ood year ditch which was cons ructâ€" ed ander an award in 1914 Comâ€" plaint was made that manicipality‘s share composed of 14 rods, was not eompleted according to agteement and upon evamination found it nee essary to reâ€"open said 14 rods which municipalities were to maintain and to lower drain, put in tile and re cov er. _ Work was dose by Mr Stortz at a cost ot 8.50. The reeve also reported regarding a fire which broke out of Alex Donâ€" ald‘s swamp Eg aud Ar T L onto the highway, destroying part of is and making it dangerous tor the public While every means were used to guaard the fire it got into the grossâ€" way ana blaok muek and cost $20.00 to repair. Council met Nov 17. . Members all / Pro present. . Minutes adopted. | cai Reeve reported having met Reeve |®NC of Arthar tp. re the Srortz Camton & | Pro Cem‘r J A Fergason reported D|$!9 o Long cleaning out diteh 15 side road, 2 00, days‘ labor 12 50 James Hendéersor brid g putting in enivert days‘ la bor, $5 00 days‘ Wm Reid cleaning out diteh $6 _ Jas| tence Brown brushing side roag $7. 8 Meâ€"| vert I Murdo covyering bridge, &e. 10 oo |rence Neil Calder delivering covering to| Jas M bridge 3 50 ; Jas Brown for cedar W .od covering $16; W T Pinder, wire| Stinso fence bonus 1o0o rods, $20 ; W. Horsâ€" ‘U 8 t burg repair enivert 3.12 ; Bailer and | proac Brebuer, sawing timber 6.¢; P. |27.50. Mateb. cleaning out diteh 3.00. t Byâ€" _ Com‘r Ferguson also gave a deâ€"| tailed aceount of work and material } used in connection with Caldel"s‘ bridge. algo cthe tollowing work d me | re the approaches to bridge. _ N#i!| Calder work performed $7; Alex | Mc@illiyary do, 12 00 : Frank Hopâ€"| king do, 11.00 ; Jas MeEachero do $4 : Jno Sinclair do, 3 50 ; Hagh Sinclair | do, $5.50, also J A Farga on, freigbt| on railing 60e : 8 Peckover, drawing : iron $3. | Robbâ€"W. Fergusonâ€"That an orâ€" der be drawn on Treas. in favor <f J. W. Hant anm‘t to $564 45 ace‘t in tall for building Calder‘s bridge. Carried . Com‘r W. Ferguason reported Ed. Harrison digging diteh and pulling See You Get This Box 203 Main 8t, Ask Your Druggist for Get a Grab Bag. Every bag contains Goods to the valas of 50c or â€" 2 of 5 over. _ Pick them out, only 10¢c each No Goods on Approval. Next Monday at Six o‘clock Abraham will close the doors of the Big Store for the last time. This has been the Greatest Sale in the history of Durham and the finish will eclipse anything yet attempted. Everything must be sold by Monday. Our time is up and we do not want to move One Dollar‘s worth of Goods. The Stock must go for whatever it will bring. Think of Women‘s Fine Shoes worth up to 4.00 being sold for $1.79, oys‘ S chool Shoes for 98c, Men‘s Heavy Shoes for 1.69, Men‘s $5 Patent Colt Shoes for 3.29. We will give away every Boys‘ Suit that is left, during these last three days at your own price. _ Almost all sizes still in stock. Come now to the THREE DAY CLEANâ€"UP SALE, for the Biggest and Best Bargains. GOODâ€"BYE to the ABRAHAM STOCK Egremont Council YOUR LAST CHANCE including Peabody‘s, only...... 119 75e and 906 work Shirts .. .. 59¢ Men‘s Scotch knit Underwear .... 49¢ Men‘s 73c Print Shirts ... ... 426 20c Best English Prints.......... 150 25¢ Grey Flannel.... +/>~4s T8¢ 10,.00 Women‘s Winter Coats .... 249 3.50 Children‘s Coats.. ... .. 1.98 1.00 Black Voile .... ++ ++ 00G 75¢ Navy Dress Goods.... _ .... 396 20c Ticking .. 2+ «. cirege Overalls and Smocks up to 1.75, ad, | 2 00, Jas Brown rep eattle pass and sop | bridges 13 75. W Reeves, gravelling, 00 |days‘ tabor 23 75, Robt Cowan wire Jas| tence bonus 8.25, AIf Bishop rep cuiâ€" Meâ€"| vert Eg and &Ar T L 5.00, )? D Lawâ€" oo |renge rep2calverts, brushing &c.8 80 to | Jas M rrison rep. bridge 1.25, S. dar | Woâ€"ods filling in wasbout 50c , Wim. vire | Sinson cleaning out diteh & culvert orsâ€" | O 8 It, 1.00, _ Commt‘s R bb filling apâ€" ind | pronches to Rasneli bri‘ge days‘ labor P. ll.'T 50. | Byâ€"law No 322 to appoint a place to de. | receive nominations tor Man‘t Counsil rial | tor 19.7 and appoint D RO s and poll er‘s | clerks was passed _ No changes beâ€" ne | iog made the names of DR O‘s and Y#»il | poll clerks were inserted in Byâ€"Law, FRIDAY, SATURDAY io MONDAY cleaning out ditch 3.25 ; Geo Tebby, wire tence bonus 8 0G ; W Hant, drawing and putting on covering on culvert, 2 28 ; Geo H«milton, cleanâ€" ing out diteh 50¢ ; W. Rogers, repair bridge 3 65 ; Chas Howes, repair calvers 2 00 ; Jas Brown, cleaning out diteh 20 00 Com‘r Robb reported G Ketth reâ€" moviag old bridge and filling in same $19 oo, J Sewart rep Drewery‘s bridâ€" ence, puitiog in calvert Eg‘t and Proton P L, 600 ; Thos Harrigssn, gravelling days labor 20 25 : Simon Williams wire tence bonus 7 50; D. Fergason do, 12 60 ; D Matthews do, 3 oo : Jos Campbeli do, 13 25. Com‘r Ha~»t reported Wm Stinson clesning ousi diten O 8 R, 2.00 ; Mrs. Brown overtime on grader, Boc ; W. Rogers, coveriog and puiting on stringers on bridge 31 00 : W Horsâ€" burg drawing tite 1 50; J o Tronpe, same as lasi year Robb, J A Fergusonâ€"That Mr Jno Hant be paid 2.00 as fees re Calder & Greenley vs. Tp of Egremont. â€"Car. %< _Isadore Thomas.‘‘ Your druggist sells Gin Pillsâ€"50c. a box, 6 boxes for $2.50. Sample free if you tree W Ferguson, Huntâ€"That Roger Keith. Pat Bolger, Aibert Young and W in Woods be refunded com tax on neecunt of statate labor being perâ€" tormed since Collector‘s roll was made up.â€"Car. * A deputation consisting of D. Me Queen. Wmm Walker, Erwin Robb, P Mutch and Jno R <Philp addressed the Council patting forth a strong NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL Co, OF CANADA, LIMITED Toronto, Ont. U. S. Addressâ€"Naâ€"Druâ€"Co. Inc. 5s $70 ; Arch Ferguson puting ng on hbill Egt & Proton T L $6 ; !s Wilson, digging diteh Ex‘ & 6 con 63 OO O0 do > repalr A Il iWIâ€" wz‘ and | _ Assessor, part salary 195 00. Clerk express on Preas. cash book 40c, se leciors ot jurors 9 00 ; A Hill, steel and reintoreing Calder‘s bridge 271.06 E. Smith, weiding irons Calder‘s bridge 1.25, P Bulger ceom, tax 12 UV, \R Keith, do. 6.00, A Young, do 9 U0, Wm Woods, do. 1.50. _HAOLSTEIN â€" LEADER J A Fergason, Robbâ€"â€"Thast Reeve, Treasurer and Clerk prepare the Fiâ€" nancial statement for next meeting of counsil. â€"Car. Hunt.. W Fergason â€"â€"That the fol. lowing acets, be paid : Car, Sheep Killingâ€"W Hastie $10, A MceCaw 14.00, D Bruce 25.00, « Alles 8.00, J Darrant insp., 1.50, A Hunter inspecting 3.00. _ For grayelâ€"Alf. Caulfield 5 58 P Biack 1 80, W Bryans 2 40, J Gould BM4c, J M«Phee 4 56, G Caider 624 A Rae 9.06, P McQueen 4.80, H Wagâ€" ner 2 22, G Tebby 5 16. I _ Theannual meeting of Tartan beef ring, was held at the home of Mr | Thos Brown, 20 con. on Monday the 13th of Nov. The business of settâ€" ling up accounts passed off very sucâ€" cessfully and harmoniously. This ring is conducted for eight weeks in |addition to the customary sixteen, |\theanimals for which are brought |anywhere by three inspectors ap ‘pointed annually. The 16 beeves | provided by the patrons made a total ’of 66664 lbs the best for many years, while the 8 weeks went 3182 lbs, at | a eost of 14.12 all expenses paid, inâ€" | cluding an insurance ngon a tnberâ€" ‘culous animal. Wm Thompson Esq {is the butcher, 50 patrons in the ring. Reeve, services D& W Act and Calder‘s bridge 10 o0, do. services D & W Act and Eg. & Arthar T L 4 oo. Com Robb overseeing work and com fees 9 00, Com‘r Hant com tees 7.00, Com‘r J A Ferguson oversecing work and com fees 38 50, Corm‘r W Ferguson com tees 9. 0, Jno McGrath use of council room 2.00, Counciliprs‘ pay sheet 15. 00. W Ferguson, Robbâ€"That we now adjourn to meet on Dec. 15th accordâ€" ing to S.atute to receive Financial Statement and general business. Ca#. Only Three Days More NORTH EGREMONT brown, 54 inches...... ...... 1.89 Children‘s Gloves . ... n cce crO€ Men‘s and women‘s wool Gloves .. 25¢ 15c Ribbons . ... is c%asrsa> 06 Women‘s Patent Gunmetal and Vicei kid Shoes, worth up to 4.00 _ > to clear ...... â€". 179 Boys heavy School: Shoes, size 12. .98¢ 17¢ Toweling, 18 ins wide t 15c Toweling * 20c Kimona Cloth SAeRY? 2.50 Bear Cloth, cardinal and seal No Credit. ABRAHAM D ALLAN, Cierk THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr Jas Ailan is this week shing!â€" ing the sides of his house, assisted by Mr G Lothian. Mr Wm Ramage is is having the same done to his house, Mr Jas Boakes making repairs to the chimney, Mrs. W. H. Hunter and Miss Agnes Renwie« are this week in attendance at the: Aunual Women‘s Institute meeting in Toronto. Mr Cecil Atchison left for the city on Monday where he has secured emâ€" employment. . es oc Bs Mr. Wim. Ececles is working in the Cement piant in Durham. Mrs Wm H Huater is this week a delegate to the Ladies Institute Meering at Toronto, She is accompanâ€" 1ed by Miss Agnes Renwick of Droâ€" more, The Women‘s Institute last week packed and shipped some nineteen Xmas. boxes of ‘eats‘ to our local soldier boys. Ges The past week has been one for threshiug clover, by Mr Matt Hooper with the ordinary threshing outfit, Mr Wm Jaq ies with his clover hulier and Mr Roy Lawrence supplying tue power with his gasoline engine. The plan followed was to set in some couvenient central barn, the farmers hauling their cloyer there, A good yield was had in some quarters, the huller was also used to reâ€"thresh waite clover from its hulls. Several of our young people attenâ€" ded the Ball in Hopeville on Wednesâ€" day evening. e Mr dod Mrs W. Henry moved to the village last week and are occupyâ€" ing the house on the Patton properiy. Mrs John Manary and children af ter a few months visit with her parâ€" ents here returned to Toronto gbls week. Mr John Lawrence has again met with an accident by falling into R Burneits cellar, breaking a rib and others injuries, He recently fell in some trap hole at his son‘sâ€"inâ€"law and another time had a leg broken by having a caitle beast fall upon him. Pruly unfortunate, Word was received last week of the safe arriyal in England of Pte W. Milue and Corp. Geo. Reid. Both of these local boys ealisted in the West and are in the 184th and 209th Batts. respectively, _ P en § Nalter Hastie was chairman of the meeting and W W RamageSecretary. ONTARIO ARCHIV TORoNTO A Good Farm for Sale k * .ABC DROMORE e 10c No Goods Exchanged. size 11, 12, worth 2.45 for...... 1.39 Men‘s heavy plow shoes, 2.75 for. 2.19 Mens Eng. kip 66 3.75 for 2.98 Mens $5 Patent and Gunmetal.. 3.29 Mens $1 Rubbers, new sizes 9,10,11 .49 Felt Shoes, men‘s and women‘s, _ __ 248 for .:...; riael s es oo 15c Stovepipe Varnish .......... 10¢ 10c bottle Shoe Polish............ 7¢ 10c Potato Flour .â€"«.... o » + 4. cak 10c Jelly Powder.... ...... 3 for 220 Boys Box calf and Dongola Shoes The Working Man‘s Friend Don‘t forget to attend the grand concert in the Agricaltaralâ€" Hall on Tharsday evening, Nov. 30, ander the uuspices of the Independent Orâ€" der of Foresters. Progeeds to be given to the Patriotic Seciety . Mr R M Tribe went to Toronto on Taesday with two car loads of stock. Dr W D â€" Ferguson has sold his practice and is leaying our village in the near future. Mrs Joe Brown and children of Duarham are visiting Mrs L B. Nicholson We are pleased to see that Mrs. Jas Myers is able to be out again. The Patriotic Society have packed ind sent Cbristmas boxes to our boys in England and France, the ladies having baked fruit cakes, mince pies and other goodies for them _ We bope that they have not missed any boy who was ever in our midst . Fte. Alex Hyatt of the 215th batt.. Brantford, spent Sunday with his cousin, Mrs A R Hershey. Those who took part in the "Dr Cure All‘"‘ diatogue at the Hard Time social are invited to give the same at North Egremont on the eyâ€" ening of Dece. 8sh. _ Proceeds to be handed over to the Patriotic Society . Miss Irene Dramm of Listowel spent Sunday at her bome. Mr Albert Hant of Palmerston is spending a tew days at his home. Keep Dec 13 open and take in the high class concert under the ausâ€" pices of the Library board. Mr John Mavary motored up from Toronto last week and returned home Monday with his wife and family. Many friends from here attended the taneral of the late Miss Huater in Mt Forest Tharsday. Rev. Dr. Marsh was in Hamilton the beginning of the week. The Chautauguaa Circle met at thi bome of Mrs G P Leith. _ They fin ished the book "Germany between two wars‘‘ each member discussing the book as to what they got out of it. Mr W D Cameron spent the week end in London. Rev T. H. Ibbott was in O Sound Wednesday on Library board busiâ€" Miss Ross is having her home wired for electrical power. Miss Maimie Keith was in Darkam on Monday. Born, In Guelph on Oct. 30, to Mr. and Mrs Henry Reid (formerly of our village) a daughter. fiflm swammaeugaq“ 2 LOCAL AND PERSONAL ? Miss Sasie Tacker was in Darham Monday. tz 0sP3# °4 D Mr Ernie Greenwood, Edge Hil}, spent Monday evening at Jno Kirby ‘s. Mr. and Mrs. J Smith and children spent Sundsy with Mr and Mrs Bob Lewis . Mr. and Mrs Bob Barber visited Sunday at W, T. Pinder‘s. &3 ?ou/lry of the American Astronomical and Astrophysical Society to be held in Columbia University, New York city, Dec. 26â€"30, 1916. He is later to ad dress a meeting of the same associaâ€" tion in Albany, New York. _ We ap preciare the honors refleeted on Hoâ€" stein through having a citizen who has ben chosen toaddress a gatherâ€" ing of sach learned men. Miss Thelma Brown is visiting for a week with friends at Mount Forest Ry Dickson met with rather a bad mishap last Mond»y night, while riding a horse it slipped, throwing Ry off, epraining his ankle, which will lay bim off for some time. @ Oflflï¬@flg)numfl‘ 9 MHoney 7 Mrs. G. N. Ruattle and two children have moved to 8t. Thomasfor winter, where Serg‘t Rattle is training. Mr and Thos. Kirby spent Sanday with friends at Gleneden. 4 Dr D. B. Marsh has just received a request to lectur> at a meeting Lo8T â€" About 5th of November, a vearlng beifer, all white. Information that will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded . Miss Zeta MceClocklin has been accepted as a probationer on the staff of the Owen Sound General Hospital. Edwin Wells, Lot 13. Con. 19, Ear‘t, Varney P. O, Phone Hol, Central, JoHN M. FINDLAY Dromore Get our prices before you dispose of fowl. All poultry must be starved 24 A fresh supply of PURE CLOVER Honey just arrived Secure your winter requirements now as an advance price is certain. 10 tb Pait $1.60 ORCHAR D Thirteen Pounds of Sugar for $1.00 5 lbs. Soap Chips............. 20¢C 5lb pails syrup uis x33"" smB 10â€"lb pails syrup... .. .... 55 15¢c Ginger Snaps ............ 10¢ 15¢c Condensed Milk ....... 10¢ 25¢ Whitewash Brushes... 17¢ 15c Butter Color............. ll¢ 25¢ Butter Color............. 19¢ 60c pails Strawberry Jam. 42%¢ Castile Soap............ .7 for 25¢ 15c mincemeat, pound.... lle 3 lbs. Baking Soda.......... 10¢ Cornmeal, pound ............ 4¢ 10c Borax Flakes...... 3 for 20¢c Produce is as good to us as Cash. No Hard Feelings T 1b jar 25¢ Phone 3â€"1â€"15 Messrs N E McDonald and John Ferguson are doing their bit making munitions at present. Mrs Neil McKinnon of Pn'ee* is expected to give an outline of the various phases of Red Cross Work at the Methodist Ladies Aid on Friday afternoon, Our general friend the tax collect er is cailing on one and all. NMr and Mrs W G Porter entertained a large company of relatives to a dinâ€" ner party on Saturday last, Miss Tena Ferguson is doing nicely, Mr and Mrs W Corbet and family visited relatives in our burg. Mr Waliter Knox returned the West on Saturday last. Mr and Mrs Wes Martin of Hanâ€" over spent the week end with the latters parents Mr and Mrs R J Porter, Mr W Stewart visited Swamp Colâ€" lege friends, A Public Meeting of the citizens of the Township ot Egremont is called for the afternoon of Tuesday the 28th of November 1916 at 2 o‘clock in the Agricultural Hall, Holstein, to organâ€" ize a committee and other business in connection with Patriotre Grant givâ€" en by the council of thismunicipality. Tn s 3. Gornox, Davin Aumax, Neeve, Cleak . TOW NSHIP OF EGREMONT Patriotic Meeting SWINTON PARK 3 16 paitl 85e NOV. 23, 1916 of your dressed 24 zours. 25¢ 28 55 10c 10c 17¢ 11e 19¢ 42%2¢ 25¢ 11e 10c e# @ > from Production Make Your Labor Bave Materiale Bpend â€" Your It is VOL. tin pe ta W Bi Wi W W H pl 10 A the pu purpo War Time SCB M ol