. 28.25 Girls picnic proceeds...... .. 27.30 Halloween social...... r..... 15.00 SaleofFlagl................ 52.81 saltsotbattetu......,....... 870 Sale of Knitting bags ' ' .. .... 3 30 Proceeds ot 10 sonnets... .. 94.20 Proceeds quilt............... 38.65 Proceeds sundries...... .... 3.35 Totalteceipts......... .... $445.99 DISUURSEMENTS Total paid oat to June lat, 1916 Mrs MoPhedran tor yarn .. ..$ 90.00 Yarn from other sources ' ' .. 29.6) Yam from Mrs Col McFarland 10.00 Motor ambulance . . . . .. ...... 40.00 Jewish Relief............... 1000 Red Cross (Noel Marshall).... 109 25 Comfort: for over sea boys. . .. 10.32 Material tor derrititt . ' . . .. .... 35.97 Sundries 16.26 Total disbursements Balance on hand Prom Mrs McPhedrnn......2l7 lbs tt Mrs. Col. McFuland.. 2011M st Other sources ...... .. 45 lbs In the matter of the Estate ol Cartmy Cosby James, lute of the Village of PrictwilU, in Me County of Grey, Tunnm‘, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to R. B. O. 1914, Cap. 121, Bee. " and Amending Acts, that Creditors and others having eraims against. the es- tate of the said Canny Cosby hum. who died on or about the lat day of Deeember,191A. art acquit“ in and Decemuer. “nut «no "'N"'""" -- ___-__ hyJout prep_aid or deliver to Herman B cLean, PriCI'VIHB Post ones, Ont. one of the Administrators of the es- tate of said Cartney - luau. deceased on or before the twenty sixth day of June, 1916. their christian names and surnames. addrouea and descriptions with fall perticulars in writing of their claim. ltr "ritied by statutory declarntion " after the slid date the tsdmirtiistrtrto" will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the It .. _------ "u.“ Ceca LU “IDVII-ruuv ".7. w---,, ceased among the persona entitled thereto, having regdrd only lathe claims of which they then have no- tice. Dated at Markdale this 22nd day of May, 1016. Wu. J. Bones. and 1133qu B. Mc. LEAN, Administrators of the el- -tatcot_ei, q.ety'?1br ent.'.' iiiiiritjrlirt NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body. In perfect health'we hardly realize that we have a network of nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin- ing, the same nervous system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, arenmful sleep, irritability end unless corrected, leads straight to s breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott’s Emul- sion is exactly what you. should take; its " . urn '- A- kw .ml 10 LVllns Ll\-I F-_'-"-"- F sion is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment ‘geta into the blood Ind rich blood feeds the tiny nerve-cells while the whole system responds, to its fresh- iisgtaitttt,iirc Fri: . VICINITY Fiir P, Notice to Creditors YARN RECEIVED iriiiaiiiiiii,' tiieV'ioiieitor/ 'avdaWs' Icut...... WlaW t...*..... 143.43 )lidly ' ' .. 28. 25 la........ 27.30 r......... 15.00 w........' 52.81 ......... 870 :s........ 330 beâ€... .. 94.20 ....'..... 38.65 Jane lat, 1916 417 pairs 282i lbs 5351.40 394.59 331.00 143.43 28. 25 27.30 15.00 52. 81 8 70 3 30 94.20 Pttt going to mile a Mart on n let. ter now after some two weeks inter- vnl end tell you ot my mrloagh--d my visit to London end Glasgow end Edinburgh end tell you otonr Very hind friends living in Scotland of whom heretofore I in" known so very little. Roving been in Eng- lnnd some 4 months with not even n week end pens (with tne exception of the first week ot our sojonrn here) we elnimed tbnt we were tally en- titled on coming to n Cnnndlnn onmp to n reunlnr six day furlough-gren- ted to every unit almost immediately on errivnl in England. And being constant in our claim the nuthorities here decided to let us awny. So on Thursday we were given leave for 6 clear days with a free pass to any point in the United Kingdom. I had no heeitntion in deciding my destine- tion ---taking my lure to Chen and in- tending to go thence to Tires if con- nect’ons proved suitable. However I will come to this later. Dear Homo Folks.- Donald McKinnon on to the Home of his Ancostors Wts,--the two cable‘seotions 70 men in all. left 8horntsliffe Stu. " 4,40 p In Ap. 27th. Here you will pardon a slight interruption in my story. Bob Cookey hasjnst left me, he came over to bid good bye as he goes to France to marrow morning. They rise at 3 a m, lean camp " 5.15 and may possibly be across the channel before tne day closes. Bob is a tine lad, alwavs the same and just the some boy " when we were all to. gether under Mr Blakestone, Mr Bell Mr Eastman and all the others, He is very pleased with getting away-- the training becomes monotonous after . certain time. I was sorry to see him leaving but of course that is just another stage of the play and must sooner or acted. We are all on pins and needles wondering how long we must still spend in England _ before our turn comes and ot course We never know until 12 or " hours previous to embarking. Well any- way you are now joining me in wish- ing to Bob the very best luek. Well we arrived in London at 7.30 p m and went " once to the "Msple Lest Club“ supported I think by the I O D E and with Lady Drummond in charge. The house was given by some very wealthy person, is in quite a good disrtriet-Chsrles St in Berkeley Square just " Piccadilly. A line old mansion with large rooms, baths and all modern conveniences and for the almost unnoticed sum ol 1 shilling and 4 pence-about T? cents. One enjoys the luxury ot a comtor- tsble clesn bed, a luxurious bath and a hearty breakfast. The "Clab" is certainly appreciated by the boys over here, tor in London one is better "titsfied to May in a somewhat Cana- dian plaee--and then the prices are so moderate and the accommodation so good. Well, for recreation we went to a show, "Joyland" st the Hippodrome. Just a revue tun n really good show and to oar minds quite entertaining. Friday we wandered around London, Trafalgu Square, The Strand, Pica- dilly and all the old streets. You would almost imagine that we had always been accustomed to those parts, We enjoyed our dinner at one of Lyons well known corner res- turants and in the atternoon sow s good play, "Dimusli," based entirely on the life of the statesmen. ' . . Now I must get on with my narra- tire. We Went to Glasgow by the Scottish Express leaving Huston at IL30 p m arriving Glasgow Central at 8.30 s m the following day. I met Harold Lindsay s nephew of Martino Lindsay in London just before leav- ing. He is with a Battery of the C. F. A. the same as Neil. I was so glad to see him. Arriving in Glas- gowllefatho other boys (they nll went to Glasgow and Edinburgh) Ind took a car out to Cross-my- loot. I knocked " the door-o lady -red--trat at tirst did not know mo. HOWever the very soon recog- nized me by mother and gave me such a hearty welcome. 500629 Sam D. L. Mom-non C B anlc Section Big. Co. Cnnudlan Engine: Tum-g Depot â€emails. Itugiiaq Mrs Brown is a lady of middle age her hair inst turning grey with a . face tall ot welcome. I was just in the door when a young lady some running out and her resemblance to Laura is quite striking. Fiona is a greatwce girl and without farther in- trodaotion I was thoroughly at home. By a fortunate eo.ineidenee Lindsay had just arrived the previous nightl from the front line trenches tor a 7! day leave as a result of a raid sne- eessially earned out by his company on the enemy tremehes---his firat leave since going out some 8 mos slnee. Helooks real wall and seems little the worse for the winter spent in the front line. His battalion, 17th High- land Light Infantry, is on the right Bank ot the British line; the Black Watch and the Gordons are on their left so you may judge ot the troops with whom he is associated. Hector is also in this battalion but did not get home. " eompany not having a part in the raid. . . . While there we sailed on a man who had been in Priceviile years ago. Rev Donald Me- Kianon, quite a young man in ap- meranee, a Tires man. ' . . This v Hell-non has a charge in Glas- yew. We visited Glasgow cathedral -. magniittsent Presbyterian _ and very ancient. . . Going bank I met the only remaining member or the hapr family " home, Donald Jr or Dona d 0. as I called him, liteen years ot age and to my idea very mach like oar own Bobs. . . Donald Brown himselt is lee-in " manner very mach like Pater, always full of lite and so good to everyone, even to the girls on the street ears. Yea will realise that the great Glasgow ear system is almost entirely new in the hands of girl-tOrme" and con- dnetor. very low men. . . . THC DURHAM REVIEW Sunny we mended eerviee " ist. (iulttattta-Rer. Dr. Jae. “sheen of Tine. to whom I we: later heroine“ _ e 'ttet old man end e great echohr. Ie well remembere Grendpe Brown'e mammal-n4 but will Donut Brown in ondroly in love with that little mind all told no no any talea of his trips thou-oi the Culp- bells who have now all zone to Ann- tralu,-ot Arch IleLenn the shoe- mnker. who married one ot thee Campbell. end ot no any others. He bu already arranged that “tor the war Hector. Neil and I Ileng with Hector and Lindsay Inn will goto Tim end opend n month or more there. Now I am going to lone oif here. I will continue to tell you ot Gluzow to. morrow night. use. tho Molina-I. I not hm able to tell him fttgtUe in “Dha- uil â€Null Mien-Ill." I should he “I. up - halal. In the evening In In! to†stroll through Danton Mu Purl "a nay around the ttt Ilbnrbl and MI the tuna wo talk at Tlroo. you!!! Sunday eycning a very severe electric storm ices-pun!“ by hail passed over our bug but have not heard of any damage being done. Mrs A. B. Smith of Detroit is vlan. ing her mother. Mrs Dnrgavel. Mr. C. McIntosh rammed home tram the west for a few days. Mr Robert Watt of Humbert. Seek is visiting hie mother who is very ill. it is ten years since Mr Watt left our burg and he is looking hate and hearty. The old neighbors were pleased to have a call from him. ' Mr Will Jackson spent Snudly in our bug. Mrs. J, Watt is not improving very fast but we hope to see her take a turn for the better. Mrs. Parke, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Dargavel took in the Institute meet- ing at Wi11iontttord on Wednesday last. Mr and Mrsâ€. o. Dugavel motored out and spent Sunday with the for- mer's mother. Sergt. J. W. Greenwood wee home for a few days lest week before la"- in; for overeeee. " on Weheedey night of lest week the people of thie neighborhood gathered at " fether‘l home, when en eddreee wee reel by uise Edith Edge and If v. Willieme presented him with e eum oi money. Sergt. Greenwood gave . suitable re- ply, thenking them tor the gift end especially for the kindly thought: which the people, by giving the gift, showed they felt towerde him. In J. sroffst wee cheirmen and celled on leverel at the men preunt. who node brief epeechee. The net of the eve- ning wee spent in tinting, uueie In! gemee. I" D. Edge left uondny for Winni- peg " n dologcte to tho Gwen! Att. aembly of the Prubytoriln church. Before returning be ml! visit Bri don. Portngo u Faith and other places. m- Jul. Ritchie is working It tho union work on W. a. Fitch's Urn, which is being enlugad. A heavy storm of lightning. rein end boil passed over this district on Sunday. we getting I very smell part of it. Several telephone posts were struck nest the cemetery end sure was also broken, which putline 98 out ol order, but only for ' short time as ripen- men fixtrd it 0, E, on Tues- day morning. The Edge Hill Beef Ring we no told, In": the first beat on Vedas-day of next week, delivering Thuradly morning the “no " Int your. No. 1, GLENELO tir Ith-gots Morrison. Lizzie Morri- lon. Cecil Paylor, Br 3rd--Bomud Ritchie. Jr 8rd--Marion Boyd, Mary GlencroseI. Wi'lie Morrison, Tom Mor. rison. John ,‘Soyd. Si Sud-mul Anderson, Ell; Ritchie, Melvin. And. erson, Lavina Paylor. Br 1or-atit* theneros-, Mary Morrison, Wilbert Greenwood, Margaret Andernon. Jr Primer-Frederica Staples and Mar- jorie Ritchie eq , Glenny Firth. Ada Paylor, John Morrison. "H-Albert Morrison, Archie Greenwood. M. Mountâ€. Teacher No. In, BEITINUK FOR MA Y Jr 'th-Marr Alexander. Sadie " lunos, Gladyn Uorlett. Percy Loding- ham, Fletcher Riddoll. " '3vd--M_ Molnnes. Morrow Ridden. Henrietta Alexander, John Code". Mane Walsh. Jr 2ad-Jetrttie Ledlngham, Gordon Ridden. Murdoch Mclnnes. Br Pr.- John Ledinnbun. Jr Pr-Edward Lang, David Borer, Cameron Uorlett. J . M, Bur", Teacher The followmg "re the rennin obtain- ed by the pupils of B. B, No. 10, Glen. elg and Ezremont, for the month of May '. Tot-1449. Belt love to each one. Br 4th-Arch McCuaig .84, Chat, Tucker 277. 3rtt-Atlen Molnnis 347, John Alex Mt-Cumig 344, Flor: Me. Douzall 343, Ester Mclnnu 381; Jennie McDermid TIO, In] McLeodSi%, Att. nn Shortreed 278, Allie Mel-chm 2M. 2ud-Kathhrmt McLean 840, Att. niu McLeod 29$. Margaret. McDougnll ara John McLean 28t. "t--Hector Mcibschertt 176. Prlmer-Pearl MC- Dung 305 on sale Friday and Saturday Fancy Cups and Saucers reg. 25c for I5c Dishes are advancing in price. BUY NOW. The Variety Store EDGE HILL School Reports M. HoDoxALD. Teacher ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Hqga,lim,tots...., 1050 Butter................ 22 to 20 2r,g.r,c.iciy.:i: 23to 23 Pfoarperewt........ 300to360 Gunmealpcr sack..... P. 90 300 Chopper cwt........ t25tot70 Gum. tttai............, 43 to 44 Oats, milling.......... 44 to " $'aitWlleat/.......... 95to 95 Ewing Whamâ€... .... ..?,5 to ',0, Chopper cwt........ t25tot70 oatimai............, 43 to 44 Oats, milling........ .. 44 to " $'aitWlleat/.......... 95to 95 Spring Wtoeas........ 95to 95 Nu................. 170 tol70 Barley............... 60to 60 Potatoes perbag. .... 150 to200 Hides.............. U00 Beef,droaaed........ 1300m1500 Hay.permn.......... 1300:01400 Lin bu been carefully revised. Bellows Gonstlpatlol Glee rm- nre mm to an the Ingest sale of any Wu 1:: . in Canada-an “Mame“ solely due to their "“123th virtue u I Kidney and We: rem y. . But mm of on: rm. have Mend the thU invaluable remedy tuso actq u I mild athnrtic. The evidence of hundred: of letter! we have necked establishes the very local fact that in “angina!" I medidne to cal and tune up the they. And_ Btadder certain of the ingredient: have a 2',egnoeefi', upon the other org-nu, especially the web. n is important to know, In the can: of con- stipated patiennJhn Gin Pills do not act harshly on the bowels; there In no my“. but a mdml and an: tutu-don the function. Try Gin Jifll for cetittntioys. In thin; relieving the bowels, you Idem your- " again» poi-Kb]: Kidney trouble. -iii'iTicirTa. :box.'or a bum for 02.5 " your dealer}. A trial treatatent will be sent upon request. to . National i',hi,t,,.fi'r'it',tl Co. of Canada, , Toronto. Buy Farm It is bound to incrcue in value. Men in a position to judge say that no farmer livmg today will ever again see clump beef. Thin certainly moons an enrlv increase In the selling price of form lands. I bus tor one t mo acres near Dromore, convenient to school. Bplvndldly improved, only Ke,' down. balnnce u 5 per cent, rice 3m. 100 acres con 18. Egremont, well pre, tu2E'. or with another 'tt acres, J. No acres Egremnm, near Holstein. One of the very heat farms in the Township. Will soon be picked up at very low price quoted, 100 acres Bentinrk--tbe John Cloth farm, con 3, W G ft. Cheaper than: erer offered before. too acres Bentiock, lot 5itron l, W. a. R., near Durham. Good farm. chimp. You comm! uH'uvd In BUY or SELL to BORROW or LEN!) without trret ueging H. H. MILLER, Hanover The Gland Trunk Ry. System will run ti0MESEEk'fiRS' EXCURSIONS earh Tuesday March m. m u... an. ittcla- Tacketa valid to return within two months inclusive ot date of we. WINNIPEG and Return, EDMONTON and Return, Tickets and further particulars at Wand Trunk Ticket otfteam. l B. Dingmm. Town Agent. Telephone No. 8 Proporti9mtte low rate; to other points in Manitoba. Bank. and Alberta Durham Markets. The Review to New Subscrib- ers to Jan. Ist l9l7, for only 50: ARE YOU GOING WEST P ieqirstritriirriri'iir%iFtrtt, t New Prints-ct, w CRUWs-'rtte Best silt i), Quality. , l Rockfast Drills, ii) a o . ie In Serges, Yoiles % t and t .9. Fancy Stripes sie t Call and inspect at t or e t, GRANT’S t tur4u6qs4s4iqsO4s4brtrtr Insulate Ill-0y: All) Peanut. June 6, 1910. W Property Now Dress Goods " 95 " 70 BIG A New Spring Goods 31 w New Cut-mu I): “In ry Its in wide fouh- le bmdrl “raw or white . . . . .ue td ruined Shea inn. 2 ydl wide .252 yd Huvy blamed shorting " .wc " Bleached table linen. 70 in wide, 50c yd New Good. coming in every week J. G. BUTTON M.D., o. M W. H. BEAN OFFICE: our J. P. 1'ettoe" oloe. lowly “gnome my um. . INC]! l mud home mu ot “my clad-nun 01“er a. OFFICE. not!“ '.-ustn 24m. T--' p. tn. bum Compute-non new.“ one and We: " all non“. “use practical complete and up- mm new of away t Bunion. Ohm-chant! and Typewriyinc and 2grt,"g,'a Worthy ardent: tt o to so puma poo pious. le luv. " “adv-110d connection with but buclnou houuo where out “n. dupes! up malady emp1or.yd, - Ro'glf, 1'hel't,'e 2'?,ell', (INN). on - Couett ‘III. “at†Denim m “flu “Miguel. OMee-ovetr Jewellry tttate. nd opp o oita Pout. otnca. Ltiitf2i,i'tieitytd, Ta infor- Instin- Bent on npplintnon. c A â€no. ICA o. n. Iva-mo Prim for " year! Wary W. C, PICKERING o. " s., L D S HONOR GRADUATE of Torono. Univcnity. graduate of Moral College of Deettal Balloons of Ontario Booms Ont J t J UNTEB’B New more D. MoPHA IL! tuna. mu Arr-human!- lot Id. th to“ m..nnn hem-dc u the an" or loe.Durbun. at tun-upondpnce we were. or to Ceylon l'. 0.. will he pan-uh Wu. Mon-autumn to l in wide. 2.5 yd. lone......... _ .a"Oe pr U u. mac. gl ydu long...........) pr 7 m wide, lt yd. ioog...M Md I.†pr Atl Luce (‘ul'uunu have “cubed Dope - ILrlcPhnu on u ammon- in " re deuce in (nylon. Barrister. Solicitor in Suprem Court Hoary Public Commissloner Honey to how. one. on Lunhron Bt., oppoaite Walpole'. Stables ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurance Agent. Mutter to Loan [canard Mum‘s Lied-um. A gen cal tiuattcial business wanna-mi. can and Enchant. TM whoa] utnorouguny mum-ed iutetw.tuutt mum. In chanted Bud electric-l tum-men and am. he. [or lull Junior new" we Mum'- Illnloll Id. Ptte lemma; col-penny. out! .11 Ill on". t “on. ALLAN, Principal And Provincial Mod “new Menu mould cum .1 me mum at»; ot an“! Milne. load can be otr hlnod a moth-bu: rum. Durha- n . mam-y ma "me1. mum: it a - “more I!!!" PyPy."s.t: a ' l ' T Koo-u of the School m put yam i. i one. The mum mlmmlw "In mums! and up.†no miuswmmnt menu-I and have every t?gte,tt2,t the pm.“ sud acquisition at oiled“. "It“ not month In “Moe. Tho undenifnod bag- to announce to raids-u o Durham and surround- 1'.s"l'l'l'i'if,; (has: he bu hi. Planing Wi and (Acton fully "ttupped And In gnawed to at. older- tor SASH, DOORS. and .11 kinds of HOUSE FITTINGS DURHAM PLANING MILLS Shingles Ind thll always on hand " right grim. Custom Sawing prompt y attended to Alto Bole Agent ttttd [Dealer for Dur- ban And Vienna] of the For interior of buildiu --better and cheaper than lath sud 9h. Buy to bundle lay out. on in": fuel - Collage Runway and lagoon Dunno DURHAM. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL J. [GRANT D. 0.8.. L. tt. S. Econ-ed Aucuoueer far 00. Urey II. I. KOGI. Notary Public, Goentatimrioner, GWeEYAtiCER. M. BUREAU, ONT, (Lowe: Town LACE CURTAINS NEW FIBRE BOARD ZENUS CLARK a! School Mu. In Clu- WWW J . P. TELFOBDa. cums» OWEN SOUND Oatt and use for your-elf Mt.%1h Ceylon o wC.RAlAGE. Durham hs Una with u may Cannot (All on No din. or man He II. J. f. M. Cheap ONI‘ARIO WI.