NO CONCERT [It all 2m p. m. Mr. E. D. Otter, Toronto, is the Provincial B. S. Worker present. Val. entine Damn. Arton, in President. On Sunday, 15th October, the sacra- ment of the Lord'e Supper will be dig. perused in the Durham Presbyterian Ch, and will have added interest owing to the presence of Rev R. P. Mae Kar, the veteran Secretary of the Minion Board of the Preshyterinn (lhurch and one of the saintlieet and most emcient men in the church. ‘ .- LA" Bur Nor Lrasr.-we have in mind Priceville Show which will take place on Thursday and Friday of next week, Oct. ii and 6. An energetic body of Directors and loyal patrons in four townshlpi always make a day worth the taking, All roads lead to Priceville on Oct. oth, second day of Fair. Come. inforced by several of the Y. P. B. mem- bers, who sang. "As a Volunteer." It was a foreign mission service. in charge of Mr. Peter Rtunage who outlined the various fields ministered to by the Ca. nadian Presb‘terian church and their activities. lisses Margaret McOirr and Jean McGowan also asve map talks on Mission Work in the Koran and North Hanan fields, while the 1Vsstor delivered the principal address " reaps and Trenches In foreign ftehU." Both services were sopresisted by large congregations. Rally Day Services were held in the Presbyterian church both morning and evening on Sunday last The Sunday School scholars were present in large numbers in the morningh occupying the centre front pews. wit Supt. hog. Allan presiding. Rev Mr. Whaley gave a moat inetructive discourse and one “suly intelligible to the little folks on "Doian But." it was the Young People's gociety rally pemee in the ev- ening and special music I†rendered by a male quartette and the choir, re- inforced by mer‘al‘ol the y. P. 835nm}: Lmr'r. WILusou Mums Surat-MI 'lAtutttrictr.--On the Somme trattlefteid on Suit. l5rh. Limit. Wm. Willimn. ~vvn " J. N. Willhon. Toronto. Editor- t "chief of the Toronto News. has been killt'd in action. Lient. Hearst son of (tutu: io's premier, who WM in the can). battalion. noticed Willuou'ts fall. and wired to the latterU twin brother Wal- ter, who is special correspondent for the Ann in London, England. of his death. Thence the sad news came to his home in Toronto. Lleut, Williaon was about 27 years of use, and was is nuphew ot Mrs. T. A. Harris. of town. Many hora will remember WI" and his brother Waiter, who when lads were several times hero during the holidays. Hefore enlistlnk, Will was on the Tor. onto News all)â€, and had been reporter and city editor on several Wutern papets. Ebenezer Anniversary (Victoria) will be held an Oct. lat and 20d. Salmmh ".erviee" will he held atlU. m, And 7.30 p. In. Fowl supper will be served from " to 3 p. In. on Monday evening (allow- ed by addresses by Rev.Jaekson, Han- over, Pres. of Conference. R. J. Ball, Kw. M. P', Rev. E. S. Meyer, and others. Recitation. and music are be. ing provided. Mr. R. T. Edwards in the chant. Admission 2Se, The fourth Annual Convention of the South Grey Sunday School Association will be held at Elmwood on Tuesday next,8rd October. Three interesting sessions are planned from 10 s. m. to 9 The ladies of the Red Crou intend serving meals Fall Show day In Mr. Caldcr'u store. Will the farmers please help the Red Cross ladies by bringing movneione of any kind-meat, potatoes, hatter. ease. cream, bread and cake. Donations can be left at the not: or at Dr, Jamieson'e residence. South-east Grey Liberal: will meet in Durham on Monday, October lath, to nominate candidates. F. P. Par. dee, M. P. to: Laughton, and Welling- ton Hay, M. P. P. for North Perth, will m- the Ipvulen. The Elberta peaches in perfect now. A good crop and extra fine fruit for home - ' ' canning. Smock , Align, peaches a n d "23:51" B' Longhunts_will 232.5%: Ti be along in I “2 “X3†I week. Niagara . _ n. n . Grown Grapes no now may. not - this It). " in your Gamma: ot Good Quality. Frm "tare-Good driving mare, ria. ng 5 years. Bound every war. W. H. HUI'IIR. Lor 4 Con. 20, Sensual". Battalion about to so oversea- unat- Rood Nadine!) and hush". Trang. Porution [uni-bod. App" mm Batt'n, Camp Borden, Out. The local drug not†wot close at 0.30 p. In, commencing neat Monday evening, Ind Oct" but will re-open Ihnm on the arrival 00 the fl. T. R. train for the evening upon. Girl \Vanted for general housework. Family of 4, was" 8tii per month. Steady place, all conrettieneer. Apply Mrs (Dr ) A. H. Cnmphell. Hamlet, Ont. A “Monet squad of lo or 100 men of the U7th battatton mil perform here on Show day as well u the Bugle Band of the lame Bntmion. VOL. XXXIX, N O. Prodtsetton & Thrift i" . ' Produce More ad tuve Hon (ll, , mt am AM. Ya: Lube: EdUUnt . b Son Maui-h hon Waste _ \ _ Iponl In: Money Wisely It is War Time urs,e, OW N542 "i.'e'ayi,',i _ igomcs South Grey Show at Durham, Thursday & Friday, 28th and 29th September. Betterthan ever. Government Attractions. FRUIT BULLETIN The passing of King Alcohol here in Ayton was at tiun x (nine About six o'clock an hour lief-no the closing of the bars, there was a bit of roystering but the hotels had been sold out save a. few bottles of beer mid soft drinks. Everything in the line of hard om! was Cone before the closing hour, Had there been a large stock of liquors left a rough house celebration would probably have been the result. w. must congratulate the hotelkeepers of Ayton and Neustadt for the order that they preserved throughout the day and for the mnnngenwnt and good judgement, tn have no surplus stock on hand. One of our highly respected citizens of town walked to the Post once on Monday morning and passing I friend remarked “Why is this town like u cemetery this morning?" "Dead I luppme" was the answer. " Well yes†romnled the gentleman. "The bodies are still here but the spirits are gone." --Arton Advance. 3116 muvr.--The Women's Institute had a most successful entertainment at No. 9 school house,UlenelR on Tue, day night, lasting till near Wednesday morning. The admission was only 10 cts. but no less a sum than $15.85 was taken in at the door. Proceedings be. gan about 8 with a sumptuous lunch, easily worth a quarter and after the grater part of two hours the meeting was called to order and under the genial chairmanship of Mr. Win. Irwin who made an address. a tine program was carried out, marked throughout by unusual excellence. Miss Scott gave . tending. Mr. A. Bell a couple of solos. two little Bell boys and a Lindsay boy o rousing patriotic piece loudly ap- phuded. Victor Williams a recitation, lilo Winnie Blyth a pleasing solo, linse- Meade o duett, Geo. Ritchie and family, violin selections, while Misses Margaret “call-r. Rita Irwin and Monti. Mountain secompanied the sev- ornl performers. A feature, of the evening won the drawinz for the quilt on which much loving work hos been put in recent weeks. By the sole of ticket. and none inscriptions 81 " was collected. for which the women. we anyhow". will thgd o worthy outlet. The lucky number was held by In. Wm. Bar-grove. MONDAY, Oct. 9,-ort this date the inventors of the MclGchern estate will offer for one at lots tl and " Can. 8, H D It. Glenda. Farm Sm}: and Implements. 8s and under, cub. Over that sum 12 mos. eredit an ap- proved joint notes. ti p. c. discount for cash In lieu of notes. Bee hills. D. Mcl’tu L, Auctioneer ORCHARD. -Bills are on: for the 23rd Anniversary of the Orchard Methodist Church on Sunday and Monday. Oct. Sand 9, Rev. Mr. Stewart of Drew is the visiting preacher, and addresses. Durham Male vartette and other music. with Dr, Jamieson M. P P. in the chair is the prcgram for Monday evening preceded by a Ihankugiving Dinner from 6 ms p.m. We acknowledge the receipt of an attractive picture calendar. issued by Hon. U. H. Ferguson, Minister of Lands Forests and Mines, The picture and letterpress is meant to boom N wt hem Ontario the "New Land of Promise and Prosperity." Ttannounce, Twenty Million acres of tiaest agricultural land at Me. an new. and parcicttlars can be had from B. A. MeUonnel Par. Inment Building. Toronto. LICTUKI cu Hawau.-- Mio, Lottie Tillotson, who is touring the province, giving leetures on the Hawaiian people and their customs appeared in the Methodist Church here Wednesday night. before a fair-sized audience. She gives a good address, though the enunciation in not of the best, and also two well rendered elecutionury num- bore, but these were not "ppropriate for a church. A the musxml program was also given by local talent. Mr. H. R. Koch has made an extrin- sion to his houao on Durham hill and it is now about, as large again. The old white brick part. has been painted to cont-pond With the new red brick wing and it gives a dignified appear- ance to the hill, WAsaattt-Br Oct. let. pantry maid. humanoid and kitchen maid, Good wages. Apply to Mm ELLIOT, Annealey Ball, Queen’s Park, Toronto Rev, Jno. Little of St. Helen‘s will occupy the Presbyterian pulpit here on Sunday next, Mr. Whalcy taking his place for the day in what was his firgt charge. Many friends here will be glad to hear once more, Rev, Mr Little. RtrtmED.--Ttus Furniture Company employcs are putting in overtime work this week, so great " the demand for the high class goods thre supply. A situation like this is gratifying. The Durham Branch, Women'e Ins- titute will meet at the home of Mrs. B. M. Whaley on Thursday, Oct. 5 at 3,00 p. m. A good program is prrpared. All ladies are welcome. " SIM. on ttttttr-loo acres, u mile from town. Apply at once. J. Bums-s Fridny in Durham's big Fair day. The same day there are four other fairs in Grer--at Flesherton, at Chats worth, Meaford and Kemble. Pane Pound.--; Wtiee. He changed the Sudan in mm: years In three vears. he reorganirut the Indian mm methods, In three years in ti. Africa he brought order out of chaos, and it now appears that his prediction made in 1914 “this int Latin: three years wu duo to come true. He made reference of course to the Khartoum Incidents that gave him his title but we think the lecturer should expand on ths point. Kitcheneru re- sourcefulness: in tiilt1eu1tiesr,his shrewd- ness in selecting men and in sizing up situ ttione. his reserve towards Women giving ruse wrongly to the idea that he was a woman hotter. and other traits 'n his character Were lucidly set forth He repeated Asquith} famous eulogy. made some days before Kitchener died, and read the Well-known letter that Kitchener caused to be put into every soldier's helmet at the opening of the war. He had often been called upon to face storms. and we know he heed the last storm of the In With thought- ful courage l 'God Snvethe K Intt' cloud the mut- n3. In the black day of Dee, 1899. when the nation called for Roberts, Roberts chose Kitchener. and he added to his fame in South Africa as in North. He reformed the almyin India and Ill! work there was the foundation of the present mssgnifieerttlortuty of India’s people. The lecturer made fine use ot a metaphor hete. Germany thought the British Empire was like a tree when the fruit was ripe, shake it and the fruit would fall. They expected India, Australia, Canada. etc.. etc. would be detached-- but all the foe shaking was a. failure, for every Brit. ish colony clung fast. The rising in Egypt was the occasion that brought him fame. his ability in organising being tbeclue to his success It wal said that in his nature he had much in common with the eastern mind, He learned the Egyptian lung name. and was the great. instrument In avenging the death of Gen. Gordon. lie was given a Peerage for his services In Egypt. He was born in Ireland through the aecident of his parents moving there, prided himself on his Irish birth. In 1870hebroke into his college studies by enlisting with the French and early showed such ability that he was ap- pointed on a Commission to explore the Holy Lind, of which he made the that authentic survey map. He had rivals, and his magnanimny cf spirit Wins shown by helping them in difrlcult- ms. on opening a reference geographical and ittstorical to the Orkney Islands, near which the meat man met his death. He gave an outline of the pet" â€anal appearance of "the man who made himst'lf a machine," and gave little anecdotes of his youth and "ter. student days among which were illustrations of the softer side of his character, shown in altidireathsction for his old nurse and in other ways. The lecture on Kitchener was the feature of the evening and we think all ptu"sentlrad their estimate of the man heightened, though feeling that " the half w 15 never told" of the great- est soldier since Wellington, He made MCNDAY vammo The program and lecture by Rev, McIntosh was worthy of a larger audienrv. or musical talent there wa' abundance and we think we never saw a higher average of excellence by the choir. Misses Walker, Irwin, Wylie and Mrs Pink and by Pastor Wylie and Messrs Mialole, Bell and Fallaise. Being "steady" was a desirable quality at Anniversary times and espe- cially in such war times as the present. He made a eulogy of Moses and said a line stretched over the ages, held by Moses and Paul, would be above the head of all other men. Men did their bit in holding up hands, there was work for us all in this direction. in church work, etc., etc. It was easy to march with the crowd, not, so easy to face tasks alone. He found lessons along this line in the lives of Lincoln, of Band of Dante, of Barns, of Mathe- sou. Bunyan and above all of Jesus. It was not true as Aapoleon said that God was on the side of the strongest bat- talions, in en and battalions with ideals behind them are the strongest force There should he as large an army meet weekly in the prayer meetings as were fighting at the front. The action of Moses was the pledge of victory, It Was not marked by hulliuucy. hut by stability, not starting alone but sticking was required. Though often in danger we still can trust. We are not pawns played on the urea! chess-boar d of the world, but we nre part of a Divine plan and it helps us to be "steady" when we hear Jesus saying "Lu! lam with you always.', Pastor Wylie surpassed himself in a line solo and Mr. A. Bell is evvr a stand by in that line. Sunday lest good eonttretttruon list ened to stirring sermons by the Rev. Judson McIntosh, B. A. ot Owen Bound in the Baptist church here, He is a fluent speaker, clear in thought and impresses the gospel message urn. only and etrectivelr, In the evening he took his text It om the story of Aaron and Uur holding up the arms of Moses, Ex. 17 :12 “His hands Were IMandy until the going down of the sun" Baptist Anniversary DURHAM, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1916 With which is Incorporated the Holstein SUTHEBLAND --ln Toronto, 8 \mraav, sum. 23 to M-. and Mrs. Munro Batherlnnd- n. dxuzhtpr. MCDONALD - In Durham, Monday, Sept. 25 to Mr and Mrs Wm. Mc. Donald-.. a mo. lcPun --u Durham, Thur... Sept. 21 to It and In areh ItPhoo. Up. per 2'omt-.n Ion. He was a public spirited citizen, trusted in business and loved for his pertotttslquaiitits of head and heart, He was a member of the County Coun- ml for Prlsrtr, was Ream-Pr of Chau, worth and took a great part in the de- sretopment of rural telephone lines. On-e of the most well known cit‘zens of Grey County died on Saturday last. and as the news reached here there was sorrow deep and sincere in many breasts. He was born in Sydenham townhip in 1849. lived on farm till 29 years of age, then studied and took his degree. Not following this up he began conveyancing in Uhatsworth. broadening out into a private banker, and it was in these last capacities he hecame widely known for the success that he achieved. A few years ago his bank was merged into the Merchant’s Bank, and of this branch he was mm- ager till his death. His wife survives him, one can in For ca and number in Ednmulwn. Mr. Wert. Laidlaw has commenced his new human] xw ttrg Bruce St. Report now has it that the Ueey Battalion will leave for overseas about the middle ot October, while it rumour isalio heard that the battalion will he stationed in Toronto for the winter. Recruiting for Grey’s new 248th but. talion will not commence until the present one is complete. The opportunity to [to overseas Icon without a long wait will no doubt ap- peal to young men. and for the credit. of the county. hacked by the reputa- tion the 147th has made. it is hoped there will hen ready reapoude on the part of the almost 50 men required yet. Pts. Wesson and Quinton of D. Com- pany. two of team which won for the 147th, the (lamp Borden championship in hwonet exercise will give exhibi- tions at. the fairs which they attend. This will be most. interesting revela- tions of modern warfare. Another strong attempt. is now being made to tlll up the rinks of the 147th before it gave overseas. Ospt. Linton Douglas. Capt. H. ti. Mulloney (Chap- lain), Lieut. Rutherford; Semis Clar. ence Darling and "Bcottie" Stewart. Corps. Young and McDonald. are among a recruiting party spending at present two weeks, in the county and attending the various fall fairs, in an effort to complete the 147th Grey Bat. tulion. The evening advanced with good fellowship and music, and the light fantastic toe, and the company sepa- rated breathing again good wishes to the happy young couple. After the ceremony and congratula. tions from the hundred or mom-guests present, a sumptuous wedding dinner was psi-taken of, Many valuable pre- sents, among which were a. couple of substantial checks, tegtitied to the wizard and respect held to the young people by their many friends. The groom’s gift. to the bride was a gold pearl necklace, to the organist, who played the wedding march, Miss -- Lowrance. a gold brooch, "EWART-- Bun At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs, Baht. Bell, Glonelg, on Weduer. day, 20th of Sept.. 3 very pretty wed. ding was celebrated, the principals be. ing her daughter Misc Blanche ond the groom. Mr Geo. Stewart. A well-known farmer at Banessan. Rev. Mr Whaley was otBeitxting clergyman and the cer. emony took place on the verandah under a beautiful arch of evergreens. the hou‘wond surroundings also being decorated and all In good taste. The bride was given away by her uncle. Mr, Allan Bell. and was attractively attired. omclala of the Government are here also to Dllce the big Government ex- hibit along one side of the Ball. All farmers and Indeed every (itizen should lee these attractions. Leth, all go! A delegation of our tio soldiers are to give exhibition of bayonet work on the. Show Ground: on Friday after- noon thia week and other military function! also. It will be a unique apectocle and well wot th seeing. John McDonald of Chatsworth Recruiting Corps at Fall Fairs. Bayonet Fighting At Durham Fall Show Hymeneal 7-roomed Cottage on Queen Street. Fiat Glut Location. Hard and Bolt Inter. Good Gaga}: Apply to Miss Rutherford returned last week from a two month's vilit with her old neighbors Col. D G McKenzie and deter Margaret at Ft Frances. Mua Ruther- ford is not, but should have been a trav- eller, for her observant eyes and can have picked up a lot ofinforhtation that many would have overlooked, and the can tell it in an interesting wir too. Mrs. Wesley Forrester and children, formerly of Edmonton. who have been visiting her mother, Mn Geo Watt, and several old friends and relatives in and about Durham for a few weeks, is leav- ing this week for Oakville, incar Toron- to, to take up residence. Pleased to have a call from our old pupil, who was Min Annie Watt. Pte Chas. Reid of the 160th Batt. ' and sister. Min Della of Cargill, visited their cousin, Mrs. Thos Lauder on Sun. day. _ On Monday, Master Glen McDonald, the four year old son of Arthur MeDon. ald, was operated on succeufully for appendicitis by Drs. Jamieson and Groves, They also operated for gall- stones on Mr Metcalfe of Bentinck, who lives near Hanover, that name day. Miss Margaret MrGirr leave: this morning for Toronto, to enter the Presbyterian Deaconess' Training Home. Mr and Mrs, J as. Watson, Knox Cor. ners, Normanby, are in Detroit, visiting their sons and hearing "Billy" Sunday. Mr. Russel Currie of Toronto spent afew days at his home. His sister. Mrs Rogers of Buffalo is also at the old home. Miss Price of Toronto, was a guest last week at Mrs. Carrie's. Mr. Frank Harris of California, who has been visiting his parents here, left last Friday for that place. His sister Miss Margaret accompanied him " far as Toronto. Mr and Mrs. T. Harris and Miss Lily leave to-day for their home in Toronto. Mrs. McAulcy and daughters Mia- sea Doris and Maydee, returned Trum. day, Mter visiting a few weeks " Barrie and neighborhood. Mr, and Mrs. S. tr, Mot-lock are in Toronto a. few days this week. Lieut. Harper Kreu, a Durham boy with the Lambton battalion, is one of I special draft of officers now en route to England. Mr A. W. H. Lauder left on Tuesday of last week on I business trip to his lands In Western Canada. Mr, Jae. Isaac left this week to com- mence his 4th and final year at Varsity, Toronto. Mr Robt. Aljoe of Radison, Sask., re- turned to his home, 2nd com, Glenelg. on Friday last. Rob had an unfortun- ate 25 foot fall in a grain elevator last December and has since spent six months in hospitals in Saakatoon and Toronto, his spine being injured. He will remain at the old home until fully recuperated. now being able to get around with the use of a cane. Corp. Will Campbell who is in charge of the mechanical dept of the Division- al Cyclist corps. Toronto, spent over the week end at the parental home. Mist: Jean Wylio left on Monday to attend McMastcr College, Toronto. Mr. Melbourne McKay In in Wiarton this week â€stating J. D. Abrahnm in a big “I: now on there. Miss Margaret Grant in teachlng this week in Drayton High School Iupply- ing in Min M. Edge's Mead, tor the regular teacher, who in ill. Mr and Mn. Wm. Patton, son Robt. and daughter Misa Mary motored over Friday to visit his mother Mrs. Patton, wholivca with her daughter, Mrs, R. Isaac. Mrs. McLeod of Stayner in visiting " her brother's, Mr; Neil Mchnnel. Misses Mary and Alix Base left on Monday for Toronto, the former to It- tend University, the latter Faculty of Education. Miss Annie Pringle of Chatsworth, visited Miss Nettie Lennox over the week end, en route to Trinity College, Toronto, to commence her third year. Messrs W. Irwin and P. Ramage at- tended a Press meeting in o. Sound on Saturday, Mn. Thou. Bank. In holidnying for I week with Owen Sound Manda. Dr. and Mrs, Park and children and Mrs O'Connor who have been summer- ing at Southampton, motored over Bun. day to spend the day wlth his mother and sister. Mrs A, H. Jackson returned Saturday evening from visiting Western relatives. Mr and Mrs J. P. Hunter will not return for some time, Mr. Hunter having had three ribs broken In an accident by being thrown. Mrs J. Ferguson of Swinton Park was visiting her niece, Mrs F. Runeiman. l "V T vCCrCC'.T.'CTi'T' I I . f":, :irii/i'vi,'idiif'it'/ir, f!" , Cl, an. m-A' A House to Rent Review 01500 J. S. “LACK, Clerk of the Municipality of the Town. ship of Glenol‘. NOTIOI is hereby given that a Court will be held, pm sum to The Ontario Voters' Lieu Ant, by llin Hun- ur, the Judge of the Countv Court at the County of any, " the Town Hall (Henelg. on the on any of October, HMO. at ' o'cloet in “he [arennun to hear and determine complaints m er- mm and oquionl In the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Towuship of Glenelg for 1010. Dated the 219: day of September. 1910 MISSES TRUAX, ONTARIO ARCHIVES Judge’s Court for (llenelg. Are you in readiness to meet the daily increas- lng scarcity of Dry Goods ? _ Think that many of Europe’s most extensive industries have been closed altogether for lack of materiel, while others are producing only a small portion of their former output. "T'."" â€SAVINGS BANK at all Branches. Thoughtful people will avoid later disappoint- ments by laying in their supply of merchandise while it on yet u lied " reasonable prices. Underwear for Men Ladies' Wool Skirts This builder of vitality and stronger nerves enjoy: he re- ttottttnendBtiott ot people everywhere. By no menu is It manly a gtiatttlattt, for the result: of Dynemie Tonic on the syn: m are perms-ant end llWlVI bottetttOl. It you are run down, I your nervel Ire Ill-Stored and yunr Iystem needs new vigor ,' othiog will help you more then this tine tonic. Look for the lo! :r tile on the label-ls protects you. Ts. per defile Mart building yourself nunow. Sold l ply b) s .. Rf; mum am seo. Je. IDinsmun Central 'Drug (.itore you owe it to yourso/f to try Pens/ar Qynmm'o t;kvr, S. F. MORLOCK occlusive Millinery at the parlors of Misses Truax (cum-o» son to Miss McAuliffe.) Accept this an a most cordial invitation to visit our showrooms and see our beautiful display of the newest F all Millinery. READINESS ! DURHAM BRANCH. lr-r, “at!!! _? We were lucky in securing our Winter Underwear at the old prioel............... ' .......85¢, $1.00, 1.25 Thin Underwear was bought early before the ad- vane. which onlbles Us to offer it to our customers " the old price. Another large shipment of all-wool Serge Skms in Bitch and Navies. These Skirt, are guaranteed by the makers for style. fit and workmamhip. Cam. in and see them. The Store of Honest Valua- READINESS WILL WIN Dr uggist 'tihsient and Prompt Serzcc in every Department OF CANADA , nun orncz . mourn Wat We: FIGHT ttttr, Itt'dldrtud South Grey Show. the great event in thin neighborhood falls "a 23:1: and 29th Sept... two weeks Iron to-dnf Be loyal to your country by Owing loyutolhe but county rhowin Utir, part of Ohmio. Get a Prize lint trum Sony. Binnie and make entries only. Aoplondid government tttttttttion u to be furnished this you and the D r actors are planing to make it the but ever, but they not do it without motion. Lot'- .1: so. (LT. R. Town Ticket Agency It Get Ready for the Big shos Lambton Street THE PAY PRODUCE Durham SAVE i £85K23