West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Feb 1917, p. 7

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PEOPLI 'arid In Sign tho lauded nah ia an aqua] division ot the octave into seven parts and music newer ll written, but loaned by our And hand“ down traditionally . ' l "The rough nature of the country over which the cars travel and the ex. cessive heat often experienced have made the cost of rubber tires a serious item in maintenance, thereby causing many experiments to obtain a substi- tute for rubber at a moderate cost. The invention and recent perfection of the Australian 'homing' tire is claimed to have solved the problem of produc- Ing an emergency tire " a compara- tively small cost. Tests with tires made of various kinds of fibre Were made, with the result that colt fibre was found to be the moat suitable for the purpose because of its lightness, cheapness, resilience, and durability. The greatest dimruity we; to discover a method of joining the ebb of thei rope to make a complete circle of the same size. but eventually a new splicq was invented, and the tire as now sold; in Australia is perfect of its type. , "When first placed on the market} the 'homing' tire was sold as an met-3 - tire in case of a puncture or) blow-out,but it proved so satisfactory? that In the country districts of some of the States the rope tires are trek; quently used on all the wheels ot mo-l tor can, particularly for station orl ranch work and over rough and stony courtry. “The tires are bullet, nail, and glass proof, and if a speed of sixteen miles u not exceeded It u claimed that they are almost - riding as pneumatic tires. It should be understood that the ‘ho-ing’ tire takes the place of both inner tube and cover, being at- tached to the rim by four or ttve “up; car in Australia has, to a very con- siderable extent, solved the diMeultUs of trunsportntion. In mnny ports of ' the councty tho roads no merely bush i tracks or overland stock mum. on, which herds of cattle are driven long} distances to the city mullet: or coant- i a! freezing work; I Bullet, Null all ("no Proof. A new. kind of automobile tire-- "the homire'--has appeared in Aus- tralia, It is made of n native fibre. The need that (an rise to its con- hivanee, how it is made. and how used. are deacribed in the Weekly Bul- YOtin. Canadian Department of Trade and Commerce, " follows: bs " in other countries of vast dis- tances and eornpamtively few travel- ling “militia, the advent of the motor and. of Nits.. m. nnd Pronounced for things Arat than to be found out anew-rd, " you eannot fool my- body but youmlf.” "Then, My, will you give me an- “I we" our (In: (butter has learned a lesson.” In said, n he kin-0d his wife. “my I)» have another piece of clko?" "I'm ready for you to spank me," answered Nannie n she turned over. “I guess not to-night," said her father, the turn coming into his ores. "But it is aim}: . better pin to not other pm". "Of course'. Of course, dear," replied Billy, n he second 'iii',)','; and into the putty where he found Mrs, Bumpus "Yes," r‘epliod In. Rumpus. with a rruile, 'Und no any hot father." "I think so, too," said Nannie Goat. "but before you wank no I really would like to tell mother how good that cake was. I think it in wonder. ful that you selected such I good cook for a wife. The ah m delicious. You know good cooks at. scarc- nowadays." “You are a dear, sweat daughter," said Billy Rumpus, as he on Numb a great big hug. "So does another little mt {rind of yours, Miss Jeminn Goat." Then he added, " think both of you ought to have a spanking." " khow the not of the “on,” laid Nannie Goat, sitting bolt upright in bed. "Well," maid Billy Baum, looking very many Ind tstroking hil WHIR- era, “the two little (out. mulled the cake which one of the mu. goat's Ino- ther had made and both of them nit- ed until the cake was done unNad been set. out on the hitch"; win shelf ta cool. and then--." "Yes," continued ber father. "No little goats with wonderfully good noun, who Could [men . Meee of “k. about two milu on. “0m. of the mm (on: had I no- ther who used to make eake for her, and Ju- never, never Maud to [in the Mile goat some of the cako which she had baked. "I cannot imaeine," laid Numb Goat, atl turl.tt1tiyt_ettriitr. med t" One night. just " Billy Bum at down td talt hi. “HWY, Numb Goat, n story, he heard a voice culling. "Father! Punter!" Ho mt to the head of the shin wd In. Baum ,rrnspereg something in his car. This he went back to tell Nannie the follow- ing story: "orwe upon . time there won two. little goats who had vary good an]. lers " "You mean nous,” interrupted Nannie Goat. o A l‘S'l‘RAlJA'S NEW 'AUTO TIRE. "One day, what do you think hp- Numie Gout and the Cue. YOUNG FOLKS . ‘Thenm' IU-ii-iii; rlllrtllrrtt ll'lhto',"tttte,fdyes tan Jersey trimmed with soutache and belted with a wide girdle of Paisley silk is here shown to unusual IdVllh up. A deep pleated fiounce is the striking feature of this dress. McCall Pattern No. 7663, Ladies’ Chemise Dress. Pattern in ii sizes; 34 to 42 bust. Price, 20 cents. "“- “way can». rot breakfast or any meal, with milk or cream Delicious with preserved fruits. I Boyisammem'. Ploymcnt. Sturdyboysand girls are not built out of tat',,',?,,',',.:: Thebestfood or ttrowing youngsters is B!triutd1itGriitTGrisoii; Box-pleatea' frocks bring box-pleat- POSTUM The fashionable chemise frock of 'mere': 1 Renal" You Can Snap Vour Fingers at the ill effects of niche when me. good bone SKEW "t ain't never seen it done," dedu- ed the boy who had spoken before, Into the tub went her round, white arms. It was her first washin , like- wise. Up and down "l',tl,'lu', the clothes over the washboard; up and down bent the back of the antle washerwoman. The boys stood in. - lahliy regarding her, Ex1uuuted, T, manly straightened her aching back and leaned in wearlnus against the tub. The chivalry of the mountaineer snorted itself at last. There was silence, an electric ei- lence, while the mountainous con- lldered. Then their spokesman, a tall, Its-upping young fellow, said, "No, ma'am! I ain't never seen no man do no washin', and what's more, I ain'i goin' to do it." Calm]! Miss Berry played her lest card. " f you will not do the wash- intr," she said, "you may wotch me while I do it for you." "Now, boys," said Miss Berry, "we are going to wash clothes. I will show you how. Then each boy in to wash his own prawn." How I Boys' School Learned to Live Up To Their Motto. in the hills of northern Georgia the Berry School for Boys believes in do- ing whatever needs to be done. Its motto is, "Be a lifter, not a leaner." But the position that it holds and the idenls that it maintains were not atv tained without a struggle. In The Men of the Mountains, Mr. Arthur W. Spaulding tells the story of one of the flrst crises in the history of the school. The mountain boy was ready to' plough in the fields, chop in the woods,‘ hammer on the house; he wns not, wholly " his ground in milking the,' cows, cooking his food and making' his bed; but there were some thingy required of him that were too obvious-: ly woman's work. The first Mondayl Min Berry summoned her young‘, guard of mount-ineers tor their ttrstl lesson in laundering. The luundry; was a wuhtub out under a tree. ' Can Obtain New Health Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every woman at some time needs a tonic. At special times unusual demands are made upon her strength. Where these are added to the worry and work which falls to her lot, weakness and ill health will follow unless tho blood is fortified to meet the strain. _ Weak women find in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the tonic exactly suited to their needs. Most of the ills from which they suffer are due to blood- leesneseme condition which the Pills readily cure. These pills save the girl who enters into womanhood in a bloodless condition from years of misery, and afford prompt and per- manent relief to the woman who is bloodless, and therefore weak. Meg. Wm. H. Wagner, Rosenthal, Ont,, writesc-"After the birth of my se- cond child I suffered from troubles which most mothers will understand, without going into details. The doe, tor who was attending me said an operation would be necessary, but as I dreaded this and as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had been of great help to my sister I decided to try this medi- cine, and I can truly say that after using the pills for some time they made a complete cure and made life more enjoyable than it had been for a long time. I think every woman suffering from the ailments of our next should give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial as I know from my own case the great benefit that fol.. lows their use." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. “Heavy cord is first wrapped around the pipe, spacing the turns about one-" half inch. A one-fourth inch layer of the mixture is smeared on and allow- ed to dry; then a second layer is put on and smoothed up. The string acts as an anchor to make the coating ad- here to the pipe closely. Whitewash or paint may be used to give a finish for inside pipes, but for outside work cover the coating with hot tar. If it in desired to have a very neat covering _ wrap the sawdust coating with cloth or canvas, applying it in narrow strips , like a bandage.” "To a solution of thin boiled starch add sawdust until the mixture forms I thick paste. A tine sieve may be used to clear this sawdust from lumps. A Solution Bats Been Discovered to Prevent It. A mixture which is declared to have proven successful in preventing water pipes from freezing is described by Thomas W. Benson is follows: WOMEN WHO SUFFER edema. aningnodeiham box pleats in the front and two in the buck and a large ailm- collar. 'It is particularly adaptnble to . light- weight broad-cloth, or serge. McCall Pattern No. 7596, Girl's Box-Pleated Coat. Pattern in 7 sizes; 2 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from the McCall company, CO Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario. "Dept W". FREEZING OF WATER PIPES. M AN'S WORK 1ui)tT.ksde i When food “on like lend In the Human]: And you havo that um.'omfortntt1o. dil- pended ($011713. tt l' became of inim- ‘nchnt b ood aupp y to the ”crunch. 'vomblfml with acid and food ferment:- ‘glon. _ 9 such ceff gimme p_Im_n_ow_{91- m gnu-n the b10041.) the stomach and in Inland magnum. " any phyreician tel you, instantly mgu'lllun the auld him no? the toad punctuation. Try t I aunt. e,,',' tt )3" Will be an- MPh'f at t e mmed no eelln at r;- lie and oomfurt that always follow. the reltormlon of the nnrmul process of di- ceuMon. People who ttnd it Inmm'oniem at time» to secure hot water and travel- er: who are frequently obliged to take hasty men- poorly prep-red. should al- ways mu two or three ttve-Brain tablets of hunted Mano-l- after meal. to prevent fermentation and noun-aliv- the acid in than staunch. I FOOD DISAGREES DRINK HOT WATER owed in an . h uphill: and advised by hwy lea 'pt1,t'lltll'd 05 taking 3 “auto nful of Fi/e Minute Inl‘nelin In h " (In! or water. In hot 'lt {Pu can comfortnhly 'SN, tt. Tho ho A- ter grum- the blood 0 the stomach and 'lit mlrnwd magnum. " any phyitan ,1 tel you, innnngly _t1tgtrtiieer' _the There are said to be 800 uses for the pnlmyra palm, which grows throughout tropic.) India. The New Mat. "Papa, dear, I feel it in my bones that you are going to buy me a new hat." . "Which bone, darling?" "r'm not sure, but I think it's my wishbone." tre-Nevin. mind/keep it, No other girl I know could use that ring unless she wore it on her thumb. Among the tallest trees in the world is the Australian eucalyptus, which attains a height of nearly 500 feet. I A Nasty One. She latter a tifrr--r presume you wo.uld like your ring back. _ - Forms which may be recognized ea tulip, lily, honeysuckle and fern take on a surprising aspect. They are not garden flowers. but trees, and the lendscape of which they form a part reminds one of the hypothetical re- presentations in books of science of a landscape of Mesozoic time, a period antcdnting our own by millions of years. - The trees are indeed those of a by- gone age. In America and Europe shadowy forms of fossil leaves of strange plant species are gathered from the rock, and studied with in. terest; in Australia many of these encient trees are living. The im, pression that one is looking " a land.. scape which has forever disappeared from other parts of the world is so vivid that the elms and maples Ind oaks in some of the city streets strike a jarring note. tr u 'rrtrhte In mam-o. No 'ytuettr-Feeits L",'ri,e.'t,lt'lcl't; 2t a M had. We“. Ion lye-n Guanine [”an Karla. In Pil and“ by our Damion-not a 1tttttt 1'ltfrltlesl't' and In men-[u] M2'lt't', Pumice for .03 "an. New at cued to 2,'W.'1ta * tae In 1'a',us,','ti,'d', o. no 0 go mad '.aruwri? for Book attire lye _ “an“ In Ion-oi: W. (>th Uid The flora is not only beautiful, it is unique, and has no counterpart in oth- er lands. Of the 10,000 species of plants, must of them ate purely Aus.. tralian, and are unknown'even in New Zealand. The general impression one gets of Australian forests is their total unlikenesss to anything seen else.. where. The great forests of timber trees are not damp and shadded and all of one species, but are well lighted and filled with other forests of shorter trees. In places the woods consist of large widely spaced trees surround- ed only by bunch grass. and eve in areas where water is not to be f nd on the surface for hundreds of 5 " miles true forests of low trees are present. Great Forests of All-trails Filled With Sunshine and Flowers. One readily understands why the Australian loves his trees, says the National Geographic Magazine. The groves of giant eucalyptus form pic- tures never forgotten, and the scent of the wattle brings a htirnesiek feel- ing like the smell of sage to the west- erner. "hut I'm a-goin’ to wash them clothes." And dashing in, he led his compan- ions in 1 charge to victory. f When Your Eyes Hood Care ulna-4'- 1.1::an Gun Dummy”. _ FLORA OF THE ANTIPODES THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA Makes your wagon run as if it had ball bearings. It is the Mica that does it. Mica makes a smoother bearing sur- face and a longerwearing grease, Dealers every- where. AXLE GREASE .'.92i For ion"; iehriiiiifiééiiiche, bruim, enferola feet, li, in promptly edective. At the first twinge fct Sloan's Liniment, easy to app Y. it penc- trates with“! rubbing and soothe. the, gorencu. .. After that long drive or tedious wait in the cold rain apply Sloan'n Liniment to those itrff intern. aching wrists and arms. The Judge's Turn. The Judge-Mt seems to me that I have “on you before. In a town in the heart of Russian salt fields .many houses are built of “It. Baby's Own Tablets are In excel- lent medicine for little ones. They sweeten the stomach; regulate the bowels, break up colds and simple fevers, cure constipation and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. E. Quinn, Parame, que., writers- "Baby was troubled with constipa- tion and nothing helped him till I began using Baby's Own Tebleu. They are an excellent medicine for little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mnil " 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Prisoner-s-You hive. my lord. I used to give your duughter singing lessons. To save labor in building roads I cart has been invented that sprelds stone evenly as it is dumped. A Michigan inventor claims muny advantages for his tsix-wheeled Into- mobile, which is steered by the for- ward and rear pairs of wheels " the same time. A hair brush and comb have been combined by an inventor in such a way thut they can be used together or either sepnrately. Electric power is being substituted for older forms of energy in Bombay's extensive cotton mills. In Mexico there is a 150-foot bridge over a river that is composed entirely of mahogany, worth, " the present price of the wood, almost $2,000,000. Thorite, a mineral found principally in Norway, has been found to posse” some of the thempeutie power: of ndium and to gene as tt loan expen- sive substitute for it. Swiss Opticians have developed an are light in which the cur-bans are im- pregnated with iron “In, producing a light rich in ultraviolet rays, for twientifie purposes. A spoon with a strainer in its bowl to hold butter has been invented to butter corn on the ear neatly. Old age, a Rumnnian wientist con- tends, is due solely to a decrease in the amount o'f water in the human system. Under American control the number of lighthouses in the Philippines has been increased from twenty-nine to Itil, Labor-Saving Invention Used in All Part- of the World. Weight for Wight, a Mnnila rope is just about as strong as a steel one. Bristle: are set in’the e_nds of I new coat hanger so it can be used u n brush. Most of the so-called Egyptinn cig- arets are made of Greek tobacco, " little tobacco is raised in Egpyt. AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES NEW AND INTERESTING FACTS At all mm. 2st 5min} $1.00. NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The J udee-Twenty years Any drugs!” can lupply you. or a home will be sent on rocelpt or '760. postal note or money order. Address International Lubouto- rlem " St. Antoine EL. Montreal, " you hue Cnurrhu Datum or hand when go to your drug- gh-t and get 1 ounce ohPumlnt 1doutttq ltroulh). and add to It l pint of hot wner sad 4 ounce- of granulated luxur. Tnke l tablespoontul tour ttmes a day Tttte wtlt often bring quick re- llef from tho Gluten-in: hood noises. Clogged notrtrU. lhould open. Manning become any And the muons stop dropping Into the throat. It " any to preps”. coats little and In pleasant to (do. Any one who lul' (hturhul Deaf- nesn or head not." should the this prescrlptlon I trial. (Amide. To Ram's Ottoman! Deafness and Hall Noises When the transportation of supplies through the snow in the Vosges last winter was of urgent importance, the French army authorities conceived the idea of using dog-drawn sleighs, and several hundred trained animals from Alaska, northwestern Canada and Labrador were obtained. With the ending of winter, the dogs con- tinue to be useful in another way. In the London Chronicle, Mr. H. Warner Allen, representative of the British press with the French army, tells how they are now being harnessed to two- foot-ere light railways, which run everywhere behind the front, and they are capable of drawing the heaviest" load up the steepest gradient. Eleven dogs, with a couple of men, can haul a load that weighs a ton up the most precipitous slopes of the mountains. and I am told that two teams of sev- en dogs each could do the work of five horses in this dimeult country, with a very great economy of men. Of the three breeds in aervice, the best is the Alaskan, although he is perhaps the weakest of them all. His courage never fails, and he will work until he drops. "Nther, gimme a good lickin' and nuke me ery,' was the astonishing request little Jimmy made one day. "What makes you want such an absurd thinrt" inquired father. Sedley, Sula, Feb'y 12th (Special.) --"Dodd's Kidney Pills [nude me I dir. ferent man." The speaker wns Mr. Benjunln Draper, well known and highly respected here, He is a fine healthy representative of the prairie provinces and he says he owes his health to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I was in bad shape all round when I started to use Dodd’s Kidney Pio," Mr. Draper continued. "My trouble came from hard work when I was young. My joints trot stilt my muscles cramped and I sulfa-ed ter- ribly from I . lore back. I “I de- pressed and low spirited, I wan IlleI thirsty and I had tushets of light be- fore my eyes. "l had rheumntism and heart tut.. tering; my appetite was fitfu1, my [rumor-y wu failing and I was troubled with sham-Aug of breath. Pour bon- of Dodd's Kidney Pills Dodd's Kidney Pills cured all Mr. Draper's troubles because they all cum from lick kidneys. If you hive any of his symptoms Dodd's Kidney Pills will help you. Dear Sirs,--.We wish to inform you that we consider your MINARD'S LINIMENT a very superior article, and we use it as a sure relief for sore throat and that. When I tell you I would not be without it if the price was one dollar a bottle, I mean it. Yours truly, CHAS. F. TILTON. "You'll hit me and I'll holler with all my might and mother will wipe my flee with her Ipron and give me a penny and PII buy candy," came the logiral rejoinder. than Iain-on elm Cunt In an". Welcome. Little Stringer! . . An interesting event occurred in the hounhold of an eminent scientist not long ago. The professor, like most pre_feuora. in very absent-minded. . Contentment if?“ only better than richer-Mt is riches. Fairville, Sept. 30, 1902 Migurd's Liniment Co., Limited. The new arrival was unnounood by the nurse to the profouor, who ehane. ed at the time ttle in his study, very much absorbed in some nbotruae ul- cuIntion. The irotessor Baked up half under sstandittrty. ".Reif,'; said he, “ask him what he wants." A Coda- I!“ oe le- (he- al. In It. - W m I m W was the be» 'nmirtm-ruitrsrr-dtrvtttemtik of but tanning, Win-Ly in the he went. R eeene but n day when the not stretch“ of our Western ter- ritories from Manitoba to the Cont were one wide field. To-dey, for hun- dreds of miles, in any direction you travel, railroad end other property is substantially fenced; it uhows to whet extent there vast are“ have come under cultivation either for crop: or stock. No better evidence of sub. atnntinl growth could be had. It in also a tribute to the quality of fencing to be bed of Canadian manufacturers. What B. Draper Says of Budd‘s Kidney Pills " Thtutries Were Numerou- nl of Long Sanding. But Four Buo- OI Dodd'l Kidney Pill- Drove The. All Away. "Professor," aid the nurse, very progdly, “it’s I bog." They Made Him k Different Man mun mm-: M com. no. , Alum Dogs in Alsace. Reward of Virtue C ANGER. TUIOM. LUMPB. ETC. ' "norm! ll). .xt.rrtat. cured with- out - by our home "'lean Wrtte no Won too “It Dr. Bellman Heel“! Cr, United. Colxlngwood. Ont. '"twd't5"e “WI AND Jul one.- tor uh In good Ontario town. Tho - “can and tttter-tUte of u! union-om Putt "trorrn.ttern on applluuon to Witaon Publish"? Com. uny. " Went Mich“. Itmt. aroma Queen Mary has always set her face against indiscriminate charity. She strongly disapproves of it, and dis- countenance: it as much as she is able. Since the outbreak of war an enormous number of bogus charitable appeals have been sent out, and peo- ple mponaible for them have made special dorts to - gifts from the King and Queen, for the simple reason that a subscription from their Ma- jesties is regarded by the general public as an indication that the cause Is a good and deserving one. The Queen knows this, and is therefore specially careful not to give anything to an undeserving cause lest she en- courages her subjects to waste their money. Budan - yields from eight to but tom of cured hay to the am. LADIES WANTK" Tu tttt PLAIN and "1m '"ortnq at home. What. m In"! (me. Good Pdtl Work awn? mu din-mm. PIA-rue- you. “and lump for partlv'uu-u. Anton-l Hunt fan-mun. thr, Muntrul‘ French Con-losses M on AM War Plus. The commission recently appointed by M. Clementel, Minister of Com- merce and Agrieutture for Fume. for the study of sll questions regarding aeronautics after the was, Wm- ly in notions! or {mum poem relations, has held it; ttrat meeting. Deputy D'Aubigny, president of the commission. outlining its program“. eriee between hence end her coloniee end between the Alike. typee of me- chinee to be utilised studied end the orttnnimtion of permanent end reley nations coneidered. The question of using the immenee mount of meter- iel new in eervice in the ever after peace le signed must eleo be carefully studied." “Avhdon titer the wur will be " indium of transport. the mm of which must biennium! into, Maor- _ if. I n.cuvcwvuco.,|.. jun-ts IIIWuslauumwv-t 'MMME os DOG DISE 'fl! And How to \ lulled tree to any I 'mttta't an Author h " n " m AW. I HM You? tell: MA . Zam-Buk ll mule from heer ea. neneu; In . natural healer. Is nut something you hue to send to the 0nd of the world tor, and my t heavy price! Every arugula! will all you lam-Bull ml for We only. Jun the it a fair trial ttttd Incl- dently give yourself use by the gulch-l. rum. tue Inn on bor.-- You in" triad all sorts ot “My ointment, lotion and powders. Put them “Id. new and give Nntum . chance as represented by Zuni-Duh. Would you like to end that (or able Itching, that burning pun; to heat mono horrid Ion-u? AVIATION TO BE INDUSTRY. The Soul of a Plan. In the Action. [III-t on the "OTTO HIOEL:' PIANO ACTION Eho..erttoeaa-traatrtags mum-mu III.“ M ‘. I m It... I. V. Int. I‘m The Queen “I Clarity. DOG DISEASES And How to Feed T---'17 “an“

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