West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1916, p. 4

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The REVIEW is well f , THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Buying Now means Saving Money 2rt John McGowan All “-4.01.th bought at market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and 0ats_Chop Down Town Shoe Store Bay than! here. We haw a Fresh and varied stock of the stoic-t Groceries. Oranges. La nuns. Peels. Dates, Nuts. Candie: of all ti vis. and "cumin: ran-lined tor the Holiday felthitiu. Our pneu- will gait your purse. Give us a can. THE? CITY BAKERY s'lllrlrAt,h'"gtl1,ir. E? A ROWE Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections Beaihptarterts for Confectionery and all Bakery goods The Rob Roy Cereal Mil-ls Co. 05mm mus nous :Day§1, 31mm REVIEW IS well e%u1ppea for turning oat all kinds of ommer- cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. CR'MPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates leavy Mixed Feed at Special Prtees We have a stock of Good Heavy Mixed Feed on hand Glat we are selling at special prices in ton lots. If you need Feed, get our prices. Every bag guaranteed. If not satidaotorr bring 1t back and get your money. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. J. s. Mclih RAITH Trunks, Vans“, Suit-easel, Club bags, also Hosiery Ind Mitts at close prices. ".,1t is hardly necessary to remind you that buying now means saving monev to you. We have many lines at old prices that cannot be replaced only at a great advance in price. Some lines not at all. Call early before prices go up, and get your Shoes ready for fall. We are still putting down the odd lines, (mmtly small sizes; at less than cost. "c ‘ iipt V Mi Pipped rim tttttl r'rtsfuifii'tiftt tt 3.0:". I m U/ld? the thir box I {out In." for the ttrgt 'at. tn you! WW ttot it. Your: manly. Mtg. (Inc) PM}. Att mm. all an mm It 500. I trod; or 0 bow tor "" MN. m. it you mm to IAI'IOIAI. 'mm' I cannon. _ Ott, 01an mm party. Is there a Conservative person in this hall to-night who thinks for a minute that it there Were an election to-morrow our party could carry South Parkdale or either division of West Toronto, or for that matter elect any Conservative in any seat in the city After what has taken place. and if we eould not carry a seat in Toronto what change have We got to carry the province ? " ”his no use poking our heads in the sand. Our political enemies have broken through our line and scattered our forces, not because they were the stronger, bat because of the lack ot leadership and despotic action, both " Ottawa and Queen's Park. They hold all the gains they have made. There are making more every day. . . ' We hare lost sheep by hundreds and we must either give up or do something to bring them back to the told." “The Conservative Party today is in a precarious condition. It is not an orgapizgd party; it is a Qisrupied "Why not be honest enough to hold a caucus or Convention ? Things are in such condition now that unless the two governments listen to the voice of the people, accept criticism, and undertake reform at once and effect- ually. we will fall in Ontario as we will fall in the Dominion." "The Conservative Party is off the track; we have go: to do tomething to get. it back again." The Annual Meeting of Ward 6, Conservative Associations in Toronto was held last week. The traeassions show that the S. W. Toronto bye elec. tion In which a Conservative teat with 3,000 majority was captured by the Liberals, was no "flash in the pan" but a symbol ofdisaireetion with their party and their leaders as the quota- tions below will Show. "Shall we tackle oheersfor Borden a ld lieu rat?" some one asked at the end of a stormy meeting. "Don't chance it" wasthe ansvm' and they didu't. List. en'. Bat this test does not stand alone' it is corroborated by many others germane to the question. For er staple. the number of police consta- bles required to keep order in the city has been so reduced that the places of those who have gone to the front as soldiers have gone anNled, and are likely to remain so till they return. Men who were a short time ago more or less mastered by the drink habit have voluntarily informed the police that they are " work, and are shar- ing their earnings more fairly with their families. A veteran and pupil-l lar hotelkeeper, in spite of his busi- ness loss, says he is so pleased with the change that he would never again take out a bar license. Retail sisop- keepers testify that the change her improvedtheir busine:s. The roadl hotels outside the city have lost mach ‘ of their business by the disappearance oi the bars bat the larmers and their teams have gained accordingly, to say nothing of their family circles. ‘ Similar nodal improvements are noticeable all over the Provicee, and this has already impressed the whole community. the hotelkeepers includ- ed. with the belief that bar licenses shall never again be issued in Ontats io. That the hotelmsn have frankly accepted the sitmtion is clearly seen by their numerous applications to muneipal courts of revision for a re- duction of business taxes and ot realty assessments. Before the three years ot probation have expired the people of Ontario will be ready to vote with practical unanimity tor the indefinite nomination of the prohibition. It need hardly be said that this implies a like unanimity in the Legislative As. sembly ot the Province. and the con- sequent elimination ot the liquor ques- tion trom tho arena of party politics. -Torunto Globe. ' No one who in lived my Ion gth tt an. in Toronto will "trpertrt Colon. (putt. Chief tot Pplies tot t.hy. pet thirty years and a. former Britiah'ool- tier, of being prejudicad in {nor of yrohibition. IN point ot view, habit of thought, and ogieia1 nloofmont from tn"g1flf, navel-ent- of nil Iona " combined to prevent him be- have combined to prevent him be. coming over-sanguine " to the bene- Ieinl effects ot the abolition of the bar In this city. And Yet on just this point his testimony is calm, convin- cing end conclusive. The abolition of the bar has,.in his own opinion, based on well ,rilratteertaind and unquestionably accurate facts, been beyond the most sanguine expectation, successful in “oomph-hing precisely what the advocates of bar abolition uowedly aimed at. The outstanding feet and incontrovertible proof are that, while there were in the pest six weeks only 2I4 nrrests tor drunken- ness, there were1,059 in the corre- sponding six weeks of 1915. Mr M» 3...... MABTYB "W Filitt" in THE BACK mum, tra., in. 18, 1.16, Atom out: lunch- no I ml grout Mummont in on. of the um: PW "erin. B no. lamp}. 0 in rm. tor the ma- Eon. A! Ita, ion , - {or How Prohibition Works in Toronto Conservative Opinions at Conservative Meeting Ow . mm .3? Wi-i, NOVEMBER B, ms 2mm a I Massey-Harris binder, Mt Oormick mower, 1 Len ft take, Peter Hamilton 12 hoe drill nearly new, Peter Humil- ton cultivator new. lumber Waggon 'nenrly new, set boFsleighs, Grown double plpw, Cockshutt plow, grain grinder, set spring tooth barrows. hay rack. stock rack. wagon box, fanning mill. turnip pulper. plstform scales moo lbs new, cream 'tWitt/et-ee,.": dard', 'Magnet' and ' plotter', turnip sewer. ' sets of double harness, sugar kettle, I sets of double harness. coal heater, Daily chain, acumen lsieklc grinder, ll h, p. “Gators" gas engine, forks, chains. and other articles too numerous to mention A quantity of Bay and Lumber. Terms-All sums of “.00 and under, cash. Over that amount uylengtlsol tune up to Pd months on "rrnrihirttr approved Joint notes. bearing interest at 6 per cent per mourn. I Edward Hopkins, Robt.Brlgham ED--.., ' at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following t 1 Mare 12 yrs old supposed to be in foal, l mare ft yrs old supposed in tool, 1 horse 4 yrs old heavy drift, 1 gelding 1 yr old, I colt, 7 cows supposed to be in ealf, l furrow cow, 0 calves, 5 head of 1 " old heifers and steers, l Polled Angus bull rising 2 yrs. 1 brood sow due to pig, 5 pigs 4 months old, I num- ber of tten", serge turkeys and guinea . The refining of raw cod liver oil as practiced with the crude equipments available along the Norwegian coast has r"'ytrsqmu'ed with the ideals of Scott do Bowne and they have just completed a spacious refitttng plant minimum thett: lubomton ies in Bloom. tie d, N. J. which is refrigerated to the climate of Norway and equipped with of Farm Sunk and Implements, to he held_on lot s, con I, S.D.R. Bentinck on Wednesday, November IS, 1916 Credit Auction Sale --The0sven Saund Sun is ldv0cat- ing the claims of Hugh Clel'and of Meaford as the next Liberal candi- date in South Grey. He is a son ot the late James Cleland, ex M. P. P. for N Grey. It adds:“In Mr Wright‘s acceptanceot the Nomination m s. E. Grey the Liberals or N, Grey lose a strong possible candidate, but the ot- her riding has gained that." Not ("Olllt'llt with this great success. however, Scott and Bowne have con- tinuedto evolve methods and mats hinely to keep Scott's Emulsion thier, purer and richer than the iuutations which patterned aftvr their plans, and to-day every precaution that human ingenuity caudevine is employed to keep Scott's Emulsion the finest and PY.?" 'ttetlicinarfood in the world. . Norway IS in serious plight. One sevemh of her shipping bu been de.. icroyod by German torpedoes or It was an Armenian: business: finu who amm- fort y-nu- years ago show- ed the would how to perfect the med. icmnl properties of God liver all and nuke-IL pleasant to take which im. mediately popularized cud liver oil. Asensutmu has been caused this week by the torpedoing of a British tueraentumsn With many Americans on board and without warning. Thir. teen are missing. among them res- Meats of the United States. Can Wilson make of this a roorbaekto [nip bia eicclion on Tuesday next? 0: will be simply write a note? mines. I‘he purpose seems to be to provoke her into war in which case Swain.“ might go with Germany. Quite I number from Hsmpden " tended Knox Church on Bonds]. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. and hire. Jae. Petty over their severe loss when barns and outbuild- 1035 were destroyed by fire. Mr Petty has since been getting prices for a steel barn which he is considering erecting, He purposes to put up a temporary shed for his cattle in the meantime, the stock now being cured for by different neighbors. The great and unexpected drive made by the Frpnch at. Verdun last week is still successful. They hold Douatuonh and likely will soon have Vaux. The Roumaniau Army in the Do- brudja have escaped the not. intended for them and though much of their country is overrun. they have the en- (my slowed up and are again winning victoriesin Transylvania. Onthe Sunme. the Allies have had progress delayed by bad weather but can't be broken or driven back. Theixuir supcriority " now most marked. The enemy regained a small piece of trench. We hope to hear favourable report- from our two boys from this loollity who have suffered wounds. Corp. Wm. McAlister and Pee. Arthur Gadd. who was wounded in she head. No par- ticulats have been yet received of the former, but the latter we understand, is not serious. At Knox Church hat Band” I special collection was taken up in Old of the British Red Cross and the handsome sum of 8126 oollecled. A special offering will be taken every Sunday until Dec. 2nd. Te look for I ood unendanco n the Bud Croat concert In the tUhool house on Friday evening. Dr. Jam. ieson, M. P. P. will give an sddrou on Bed Cross lines. I:- Bet. Whloy of Duh-m. ‘1" dim- . Tint-doting mocha; of no W. M. B. In Knox Church on Tillman] evening of this week " 7.80. We look for . good nttendsnce. Ptr. Ed. Ila] of the 196th Battalion Gimp Hugh“. Manitoba, "mod " Mrs. 1': home hers, for A few any: ba- forelcuving for mum " .i.uttt for overseas. The McGee hail, of Arttuer mo. tored up on land” to tint their rel. atives. the Walk“ family. NORTH-EAST NORMANBY Prdprieti; Keeping Ahead -.t--- iq-------. War Notes TORONTO Auctioneer DURKAI. Nov. l, 1916. 1hotts,livts,fob..... 1050 Batter................ 30to 30 turea................. 34to 34 Flourpercwt........ 430to500 qattttealpertstue.... 400 400 Chopper cm........ 150to2a0 aud,feed............, 48 to 52 Oats, milling,....... .. 50 to 55 FallWhent._.......... 160to165 Spring Wheac........ 160tol 65 Peas................. 150tol50 Barley............... 76to 80 Potatoes perbag. .... 175 to200 Rides....-.....:.... 1400 Beef.dresaed........ 1300:01500 Bay. parton..... .... aeowxooo unusual sanitary devices which will m. Hure a supreme quality of cod liver oil In svery bottle of Scott's Emulsion and place it above and lvevond all com. mercial substitutes which may contain the usual suspicious or adulterated oils. The Review in! Toronto Duly Newsfm one you.................. The Bow aw and Toronto Daily Matl and Empire for I yeah..." 'ny Review and Daily Free Press The [Eavjew and ToroG/jjiliiy' The Review and Weekly Sun for The Revirw lad Toronto Daily Globe tor lyear..................... The Ron"! and Weekly Advertis- er toe one "v..-.................. Tly! Roviey and Toronto Daily Durham Markets. List has been carntully revised, . __ -'-_-__ -m, World for year..................... Tyi-.......................-. forl "ar............."................. Sta; tot I "ar...,.............:...'.', Departmental Store, Large Sale I Clubbing Rates We have full lines for the little folk wmch we have not room to quote. Do ttot dehtr--eorne in and buy now. We guarantees. fit Misses Dongola button, a. snap. . . . . Misses Bex Calf School Shoe. . . . . . Misses Heavy Chrome Blue . . . . . . Boys Kip blue. . 1.85 Boys Split blue . .2.10 Chrome blue. .2.35 Men's, Medium weight Split Blue. . . . . . . . . Men's Kip Blue with toe cap . . . . . . . . . .. Mens Black and Tan Blk bluu, very pliablt See our Military Styles in Tan and Black Womens Kip Bals. . . . 1.75 Womens Doug Blue, a snap. ' Womens GloveGraln NI, toe cap """'................ Womens Chrome Bluo, an excellent) shoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . You can get the Womenl Double E Last in Dongola. while theylast atthe oldprioe-........C.y.".'.T"..rC'. We would like to impress on your minds the necessity of buy- ing " once in order to do this. We have a very large stock bought at old prices, which you can get at old prices if you act at once. We will give you Who are interested in the buying of Shoes who want to save a few Dollars Men and Women 1ddKedllnie's Weekly News .1213: ' 86 J, McKEGHNIE Bring your Produce and Trade with us. 890 If: Price for Butter At ‘5pmblue.........................$2.35 toecap ""."'................... 3.00 Blk. blyo, very -pjjab)e....... 300 and 3.10 The new model five-passenger Touring Car at 8495 is standard automobile value. We don't need to make "claims" in offering you this car. We show you the car itself, and give reasons. The quality. the price and the service it gives make satisfaction sure. You can always depend on the Ford. You don't need extravagant claims to justify your choice when you buy the Ford. The 1917 ‘Ford Touring Car Let us show you the new model to-Gy--- C SMITH d: SONS Durham, “MADE IN CANADA" $495.00 f. o. b. Ford, Out. Quotations Durham Ont. 1.76 2,10 2.6 1.75 - r' -. "aita.uf. nine-ed 90nd Whale blood, and1 “nonunion mutt ul - i-ded the Whole tiy1 "aerett rheumatism i1 mimprove your gl ll tht your blood, my a Scott's Emuimm it iut,d-mnkx'r, while itr ma Ga- itrenathem the on. ”with. cud upbuild y w. Contain thte we, more or less. l i? m. ' rooms. hand - hunting otvir;it, “It dun-(Ion. App. u. or to .019 l-.,\n Mi. and Dunt All 511 “a Emulsion is he many who could nntf W the dcohok'c su "iiarahout. will be r. _. n. B. “CLEAN ct J piiEr] Tow , helm,- Iu Gl;l',")vyl try J The undoniquwn (XI-march! H . n ..; Mime: llnmwh ai." For further pm! the premises. Ike-Hence Proper IOWIBE from Iota M, In UI red at? . Informal Mid render Steer Est [e do: the For " GEO

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