" _--.'-'"' _._ 1' _ _--..- - and (quip-Ion. l "tsttmrttsttrorougttlr emu ln teach]! 1:; dti,l,ti m mulled And t'atg'dtr'.l'llh'g ttt 'dlit as" tttr full Junior Lend-x Ind Mat iv- Al n was. The [enema] oompuem A ..-n no In clan , THUS ALLAN. 2'i"ftt',: 1-: Chuurmlo-m Alon “do.†tn Lyuul vulture. any "er, Salome. Ilium-no.5 Bud Spellmm Mt an. wum. B. A., at queen Unhumy subjects: hum Art, Marmara. Uottwosi ttoth, “Inâ€, 'reatrraptar, And." Elmo†was I. cumnmux. B.A., retell. Urtie emu-kw 'mliuolo In "r'rrh',"1/'h////ir mum-on: Fiat Ora-nu. ranch. mum “mom..- â€Mary. Uonvomiol, Wetting, 1 n Student. would um: ttt the he; n t'il!11ll,ililii if possible. Bond Can be 'ge " xenon-Me "new. â€mum u . Death y and “mm to“. Making " a no" den: He [at reductive. "can! ot the School m you you: " a n! we. The mam-vs no who win tad Pl',', no iir'iit'i5iE'i',t?ii,i?.s, In v a van or e g." a sad â€gamma M2,r2til." nu. or month In “lance. I. l (on. " I. r. MT. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Splvndid opportunities for young um) and yunuu wnmen. Dom-Id in may tunes an ply. We clâ€: 'Ureadr ',','lrG'lll', In . lividul Instruction. IBERIA") Guy. A card will bring you full blormation. Ifghlands of Ontario, Mt. Forest Business College Splendid list of new speeitttien for lemon 1916-1917 including the new "abetting Raspberry. SI Begin. Bro" ' W Harm-ox, The loath-ll Nannies “Wished 1837. Torontb. Ont Don't Miss This " The Designer" All for 55 cts. In Her: good town and district in Ott. urio w are we are not represented. Tmilory "sound tor the right man, Highest eomruieions paid. Annun- in “yanking nutter. This offer is good for n few days only. Get your name on our list to-day. Fifty-five cents pays the bill. for one year " copies at TOC. . 1.20 I Standard Quar- taly (Fuhion book)......... .35 1 Pattern . . . Agents for Standard Patterns The J. D. Abraham Got the Education That Got: the Money A Reliable Agent Wanted Me Laohlan, Pres, Company h! tri, Fleming; Prin of $1.65 F†' . I 1.65 .25 .20 .tttte.......:.'.6:.. Announcement The Management of the Reli- ance Investment and Developing Company, Limited, beg to an- nounce that in future, they will conduct . local brokerage buli- no“ for the sale nnd exchange of town and farm properties. If you have a house in town toexchnnse on farm properties, or a farm that you wish to sell or exchange on town properties, this company can obtain a deal for you and re quests you to list your property with them. They also conduct a general insurance and conveyan- cing and collection business. They can obtain for you enchan- ges of good Western city property on Western farm lands, improved or unimproved. THE RELIANCE INVESTMENT & DEVELOPING COMPANY, Limited - 7V 7 V7 7 Mammy Director J nhn Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer Otfice .' West of Royal Bank, HANOVER. ONT. Fred W. Deutschmann. Apart trom the war the election of Hughes will not be good for Canada. It will mean R raising of the tariff and withdrawal ot certain privileges that benefit ted Canadian hamlets. It will he deplorable if in addition to bloody Wat we areto enter again into a war of tariffs. On Tuesday the eleetorate of the great Repunhc to the south of us de- cided that Wilson, the democrat, the man ' 'too proud to tight" should give place to Hughes, the Republican. It is disquieting to learn that the cities with large German population all Went Hughes. Roosevelt protease: to be delighted and on war issue! Canada would trust him before either of the others. "'ittt:,Ett:tFttttt'. The vntertainment in Knox, Nor- mnnby, on 'l‘ursday night was emin- entlv successful. The church was Cttt ouled to capacity, order was good nm'. everyone in good humor. Rev. Mr Smith was an able chairman " 11:11le and with Rev. Dr. Marsh and Mr Wm Allan divided the speaking iliollors oi the evening. Dr Marsh 'cchiicli himself. speaking from the ‘tnpic "Bad Bargains" and was much complimented. Miss Emma Ritchie iii,') two patriotic solos and Mr Jas, Watson sang with old time “not i "When Jack comes back." Flag drills, recitation: and dialogues by ills children tilled in n fine evening. Midway in the program a lunch was served and this social feature as usual was much enjoyed. A sum oi " was realized on a small ad- mlsum. [ This church is making a record for finaneinl liberality. They have con- trihuted so far to British Red Cross :'dr47 and expect to make it 8200. ‘j‘or the Mission detieit they found 373 and no worthy cause is turned idown. The S. School has loo on the 1 roll with an average attendance at 80. 'hir Wm Allan, Supt. School Reports. NU. 13, IGIIEMONT ‘.--r. I+-H. Stephennon. B. Tucker. ll Rennie. K. Findlay R. Homage. Jr. Hi H. Atchison, A. llastie. Br. l d7 P. Harrison. ti. Harrison. Jr 3rd Hid Sunul. Jno. Small. Alex MeMill. vri, It. Sinai}. Murray Allan. David iiottur, iveme Hooper. Luella Fordn Jr. 2ud--Fi. Findlay, Jan. Adams, Geo. “mun-r. Viola Henrv. Jr. lst-OOM. nn Lib, Gordon Adams, H. Morrison, Jeinnutm Geddes, George Renwick. Sen. Priruet _ J. Ford, ttitirord Henry, A. L.uth, Russel Ford, Walter Ron. lwick. Jas. Smail, B. Adams. Junior il'mm-r w, 1nly, M. Welk. Average Knox S s. Entertainment th "new attend Walter Kerr. Jr IF-- Rita Garcon. Cameron Mcngbvon, Br IH-Esther Petty. Jr "I-Agnus' McAlister. May Mountain. Mary Marutttll, Cecil Web. mar, Kenneth Kerr, Harold watson, Rita Mountain, Marjorie Caldwell. NoturanCarsom Br ll -.Jotut Marshall. Arthur Petty, James Marshall. Mary J: l-Jimmie Horslvourgh, Ronald Smith. Nor man Marshall, Berle Morice Iatlyle My!!!“ Jr A-Margaret Wat. you. Jmet Hardin". Jessi! Marshall, Florence Carson. Margaret Webber, liertieSmallman, Jr B-M-ret Mar- shall, Hue! Mountun, Lily Hors. burg Hughes is President r 2!], J m. Schrieber, Tenth" A c, Clark, teacher. [Sergeant Gates, who sends the grap- hic lotto: bolow' Ipent In your! with Mr. W. J. Ptsilp, Ezra-oat before - in; wet. where he enlisted early in the In. He bu been IT months a the front, been in [our charges, and have! got hit. We hope, in comma: with his old Egremont friends, that " tack will continue-- Ed.] France, 10th Oct. 1910 Mr and Mn W. J. Philp, Egremonr. Dear Friends: I take the chance no drop you a few lines hoping it will Ind you quite well and that Buherta in getting on well at High School. You will see by the papers that the Canadians have been in some fitthtimt and I guess you know we are down In where the "Big Push†is 3mm; on. On the 9th of October we had a his tight, I did not think 1 would come out. that in why 1 sent so many cards before I went in the trenches. When [came out on the 9th all that wag left in my platoon was one man and my- self. Well, I would like to be able to tell you the story of my life out here but 1 may not loll too much. As you know I have been in four big charges now, This last one was awful I do not know how it is that Icame out with out getting hit. I think I have a good chance of getting though this war, and if I do I will not go to another one. I think we are through with the fighting for a month or two. We have had three awful months down here. I have loat some of my heat chums, but some one has to go. lam going to get my photu taken as soon as I can and I think I will get my leave soon. Well I must close for this time so good~hyo with best wishes to all. Sergeant Gates N 0 43522 14 Platoon, 4 Company 16 Batt. Canadian Sconish M, E. F., France “Only One Man and “insult" The prosperity of Ontario farmers in amatter for legitimate thanksgivmg‘ but occasionally one tinds the kind of _ man who is so tied up to the dollars and cents side of lifethat he has nc consideration for many things H. man cannot aftord to forget, A bumer of this type was on the C, P. It. train be- "ween Mt Forest and Harriston one day last week and he was holding forth to his seatmute on the great benefit derived by the farmers' fraternity from the war. He wasnt’ the opinion that if the war just kept up a year or two longer the farmers l would be right on their feet financially. Sitting two or three seats up the Iiale was aquiet loosing little old boy. She had been listening to the farmer’s Bttaneial Ideas on reluted to the war, and a close observer might have seen tire tbwhlng in the otherwise Kindly old eyes. She thought of her two sons doing there ‘bit' somewhere in France and compared their action and her own trapriilee with the sordidly sellkh outlook of the [alhztiye farmer. The more she thought of it the angrier she became till all a sudden she bounced into the aisle and proceeded to start something. Breaking an umbrella over e! umn's head requires some exertion but arms made strong by patriotic wrath make light of such tasks. The old lady not only completely wre: ked her umbrella on theobject of her wrath but enforced her blows with poiutcd reunu is which surely must have stung even through the cast iron sellsbueus of her victim. She told him she would ltMen to nu man talk as he had done, and her two suns facing death in the trenches to keep him in safety. The scene in the car can be more easily imagined than described but it is safe to say the militant mother ot the tighthur sons had the complete backing od her fellow travellels. ---Mt. Forest Representative. To my pcemises a red and white steer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying Pat- penses. Jno. Brown, Bolaiein Six inch crdar ties 8 feet long, for which I will pay 40c each ', tamarack 38e, delivered at Durham Grand Trunk station. All subject to Grand Trunk -nspectiou. - -- .. _ - TIT-1e PUiie Heeltim Service reports that more people live to the age of forty years today, but from forty to sixty years mortality is irtcretisintftrtt degenerative diseases in the U. S. mvT'lTAoasgnds of wél-infomea men and women to-day are learning the true value of SCOTT’S EMULSION FEWER ?liiill1lli 1llllllhlllill OLDER She Spilt her Wrath HOLSTEIW I,,liiiNjr,yfilll,',,,?,,,,.,, Ties Wanted. OF THE PUREST COD LIVER OIL P as a powerful blood.etwicher and strength-builder to ward off the headaches and backacheo that mean , weakness. SCOTT’S helps fortify the body against grippe, pneumonia and weakening colds, through its force of medicinal nourishment. Refuse Alcoholic Emma That Do Not Cousin Cod Liver Oil. Sun & Dom. Toto-u. Ont. 10-. J. N. Mciuoork, Durham Strayed THE DURHAM REVIEW No Jewelery worn at the Ind gage Social on Friday evening Nov. t . Ills Margaret Smith mm t , Tor. onto on Thursday. Mr and Mn James Mickleboro ot Toronto spent the let ot the week with friends in village. Pte Inn McFadden ot the 158 Batt {POPE Sunday u the home of In Wm Goddes. A fine tor waning touthen or flowers on hats at Hard Time mm. Mr Sam Smith and' a number of his lady triends motnred to Fail-burn Sunday evening and took in the An. niversary Service. The Women'a Missionary Society of the Methodist Church ask that all wasw paper be saved. It wlll be called for in near future. Mrs Steve Beau an and mother Mrs Slag are visiting "lends in llam- ilton. Mr and Mrs D Leith of Knox visit- ed friends in the village Sunday. Miss Robena Merchant is visiting friends in Proton. Mrs Jno Murdoch and her two boys ot Mt Forest called on friends on Sun- day and attended Service in the " ternoon. Dr. “Care All" will be at the Hard Time Social on Friday evening. Mr W J Eccles has returned trom the West and reports plenty of snow in some districts. Rev. Mr. Whaler of Durham will take the Anniversary Services in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday. Rev, Dr. Marsh taking the Service in Rev. Whaley's Church The meeting of the Women’s Insti tute will be held at the home of Mrs Richard Irwin on Thursday, Nov. 16 at 2.30 Mrs D P Coleridge will give a talk on "Phe pleasure of hooky." The Roll call. Ideas for Christmas gifts. LOCAL AID PERSONAL Rev. Dr. Mush and G PLeith took in the S. School entertainment over at Knox, Normanby, Tuesday eve. ning. Anybodv not wearing an apron " Hard Time Social will be tlned. Holstein Women’s Institute will hold a liard Time Social in Agrieal. tural Hall on evening of Nov. 10th. A good program will be givon. Tariff on anyjewelety worn. Admisswn IN After December lat next, an all. night u-ivphmie service. as well as any, will be inaugurated at Holstein Central. Except tor three hours on Sundays. trom 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, the service wid be continuous. b1sirbairn Anniversary Services were most successlnl on unday, large congregations being delighted to again hear the former pastor, Rev J. Little of St Helena in two excellent dlScoursUS The church was tilled to capes-1y in the morning and some Were turned away at the evening service. Holstein had the pleasure of hearing him in the afternoon. Dr. Brett is having his "le Thurs. day. Misses Liza and Verna Kirby spent a few days last week at Gleneden. visiting “undo. Mr and Mra. Fred Wilton and sons George and Stanley, motored from Walkercon Sunday and Visited at the farmer's sister. Mrs W I' Finder. The bridge at. the mill li', completed but will nut be in use for a month yet. - _ A - _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lennox and Mrs. W, Freeman of Teeswater visited at the first 01 the week, Mr Jack Garment. visited the week and at his uncles. Mr Jno Kirby, Miss Ilarkley spent over Sunday " be: home in Walkorton. Halloween was held at Orcbnrd as usual. Nothing serious done. We are all enjoying the ilne Nov- ember weather some of the farmers have tioisihed Gli plowing. A very exciting time took place iastSunday afternoon when John Bunston'a house on the 16th con. was burned down. The neighbours gath. ered around when the iirtet appear- ance was noticed, and did their best but could not get ahead ofthe fire. However the contents were got out, without being damaged. The fire started from some defeat in the chimney, the 1055 being partly cover. ed by iristtranee. EAST EGREMONT __ ----qirw ORCHARD TORONTO Mn J D [Mamie mm to Duh.- londuy kn. Sorrv to report In Iopklu to all! quite poorly. W J Philp van ditching with lulu machine tor Mr Lon Int week Penney Cornish Ind Joe Blyth- weu hunting in this vlclnlcy loudly Int and bugged . nlu bunch of mb. bitl “a one good Iliad won. Religion: undue. one " preaent being conducted In the "all every night thits wock, by a couple ot men Iron: nomcwbcm about so all“ oe, who norm shy to tell where, what their home. are or what denomination, it any, they belong to, Mrs. Wm. Moore in so far improv- ing though slowly, u to take an auto trip to Holstein last Saturday. We hope with many othen that aha may still improve. Mrs. Wm. McEachnie, slate: of the above, accompanied by In liocktidge of liopeville visited Mr and Mrs Wm. Moore one day last week . Inspector Campbell visited He's 12 and " S. 8.. Wednesday of this week, and hand everything in a progressive state we hope. The tine weather of the past few days is conducive to a large amount of farm work being done, plowing and raising of roots, and so forth. T The Christian Endeavorers are hol- ding a social evening on Friday of this week at Amos. The Grange in also holding a special night this Wednesday following election of oiti, cers ' Many from here took in the Anni ' versary Services at Fairbairn Church on Sunday where the Rev, Mr. Little, their late pastor preached to a large and appreciative audience, many be- ing unable to gain admittance. He still retains his old time vigor and earnestness of manner and must have felt a depth of gratitude for the ap- preciation shown. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Henry are mov- ing Irom Mr Well's house to Mr. Paton's house in Dromore this Wed- neaday. Mr jas. Tucker recently purchased anothtr cow from Mr Geo Swanstou. " _------- -- w- _-----. Mrs. A, Corbett oi Owen Sound, returged home after visiting her sis- ter, Mrs Geo Martin. Mr Donald McCormack has return- ed from visiting Hatriston friends. Salem anniversary services were conducted Sunday by Rev Mr Waugh of Dundalk. An entertainment was held Monday when a good program was enjoyed. Among those assisting in the program were Bethel choir, Miss Armstrong of Hopeville, Misses NORTH EORBMONT SWINTON PARK on-l0* T JOHN M. FINDLAY T Phone 3.1--15 - __ - A - A A " I ' o',aa-eowaveoiritoweoo' Wilson and Love of Flesherton, Mr. l FMS tttr Sale. Harding of 'Orangeville and Mr. Mil. l In Proton tomsship, l mile from let of Priceville. Mr Bowel occupied l Swinton Park, convenient to church, the chair. store and school, being lot 3, can Mr, . l loo motel-~90 cleared, to hardwood , Mist, Tena Ferguson u home from hush. This is one of the best inns Cobotsrg. .in the township and is well fenced . . . . ;and in good state of cultivation. A tuototist If?†a neighboring vil. I Comfortable house, frame barn with lage accompanied by Pt! agreeable _ L all on stone foundation, and good young bachelor got ditched on the stabling and spring well. Also lot ' xgth. The, bachelor who was some- i on 17, well fenced and in good cul- what ttttdecided. " to the. merits of 1 tivation, comfortable dwelling house the gas wagon, 15 now convinced that and frame barn and spring wcll. for the time being a horse that can ', These farms will be sold together be drivun with one hand suits him i or separately. Must be sold " once best. 'to pxund' up an estate. Apply- on -- _ . - .. -. . . "_. premises or to A motorist from a neighboring vil- lage accompanied by an agreeable young bachelor got ditched on the 19th. The bachelor who was some- what undecided as to the merits of the gas wagon, is now convinced that for the time being a horse that can be drivon with one hand suits him best. Mr. Arch, Burnett Sundayed With Mr W. Stewart. unununonumn‘ You Cannot Fail to appuclau u", wusdellul value. we are otrerittg In a line ot hands that hu name than doubled since the day. of "Utdlnuty Prleets tl For two we.“ only we no out“; down our yo Inch Ila-chad Table Cirtea,retr, 1.25 tor to... " " " rett,tstor ...'.. " " " mg. t.ut for,.,,., no N " mg. fiscfor....... " Inch unbleached table linen. reg. Joe a yd tor Don't hm to Bee the" goods. out!" Jiv.i/U fable 17mm, Napkins, cetstre-pheen, drape. etc and "yfuture wquucmeuu you may need. It will pay ybu to purines: now NOV. tr, 1916 fl! J. M Findlny. Dmmore Executor. Dromore Pee Yd 'oo .95 Apo .70 .500 , if» ti VOL. “at Market upon an: a to our. mulling c and inlay I!) to no ', tthares, (linlminxu an M price I! the “in“. I Of] Parlors. Gall early. Bring Velum-d bumued Chum ton III D tttnt, Uttuntr Imam“ qurte . sum at m rewarded on returning " Burn†M “than: ot Major unct Inn (in aluu Noun-urn- hot. Thur-darn Council. at am] My punt-d M|My Nor" A photograph in tawny noun-um “Inc. In Poinunem now. Fifteen and: down. Ptnme m .htuch, M. Bun-nu m: "tterttutunettt ll sll on Ttnarsd "rd Novena!» " in their Gena menu. 00 ' even would man WUIDIIhmo-ra. u I.“ luv: ahowu (In with punulw Work t Cannon. In“ conch: or th way up...“ pher- Ill and; Vi“: vocurl . Tl of " dee " UL 'MANIVIH '10: H»: “’IZ "Anniâ€. A tet, r,'trl " tho tttwrt, LI;‘ I1- homdropprne', w. v. .Illdldu Kuhn-rm! ' I m.LDPI Whul, hp p nun-nod olluurndml \ "ett-ordert0.rrr .. n I 'ttser. Th†"trl, again» the am. .9 'l, "I“ proof nvumh' ', m. of than, an- H I "rougthoutttartrvmvo an.“ “km. d, morning.“ I M It In vacuum. C†Md dollars a -moee. moo! mugwm . Bruce, In“. .~u tl bolt strum [In the ninth-nu: In length and no church we but for the a" “MJIP u " h Lul‘rmmc‘s Church at fun Ila owt Mrs, Wm Kahuna. I “ulna In own (yin-n. RIO-ii,“ In . met-Hug King, (f £130w wer no?! In! Brown, and to " " “on too. h BI ll H " b rd: Btttltt 01 he th [and hey nun-d .1500 a cauvn J. Ws a. Lu when“! " (in! " Wham Home Your he: the in n- ot Hana“ l‘llll wk ll tr melul All pt dt ila " tttr Band tay at It) " t 611t1At, It Cum huaull tr he dad M! Ina-H Mm w d k urt5 In ett" "K mt ttt