_": 248 "rlHI 3 GREYS The 218th Greys is your own Battalion There’s a recruiting oiBee near yen. Help him to play his part. He’ll be a c:edit to you and a credit to him. Don't weigh him with the handicap of not having gone to help his comrades when they called for his assistance. lace the future with all the advantage of a clear conscience before all men. It's a big sacrifice for you to give him up; but make that sacrifice that he may omen MMMAttttmtt.. 2ot. J. Hilliard Rorke If your boy thinks of enlisting don't stand in his way togoodtenGi.' - . -.- - nu»- puf- 1hnor " prom-Igor ll 10%; west. School on adjoumng farm. churches: Pteabrterian and R Cathoiic " mile. taunt, ' mil" from Durham. Ann'- "In the 5555;; ii' so acres of fall puma]; is a there is about 40 acre- of F, meadow. Alto four acre. of fall Ley verxreqqnabl; to ttui, ,_ .._..-.. .. unrucr can he need. About 7 or 8 acres of swamp. mt hardwood bush, good young orch. ard, hundreds of currnnt huehee and other email fruits. Three good well. on 'he pllce in good order and a never I 'ailimz opting. Well fenced. First clan mime barn with atone base ment " ft x " ft, good Driving Shed 24 It " l Good workshop on top, and pig pen un- der. Commodious hen house 16x22 and ":20. Aire clue cem'ent house 22:“. new. with wood furnace and cement kitchen attached le? feet. Good cic- xern and pump in kitchen. Farm for sale being lots 0 and to, con 1, W. a. R., Bentinck, containing zoo new, on 120 of which a binder can he used. About 7 or I an». " "n--.- - -V.-- - 'rt""""-, rnrl um. any†"I med Homestead Fertilizer on my when: about. 300 pounds per acre. where I had not been able to grow a "rop, and when. on that land Will run thirty bushels per acre." J,Lehlteet and: promptly. will r;ut 30 Busnzns WHEAT 0N POOR LAND 19513535 EOLLARpLPark am. a..." V --_ v -.. “II-It†vulnl'lu tstil "Thin w to certify that I purchased some Homestead Bane Black Ferllllznr tattt Spring hum your agent. Mr. J. K Baker. and I nun well satistted with it. I used it on out onto and I believe if I had sown it on the whole field I would have had 25 per cent more gain. GOOD Port 26 PER CENT GAIN. t"iilidh i).,1?.y.:.?1hrlp.ontaruo. says ll RICHARD. Dorchester, Dannie. says l "I used Homealead Bone Buck Fer- (ililer on four new. of out! last Spring with very good resulta. The tieid con- cutest of Ion mm of sod. halt of which ind been mama-ed the previous ear. while in meadow, and we appliedy the fertilizer soo pounds to the balance ot .he field. The grow-us crop showed much better ‘00th all tttrough Ibe‘ wagon where the fertilizer Was uan‘ “than where it had been manor-ed, and at the time of caning the grain seem- ed much better Med. ____,.._n "I... cuLvILe 'wtween Toronto, Detroit and Chicano w ueouiate in evary particular. Unn- rxnuting lines also operate through dawn); and dinintt-tuirs. Those con. templating atrip of any nature mil x'ecezve full information from any Pa- suhe Agent. or w B Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. s' GRAIN HUCB-BETTIR FILLED. I Ttte Canadian Paeitie Runway " :ers punctual†good “nice Io De- cunt, wnvre direu connection m than: to: Flul'ldu. VII Cincin Mi and Atlan "a Ga., Jacksonville. Florida. is reach. ed been“! morning Mrer leaving Do, lull. The Canadian l'ucitic-Mihimu, Central Home Tttlt be tound the ideal um' Io Chicago, where direct connect- on ll mum for the Southern Staten. ‘ New Orleans m ruched second morn-i mg afterleuviug Toronto. The Din. my. 1yigrtieo Bloc-ping Us; qervicef Winter tours In on, is snpposediid GG ii%Taiir.' whine he Will on his way to Egypt trom Engmnd. We extend sympathy, Mr Smallman received word last week of the death of his eldest son who is in the army. The ship he Was on, is supposed to have ham mm- Splendid Farm for li Mr Will thlaoe ot Ebordnle visi- ted our the week end with his par- ents on this line. Boyter4pBigrsr, Sank†tour and Mn L, E. Hayes (nee Jenn Marlee) a daughter Eliznbeth Emily. In. June. Boy ot vGneyGisited Month on this line over the weekend. l liu Rita Cmon spent the week and with her Mend Mnrjorie Geld Well. Min Manure: hay visited Friday In: with Mir. Joan and Alice Picken and wet in me cumin! at Durham. The Red Cross Sewing circle wan well “tended st the home of Mrs T. Null-co In: week, and this week mu meet " Mn J u Fergmon‘a. I Mr and Ir. Roh. Gadd upon: laat land-y with Mr and Mrs Goo Sharp. Qlito I III-be! fro- Knox corners Included the cumin! on Friday " ht In Durham. Knox ehoit me: one evening In: week " the home of In J Ferguson and spent . plenum tine. In Alex Stevens-and cinildten are visiting her brother It Jacob Smith u few duya. Mr and “Id Mn McClocklin of Holstein visited Mr and In In Brown Sunday. Mn Kay of U 8 visited I few days with her line! In Jos Myth. w . angina: tgt/g hide, night. i7iL"iS'2'd2'll2'l'i'li) i veaone en or Mm. i like Je, Doaqthts b visiting her 2lt,Aal's'.t'hgt1'ne"tom _ not Mm Cormorant oi Durham. I ma- Jennie Holillsn m the sc- 8 If: MeNiehol or I?,'.'."',',',',?: yer' i'l'e"drfht tee the evening of theBox t'll'e"l of Mt. Forest were 'gut 'r " at! " Orchard†Peti t4thhrhieh _ e one ot Mr J. A. Main .'ast west; was overlooked in inst weeks report. I Mr. Wm. Rogers went to Toronto Miss Juliet Kirby is visiting her f Tuesday Cr,,',',? Mutt Nellie Gem-“t of New; Mr. Joe Bilton left Monday for o. e . We m glad to re Mr P. Wells Sound where he was called on Jury. [ will soon be uonmi sgsin after three Mr Barold Smith of Teeawnter itt _ months ofimteaa. visiting his aunt Mrs J. Smith. 1 ma. Sodie why of Guelph and PU I. McPhoddcn spent the week I Mr Boeaee Blvidge of Durham "it. ettd at the home of Mrs Geddes. ll ed Mr T Pindem on Sand-3'5 ' Mr and Mrs Willard gum: and son t Mr and end Mrs McCiocklin of Ilrwin, Moose Jaw, were the guests of ' gourd; vdisited Mr and Mrs Jas ’Mr A Baird fora few days last week. ', rown nn V Misc Agnes "McGirr of Durham , Mrs Ks of U 8 visited a few days; . . , , l with her Lt] In los Bivth. I visited a Mr J. Hamilton S. Bout 40 acru 'of 21§E;r_6ia Moo four â€(a of fall wheat. Hiiitr Ataxt In“ R. R. No 2 Dumum an In Florldu. Louisiana: llsslsslppl, Etc. l-EAST NORMANBY ONTARIO L any†)LSTEIN TORONTO During the past week the groom's relatives' received the announcement of the marriage in Regina ot Miss May White to Mr Prank Merchant of Acadia Valley, Alta. We join Frank's many Mend: and toriner; choolmatea in this vicinity in wish- 1 ing them many happy prosperous: o.-.-"..... - - -- --. ‘"'J I Mr. Hazel McCaw, a former teach- tr, at No9, spent the week end here ‘renewing old acquaintances. During his seven yettrts' absenCe many of the smaller pupils had outgrown his see. olleetimi. He purposes tetnrning to, Avonlea. But. this week. l Mr. and ms. Jno. Stevenson and baby George ot Holstein, visited " P. Mutch's on Monday. Mu Crispin and Freddie were also home that day, wr.. rr, . -- - l Mr Jaa. Brown who has been quite ill with la Itrippe which affected his heart, is able to be up but is not very strong yet. Mr Robt. Nicholson is slowly re- covering from a sevete attack of i sciatica. ( Our spring exodus to tir 'epenc)ntt-- Charlie Me who has been visiting his h winter, left for Pense on ' He was accomparied by his Tom. Others' expect to week. I We extend our sincete sympathy ‘to Miss Wilson whose father died on Monday night. She had returned from her home Monday and received the sad news Tuesday' a. m whtlat attending to her school duties. Owing to the very slippery con- dition of the streets on Monday many falls were the result. _The most un- fortunate was Miss R. Geddes who fell and broke some bones in her wrist. I The Patriotic Society pac lquilts on Friday to be for [the Belgium R .ief Society onto. The Society has rece and anyone wishing to kni soldiers mil be supplied w by Mn T. Reid, For the last week three a: the 248th Grey Batt. have our midst recruiting. Rev. T. H. Ibbott ' in Chatsworth on Tue Mrs Scott Eccles is days with her mother. The Agricultural Society paying an excellent program 1 ‘7th Mr and Mn Reid have returned from Waterloo N. Y. They will be leaving shortly for their new home in Webb, Sash. I Mias Maud C_ordingly, Palmerston, is visiting at the home of her uncle. Mr. J Smith. Mr Roy Seaman and sister, Mrs. A. Edwards of Mt Forest, spent Sun- day with relatives and friends here. Pearl Drumm and Rita Roberts at- tended the patriotic carnival in Dur. ham. _ Mr F Allingham returned Monday yawning after spending several days in Hamilton. Mrs, J. Brown and her mother, Mrs Coburn are visiting relating in Har. riston. _ Mr Chas. Drumm attended the Hardware Convention in Hamilton last week. Three sheep and one pig owned by Messrs Victor" Adams and Nelson " Guire were worried by dogs on Bat. urday and Monday night. Miss Maude Wax-ling, Han is making a visit to friends i vicinity Low All: Peasant! an excellent primal; GUii, Be sure and see the posts". rth on Tuiisday GGiiir t Eccles is spending a few ter mother, Mrs J. Blown. lotic Society packed eight ridag to be forwarded to a R Jr! Socicty in Tor. Setdety has received yarn _ -iol- '.. - A . ., - ' VEOVIL atodua to the West is Charlie McDougall, visiting his home this r Pense on Tuesday. Ibbol_t gays an address Iimg to knit to; iid supplied with yam thr_ee soldiers of his brothét to go next ', Ttitstors, been in is pre- in this l""""" u. ul‘npplug aunt and games in which a s per cent proportion of pot- ash hm lwen found to exist, some forte tom of valuable furtllilur is being pro dueed eF"rr duv. With a few minor additions to the equipment of the Durham plant and completion of the nn-w immllutinni. the pres. nt produc- tion of potash Will be (“any increased to 20 tons per day, Mr. Gram-l predicted to the Globe‘ that within five years every cement DIantln Canada would be producing potash as a by product. “In tho Mdspar foposits which pxtend widely through the not them parts of thin GGiCikl, he said “Canada has I natural rpaource of immense value. There in more fem-par in one mun-y! " Ontario than than is in ' whorei of the United States." This tvldsp-ur I rontnins Ml least 10 per crnt of potuh And through the present arm-m- ftet, ...-,. Vu may mans me daily output ofthe potash by product would amount. to fiftArn tons. In addition to this by means of trapping dust and gases in which a 5 per cent nnmmn'm. n: .m- 'o It was only about a month ago that " Allen Gram-l succeeded in satisfying himself at the cement plant in Durham that potash could be produced from d feldspar in tsufficient quantities to e make operations on a large scale really e profitable. Yesterday he in company with Wm. Calder. Pres. of the Nat. Portland Uement Co. of Durham were - in Toronto and told the Globe what had been done Up till a year also the ' plant at Durham had incidentally been permitting a two per cent. proportion , of potash to escape up their chimneys. Giauel. who had been conducting cer- tain stages of his experiments with v|feldspar at five other factories. came along and a proposition was made to 'tte Durham comrsny by which its plant was tirvuly ent to the solvin " the potash problem. Feldspnr root was added to the limestone as a raw material for cement and Grauel timuir was able to evolve. a process for cap- turing and collecting' the liberated potash. His prowess is now secured I by Canadian patents. Both murlates and the caustic produrt are being pro- ' duced and while' the market standaros of the former is fixed mt80 per cent, to the trade, it is possible so the company claims. to produce an article almont totally pure. Mr_Ualderinformed the Globe that his plant contains 8 kilns capable of turning out 2000 barrels of cement per 'ey, Ou .tlytt basis the daily output n e unmet... '--, J A -. Before the war Germ-n interests controlled the world’n output of potash and it could costly be bought on this side of the Atlantic at or ice: running tram 838 to 850 a ton. America's re- quirements In the your that tho wu hroke out averaged tome 1400 ton. per day, the balk of which war im-, ported. When supplies from Ger- many were cut " vices advanced very rapidly until to‘uy murliter are quoted " moo per tor, white caustic.- potuh brings as high an tBe per pound. 1'ii tho present tune U States in mid Ito be producing about 90 tons of pot- arh per day In an r-tfort to provide for dome-tic tteeds damandinx far more Ihun the gate lwllum rvquuremvnu. of him tons daily. Naturally, therefore. the 'st-tite chase after potash In America has been strenuous during the past three years and vast sums of money have been devoted to that end. - --. -- __----~u- .. I "lull." " persistent experimenting with feldnmr in the cement Blunt at mu. ham in solving the potas problem not only for this country but foe the whole of Alma! len. I “On the dent of the Globo’n Induu~ trialldicor there was placed - day the am sample of pawl: to be produced in commercial quantities in thin country from Gunman magma It came from the “can town of ur- ban). Ontario, from the plant of the National Poul-ad Cement Oo., when pouch in now being mwufnclurod u n br-product " the “to of twelve to "new Lona per dar. After three your: of diligent toil and the expenditure of many thousands of dollars. Allan Grnuel, a. Pennsylnnil Dutchman. who came to Onuad-A In 1914 from the gnited Spies. has unneeded through Tuesday's Glob. future: 5 promin- ent Article on the making of Potash in our good town that we make no ttfeet for giving two to. We Mn. 'e'itt ope the optlmmlc tune of the 'tfi 0 will be amply Jsutitied by the mu tt I In the Uncut!!! " I Potash Pro- nommuu ur li/ll/ll?!! iiiiim smex Durham CementPlut "Dir in one room, hum is in n... whore Inn." This teldtrpar (t per mm of potnnh Present prov?“ op- Principal "payable ist Octoba, 1919. [nun-at ashie half-yearly, Int April tad lat October by cheque Ci1'ylrT'ttdt at my chartered Bank hi M) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchau. Holden of this nook will line the NW at swam " par and accrued mum-at, as the equivdcnt of rash, in pay- ment of any allotment made under any future wu- lam lane ttt Camden other than an issue of Treasury Bilie or other like duct date security. Proceeds of this ltock are for war purposes only. 1re.nmitrioesotm, 'ldit,',lgrese,iiis- to recognized bond Hide-EM brokas " Minoan lid. in rmpect of apphcauou for thu 'toek melt bar the} “up. E't For Mention {m unl- " ak, ‘ m sums or $500, THOSE WHO, FROM TIME FUND_S REQUIRING 1 my 1rlf2-LtI.1.rgiigigroRs I The Review And Tom Duly Stu tor I "tbr..-.................-. The Review u-d Toronto Daily New for cue Pt".................. The Rev aw Ind Toronto Daily Mail and Empiu for I PM...... _ --.e_ee" _ - VVIIBIIII'I'II of men for oyerseu urvicm The National Service Bond “noun- ces that more than so per not of the registration wilds sent our (2l million) haw Mm filled in 5nd returned. Ot 'tustre, fifty per can! are willing boner†the suite in any moo-my wu- walk. Replies are still cominxin .nd the time for receipt of such ha been “tended lo March 31.1. The Board "rctttatmettd. that a large utmy should be mobilized for home defence both in order todpro- _ tect our hordes it away All in] thr: 'f.'.Uttttt a. consider-hie number or man A- ___--- - ' . ttoo with}: The pro-sent wu price- for ordinary commercial potash ranging from 'no lo 8600 a ton According to undo. m hound to decline. But for sometime after the war it is expected Lint the punch mnlket will hold Mostly at .1fitl nan hm 'ernting at Durham, over as per cent of the pure article is collected. "The coat of mauufuctunn pouch in Can- nda from feldspar.†Jr. Grnuel stated “is so low even now that it is [en than the freight. Phage paid on u ton of the imported Gnrunn product before the war." The result of this discovety in " opinion will he the complete breaking of the Gel-nun monopoly in ‘ potnah and the probable driving at the German product from the Ameri. ‘cnn mantel for all time. In addition to gunmnceeing n Inna-h needed supply of pottwh tor the prawn urgent de- mands of the manufacturers of high explosiven. it will result in mielinn the incrvusing needs of the American continent for ferttlizerur, I __ I (JOHN M. FINDLAY Dromore i Phone 3-1-15 1tePftrt-nees-seo O f I Rice E c Beans i) Honey ommmno f? In Times like These a Not neoeuuy to tell you of the advance in Teas. 1 WEEKS only we willgiveyou the beneitt of our stocks, - , .0331, Pas .. . Clubbing Rates OR ANY MULTIPLE manor it la Indeed hard to lad any line of Foodstuffs advanced al-oat 'boyoad leach.’ Let " augge are as yet reasonably prteed. Bat more of it. A good 'tttmtl-e for potatoes. Japan ' lb for Me. Pans IOC a lb. t Here- lull wigs of his! ngtritive value. Linn or whit. " TitAitGii." _... At the old prion. IO lb pnils 31,60 5 lb pail' 85c To TIME. HAVE NVESTMENT AT PAR ot Oman. but. Numrymen. Colt " ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Don't delay planting fruit trees and plum. u 'lwre is nothing pays better. Bond Tr our illustrated cumulus of hard, valence which )0!) cm order direct and get the bend; of agent's commie- aion. Our prime will be cute to when“ you. The Chase Brgtben Co. We hare ontnbhsbed a lutwg repu. cation for fair and equate dealing and no now prepared to meet unsung conditions by rdferrng our high-(rude tree: and plums direet to customer- Sixty Tears of Progress and Success Arthur McGowan. Durham Norman Zimwer " Arthur Mttlcock, Egromom Hair" Ervin, Betstinrk Romud Flee, Bevel Borer, Betttinck Jenn W. Lumenon. Durham wtn.dEcitvtide, Bergman! Recruits from Burma; and vicinity in than 348d: battalion M8rtt HONOR ROLL I857 " 1917 I It for $1.35 m-Ih that has not “nest a few that Colbome, Ont For TWO 1917 Productio PM.“ “on 0nd It. Your Lab Sou Mutual Show! You: " In Wu- Tim VOL. Mo-night- x in tho Pres C Raving pl "rktsotG. b mule wulh In Pemf. E. Kal Milieu of Li lithium!) Hou March IU.h. Could not "a. un- the t 'tte in Fran it ding rmk Lient. Yule “I t organist and choir Presbytcnan Churn an I Rental In arch on Thurs.†It} o'clock, utititt Puckering. contralt PM". Ind mhcl Mc. Proceedsfor Mr. aw uympntb: mfuu da 15nd who The tune cannery cemetery Tue old Ind for tl with her me.- Tp. She Witt ell: chmm In. Fnlkllluhum, u Jan. Full-muhum Hit-(I your. an“) dun-dun M I a! the un- of 7N “up _ in feeble- lwulll. to 1:4 forthe but (in ymr her-on Tun -thy m: an '0“va fun i t After bar bunlnnd'~ Inf I while In In“ u her druid-Ion " "'ty death. A lwm lu-r F. townline or Ealvmm on Wetland“ to M trrr In cnnduvwd I ingbnm and Rev. Mu The whool room of Clutch was well tillrd to he" the pros and "Re-tved that Alrcl " In under" warfare th on It'd " The speak “in aide were Mam and Mnraarrt Grant MeGiee and Inlay Ca -ive mac Tm i Wm lrum. Princupul . Julil Were B. A.. an (putt-nun decided In (we try nnrmw majum Lauder contrihutcd a inf. cnjnvmem. It and. In able and facet “any box was In: entire m was packed to ‘ at“ in which Fund. Mr. Jul nun and Ur Du Iold the 101 box to .4 while I t land. for 64 mliud 620"" consisted of In: Orch-rd. solos A. Boil, Durha In: mu gimme d ro, MI able to Two y " t The rm f “Hulk [my hvund. Am 'iif, Wt Par Bly uddms MN I. NCAnuu‘ mt. talent-Ina tum member; _ the - ot the " would to the . hip-RM mueh Lunch by the Ins the evening. tu the door. Thew mpnllng " lrw not sum! the" talc Rt It tum hill SI " " M " h