“G41. rears and Success others Co. EH ROLL 'more at has n. a few that not 1917 W o " g rePBo nu and Kuhn. wand. O I 0va on I an t I Send In"), ireet mu. ttt Productioli & Thrift - . Make Your Lfbor IKieient _ . [i I _ . 't _ Save Mutual from 'ee _ L g . , Spend Your Money Wisely t " ls War Time . _ Having placed my hooka m Mr A H Janka-0N5 bundu. kinde call and settle with him. w. Black Prof. E. Kata, the: noted on sigh. upoclllisv. of Lutowrl, will he at the Middanah House, Durham Saturday, March tthh. Could not none of our young magi. I'm: use than! talent to better adv":- t 11' in France or Flanders than in the a 'tintt rink? Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Goodwin have the sympathy of the town in the loss of their infant daughter, born Tuesday, Feb 27th. and who died on Thursday, March lat, The, funeral took place to the English Ch. cemetery. Rev. Mr. layer officiating W. G. Hustle. Treasurer Bantinck Red (Irons Society. gratefully acknowledges the following donations . S. S. No 2. B. & B. (Habermehl) 370 3 B. S. No6 (Mulock) $34.70 ', S. S. No. 10 (Abordoen) 8146, The remsins of Miss Flora McKinnon, of Walkonon won interred in Rocky cemetery Tuesday. Deceased was 82 yrs old and for the, ass your has been living with her niece. ltd Andrew Milne, Brant Tp. She was also sun: to Messrs Dun- can McKinnon and McLean of Bontinck To-night-organ rocital by Liam. Yul. in the Pros. Church. Dont mill it. Lient. Yule of the 248th Battalion organist and choir leader of Division St Presbyterian Church. Owen Sound will give a Recital in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening March ttth at 3 o'clock. assisted by Miss Elsie Pickering. contralto solout of Mount Forest. and other talent. Admission Mc. Proceeds tor Red Cross work. Mrs. Fullmuham. widow of the late Jan. Fnlkinghnm (docvnurd about, three ywns aunt dwdnn Monday, ' h March ttt the am- nl 78 yum. She had been in feeble hraltl. for [our years [met and for the Lid two year». has lived with her non methy Bra-my where the In»: well (mod for in ttrar hvlplwnnud. Atier her husband‘s death Ibo lived tor a while In town. tttrn went with her grandson "arr Grashv until " death. A brother K.,'.',','; lives on the townluw of Egremont. The lumen! 0n Wednosduy to Maplkuod rum» tery wan commend by Mr. Mr, Falk- ingham and ttrv. Mr. Mover. VOL. XL, N0. 10 The achool room of the Presbyterian Church was well filled Monday evening to hear the pro. and cone of a debate. "Resolved that Aircraft is more useful in modern warfare than motor vehicles on land " The speakers tor the aMrrtr ative side were Misses Alice Ramage and Margaret Grant and Misses Agnes McGirr and lslay Campbell upheld the negative side. The iudges were Mr. Wm Irwin, Principal Morton and Min Julia Weir B. A,, and after a lengthy conlerem'o- decided in favor of the nega- tive by narrow majority. Mrs. A. W. Lauder contributed a eolo to the even. inc’n enjoyment. Rev. Mr. Whaler made an able and facetious chairman. Varney box social Wednesday night was an entire success The Orange Hall was packed to the doors and 8200 was taken in which goes to the Red Cross Fund. Mr. John A. Graham was chuk- nun and Mr Duncsn McLean, Aberdeen. sold the 101 boxes which brought from .1 to " while s box of candy sold to Lient Lennie for 84.50 was again put up and realized $20 more. An excellent program emulated of bugpipe musk: by Wm. Troy, Orchard. solos by Miss W. Blyth and Mr, A. Bell. Durham, two choir numbers, trio- lin music by Messrs Eden and Long, piano duette by Misses Irwin and Middle bro, Misses Mountain and Blyth and an able recruiting talk by Lieut. Legnrde. Two young men of the neighborhood. Cecil Barber and Earl Mead answered his Ippeal for recruits. RECRUITERS Tme-ttseo n Naus- Faor.-At a meetini in Owen Sound be! Saturday night, t.Col Rorke made the startling announcement that re- cruiters for his Grel Co battalion. had: been threatened wit being tarred and feathered if they continued operations in the vicinity of Neustadt, and this in the banner recruiting County in the province for 19†'. In the name locality the authorities demand $000 from the recruitingoMcers for the use of the municipal hall there to hold a recruiting meeting. The fact. of the case were preocntedhy Lieut Kormann. who in recruiting there, and the truth of the ntatementsie absolutely reliable, says the Owen Sound Advertiser. Col Rorke referred to the hindrance offered re- cruiting at a public meeting the next evening and added that the recruiting eta“ had increased by tour and that It necessary he would move his head- quarters there. The Women's Institute gave their annual At Home in the Town Hall. Thursday night last and though a "smaller than usual" audience had gathered, they felt repaid in the merit of the program. Mr, Wm. Irwin occu- pied the chair and after a few: ic re- mark re woman now getting tge gran- chiae went on with the program. Mica 1 Rita Irwin opened with an instrumental. Lieut. J. L. Yule of the 248th Batt. de. lighted the audience with his closing an well no making a recruiting speech, Miaaea Margaret Hunter and Alice Ramage a piano, number, Wise Winnie Blyth a cola. The Methodist clguartette comprising Meaara Miatele. 0 use. Me- Crae and Saundera. won new laurela in ttttttgr During the evening an Wang preaentation yaa_given to Monov found. Apply n this 0.00. Mm T. McAnulty who in than), going west. etslogiaing her work as an In“: tut: member. Rev. Mr. Whale]; was the uptake: of the evening and tsoMned hi. and. to the "yt1tiPPl 'f/ere," III- lIl-l-onu u... ....._.___, _, e . l,'UG1% much wholcmc material. tainehbr the Institute ladies cloud the evening. 81350 was taken in It __' c-jf-ir":.-":,).;.'?,?))??' A Box Bccisl will be held " Top- Cditr school on Ftidsy evening. Mulch 9th. Admission Ilk and 10. Indies bringing boxes free. Proceeds for Red Cross purposes. Good accommoda- tion for horses. The 147th Durham boys in England are being scattered. Al. Saunders. Lewis Nowell and Jim Lloyd are now in a Por.. estry battalion in Northern England and Vic. Catton and Frank McIlraith have crossed to France. The Directors of the South Grey Ag. ricunural Society. met and revised the Prize List ot the Fall fair for 1917, and hove also decided to hold I demonstra- tion, largely of a patriotic nature. on July 2nd. An excellent concert is to he held the some evening. Part pro- ceeds go to Red Cross. At a full meeting of the town Council Monday evening. a motion that an ar- rangement be made whereby the Royal Bank should receive a share of the town business, on request of the Manager, was lost. A motion to place an electric light north of D Kinnee's stable on Queen St , on request of Rev Mr Wylie and others was also lost on the ground that other streets in town would be entitled to claim similar privileges. The report of the auditors, H R Koch and P Ramage was accepted, and as a great deal of extra labor was entailed in making an exhaustive audit of hydro supplies and hydro electric accounts, as well as town, they were granted .30 each. A number of other accounts were also passed. Constable Arrowsmith tendered his res- ignation which was accepted, to take effect March 31st. Mr and Mrs John W McKechnie and family were plunged into deep anxiety on Monday by the receipt of a telegram from England via Ottawa that son and brother Harold was seriously ill with pneumonia in an English hospital. Two days before they had a letter from him written February li, and all was well Mr McKeehnie cabled to a cousin who is a nurse. whom Harold had met and it is hoped the gloom will soon be lightened. Finer 147m BOY FALLS Lieut. Colin Stanley Campbell of o. Sound is the first 147th man to meet death in action, his name appearing in last week's casualties. He went to France on Jan. 2nd with 5 other officers, the first of the Greys to reach the front. Lieut. Campbell we: a most popular C Co. officer, 6 ft 2 in, tall. and one of the trainers of the 147th batt. bayonet team which won the Camp Bor- den chumpionship. Many in Durham will remember him, when last Fall Fair day he appeared here with a team to ex- hibit bayonet fighting. The time for the return of National Servnce Cards by those who have not yet returned them or haves returned them improperly signed has been ex- tended to March 31%. ICU. and fur; he, oardtt have hewn issued to poatmmters tor digttibution among those who have made default, It. 'tu understood that the returns from thin military district. hue been mint. gratifying. There are however, wan in this District, a number who have not. mudo their ratun s. The " tional Svrvico Boald hm: expressed the wish mat rveryone in the District will use his wry best efforts in order to make the whims from this District as nearly perfect as pom-ihle. The friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs Will Lawrence, Glenelg. met at their home last Wednesday to spend a fare- well social evening with them before their departure for St. Catharines, where Will will enter the conveyancing busi- ness. The young couple will be greatly missed in the neighborhood, Mrs L. win- ning her way into the hearts of all dur- ing her short residence here. Musically inclined also, she will be missed from the Methodist choir. They were "remember.. ed" with a case of silver and fountain pen, presented by Mrs Albert Smith and Mrs W. Arnett, and the following ad- dress. read by Miss L. Scott t To Mr and Mrs W G Lawrence Dear Friends,-- _ When we were made aware of your intention to leave this neighborhood, to take up residence in another part of the province. We, your neighbors, friends and well.wishera, determiner; to congre- gate afain under your hospitable roof, not on r to enjoy ourselves once more In your company. but to say farewell to you and to wish you all success in your new sphere of life and in your new work. We regret very much your intended withdrawal from our midet for we realise that in the past you have been the beat of neighbors. You have always been ready and willing to oblige in our need, invariably cheerful and hopeful in mind. Setting the example of in. duetry in your calling and of willingness to undertake larger and more extended lines of labor. e have felt keen inter. estin ou both beginning lite together and taxing up the duties and responsi- bilitiea of a new household. Our sym- pathy has gone out to you both but upecially to Mrs Lawrence who came total stranger among strange" and tom a distance, the home of her birth. She readily found her place among us all however we gave her a large part of our affection and all our respect " we did to you both. We shall miu you when you are gone but our mind. and heart. nun accompany you and shall crave for you all that is good and truely happineu giving. In laying farewell we with you to accept this one of silver Ind fountain pen which will in n slight way only ex- press to you our good-will towards you and our keen interest and Itrong hope for your continued welfare and pro.- perily in the future. Signed. on behalf of the ttte"'" Mr and Mm Jno M in Mr and Mrs Albert Sum: Mr and Mrs Waley Aenett i Mr and Mn Juno Meek. Ad dress and Presentation On Thursday last quite . number of immen- enjoyed the privilege of view- Ing and handling in the Town Hull. many war trophies and relies collected by otBeers, of the usu- butt. In the main they consisted of shells. bombo. various kinds of ammunition, mechine gun. hells. pouehes be. which Were vividly described tr Lieut. Trina in the afternoon end il,' Dept. White in the evening. The Captain" gnphicelly portnyed the condition in cnmp end trench when shells. bullet. end "whiz- bangs" were agoing. 'ttsiting the spirit of out soldiers, he frequently dropped into lighter vein. Ihowinn that humor and horror could run side byeide. In the evening our old town hall proved quite inadequate to accommo- date the crowd. Reeve Calder wll chaum Mt and the program was a line blending of 'speetsusie, picture. speech. mug and stoiy. all along pntriotic lines. The moving pictures were el- pecially wood in depicting trench life not camp and field and all their accen- aories were well brought out. How- itlerp, machine guns. aeroplanes. even submarines were shown in action and the Lient. being a good speaker made running comments that made every thing clear. They were a splendid lot of war pictures from which the gruesome was eliminated. Lieut. Yule sang a couple of fine solos receiving an encore and he and the other offitam, present made appeals for sym~ pathy to recruiting officers and for per- sonal effort to keep the 248th in the lead of all similar battalions in the province. Hearty cheers were given them as they lined up on the platform to receive the gifts. The following is a list of the new recruits present; Ptes McGowan Lamerson Giles Irwin Boyce Zimmer Mulcock McIlvride McKechnie Hutton S. Trafford G. Trafford W. Black It war after II when "God Save the King" closed a fine.rmsetintr. A popular feature of the evening was the presentation of wrist watches to the new recruits by Mr Telford representing the Durham Recruiting League. Each recruit too got a bundle of comfort: from the Red Cross Society. Form 3-Marion Marshall, R, L, Campbell, Irene McLean. but Camp, pell. Unis Matheson. I Form g--Aiice Shawn". Int-lei Mu- nhull. Annie Knox, Jemima Lawrence. Eldon Rundown. Form I-U-tstu Grant. Florence 1vawrencr, Jack McKechnie. Beanie Mather, Geo Williams and Raymond Search. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPT. tir ttti--. Mary Turnhull. Kathleen tlotBeld, Jessie Meurie, Margaret Cox. Margaux: Holmes. No, enrolled 21. Av. attendance so Jr Mh--Aibert Kress, Unthuine Wylie, Annie Brook, Mary Marshall, Jeau Notlock. No enrolled 21. Average 19. Br. 3rd--W. Collinson. M. Yirrr, B. tbtottehoutre, G Wutt,E. Elvidue. Jr. 3rd--E. Levine, D. Graham. K. Hughes, M. Snuudus. W. Thompson. No enrollul --Br. 22, Jr, 13 Total 35. Average 30 Sr 2ad-R. B-rgle. u. Traynor. F. ankmu, K Moe, M, McClughey. M. McDonald. No rulolled 10 Av attendance 8 Jr 2ad-M Montgomery, 8 Hartford, R an Fuddeu. V Havens W Muslin“. No enrolled 33 Averagew Jr 2ad--Luttie Dean. Eddie Kelrney Roy Wilson. Helen Pnlkey, Josephine Biouyrs. -. _ "V . A '7 Sr 1Tr--.uarwstet Lawrence, Violet Bucks, Norman Search. lmbrlKel- My. iil0renco Ryan. Sr Primary, (AV-Adeline Cullinaon. Irene Moyar. Mae 'l‘mynur. Jean Mc. Oaughey. Alvin Snell. No. enrolled 28 Average 28 Br Ptimer (B)-Bra Kearney, Elin- beth Linngstune. Norman Blair. Vera Mountain, Irvine Stun-07. No enrolled 16 Average M Jr Prhgary - ._ __ _ . - _ 7 A. ods-Cecelia MeAuhtte, Roy Matthews & L. Havens. Harry Bran, Marlon Search, Buyl Brooks. B Gletm--lOrtinn Simpson. Mary Glaser. Ina Milne, Mabel Montgomery Freddie LeFever. Jasper Travuor. Muimle tuorrer. C GlatHs.-Badie Holmes. Linn Hinds Murphy Comvld, Bam Gluer. Low Fslkinghum, Beatrice Milan. No of pupils amolled " Average 38 6 or the popular young men who " fered their services last. week with the 248th mu, uppenls the names of Russel (mu-lo 3nd Campbell McLuhan: of Durham. We regret to no! that both were rejected owing to Some alight de- tieiettCleg. Last week 6 men Olen-ed their servi- ces with the 248th Damion. 4 being rejected In.“ mepted. Here’l hoping that by the end of this week 6 or more win the accepted In our local dot-ch- men . Who in the patriotic gentleman end Red Oroea worker, who, when naked by Lieut. Lecerdo to con-en! to [lie IOI joining the "th, promised thin one" e block eye it he didn't quit hotbed“ him and who would undoubtedly hove put hie lamps out had our (sir. young otheer not bed previous experience in {the boxing line. Durham High School Report Successlul "Wag Ntr" M8th Battalion Notes. DURHAM, THURSDAY. MARCH 8 1917 Lamerson Irwin Zimmer Mollvride Hutton G. Trtrfford With which is incorponid the Holstein Under Lt. J. L, Yule Visited the "(when In Mt. Fomt for a few day It the 11rat of the week. Who are the hutint men in lawn Ihese days? Ark the recruiters of the 24811:. Are we down hearted? Not sun going strong. Capt. J. R. Benton. pawn-star of ot the 248:!) visited the Durham " tachment yeaurdny. (Wednesday). The boys are now feeling better. Bonny-A number of our young men journ eyed to Mount For-931:0 play a game of hockey. They suffered a de- test by I 7 to 8 ICOI‘P. Our boys claim they were too much disappointed in the fair mLidens of the too to play real horkry., They weâ€: Impacting I number of fair young trladUtors to ae. compnny them. The Mount Forest bun Muld have laid the bitsory on someth rapier. But helm: A hunch of good spawn our boys took defeat (and naturally and arc- vrrv otrtimiMie about the return game Only nus-cum 'ity ocruved whm one of Mt. Fore" have Wu! hit on the Nee having his am! cut in two placer. The referee who hails from Mt Forest wan right on the fob at t" than and hinded his local town a number of pen- glues for ttet ting their sticks Ituck in Durhamlle skates. Durham’l full tum was on the in all through the game. The line up: aotu--otmptwlr, Left dr. "nee--Lestnrde; R. dettmee--Zimmer", Rover-Morlorkt _L'tttre--trumderr; L Wing-Elvidge; R Wing-McGirr. tJongrtttuutiontt to Mr. Wm. Milne who has won first was in a recent art competition for the bent drawing in Ontario given under the IuBDiCPB of "The tkhool," n teacher’s magazine. MASONIC ttUNtrRAL.-The remains of the lube Thon. SLinson who died in Hamilton on Monday, 5th inst, were brought to Durham on Wednesday. The Masonic body of which deceased was a member took charge of the re- mains and interment was made In Durham cemetery. Rev. Mr. Mills also otrleiruitttt, Deceased came from the Ottawa district quite a number of yrs ago and took up residence in Bentinck later moving to Durham where for nhmn 8 years he worked with Jon Me. Gowan. He was about 65 yrs of age. A daughter, Mrs. John McDonald, ac- companied the remains home and was a guest of Mr. and Mn. G. Meme while in towp. Edge Hill broke Former Records The friendly rivalry for Inge“ Red Cross Box Social receiots in South Grey resulted in Edge Hill notion mk- inn the honours from a S. No. 9. Gle- nelu. last. Friday night. when their total proceeds mounted up near the half thousand mark. To be snot. they were '427, over 8100 ahead of the for- mer mark and this flgtrre will likely hold good for some moons. There’s nothing like a. box social for raising the greatest amount. of ready cash for pet: iutic funds. with the min. imum of work and expense. as events this week hairn profrfp. Though the gathering in Edge Hill "rhoolmted the building to the doors, it was not so iammed as at some other socials. and gold order prevailed throughout. The boxes were not so numerous either, thAAIKh over a hundred were sold from 8100to $7.00. but it was their high av- enue price, about 82,50. and the gen- erosity of the farmers of the erosion in raising among themselves 8125, for whitharuounttwo battsoftiourdomueri by u. Kearney were sold, that boosted the receiptsover the 8400 mark. When again offered for sale. Messrs D. Edge and T. Turnhull secured this valuable flour at about market price, so it rem IIZ'd in alt $135. For the good prices obtained. much ereditittduetuwtioneee John Moffat, who was in splendid tet. tle and kept the crowd in good bidding humour. Mr. Wm. Weir relieved him for a short, time near the close. Mr W. J. Ritchie and Miss Belle Firth handled earth and books, and with an energetic committee are to becommen- ded for the management and enjoy- ment of the social. As factors in its enjoyment. Chait. man John A. Graham of Durham and the program talent chiefly from town. were also very promin- ent. Mr Graham is in wide demand an a chairman for aociala. all his ham. our and tact are generally recognized as playing a strong part in their success. A brilliant though not lengthy. pro gram was featured by an able address by Hunt. Yule who is recruiting in Durham vicinity and a mining mlo which took the home by atorm won an enthusiaatic encore. Fine aoloa were also given it Mira W. Blylh. 2gr'p. Mrs W. Bur an. J. B. Harding and . Ramona. Durham. and atria "Keep the home fires, burning†by Hours listele, Yule and Hauling. Excellent instrumental music on violin waa giv- en by Min Irene Ritchie and Mr. Geo. Ritchie and l'f."h and a rousing piano duett was plate It Nina Margaret Hunter and Alice wage. Mm Jan- nie Jack who baa since returned to the West, gave two humorous recitation. Show a hog notchor. Ilsa Easel Ed- uardo ex ihetod tome preciao club "ringing, and In. Dachau. Mrs. 3.3. Harding. you»: I'.: il.ertttt, A. lhttt nge Ind Emma Ritchie accompanied in: varied Tango". “God 'lt't, in. ni' open a run. an " e that the boxes lawn distributed r IIIDDI in sterner as: who own found et,eltg'g'2,'f,',t sud comma of boxes conli ornbly reduced. it Im “at l n. In. when the nuthoringduperoed. tmp. " to have attended the bonnet noclnl. Applicntiona will be waived M the noduoigued up to April 2nd. 1917. for the pmmun of Consume, Curt-kn Town Hall. 8 minty Inspector. Cotter. tot of Taco. em. for Town of Durham for the huh-we ot It. you. mr. Municipal Notice w. B. Vous‘r, on": tttttArie) ARCHIVES TORONTO Mun Paul [and of Port 3 a in mum: st In Alex 2ts,d,h,1 for 3 week or two. Mu Rev. Mot-ri- of Shelburne In vu- iling her puma here. Mu. W. BucFan is waiting in Moron. to thin week with relatives Mr. and Mr- Walter Iceman: of Round. Man. returned Monday to their home, after visitin for I “no u " cousins. Mr T 'Kr'lli,lll', W Weir and J W McKechnie. Mina Vern McDonald. remind [at week end to Nova Scoti. utter would. ipg the past four months " her Anna, In Rotit McFarlane'm In Jae Hepburn and In Beet Btunehouse went to Toronto Timothy for stew dnys. Mines Lillian and Alice McCrie left .Saturda last to return to Seek. Land- ing. Sui. after spending since New Year: with relative; in town and coun- try. Their parents, Mr. and Mm. D. McCrie, return this week end alto. Mr. Adam Brown, Sr. is in Holstein this Thursday, participatm, in the t'l den Jubilee Celebration tt the B re- mont Agricultural Society of which he was one of the charter members. Mrs. R. McFarlane in viuitin. in Toronto this week. ill. " - - .. Min Flo Limin has returned ha. 0 Otter spending a few weeks with her ttiater in Shelburne. Mr. John M(Queen went to Booth- VIlle on Tuesday. Hie brother’s wife .Y.e learn but Again become uriouly Mr. and Mrs. C. Harrell, MarktUhs, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Beadle M. to Jan. R. second ion of Mr. and In. Fee B.aird, Mayday. the marriage to ta e place huieUy Mil-ch 7th. Wood wanted. dry or green. Apply st Review owes. Mrs Geo Arromrmith is visiting chi. week with friends in Norvul and Brampton, MgG'trut,-In Glenda, on Sunday. Much 4th, to Mr and Mn John " Girr, a. son. WttttToN--In Sank. Landing, Sack" on Feb. 2m, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wee. ton, (nee Maggie McCrie) I Ion. Notice " hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting be. tween us, the undersignod, u Leach-n and Mekechoie, in the Town of Dur- ham, has this day been dissolved by mutant consent. All dehte owing to the tug,l,',Ti. whip are to be paid to Geo Me ochnie. and all claims against the "it! part- nership are to be presented to the said Frank Lenahan, by whom the “use will be settled. Dated at Durham this ist day of Feb- rutry. A. D. 1917 On Saturday, March 3rd, I number of representatives from each school section of the Tp. of Bentlnck, not in the Mulock school house for the purpose of packing the Township Red Cross supplies which consisted of 238 pairs of socks, 18 shirts, 3 pr. wristlets and 34 vermin salts which were sent as soldiers comforts. 139 pillow slips, 27 sheets, 5: towels. 75 suits pyjamas, " shirts sad " pillows sent as hospital supplies. The value of the goods wss estimsted at $S36 oo. A motion was unenl- mouslv passed that $500 of man in treasury be sent to the tl'2'll'dlUl Cross Society, still leaving , sub- stsnlisl balance on hand. Since or- ganisation in November last the Tp. of Bentinck has contributed tothe British and Canadian Red Cross funds through several donations Py Witness: A. H. Jackson iiTiGTiG." thrGtsgh supplies stiitr. ped$979.55. making 3 grand total of $a4t9.55. - _ The -,sa shipment of caudal] supplies will be made Sunni-y, Mel “at. The Mulock branch of the Rat! Cross Bocleey. supplemented the townlhip‘s supplies with " pro cocks Shh-kl flannel shirts. 4 Ilium, Bannel tshirts. 16 pillows. as "it: of pyjama and 69 pillow slip. Mrs. Alex McDonald left foe Win- ton Monday to attend the funeral of her aunt Mrs. Alex skew. ot that pluce. - Anunber from here attendedthe funeral of the late Min Flo:- Me. Kinnon of Walkman. Snoe shoeing is the order of the day. If the mail carrier were unable to we hie round, we would km where to look tor a substitute. A numbet oi unlock Mead. - g vety enjoyable evening " the bout of Mr Ind Mrs Hugh 31514.2: Abor- deem, when their son Pte W. who has reeently enlists! with the "sth Queen‘s Own Built-den VII pieUeated with unis! watch, liglet Dissolution of Partnership George MC Kechnie Frank Lenahan MULOCK CtlcJ" . ring and pane. when. of the high esteem! r1in which , l held by his many ends. A an " program which contributed liTel',' to the ev- ening‘s enjoyment was my ably conducted by his punt. Pub! Rev. F Ashton of unlock. 0:1th with- es go with you Fletcher. all 'while we hung that you gill alert' be onlng‘n enjoyment was very tti The subject tor next Sundny mom. conducted by hin pnntot. Pesto! Rev. ingn nerviee in thelnptint ehntch If “Into. of Muioeh. ourt-t _ will be “n thounnnd yarn“ oath en go with you Fletcher. and 'whlle‘wm lawn." Ail nae My in. we know that you will Mt be vited token: tins hm end found when duty cnlln. we hope helpfttl aâ€; Bi for Guard]. Cold in the Held and other null Mona. for run down pl old pecans. puny Cl.“ G.T. R. _ seam! pm; Sun Town Tidal Agency Pnlatable Cod Liver Ex. You may not need only of them to-day but when you do, remember that for the partieular ailments mentioned, each remedy is the but that can be used. Romcmbor than Seasonablo Penstar Fmeeties muggy“ TRUST FUNDS 1htriingrDetmrtrii-tgo-rms thfduohuMd mum. mumm an DURHAM "ANttllir, IQ. ___ -._ghereL__________l$tttagtt in. Neunlgin. Stittiointa {mom Helduhu. ' S. F. MORLOCK ANALGESIC BALM Sold unly by Cntarrl Cream We have just opened a shipment of new spring clothing which is hard to beat for style, value and workmanship. We are sole Agents for Progress Brand si/ Je. â€layman, 1Druggtet the brand which stands out by itself for reliable clothing. Drop in and see our range of clothing and let moon- vince you of their superiority â€over other brands of ready made clothing. The Store of Honest Value Among this shipment ere blue and grey worsted "its for which we pissed our order over s yes: ago. The doth in these suits are exceptionally good. being the very curable to-day. We also have a full line of boys’ Clothing in double breasted and Nor- folk styles. If your boy needs 1 unit it will pay you to buy now "the clothing market is in a very nnsetled condition at present. CLOTHING FIGHT WW " I O. 'l'itNlrt"a'&12at ttnest of cloths pro- for your continued may. Mar God protect you though ail (um nan and unseen and bring you lately back to home cud {tie-b. It law-r {or Colds. lntuenBa, Am Bronchitis, In (time. for Caught Golda, W. Laxative Cold Brutal! White Flue all Sula Group Ready for Croup whooping cough PAY TH! " Ti',