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Durham Review (1897), 28 Dec 1916, p. 1

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to be held " the You. ins " ret bird 1916 Ur Fares one Mt CIFIC lot Sale " 'ittTtgoDtt" 8. S. co-.-." sun-day School Thursday night he! (lid itself and the school honor in the way they carried out their nnnunl (.‘hmumu entertainment. The town hall was comfortably 'liml end from one and all enconiume were .chII. Ttu. teuture of the evening In the cartttsla. “the Chime of Silver “In" and from beginning to end held the imam of the audience. In eon; and m ory they gnve the old but ever new story oi the Bedeemere’ birth end where the belle ucompnnied the per- former. the can: mu good. Other numbers on the mum levonbly re- ceived were recitation by Dorothy Shark, Irvine Stony. Meryl Living- stone', dlelognee I "Pnpn'e cum-u. Tm t" men! eolo which "tool." tried. Elli-nuns- I club drill by "union of (be 8 3 ' in“. M“. ‘lm "Ill- wr Stars.” winch reunited in pretty emu-ts. Dr Wolfe an Superintendent h ul something nice to any and [in to the "choia" “weekendtleeoneen. TsRerv9tr.odllhsMorerrrttse chief credit“ preparing M evening and with It. Hahn-“m” eucceee In I“. f M were in the We”! a pretty flatr drill and . closing candy treat for all. Proceed: about $25.00 and all for Red Cross. The workers, promin- ent whom were Mim- Esther Mobil! and Marjorie Clark, (loam much credit for this mecca. f Room a a Canon?!» entertain. inent in Burns' Churc on Wednesday evening under Sunday School auspices had a brilliant program that was worthy of a better audience. Rev. Mr. Mills was chairman and the addresses of the eve- ning were given by him and Mr. 8. Path- erborough. Space and time forbid exten- ded reference, but there were severe] good dialogues, patriotic recitetions by little tots and bigger folks, choruses by School. duetts by Miss Marion and John Bord, hy Misses Armette McKeohnie and w. ther McLean, Miss Mar MoKechnie so- companying. Then there were three numbers by Stewart McArthur on mouth organ and organ that won met applause, Production am ii] B I . _ , Product More and Ban “on Into Your Lube! EM V Son Humid. Iro- Wm It In War Time ANMIIER Co-.-.tast week we noted the dung;- ot heart. of the “nil and Etnpir- in regard to tiqaor nd- vertiaing and pointed out that the Toronto Nrws was Ill" n linner in thin reg-rd Our inn: In. scarcely on the or». when oat on... the News with the announcement that no liquor cool net- would be renewed Mtee 30th I’m-Huber 19t6. Another temperance \‘lvinry and we hwg to remark "Better Lu. than never." Mrand Mrs Wm. Mollvride of Row- Ivy, Alta. arrived in Durham Christ- tn -u Day, at the home ofMr. Jun Mar. elmll. Mn Ws brother. It " yenn sun-e they left thin part nnd though Hwy haw bad their ups and down; the yvurs h ore dealt gently with them, ( ind Ur Mt livrlde'u well known push i: u been n-wnrded under Providence l y met-v». Their daughter Jenn(Mu " ul<lwin) and humand, can" cut. Name, time and are visiting ht. friend. at Smyner first, Mr. Wm Marshall and not) are also home and thin whole group will spend a month or two among old haunts in Normnnhy and war it. Ye Editor In. pleased to hayeahrief Call from Mr. MclIvride, but Wants to see them all. The Weekly Sun. Toronto, in I large luvo-n'y column farm weekly new-pa- per, making a upoclnlty of I" mutton of huuinsus and mini Interact to the fume: and his family. The Ban'o market "pm "are Idlnittodly the but and aunt accurate published. It bu no vqunl in the fleld. This feature alone will amply "my every subscri- Herman Haw. well-known in Dro. more, neighborhood ot Eminent is. we notice lromn recent lune of the Pennant. Sat-3.. Observer running for Reno- in "R M Rlyouide no 168" He has heen two year. in the eouncii-- here',, hoping he wins. A Boot Social will In hrld at Hinton Ir" Srbnol on Friday December 29tb. Pinned: in aid of Red Clo-a. A pro- gram is being prepared. Admiuion 25e and Br, Ladies bringing boxe- free. R. M. Dickey. B, A., Gamma they. of the Reading Camp Audition, will smut on the work of the Anociuion in the Baptist. church on Bandar ev- ening next. The Ladies Guild of Trinity Church ml] sell hating not! ban 5 10e to. in Rulv’u old “and on anarchy. Jon Gill trrm 4 to T80 p m. Mr. R. M. Dickey, "plenum:- the Kudmg Camp Associntion will occupy the Prrmbrterian pulpit Bundcy I. In. SP4!) of Poniel for “lo. Apply to I" W Eel-0y. Phone Line as. ting 8. .“ISTAKBIN Nonnums‘fhe correct number of Pte Fred Torry. whoa: letter appeared in last week's Review in was“ The number furnished " wu wrong. VOL. XXIII, NO. 52 Cheer up! The dare are getting longer'. 1911 in jun around the come!- Happy New Year to all and "ndrr. ' '.. 'r"."ii.,",yA9tr_PiiiSe ciiiiii'.i;i).if'lTetll! GREETINGS of sincerest kind to all Readers of the REVIEW. May Believing that a maujority of those at the nomination were favorable to my election, nud the being decidedly for rule by the people, I am a cnndidato for the reeveahip and if elected mil strive to diaclnrge the dunes of the office with Justice to all. 1 will also nuke it my npecial task with aid of your Towmhip and County Councils to bring before the Legislature our claims for-alum“ for building and main- taining out [Didi and bridges. Spice will not allow going into der. an. and I shall not be able to see any of you. but elect me for one ya: and if I cannot do more for your walla“. than in now being done. kick In. out. Within; you the compliments of the onion. 1 remain To the Electors of the Township of Glenda. La_die0 and Gentlemen,-- I on: before you again for one of the Council positions of the Township for the year 1917. I place, my record and experience at your service and would opprecinte your intluence, and your vote on Jan. Ist. Wishing you all the compliments of the season. I am, Your. for economy 3nd emmeucy To the ratepayers ot Glenelg Ladies and thrntiemett,--. I have again decided to otrer, myself on a candidate for the Reeveship and if rts-eieeted, a candidate for the Warden- ship. As in the past, I wall earnestly strive to protect your interests. Wish. in; you the compliments of the season and soliciting your support, I remain, Yours respectfully, I an: a candidate for the Reeveship It the election to he held on Monday, lat January. I respectfully ask your vote nerd influence, believing my ex- perience as Councillor and four yeah a Deputrreeve will enable me to run- der you increased "lcient service. Wishing you all a happy and pmsper' one New Year. Yours sincerely, To the Electors of the Tp. of Glenelg Ladies and Gtsntlemen,--. Limit. Kelly was In the troncm, known the actual condition of Mn, Is and is duly impressed with the news, any of more men and more effort. to strengthen the hands of the Allies. To the ratepayers of Bentinck Tp. I Ladies Ind Gentlemen ' Lieut. Kelly of the 24trh, at the clone! the nomination proceedings in Durban on Friday evening made an eloquent appml on behalf of the new Battalion being formed in Grey. Pe particularly impressed the fact thatit was their battalion. thatull should feel in honor bound to bee it a success and to this end should j 'in the "RID league“ wherein each of the thousand promises to iretone recruit. The bridal couple will spend a coup- " of months among friends before proceeding to their future home in Lorehurn, Saar. The ttroom's gift to the bride was a pearl brooch and to the organist an amothyu pin. The ceremony wan performed by the brideN pastor, Rev. Mr. Whaler. the bridal couple standing beneath a nit-14y Mango-d ltl’h of houghs and wedding bells. Only 3 small Mnemhly of relative. were pre sent. A pretty wedding was lolemuizrd an Wednesday evening. Dee. 27. at the residence of Mrs Rum. Edge when her daughter, Lena Moore was united in mmhge with Mr. I. Lorne Kr'rney of Lurehurn. Sash. The wide wore-a beautiful dress of while silk with lace and pearl trimmings and carried a. hoquet of white earnations and maui. pn hui . fern. Her cousin Min Mnggie Edge play " Lohengrir,'s Bridal Chorus. Vamey tr. School held their usual en- tertainment on Christina. night and it In. a aucceu. Mr Falkingham was l chairman and addreuee were given by their old putor Rev Mr Newnham and Wm Allan. There were dialogues, reci. tations and many musical numbers, be. aide. a Red Crou drill, " numbers in ail! Proceeds "I which goes " a nuc- leus to the new Red Croce association recently formed with Mrs Blyth as pre- sident, Miu C Wilton, Secy.. Miss Margaret Leeaon, Treats., first meeting at President's home on Jan 4th at 2 p m At Orchard on Wednesday night a aimilar entertainment brought 8tt. in service, THUS. TURNBCLL A blimrdy dav on Tuesday waa fol- lowed on Wednesday by a premature ' January thaw' which caught cold on Thunday and with more snow coming aleighing ia good again. Reeve McKenzie of Artemesia in elec- ted by acclimation. Election Cards kerttey--Edge Yours Truly. A. HeOUAIG THUS. NICHOL WM. LUNNEY I When 9 o'clock Saturday night arriv- ed the candidates were as follows ; Mayor-Wm, Laidlaw, acclamtion , Reeve-Wm. Calder, Incantation Lieut. Kelly's address followed and the meeting adjourned without a word from Councillors or echool crate". In answer to Mr Laidlaw, Mr Catton said they paid taxea in 8 municipalities and had to pay a an: if hazard and his effort to retain the 8 per cent ttne in Durham was justified. Mr. Calder cloud by stating his de. ture to make the town better in 1917, but it was going to be _t"trenuoutt year. he invited Mr. Calder to come over and see the pay roll. He claimed in all matters of dispute he fought fair, if he had not put Calder's name in the boule. vard motion he would have been accus- ed of underhand work. He then entered on a slashing charge that Mr Catton was responsible for the decrease in population, 'because his in. fluence had kept wages so inadequate, that workmen could not live. o, Sound factories paid M per cent more than Durham, Stratford and Hanover also, and none of them could afford it so well " Durham. "Has Mr. Catton dealt With the men " he has dealt with himself? Ten years ago his salary was $1200, to-day 82500. he had helped himself but the men's increase had not been in proportion." To this Mr Catton countered he did not fix his own salary, moreover he had never asked for increase had even refused increases, which Dr. Jameson (who was present) tsonflrmed. They paid 885000 in wages yearly and But there wereworse things than fin. ancial mistakes, the decrease in popu- lation during the year was not all sol. dicrs. He thought he had seen a spirit of opposition to him by the reeve at certain meetings but especially in the matter of concrete boulevards where the motion objecting contained his numc as the chief sinner while he was not the first to build them. He dis- claimed anyopposition to Furniture Co, Hadalways supported by-laws in its favor. All present knew the Furniture Co. had been helped more than the Cement works. It had got in all 825, our town. The debenture debt had doubled in six years. Three Collector's rolls even yet had not been legally re- turned, 8500 of 1915 taxes not yet col. lected and a good sum of 1914. "If I am your Mayor I shall have two aims, lst my your taxes, 2nd keep the Law." Mr Calder desired to make a mild criticism of the Couneirs acts. The exprnditure was a httle lighter than it might have been. It was poor policy to let streets get into bad condition, re. quiring greater expenditure in the end. Then the excess of liabilities Over assets was growing, last year $2206, this year $53M Mr. Laidlaw was pleased with the Reeve's statements. touched on the re- sponsihility of good citizens totake a share in town duties. It wag time to take stock and improve the position of There had been little expenditure of moncy where Council could control. He had been sitting on the atrong box, hut now and again they pried the lid open. In 1915, 312000 of taxes had hecn collected at this date. this year t20000, they were fortunate in getting m all accounts saving the exasperation produced as old accounts kept appear- Ing Coming to town affairs he denied having boasted of defeating Mr Calder and condemned the atatement that he had "knocked" the Cement works, for he had nojealously of other industries, the more the better. He cleared this year's council of responsibility for the bylaws and was inclined to give the trustrees praise rather than blame. Mr. Catton came next. Paid compli- ments to the boys who had gone to the war and to the mothers who qaeriticed also. He reviewed his work in County Council. had served on tour committees, supported an up-to-date Children's Shelter and improved vault accommo- dation. He was surprised to find cost ot maintenance in Durham H. School the lowest of all and advised looking into it. Mayor Hunter was that called upon and gave a resume of the yenr'e work and showing that high rate was due to increased Co. rate, Red Croce contri- butions and repairing and grading streets. Recalled Hydro promieee and compared them with performances, criticized the H. School br-law and an- nounced he wasn't going to run for oMce in 19”. In answer to Mr Laid. law re the action of Council in extend- ing the time for payment of taxes to evade the 5 per cent, he said the people were not ready and thought it beat to ease the people, another year they would be more, alert. At the expiration .of the Statutory hour, Returning once: Vollet had be- fore him no fewer than 22 names. to for the council and two each for the posi- tions of Mayor and Reeve. Mayor Laidlaw and Reeve Cal- der for l9l7 The Nominations 11 Aspirant: tor Council - DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER M, 1iid m . m With which is incomnted the Holstein Leader Mr and Mrs Wm. Hunter Jr. mom:- ored up from Egremont and ate Xmas dinner with the former'. liner. Mrs. Ma. Mather. Mr. Alex Cooper, B. A., Principal of Brighton High school. visited his ais- ten. M.rsA. Delhy. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Morton of the Rocky, spent Xmas " Mr. John Mllli- gtn’s. Mr and Mrs And. Darby visited with Mr and Mrs. Jno. Kerr ot Varmy. hue day recenllv. Miss Gert: ude Garrett of Turoutu is enjoying a WW k’n hn'i " at her hmm . The ladies of South Bentinck ited Cross Sewing Circle, met at the home of Mrs. And. Derby on Tuesday after- noon and packed 4 bales of Red Cross supplies sending them to the head oftlee, Toronto to be forwarded over- seas, containing the following an ides; t2 feather pillows, 9 pr. sotks. 6 suits pyjamas. 12 military shirts. 9 khaki shirts. 27 wash cloths, 1 autograph quilt. 8 commit bags. All material was purchased with then monthly contributions. They have also sent " to the British Red Cross Socipty. The teacher and pupils of S. Y. No. Sheld Inn "At Home" at the,,ettuoi last Friday "ernoon and invited all the people of the section. A good program was ttiven by the pupils, after which lunch Wan served. Muss Jean Derhr, Whitby, spnnt trnmvsgturday to Tuesday at her home here. Every good citizen has heard all the arguments for and against, the expen- diturP, necessitating the Hy-laws and will have come to the conclusion as We have that it is necessary In carry them, otherwise there would be a staggering direct Jevy m ceSsary all in one year. Let a show our loyalty to the town by a. unanimous vote. Here the Council are in by acclaim.- tion, Alex. McDonald. Jae McUougnll. Fred Shewell. McDonald la y Iww man and should be a good one. Mr A Derby was nominated but retire-a. Keen contests for Reeve and Deputy reeve positions are being waged as shown by the following list of candi- dates I For Reeve-Wm, Luuney Henry Metcalfe S. PutherbouO For Deputy Reeve-Het b. Brigham C. Emke Geo. Fischer Jae. annhull The Reeveshlp is beinir coutoatrd by And. Schenck and - Helm. For deputy reeve A. FsNinger is oppo~ing Wm Umbuch. Mr. Juo. Wlsitefoid was nominated but tetired. Five my running tor Council l Rich Barber, Jas Booth, D. Fisher, Wm. Miller, Henry McKinnon, Is an exception thin year as Rene and Council are elected by acclmna- tion. EGREMONT As expected an election is on. Ex- Reeve John McArthur will again con- test the Reeveehip with Thos. J. Gordon. Walter Home. O. Nit-lanes and Geo Lothian were nominated but, retired. The last named and Richard Irvin were also nominated for countul but both retired leaving the field to Thos E, Brown Robt H. b'aulfield J. A. Ferguson Walter Ferguson Matthew Hooper Chas Hunt And. Hunter Nichol McDougall Jae. W. Reid Geo. U. Swanslun Mr. Catton, as will be Been, is not in the field, his reason no doubt being that a contest between him and the Reeve elect would give color to the charge of rivalry between our two chief industries which he wished to avoid. He did good service in l916 Council. GLENELG An all round Contact here , present Reeve Nichol and Arch McUunig for the Reevesbip and five Councillors for tour positions. All the old council standing. I For the six Council pooltione l John Ada-o l Jooeph Firth, tir. Geo. Furneaux Dr. J. F. Grunt Edward Kreu George Kreu James Lloyd James Matthews George McKechnie S. P. Saunders T. R. Whelan From which list it in easily possible to pick a good council tor If" 7 to work with two such municipal war-horaea " Laid. law and Calder. Vote for the By-Laws SOUTH BENTINCK Malcolm Black Malcolm Molnnec Geo. E Peart Thou annbull Joseph Young. NORMANBY BENTINCK PROTON all have a HAPPY NEW YEAR in spite Mr and Mrs Wu. Guthrie and young- est son. of Montana. who moved {rpm Dnrh my eleven yea-i Ian. armed her; but week, to npnnd come time among old friends um? relatives. The, nppur little chum by the dead. of you. “no. citizen. have. Mr and Mrs JttoMeAulstre nod Miss Stella and Mr and Mrs David Metal- litfe and children of Berlin, spent over Cii-iulmas wn h relatives in their old town. Mr Wm Com -id of iVrliet, In home fut Chiiututart, Lt, Iruold Aljoe and sister Miss Att. uie, of Toronto, spent the holiday at the [parental home. Mrs Unvid Jackson returned home on Friday evening. Mme Junie McLean who bag Lama an amm- postr-ou in Walkermn, Wrs0) home over Christmas. Mr Vyven Harvey of Detroit, Spent i 'fd'ilih'l','l"fhl, 'l'h1llS."fl/", 1'i'"l'iht _ ' e . ' . Bu t . Chuinlmus holidays with " parents. ,' Wm Mountain. Mr Earl McDonald returned home i In. Non Gun. of Toronto is holi. from Toronto last week. I dsyintt with her mother here. Among teachers home for the vtbca.. ' ' lite, a!" Fisdlsy tIEsth IP tion are Misses Edith snd Alanna. t '?l,trllr'"l2'lgy" non . I. water " Grant and Claw. Alioe, Toronto Alum I Mr " B Dingmou 'rpent over Chris" hee". from Crslt, Attrtee McGu-r. M: i "tivitttt5trittortt relate. ores . - Messrs Arch and Jack Davidson ol Pout McNicoll and Yringston, spent over Christmas With their parents here, the latter leaving on Monday. Muss Annabel Saunders of Toronto, was home over the holiday. Mr Alex MPAnbur. better known us “Sandy." of Bruce, Alta, is holiday- ing with friands and relative, in this locality, and is still as genial as wheo behind the counter in HeAvthur's azure snmv Feat 9 ago. Rev and Mrs Whaley left Christmas Day to holiday " their old home "our Tavmtock, Mr W. returning Tuesday evuxing. Miss Lxudell Lauder. who has now graduated as a nurse at the Genet-n1 Hospital, Toronto, ie holidaying " her home here. Mr Art hur Allan, of Hamilton spent over Sunday With bis parents. Mr T, C. Morton, Sr of, Hespeln , spent over Christmas at his home her-u Mr John McNeice of Detroit, is visit- ing his parents. 2nd con, Nnrumnhy, and spent a day with town friends. Misses Mary and Alix Edge, of Uri- versily and Faculty of Education, To, - onto. aw spending the vacation nt their home at Edge Hill. Mr and Mrs Forhe Robertson _ t Glamrs, near Kincsrdine, spent Cbei-t. mus hGIldlyS at his sister's Mrs A " Browning. M, Will Blownmg of Stmlfnrd, a Christ was visitor at his home. Misses Middlebro and Cryderman, of the teaching "tstr, are holidaying at their homes in Oman Sound and \Valkerlun. Miss Margaret McGirr who has been attending the Pres. Dvucnnpnq Train. ing home, Is home for the vacation. Corp Wm Campbell of Toronto is home for the Christmas VICRUOD He has secured transfer to the Min! Aviation Corps, and mll leave for "Vern-mm about Jan '20, h. Harper hivuirr, who has spent atew Weeks in Toronto, returned home iss, week, Mina heme Hepburn of Toronto is for the vacation. Miss Wauchob of Proton was the guest of her friend, Miss Georgina Lawson. Misses Irene, Isabell and Georgina Lawson of Toronto, were home for the Christmas holidays with then parents. Mr and Mrs Rob: Lawson. MI and Mrs D McUrie and duughu-r lately returned from the Want, have taken up residence in their home on Gaynfruxa St, opposite the Cement Plant. Mrs J Moody and ion of Proton, Is visiting her sisters, Mrs J Matthews and Mrs Thea Davis. Minster W Jacob of Strotford spent over the holiday with Martin Lauder. Mr John Hal-bottle and daughter. Ida,ot Saul: St Marie are visiting friends In the old town. Miss May Young. "rstsin-trtunintr, Sanford. spent over Christan. ll home. Mr and Mn Ambrose Farm and child of Hamilton, were holiday visit- or at. his parenM. _ Mr Fred Canon of m. t5tamUrd. Bunk. Port Perry, I“ home over Christmas. Donald McQueen, of Stratford, is home for the Christan: holiday. Mr Roht forty and dnnglgur Minn Run. of Kitchener, spent a couple dnya with town friends. Min Annie Int-lull of Toronto. spent over Ch: inn)“ " her home here. Miss Edna Limin ofGnlt, Rev 3nd Mrs Morris of Shelbume. were holidny guests at their puma. Mr and Mn 8 W Limin. WW“ Brynon Morioek in Tu"et,'r tbe C.hrtuidmro vacation with uelph [Pli- Mr Jack McDonald of Walkerton w as home for the holiday. Mrs Andrew McIlvride of Alberta. and daughter came east tart week for .m extended visit and no It present with her uncle and mat. Mr. mod Mt . Wm Mountain. Mine Adeline Orchard of London. is! a holiday guest. of Miss Jean Morleck. I Miss Garth McUomb of Brantfordl is holidaying at the pmnul home. Mr and Mte. Robb. Petty and four v'hildren from Outlook, Suck” arrived in Durham on Saturday and I": stay- x: g wuh her mother, Mrs. Geo. Hop. .urn. They went went ' or 9 you” "go and have been very ”awful, ..upi this you being good. Pleased ' . hare a call from our old pupil when» muss and spirit show that the West ",'ifNPd with him. ieeg, Mr and Mrs Jon I Brown and child. ren spent over Christan- With friends m Nronto. Bryaon Morioek ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO II?" "" Bill sunnAR'n am THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE New Year Greetings S. F. MORLOCK Although many funnies have their boys far from them and facing i, anger, we an unite with each other and with them in best wishes for the season, and lt, hope that the Prince of Peace may Boon banish war end grent us His Peace. $ t gnu-mac of nbuolute oecurity and mu inure» at current rate. 239 DURHAlgy bnANCH, Appreciating the part you have conuib- uted to our success, and hoping to merit a continuance of you supnort, we wish you the Compliments of the Season and trust that the New Year will be a successful one with you. No business can sttccred without the co- operation of its friends and patruns which in our ease has been most Cordiz! and through which we have attained greater success than we had anticipated. I ' With the near approach cf another glad year, we again come to our l, all y customers to tell them of our continued .', access. The St ore '3.‘:: 5913} GEO. B. DINGMAN, Proprietor We thank our many mMrmcrs and friends for their pall'rm: up during 1916 and wish one and ali a Bright, Happy and Prosperous New Year. GREETINGS of the Shadow of the TRUST FUNDS . Our Savings Depot-taut gives you FIGHT ip:, line at term tr Wanml‘woo cords of huding him buncwood. not split. ar inches lore. ' inches mud now-mic in dimer». '" per 00A: delivered " Grand Trunk gtation.. Durham and Hanan-in. WW“I' ‘. "ltMr. C. “mu 5 Lh'Rettt; trot. 1 PM]. as - are going out. of [mains-v. 1.rrer that (Ian. lhay wul be pul. m other hand. for Collection. Cox --lu Durham. on Friday, ”In. mo mm to Mr and Mm Wm Uoa, a Ats (human-r THE onest Value ". mount the Bow-Shim“! F on in Toronto tn-dr ' " was , t ut, owing to thr, "retail!” .. d in the intereet ' f the fu- 'e,. deah'n that, :~~ mm!” 3" hr mm] MterJnn in. Mur, Heading Blocks PAY Cirta. B. Mrwnnu. Pr. WC DICK-um & Son Decemlwr lath. [an (Mu-i. Mndlline.) K J. N. MURDOCI '3, ',i,ii,, /it' »,;;;,~.;“m . (l"i,r,i(j'Er, .. t. W: . it "Wt, T up ud it?

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