H 53 "A young couple “a spending that bevy-um visiting he groomnlnendn uWuerloo. N. r hr . couple ot â€in. Thy intend coming but here in. short may before lento: toe their home in th" West. Tm ludiu’) t'tu‘ , had a (gamma " I " Al x H uric . win. wax. u - numb"! re paint. The) computed one qnm “i made a umber ot Ilia tor cue soldier: I as Ruhr Pth resumed so Dar- hnn utter “pending the week end with her punts here. Surrv to "port Mr noun is on the do: I'M, hope ha um Manna noun The in“. cud Toronto Daily guy for! "tw..-.................. he Ravi" and Toronto Duly Now-(or on. St sr.................. The at?" And Inmate Duily M ol und Empire for I yuan..." Whiter Fergus no and Dave In; no traw drnwlnz has to Drnmoro. Phased» report Rob: and Jun Endorse-no able to be around 591mm†severe stack ot La 7 {than It]! went a [on a." " l D Grimm'- Ind at: tor Toronto lea-d†Bonita. We «an eonzr " minions to Mia. lndo- E‘Glel wd M, Rob: and wh, '0" mined m the mods ot Inm- nonv nu Wed. ll lv‘nbnnry, by me In. Mr. Smith of Dromoro. The " 'ra$X) Kaunas spent Band». with her (dead Mm Bruin Drl.lnie. In.“ ymu- [lit-"18‘!" mint-anion NOW. It will â€av Von to Inva- >'unto the merit. ot nu: school. Oar -ction will Stratbnl nd Toronto (I Jinn-s enables an m. Forest Business College L' A. McLuchlm, met. - Hy " WILL PAY you EAST EGREMONT 95 Cents' WorLh of "Pahnolive" for ONLY 50 Cents! tFr ynu the adumwm of Mbmlw "Mun-v home. Indgy. I m-Irm-Ivm ; gun-dunes ad in pun-'0 s', on!" an . Write tr.-" ylot Jam-nut 3 Cakes cf PALMOLIVE Soap PALMULI YE Vanishing Cream or A box of PALMOLI V F, Powder-wcems buys this assort- ment at this store. A wonderful oppmmviry to stock up nn zine toilet goods at a fy ttion oi the usual cost-the price of the three cakes ci up is usually 45 cents,that of the cream or pond: r SO cents-rot, get an aetml96 eents'valtocin all! Better come in and got yours Haw-you may w mt t :rc- 'teat-- you know PALMOLiVf?, quali"'. Non r-tri; Hunt, m much -n vov wank-wand $1 .61) and an: 6 a (c: ..-. soup ard m /aca'aing Clea-'- and Favour. 0|“an Rate s 'iriricijlllM. 23F EMMA Iliilllili'l'llllii STOBK L A." Fleming. Ptin. Immw invalnlo half yt'trly, bat April and hit Oetober by chrnue [in-f- uf u-wlnnyr at any chartered Bank in Canada) at vim raw of tive. in com prr annum from the date of purchase. Holme, ot' this stock v ill have the privilege of surrendering at par and arrnuterl intrrret, as the equivalent of rash, in pay- ment of any nilmmvne mmlp under my future war long issue In Canada oth, t' than m. i-su" of Tre-ury Bill. or other hie slim Ilutc sec-mi!) . I’m-ml.- of this sled: are for war purposes only. A trnrnrnt'J.on of om-uunrwr of one pa rent will be allowed to momma! bond and Hawk brukernpn allotmqm made m respect of applicarious C r tltis stock which bear that stump. DIPHTHINT OI FINANCI. OTTAWA OCTOBER Jth, 2916. THOSE WHO. FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF For apphomit-n forms apply to the Deputy “We of Finance, Uta“ . TO INVESTORS Principal n payato, lst October, 1919 Mr Wm Phllp lost one of his tat. 50 telling cattle. It has been sick with indigestion for some time and on st. 50 turday he humanely put it out ot wisely. 90 Some olonr young people have been E~'!imxted to 13",: at the Social to be ."='-" given by the Agriculture Soctrty In liulatem on chm-aday. March 7th.! A good program ot local talent in be. Ing psovidca and the Society ll hop-, intt for a full house. Admlsslon tlic, and 25c. bee bills. T The annual meeting of nut Paulo; tie Society was held last Saturday, with a fair atandancu. The secretary' Mos U2quhmt, read her report ter; the leur and Miss L Nicholson, (in, Mrs Lane‘s mums) lend trcamtrer'a, report. Fallon mg are the officers for the coming u..r: mos.-..-- S. Me-, Dougall, m V P cm†L Niehouott,' Twas-Miss E. Wilson. Seretarrhftua 'ee. B. Urquhart (re- lectod). The differ. Con. I' "etla ' --' N lo Mr and Mm Rob' K. n ( " Muss Maude Bales), who m; qua); named at the hull: at the bndc's parents, Mr and In D. Beck: on Wednesday February s4th, at a p nr Alter partaking luncheon the happy couple left MoUtettt on the 4 o‘clock tram to sprud I week " WI- terioo, N. Y. On their retail they will twin a noâ€; time with Mend. here before going to their bone at Webb, Baatr. We wish them “can And hyphen. low the Western horn live to some back tor the Ontar- io girls! Alfred Hm and family of the 18th Con., Chas Sttertds of San Jo“. CAL, In s Metal and dossthter Sella wno "xpeet to return soon to be: home in Angles, Suk.. uec-rntly visited at W H Sims. I Shani: lilo called at some former new hboun and his birth place, the farm now owned by C Mc- Innes, Mr P Mom... has been ludispooed lately but we hope he will soon recov- et hits usual health. Mm Roberta Philp was home last Ink end and is busy preparing for the Carnival to be held in Durham on Friday, Pets 13rd. Miss B Manny went Sunday with her slam. Mr; T Banana. Misa E Wilson spent the week end with Mina Urquhart. f a Jar of t box of is C'Hol’t‘ tt:rity to m oi the YEOVIL These Three With A this or this t l The Orchard box seem which was _ held on Feb 14th wunxreaz success Even with the poor conditions of the roednhe hell wee well filled. Dr. Mural: ot Holstein proved himseli it very able chairmen. The orchestra. was very' mucu uppiecilted. Bolo were rendered by Mrs P. Cornish, by Mia Verna. Kirby and by Wm and Row Dickson. A duet was given by "Miss Verna Kirby and Mr Roy Dick. 'gon, A recitation was Well given by , little Bell Ki: by. A dialogue by tire ie1taracterts, Mrs J. Brown, Mrs P Cor mob. “in Marv Douglas. Mr Wat. and Roy Dickson wu noted in two t scenes. The auctioneer Mr Wm Mar. phy ot hit. Forest auctioned the boxes " in his nenel winning manner end he will be remembered kindly by the 'people of Orohud. The proceeds amounted to 870 80 which will be do. united to the Red Grassland. Mr Nollie Cannon: ot Gleneden waited a few days with her cousin. the Mine. Kirbys'. ent committee. were also waged. Auditors-Al! McDougdl and Mania; Iteid. - laying; to be Jseid the first [rand In Motgtttaitt Ind daughter Agnes ot near Durban vigited the Intel"- 'ister, Mr J W. Myth In: TIM-y. Mr 3nd MrIJu Johnson spent Sun- g†y the latter" mother, Mrs John Miss Mm. Sehram of Holstein, upon! 1 tow days In: week with her aunt Mn P Cornish. We are sorry to hear of Mr Rob: Robgrtson being laid up with 8 I016 Iotmdly of eAh month at a p. m. Mr and tdraluhn Orchard. Holstein, upon: Monday u Mr W. T. Finder. Mr and In Alex Sunn- visited Mr and In Jacob Smith Sunday. HOLSTEiaN ORCHARD ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The Women'e luetitute Sociel " cing boy arrived " the tttttne oi Mr. the personage on Friday evening. tnd " G~rdon Legge. took PMâ€? proved en excellent eucoeee. Every non of thtte,ttrli.t,1y1.et, and bound one fished in the fish pond end " ‘0 Bttby. 'Joottrtrtttlatiomr. weye caught soutethintt. Much Mr end Mr: Korknees ot Arthut to emueement wee afforded for the men sud Ir J Durant of Mt. Fur-eat wen entering note the VdiW hat trim. at Mr J Durant. sninz, ttontet. The mtntprofitsioot Mr Edger Gardiner has been ill but 1n thte art wee Bert Boclee who re- a. ere plotusesd to hear i, better. ceived ant prize while Geo. Brown reeeived eeeond. The Seoteh read. .._.- »“ ---_-------, -- - ings by Mrs Groet and Mre Rogers The Reeirw end Toronto Dolly were thorougth "rloted while" the “MM tor trear..., ............... 3 so dialogue over e eooteh tee given by The Review end Weekly Sun fox several Indie. “lowed the ability '.y"r.-.............................. l 90 to converse in the mother tongue. The Review end the Family a... The orcheetn helped to melee the old and Weekly Stet tort an evening pleeeent. Afterleneh wee THEME; La iiriirsGT%a"t . - eaved ell went Poems teeltog the torl veer...» e " Women'e Innitute wee e greet eeeet the Bevtew end Toronto Dd, to the 0618! we of the Mummy. Wald tor ym..................... e i The Women's Patriotic Society oi Fairbuirn packed 3 bales of comforts and hospital mppliel at eheir Febru- sry meeting containing 20 pr. socks. 1 dozen sheets, 5; dog handkerchiefs. 26 units pyjamas. 2t dug pillow covers 2 hospital shirts Total value $78. Mrs J. C. Pairbairn, Secy. Victoria Hosp tel. Shelburne. retv ently completed in first year rt op- eration, with a. creditable record at useiuluess. no lower than 115 patients lining been admitted, 45 operations performed, and every one successful. 3hts matron 1s Mra Ida S. Evin end one of her assistants " the opening end for some time after, was nurse Sadie L Cenucllv of Egremont who gained some Valuable experience there. l Miss Viola McClueklin returned Monday to Owen tl 11nd whore she is attending Business College. Mr Jas. Durant at Ms Forest. spent over Sunday with " parents. . Mr. Arum: Kerr is very seriously ill mm pueunu-uiu. Mr Edwin ELM Clara Klempp. vir itmsiu cur nanny let. Monday“; vat. friends in Galt and Kitchener. below leaving " than homent Lumsdeu, Sask. Mr John Queen who lives north at the village was operated on Sunday in. nppgndicitia. the operation being perturmed by Dr Groves ot Fergus. A number of Iriends ware enter- tained 'I‘uesdny evening at the home othsa lulu Hamilton. She left Wednesday to resume her work in mewel. Matilda Christie 391 M McGrath 359 Gladys Rice 346 W Ellis 338 J.hiekeaaie 316 E. Brooks 245 A. Axinauu. Teacher A pretty wedume was solemnized at me home cf Mr and Mrs David Erclcs when their daughter Maude was united in marriage to Robert Reid ot Webb. Sunk. Only thein- ttmiavttfritusu'arrert: present. Mr nd Mrs Reid are spending their honey moon in Waterloo. N Y, Miss Tenn Christie and Messrs Henry and Dingwall of Hopeville. are me guests at Mr Thos Dmgwall. Mrs J. Smith and non Mr S. Smith were in Teeswacar on business. Mr ard Mrs Gasman from the west. are buing enteraamed at the home ot Mrs. Peuigrew lit, Pettigrew of Toronto spent the week and with his hunily. The following are the pupils who were prummeu trom the first book to the second book ; Matilda Christie 391 M McGrath 359 Gladys Rice 346 W Ellis 338 J.hiekeaaie 316 E. Brooks Z45 'The Central Committee of Egre- mom Patriotits Stclely meets in the Presbyterian church on Friday aâ€! o'clock. Miss J. Gimme returned to Tor- onto Monday. Mr Goorge mews visited friends and renting r, 8helbarnelaat week. Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Philp are visit- ing his sister, Mrs Mather, while Mr. Mather-is away helping his brother to move. Miss Game Pettigsew left Tues- daytor N-‘rwl owing to theiilness of her nephew. Rev. Dr. Mush left Wednesday to spend . week in BttiNloto Hear Billv Sunny, and Mr P. Allingh-m also goes on Thur-dun Mr and Mn Albert Hunt left Mott. dar tor Palmerston. Mrs. Cordmgly. Palmerston, is visiting her mother Mu Rob: Burrow. also her sister. Mrs Jane Smith. We are pleased to know that Mrs. Bar. rows health 13inch improved. On Wednesday afternoon an "At Home" was held under the auspices ot the Uuiies' Aut ot the Methodist church at, the home ot Mrs. L. B. Nicholson. Wtule maladies were busy with their needlework, they were entertained with a varied Iro- grem. consisting of imstramentals, readings and so]. 3. Tea was served from live to 81x. Everyone went. away feeling they bad spent a very prl titable and erjoynble afternoon. Don't forget the " Punch new in the Methodist church. March 16. Mr Lunence nod family of Glen- elg have named on the ftsrtrt recently purchased from R. M. Tribe. Mr. L. B. Nicholson a'tended on Wednesday the weddiuu oi " young“: brother " Snelto, w. LOCAL AID PERSONAL Bat inspire of the blockade a bonn' chug boy arrived " the home of am and Mrs G vrdon been. took peanu- sion of the mttstabliithatettt and bound ao may. Congratulations. '"'", (knee m. c" ,_ S..-, Bat many of Canada’s sons are hid 'Noatb the soil ot sunny Fume.†A snow blockade. bad roadu, very cold weather and very Mule new: have been in order for some Weeks. On Tuesday evening Pet, 18th, a number of the young people of the neighborhood memhled at the home of Mr and Mia John Lune to welcome his bride (nee Miss Reid of Yeonl) to Swinlon Park and to show their ep- preriatlon of Mr Lane as a friend and jnelghboi. In the course of the even- ing the following address was read by Ars Nest McMillan. Mr and Mrs John Lane Swinton Park. Dear friends I _ Just a few word, of explanation as ito why we. invaded and (an it were) l taken pomremiion of your home thi. ‘eyening. Our feelings are kindly and ‘our intentions of the heat. namely to ( necome acquainted with you Mrs Lam, and to congratulate you. Jack, on hav. ing secured the one thing needfol to make your comfortable house a real home and to wi~li you both a longv k happy and piosperous Wedded “fr We cannot state all 'he kindly thing We would like to of you Jerk soeirnpl) say We have ulwuy found you a kind helpful and obliging friend and neigh- _ oou. after fut ther acquaintance with Mrs Line. We feel confident we 'ha" inquest! similar sentiments in regard to her, However we prefer to expiei» our good wdl other-Wine than by men words so ask you to accept this clock, as a slight expression of this good-will although not by any means in a. mea- sure of is. This seems a fitting occu- ion to give some advice to the bachelor: memhled here. and the followinu words “Go and do likewise" are very .pplicahle. Signed on lwh alt of the neighbors, H Iwurd Heard Lou Kiniiell George Ferguson Noble Wilson Mr Lane made a neat and t1ttimr, reply and at its close aptly advised the' young men to remember the good ad i vice giyen and follow his example. 1 He also wished them to spend the eye- ning pleasantly and to have a good time which they certainly appeared to no as they remained until chimes of the chick reminded them of the duties of the full iwmg day. Canada is proud of her fertile plains of her torevs and mountains high; Down whose sides the one den leap and foam And whuse Lupe pierce the bright, blue sky. Of her inland was and mightytstretums Ot ber cities with commerce orown‘d Ol'she produola'uf forest, stream and mine, i: CT; V332... That are scattered all ttround-... But nrondcr tar in Candi Luc:.. Of her sons. who in away Are futhting bravely in a foreign land Helping England to win the day. dad news was fisghed ‘nenth Atlatttitr'g ' ', Waves. . And o'er Canada‘s wide domain; And tears are tailing in many homes Foggy ed'oneo whg were slain.“ Olp. the joyous spring will come again. Flowers bloom 'ueath the sun's warm Mr cm. Grove. of Fergus will oo- 'll','.", Dr, Mnnh'u pulpit on Bondu no: . . Quite an exadne of our citizens is expected next month. Mr and In McClocklin and family purpose mov- ine to Moose Jaw, Seek. Dr Hersh lenee the end of an month, and we ere informed Helen John IoGrnh and W. o. Pettigrew and famine: " " contemplate lowing. Sorry tone good citizens leaving and true: some of them may yet remain. like De Gnorre bu commenced on early Eon-once ole-c. opening at 8 e. n. Inch credit Educ her tor this evidence ot interest in tirggeg' wel- lore than eerlv betel-echo one exem. Mr Brooke is now living in the have recently occupied by Ir McCall and Mr Dcville is moving into the reel dence "oozed bv Mr Brooke. Presentation at Swinton Park CANADA't3 SONS SOUTH BEND TJOHN M. FINDLAY Dromore I Phone 3.i--16 c Cottona-. either white or factory. a Sheetirstts--Puin or Twill. Pillow Cotton - CircuUr, per yd. 30c Part of our , Just Arrived order for 50mm: Goons yuan“..- chin Ruined. and Flowered Voiles, Prints, During the long timer “We; for the busy summer months, when time is they: no unable. You'll tind we have a fine anortmen! of Goods suitable to: all your Bummer requirements Including Plain. Striped, io Flowered Voiles, Prims. Ginghaml, Sultan, etc. PHi--our stock at 15c " In a large att- ml‘.‘-3 sortmcnt of plt - terns, 15c tohtie LIWIS-a at vuioul prices Production Palace thee ad I Huh You W San 1gnteeUU VOL. XL. N A Detroit pup" antral outbreak of the war. g you!“ Candis!!- have3 - to “In city I Will KeArthur and I “Coylonhaw signed up! Molina. Sines dun-owing p ncmunu due the an: IcKechma. - be to 000 IcKochnie. " 1 Gallium I‘nlmu Huh- of Trinity ii:':':;"! der to: London. where Ilia-tic uniform and " a “Mum. He will Mutual to Durham " ttdpi' " Sabbath unwed not in new. _ Lian. Yule oi the 24 mist and choir lcadcl Presbyterian Church, o tee a Recital in the Church on Thunday eve “I o'clock. named I Pickering. comrallo sol Forest, Ind other tale Mc, Proceed. for Run The Union ts'. S. In. I Norm-airy but tux-id the Orange hull. Vul- I‘ll-h hh. Admimm W. mi†Wllh in x will he provided tat hi to come from lawn. (“on (at horses. I Red Cm.- work. " an flit in Durham "t tin- social was (hung evening bum reaching New land now bear pater-l which read ; "Dort't f arrival of this letter t “all any." Join the man white, um blue border and nrc SA an. In the upper le reproduced in colors of 1 d at tug. 'nrarC'tre CHAIM - m It heetr u: her by the limit-par curling nhility. In I -mered down In 10 I " Mr a cup not only dl out haul" pun-r "ayt diwduml [meet-so Ian It: tor" Well dune Jun) tor" Well done Jun that tMkt. Privne Bot, “not. County "0mm." wh the "coop" to iniu the mud null pint-d an and Went “Win-mu, 1 hem doing “and work Ind ttsw Mn I'm-mum C. M. Bot, WM: a l word an. hm he l a "can mm: In med. new name Binnie Durha “a The nursing pa new in!“ In ads study of must- use been opened " W and a unlined n deatte there. The nontho' taming mu it then utiIfactory, I - one Of the ml 110.9qu in Canad; work under superman the year if they hue Cary tan. each will tserttf'tcate u a grad: “mate " a grad!“ name 0! Mm Jessie PC“ in the In“ of I'm Um. Bums. " BUM); le Churt‘b WI amount! Mt Per., t'oneNI up lug? n his pre", It. Wilson but been "an and up in m but " have hi: 1 km! alums! no" 1 he haunt lull apt mu no he he†to l M Larttr two (I tttthe (mm and In - to t1od the 0mm in their d ra-nin "Till the bot ithe m main WY“: tl I, Gler " Durl rtr saw W Bro " flu! nlc. q Mer tr B