West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Dec 1916, p. 5

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ER 14. [MB mylmw‘n W, V rd. J. ard. E. ard. W. a dy W W H D, W H J.W H L. C9rpL, Private, Private, Corporal, Hem». 22 310.4“!- Pri Pt Allen, A. w. Atkinson, W. Bell. R. E. Bell, J. Baker, W. G. Brown, A. Rowen, W. R. Bisson, A. Nominal Roll (F "'iikiir'ci" iiGii, -gt, M. hycoci' ii. Walton. w. iiiiiG," E M. smut. J. I e'iE. EE, buyer, uuuuu "n.6, hints, ledle, G. Lander. T. A. Another brawn boy ha! been Added to the hnnrnr roll of Prxcewlle soldlen. beinanhn McDonald ofihgkutehoran and '"tt1 of the late John McDonald. mar Top Cline. Beuth Line Glenelg. We are planned to see . good corre- npondnnt from the village out! now it makes us feel somewhat Inclined to tender our reaugmtion after " yours service at the business. Correapoud- once is hke every other matter. If no. gleeted n few weeks one gets careless and somewhat out of aorta to begin and collect his thoughts by way of g-VIng something that'll be of interest to the readers. In these troublesome tunes there [my be plenty ot material to draw from and make up n lengthy budget but " we are [noun-d in this stage of our n-xietonce with daily news left in a box at. our gates m: not neevasary to begin to fill the local papers with what is new m gvnernl all over the world. Bo we decline lrom givug the editors unnecessary work bv making a repeti tion of what Ia awn and read in other periodicals. December In more hke April lbw the last month of the yen. This is u-- 941 day and now 8 30 o'clock " mght ind run-mg like in July. Cool run. howaver before mormng there may be u ebmge. DEC. 14, 1916 (Mvcrdale Patttergon son of Mr and PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS THE CITY BAKERY Now in the time to mslie your Chriumns purchascs. Our stock n eomplet" In every Jamil. It Included Tap, dolls. Eamon. papetriea, Toilet Saw, Swimmer Cons, Souk. Tame. Linen towels, Tabla runnprs. Drover Surf: and Shams, Chine. etc. In {not anything you should Chane for father, mother, signer or brother, we have It, Christmas Groceries, Fruits, etc. Jun arriving our pew stock of Raisins. Fm. Dist“. NMF, Spices. canned goods. Also maugse. lemons. grapes. eto. We wmr. no show you our goon. Sunkist need no recommendation. Bas them her" Wu ban a FMS?! and vuied stuck or the choicest Growing Ounces Le nuns. Peels Dates, Nuts Candles of It” khda and evarvthin! rNaired tor trt.. H..lidw festivities. Ortr onen- will sni- Four mm Gin an a can. fun! [we tt eeks flaw w, istmas Bring in vmu dream-l Tarkwr, Gnu. I) nttto or Chicken now. We are prepared to my you the very highest prices for choice fowl. l cud will bring quotations. Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections Highest Prices for Poultry Brander 's Old Stand Highest prices for E p Row R‘INM an” 'trrtr' E uqdqvmrwn for Cont's,tirmer, and all Hakary good" PRICEVILLE ()2nflr Priceville's Busy Store (i", JGrstedt gyros. Drown, a. A. Brown, J. M. Brown, W. C. Brownies. T. Bruce, R. H. Bruinama, J. Mrs Henry Patterson, Con. 4, N D ll, Glenalg, some home B day or two .30. In the vests since Coverdnla went Wear. and no doubt A. full”. mother and motors were glad to see him Mme home. This would bring and memor- ies of their other dutiful boy who fell in battle a couple of months ago who is never to return to greet the old friends at home. Miss McDonald, teacher of Top Chffe school tendered her realgmtinu some time ago as we intends to devote ber tune neuer to her own home In Puslinch township. Mina McDonald during her time attended faithfully to her date and regrets were felt that. she declined from bemg engaged tor 1917. At a trustee meeting bold a Week BRO the application of Miss Jame F. Bin-4, daughter of John A. Black. lane of Buneamn. was accepted Ia Teacher for 1917 on oomu'deration that 9119 mil pl“ favourably on bor examinations. There were amoral applications rrcenved by the Secretary. but the tru‘wepa ummnmusly agreed to gwe Muss Black the preference, In this week', Review Angus Mc. Donald tvleertisres his form for sale lot 19 & 20. can 4, 8 D R, alenelg, contaming 109 acres. on account. ist' ill health. Angus is giving up farm- ingmvl is at present bud up at hi, brother-in-laws. Mr John Calder, con 22 int 2i, Eurvmom. where he can be seen by iuwr‘ding purchasers. THE DURHAM REVIEW 3031“? " tor chrynouy 58hop early and nabs the; ’. H. BEAN l It is said than troubles do not. gen- l erally come single handed and this " jwhnn the lamily of Mr Jim McQuur- ', ru,N L, are nxperwncmg at. present. As was seen by the Pricevnle corres- pondent. of 156i week Mr MuQnairie met, With a very puiulul accident by braking ms leg show the knee and his daughter, Mn Konold, met with number had accident by getting her Irm acaldvd from the wrist up to the elbow very severely and IS also laid up It her fathers. Sn Mrs McQuar _ tie and daughter have their own ex. penance of administering to the uf l fected members of the family. Both we hear up doing as well as eoul,l be expected with Dre Lane and McLean in attendance. t Miss Flora Campbell. N L, spent a couple ot weeks waiting friends in Toouo lately, The sale of Hugh Hammond, Bott 4 N. D. R. Anemeaia. on Friday, um man, went well, cows game as high as $88. Ot Gourde D. Mcthl wan auctioneer and nothing will escape bin far seeing eye by seeing a nod from the bidders. This in Saturday night the 9th. endinetead of rain we bays snow. One friend was writing to another friend long ago. one from Grey 00. and one trout York. The Grey mm wrote that herein '(lennehek" we have goat slaying (aleighing) but the York man who was a slutper wrote 1n reply “Here in Vaughan we heVe splendid aleiglung and thunk the Lord no slaying." But alas. alas. how often do we hear of shying thege troublesome times and by all appearance getting more serious every day. “Awake, awake. put on thy strength, 0 Zion put on thy beautiful garment." It is high time for those that did not put forth their strength yet by wny of en- listing to do no for one family has as much of a right tn give to the "mee. of defiance as another. There. are vet a Urge number of families who have not sent one member to be trained for the defence of country and right- eonnness. So we any to those who have not enlisted to do so and put on the soldiers honomhle garments. Ir tnd Mrs Alex MeEseuern of Cleyehnd. are an. presem visluag at friends on the ti. L., Glenelg. when they intend to spend a part. ofthe winter before returnlng. We hope the Priceville brunch cor- respondent will give some of the pro- cpedmgu ot our mnsainnory prenchora who are to preucn m-morrow in the Prtmbyterian church. _ Boy If MILheson held prays! meet- ing at. the reudrnce df Mr John Me- Phull. ti. (Henelg. one muddy night Manly. However a goodly number wu- there Ind the ordumnce ut bap lism was given to a cougle of little ODrH. h few from here “tended a Red Croat gathering on 'be cosy residence of Mr ond Mrs Hopkins. " the begin- ning of the S L, Glenelg. They re- port I boueelul although the elements outside favored believers an at rink. ling but not to such an extent as was experienced on Friday night, the 8th Inst. However where there " a Will there In always 0 way and a good cause Is Worthy ot a hula ”clung any time. Wm McLeod Jr, iirmshed a large building for his fowl since Deccan»: mum in. Wm. McLeod Sr. Ihough over 80 years of age. goes to the bush Ind cuts Ins on wood as mum as most of our young mun or boys. A large quantity of ground wns ploughed since December “we in by ngoodly number of tarmert', sum.- thma unusual for this month. Died, a couple of week: two on her old home on the 7th can. Vaughan. after a prolonged illneas. Miss Janet VICINITY ONTARIO AReairttS- TORONTO man. " run. " airy-nun" u. . .. _ Ala-ind". W Charlton, E Rum-hur- ounh g, IM-U Mccailorh, R Ray, W. Adina». Averhge nttertdnnce for Numb» 67. borner . The gloddut do, of the year is tqrproaching---hs day , when we show our appreciation and our lose to our friends in a]pmotiool way. The gift problem in dwoys a. hard one. Let can help ion in making your selections. You are cordially invited to look over our stock of high olese gift goods. Don't put it " till the last minute when the beet things have been eneppednp. Christmas is just round the Corner 'et,, ',ee,tt,th,t',e,.t,,,ete', t?.?r,t',uihiy'c,-ht,.y.1,y, M. B. KanTowx. Teacher. Bethany Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas tree, and Pro. gramme, ruduy. Dec. 22nd at 7.30 The thunder of last week indicate a green Christmas or titE weeks open weather. Mrs Mchiachnie, Markdaie is a vis- itor at Mrs A H Rurnelts. Mrs Geo “an of your town is a visitor at MrJohn Watt's. Pt" A H Burnett Watt home from Hamilton on Sunday. iMehrthaur, "ed ghoul. 60 yarn. Mm MoArthur bod o Inge number of relativesm this pm. being thy Cloris of Bentinck. J A (Sr-hum of Durham, McArlhurs of Glrlwlg Ind McDomlds. D. Road, Glenelg and ti. Lung all causing. She Ila burned in the old cemeterv. can 7, Vaughan. " the old kirk where her lumber mud mother worshipped some 70 yearn "o. She lanes one sister and mo nephews on Illa old bomeatend when: her father loaded over 80 years ngo. The address given by Rev. Mr. Lumen. Missionary from Honam. Chins. Ins listened to with rapt at. tention by a well tilled church on Sunday morning and in the evening Rev. Mr. Murray, Supt ot Missions. Was none less iutererisstimr on Mis- riluliul'y etfurts west oi the grant him and cut 9130. Mr Luttrell portrayed the enemies in China. same as those which coniromed St Paul in his day. "Sin and the Devil"--; Mr Mm my deplored them”: of men and tinds where services can only be held l hue a yesr in many instances. Augmented charges in Ontario should consider and endravor to ttive the poorer districts the means of Grace below the work is taken up try the, foreign element who have taken up homesteads in our Canadian W est. Mrs D L Campbell of Brunt‘pm is visiting with Mrs Builder for a low days. at ram-o- tor DURHAM and "inn-in for "Canada‘s Greatest Nureeries" Spring 1917 Pluminu Liu' now rowdy. Splondid list of Hudv Canadian Grown Fruit and Ornamental Run-k. iruOdirut Molntnnh It'd Apvle, St Re- stis eerrbrsritw Ruphvvry. and mm r othrr lend-mu. Messrs Hermie McLean and John Scum”: nuanced the Fair athelph. last mek. ' Mr W Knox is enraged with Mr D McCormick. Mrs Tom Undersea bu returned to her home in Galt. Rev. Mr. Laure” a Missionary from Chime, gave an interesting aer- mon on the work that is going on in that land. Mr and Mrs John MoNnuhy re- turned home from the West last week. Mr Heetrr It McLean In moving his wife and tamilv to their new house on the farm this week. A very successful shooting match was held at Swimon on Saturduv last. New illustrate! cal-dogm- an nonli- mtinn. Star! nnw at has! soiling time Lihernl Prnpnsivion. Mr and Mus J Porter bundayed at Hanover. Mr ll Kennel! has returned home lrom the W est. Mr Cowrdme Putwrwn who bus been on a homestead in the West tor the past the yeurs, returned to his home New. lust. week. Miss IN rs Nicholle visited her sis- ter here our the Week and. ST-INE d’r WRLLINGTIIN, The anhull Nurseries E-mblishod 1837. Toronto, Ont REPRESENTATIVE WANTED PRICEVILLE VILLAGE Chocolates SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE "out: t Bar " Night iN D. Minors. Manicure pieces. Photo lint pin holders, Boudoir Clocks, ete giitld be not. <o".Ptiate.. “give him I brbute rod. The fish gain And for an rnt_hpsiucic angler Fishing Rods Ivory Goods Feed Prices on hand , special If you n the Northern m" ., Owen Sound, haw r among the institu lizing in (mining (n pursuits. Thvmuue» unec- every whjectm 'tinu human». Actws' Fen In rcquin-d dutim "he" for mum: Muir t qualify Kw "tr"- w the War. Wm!“ Jan. 2nd but sunk-m~ " tune. noon: ling: 911110.31 N SOUND l l FLEMING. Pt ESON & JAMIESOV AiItANT'i, $$$$$$é$ g for Business of Good " you are as of getting II and see ours Mills Co. ' Coats shell, curly ad and rub- erFining, fur made by d'., for wMy oat ta . am $1.25 up WWWQ'W 'itiatHt DURHAM make Pulr 100 thlights :ors brushes bags my. scan. " designs and upward. 2, tor "My you can get Wc'veafew nodes whn e them rue Limited Tef' n

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