r. Ind M My . Buckwheat mixes an excellent breakfast and. Children snd Birds. Interest children in birds. By I study of bird chnrts you can sttrset tho kind you want by providing the food they like. Native birds are easy to domestieate, and respond quickly to nttention to their special needs. Place I trough of bird feed, s wall-basin or bird-bath, and s shallow basin of drinking water on your window sill. l A great need of the urountry is di- versiy. People who handle the pious; need to have somethihg to think about. They have many hours to think. That he may not be s pes- simist or s false philosopher, that he may not con over evil thoughts snd Ill his mind with wrong and inhuman sentiments is for the Church to hsve s care. The pulpit must not think it beneath its dignity to organize plsy festivals, snd the minister must not be ashamed to wear motley, if by so doing he cam bring s better and s noble! spirit into the countryside. The tediurn of country life is unsocisl. It is minst the wens" of the State. It is bad for the heart and for the soul., The children "hear'rmore distinctly when they are allowed to place their elbows on the piano. Others, when asked to explain their sensations. said: “I feel it in my tem- ples and in my Mrs." “I fulfil through my whole body," and "I 'eel it in my chest and lungs." "When the teacher plays an excit- ing feeling comes up through the ftoor," is the way one deaf boy de- scribes it. In this institution the classrooms are provided with pianos, around which the children gather between re- citations. - Music is an Essentinl Factor in Trail- ing " the Dear. Music, declares the head of an insti- tution for the care of deaf and dumb children. is more essential in the edu- cation of the deaf than it is in the training of the hearing child. HOW THE DEAF; "HEAR" MUSIC. These pattenls ArrGi"a,tained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond th., Heather jersey cloth is used for de. veloping a very smart military coat and service dress. The cost has an inverted pleat in the back, and the skirt of the dress any be divided front and bark to be worn over bloomers. McCall Patterns No. 7881, Ladies' Military Coat; in 30-inch length; in 5 sizes, " to 42 bust; and No. 7877, Ladies' Service Dress; in 6 sizes, 84 to 44 bust. Price, 20 cents each. l Toronto, Dept. W. ty is shown in the romper dress here Illustrated. It is on the order of the envelope style of chemise except that the envelope section fastens under the dress at the top of the hem end does not take away from the dress effect. McCall Pattern No. 7760, Child's One or Two-Piece Romper Dress. Pattern in 5 sizes; 6 months to 6 years. Price, " cents. Rural Church and the Farm. An unusua! ed yet practical novel.. dress. The coat has on at in the back, and the dress may be divided front o be worn over bloomers. 'a/ lulu dru were " once for n bottle of Kt E. Elf/ld,',),', Vegetnble fiTgg,e; A believe me. I noon noticed I c ong- and when I had finished the third WI In: cured and never felt better. I [not you the privilege to publish my letter madam only tooglnd madam know of my cure. "--ah. Tam. McGtat. IGAL, 3432 Bunnie Street. Phila., Pt. medicine I took. Every month since I In: I young girl I had tattered with cramps in my sides " periods and was never regular. 1 saw your advertiser. ment in the newspuper and the picture of o woman who, had been and from on operation and this £11an was in- Pressed on my mind. 0 doctor had given me only two more days to who {up mymind to1tsettrttheunertothe., illlll 0 FEB MIM _"' f fllllillTiilr Philadelphin, Ptc--'uym, yen ago I was very sick and 1.sutrere.d. with pains rarmTimmrommmtn “Elude and but i Yd 5†I E; SW I (A " ' f 1lili i)ti, ( lillliiti'il I . l., , if I This drug doesn’t eat 1'0sai.'.,,.,tl up the corn or callus. but shrivels them so they loosen and come right out. It is no humbus! It works like a charm. For a few cant: you can get rid of every hard corn, not! corn or corn bo- tweou the ttrea, I. well a. painful tttth luul on bottom of your feet. It néver disappoints and - burns, bites on inftanurs. It your My!" hun't my iroozone yet. tell him to so: tt little bottle for m from his wholes.†homo. -qr-o--o---o-o-o--o--o--o--L This new drug is In ether compound discovered by . Cincinnati chemist. It is called treesone,l, "iU" and can now be on! ICI> mined in tiny bottles i'),', us here shown at very" little cost from any drug store. Just on; a. tor ireozone. Apply tt) ' drop or two directly IUF ) ‘ on a tender corn or tttU. I his and inotsntly the! soreness disappears. l ' Shortly you will and thol . corn or callus so looms, (FUR that you can lift it all ll, " root and all. with the! I, it . fingers. I Probably many a purchase of farm implements has been postponed, in the hope that prices would be lower- ed before the necessity for their use became 'acute. All evidences point to such practice as dangerous procras- tination. {The Waste of War _ is terrible, but the waste of food in times of peace is colossal. Rich and poor the so-called eliminating or- gans and depletes the physi- cal and mental powers. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is all food, prepared by a process which makes every particle thoroughly digested. It is 100 per cent. whole wheat. Two or three of these Biscuits with milk. fruits. make a nourishing meal, supplying the greatest amount of energy at lowest cost. Delicious with sliced The Waste of War is terrible, but the waste of food in times of peace is colossal. Rich and poor alike eat tons of food that has little food value-and this useless food breaks down ISSUE No. MV-ar. Made in Canada. Not a twinge of pain, sorenaea or Irritation; not even the slightest stunning. either when applyinl tranche or Afterwards. until I nearly went crazy. I went to differerttdoetort"utd they all slid I had female trouble and would not get any relief until I would be operated on. I had suffered forfour years before thin iime,tmt I kept get. ting worse the more or MmMMOu-mhco'. Farmer-Neuse I got a grant any bushels of pen- from it. est method i 'the sand-shoe, which is made of stall and looks something like a. bird- ge. Mr. Atkins attaches the cage to’ his shoes, and then can walk alorutsome 10 inches above sand- level, while the sand Sifts through the meshes of his undershoea. So Tommy can go on walking with comparative ',eorntort.' The dimettitieg through ;which he marches to conquer may be gauged from the fact that when the Turks were coming with intent to des- troy‘ the Suez Canal they had to dig narrow trenches tor their big guns and metal this grooves, so that the gunsi eéuld be (tuned forward. They found ee method easier that building ds. C produce . lot of poached nmser--Nnr, 3 on. Summer boardee--Weil, what’s the idea of keeping itt (Are Made of Steel Wire and Look Like ( Bird Cages. ( Next time you walk across a wood. ibloek pavement and stick in the tar- ‘ooze think ot tin; British army in ’Egypt. The conir st will make you 'happier. For on thing, the British Tommy would a $1,000 for wood, blocks. A But not havif pavements, Mr. At- kins is compel ed to find a way to walk on dry 1mums sand. His lat. An! "tasthmaq I. a... .......a .4.-- _.;.A“ ., l This is to 'certify that fourteen 'years ago I got the cords of my left ;wrist nearly severed, and was for about nine months that I had no use of my hand, and tried other Linimenta,; also doctors, and was receiving no, Irtneflt. By a persuasion from al {friend I got MINARD’S LINIMENT] ‘and used one bottle which completely 'eured me, and have been using MIN-l ARDS LINIMENT in my family ever; since and find it the same as when " first used it, and would never be with-," _ out it. i ISAAC E. MANN, Aug. 31st, 1908. Metapedia I No season of the year ls so danger- We and_the whole pieceis bent from [one to the life ot little ones as is the tside to yps. By two clips,. web as _ summer. The excessive heat throws {are used m ho.ldi.ntr a pencil to the [the little stomach out ot order 303POCket’ a pencil ts fastened to the (quickly that unless prompt aid is at I leathen so as to project forward four Pand the baby may be beyond all Inches In front of t.he knee." human help before the mother realizes This apparatus 15 held firmly to ‘he is Ill. Summer is the season when {Ithe knee by th.ret strong brass springs :dlarrhoea, cholera intantum, dysentry jattached by nyets. .These are three- land collc are most prevalent. Any one I fourths of an inch Ivnde and are made l ot these troubles may prove deadly it E .of stnps twelve, tlti.rtten and fourteen snot promptly treated. During the l inches long respectively. Isnmmer the mothers' best friend 'dl 'Y.hoid the paper'in the proper :liaby’s Own Tablets. They reguiate/rrtiti,on a small rack like a musie l the bowels, sweeten the stomach and (rel " made of wood with a hook to keep baby healthy. The Tablets, are 1 adjust and hold it to a small, firm' (sold by medicine dealers or by mail 2“qu two feet high. In writing thel at 25 cents a box from The Dr. WU- 3 heel 1s raised and the foot, resting onl llams' Medicine Co., Broelrville, Ont. [the ball, gives the knee quite a wide; So many of us are grasping at the stars, leaving life's plain, common work for others to do, forgetting that life's sweetest blessings come from do- ing the humble tasks in a noble man- ner. SAND SHOES FOR TOMMIES SUMMER HEAT It is popularly believed to recall the pleasant old town of Bayonne, which nestles " the foot of the Bay of Bis- cay, since a citizen, one Puseygur , is credited with its invention about 1650. Pushed into the mouth of the gun- barrel like a plug, it was thus adopt- ed in France and England about 1675. In 1689 it was attached by two rings to the barrel by General Mackay, and the socketed bayonet was introduced, by Vauban into the French army in: 1703. In 1675 It Was Adopted by the Armies of France and England. The bayonet, which, in spite of all the latest inventions of modern war- fare, remains the simplest and most terrifying weapon on the battlefield, bears a name the origin of which is uncertain. I "One evening, when l was yet in my 1 nurse’s arms, I wanted to touch the tea lurn, which was boiling merrily. It was an early taste for bronzes, I sup- pose; but I was resolute about it. My mother bade me keep my fingers back; I insisted on putting them forward. My nurse would have taken me away from, the urn, but my mother said: " 'Let him touch it, nurse.' "So I touched it, and that was my first lesson in the meaning of the word 'liberty'. It was the first piece of liberty I got, and the last that fori some time I asked for." I Severe Discipline Practical by the _ - Mother of Ruskin. In the matter of discipline John Ruskin’s mother was a Spencerian be-l fore Spencer. "Ut your penalties,†says that austere philosopher, "be like the penalties inflicted by inani- mate nature, inevitable. The hot cinder burns a child the first time he seizes it; it burns him the second time; _ it burns him every time; and he very soon learns not to touch the hot ein- der." That was Mrs. Ruskin's method. ', To illustrate her way of teaching les- 1 sons, Ruskin used to tell the follow- ing incident of his early childhood, ( which his mother was fond of relat- mg. THE PENALTY OF 1.18387! ORIGIN OF THE BAYONET. In the Country. HARD M BABY Metapedid, p, q.ltn,ade from straw' by thin tree (l To hold the paper -in the proper 3 : position a small rack like a music i 1rack is made of wood with a hook to a I adjust and hold it to a small, firm I jstand two feet high. In writing the _ a heel is raised and the foot, resting on 'the ball, gives the knee quite a wide irange of motion. A stylographic (fountain pen can be used as well as a 3‘pencil. The device can be made cheap-', I ly. The model cost $1.50, and the l springs could be replaced with straps‘ " costing ten cents apiece, thus reducingi ", the cost to $1.10. This, device should‘ 'be much more convenient than hold-‘ ii ing a pencil between the teeth or toes, gas was formerly done by some. The! i stand can be made of an old box and , a shelf put in for the apparatus. l 1 Dr. Blschly is awaiting with [Pe est reports from France, where he l sent the first models of his apparatus. ‘Experiments by an armless man on the PatMe Coast proved that a legible (ii'i'uid1tiit'iti"/, was aequired with n Ifew weeks' practice. The man had i been trying to learn to write with il, pencil held between his teeth and:' ; hadn't succeeded. l Frenchman Malian" l A piece of sole 'leather fifteen inches long and six inches wide at ione end and four at the other has I 'tsemi-circular piece cut out on each side flee inches from the narrow end. This piece of leather is bent where the scallops come to fit over the bent knee and the whole piece is bent from side to side. By two clips, such as are used in holding a pencil to the pocket, tt pencil is fastened to the leather so as to project forward four) inches in front of the knee.' l A Device to Enable Soldiers Who “Ive Lost Both Arms to Write. A boon for soldiers who have lost both arms is described by Dr. Arthur T. Blachly of Portland, U.S.A. It is an apparatus by which they can write with their knees after a little practice. You can get Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a most delicious food In flavor as well as a great body. brain and nerve builder. r The remedy tor this condition is to (build up the blood, and for this pur- pose there is no medicine can equal Dr. Willituna' Pink Pills. They build up and renew the blood, bring bright. ness to the eyes, color to the cheeks, and a general feeling of renewed health and energy. The only other treatment needed is plenty of sunlight, moderate exercise and good, plain food. The girl or woman who gives this treatment a fair trial will soon and herself enjoying perfect health. skillfully blended and processed _ make l When a girl-or a woman-ttmis her color fading, when her cheeks and lips grow pale, and she gets short of breath easily and her heart palpitates after slight exertion, or under the least ex- citement, it means that she is suffer- lng from tuiaemia-thin, watery blood. Headache and backache frequently accompany this condition, and ner- VOUBDGBB ls often present. "Oh, 'yes," replied Muzjorie, "I like it, but I thought I'd let it cool for a little while." “What’s the matter?" he asked. "rle't you _like the candy?" WHEN YOUR COLOR FADES l Very strong peppermint: we rund- father's favorite Tonfeetion. One day, he (we one to four-year-old Har- jorie, and waited slyly to see what she would do when she should discove; the pungent flavor of the candy. A few minutes later he saw her take the partly eaten peppermint from her) mouth and place it on a table beside an open window. I TO WRITE WITH THE KNEES. and But She Liked It.' an inventive TORONTO - .,____.. "Pe-i. -i.-. I "VII“? lover, thou ttthet lay-loin: to and: Bott fltlf J'r'flllfllh',I gd It tho ulna metal t I] I have at! than u no doubt in mi mu... they will come to a. conclusion I have. namely. that the Boo 'lr,', method open- the door for the euro 0 may ere Inchin- whlch in. Wotan be. Impou- ublo to cop. with. The trauma td up simple In its Mpttetttton that It cu be and " home by anyone of "Hue irttettt J iiiiiiririiVGiiW'tu'a'lW'lt'h'l= f Filled and Use at Home. l, New York.-9tr. Beck, a Now York state eye npecialiat, and Dr. Judkins. a Massa. ' chum-its physician, were asked to make a thorough test of the popular eye remedy, l lion Opto. Their reports were most inter. _ esting. Here they are: I Dr. Beck worm. "When my attention 1 was first call to the wonderful eye rem- , gt Ban Otto I was inclined to be skepti- ( ca . , ma e it a rule to teat every new , treatment which " brought to In; attention. _ ' Having specialized in eye work or they.“ l twenty years, I believe I am qualiile to i express an intelligent oginion on remedica ; applicable to the eyes. ‘ince Bott Opto has .creatod such a sensation throughout the ,' United States and Canada, I welcomed the opportunity to test it. I began to no it in my Egt"t I little over a year ago and I am rank to say that the result; obtained are auch that l hesitate to tell of my ex- gzrienee for fear it will aound incrediblo. me of the mu ta I have accomplished with Ben Opto not only astonished “in" but alao other phyaiclana with whom I an talked about it. 1 have had many individ- ’Fau'i'hhtzdnd Ion 'ltret for year. for ; " tt no“. lea-a a n altitu- ‘ tin: and other on unmet.“ no they haw Mreal with than through the adop- tion of I Bites Opto prindaol. In: eye [ trouhloa can be “and (line ' to muscular _ 'ieh"tthtut1. relaxation and Knee, Boll -'e'e--'"eeNP- - .n-‘nuuu am: In!“ Boll Onto method tell- how to col-clue and de- velop the eye Inn-den, it when conditions not possible through other mu. I, Advise - .hnu-Lml _L__. . A _ A "et.Areytsrtie?n You Can Have 'Dr. Beck, The Well Known Eye Specialist (' and Doctor Judhins, The Medical Author, I Publish Astonishing Report on Wonderful ; Remedy To Strengthen Eyesight IIISl .....V...., .unvua. aunt‘s. 116115.. " internal 4nd external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Henman Medieat Co.. Limited. Co1linttwood, Ont. land’- A baby's dress that opens the full length of the back launder: very en- ily. MONEY ORDERS The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. l "EY> who the to nay Mama by “Iâ€! the Author I“ H. CLAY 0mm CO.. Inc. w tt8 West me Shoot. New York Order Jars immediately for can- ning. Glass jars in the long run are cheaper than tin cans. 3110111130 - lltlr(tliigiflt _lii'jill, “There is a fellowship more quiet, even than solitude, and which, right- ly understood, in solitude made per- feet. And to live out of doors with the woman a man loves is of ell lives the most complete and free."--' L. S. ll in: comm; "333' Write, Phone or Call, CHILDS EOMEANY, muggy. Tppr6h7, Lumps. Good opportunity olered young women, desiring pemnent work In Toronto, to lenrn wdtrossee’ work in the Inn-gent ambushed restaurant in Canada. Good wages paid, but work. g", M_.II.IA__ - - - - YOUNG WOMEN " _ WANTED] Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in tfmririuu Time i 158 YONGE 87., ronoiiFd, " lulu.“ Ola-u Mm. mum.» can. mummy“. DR. BECK DOG DISEASES And How to Feed BoogE ON hir . tiid "H GGii. Inn-on won "way." One nun lacunae: angle: "t was also“ blind. Con not no rend at an. Now I can and Weiz- '2,'N with“: my gluo- and my on. not an In, no“. At night they would I (treadmill. Now they feel In. all an nu. " was to a mind. to - A lady who and It as: "The Inna-photo nomad - with or thou: - but an» lulu. this prescription to: " any: emychlng seems clear. I an rend even tine print yfyyytLic." _Anqtbor who um " " [ , the eyesight more than bt) not can! In one week's time. I have also usod it with nur- prlulng emu In cam ot work strained cyan, ink eye, Muhammad “as, cutarrhnl con. ;uncuvltcs, smut-ting, painful, aching. Itch- " tree., eye. wenkgned from colds, smoke. sun, dust and Wm , watery eyes, blurred vision. and In Net many other conditions 100 numerous to deacrlbe in thll report. A new and alarm“ case In: inn mm. “an. Like A BEYWMET With Vitality" Taking Iron Did It Doctor Enva mum..-) I-†. - F ,,r__-.- - n-vwn III-ll this after brushing off all the dust. Then iron awfully on the wrong side. Sore To restore black ribbons, Itnin some cold strong eoftee entirely free from grounds, {Rouge the ribbon with Next to Its un1que ttavour, the grant economy of sum. Ten has been the reason tor m enormous ale. cheue t" "Utelieve," said one of the surgeons. "thit we should wait end let him get stronger before cutting into him." Before the other prospective open- tore could reply, the patient turned hie head, and remuked feebly: [ "What do you take me for--al She doctors " a London hospital m om day how“ I consultation _trftdtytthtiittvGnliiGGGiic ttty to be 1tnrtrorine I disused hip. tol 'I “about flle otrta, Ema-Macaw. with eie nu tl 77-. -_..lhP.. "1“â€.er . " h tMeat M {mmmnmnmiiagmrww I JL '3‘ 'ii',',,':,-"':',".',,::," 'iFli 'iirtii, Ati? " . tl m P. m. be“ “Inf"; a!†by G. mum: and . a. L Co, Toronto. _ - ,,7- _--_‘_ .__v .. nun 'PE"'" ulur w me. I cannot express my toy at what it [an don. for me" "tt In hollowed that thousands who we“ [lulu can now discard tttoat in I muon- able ttme d nuldtudu more will be am. it “tune: their eyes so u to be spam! 1 o "cub and exprnue ot ever Jenni. clung. he "35?.“ at may due yuan. may be wonder I brasetited by tho use ot thid mason†at home. Here " the pre- 'glNl'olt'.. to tn, active drug atom and mu bottle of Bon Onto tablets. Drop om OMo tablet In I fourth ot I [has " "it and let tt all-0170. With lhli ll: " all“. Ti", two to fl"ah"',f,t dilly. "an not a your eyes e r up - "My mug-mill. IT', and 'iitii'rFiirt and q I “Inâ€. out we. bother you "a I Kale. " In you 5.", t'tdtngi,G P_etAetaimrtriforeitH'. Ydt't bl"lrttg0'iiit ht.' In". 193.2.“ In and or and: run-ed by overwork“, tired and which ll- ducod new. heldnchu. t hare worn gluten ' more yarn. both for dluuuce can): close war “a without than I could tt rend I?! own name on an envdope or the Sr'; an; on the mum» helm-n Ina. t on do both now 1nd have steamed my 'lttt distance clluel alto; or. I can con ' an t$utCerteag lane- on the tr across ch, are»: pow, which for Covet: .r.t"'.tttt' Ignited like I gun [my blur to - w. ._.. .v I‘l-l It?" .uyl' time amply by taking iron tn the rroper form. And this After they had I u some can. been doctor“? for month. lwilhout obtaining Any bone t. But don't :iake the old forma of reduced iron. iron Aceule or tincture of Iron Ilvnply to an“ A few centu. You must take tron in a form that an be will “barbed and u- nimilated like nulnt iron if you want " to do you nny good. otherwlu " may prove worse than uncle-u. Many an athlete or prisenghur has won the any olmply became he knew the “out at great ','otli"gi9, and endurance end ttlied in blood . th Iron-before he went Into the Mrlf. while may another in. (on. down to ulorlouc defeat simply for the lack of iron.-E. Sauer. ILD. NOTE; xunled Hun. recommended above by De. E, tiuer, in nut a patent " edicine nor net-rel rcnudy. but one whirl: in well known to dragging .nd whose tron coutstltueuts are widely prom-Hind by om!- nem phyrirtttn. rvert'where. l'nllke In. older lmrglmic Iron pmduvtt. it‘ln "wily I‘Nklbhn‘lu...‘ A _ - A, - . . " Main uni see for yourself how mud; you lave gained. I have seen don-m: o nervou- run-down people who were III- Inte all the while. double their ntrenxth um] endurance um entirely get rid or I." lymptoml of dynamic. liver and other' trout)!" tn from ten to fourteen du'l‘ time simply by Ilklll‘ iron In the Proper form. And this um thaw h-A and you work the ham In. the. Doc. no. Hutu or lemon tho hit. 82.00 per bottle, detimeed. Will tell you more if on mite. Book 4 M a... 'hl'ol'llu", a. the 'tgut'.'.,',!,?.?",',: foe minim reduce: uico-e Veins, Rapt Mud-o: Lune-u. blunt (Inna. We... Gym. All." â€In qt+ktr. Price II “I II I.“ I In.†" delivered. I F. "WIS. P. D h. 516 [mm and... loam“. (in. Mlle-{Militia 8â€!!!»me M’ Bot vain or “mini but you can clean them " promptly with dedioli on m; “a; iiriii,rui; will keep I long time in water and madly 1 new flower spike will ep- pelr. in Many Instances cy .the' an: noeirte â€in. Te DR. ICDKINS woo (gm ciiiriri a