price. ware ' Sup- just ihtrr Mr Jo. bind " John " weal. Mr Lia mines â€lanolin on: 9300' any. b in good or- swing. tried If " Column . Frank Walk former Bend ed her cousin lends recently c: Inner Mr at t experience me our min ling hill on. I" TWO rgain more IO I: war " it. LE has not ew that 1917 Mr Farrell fl A Red Cross Tea will be given at the home of Mrs W. L Pallin'hun and In: K. Murmansk. Upper Town, on Thursday, 22nd_N!areh._ frog 3.80_to 7 p. A Directors' meeting of the National Portland Cement Co. was held but week at which Dr. Jameson. M. P. P. use elected President and W. Caldet. mana- JG. V A proponition tt,',t',otigr.,, well for the shareholders in an or con-iden- tion. Morelahr. Mr Alf Redford and family, after their successful sale Int wool. mond and now occupy tho mid-nu on Durham Road formerly an homo of the late In G Wilson. m Tags-served from ' to 7. PW m tho waning. Admission Me. MOI, bring your knitting. With war loan and other advertising, our - are crowded this wook tad much reading matter hold over. We 0;. poet to be back to normal non wool. our Iubscnbers may "up added bond: from Immune by studying the adetr. 4nd subscribing to the War Loan. Two HAPPY t,'a-taaa.--Uuroid Improving," mine the sweet. little In“. m‘r recerved by MrJ W ItKeChnle la,t week flow a nurse comm in Eng. land, who m~hed to 1Groutu Aid when sunken wit h pneumonia. Alew any. later an ',ttictat "able unnouoc'd him "out ot' mum-r," and the load 01.n- xu-ty mm ufted Iron: the home. will. Wt' hope, not be reviewed. son and John Ptchen shipped 30.qu of the Me grunt". paying therefor 04629 00. A may, little mm In one any. but the poor man who has to ‘buy hia bacon wx.1 be wondering where It i. " mg to stop. Acumy m the hog market continue. and prices are up to $15.00 per cm. and m some places even than um to exceed- ed On traturpsy.laist Mel-n J. G. Wil I?!" found. Apply at this once. Having phced my books": It A I! Julm’u blodl. Kindly all Ind veal. withhln. W. Mark " ttte list of Bentimk township“ limo. supplin in last wwh’n Mulork hung". ttte nacho um should N283 pairs inatead of 288 VOL. XL, NO. 11 Production & Thrift , __ _ C' . - "d _ mar ‘ PM“. More and Save More ' - . , 5: , il PAY “the Your Labor Efiioient ' v ' , T "ttBoat S". Hote'ida from Wu“ ' g L4 SAVE Spend Your Money Win], . It I. War a. tt 15 War Time .' . ji, s"irj-s.Hittrrsiii, _iiiitiiiii8lhk1i1 l 's? Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in m 'ty tB78 all parts of the world. .34 DURHAM BRANCH, John Kelly. II 2! _ - 'iggma---- CALLS Til “up; Do You KNOW-. that a world-wide famine can only be averted by incredn: thi- apply ? Do You KNOW--. that a "food fnmintt" would be a m disaster to them and her Allies than reverse. in the Field , THE FACTORY She must have Food-, THERE’S DIIGER II "trr-BBT' vou CAI HELP Do You KNOW-- You CAN-. that the rapidly rising price of food stuffs help thwart Germany’- dupente aub- iiianrtuiGirehiaiii'ire-rrtru snnrinethruatonthehutt-. getting small P Do You KNow._ YOU CAN--- that a world-wide famine can only be do thin by helping to make every bit of averted by increasing this apply? land in Cnnada produce-the very last pound of food stuffs of which it is capable. Do You KNOW--. AND REMEMBER---. thata"rooduminet""e thatnoma-avthtpthfhyMqdtrte iiiGiirtiNUiimrig-dherA1iustun iiii%i---rhohnviiuytnd:dtePprtrf,e reversesintheMeid? aTtGGkiirin,o.rrttiich-ettP"iit 'sTiaiauAttititsutmo"eestr. India & Argentina to Britain Australia to Britain -IlgilNlBl. Canada to Britain - - - - BRITAIN APPEALS T0 CANADA nonunion o'iiiiiii'iiidri or. atmtttlUrtMtllllt ' OTTAWA ." 77#_ STANIARD 8hlltllt for her Armies in the Field-for her Workers in the Itactory--in the Munition plant-An the Shipyard-in the Mine. HEAD OPHCI - TORONTO tinn at: me than twi-dist-mr-d "iiiiaiiGGetrnnfourtim". mull.- I Thu members and adherents of Crow- ford Preshyteiinn Church “RV†u tare- Irvll reception to their pastor. Rev. Mr Louie of Eimwood. on Friday " trim-on last. in their church. Mr Lear lie has been the faithful pastor of Elar mmd. West Bent-Mk and Crawford charges for 17 years. and his coming in and out among them is to be no more as he has rerignul and with his family will move to Uncaley. where in tutors they will reside This Rather. mg was to do him boom, and in. an uppropriate time an address was read, ~rouchrd in warm terms. " Mrs Alex Campbell. and a purse containing .40, was presented to him by Mrs D J Me. Donald. Mr Leslie made a suitable reply, alter which a short program was carried out and addresses were ttiven by Alex McDonald, Alert Me- Donald Br and DJ McDunild. Lunch closed a pleasant afternoon. after which all dispersed. Mr and Mr. Les- lie have a. family of four, three girls and one boy. One daughter is a teach. er in an Indian Mission school in the j\Veat. The three muniioned charges lore now boring prohmun supply. M. A., L. L. D ' Chancellor of McMa- ter University. tor Friday g,"',?,.',? on March 30th. Dr. McCrimmon wil lec- ture on "The German Menace" and all who have heard this distlnguished scholar on his former visit to. Durham, will desire to hear him on this important subject. Limo: BU3rgtgta.-.T Eaton Company. Limited, and Robert Simpson, Com- pany. Toronto, are both recent quan- my purchasers of Ford Cars. T Eat- nn Company "molly purchased the Ford Cars ', And Robert Simpson Com- nnny. pun based twenty-eight can. Their svloctious was made rmly after the most exhaustive tests of the dif.. turn! mneq of can and after a thor. ough study at the cast of car versu. horse delivery. We learn that John McDonald and Wm. Styles teh? were training In the 141th batt. when in Canada, and releas- ed before going overuse. have been no. titted to be in readiness to report. They will probably be mined to a forestry or a construction battalion. The Ladies Aid chic Baptist Church have been fortunate in ucurin the ter- Lice of. Alanhrgm -ti'nue((h1'l!rr'l1,loel", The Duke of Wellington'l mend son will wed in New York the widow of his brother who was killed in action in 1911 PRODUCER OF STAPLE FOODS THE “MIL†- m-ig-til-Bl-ill" sD-t-tinvit-rvonedeaid" no. Mun when†abject rcladve to [can _' T attgtterdto,trorrfe-- !NFORMATI_ON .URW - Alocnl gonna-tie cloud the Wt gram with I fine cloning mm ' "Good-Night Gentle Folks." It com- prised Miss" Hunter and Kelsey and Mesmra Telford and Harding. Rev. Mr Whaler on behalf of the India. aptly thanked the outside performer. for their assistance. God save the King brought '0 solo-e a successful evening. " was taken in, which is to he Applied to Indies Aid for Red Gross Work. A delpatch from Sault an Marie out: In an encounter with Police Constable Petergouee ofthe Michigan ttoo hurt J,",',',':,',',',: W J Dnnqmoor. formerly n men . of the 2‘ch Battalion, woo shot and killed on the ferry dock. when he was trying to get away from the police and get on the ferry boat for the Canadian side. Misc Ilsie Pickering. contrnlto. of It Forest. minted. mdehe won the bouts of all with her ttret ter,'gt Her voice is exceedingly sweet so we I as having good control in all registers. Her selections were well chosen. and Tom Moore’s lemons words of "She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps" found I responsive chord in all. Mrs A W Lauder and Mrs Soonehouse contributed a duett, one of Rodehesyer’s famous hymns end as usual these ladies upheld their high reputation. Mr H G Mistele ins-tron- ger to Durham audiences no more. but may We My that he neyer was in holler tattle P His selection and encore number served to show cl his musics] ability to a marked degree. Lieut Yale also appeared in a vocal number which was warmly upplnuded, and as encore, gave a. recruiting speech. which stirred all present by its sincer- ity and purpose. Dunumoor was charged with having stolen ten dollars from the Hicklel Home! in the Michigan Boo, and when approached by the police at the dock he delivered a. couple of kicks In the stomach of a policeman. who fell to the ground. Dunsmoor then took the policpman’s mama away and started to butter him about the head. The pnlicomnn regained consciousness out. Hciently to reach his revolver. the con- tents of which he emptied into his as. snilnnt. the fifth bullet entering Dung. moor-I stomach and causing his death a few minutes later. on fete Thunduy night Int when tlb well Med church revealed the LidiOI' Aid Society or the Church. Lint Yule had the major portion of the pro- gram in chm-3e. and to soy he ttatututt the Audience it oil-swing it mild. Lieut Yule In been unumlly popu- lar since coming to Dal-hem Ind " re- citalnn Thursday served to emphulle this '. hi: selection. were chosen flour a variety ot composers, name number. breythifyt father! notlneu nod other.1 bruthlnlll bakery nonna- sud other. such an " ubilue Dec†aunxuted bold. neos and triumph. To us perhaps Lem-igre’n "Caprieeto" With it. light- nehu and touch. and Hollin'a "Inter- mezzo In D itat" appealed to utr most. Quylsg Pretrrtortyt Church Presbyterian Organ Recital. Shot bv Policeman. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH 15 1017 " No matter what Wealth: may faee us, the supreme duty of every man on the landisto use every thought and every energy in the direction of producing more-and Mitt more." Hath 'terrett--aftrdater of We. 'lth which is honors“! the Holstein Lender '4itrued,--Ptes, Mulcock. Ervin, Me. (iuwsn. Zimmer, Borer, Lamerson.N gigs, ycljvriiq 1feAeelyyt.. Hutton. It has been learned that all but about one company of the 147th Bu. have been sent to France. It is up to the citizen! of Grey who hold the 147th in high re- tard to ful the ranks of the 248th so that the louse: of the 147th any be made up from Grey County. The 248th when ready for overseas will join the 8th Re- serve l and if Grey citizens wish to lee the superiority of the 147th maintained, they must land more men to strengthen min the 248th, 7 _ - -. l We, the underUtttted men of the 248th Butt... and of all: Batu-1y. Gen. Field Artillery. Gueloh. wish in thank the citizens of Durham And surround- ing towmships for the handsome wrlet watches resented to l- on Tueadny of last week. We alto wpreoiate the useful am: given an by the ladies ot Red Crone Society. A: ullrecruitn have been promised that they will be we membered in a similar manner. we hope other elogihle. young men in thin vicinity will come forward. ioin until no. and receive gifts ate.. After receiving no word from him foe over a month, the relatives of Lt. Thou. Allan " the front, were relieved to hear from him last week. He in in good health. Pte. Johnston Allen, who ie recovering in an Bnglieh hospital, had received no home mail for week. when, " he relates in a letter home. he WI. overjoyed to receive sixty letters in one day. Every patriotic citlun of Grey has 3 chance to answer the to: and feathering threet made in Normal»: against the 248th recruiters than,» increasing their "ore to fill the ranke of the battalion in two months. Let ext: effort Is your answer to the threat. tiTritrdrd, s Tatrord, w Black, Notice " hereby given that the p nrtnenhip heretofm otthsbtitsg be- tuna us, the 1e1Ttt'."t " Lanai“ and leKechnio, in t a Town of Dar. ham,ba.-thia day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the aid numer- ship are to he paid to (no McKnchnie. and all claims agninat the said part- nershin ure to he presented to the said Funk Lonumn, by whom the name will he suttled. Dated st Durham this lat dnv of Petr. ruary. A. D. 1917 ki, having signed last rock with the 64th Battery. Can. Field Artiiurr, Guelph. Dun-moor had M',"tct been In the [oils ot the poltear Clouds. end hut I short time ago muelemed from prison where he had hon eonMed for (insertion from tus battalion. Con-able J nun " new lying in the Milchig-n Boo Hospiul. not expected to ive. Witness: A. H. Jack")! WHEAT, OATS, POULTRY, anus a PM rux AND Ernest McDonald in not home in kha- THESE FARM PRODUGTS ABE IEEDEI] M EXPllHT Dissolution of Partnership Recruits Extend Thanks THE FARM BEEF, icon, CHEESE, 248th Battalion Notes. [33133 George McKechnie Frank Len-bun ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mr and Mr- David McCrie returned to Sack. Landing. Sui. iaat sauna-y and will Erohsth come back to me. bum in t e (all. Mr. J. A. Buck and daughter [on or Uhuley. were VII-[torn the beginning of the Week a Mr. o. Ramada. Mr. and Dir-.1“ IcGillivuy (nee Mary Binnie) of Glenelg. no having an anxious time It present. owing to ttrt operation performed hut week to their infant. dnughter. some for ',,"/e'lt" old, at Nut-e Cnrmount'a boo- pnn . Mean J no and Archie Robert-on returned to town from Ottawa Prior after spending the winter months with their â€our there. We are glad to In" them back. Mine- Mnuuie and Reta Torry of Kitchener, visited friends in the old town over the week and. Mr Jun Eagle and family sad It Bert Wilson ind hmily left Tue-thy with cars of goods to make their home in the West non Funnier. But. Jim racontly sold his residence to Mr In McLaughlin formerly of Vsrney. tor . Rood price. Mrs McKa and little son, of Stut- ton, Rainy UQ', District, who Bee visiting her plrenu. Mr had Mrs W L Dixon North Bttrttoont, spent a db] at her uncle’s. Mr T Mcthrr, and in hpgnding this week with Lucknow rel- nuns. . .Meq. Urquhart of Port Credit in Vil- mnu her narenta. Mr. and In. J. P. Nbelnn. Dr Hutton went to Toronto on Sot- urdny to Attend the nhquuieu of " oldut. nister Mrs D Williama. who In interred on Monday in Mt Plenum, cemetery. She leaves to mourn beside- her hnahnnd and three children, four hrnthorl and one sister, who is well known here. Mr. Robe 8 [new visiting hll do ten In town, 'd') uhort time. no In: been akin; autumn! in Toronto for his "a. which In" been troubling him tor none tine. Mr. Neil McCannel is seriously ill " present. While cutting wood on Tues- day of this week, the violent exercise affected his heart, and he is now amfin. ed to his bed. We trust his ailment may prove but temporary. school. He will be greatly mined in the Baptist Choir, and as a member of their quyrtette, which has New given freely of their talent for patriotic work. Mr. Theodore Fullaiue left on Tucuda fot Hyuhtt, Sank†where ht will tegq‘ Min Edna Limin was home from Galt for a couple days over the week end. Mr Will Campbell left on Wednesday for London, England. having received his call last week to the Royal Naval Air Service, with which branch he signed a few weeks ago. He reports at the Crys- tal Palace, London, takes part of his early training in France, then return. to England. Will is Durham', first aviator and we predict will prove a capable one. We with him good fortune. At Markdale, on Wednesday, Mar. f, Mr John Braun of Glenelg. Ion of Mr. and Mrs. Wat. Braun, and Miss Marjory Baxter, eldest daughter of Mrs. R. Bax- ter, Durham, were united in marriage. We extend folioitations. Aquiet but pretty wedding was lol- emnized at Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Ritchie's. Glenelg, on Wednesday, Much It, at 12 noon, when their younger daughter, Irene, was united in matrimony's holy bonds to Mr. Clifford Howell of Durham. Rev. Mr. Whaley was the offioiatine minister. The young couple were unat- tended. The bride was attirred in white georgette crepe and her travelling dress was of French brown gabardine with silk waist and hat to match. The young couple left on the 4 p. m. train for Tor- onto, New York and Chicago. On their return they will reside in the Laidlaw cottage at the rear of.R. MscFarlane's store. Mr, Howell is employed with the McGowan Milling Co. The Review wish- es to extend its good wishes. The British in Mesopotania have captured Bagdad and Turks are in full retreat. Ajunction of Russian and British forces is likely before long, F. S. Spence, the great municipal expert and Temperance advocate died last week in Toronto. Hie removal in the prime of uufulnees hag called forth regret all over the Dominion and Tor- onto especially mourns his death He wan given a public funeral and some public m ‘morml will likely commemor- ate this useful career. The Chinese government will break " negotiations with Berlin. Ambassador Gerard, who was recalled from Berlin in now home, coming by way of Spain. Cuba, Florida Bern- storft will now be home also each no doubt with an interestiwg story for their superiors. Gen. Smut: who led the sucepufql campaign against German E. Africa, II nowin ngland. premierBorden and party vittited the Canadians in the "caches. - _ Uhitéd States announce: to the I world that she will arm merchant ships , attain-t the suAtttPrirte1 _ . E -Thdireat “50000 000 war loan 1m Ir unched this week. Read the announ- cement on page 5 and act quick. undersigned up to April End. WIT, for Ihe pooihon of Conatahlv, Crank?! Tor" Pu". Swim" Cospretcr. Collec- tot of Tax", on for anu of Durham toe the bntBtttte a me your. 1917. Municipal Notice Application. will be received by the [Mudgued may: April_2nd._ WIT, for Notable Events in Brief w. B. Von", Clerk Everybody needs it. To take I tonic id the opting in only Iiding mine. You are beginning to notice that tired feeling. Noth- ing donning. You simply need a egg-Eng tonit- brunet. Some- t In, to tone up the "stern nnd purl y the flood. Pendu- Lmtive Blood Ar Penolu Blood Tonic pills... so Pennlu' Dynamic Twig..." A (Paladin) The only can motive again» an: in what. out: and My and potato scab. Gun-teed (all mil " ind so: u but“. Seo. JP. â€layman, anyâ€)! G. T. R. Central Drug Sun Tm Ticket Agency YOUR SPRING MEDICINE B Blllll Petmiar appealing tonic 50c & " Nun-go Blood Puriikr 1.00 S. F. MORLOCK Bold only by celery nerve tonie.. Loo m1 We are sole Agents for Progress Brand The Store of Honest Value the brand which lands out by itself for reliable clothing. Drop in end see ourrenge of clothing and let moon- vinee you of their superiority :ovet other brands of ready made clothing. We have just opened a shipment of new spring clothing which is herd to beat for sty'e, value and nrhmuehip. Among this shipment ere blue sud grey worsted suits for which we pieced our order over s "" sgo. The cloth in these suits sre enema“, good. being the very 'neat of cloths pro- cunble to-dsy. We also have 3 full line of - Clothing in double breasted and Nor. folk styles. If you boy needs a unit it will pay you to ur no. u the clothing market is in n my unetled condition at present. CLOTHING FORMALDEHYDE 75c & I.†Vaution Ind outing time will behercbefon you nevi! waif you In the tartan-to omoiln Aura Canal-n FIGURE NOW ON THAT NEW CHEM your plenum will be dam. 'tttttt m. bet-om (“mar Tit in Mill; my, - iiGt"it't" We: on. Coat in m let am ,outbeir.tedroiatn. Manage In. " but“ 'sT,e,'cTi'ff7r1'1