“In mum; "1-1653.†a. M um M New. w“... uanw um. Canadian Pacific V-r-tstr-et-t RED‘UCED FARES"ON ALL LINES OF TRAVEL WAYS STEAM Greatly enlarged Government and other Exhibits - - - War in all its E-neu - - Model Camp - - Artillery ive - - Aeroplane Flights - - Scores of surprises in store for old friends and a thoosand thrills for new'oncs. MIMf8thTtt 0670323†m-ltalian. . F'rench, Persian, American and Canadian Masterpieces) K0NC---tnnes' Famous Soloist: and a scon- of other leading organizations. Judging Competition: foe ,Young Farmers . - New Farm Crop Com- petitions - - Extended Cusdticatiom and Innovations in All Departments HOMESEEKERS' E X G U RSiON S NATIONAL uofon snow FIRST SHOWING OP 19!! MODELS sums new MIME for Harvesting in Western Canada loin: Trip West"---; to wnnuno "Rem Trip Bast"--818.00 from WTtmTPBt1 or "r1auiAiiiiiimats Minions-mum withâ€. Thu-mum tty-meat-ans/ir-trica';," magnum-namw. Tm ."-'ea-e"m_iainifiriatiii TU ESDAY "AU.RAtL"otsottv Aug. 25 - CANADIAN PACIFIC aehll!hl1 [mow my: Mum ammégsifmlggï¬ï¬; ISO-“lull, id] “Wm n. "'7 Aâ€: of luau-hr kiln... 12tttb---mtroRMEtts--tattt Cut“- “Op tug an! te his.“ CONFEDERATION SPEC new IIIENSE EXHIBITS or "ACTORS AND EARN LABOR SAVING DEVICES nun-want n Aqua-Off.- . Han-:3: (iiii.iii) Many Thousand - â€m†Farm Laborers Wanted Atatlctn.TtJitii. . 'heeru. “Whore-inhal- “Gm! Lake. Roamâ€, (SI-W) III. and Wm M In In The Chevrolet valve-in-head motor is the short mad to power so that Chevrolet owners find their gasoline bills very low. The perfected mechanism means little friction, insuring minimum oil expense. _ The lightness and perfect balance of the Chevrolet Insure maximum tire mileage. Electric starting and lighting system, and speedometer are part of standard equipment. (iiii1tiittjitjii'i" m"; Chevrolet Motor Co. of Canada, Limited OSHAWA. onrrAllo 'AII nation In Ontario Volt " B-IIh'n Fall. I to ml ',ta,1N TOYOMO on his 0mm. Itâ€. u.- and Ham-Mrbon' “no; tttno (to. stations have†lumen and Benn-cw 1m new. and 'Pagh','t"t, ll' Lt't'"g'att,2t"t all.“ ."ra 2T 1".an a an“ Ste. Be. in: In. a no: II alum-(corms. can. to. “Mm Ile- ,h to M Helicon II. “Mommy-ml y - - An. autumn“ “Anew. DIGINA. “I“ R. MAM Melt, Burial. -_ "irtrantts-Morse Agency -8opt.lo: ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ECONOMY t We have a Btoek of around feed l when! on hand that we no one! in. for It!†out. low days " $40.00 per ton. Inch included. " you want feed buy ‘now. u we In" only a limited quanti- ltr to offer at this price. The lore-m in: information is being conveyed to the delegates who hm you “tended the Women's Conven- ncn. The Executivool the Aaxi'lany halalsr. bun assured by the In. amines Branch of the Department ot Agriculture that they will sonda demonstrator in canning to any 0 mm upon application. The Exec-n ive Committee ot the r Women's Auxiliarv to the Organiz- ation of Resources Committee, after [consultation with the Hon. W. J. Hanna, the Dominion Food Controller In authorized to stste thst the Food ‘Conlroller hes-dopted the idet ot tt ', pledge to be taken in s house to house to house canvas "on eseh individual housewife to do her best to prevent mod waste and to encourage thriftl sud economy in the home. Where pledges ere given the Food Controller will provide s csrd to be placed in windows, showing that the house is pledged to save tood for the Csnsdieu soldiers and our Allies. WM“ M. M a - '.I.IO'AID.M The following letter shows one ot the activities of the New Food Con- troller t To the Editor: mood, but all are not agreed upon the steps to be taken in Canada " this ljuncture. A very large number of r the delegates, taking second place to _ none in war enthtslasm, will pin their "attt, to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who de. iclared anew a few days ago that he was “in the war to the end, " for the ioverthrow of militarism. Others . want to break with him on his refer- Giiiii,i' attitude, but nearly all are ldissatstariied- not to use a stronger tWorr-rw' the incapacity that has .marLel the present administration. ,' The re-appearance of Sir Clifford ‘Silton in the public eye at this June-i iture has undoubtedly thrown many l Liberals into the Laurier camp. They! [remember his bog us cant and com, 'uraitrn in I9t r, long since discredited _ and they fear that his appearance now is for a political purpose and another " waving campaign. I The Convention may discover a new leader on whom all sections of the party any unit: but " any car, the Convention will prove that the West, with a big big W, is going to exercise a do-iuting irtfluenee in the affairs of the Dominion. 3 In session in Winnipeg this week/ I Convmxion of Western Liberals in being held which has . national fat more than n party significance In†tense enthusiasm prevail: and very! Imponant results are looked for. All are meeting_ in a "Win the War"; noun a Tom-Io I. to and bending mm and wind-or. on. Mm.‘ Hemline†0060!]: um 'r%"A%tlt and tetg.h"r.m. m that 'guttr. geld". _ ROB ROY t,'eteal Mills Co. GOING DATES l Notable Convention. Yours hi Molly. Albert H Abton. Suntan. A Pledge Wanted T393324. 2.94 Aehdit.titet- AUG. 9 i917 'You would all be interested in French farming. some of which is rather backward and old fashioned yet, but lsawa McCor- Hospital here................ Edge Hill residents will know of a Miss Howie, who has visited Miss Clara Ween. wood in town, and a sister of Will Howie Who lormerly taught in the Upper Ritchie School. I am informed that this young lady is iollowing in Florence Nightingale’s footsteps as a nurse in No. 7 Canadian Speaking of promotions, I see in the Ga- zette, that Hector McKinnon of Priceville has a Commission .in the Royal Flying Corps and Clarence Douglas is now Quar- termaster Sergt. ot the 8th Reserve, at Shomcliffe I I do not think I told you that Alex Bell is a corporal now, Ernest gives him cri- dit for being very cool under fire and he shows absolutely no fear. Doubtless this gave him the promotion over men senior [to him in experience. Ernest relates a Igood story on Alex, for which I trust I ,will be forgiven, if I tell it to you. They had served their term in the tront trench {down on the Somme and Alex was disgus- ted at everything being so quiet that par- i, ticular week. He did not have occasion; to fire a single shot. Vowing vengeance on something, he placed the muzzle of his, rifle on a huge trench rat and blew it to smithereens. There wasconsolation even I in that! l th, I "Last night I strolled over to the 3rd _ Division part of the camp and in addition ito seeing Ernest McGirr, who has been {here two weeks, I met Verne Elvndge. l Harold McKechnie and Philip McDonald , {from Aberdeen. Ernest returns to the H9th in a draft leaving to-morrow. He had just come in from a rather 1trenyousi piece of work, which consisted in buying a I supply of beer for the wet canteen at a, neighboring town. From this do not judge that Ernest has forsaken temperance prin- iciples or will proceed to violate the Cana- ‘da Temperance Act when he returns to Ontario. Vernon. who had returned from the Convalescent camp a few days prev- ious, was as sore as a boil at himself, for having a marked degree of honesty in his nature. This quality in him has just cost _ him a nice position in the battalion order- ly room at the base. On account of hie 1 Agency for White Gasoline Tractors ( ' Sometimes I think." writesC C. Ram- , does not. seem to grow so high as in Cana, age writing to his home here, "I must be da. nor is the head of wheat and barley as a reception committee of some sort. for I long as our own, but it grows very thick am constantly meeting some of the South and .bushy. To the women of France must Grey boys. I will gossip a little of those I ht. given the credit of Planting and ham" I have met or heard ot recently. Pting the crope. You see them constantly " . at work in the fields. Str n Last night I strolled over to the 3rd . . . f ge to say you Division part of the camp and in addition , might walk for miles m this country never to seeing Ernest McGirr, who has been t1tl'l,1 tte' m .heust. In that respect it Near the Firing Lines in France Phone 67 THE DURHAM JtMmm Chevrolet Garage _ Httneeeekeru' Excuuiom to Weet. orn Baud. a " Mm via Canadian Futile each - until Ouch» all» hula-in. Putnam. homo, .(hudin Facile ‘nnt or W. B, new. DUI-kt P range: Ageut JToronus, Ont. ' . ", "When you throw G, away or waste me you are adding 20submarines to the German Navy." "It you collect me and my companions for a whole week youf'would find that we amounted to 9,300 tdns of good bread- WASTED! "TWO shiploads ot Good Bread! "Almost as much--rtrikiag an average --as twenty German submarines could sink-even if they had good luck. Your chance-the West ,,_,.r_- v. ........... t "I am the bit left ottr'; the slice eaten absent-mindedly whenlt wasn't really nee- ded. I am the waste crust. l "I ama slice of bredi, “I measure four inches by three. inches. My thickness is half an inch. "My weight is exactly an ounce. "I am wasted once i day by 48,000,000 people of Britain. : ,,ï¬-_ “1", wrun- we FUCK end with her pereuu at Crawford. Miss Kathleen Sullivan is spending noonple of weeks with her Ian: " Irish Lake. Mr J Dergevell. Rock Mills motor- ed here last Sunday. l Qn'te A unthber em nded the linen Ishower tendered to Mrs Bryce Du- "ttmsll (nee ttie BLowe)on Tuesday It the home of her parents Mr and Mrsg Lowe, Crawford, heforetheir departure for their home in N inure Fell; N. Y. Ilr end Mrs Thomas Bell of Toron- to are guests " the farmer’s father Mr T Bell. Mr end Mrs Bryce Dnrgavell lpent I lew days with friends " Crawford. Pe.. Reich Lowe span! the Aii/ Mn J. ma/ir, and daughter Madeline at Toronto are guests at the format u mother Mrs ll Dunne“. Mr Jack Ruy viaized Durham friends Sunday eve. Mr and Mn Alex Méi;m-h and son Nelson spent the week end with Mend“: Yickers Ind Allan Park. E with} Mu he Melton.†took the following Red Cross supplies to Ian. lock on Sunnis} In“; 21 khaki shirts, Buying in the order of the day. Mine Pull Smith of SI Marys is a guest ot her friend “in I Demure“ or a few days. Misc Susie McIntosh of the Queen ei'y returned home to sp ad a month with her sister and brother. equals parts of the Canadian West. The I people here do not live on the farms but 'rather in the towns and villages and to many of them a journey of 3 to 5 miles is necessary to reach their farms." Mr A. B, Goober. Principll ol Brighton High School "aim! his ail lat Mrs A. Derby. Mr Fen Sharp is busy creating an implement ‘lcuae for Mr lf J Derby. Mrs A Conbatt nod bu mother Hrs Henderson left I'urlday on a visit to telatives in the Wen. cut and the grains are in full head and only starting to ripen. To me, the grain does not seem to grow so high as in Cana- da. nor is the head of wheat and barley as long as our own, but it grows very thick and bushy. To the women of France must mick binder the other day, so they are making some headway when they use a Canadian product. The crops about here are in excellent condition. Hay has been Lambton St, Durham Mr. Slice O'Bread SOUTH BEN TINCK y.r and Mrs Wm Luv-once visited! wnh her mother, Mn J. D CUrk one day but week. Mien Catherine O'Neil met with n serious accident In: week. While helping the Mines McLean pick cher- ries the limb on which the wu reel:- ing gave way. throwing her to the ground and seriously injuring her back. requiring medical aid. We sincerely hope she will Icon be able‘ to be about again. 1 l The Aberdeen Red Cross workers ‘metstths schoolhouse Thursday, Aug 2nd with' sixteen ladies present. Twenty-three pairs ct socks were given in. Collection amounted to $1.85. Mrs Jag McDonald and Miss Maggie McLean were appointed to represent the workers " the monthlv peeking at Unlock on Sstnrdey Aug 4th. Nextmeetlna will be held in 9trhoolhooe on Thursdsy. Aug} 30th Mr and Mr. John Bmer of town open: Sunday with the former“: par- ents here. This week our Red Croce society ere lending boxee to our eoidiere oversees. nemeiy; William Arm. strong. Will Enisley, Jae Lengrill and Lorne Mountain. Mr and Mu 3luta Petty Sundayed with Mr and Mrs Albert Marsh“ of Knox. We extend congratulations to Mr Funk Murdock Ind " bride Miss Annie Hullidny of Normnnby who were married In: Wednesday. Mr Robert Matthews of Detroit spent the week and with " cousin Mr Will Langrill. Mr And It. Heddlo of Hamilton and lines ll, 3nd A. L. loKenz'o of Durham spent In: Thursday own- ing at Mr John McKenzio‘s. Mia: Acne: Petty is visiting th’l week with Dromoro friends. Mr huh Walsh ucompnuied by " mother Ind amen Hmo- Lolita and Mme motored ttttt to Walkenon Tog. day and spent I day with Mr Wahh't, sister Mn Ed O'Uc unor. Mr Tran in improving his home by building . new venudx. -'"-""""+l-- Fresh Groceries arriving every Week. the Rim him run to: Produce Ttie young people of this put took in the put] " It and Mm Ju Lowe'l Tuesday evening. Mrs J H Tun: is visiting in Dar. ham " present, Th-elsdieo of has Bed Cross held their meeting in the "ltool Tour-(luv nfcernoon. Mr Dan Sweet" And Ill Just Bu- rio spent Sunday " Ur F Shevell‘a. Tho fume" in this locum] on II mos: through with the buying and i is a rplendid crop. Large ' Me ' SOUTH-EAST BENTINCK G. & J, McKBGHNIB Our Mock is very large and before the advance. Buy before the advance in price, We have a. number of Rugs left in the newe neatest patterns and in the nicest Oriental shades appearance of the Eastern Rugs, but a great deal c ABERDEEN WELBECK. McKechnie’s Weekly News mg We have the newest designs i Women's Dutch Blacker. . . . .1 :gWomen’s Chrome Tu . . . . . . . . . . Men's Mullen... T "o'---....... Men’s " inch top Mullet. . . . . .. Boots and Shoes OUR NEW WALL PAPER "5“?i EEK/MS" 33,“! Sydsx , yds 3rdsar 3nd: 3rdsar , yd; All kinds of In bought at market price. Special Induction I" on Flour and Feed in mm. 2rt John McGowan Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour 500 tons of No l Mixed Chop wnw AND mam Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop CRIMPED OATS tor Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very ramble rates 'it-sie-iz-is-Ad, Laiiisiiittueas MacFhftlLANE's DRUG STORE THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfwton bring It back and get your money. 'ta22ii"riuaki. Hwy-limo 'ili) ThisNEVTYDE . ocket @9113!" ill! 13..... 17.50 :, which is sure to come. our prices are right st Oriental shades havinvg alli iii," , but a great deal cheaper. C. P. R. town Jim, Buy your tickets here ........su,oo tn in the neyesg degigns in the the nutest ......33.1o 39mm “‘3'â€.va _ , " we botight A? Mi LU than tat1%lrlt'it, on T; Bttae ham. It ttte home Ila-octane tormer‘s mathw Christine Mekinnon uccxn than u in u Toronto. gm , CTT . K McAthur vil In Biof- visitsiog "wild. to the out ine r In: ttuit .1 Steamship Servic w. OWEN sm w STEAMSHH’ MA N," loaves Owen Sauna , night each Thursday noctin‘ train leaves l s." p.01.) for Sauf Marie. Port Arthur a William. Service vin Port Me} commences June 2. In." Toronto 6.40 p For WINNIPE Mime Horace Jones tr Ito-m Georg. Headquarters for I run Gnu-(lets and 1ilovcs. We do not guaru nun! lines are not I much u presem ret Kid is wholesaling Bo when will kid ~l good shoes at prew: in Hosiery. Shoe Prices Down Town Shoe Sum The sooner yum pun money you SOVP. Fame- 1 - Wtn' NOT mu y Odin. A. tr JACKSON Passenger Um SPECIAI THE BEST of 1.1.! WESTE Great Lakes The Rob Ro, oar! nous : prices In to need Feed. g Partieularn from l .. B. HOWARD. D Heavy Mix that we are 1resyry Pin [1an Ram Half a cent 812.00 "eetat log LAB 0". r m1 Bpe an _i,',e d