" tid- but Int Knox tTI", SaNot I has raising pro-out hee un- ham Br. visited 'eeettr. chased In last l earnest been be: bad havr "N. = bu olllceu q has". ant. to toll-i- on. In while to Ill, no " be t.- b " kind a .1 Sunk km " . pd but med. [new o ho- i he ten, but toâ€. This " the Fed-cm {econ-t in the Fons! 0" in. no dur- Irq. aesqt"e" aceto- D ran Sat- Ont-no a"Badh of u my in nu} in my , couotty'I ssage not In“ I no New . hean If, wk, be. , not. on. to. of i lid u‘lebOll - adorn deuce ‘lIS. Production & 1mm til, . War ' Pro lace More an! Sue More S . ' FIGHT like Your He' Emeiom , _ . I C "t,2"I"tl' 32:! 'ttt Eng 'itil “Imam tIll ittt) ' It It is War Time - -e U _ " . _ - " VOL. XL, N0. 23 F. (inbuilt. Eyesight SpecialiIt-u Central Drug Store. Mr Rotrt Tvamloy. Crawford, has pur- chased a new Heintzman piano. The Review in well equipped to “F- ply wedding inutatiogtwfor the June bride. Call and see our "och. Let Spire". court you this season. All gins, typos and price- " the pur- lur ol carnation. Phone 70 foe up- pvintmertt or can]. Mrs. J. O. Nichol The gills of Durham Public Schrol hue organized . but“ bait club with Muse I was W bunker as Secretary end are prepared to receive ell-Henge- iron any quarter: The Aber n Branch of Bentinck Med Cross Soc will hold their Cur. den Party on Frid evening. 15th June, on McCraeken‘I La Aberdeen. A good musical program been provi- ded. Admission, 25c. :tâ€: Crr..,r.-ot.rrd),t8,.,tt wanes- We ha a "oek of ground tered) when on d that we otrerirrtt for the nut few " " $80.00 per ton, tracks included. ' you want Ned, buy now as we have n limited quanti- " to one: at the pr . Rob Mor Cor I Mills Co. In last. Soturdny’s c glues, won the names of two South Grey bore, Mte. 0. B. Dickson of Orchard. and Lance-Corp. J. Oliver of Pricovillo in the nu "infantry, wounded. vanishing no duty." Thai! injuries happily, are thus aoh Hill's Yo Wm?! EL:PHAx1:- l On June Itith e [Adm of the Ited) Urea- will hqld White Elephant. sale in the rooms at a to" of the Blun- dud Bank. Mo 1-“. baking will also be sold Ind to ohmento "rved. Proud- to" In" com "I for boy. at tho lronv. Come. The following have pu used Ford cots the out week trom CSInith& Bon., local IIOIII; Rusted! Bro... Prlcoville; John Stoddart, Glenda ; Ed Boyer. Benllnck; John Btown. near “clutch: Dwid Humilwn nod 600 Hooper. North “venom. Gnome Webb". Banach. Wn‘cl us Glow '.--m, mun good old Upper Town. Outing the Inst two week. the Stork In. called At no fewer than he human [nuns little pleas" behind that have not. yet got. onto the Amt'o Roll. lion in the list of - (other: up to due t Colin Ken- nody. Allan Cmmn,Newoll Falling- hun. Jock Noble and John A Gum-In. the three In" named having boys. Let us know it we have unused my. CIMITIIY "r-rt-r,----, last â€one " or to citizens some!“ at the cemetery. dug poet holes for A new lance in n gruelling an"! bunk, pulled all old wire, ended new posts Inving "erythinx randy to string the win. on. and didn't feel n hit. the worn for it. The" ll still any work to do 3nd [hid-y nhernmn. " of June. in the lime to do it. dunner. and uws will be useful. a low shovels and crowhnn. and " any one ttae n planing outttt uselll work can be done on gonna of the hm. Dear render will you so ? Thank vou. Lowr Two Tow'.-- Woila the {night train was going to the tunable " the (LT. R. Monday ulna: Mao n. m. Moraeq Enidâ€, station clerk. stepped on the but ot the engine the: letting lhe switch. The engine wae going very slowly and be swung a little aside to allow the huheman aleo to step up. when his foot. clipped ( ft the step on the rail and the wheel " the tender caught. his to†on tight foot. The crush on " shoe. caused it to rplit open on oppoeite side, time for- _ annately releuiog his toot and eaving his large toe and two next it. The engine wee etoppedln troinq0int'heo. " wae a mort pninlnl accident and [he .ofrerer wae " once taken to Dr. D. B. Jamie-ooh where the (not. wa- Jreeeed. thence to hie home. The pain was somewhat leeeened In a day or two. and it will he a couple weehe hole-e he can move "and. wehope ae halallyae ever. - i ' Your surplus earnings in our b Savings Department earn inter- nm ma est at current rate. a36 DURHAM BRANCH; STANDARD BANK MAID WANT r-Applt to Mrs. Fin- ley Graham or " tral Drug Store. A few of mid“: and heny chop for ale a co. _ A Two Gonoline t.yttttcft'oo,',,"eo, Jr. , It h. p,. and o Flirhon .--Morrsely tt.: p. will be sold a I bargain at f Chevrolet Gouge. 1 Inside of t weeks a marble cutter: will be in town cut inscriptions o.n'i head-tone: or moon on. now erected. Any person requiring k done should apply at once to Al Bell. The remain. of the Ute . John Riguey, of Detroit, were brought tn the home of her father. Mr, Dan Mc- Arthur at the Glen. Monday, and in- terment took place to Priceville cem- _ etery. Wednesday. Decewd was “in ; Mary McArthur and leave-two sons to or CANADA "an: arms: - TORONT° terment took place to Priceville cem- E Ihre and Light Committee were em- etery. Wednesday. Deceased wan bliss , powered to remove Any lighui on any Mary McArthur and leave-two sons to of the streets. which in theirjudgmen'. mourn her loss. her husband hnvnng _ any Improve the conditions of street died some 12 years ago. She won 55 ) lighting. years of one. The funeral was delay-i On motion of artxnt--Atumr, the ed for . day to tulow ot the arrival of _ Red Crone Society were refunded rent I brother from the West. I of Town Hull paid for concen- Tuesday to Thursday of next week will be stirring dare in Baptist circles here. The 30th annual meeting' of Owen Sound Aaaociation will be held in the Baptist Church and 8010100, delegates are expected. Rev. Mr.‘ Wylie in Moderator, Mrs. J. A. Gra- ham. Secy-Treae. Some brilliant speakers are expected and the evening meetings will bee! general interest. Mayor Laidlaw gives the addreu of welcome on Tuesday night. Revd'e- W. L. McKay' L. L. D., Prof. Camp- bell, McMaster, Rev. P. K. Dayloot, M. A. and Mr Senior all of Toronto are famous men. A NONAGINABIAN Pts-There} was land to rest In Durham cemetery on Saturday last the mortal remannn‘ ol Abraham Knisley who died " hil home in South Egremont, two dnyl previously. He had leached the great age of 02 year. and survived his with by over no - Fora number “year-j put he has lived with " two daugh- tern near the old Robb post otBee, com- intt there from Creemore where how» well known. A In 9 family of clown children were bonito ocean-cod and his wife of whom five tons and four daughter. wry ve. Two of the sons are well known here. Jemin Durham and Ah. in Bentinck. the other melt- l be" le'ng widely scattered. ttow Lance Mc0irr Mn. Thou. mum wan trratitied In: week to receive the following letter trom a chum of Lance‘l, which explains itself: - -. - m... Dear Mu. McGirr: "No doubt you will be rather sur- prised to hear from me. a perfect stran- tter to you. but since I have heard to- day thin Lance had been uliuh'ly woun- ded I thought you might sppreciate a line trom we. Lance and I have been very troodi we pale since. we were in Gnlt and were on L and leave to Scanned together hence I felt I am - _. _ . . . 1 - .. sorry in one way to hear that he bud been hit and in number way I felt glad that he would be out of it for a while " hunt. WI Your! mneonly. Linn. Met Wilma. mm Can. M. G. Co., B. E. It., Franco. THE France, May 7, 1917 was wounded Began Store l, After routine buoineel the following accounts were ordered paid: _ Electric Lights for Mar. ... ...8 90 00l, 1 Clerk, salary and pause. . . . . . 41 04 _ Dr. Hutton, 6 mm. Inlet-y. .... 37 50 I " Expenlen unending _ Anoc'n Meeting. ... . .. 1'2 50 l C. Elvldge. attendance “Town Hall torMar........- soo _ Howard McDonald, Engine sup- plies............4...... 95 J. c. Adams is Town Constable Town Council met in regain Ion-ion on Monday Int. Total . . . . 8184 99 Clerk was ordered to procme 126 dog tags. Councillor J. U. Adams resigned his position "councillor and on motion of Urattt- Filth was accepted. By-Inw 696 on motion of Ctuder-- Kreso was ordered read a tturd time tsigned, sealed and engrossed on By- law book. Br this by-lnw. Mr. J. C. Adams in appointed-tmail we "r--ettieiencr ot- tleer of the town of Durham, taking on ici,, rthe dating, " same salary. as were performed by Mr. Geo, Arrow- Imith. After about 17 years in Durham, Mr F. Search left on Tuesday for George- town, where he has protttatms em- ployment and bi. family leave to-mor- row. 'During these yen- they have made many trienda and will have life-long memories of Durham succin- tions. 0n Fridny evening lost their home was invaded by n crowd of well- wishers who sue them I piece of their mind II seen tteiow,aeeompsnied by nclock and some cut-glue were. Durham is sorry indeed to lose such good citizens. but beet wishes follow them. Here is the Address t Dear Mr and Mrs Search l l We, your friends and fellow usocl-l ates in Church life and work have heard with sincere regret that you are l leaving us for another sphere and tuid of service. We hove therefore come to spend this evening with you and to express in I. practical way our appreciv ation of your worth. You, Mr and Mrs Search. have been cloaely associated with the church for upwards of seventeen years and your family have grown up in this relation- ship Thr, breaking of such a longnnd closely welded tie must therefore cause grief and sorrow to one and all. You have {given your services heart- ily and earnestly for the furtherance of God's work in the church and we are eontident that such hithful and devoted services will Ming ahigher and greater reward than any that man can bestow. We shall miss you from our fel- lowshIp but we believe that the devo- uon and constancy so evident here in Durham, win be faithfully given to the town and church of your adoption. nood-Byes to the Searches We tsll wmh you success and pros- perity in your new home and work and it will he a joy to us to hum? that "Uod's blessing that maketh rich and addeth no 'sorrow," is upon you and yours. We now uk you to arcept these presents as about) of our esteem and respect. May God us. you and keep you and unite us all in that endless life in which there will be no separation. Signed on behalf of the Church t W. W. WYLIE, Pastor Full House Eniuyed "The Nodding Mandarin" Though the local Committee were forced to cancel lbedey‘e spam plants. ed for June 4th, owing to dittieultr in securing lending astmetiott.,nhrr went ahead with the evening etstesrtiustuent and with Almoet all lean on 50c, drew e crowded house. The Hanover Indie; Gymnastic Club comprising about 80 young ladies of th u. town. supplied an excellent pro- gram. the play being the main feature and several of their exercise. being given on itaeoneluoiom "The Nodding Mandarin" ia a Chinese opera and than costume. were appropriate to the oc- casion. gorgeoua in damn and hue. 1 Throughout. it in fullo! action, moraine ‘. tine mmical numbers. a vein of humm- I and even lone vocal local bill. It {culminates when the Emperor Hiami Ham I. Winn“), loitering from mi. iTdamor, THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1917 ....s 9000‘ .... 4104 .... 3760 I if? 1250 own .... soo With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader nus ailments. threatens to behest! the three doctors whose vsrious cures have failed to benefit him. Tue Mould-n. Chang. (Miss A. Schseter) Otters for “muchee money" to ssve them i';) causing him to laugh and very well dial the cure work. On the doctors' re-l luctnnt consent. she brings into their presence :“the nodding mandarin,†which creates such merriment among Lil. even the indisposed Em peror, that lbs withdraws his decree tuna all ends lhappilv. During the presentation of the play, I solo pelts were well taken by Miesu' Dorothy Armstrongand N. Greulzner,! the latter as .. Britannia " also s'.".,".','?,',",) ing a splendid patriotic number in thel, second part of the program. This was‘ mainly folk dances. and Russian, Welsh, Swedish. English, and blah“ Jigs were shown. ?'tse girls were most adept in these, the Russian being esrpeeitulr atrenuonn, and the audience were most appreciative of their exhib- itions. many of them new here. An interesting fencing bout between two of the girls, judged by points, showed LGI Sextér-uy: and followed by the " King " closed the program. To the instrurtreee. Mrs. Wm.! Ruttle, special credit must be given‘ for the thoroughness and attention she has freely spent on the club’s training I Her reward is in the public upprovnl and support of their efforts. the Gym. nastic Club having raised over $000 for Red Cross from their concerts. The proceeds Monday night were tdi) which goes to the Durhnm Red Crone1 funds. " The pure" came " their own ex- ‘pense ins Beet of nine McLeuuhlin core, and after the concert, all the viaitors. with reveal of the lace! com. mittee, were entertained at the home of Dr. Jamieson M. P. P., by the local Red Cross ig being served. I The: Chi] Government tttm record- ing th i uguntion of "In: BATTLE or Tut IHE' and described by the London E uing hows " the gram: moving tlt in the world, and said by returned é; {era to be the moat reelin- tie reproduc on of the turtttitur at the front, includ 3 comic plum-en. will be shown hymn“ Earned goldier in Town Hall, Durha Saturday night. June Dull, yuan-au- ___--"-".. _. 9th. This will a your last opportuni- ty to see them Nearly three hours utendy show. amnion 25c. Come. Durham'Schobl Report for May Sr uh-Ward Koch, Margaret 00m Lawrence Chapman. Otliiie Limin. Easel Edwards. Aggregate 20 Average " Jr 4tts--ostharine Wylie, Wilmer Snell. Mae McGirr. Sadie Russel. Roy- den Burnett. Aggregate 20, Average 18 Total Aggregate 40, Total average 36 _V:;;V3rd':\vv. Collinson, M. Yirrs. N. Falkmgham. A. McClllum. G. Wan. Jr 3rd--M. Saunders. D. Graham. K, Hughes. M. Orr, E. Levine. Jd,'GiiLL.' kectoceiin. B. Ritchie, C McCrae. M Brown, M. Lauder: Jr. [iii-Urdu MeFadyen. H. :Mc" Faddeo, B. Hartford, W. Marshall, M I Burnett. I Enrolled 50 Average 41 Admitted 2 Jr 2nd--rqatMt1 Kelsey. Nellie MrGirr Helen Pilkey. Tattle Dean, Violet Brooke. l Aggregate 26 Average 22 Ist Char-Irene Moyer, Iva Saunders. Adelme (Inllmson. W. McClyment. A. I Snell. Aggregate 18 Average 16 Total " Ava-3e 38 Br. Primer B chor--stewart Mell- ‘ruith. Beatrice Veasie, Jtstry Elyiage. Violet McDonald. Eliznhrth Liehtte stone. Ag nttendnnce 28 Average '24l - B ciamr.-Ceeelim ggeAttlifN, Ettie" Dalton, Seaman Reveal. Beryl Breaks Marion Search. Aggregate atteudnuee " Average 13 um “£3";an 43 Average 87 Jr. Pruner A. eiams--rms Milne, Jou- per Truynor, Newton Clerk. Martino Siam-on. Christina Goodchild. Fron- Ices Young. Ttik Battle of the Somme B GLsCLizsiemes, Sadie Holmes) Laura McFay den, Sam Ghnter, ho: Falklnnlum. C tDo-Jean Harding, Elsie Kru- ney, Helen Knight. Rem Brooke, Janet Barnett, Raymond McGin'. Dolly Kelsey. Aggregate attendance 52 Avenue 46 Admitted 4 We call attention to the stirring lineni on page 8, "Where are God's Recruits"? l Mr Ferguson has much latent poetic) instinct and this latest "ution dnhan-l can his rcputgtion an a poet. Ehs WAR Notos.-jo striking (lavelop- meme in the war situation. A Social- ist gathering at Stockholm in tnki.-g attention, encouraged if net manned ‘by Gummy. A pmeibiltyof navel Activity in looming up end American assistance in proving vnluhle. On Tuscany registration of eligible- took plane throughout the United Sauce and 10 000 000 men registered. Rani ' though will I wanton-I. new to be 'etitrretintt up. Suhaurino deatruetioo u being granny lessened. Indian. light refreshments Miss Mary Twamley returned to Bulhlo Monday, after a few days will) her uncle. Mr. Bohr. Twuuley. Craw- ford. Mr. and Mrs. War, Black, we at the Royal Alexandria Hospital. Fergus. where they are undergoing treatment, Min Helen Forayth, Simcoe, in sitri.l ting her cousin. Mrs Geo. Gagnon 'CI, a few weekr. Mrs. Thor. Allan. Mrs. U. Runny, Mrs. T, McGirr, Mrs. John Belt, Mr. And. Derby and Mn. Wm. Derby, Mrs Mellrnilh and daughter Mary, Misc Agnes McGirr. were those of Durham Presbyterian Chunh It the annuel _ meeting of Saugeen Presbyteriel held L at Mt. Forest, Thursdey lust. Min Linn Byers. of Parry Bound in visiting among her old friendu in Dur- ham and vicinity for a week . Lieut. Milton Mills from Dump Ber. dun is in town for a few day- to secure recruits for a Forester's Battalion. Misc Irene Maycock of Hanover Ipent ‘ the week end " Mr. Hugh McDongld’s Upper Town . Mr. Fred Ryan, Managerof Standard Bonk, Paisley. with his parents. Kev. Wm. ind Mrs. Bygonnd mm Ethel, motored to Durham, Month, and spent the day pleanntly calling on friend. and neighbour.. It is 15 years since Fred left Durham but he lull retains i may memorlo of the old town. Rev. end Mrs. R. Waiter Wright un- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter. Mury Eleonora Vincent. to Mr. Clarence Avon Westley of Toron- to. The marriage will take place in the Metropolitan Church the last. week In June. Min Anna Saunden. Toronto. spent over Bundar with her tsitster, Mrs. B. Ltnduy. Mia Laura Truux visited our Sun- dsy " her home in Domoch. Mr. L E. Welter-d of the lumen-ill Bank, Toronto. wu . villtor It Mu. R. Linduy'l. Mrs. J. D. Abraham in Week with friends in town. Ilsa Janet Marshall. accompanied by Mr Nest McDonald from Calling- wood township: motored to her mother's here and Ipent over the week end. Mr. Foster Sounders intely of Iainl banks-Morse Uo., Toronto, lett Wed-l nesdny to enter the Country’e service. l, hlVng spent the week with hie tether I end sister here on final leave. He hits enlisted in the Secret. Service Dept. of the Imperial Navy, and will probably bemigned to duty on a motor-boat where" he has bad experience with en. S'),tt Foster had previously tried to enlist in Toronto but was turned down by the medical ottlcer. Now that be has been accepted in a new gvenue of service, and one just in awful, his many friends here admire his penis- tence and Wish him the heat of luck Gliiuiiat attention" monthl yet to lcome. Mr. and)“. Neil McOnnncl and Mrs McLean no daughter Etta left for me We“. Tuesday. They intend to spend a month wi‘h relatives in Manitoba and other paints. His mnav triends)stTe hope to no him saloons; - .___--." t., “mama trienae new Dupe w u- ...... __ -- - u. again before long and in tutored health. cLamc.-1p Durham. on 5th of June; 1917. to Mr and Mr- Dug-Id A. i Clank. (4th con. Glenelg): danghtet. l tneamor,--lrt. Durham. 4th June. 1917, to Mr. and Mm. Otto. A. Graham, an tson.-HJotut Gordon Burgess.) t tusrimotr--rrt Durham. Mttt May. 1917 I IO Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cameron, :1 daughter. j Somh Grey , he huld in thr ilk 1017, It 2.30 served " the [miles welcome. A card from Frank McKoy to his mother shows him to be in England to be sent to an Edinhurgh hoopiul to recuperate. He Wu through all the Vinny Ridge undue. “coping serious," injury and is in good rpiriu. f A NEW Grumman? STORE Nova. [ ---The T. E5000 Co., but. ot Toronto will open an order departmont in 1 Hampton or June lv-t. An omce bus I been secured and goodswill be deiit er- 1 ed from Toronto twice daily. [ B. J. Parker. 0mm Bound. (brother ‘0! the lots Henry Parker of Durban) and Mrs. Pu her celebutrd last week ltheir golden wedding. Mr. P-rkrr I but been County Treasurer for many The Snugnn hunch of the Red Crok met " the home of In. John Veuie on May 29th. qy.eutr-nirseVtitt""." present, " pillow on" sad , touch, tho 5 lie-pita robes wore made and two pairs sot-kn natal. After . any lunch I collection of $7.10 In! when. The urn-acting will be held June 12 " In. Thou. miehie's. The piano, Ahnbnm is uniting tin. Annual Meeting of 'omen’u lnslimles will ', 'hnny. Durham. June m. Lunch will he n am Branch. All ONTARIO JiiieAiijii:g TORONTO We hive a. amok of urnund [no wheat on hnnd thnt we are r trerimg for the next law thy: " 'tooo per ton, I wk: included. " you want feed, buy now u we haw only a limited qunmi- ty to otfer It this price. i; This, our new serial story, is one of the very best written on I the present war. The first instalment will appear in an early j issue. You'll like Tommy; it is a strong, soul-stirring tale of the I great world war that everyone in the family will enjoy. The hero I is a Lancastershire lad. He didn't want to go to war-not at first. I “Let 'em as wants to fight the Germans fight 'em" said Tommy. 1 Then one day he heard the cry of suffering Belgium; he heard 3 the call of his own motherland--he gave up the best job he ever l had and enlisted. He went to France; he fought a good fight--- l against himself as well as the enemy; he won the D.C.M. and-- l the best girl in the world. A splendid story splendidly told. " Watgh for the first instalment. How about {hat New Suit ? we have a larger and better assorted stock than ever, including Progress Brand and Empire Tailored Suits, which are brands that stand out by themselves as to style, fit, snap and quality. We were lucky in securing our range of Suits, as cloths have advanced to almost double and are hard to get at any price. For those who prefer an up-to-date business Suit, We have just what you want in all sizes For those who prefer an Suit, We have just what 3 and fabrics to choose from. How about {hat Best Suit ? tit have a line of Blue and Grey Worsted: which we are certainly proud to have us we know there are no better Suits procurable to-day. These Suits are equal to any tailored Suits which you would pay 8 3 5.00 to-day for. Our price is 820.60 and $25.00. Drop in and see our range and let us convince you what these two brands are. Our Ice Cream Parlors Reopened Friday last S. F. MORLOCK Grand Trunk Town Ticket Agency THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE Rob Roy Care-J Mills Co. The Store where Quality Reigns Supreme For the present season. We invite you to call frequently,. day or evening, and sample our delicious dishes. We can supply tickets to any G.T. R. point. Purchase your tickets here. War Measures FIGHT Ptshiiabod Vastly n â€.00 s an. O. SAHAGI t SON Poul-nu Notice hereby given that the ad. journed m in: of the Court of Keyi- uion for Dur mwill he held on Sutur- dny. " h of " In the Town Hall at flp.m Adi PAY ' 'bleu, rim- PRODUCE d Court of Revision purl-r. Clerk SAVE " r3