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Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1916, p. 8

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E" i S RnulghAcg x f . r, 8r2',', t " mm Middaunh SWW.':E‘!:S ',acpys “99“ th ot s',ii,rjelt of Catholic Babes and ham! white Cap for a paws. mealmlng a. Spoelnllty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice mm?- ws "ss..""" "‘ _ mint: Shun I " The Michigan Special " A BELL New Night train between Tor. . 'onto=Detrolt.Chicago via Camp UNDERTAKER and _ 1lian Pacific Railway Funeral Director A Ctr'W “MIME“. dummy.) Abraham':, , Great Stock - Reducing Is Now In Full Swing. The Greatest Bargains ever offered. The J. D. Abraham Co. SALE Note the enmenient hour of diam”- ure, c "it Fug p-rswngru to span tho mum- mmmg in Toronto, reaching thm tat " .- oat. dpuirallo hour in the month: .L. Fquwnwnt is modern tit av. 1y mum Including electric-lighted mum-m L wing can. Toronto-De- troit Md Twrnntn-Ubicago. 5.30 ,'t. m. "swim-ii time; ‘Daerit (hrc.tt) 5.10 n, m. central lime; [solving Metro”, (M. th R.) 8.25 a. m. contra! Nun‘s; arriving Chicago (51.0 R):£.:;U p. In. central time. A may night train, " The Michigan Swami," now loaves Toronto “.50 9:9." duiiy, arriving \andso: (510.3.) " M, A. RENTOK. Teacher ', NO.-10. EGRIMONT l 'th-Matty Pbllp. Br 4th-Domud , Molnnes, Annie Nicholmn. "s Meuil. flivray, Nellie Bunslon. Jr 4th--Mtatu tray McGillinay. Leslie Ecoleu, Earl :Bunaton, Ralph Lamont. Br 3rd-- ‘Hazel Campbell, Murray McArthur, [ Elam Lamont, Gertie Long. Sr 2ad-- 1 Wilford Bunston, Mary Drimmie, ‘Murray Anderson, Melvin Long. Jr 2nd-Hazel Nelson. Rutherford Hen. l dot-ion. Ale: Nelson, Bob Henderson. Sr Pt I-Brevet Hamilton, Alum Ban. :ston, Irene Drimmie. Jr Pt 1--Plsr, jSinclair and Archie Menu-hem ii:) , ArthurAptrb, Iebel Lamont. Pr A- Particulars from Any Onndlnn Pa. eitte Ticket. Agent, or W. M. Howard, District. Pusan”: Agent, Toronto. Mary Mclnnes. Jean Henderson, Stall. Drimmie, Ernie Hamilton. B--Lor- mine Swanaton, John Long, Russell Nelson, John Watts, Maxine Swunaton C-Don McArthur, Margaret MeArth. No. II, EGRIMONT 4th--aur, Wilson, Tenn Wilson. John School. Lillie Wotson, Fiorenee Gardiner. Br 8rd--Ruth Robb. Jr 8rtt--Berman Wagner, Morin Thedorf. Vellum Spicer. George Got-diner. Sr 2nC-llroy Colder, Archie NaEachern Jr Ind-Willi. Wilton, Inn Wotan. Milton Micro. locll Foirboirn,Roylo Home. Ut-Johnnie Calder. Enghio ‘Swiuer, Lilli. Colder. Hubert Me. lnchern, Stanley Spicer, Freddie Swit- lzer. Josie Connolly, Willie Dodds, "telen MeEschern, Della Mchhern. ' Pr-Rettie Watson, Louis Spleen :Murrny McRobb. Theodore Wagner. ‘Jr Pr (a)-Domud Gardiner, Gracie Walden Gordon Watson. ib)-Raby 'Spicer, Jimmie McEachern. Connie ; Myers. Johnnie Switzer. Johnnie Me. _ Lean, Catharine McLean. (c)-jelsrort McRohb, Islay McEachern, Margaret [ Fairbairn. It“ Roam HOEfiETWmfiEQ E. WILSON. Teacher. r"!'""'-'-" THE DURHAM REVIEW l The council ndjoumod to meet on ‘Tburlduy, July thh, at 10. m m the Tp Mali," A ton, for [anon] lumines- and to 1'd'd the buineu of the " journod Court of Ruvieion. sto., isrh Ysndtiiur/ntjlis 00 P Hour, put salary "senor 100 00 Council muting at date......... 16 20 28 can 18 and 16 ..‘1...? J R Otto, “count nails. etc... Dr Buys. medial “madame pet I Yul: (indigent): 42 00 Dr (1rortseurytdtutl pry-mu. ins rotul graders.....,,..-..... Ed Fee, repair bridge, lot 6 a 7 con Ir....,................... Com letting and looking ulcer ty businau. Schonk $6, Umbwh 10.50, Fischer 7.60 Fileinget 6 50, Barber 4.50 tol.......,....,..........,... It H Forum- to ply 6 teal-nil: Palm; Geisel Ellis, Adsir, F Wang» * il Golden,...... 0 Soim, lumber for tp rt...... John Bluing. rep bridge lot Bsrber--Fistslssr--IUt the follow- ing oooounts be paid : 0 Wt1irmsrtsr, odyertis’ng Court of Revision and printing cords. etc......................$ 6 50 L Sebrieber. looking after road graders at Neustodt foundry for repiMrtL......,.............. 2 00 Philip Binklo and son. reput- I Filsinger -- Fischer __ That the Reeve and Dep Reeve interview the township Solicitor re income taxes Ind get his written advice forum next meeting ot council. re the ad- journed Court of Revision. Board of Agriculture for township of The Stpe.er.t Irlv.ttt. by the 1.'resby- Normanby for South G rey. terlan Choir laft hidav late-mug if}? T' . . in every respee a musma rent. e h'ilgingar -- Fisehar 7 TW tlse choir, of which Miss L. Brown is Reeve and. 969 iums.inteririew the (now leader, was in charge ol Mr John township bulicitor re moo_me taxes gMarsh, who was formerly director. and get ins written tsdvioe for ‘hejand the excellent rendering of their next meeting ot 00“."ng " the ad- _ several numbers was a tribute to the Journed Court of Banana. ”raining received, the opinion being By-law No 6 of '16 re the appoint. [expressed that the music rendered merit of a township engineer, “up“. equal to that ofany 'ii,.tgghi,r. given its proper readings. Mr ll Me. concert. They Tere ably assiste , D ld ft) n Sound was a omt 1M: Taylor, baritone and Miss Zeta Mona ' o we ' pp Black, contralto, of CltHford, both ' vocalists of wide reputation and who Bsrber--Fisehar-msat the lollow- added in no small measure to the, in accounts be lid: enjo meat of the evening from a) g P I . I 0 Widpeyer. advertia'ng Court [mu cal autsdpoint. , Lsbenlr--Ctnbselr--TUt Richard Barber be appointed a member of the Board of Agriculture for township of Normanby for South G rey. Nrlrer--ihhntwr--Ttsat Geo Seim be giyen $20 to supplement gratis labor on con 3 to be done with statute labor. Fischer - Filsinger -wr__ That. Val Glebe be given the contract " paint- mg the Ayton steel bridge for the sum of $20, he to Sign an agreement free- irg the manieiwslity from any liabil- ity in case of accident. Curried, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The council formed " tt Court of Revision mth the Reeve " abairmuu. The clerk administrated the declara- tion otomee to each member. The following assessments were reduced: John 'ri'haro.,,..........,ii 100 H’Glebe....... ......... 50 Mrs Ilahu............... 600 I Thos. Deersum.......... 1600 ll Binkle................. 850 ‘ "slienuis,..............n6i-, N Weber and Mn...... 800 JJ Eldt............ ..... 800 ll 1huntu..,...,.......,. 100 CrLeibolt......,......... 600 E' Reubar............... 100 Fiistshisr-Umbaeh ---Tlut the Court of Revision adjourn to meet out Council meeting at 10 a m. to decide On two cases ofincome taxes (Assign- ment). Curried. The municipal council ot the town- Ihip of Normauby met in the town- ship hall. Ayton, Monday. May 29th, at 10 a. m, the Reeve in the chair. Links members present The mm- utes Were read and passed. when she should tive barn altering from the mine. A Peterlsoro soldier admitted atn local police court that he got drunk because. when he "rired at the church to get married Ihe previous day, the bride did nonum up. She i . -- - ..--_._, l day. When the laden clouds hang low, And we know that beyond the clouds the Inn Is casting A brilliant glow. May the clouds roll away and the brilliant eon smile on us. Since writing the above we learn with deep regret the: Hertly Letiar died shout at week ago. We know the new friends ot the tamily Joiu as in oftendlng sympathy to the bereav. Now Juno skin I!" blue and lovely, loan! of blun- lll than: link are gg,tes their put-u. than ll Mt and fair. Migg M. Walton, d ML For! ir', formerly of the Bend, called LU ' we of her trionda hero recently. Mr and Mar man attended the irrNtstttatiott party at the home at Mr McLachlun, baseline, on Friday. We loot toward the sky on a gloomy Innputor Campbell vilith our seat of lamina tom. time no and ot count tend gnawing “right. We were sorry to Mar some time 830 that our old friend. Bartly Let- lar, new at Cilgnry, was ill, but we hope he is Alright again. It 00:50 Inn}. Icéémnaied by Mr Ivor Hunt. 0. 8. It,, motored to the Qnun 0in Sunday. Mr And Mn Greenwood. of Edge Bill, vieited their niece. In J. Dur. hnllntoly. Mr and Mrs Dnrantre- oeived 3 letter from their son Gnlbm. who in a member of . recruiting band who are touring the ceuntry and having I nice time. Gilbert can tell ot the wonder: he has seen when he returns, which we hope will be in fact missing from the altar NORMANBY COUNCIL SOUTH BEND B. B. Fortune, Clerk .8140 1600 850 1165 800 60 00 M M " 50 6 76 60 200 bow. 1)an ttNite 'ttht " on so on to t or King and Country will culls: under To-night msny of war friends and old schoolmates nun-r in your par- ental home to show our appreciab- ol your decision to help the Allies in the terrible tsoni1iet in progress. ' Expecting him over the week end, many of the friends and neighbors assembled last Saturda evening at the home of Poe Robt. {(eith on the 11th can. to honor him on his enlist- ment. In addition tothe boys sign- ine the address which follows. Wil- bert Ross and Harvey Grout assisted in organizing for the premmtivtion, the latter intending to read the ad. dress. A pleasant social evening was spent. but Robt. did not arrive on the evening train " lookedtor, and " 12 p. In. the gathering disper- sed. leaving a ilrte wrist watch and fountain pen for him, along with the address. He had missed the G T R in Toronto and taking the C. P. R. I which left 30minntss later to Dan. ham drove the " miles home, reach. ing home less than " hour after the I gathering had dispersed. The ad-i' dress reads ; -- l Dear Rob, - Presentation to Pte Robt. Keith The Yeovil Patriotic Society will hold an Ice Cream Sat-ml on Mr S. Eeeies' lawn on June 10. A good pro- gram is being provided, Command enjoy a real good sociable evening. Admission ill and 15 cents. REMEMBER. extruspeoial prices on all Rnincoata and entire Shoe Stock at H. Allitiglmm's bitt Sale Holstein, Fridav and Saturday, June mm and 17m. ,__-,-.-. -._.... ist at Fairbairn Church and will be much missed there. The young couple will reside on his farm on the 14th con., Mr and Mrs Aitken, Sr., moving to Holstein this week. We wish the happy couple many pleas- ant years in their new relationship. On Wednesday, June 14, Mr Geo. Aitken and Miss Hattie Eckett are joining heart and hand in wedlock's bonds at the home of the bride on the 12th cotr, Rev. Dr. Marsh tying the nuptial knot. Miss Eckett for some years has peel: a most eMcieno organ- Rev. Dr. Marsh has been invited to Owen Sound for his holiday term. He leaves next week for New York, where he will spend a day or two. Grocery bargains at H, Ailing- ham’s Big Sale. Holstein. 4 boxes Cornflakea tor 25o, 1 boxes corn starch for 250. Entire grocery stock at similar reduction. _ Rev Mr. Philp of Hamilton preach- ed two excellent sermons in the Methodist church Sunday morning and evening. Monday evening he gave a lecture on his trip to the Holy Land which was most interesting. He had with him a good collection of curios which he brought back with and were wonderful to Bee, also beau. liful paintings of some of the places which were shown In the course of the lecture. I Our teachers are preparing a good program for the school picnic and concert which they are having on ('.ji'i'r'. lat. Races, games and football ‘match in afternoon and in theeven- 'ing a splendid concert will be given in Agricultural Hall. Mr. Arthur Hunt of Sask. arrived hereon Tuesday on a visit to his par- ents, Mr and Mrs Jas B. Hunt. Mrs P. Iorsburg has been visitmg friends around Holatcin thin week. In. o. M. Seim and children of Bradiord are visiting Mu tys parents, Mr and Mrs Wm. Hunt. Mrs Tyn- dale ot It. Forest also vilited her father and mother last week. Miss Jean Ferguson of valetta is at present visiting her brother, Dr. Ferguson here. Rev. Dr. Marsh preached in Wart. minster Ch, Mt Foret Sabbath a. m, Mr Jas. Ellis taking the sexvice here. Mr Men Hamilton has moved from the Hun home UD Grier: former residence south of the village. Mrs. Dr. Wilson end can Ewart of Palmerston, formerly of Holstein, visited " him. J. T. Orchard'e and other friends last week. Dr Wilson who has been in Egypt and Greece for the past year is now in a military hospital in London, Eng. Min Huy March left Tuesday to Ipend n few days in Toronto. Mia! Ethel Walter, of Walter's Falla, is spending a few days with but coni- " the manic. Rev. It Ibbott returned on Mon. dar from attending Ha-llton Con. ferettet Mr Bert Ecclu returned home last week, having completed " year's course at Sanford Normal. Big Slaughter 3:10 " H. Ailing- hum’a, Holstein. endu Saturday, J one 17th. Como amt got some ottho on“ main! but-gum. Friday and big Sam-day. LOCAL Mo PERSOIAL Holmin, J no 10, '16 " Arrangements are being made by the Commiitee tor the Grange concert at the Orange Hall, Bot the school. home " mentioned int week. on the evening ofchu 23th inst when Mr. It. H Hubert of Sheibnrne will be the principal weaker. Admission 15c and 10c. Mr. Ed. Pratt is now " Mr. Wm. Wilson Sr‘s., drillluga well, At Mr Thou Brown 'tg water was secured It a depth of 160 it. in rock. At Mr. Arthur Lees 126 it were uqnired also in rock. a new: ot MAI .t,t. In rueli. Acpir. local Reademies a Monday and Arthpr Lees 120 is were ruotired,iriiaiG this woek. "ie: W1 Hunter and little dumb-l . Mr A. Fergutson tret up and de- ter returned Miran: her visit to Unltlgr‘gz'ri ttIon,',',',','"',,,','",',',,',',':",',:?,, relatives on cnday. J' Arrnngqgnentu are being made MSW”: O Anfothor T,tr, this the Committee tor the Grungoconcert wee ‘, ur "In": " " "t at. the Orange}, my: n_onhe_ "htx?iereriortothe old Armstrong. Mr. H. B. “clam. Primville,to. gather with some horse dealers, were round this lamlity.artd boughtooe horse each from Messrs John Scott and Wesley Baxter at $175 each. Mr J. M Lawrence returned from " trip to Welland on Saturday Int. having spent a. most enjoyable time on the Niagara peninsula. He pur- Enscs making cqmparisons with the Bruce peninsula “with on a proposed visit there. Poe. Jim. Weir wee home on I visit from Niagara Camp over Sand-y. returning Monday morning. Hi! sister Bessie is home from Chicago for a more extended visit. Knowing that you will do your dutvtalthiully. we ask you toteke with you as I slight remembrunoo and t0ken of our intern: in you weliure. this wrist wash and foun- tain pen. Trusting to have you with usinthe near luturo when ”Peace on earth, good will to men" mil be the world', motto. We rennin. your friends, the ntandnrd of the King “Kluge. Then all will be wail with them whether they return to no or not for in the ltrnggle with the enemy of their some, their greet commendat- will bring them " more than conq- norm. iomoaononuno O .monuW ‘00 i131 JOHN M. FINDLAY NORTH EGREMONT The Wool Season is now com- mencing and we are prepared to buy an unlimited quantity at top mdrket price. Robert Murmur. Fleming Reid Herman Sehcnck $175 each. Mr Strait!) Hunter, of Fair- v " If, Wm. bairn,8undayed with his sister. a well. At Mr Mr Peter McEachorn. PY,'. 'eehryl..t.t . In_spect_or Campbell vinltnd our Phone 3.t--i' The Review to New Subscrib- ers to Jan. Int mr, for only Mk Messrs Alex Ferguson, Swin- ton Park, and son Alex, of Lon- don, were in our vicinity lt? week and purchssod a fine tean of thrae-year-old muss. "cister- ed, from Mr Fred Ellis. Mr and Mrs Alex Ferguson. Swinton Park visited their son Archie here on Bnturdny. Rev. and Mrs Geo. Lang Ghent (nee Miss Annie Stewart of this place) are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs W.D. Stew- art. Rev. Mr Ghent will preach in the Presbyterien church here Sunday at 3 p. m. and hopes to be able to be present " Christian Endeavor at 8.15 o'eloek. Bom-at, Ir In! In Go. Jena. (nee Burgh Eddington) I can. The Orchid Union pink will b) held on the 28th on“. In W. T. Finder’s grove. Baryon. welcome. Berg. Bum. Hes. B. Dlokoon and C. Nichol upon: Sunday In the burg. Mu J. lay and Audrey visited friend. in Orchud on Sunday. Mr Ind In Wm. Greenwood. of law. vinitol Putt-(um! sud Pin. do: 'e the and of the wuk. CEDARVILLE JUN] 15. I.” " VOL. It Produ, Product Mrts, and Cam seo. you the MIR. Si "tot tn T Ned tum N " "

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