rber ings. Ively ices Ince= here in no ROTC out " ' 1916 Lrsym Ptoduction & Thrift Production & Thtift _._ i Product More and San More d , Make Your labor Ensign: ' _ " 1 _ CC) . Son Materials from Waste _ f .I ' Spend Your Money Wisely "\ \ d " in War Time VOL. XXXIX The Ladies Guild of Trinity Church are preparing for a tale of goods and home made baking, to be held on Sat. urdar, Dec. 9th. Kelsey Studio. WANTED --A. B. Jackson want.- 100 to 'dot) mm. women o, 1 hildren to pay 2Se per month for 1 Tobacco Fund for our own hon-in the trenches. Kindly Ice him at an early date. V Kelsey Studio. Lanna and Co. have decided not to luvulown. They have taken own the “are now occupied by the J, D. Abraham 00.. and will Munster their imagine-n. there about. the let of Decvm. her and will curry m full line of met. chnndioe. Old customers and new one: nre cordially invited to given share of their patronage, Good treatment and good service will be “corded to all. D-m-tsome, lrouble among the "till" hundlonin Toronto delayed our 'rt'pply ot plper till Thursday after. noon imstead of Tuesday as usual. Hence, some of our mails no belated this week. A photograph is slwayl npprechtod " Chm-(mu time. Make your Ip- polnunent now. Fifteen photos with each dozen. Phone 68. Rev. W. W. Wylie will Drench M the Anniversary Services cl Paisley Maptint Church on Sunday next. The lbw. Mr. N, ilson " Paisley will tnke Mr. Wylw’s place in Durham. I" prices. Phone 08 In bringing his autrueripton in ad- vance to June, 1918, for which our thanks in due, Mr. Alt. Watson of Speen, Suk. formerly of McWilliams, Bar. I tind the Review very valuable at the present time We are hwing beau: _ilnl weather out here now and thresh. imtis nearing the end. Wheat yield is good. some damage by rust and frost. lthreehed 2970 of wheat and 1800 of oats and barley." The boys of Specrs district are recnuitmg very rapidly. Pager-am-tteen photos with every dorm. ()allaud see our new Christmas samples and folders-- Bhapes, trimming. and all but M. half price " the line. Trun' Millin- err Pariors. Gull early. Bri an or tend in your film. toh- m.. "loved and primed. wont I)" mptly nun-bed. The R wkv Slugs-en It -.l Cross Sac:- ety met at tha home of Mrs. G. Boyd on the Nth November} every penum- being glad to wart for the soldiers, 18 socks were comma-1cm and mit he tire ishen by the "iext meeting. After a dainty lunch was served all left with the determination to do what they can [at the comfort ot our hays. The col. lection amounted to 81 " . The next Inez-ling will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Hesltp on Nov. 28m. All “diva are invnted to attend. Wag Fenian th.trrrsraarrtt:.--hirs. _ Alex McLeod of Hmyner. died on 11th imst. after a few weeks’ illness from hardening of the arteries. She had al- most reached her 90 h year. Deceau. ed was born in Bcortand, came out with her ptrenta in youth and settled in Uhiuguucousyi in 1860 she married Mr. McLeod and they lived in Olenelg tor some yenrsand will he remembered by a few oid timers. From Glenelg they WPnt to Sunnidale and trom there nbout seven years ago named to may. nor. Her htiqband. (out was end tour daughters survive. Neiland Wm. Mc. loud "t S. Glenelg, relatives of dee ens ed and It. Arch. McUaasg attended the (unreal. In religion she was Pres. hytertam and an earnest walker while health permitted. Lunce Oorp. J M Fnrquharson writes trout Marmhorpe H-upuul.Ueal. Kent, under d ms of On. 26 h an follows: As usual I an: tt wing it good time " thoxuh I All) fed up with hospital life and am tired of doing notbmg. A not injske A: long as you feel like rowing but jus now I mun a "" how rrsting. Not of (he‘Torm fours" variety they“), but some err". [mad mee Corp. J sirurwmarsontrstesjery suddenly on Friday last death trout Marottsorpe Hospital,Ueal, Kent, came to the above gentlemen, Minister under due oi Oec. 36 h u follnwu As f A . l . h 0 ' bi umul I a.†h wing " good time ssl.. o tiulture in t e ntarlo ca Pe!. mom!) I run fed up with hospital life He had driven to the home of a friend and all! LIFE“ e', domg "Wyatt-11A l to bring her to his home, and on enter. restiiker" (mums you es lo. ‘. . resting outiusi now I went a rough“ the house}; “if“ by dthe‘ driveiha trout resting. Not of lhe"form fours collapsed and eat ensue a moat m- variety though, but some decent hard mediately. A few weeks before his son “Mid Ase" “Hm“? 1"'aroaod," was killed in battle and the death bore will) SUI tue 08 . a a . part ot Unnada would look good to me heavy upon him. It would seem he had now. A large Open fire In the woods, apremomtmn of the end for just: a ttood .r'die and a fairly aecttnt srha.cht month ago he selected " pall bearers. Q 2,t'i'l, tehrpo,elu'u"tl"idli' The Premier and his colleagues will c u e in a ' . when cakes and anon syrup Gal likely all he at the funeral tear, Tues. good old mother to talk to. 1.by.rerer, day, Speaker Dr. Jamieson II m attend. tttere is ttot moc'h llh" i“ 2i,e2,"i2 once allo. Deeeaeed'edepartment came homer rt.tyy 'h' 8 or presume in Iota ood deal of criticism. but he army will h". to [nuke a†of even . wan " “lat ersonall on both side- ot weak knead chop like me for some p pa p y . . . mm- yet. I am Y" 10?! lame now and l the House and was an estimable cm ten. 1990" will ttty tttwen '0'" “an" Jel He was a Pxeebyterim, his pastor be- '." ty, Pe ff? tte'.?.:",,",,",".,' n.2,. ins Rev. Mr. Inna, well-known here. Tom 2g'jt, EEEOPICS ii, ml! at». to $TMllh.llll, W" 8.1". an 3'0 iGr'iriiirii"ihs c H,, 'carry on' in Enrico. lie-lacy Studio. Our Saving! Department gives you a gumntce of absolute security and intend at curtail! qt. A n 239 , NO. 47 TRUST' FUNDS The Ladies of the Durban: Red Oreo- will be at their headquarters on Wed- neoduy and Saturday afternoon. to give out work. Anniversary Services of Durttatrt Pres. Church will be held on Sundny, md December the oftrdttintr minister being Rev Mr. Br Adley of Teen water. A Justice of the Peace has given an expensive Judgement again» a youn! man who tried to steel his car with unehand on the wheel, his other arm being around his lady love, Oh, gin m the. lines again , .500 RtswAno,-For information!!!“ will lend to ma conviction of persons, destroying or wilfully damaging prop- erty of Bsdro-Eleetrie Power Commie- mon on 22000 volt “new. Euttrmia Full: Pow " System. Wirmrpeg is predicting $2.50 wheat Lehm- Christmas. and, it as stated Hour .25 it a barrel before spring is the plun Western miller»; are Working out. Flour now selling at $10.60 a barrel it made from wheat ordered last Spring Coating $1.08 and wheat in. this price .hcmld mean 96 tioar. Vigorous pro- tests are reaching the 1lovernment. Conference at Saugeen Junction x RAY OUTFIT LN TowN.-De. Jun- ieson have recently added an x Ray- mnchine for use in their practice. Thin is a moat useful medial device, and 5-1th first In tho Vicinity. Representatives from o. Sound. Dur. ham, Hanover, Markdale and Meaford met on Friday last at Saugeen Jucction to consider the present condition of the Patriotic Fund. From the County] town there came Judge Sutherland, (who suggested the Conference) Jno McQuaker. W H Tay- lor. Durham sent Dr Jamieson J P Telford, A A Catton, Wm Calder. Markdale was represented by C W Rut- ledge. J W Boyd, J E Manon. Mea- ford, Wm Gardiner. Mr M H Staples the ficld Secy. for the Canadian Pat. riotic Fund was also present. The Field Secy. advised amalgama- tion of the County Branches, which would assist the Head ottice, but the delegates were not unanimous and the suggestion was not adopted. The Owen Sound Advertiser says '. "The Chair- mall Judge Suth' rland informed the meeting that of the $75 000 or $80,000 wanted all but about $30,000 has been provided for from other sources. The purpose of the meeting was in the first instance to discuss the best means in the opinion of the meeting to go about raising of this amount. Some of the gentlemen present were in favor oileav- ing each municipality to ~olve the prob- lem of raising its own proportionate amount; while others were of the opin- l ion that the best method of raising the imeney required would be to ask the county council to make a special levy on the county for it. Finally on mot. ion of Mr McQuaker and Mr Telford it was agreed "that in the opinion of this meeting the best method of raising the anount required for 1917 to bring the Grey County portion of the Canadian Patriotic Fund up to the total of 380.- 000 is by county levy. Also that Sir Herbert Ames be invited to present the Fund's claims to the county council thatacopy of this resolution besent him." __ __ _ A delegation from Owen Sound is to present the claims of the Fund at Jan. uary Session of Co Council. and a limi- lar meeting is to be called later at the Junction. Hon. Jas. Duff Dead. THE 0n Patriotic Fund ..--- Commercial Printing ot all kinds executed neatly and promptly at the Review Office. Olcid notice Appsâ€. in Walnu- d-y’u dailies " the “to mini " so Englioh port of the, 147th Grey Battal. ion, who all“ from Bull“: Int Tau- day, and than they were only Bbttut a week on the 'eater-a short you“. The boys will be well planed to reach their first overseas dertimstion, likely Bhortselifre Camp And will probably upend malt ot the winter in Englund. The India of tet. Pauls' Church Egre- uonl. will hold a Ill. of home made baking m the room " the rear of the Standard Bank, on Saturday. Nov. " at I?!) p. m. CANDIDATES NomNArieD,--Wetst Emil). Dr Lunlery. of St Thomas for the Legislature, Mr Tolmie for the Dominion. East Elgin, " McDiarmid for the Legislature. South Oxford. Dr J M Rogers, Ingeruoll, for the Leg. islature. "Wouunnv mo MrtmNo."--Buett was the painful message received Inst week by Mr and Mrs Thou McAliater reminding their son Willie, who had been previously reported wounded only We hope this distressing uncertllnty may soon be relieved by better news. Ran CRoss soctAL.-The f1mt of a series of social nights in No. tr Glenda. dmrict was held at Mr Jog. Atkinson's host Thursday. A large gunning u- aembled, many from Edge Hill as well we the immediate locality. and spent awning in gamel. music 3nd an im. promptu program. Over 810 was re- ultzvd for the Red Cross Fund. ls ll-ttRte-Lie" The: Allan, who went overseas with a dratt from the 147th in August, and is now in an Engllsh hospital ill with trench fever, la progressing favorably. Tom was sent to the front less than three weeks after arrivmg in England. and mu through the lighting at Courceletto when the Canadians were so success- tu . Gallant Greys Leave Amherst Under the above heading the Am- heru News of 13m inst. gives much ‘'pace to the leaving of the 147th Grey Battalion. Lieut,iol McFarland was equal to the occasion and in an appro- priate public letter to the paper he thanked the citizens of Amherst for thsur many kindnesses to cthcers mm men. We quote from his letter ' .. From the very moment. of our arrival we were made to feel that we Were welcome and on our departure we dare to hope that our welcome has not been worn out. Especially do we appreciate the hundreds of kindness. es which the battalion as a whole and many of its members as indteidue1s, received during the tperiod when we were quarantined in barracks. The attitude ot your Citizens at that time WI†always be remembered gratefully end our whole stay here, in so far as it. lay in the power of the Amherst. people to do it, has been made one of the bright spots in the history of the Greys." The editor says "Again Amherst has hul to face the parting witha gentlemanly and gallant thousand khaki-coated warriors who have left in their wake the sorrowful citizws of Amherst." For several weeks past. the Greys have been idolized by the entire com- munity. Well did they deserve such ldoliz Man. Of course at times a few of the men were a trifle boisterous but In parting. such minor faults can enl- 'ly be overlooked. Words of praise alone can he uttered for the other: and men of the Ontario unit. Participating in all the activities of the town, the 1100 soldiers brightened the social life of this centre and a huge vacancy is caused by their enforced "trek." In the local churches last ev- ening. the announcement was given relative to the hour at which the bat. talion would leave town.. . .Thousande of people lined the streets and follow- ed the Grey: to the Station, The regiment was in full marching accoutrement and carrying their kit has“. Ottieers in this respect did not differentiate from the private in the rams. At the station the battalion went immediately aboard the can. then with the windows crowded with soldierly faces, the various boxes made up principally by the young ladies of the town, found their way to respect- iye owneia. The lint leg of the long journey Was delayed by passing troop trains, two units passing through. Three rousing cheers for the citizens and town, with a vociferous tiger, by the oftieers and men of the Grey B, did not alleviate Io any extent the tearful eyes and shaky voices of many useInhled at the train. We can do no more than wish the gui- lunt 157th God Speed and u “to return from the arduous journey on which they have started. Every mun. gal isnt Uunsdluns all. can be trusted to give an excellent account of himself on the field of battle. In the piping ; times of peme may the re-uniou take {place _ _ . - n . "niGirdi%irirrrkriane from the can. the Grey. left Amherst noon. Rani9d_by"the best wishes of the en- 'Girard." Th: mm in England With tht Regimental Bra_u Bed DURHAM, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1916. _ttttt,., With which Is incorporated the [obtain Leader ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ls Br. Jamieson for the Cabinet t An uticle in Tuaday'e Star predicts change: in the Ontario Cabinet u a result of the death of Hon Jae Duff. It places Hon P.G.McDiarmld in Duit't, place, Hon, Dr. Jamieeon then taken McDiarmid'e place as Minister of Pub. lic Works and Highways, while Dono. vnn. of Brockville succeed: Dr. Jamie eon unpenker, All very pretty and the Star aye "There seems no doubt" but we have to hear from Premier The possibility of the change causes speculation for Dr. Jamieson would have to neck re-election if taken into the Cabinet. The Star thinks the liquor vote may play a part in the bye- election and names the centres as likely to play that part-Hanover, Fleaherton. Durham, Dundalk, Neu. etadt. Now Durham! what think of that? Fleeherton too? We thought better of rel Hearst f1rat. The Liberals and Liberal candidate are no doubt ready for any eventuality. The Live Stock Commissioners st Ot. tnwa sends us an upped to lumen and others, not to deplete their poultry fioees unduly, as there seams: tenden- cy to do this your. The outlook for a tine British trade in good and eggs are like. ly to continue high. Killing " dislo- cation should be avoided if birds ale meant for storage or export purposes. All markets prefer that birds be bled in the mouth and should be well lin- ished Before killing. A NOTABLI BAim.-.The farm Stock and Implements of the late H. H. Mil- ler are to come under the hummer on Thursday, 14th December. as will he seen by an advertisement in this issue. The sale will be proof to many that Mr. Miller was no make-belief farmer and that he went about it intelligent†is shown by the splendid list of pure bred Horses and Cattle and firtst.gltuu, implements The sale begins in the forenoon and will draw a tremendous crowd. Through the efforts of the National Sanatarium Association with the co. operation of the clergy and the Depart. ment of Education. Sunday, Nov. 26, and Monday, Nov. 27th next have been set apart as Tuberculosis Sunday and Tui,crculoaits Day in the schools Lit- cruture on the subject has been die tributed to Ministers and Teachers throughout the province and the widest possible publicity is urged-that 111 may Join in stamping out this dread disease. Farm, Farm Stock, Implements The stock of the late H. H.Miller, consisting of Registered Poll Cattle French Canadltn Horses together with a full line of Farm imp. lements including potato machinery, will be offered for sale withoutreserve at PUBLIC AUCTION at the farm at Hanover, Ontario, at 10.30 a, m. and 1.00 p. m. Thursday, Dec. l4, MO The farm immediately adjoining the Town will alaobe sold, subject to re- serve hid. Very reasonable terms. PARTICULARS HORSES: Registered French Can- adian Stallion "Pacific Canadian') French Canadian mare-"Ella Bella" 500 676 (Supposed to be in foal) French Canadian filly about 8 mou. 3 young general purpose horse. 1 filly rising 2 yrs old (Supposed to be in foal) French Lanadlan mare "Josephine B" CATTLE l 6 registered Red Poll com (fresh) 3 registered .ryd poll cows (supposed to T): in calf . ' . . a Red Poll Calves 4 regitsterted Re.tt Poll heifers supposed to be in calf. I registered Red Poll bull rising , yrs 2. Red Poll heifers about 1 yr old 1 Red Poll bull call about s mos. I grade cow supposed to be in calf 4 grade steers and heifers about 2 yrs old I grade steers and heifers about 1 " old 1 (arrow cow. HOGS l ll pigs about 3 mos old. 15 pigs about 4 mos. old . . 2 brood sows supposed to be In pug I Yorkshire Boar Aspinwall potato planter, Hoover potato digger, potato sprayer, potato acumen Deering binder, Massey Harris mower, Deering horse rake, corn binder, corn marker, team corn "uttler, walk. ing tmuffler, Massey Harris seed drill, fertilizer Bower, Clover Leaf Manure spreader. two furrow plow, 2 single plowl. I sid" hill plow, land roller, 2 sets of iron barrows. cultivator. disc harrow, fanning mill, turnip pulper, turnip Bower, DeLaval Cream Separa tor. green corn grinder, 2 lumber wag- gons. stuck rack, gravel box, set bob sleighs. 4 single buggies. sulky. 2 two seated surrcys. g single cutters, 2 sets heavy team harness, 2 sets cf single harness. set single carriage harness, hay fork and rope, feed boiler, wheel barrow, 2000 lb scales. grind stone. 1 forks, shovels and other small articles 1 too numerous to mention. And Will The" Do In Election? IMPLEM ENTS ; Terms l 810.00 and under cash. Over that amount approved joint notes up to 12mm. Interest at 6 per cent per annum. Lunch carved " the farm JNO. PURVI_8. QBOHILGARTNBR, AUCTION SALE m- O _ . War Measures . _ lj, - :7 ', " " --', “GET _ _-' , t s . I . f f J I PAY [, _ F T «i a " f il, [l ir] , PRODUCE " ' q Ti . . t 't I . . . _ h, rr ' ‘ t o .. " . It " War Tune Mill Lauren. McAuIilo left for Tor. onto on Monday for Toronto where Ibo will take I position. Mina Inlay Campbell in visiting her aunt, Mn Lennon and other friends in Toronto for a few weeks. Miss Janet McDonuld visited with friends here end. Min Annie Whitmore, nurse-in- training in Walkerton hospital. yiuted her utter, Mn. W. J. Firth over the week end. Min Alice Ramage is visiting with friends and relatives in Toronto for a few days. Mrs Wolfe in attending the Provin. cial Women's Institute in Toronto this week as delegate from Durham Branch. Mrs. Sam McComb returned thin week from a month's visit with her daughters in Brantford. Ming Annie McNamara of Mt. Forest returned home the: spending a. week with her feiend, Miss Lsuretus “CA ul- litre of town. Mr. Arch McPhee, Ute, proprietor of the Central Hotel, left Monday for Toronto. where he is employed at his former trade " machinist at the Fair- banks-Morse walks. 'p?gl'ii] Inspector Cunpbell has been under the weather for a week and had to give up his bible class on Sunday as well as his weekly duties. Mr Geo Smith arrived home Tim-s Jay after three months tbre‘hi "t w,at Dialpy. Back, He report: the crop: in that Vicinity somewhat "ecaed with rust and unusually unfavorable wenth' I er dating the month of October, mud g conditions being much worse than is I known in South Grey. 1 Dr. Ed. Lauder of Cleveland was home for a few days visit over the week end. The loyal Doctor and Durhamite was disappointed that a matter of a year or so in age prevented his attceptance by the medical authorities for work of the army overuaa. Mina Flo Limin returned Saturday, from visiting two weeks with her sister, Mrs Rev. Morris at Bhelburne. Mrs. Joe Firth returned this week for a short stay from nursing her mother. Mrs McArthur Sr. of the Glen who is 88 years old next Sunday and bedfast since last February. Her mental fac- ulties arc still bright and until last Feb- ruary could go about the house helping in the various duties, sewing Ind mend. ing as her eyesight is good. 826Ir was from Teeawnter p, esbeter. inn Church for Mission DeBeit, Result '. 8112 50 was put on plates and mote coming. v ---_----- l While We contend tttat the groan-at BORN [manure of eireaUtioa of vour local Hola-in Maidstone, Salk. on Batur. paper in your own co.menitr " eft- day, Nov. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H, sentul to the best ends, interests and Hoig. a daughter. (Louise Telford) l enterprises of the district. we Ilsa real. ----_------ Iize the necessity of the metropolitan 3'55 was from Teeawnter Pieshvter- [daily newspaper to keep in touch wit I; ian Church forMission Detieit, Result iimarketi. outside happenings world. :tg'zosw“ put on plates and morel wide and we: on“. We have lunar Lost-From the premises of the und. l spaeml urnngementl with The daily aligned. Lot 10 con 4, Glenelg i'i'il:lrti.l"tti, Empire by which we can of- Towmship,Ha10 a wring caf. all black ' fer it and our own paper. the two to. with a pure white head. Suitable re- I gather. for twelve months for 33.90. 22%;: information that will lead to. This is an opportunity by which you . John O'Neil g t the two best paper-e concerning Insure yourself against Coughs, Colds, Bron- tshitis,ete, by having handy a bottle of Pens!" White Pine and Spruce Balsam A few doses give relief. . tlk a Bottle COUGH INSURANCE Rundown People there is nothing better than Penslar Palatable Cod Liver Extract The ideal tonic and Blood Builder Two Sizes - 50cand Sl.00 CIGARS WORTH SMOKING Agency for the Penslar Remedies Try the Penslar Panatela Cigar the next time. The best 50 eigarin town. Equal to many at 100. Drugs and Medicines that are right and at prices that right. Some Seasonable Hints . . CENTRAL DRUG STORE . . 2R2 Feeble Old Persons ‘1'V‘VA" of Boothvillc over the week GEO. B. DINGMAN, Druggist 9. ttH "AA? For Puny Children G. T. R. Town Ticket Agency The Ben Local Papound tho " City Dill! Buyers of our Reincoats become satisfied Ctut- tomers because they get the fullest measure of service and value. That is why you make no mis- take in buying one of our Ramcnats. Each gar- ment carries our gunantce for quality of material end thoroughness of worktnaushic. , We were lucky in securing a full range of sizes in the following Coats : Guaranteed to give perfect <ervice, and also against fading which is one of the greatest draw. Ucki to poplin Coats this yen. Made from heavy English proofing, the kind that gives satisfaction to the wearer. Our design. keep ahead. Daily we are turning out Mantle Creations that catch the popu‘ar mud of the day. We keep ahead of the times anticipat- ing the styles that win popular favour. Our range is kept 'sp-to-the-minute. MANTLES MANTLES S. F. MORLOCK What Everyone Needs RAIN-COATS I The Store of Honest Value Ladies' Poplin Raincoats Men's Raincoats Break up a cold overnight tlk a box Penslar Tooth Paste is fast becoming a fav- orite because of its delightful flavor. Its antiseptic properties prevents decay au-l pre" serves the teeth. Me a tube Special for One Week A regular Me tooth brush and one tube of tooth puts for Wiilards' Forkdipt Chocolates "Mr Favorites" is what they any of Wil- lerde Choeol--ireeauee they know they ere put up with care. of the very best of me- teriele end that they come fresh. In bulk and attr active pecknges _ Penslar Laxative Cold Breakers Pcnslar Tooth Paste EEK] WNW-uh" u MAD-nu G. D‘AOI b 008 Pawn. l1!" of bum? $1M. uhl'llnd Not long ago AUH'rulinn Engine. Btu-bod a 'son-tion ttsw-- But the native! lulled him in the Pat And "note him on the jaw. Then Yankee Hughes up made- I m tN, gel. the White Home "hair-- The Democrats at on nu chu'l And also pulled his bur. Our own Sir Sun. the [upon culled A In lord. yet. by beach- But. Borden got his hutchrt out, {ad whurlu-d him in the neck, Sand all orders to um Durham Review, Hard on the thtghesses 36 Cents ttttral Drug Store of thus paper SAVE