1M3: , ', EEoctive at once. Canadian Pae'iite U N DERTAKER and wgceumssbip 'e/tttue, tNet _ - ‘. wen k mm . . . one e - Fu neral Direetor nesday 'iflrr"llldA0'sc.l'o1i9' Jttiitrt Picture Framing, Shortest Notice ",t'er'"-A"o" from Middauxh ou a" lion“?! --Pvrit 1p'na mputh of Lawz'nrc-“i 871-bit?! 8563i. ABRAE J h Big Stocks Reducing Sale Full line of GM hone Robe. 1e,1dltt and white Cap for people. Embalmmz a Speciality. The J. D. Abraham Co. A. BELL Starts To-day Abraham':, nesda y during the ensue of naviga- _ tion, for Saul: Sb: Marie, Port Arthar and bt William. Connecting train l leaves Tommy 5.25 p. m. Full par- 'Liculars, ruw-rvations, etc. from any ECanxdlun Poeitie, agent, or W. B. :Uoward, District Passenger Agent, Can. Pacittc Great Lakes Steam- ship Service Tot onto A real musical tron is expected at the choir ameert which is to be held in the Presbyterian Church on June 9th. "itrit _ HOLSTEIEIf LEADER . To be found worthy among 10.000 men ‘for special motion by their command- I ling emcee val theproud lot of the 141th I lGrey Battalion on Friday last. Spat. l I ing or the route larch which the troop- l {from Niagara took on Friday from their 1 Esamp to Queenston Heights, Lt. Col, ', Bickford stated that while all the unit. ahowed up well the "141th from Grey i County and the llith from Sault Ste i Marie are as fltte Battalions " Canada Pas produced.“ Well done Greys! This praise from an ottteer of the ex- l, perience of Col. Bickrord carries its own ;weight and in highly appreciated by all residents of Grey County. To have the battalion selected for mention out of a such a large number ot men is especially f gratifying. T l To an Owen Sounder at camp on Saturday, Col. McFarland expressed l himself as highly delighted and gratified F . at receiving such high praise from Col. l _ Biekford. It will be a stimulus for (both omeert and men to keep up their E record. Eras were mun High Pulse [he Lat. Nell D. McKenzie. war, contractors any be necessary at times But the horde ot detractor. (ii-tractors. protraotorth subtractou and extractors Are an unmitigated nuisance. --'Joufed. --AttyotM' with ml! " eye can see that the conduct at the war so tar u Canada is concerned has been made to inure to the pcraoual prominence and advantuge of some members of the Tory parir--ooamr Advertising Hates-tlard' of Thanks Complimentary Addresses. 5 cents per ine, minimum charge 501: t notices of entertainments to be held, also noticu of Lost, Found, Wanted or For Sale. 1c per word each insertion, minimum charge giie-sll to be prepaid. --T?rtretor' no ONTARIO ,ueur,scr' TORONTO l very metal in tlit was pom: nnmw _ ----_. lr Neil B. Inimie, one of Ig- tenont’s can.“ settlers, passed away»!!- guide-:- Pte "ith'- “y In. attee I short illness. De- can“ had meehed the good told age ot 88 your. and 4 months. Ir,.. was born in Ann. Scotland, in the 5rd! 1818 and when about a year old came to uni. equiv] withAio' psi-rents Land settled in the province of Quebec About 60 yea: ego he came to the township of Egrenlont. He Brat night Ichool for 3 you: in e small uhoolhoue, which was situated where line. Sen-eh and Marin Brown's residence is now Then he ensued in the store-keeping busi- ness, being the first merchant and pootmuter in Holstein. He was " yents in business when he retired in 1875 end built the brick residence on Elie 1:", which he occupied up to his at . In the year 1859 he married Jane Meir), daughter of the late J no. Main, who predeceased him so years ago. To noun his loss he leaves one daughter June, In J. D. Roberts end two sons, Dr. Dougalt of New- tonville and Dr. Jno. of Newfound. land. One daughter, Mrs D. Nais- mith, died 31 years ago. In religion ‘he was s staunch Presbyterian, being en elfer.tor many years. He pre- seated the Holiteiu Presbyterian church With the property on which the church is built. In politics he was a Reformer and always took a deep interest in all the aiairs of the township, being Dep. Reeve and Councillor and holding other im- portant offices. The luneral which was held from his residence on Monday afternoon to Mt. Forest cemetery, was largely attended. The pull bearers were the elders of the Presbyterian church, Mr R. Christie, Mr Jae. Ellis, Mr J. R, Philp, Mr A. Hunter, Mr D. Greer and Mr W. H. Rogers. Among those who attended the funeral from 1: distance were Mr A. McKillop ot Harrlston, Miss Rachel Ferguson and Mr Neil McMillan of Swinton Park, Mrs Duff Morrison of Mt. For- esltland Dr. D. McKenzie of Newton- vr e. PETTIGREW - At thlroy, sash, on May 28, to Mr and Mrs Bert Petti. grew, a tuutthter--lrern Irene. The Advance man. with some Owen Bound friends, paid his first visit to the power house in the valley on Fri. day last and was courteously shown over the premises by Mr Fred Graham who was in chuge. Mr Graham care- fully explained the working of the numerous instruments and machines. We couldn’t undeutbnd it all, but there was one point in the outfit that i he made perfectly plain. This is the " suicide cahle;" carrying woo rolts-- a current so powerful that if you put your finger within two inches of it the current would jump across the inter. vening space and the experimenter would he no more. For an expediti- ous taking off abet would beat Niagara rope or gun. The thing is well guard- ‘ed however, and there are not likely to be any victims. We did not at- tempt to verify the statement. We are always willing to take such things for granted and let the other fellow do the "perimentinm--. Flesherton Ad' vsnce. ttomeseekers' Special Train Leaves Toronto lo.40 p. m. Each Tuesday, com. mencing May 30th 1 For the accommodation of homeseek- ers' and general tourist traffic to West- ern Canada, through train carrying tourist sleepers and colonist cars will, commencing Tuesday, May 30th, leave Toronto 10,40 p. m. each Tuesday until further notice, running through to Winnipeg. Attention is directed to the remarkably low round trip farce in connection with hometreekers' excursions to Western Canada via Canadian Paci- I " Railway. Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until October Slat inclusive, and are good to return within two months from date of sale, Apply to anyC. P. R. agent for full particulars. W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Notice to Creditors In the Simona Court ot the County ct Grey In the matter of the Esta“ of Robert Barter, late of the Town of Durham Yeoman, deceased. NOTICE le hereby given. pursuant to R. B. o. 19U, ao M, Bee. M, that all pereone having chi-u “shut the at.“ of the eeid Hebert Baxter. who died on or about the twenty-sixth day l of Mar, A, D., 1010. are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise de. liver to J . P. Teltord. of the Town of Durham. Solicitor for the Administre- tor. on or before the Nth dar ot June, [910, their unmet. addreeeee and dee- criptiene end. full etetement of per ticulen of their chime end the nature of the eeeurity. (if my) held by them, duly eertiiied, and that alter the aid dey the edminietretor will proceed to diltrilmte the nee" of the "tate Venous the turtle: entitled thereto, buying jest!!! only to the chime oi which she the“ then heve notice. Dated the 3rd day otJIne, A, D., 1910. . T lithium BAxul. Adnrinuteator, by " Solicitor. J. P. Twain <Ow Women‘s he shoes at B. Amur In“ " Sale. 301mb. trtan98e up. Mrs W. J. Robertson, of Toronto, spent a. few days last week lube home of her mother, Mrs D. Allan. Thou of our citizens who on food of f1oqrem will nppteciato the efforts of the Chant-u no Citclo. who have been trying to kuiify the park by planting tree: and shrubs. Misc Indy. [on left for Humil- ton Monday, after spending a couple months looking after her brother, Arthur in his sickness. B. A11itttrutrt)t Bitt Slaughter Bale " lolsuin now in full swing. Eat- tire â€Oil rcdued. Gel your share of burning. Since Arthur Kerr has fully recov- ered from his action: illness, Mu F. Jordan and family wish to thank their many friends for the kindness shown to them through their trouble. Mill Gertrude McCue. rt London. att., professional nurse. called on her sister here, Mr- Dan O‘Connell. to say good-bye betore her departure tor Englnnd for overseas service shortly. Mien McGee did some pro- lessionnl work in Holstein a tew you. ago. Choice Seed Corn at lowest price. m Allingham's, Holstein, Ont. Rev. Joseph Philp, M. A., B. D.. whale eloquent sermons when on a visit here last week, are remembered with so much pleasure, will preach in the Methodist Church, Holstein, L0trli, AID PERSON“. on Sunday next. June nth, in the morning and evening and at Yeovil" in the afternoon. A special oifering will be taken on behalf of the Trus- tee Band, On Monday evening tol. lowing Rev. Mr Philp will give his popular Travelogue tt My Pilgrim- age to the Lord's Land. " Admission 20 and to cents. Do not miss this educational and uplifting lecture. A great treat is in store for those who avail themselves th: opportunity of hearing Rev. Joseph Philp. Mrs (Rev ) W. Hunt and children, of Norval, are visiting Mrs Hunt's parents, Mr and Mrs Wm. Pettigrew, for a few weeks. Pte. Percy Ross, who is in training ' with the 147111 Batt. at Niagara camp. l spent Sunday at his home here. I Rev. Mr Phllp, of Hamilton, will preach in the Methodist Church on Sabbath morning and evening. On Monday evening he will give a lec- ture on his trip through Palestine. Pte. Chas. Legge, of Niagara Camp, visited at his home here from F'riday to Tuesday. Miss M. Ross left on Monday alter- noon for Clinton to attend the wed. ding of her niece, Miss Elsie Ross. The Presbyterian Choir Are having a Sacred concert on Friday evening. A splendid program is being pre- pared. Mrs Jas. B. Hunt we are sorry to report is still quite ill. On Tuesday of this week Mr Chas. Mclnues sold to Mr R, I. Tribe a spring lamb weighing 112 lbs, real. izing by the sale $13.50. Dr. Mush went to Owen Sound on Monday to oiticiate at the marriage of a cousin, Mist: Martindale. Lieut. J. Marsh, who has been vis- iting at the mans: for the past two weeks, left tor Toronto on Monday afternoon. Mr D. Greer has moved to the north end of the villages into the house he purchased from In Doupe and Mr John B. Hamilton is mow. ing into the housejust vacated by Mr and Mrs Greer. The Yeovil Patriotic SOClely ml! hold an Ice Cream Soc-ml on Mr B. Ecctes' lawn on June 16. Agood prc- gram is being provided, Camennd enjoy a real good sociable awning. Admission 10 and " cents. School Reports No. 9, EGREMONT Br 4ttt--Josie Whyte. Clifton Rogers John Alles (eq.), Margaret Ferguson. Jr 4th--Tena Merchant, Hylde Whyte, Etta Reid. Herman Scheuk, Br 3rd-- Mania McPhee, Edwin Reid, Huber Allen. John Ferguson. Jr Ith-tteta Rogers, Jimmie Ellis, Ethel Allen. El- mer Ross. 2nd--BtBe Ellie, Willie Long. Jr Md (N-theart Allen. Jim. mie Brown. Jr Ind (to-Marr Ecclel. Mamie Aberdeen, Myrtle Rose 'Mei. Vin Troup. lat-Amelia Wnlmeely, Margaret Walmuly. Primer (h)- Murray Ron. Elmer Hilton. Primer (q)-- Jean Steven". Nell Scbrlm. $11 to â€LEO A hundred, live weight, for hogs recelle the lime, when. in Upper Cenede, the price of dressed hogs went In low as $2, or 10 chilling- currency. as it then was, per hundr ed Thin wee In 1888, the winter of the McIenIie rebellion. The nine winter the tuner who told the writer of that experience drew one fifteen miles to Gait. and eoid them for " a. York shill- ing "-twelve and a he" eetttq-tg bush- ol-ith pork end one being payable in store goods. at more on the evens. ‘then double preeent 'pricee. A very poor quality of red tistutel sold ata dollar a yard. Ind a very inferior qual- ity of tea brought the same price . pound. A9 a favour. the farmer w“ attowed enough to par hi! toil on the way home. Do my of us do well to grumble " patent day conditions b- Ahlltta Pam. Quit your Crumbling B. F. Ummum. Teacher Iwnomono no g JOHN M. FINDLAY iowunononono o Mr J. M. Lawrence. together with his wife, father and mother, Mr and Mrs Wm. Lawrence, of Durham, motored one day last week to Welland on a visit to his brother Tom and will be sight- seeing at the Falls, St. Cathar- ines and other places for about a month. This is one fine way to enjoy and to feel the benefit of a motor car. Mrs Davey, of Toronto, is at present on a visit to her sister, Mrs W.P. Watson and other friends for about a month. We are pleased to see Mr Dav- id Hamilton able to-be out again, after his long spell of sickness and hope with the advent of warmer weather, he will keep improving. Tartan Grange will will hold a concert in No. 12 Ichool on Tues- day, June 20. Mr R. H. Halbert New Train Service Daily on and alter June 4th TORONTO -0ETR0ir---tmcAtn “THE MICHIGAN 393cm." l " m U Ly Toronto...n.5opndaily(E T) I Q ttttN "Galt......). M. " " 1orLorrdon...... 9.1 " Woodstock 3.30 a. In " " " Woodstock .. 9, " Lorsdon...4a3n.tn " " [ $6 9ett.........G/ .' Chatham.. 7.00 a. m " " l " at“!!! Jet .. to., Ar Windsor no: 8.30 an“ " l Ar Tandem. ..u. " Wind-or CPR 8 50 an " $g " Detroitl'ort at 9.30 an " " DONDON PAS! "DctmithR7.5om†ar. Lv Detroit te 8.25: I " " Lv Wt (Fact str, Ar ChicagoICRs.3opm " " :‘gigdm (CPR); Thu h meme lighted .tnodatd ' tur...,., ' “0:3". as" Imam-Wt .Im-"w ' " Detroit Port It 9.30 an ' ' " 1 LONDON Pt SS " Detroit I C R 1.50 on ' ' C. T. l L tttram Lv Detroit te 8.35: I " lg V Detroit fort St) 7... dill Ar Chicago ICE b30 p m " " '/ :1}:de (CPR) Mo 3:41.11; Th h a we. titttsted otudud ' , 'trr....... 'at plan 'll'l'JJ'he sg Toronto-Detroit ' Chilton . . . . . . 9-0. P II ttll', and Toronto Chicago. Ar trondotg . . . . . . . 10.50 p In My Pmlculuu from an Ono-(lino Imilc Ticket A" m I D. P. A., Toronto t or W. It, 'tmm" 0000me NORTH EUREMONT The Wool Season is now com- mencing and we are prepared to buy an unlimited quantity at top market price. CANADIAN PACIFIC R. MFAW. Agent, Iherttae. Phone 3.t-.t6 of Bhelburne, a splendid speaker. and President of the United Far- mers of Ontario will give an ad- dress and the best of local talent will take part in the program» Admission 15e and IN. Mr Albert Harm is recovering from his attack of the grip, nar- rowly escaping pneumonia. Dairy Complain in many pbut this you are otrecitttt speck! prise ' capo. mednlc. books, to. to "Valium interest in breeding and feeding dairv cattle with It “on to maul“. Awards In honed on batter tat peoductton. Atunllcn In directed to the maximum etHmcitr of the Individual cow, kud- ing to better herd building nod mo 0 eeonomieat production by weeding out poor cows. Fermi for recording milk Ind feed my Mohamed free "r writing Dairy Communioncr. Oman. Bend fur them. C. F. W. preparedness-Cow Testing w London...... 9.00:. unduly 1'Sreutoett..'i3ica' q6 $t Ft..:........;;" I. " " Guelph Jet ..toar A. In. " A"omiitc.....riTsF.rc " JUNE $8, 1016 " TH! QUE!!! crry " Dromore I.» and seo. Mttsc you VOL. Watt Prod ll Frolic. 'erntral amc Italie " Sue I“ W