Homeseckers‘ ‘ Get the Education | That Geis the Money Hound trin <..kets to points in Maniâ€" ‘oba, Sasketchewan and Alborta yi« orth Bay, Cocaurane and Transcontiâ€" ental Rouls via Chicago, St. Paut ~+ Duluth, ~= sale each Ruesday till )st. $st incl â€"ve, at low fares. Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to ‘INNIPEG on aâ€" bove date:. leaving Toronto 10.45 p. m., no change of cars, via Trauscontinental Route RETURN iu:uit, Two MoOXTHS KE xclusive ot 0s of sale, â€" Final recurn limit on all ‘ckets, Decembec 3Mst. Rerth resery=mous and full partienlars a* all Grano Trunk ticket offices or write O. ®. Horuing. District Passon seÂ¥ Agene, E ito, Ontario, U. B. Diags â€"o, ‘Town Agert, Telephans No. 3 [he Reviav to New Subscrib â€" ers to Jan. Ist 1917, for only 25¢ Splendid ‘=+ of new speciaities for season 1910 .917 includiag the new everbearing sspberry, 8t Rexis, Sroxg & Wreritwotox, The Fonthill Nurseries Established 1837, Toronto, Ont YNDERTAKER and 7 uner:‘ Diroctor In n:‘:w * town and district in Onâ€" taerie re we are uot represented. Derruory reâ€"=yed for the right mar, Mighest com nissions pald. . Attractâ€" ive advertis â€", matter, Full lib > of Yathoile Robes and bis « and white Cap for ay«« people, Emba‘mi=« a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Smqow Rooxs â€"Across from Middaugh Don‘t Pay thelong price for your Greceries s W# 6 bars Com{ort Soap for .. 25e Gbars Suniight Soap.. .. 25¢ OLd Dareh leanser.8 for 25¢ Best Canne i Corn ...10¢ ean Best Canne+ Peas...10c can Rest canne) Tomatoes 2 for 25 Old Cham Tobageo. 3 for 25¢ Senator Toz»cco. . .. 3 for 25¢ MceDonald‘» Hrier Tobaceo .. e ie o Te es on en 2o( Kplendid _ opportnunities . for souwng men =nd young women. Dersand iâ€" .cony times u:r,.ly. l.crzech.s» rendy enrolled. Inâ€" dividegal instâ€"uction, Eoter any day, A ca 4 will bring you full intormation Mt. Fore: ! Business College T. & B. Smcking Tobaceo .. rravet 2¢«reevs es I Torao® Stag Tobs: co .. .... 3 ter 2b¢ Black Wato Toebasceo 3 for 25 3 pags Hs Ammonia.25¢ 2 tins gooo ~almon for.. . 206 2 lb tins B.ving Powder. 25e Best Corn Wi.kes...3 for 25¢ Shredded Wheat Biscuits... eolil.lâ€"s ~~ oC ue " e torsug D. A. Mcbachlan, Pres. M L A. Fieming, Prin. MeceDopald‘s Chewing Tobacâ€" yers _ L ...... . S for 2be 2 pound p» «> Seeded Raisins C o C ~Stomade Best Silvc. GHloss Starch.... c c4€ +a+s «e ‘a‘s veeeatOrsaos Best Corn Seauch ...3 for z25e All Extracts ... .....3 for 20¢ Best Jeliy Powders.3 for 25¢ Abraham Ce:mpany A Reliable Agent Wanted exor â€"Caut byris»_ soat r.‘:fa.u 3 sAbuwdith $1>p. TE';-“. J. Do A. BELL wit bhyis»_s>ith of Excursions "The real test of the farmeris, perâ€" haps, in his ability to make the most profitable use of the various products of his farm and his foresight in getting ready in every way practicable between haryest and seed time for productive operations of the nextbseason." _ Thas states Mr. J. H. Grisdale, Director, Dominion Experimental Farms, in presenting Seasonable Hints, No. 8, for November, December, January and February, to the farming publis of Canada. _ A careful perusal of its sizteen pages will amply reward the stockman, the agriculturist, the bortiâ€" eulturisst and the poultryman,. A feature of this third issue is the advice uader the caption "Bhelter the Imâ€" plemeuts." The enormity of the vasi aum a: money spent annually on ‘arm muck:s<ry is impossible of realizz‘ion, To ecaup an average farm with maâ€" chinâ€"; cosls about $1,000, which uncer ~dinary conditiens of treaiment wil: uo do good work tor more than live years. To connteract this waste, tor unsbeltered implements wmoeans wacte. swelters should be built,. A working plan of a abed 25 by 47 feew putside measurements is given‘ with tirecitons necescary for ita construction Send for a plan and Shelter Implements A carclal stody of this plan, which, as taled, is capableof many modificsions will be beivfual to these mmtending to muld. To those, therefere, who would bave a compendium of information, which ontlines many necessary (ail ad wintor duties pertaining to «asri. culture in e!l its phases, Beasonable Hints, No, 8 is available on applica tion to the Publication Branch Doâ€" partment ol Agueniture, Obtawa, Onil. Homeâ€"seekers‘ Excursions to Western Canada wan aad Alberta, each Taesday Ociober 31st, inclusive via North GCochrane and Transcontinental or via Ohicago, 8t. Paul and D and are good returning two n from aate of isste The Grand Trus« Railway N: sue round trip Homeseekers t it very low fares from stations + ada io points in Manitoba, Sask Through tourists sleeping cars are' operated each Tuesday for Winnipeg teaviog Toronto 1045 P, M. via Trans, continental Route, without change, Reservation in tourists sleepers may: be obtained at nominal charge on apâ€" piication to any Grand Trank Tickeo OfMfce. The Grand Trank Pacific Railâ€" way is the shortest and quickest route berween Winnipeg, Saskatoon mmd Bd« monton, with smooth roadbed, eleciric lighted sleopng cars, through ©ewest most picturesque and most rap«iy deâ€" Veloping seccion of Western Can Ȣa. Bofore diociding on your trip ask Weand Truok Agents to furmish full particulers, or write C, E, Homning, District Passenger Agent, Toromio Ont, The initiatiye i3 still with the Allies and noiable snccesses have been won. Tus British and French at the Somme saptured 6000 prisoners, som> guns and muade advances. _ Thiepval and Combles eapturod paves the way for DBapanme and Poronne. The Germaus beiocre Verdun make no headway, in fact are being driven back. Russia, on one of her frouts captured 20,000 men and advanced. The Roumxnians are striking vigorously and ocsupying enemy territory. Greeee is likely to deloare for the Allies before tins is | By their solicitor, J. P. Telford. reawd and that will make 15 countries paw a\ war. OQuly Sweden, Norway, Usomatrk, Holiand, Switzerlans and ‘pain are lefl in Europe, 15 to 6! to endure stits the h or ease or um ts eb Notice to Creditors R In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey In the malter of the estate of Robert Cochrane, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, gentleman, deceased. NOTICK is hereby giyen porsnant to ine revised statutes of Ontario, 1914, Cap. 121, Sec 56, that all perâ€" soms having clatms against the esâ€" tate of the said Robt Coshrane, who died on or about the 18th day of August, A. D., 1916, are required to send by post, prepaid, or otherwise to deliver to J P Telford, of the Town of Durhaws, Solicitor for the EK xecutors, on or before the 26th day of October, 1916, their names, addresses and deâ€" scriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims, aud the nature of the secarity (if any) held by them, duly eertified and that after the said day the Rxecutors sill proâ€" ceed to distribute the assets of the estatc amoug the parties cntitled ihereto, having regard on!, to the claius of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 26th of September, A. D., 1916 K ierh Executors i Morlock Hattie Morlock are iell in IGurC magoddon truly. of P1 w and beightened spirit is ing itcelf amoug ol social Porils by land sand sea «re beâ€" : uies heroism which outs to ie moral cowardice that has fruit of a lax and pleasureâ€" vilization, In the fursace of Dboveavement inward scrength e has appeared. A now envy rt of many, not of asuous enjoymen| ;, splendid chiva nuigg the higher s sactifice of self.â€" The War Samuel Franklin {ail -uri- ‘able rlice rouke ilutb w nths Can t che intil Bay, Wt’»“b hut of v. the tens kets 64 tholic W. R. Falkingham in a letter to his {father in town gives a whiff of war life in the following extrasts: Dear Father: Here goes for a few lines to let you know I am still on the job and feeling tipâ€"top. 1 suppose you have been wendering what has happened to my letters for between this and the last has been quite a gap. â€" To write regâ€" ularly is difficult but whevever I get the chance I have sent you a whizzâ€" bang, so hope you get them. Well Teddy Campbell is away with a nice "blighty" (wound), and I am expecting a letter from him any time. I hope be gets to England. He got hit in the chigh but was avtended to at once and got out all rmght. If you see any of the Douglas‘ well them not to worry. Fox is still alright and bost of company. â€" Address my letrers now, ©7226, let Canadian Infantry Bao., D. Company, M. G. 8,, ist Canadian Div,, Army P. O., England." I got a lotter from Stewart McNaily, and bhe said you were at the Zion Garden Party. I guess you feel quite a change in the new life. 1 am quite sausfied with my new job, Ted Fox avd I were on the same crew. ... 1 am anxious to know how Jack Weir kas come out and am going to write to him . He adds in a postscript *.Just got a letter from Ted Campbell and he is getting along fine in St. Luke‘s ‘Var Hospital, Halfax, Yorkshire. He will have a good rest now and am glad he is getting along well," Mr John Backus has been on the sick list the past week but is improvâ€" ing at present. _ _ Nh â€" Ptes Walter MeAllister and Geo. Webber are bome on final leave this week,. _ We wish the boys a safe reâ€" turn . The corn binder and silo fillers are very busy the past feow days. Miss P. Reilly of friends at Varney and over the week end. Miss Carrie Wilton is spending a couple of weeks with Proton friends Mrs. Forrester, (nee Aonic Wait) visited friends on the 3rd recently. Mc Wm. Grant returned Tuaesday trom attending Mr Coles‘ faneral at Brapttord . â€" Last Sunday Mr. Grant had the privilege of bearing Rev. D. L. Campbell preach and states he looks well. The scene is very fair, the trees In gold and crimson dressed, While the cedars whisper of fadeless life In the bright realms of the bleased. Miss Séevenson of Holsteim visited at Mr J Durant‘s lately. M¢ and Mrs Mars of Masgachusetts U 8, yisited the latter‘s sister Mrs (George D Hunt some time ago. Mrs and Miss Brown of Mt Fores were guests of late at Mr‘E Walls‘, Mr James Hunt and son Albert of Holstein were guesta at John Hunts Sunday afternocn. Mr John Walker bas improved the arpearance of his property by ercet ing a wire fence, Take care John, you are in the danger zone yet, Leap Year is not over, To fruitâ€"growers, and more partic»= ularly to those engazed in the proâ€" duction ot tender fruits, the price of ugar is a matter of almost as vital concern as the outlook for crops, When sugar is cheap, people are disâ€" posed to use fruit frecly, while dear sugar.limits consumption, Just now sugar prices are higher than at any previous period in the last thirty odd years, aud those in the trade predict still higher quotations before the preâ€" serving season fairly begins. Reasonasus ProxtBITION.â€"As the policeâ€"court record shows throughout the province, the Ontario prohibitory law is working out nicely, and the curâ€" tailment if not elimination of drunkeness is bound to have widespread effect upon the home and the state. There will, of course, be attemps to evade the law, bnt in the interests of giving the law a fair trial all such violaters should be given no encouragement. Ontario‘s law is not unduly severe. The harshness of Idaho and West Virginia, and other American states, where, even possession of liquor was made a eriminal ofience, has been avoided. That extreme measâ€" ure was very wisely left out of Ontario‘s legislation, and the reasonsble restriction imposed are entitled.â€"to the snpport of all respectable people. The following seasons for game are set forth in the statutes passed last session by the Ontario Legislature, on the recommendation of the Fish and Game Commission. Woodcock, open season from Oct. 15th to Nov. 15ib; partridge, closed season until Oct. 15, 1918; dueks, snipe and plover, open season Sept, 15 to Dec. 31st; hares may be taken by any means between Oct. 12th and Nov. 15th, and between Dec, 23rd and Jan, 20d and may be taken by any other means than shootiug at any time; cotton tails may be taken, killed or destroyed in any manuer by the owner, occupant or lessee of any lands upon which they cause damage. black and grey equirrels, closed season for three years. NORTHâ€"EAST NORMANBY HOLSTEIN â€" LEADER From the Front The Hunting Season SOUTH BEND Bomewhere in France. s + m + town yisited Kuox Corners Mr Jas Ellis left on Satarday alterâ€" noon to take his new a si>a «barge near Prigce Albert. Mr David Grier is improvicg the appeararce of bis property by erect. ing a fine verarda. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Roberts spent over Sunday in Durham with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allan, and heard their former pastor, Rev. Jobn Little: Miss Louises Ramoge, aiter twh years at the Telephone Central here bas taken a position with the Beli Telephone Co in Hariston, Miss Nettic Hamilton has taken hor place here, . Mr Hagh A Lamont bad the honor of selling an Oxiord ram lamb of his own breeding to one of the Gover ment cffiâ€"ials, to be ased as breeding purposes. Thanksgiving services will be held at both services Sundsy in the Meihâ€" odist Church. The Seey. of the Holstein Patriotic Society has received a communioation trom the Field Comftorts Commission in Shornecliffe, England, thanking the Society for the supply of Comtorts sent and also stating that as there are so many Canadians at the front now it is difficult to keep them properiy supplied we belleve that greater acâ€" tivity along this line would be a real }encuuragcmem to thase at the front: LOCAL AND PERSONAL Yeovil Sandsy Scbool will bold | their Aooual Raily at 2 45 p m nex:! Sunday afternoon, to wWhich ail old | scholars and friends are invited . | The trustees have recently installed a new furnace in Ho‘lstein school, which is giving good satistaction. The Chautaugua Reading Circle will nold its reâ€"opening meeting Wedâ€" nesday, Oct 4&:h, at the home of Ars Hostetter. The topic wnder discasâ€" sion is ‘‘The Triple Alliance and its purpose."‘ Mrs MeKenney ot Dudalk is visitâ€" ing at her daughter‘s Mrs Dr Ellis. . Irwin carried off a few prizes at Durbam Fall Fair last Fridey. He took first for span roadster horses, 2nd for saddle horse; and in swine classes, cleaved up on the Berkstires and touk 2nds for his Tamworths. DURHAM REVIEW Now with the long fall and winter eyenings at hand, is the time tojoin the library, it not already a member, Take advantage of the bargain rate, ouly $1 UV to the end of 1917. Miss Aggie Wilson, aiter spending several months at Mr L. B. Nicholâ€" son‘s, returned home last week. W McArthur, R Warling, R. Keitb, P. Ross, Clarence and Jobn Ross, Roy Eceles, are home trom Camp Borden till Tnarsday on final leave of absence before going overâ€" seas on Friday. Pte H Drumm, who was o1 recraitiog leave, returred a couple days previous. Miss Margaret Smith, Mr S Smith, Mr and Mrs Eiijah Smith and cousin Mrs Black of Toronto, attended Teesâ€" water fair on Wednesday . Official word has been receiyed by Revy Mr Ibbott that his sou Leeâ€"Corp. Walter T. was discharged Aug. 24th from the Canadian â€" Convalescent hospital, Wokingbham, Engiand, and isagain on active service "gomeâ€" where in France." The Rural School Fair for Egreâ€" mont last Fiiday Sept. 29th, was quite successtul though exhibits were not so naumercus as last year. _ The weather was not the least tayorable and this also reduced the attendance. However the school children had some A 1 exnibits in the seyeral linesâ€"grain, vegetables, sewing, couking, ete, eic, displayed in the Ag. Hal and also took part in a program of races. We hope to have the Prize List in time for publication in uexs week‘s issue. The death of Pie. Gordon Dicksun‘ at the front, announced by & cable=| gram to his father, W.C. Dickson, last week, broughbt sadnmess to many of his old friends in this neighborâ€"| bood. Mr Dicksor‘s two other sons: in the 147th being bhome on final leave arrangements were made lor a meâ€" morial service in the Methodist Ch., | Holstein l«st Sunday evening. The chureh and gx«il« y was crowded, the eboir and imany friends trom Orchard besides seyeral other boys of the 147th battalion, being present. . Rew T. H. Ibbott preached a most impresâ€" sive sermon on the blessings ol a short life, takinog his text from Isaiab 57 ; 1 : ‘‘Therightenas is taken away from the evil to come." _ At the close the pastor read two notes reccived trom the General Supt. of the Methoâ€" dist churceh as follows : "Abuve all let us remember that this is a holy war. _ Weare fAighting tor the yery foundations of righteousness upon which God‘s kingdom must be esâ€" tablished. The supreme claim upon every Methodist between 18 and 45 years of age and of physical fitness is ‘M the tront. _ The Methodist minisâ€" try and the Methodist parsonage are giving a response excelled by none, if equlh‘ by an{ class in Canada One out of eyery four Methodist minâ€" isters of military age are already in khaki, either as chaplains or in the fAighting ranks. Fhere is searcely a Metkodist parsonage where a son or ‘daughter is not serving King and Country at this time. The Methodist Colieges have courageously assisted enlistment until they aure seriousiy crippled for scudents. Eruts.â€"In Holstein on Monday, Oct. 2n¢, to Dr and Mrs W. P. Ellis, a nmuend Deon‘t forget the fowl luï¬per in Rusâ€" sell wall Tuesday, Oct. 10th, under the Auspices of the Women‘s Vlgs‘tithte‘.'A i:'JJ&"p'r'Sq'rinE'\'viif be rendered by Mtâ€" Forest talent. Admission 85c and 20c Supper served from 6 to 8 o‘clock. Miss E Wilson teacher at Yeovil, visâ€" ited over the week end at Mrs Rentons. Anotherof Mr Renwick‘s boys has seen it his duty todefend his country Jim has joined the 202nd (Sportsman ) Battalion at Calgar* making the fourth son who serves the King. A number of the 147th boys are home this week saying goodâ€"bye before leaving for overseas. John Renton is re-llding his house, taking advantage of the fine weather to do so. Threshing and Silo filling are the orâ€" der of the day around. â€" Corn crops are good here and every one has corn to dinner, thanks to the kindness of some of our farmers. Alex McDonald is under the doctor‘s care. A peculiarailment of the tongue being the cause. The Thankâ€"offcring meeting of the Women‘s Missionary Society will be heid at Mrs John Bunston on Thursâ€" day 12th inst. Miss Stephenson, Holâ€" stein, will give an address, W Smith, Conn, visited his sister Mrs D Eccles over Sunday. Miss Harkley spent over Friday ana Saturday at her home in Walkâ€" erton. Mr and Mrs N Carmont of Glen«. den epent Sunday at Mr J Dougla«, W O Pinder, Mr and Mrs J Kirby and Verna motored to Mr and Mrs L Williamson‘s of Arthur Sunday. Pie Bert and Norman Dickson sare spending the woek at their home hore they expect that it will be their lss: leave before going overseas, Quite a number from here took in Holâ€"toin and Darham Fair last week, We are sorry to report that Pic William Gordon D‘ickson who enlisted at Regina last winter and left with that Battalion for France, was killed inatantly on bept 21st. He was in his twentyâ€"eighth year and was well known in this communâ€" ity. Much sympathy is extended to Mr Dickson and family. The Anniversary of the Orchard Methodist Church will be held 3unâ€" day and Monday Oct 8th and 9th, See bills for furthor particulars. PRICEVILLEâ€"October 5 and 6 Lions Headâ€"Oct. 5 and 6 Kilsythâ€"Oct,. 5 and 6 Rocklynâ€"Oct, 5 and 6 Kagawongâ€"Oct, 6 Markdaleâ€"Oct, 10 and 11 Dundalkâ€"Oct. 12 and 13. DROMORE Fall Fair Dates ORCHARD E<«B<â€"BP<PD<B<DAPCDâ€"DP2Dâ€"INGPAT 44 O «D 9Lâ€"«2Dâ€"»0<0â€"09<22«*»9224%3~30 W ALL PAPERS If you intend papering this fall, don‘t fail to see the values we are offering. All 25c Papers reduced to Other papers reduced accordingly Joun M. FINDILAY Greatly Reduced 19¢ per double roll Prices of all Phone 34115 13 have more originality in fashion, 1 abric and tinish than any clothes in America. See them and you‘ll agree. cunger Men these top I Gad OCT. L5, 1916 for Droduce More Muke Your 14 is War VOL. Bread dhbeq loaf in Durham . "ours Hex!â€"As "For .“Qâ€"‘ d ‘xs, also mew «ad russet appl Porators.â€" A fkpected in a fj order at the sto: OQot he local dru ) p. m., comt ning, @nd O dave. At haw ber h h the 11 () Nil