5 urn per q which u Ca Mary chn d cind te the relin- our I the {wish an In I'm. true in ether in ndies AID k nd Hr I" DO FRO.“ ma Panama! FRost-The Review was pleased to be favored with a call last Friday from Capt. Dr Martin, of London, brother of the Premier of Saskat- chewan. who was here for a day or two Ming his uncle Dr Jamieson M. P. p. Capt. Martin is back to Canada on a three month's furlough. from Palestine. WM tor a year past he has been on the, medical stall of General Allenby's forces which have been making a victorious push from Egypt up into the Holy Land, and which have now invested Jerusalem. For a year previous he was with the British Army in France, and also spent a few days atSalonika. so he has seen muchofthe! war zone. Capt Martin left Palestine! about Sept 30th. alter the British had] captured Gaza and has every confidence tht Allenby will continue the advance’ ranch further through Palestine.' The; Mish have a quarter million of their _ _ on troops besides Indian regiments in 9 “We. and it is no small task to ban-:1 dgtthottpptiesnex:essary for theexpedi-!l titan. Relates they are300 in its distant I 1 (250 of it desert; trom’Gen. Maude's army 3 1 inMeeopotarnh. and ultimately hope to _ I link up with this force. In commenting i oesthegeneral war situation, Capt Mary! tit admitted the Allies prospects did not l lookverybright at present. buthecon- I tiered the outlook no worse than a year V â€even withRussianow outoithecon- J The Allieton Herald of last week says ", On Tuesday Aliret Smith of Sheldon ia supporting an application for exemption amend all questions frankly, fully and quickly. The claim, being one of weight, wasgranted and in thanking the board Mr Smith untied the military represents tive two cheque' of 325 end). one for the Autumn Red Cm Society and one foe the Rosemo tsociety. The tribunal re- quested the other mcessful applicants to like notice. On Monday, Nov. asthlt, Mr F. Lenahan presented the public school with two very tine pictures of the late King Edward VII and Thimeen Mother. They have been hung itsthe Entrance mom. add greatly to sum Mr Lumbar: believes in making“ attractive to pupils as two other p ctttem present d by him adorn the walls ot the - room Pubnc School. ert u the Town Hall, Dec " at ceeds for military Y. . C. interesting and varied ogr: 25c, Children 10c. box". I01â€. "" A Concert and Box M in Townsend's Lake School Dec. 13th. Ptoceeds for [am fietL Admission 25c. my: I The Women's Institute will hold a box social in theHall, Dornoch.onDec. 19. A good program",- in attendance. Lad- ies with boxes free. Proceeds for patrio- tic fund. Studio, store recently tated 6y lin. Puoroenrus-with Photoe you order, three given you. whilo m. “a- store lin. Call at Spirella Willard see that new "Liberty . " no display. The next ot the Women's In- stitute will be held the home of Mrs J. C. Nichol on Thur 6th December. Notice the change in J, N. Murdock's adon page 1 ? Paying 82.75 for Head.. ing Bolts ad taking in at all nearby G. T. R. stating. In the list of British Red Cross Contri- butors in Durham published two weeks ago. the name of C. L. Grant giving 815 was accidentally omitted from the copy. The Udi Guild of Trinity Church will hold a , of work and home-made made baking the 15th of December in store recently and by Mrs McClock- nn. "L XL; N079“ - """se.lt' a Thrift . (t . l" . War Meagan: PM“. "on M am no... t' ' . . FIGHT " m“ roar Ute, Edieient I _ PAY Bu- qui-la from Waate PRODty Bpend Your Money Wild, L _ . . " is War Time "__ ' _ ‘ " - --- r"""----.-.-, 'youorhilethe Chris] , each dozen. Phr- Proaetton & Thrift =1. aspecial feature by this Bank. a38 DURHAM BRANCH. b. ODD “than i" ",i',a),'l,llilf.,iii,i,,', pirella par s and see that y Li " no n display. meet ot the Women's In- e held the home of Mrs J. Thur 6th December. rhnnt-A I, . u - A Advances to farmers are made STANDARD BANK -With\ every dozen three \xtra ones are :rt will be held in u at fi' p. m. Pro- H. C. A work. An, koiramme. Adults" as rates last. P8. Kelsey FARMERS 94 years of age if he lives to December 27 i {Ontario 3 heart ltr right : she gives half I box hewas writingeditorials up tilla few days f'. t.he whole amount. Toronto ttet her - t . y Y n r r Oi 11;: food news was received by Mr Mal. more than the objective of 81,600,000. Livingston and family of Elmwood. A Durham district leads all the others, (ex- I ld month ago their son John was reported cept the county town) ' with '320,000 6:; Ewing: and now the dreadful anxiety has' while Durham, town gives 8100 on an ' .n relieved hy the announeernent that average for every man, woman and child 'po- he is back to his battalion again m F rance. 1 within its bounds about 8160.000 in all, lgmg Yo deta:ls as to where and why he was i Hanover was the only disappointment in I . mtssmg. County, this town with its rich surround. id in The Anniversary of St. Andrew's church 1,13 districts of Normanby and West Ben- Pro- Swinton Park, will be held. next Sunday, I tinck furnishing only M0,200, I I J'), Dec. o, 1917. Services wrllvbe conducted! The figures for the Grey Cb. districts u s at ll a. m. and 7 p. m. by the Rev. Mr up we p. m. Saturday,. are as follows: McCartney of Keldon. On Monday eve- I Owen Sound 902,800 ' l be ning following a Tea meeting will be held , Durham 248,850 I tiles anda good program is prepared. Admis-, Thornbury 219.350 , Jec. skim-Adults 25c, Children Mc. ,' Mealo d 152,950 t the OnNovember 27th, the Saugeen Red) Dundalk 144,850 , mes Cross workers met at the home of Mrs} Markdale 141,700 t John Vessie. 6 hospital robes, 15 pillow; Chatsworth _ 116,500 t no cases and 12 towels were made After al Hanover 50,200 t " tasty lunch acollection of $3.65 was taken. . Direct thru Banks 2119950 3 ul The next meeting is to be held at Mrs , Tr7r.i: f, m Tom Ritchie's on Dec. 11th. In one year . 2.i92,760 , r this society has made 73 hospital robesl I ' Li gs drraluru, 'iltti'tey2.01 PWe.ls, 3 mm the Tribal PM wo tilled and made 10 pillows, knit,34 pairs. he of sucks. Collection t10i,.'..O. f Geo. Arnett, munition worker, exemption A Wosmutrtvt. Nr-ysyr'EmrThe," disallowed ; ', Family erald and Weekly Star, of More Day Joseph Farrell, farmer, exemptton it treat. is most unique paper and very) disallowed L m popular in en home in Canada. P. is ; Fred Mathias Hang, farmer, reserved he td [surprising w tgreat value to the reader I Thomas matter?! Mngoueall. farmer, ex- ha l, is contained every issue. Few homes i F/','i"ile'l, 't ow e ti ll ed he rd are without 1 and they are the losers ink 6? A??? i'2."'d', ex mp "ll" ow eg a- not having it. The subscription price £5.53 ii l E' e, I',",',',',', " all " 31.25 a year. a includes a coloured war _ 131ml! Ge Error, armer " W or map of the fighti m in Europe. It is. (it: r i, 'dll , 32mm. " by to understand the war. We understand the E Geor e McKelve farmer r rv ed sent Hi map offer is shortly l", - withdrawn. The: forgmedical 'gl'ki'l'll'itr,' ese ' So f year's subscription al War map are cer- The above are the only cases dealt with tes a tainlybig value at 'IA? by local tritiunat M, ox s,1.- 1..-. .:_r -... v“ _..- .._... ...... unuuuun Ul Inc ear I Aspuuns you run WartDENSHus.- l ly days, in which she took an honorabln If Dame Rum is to be believed there part. A family of four children surviw 'will be a keen contest for the County her : Mrs Jas. Aitchison, St Helen‘s.Johr {Wardenship forthe crming year. T he'at whose homeshe died, James and Wil. 'aspirants for the position are said tobe W. liam in the West. She was a consistent :H Sang, Reeve of Meaford ;J. A. Boyd member of the Presbyterian church and Reeve of Markdale : T. R. Mckenzie. , her pastor Rev Mr Mills, conducted the Reeve of Artemesia ; and John McLennan sernces. Reeve of Collingwood township. There? - T""" is apossibillty that John MNuaker,der Marin Catherine Mockler puty reeve of Owen Suumt and Mr John ’ The above lady died at her home, Up Miller, Reeve of Euphrasia. will tttth Fer town, Durham, on Thursday 29th aspirants for the Wardenshitx MrSing. Jec. 1917 tollow'mg an ill.ness of about lm 'ee lose rival for the office last 5 two weeks_ tram pneumoma. She was “no was If . _, born In Limolnatiire, England, about January, {eels confident that he wnlbesevemy years ago, and came toCanada thecounty's next warden.- O. S. Sun. ',, with her mrenttt, whon " ..,...-.. 4.1... NIL. where he is now on war duty in the 'itith Division. His son. Ernest Jr., is a private at Camp Greene, Charlotte, N C. About 40,000 troop. are at Camp Grant, and the view of Base Hospital and other outfit of a war camp gives one an idea of Uncfe Sam's thoroughness. Another old I Normanby My, Wm s. Watson is on du- i ly at Camp Custer, Mich. He hascharge) of all Y. M. C. A. arrangements, which, are on an enormous scale and everything that concerns the entertainment oi the I soldiers when off duty is under his care, 3 supplies tor canteens. etc , We thank .Lieut. ah.) Leeann for a panoramic view of Camp Grant, Rocktord I Good news was received by Mr Mal. (Livingston and family of Elmwood. A month ago their son John was reported missing. and now the dreadful anxiety has been relieved by the announcement that he is back to his battalion again in France. No details as to where and why he was missing. THE The Y 1 hold a Re Dec. Mth, at 26a; 5&1 Leeds to go ti [gram A very fine suitable gifts for ei boys and girls, at pri, The ladies of the Red Cross Society held a mo“ luccmful bazaar and sale of daintiou last Saturday. __ The citizens gave it “but! patronagé and about $1213,†realized. their Have your 'own. Even Every job i,lctyiiiee,i, s Church, Rocky ugeen, will hold ual Entertainment on Thursday e ber. Admission 25c. Pro- tgot . M.C. A. A Good Pro- g People of "Hampden will Cross box social on Friday, , S. No ti, Hampden. A I Admission 25c. Ladies 'ree R. H Fortune, Auc- “he! repaired by D. c. tment of Jewelry--. r men and women, to suit any purse D. Town, Jeweler P. tejioFiiUnisriGiir. “he, ___..- -mu» u; uaudua with her parents. when ayoung child. She has resided in Durham for sixty-two years and leaves one sister and seven) nephews and nieces to mourn her demise. l The sister left is the last of the four) children, the previously deceased members I , being Mrs Chadwick and Mr Herbert [ Mockler, a well-known Durham merchant. I The two sisters rarely have been separated l and to the lonely survivor sincere sym-l ‘pathy will be extended. Deceased was a kindly, intelligent wom- an. a devoted member of Trinity Church and kindly Tinistrations of friends and neighbors during her illness and beautilul Bortil offerings testified to the love and respect entertained towards her. The funeral took place on Saturday. 1st Dec. 1 from Trinity Church to Trinity Chm cemetery, m being conducted 2 1 .herpastURerr_Mr Dymond. "l‘hem " pm to an the trials and difficulties of the ear- ly days, in which she took an honorable part. A family of four children survive her : Mrs Jas. Aitchison, St Helen's. John at whose home she died, James and Wil- liam in the West. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church and he: pastor Rev Mr Mills, conducted the! services. To-day, Tuesday, their is being laid to rest in Latona cemetery, Mrs Hannah Mills, of Sullivan, one of the pioneers of the district, who had reached the great age of almost 93 years, and survived her husband by over 30 years. She was born at Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotland, and came to this country over 60 years ago, l residing for a short time in Galt, then I moved to the woods with her husband and I Thomas Robert McDougall. farmer, ex. ! eruption disallowed I Fred Eccles, farmer, exemption allowed Jas P. McIlvride, farmer, " , Donald McKinnon, farmer " John H. Grasby, farmer, bt Arthur Eccles, farmer, " , Patrick Wm Farrell, farmer " George McKelvey. farmer, reserved, sent for medical examination The above are the only cases dealt with by local tribunal No. 95 since last list published. There will be 2 or 3 more on the 10th inst., when the Tribunal expect to complete their work. I Such a success, properly used, , la chill over the Kaiser's counsel: ' the means of aiding our Imperial lgists. I Sir Thos. White it is said could scarcely , 1 flnd words to express his gratitude for the H success of the Victory Loan. No wonder. An objective of $150,000,000 was first asked for, then the enthusiasm led him to raise the figure to 8300,000,000 and this yhas been exceeded by over $100,000,000 [ g This result. and these figures indicate ICtnada's faith ia herself and determina- 1 tion to prosecute the war, The interest I on the huge sum amounts to $22,000,000 , a year but the beauty and the benefit ot [ this loan is that the interest comes back to the people. The proportion of bond- holders to population is now on a par with the Liberty Loan in the U. S, $2,500,000 in Grey County.-. 0ver$4ll.000,000 in Dominion, VictoryLoan a Great Success Nonagenarian Passes DURHAM C. L. JGraii,We7r. r. W. B. Vollett, J. 'r, properly used, will cast are as follows : 902,800 248,8,50 219,350 152,950 144,850 141,700 1 16,500 counsels and be , THURSDAY. 1omaiiiiiiiiiirir,""firrr"- iirorthy citi V -t-%" - u.- v: “I: The old officers were reelected, Mrs there taking the place of Mrs Wilbugh- Rev. Mr Mather is a Bruce man, one of a family of ten sons. all of whom have distinguished themselvqs, several of them in tAe P..tife,r.y,,, 9n: ma high jgdjcial strate- Much more of the] like nature, drew from the audience hearty applause. The choir added effectively to the suc- cess of the evemrlg. and a duet by Rev? Mayer and Mr Mistele was enjoyed - l Methodism since the time of Wasley i had shown itself to . have a genius for) for music, ‘Ftusiem which the body of the | people con d join heartily in chorus or 3 otherwise, but he regretted to observe I there was a tendenty m choirs (outside of Durham) to select music united for hearty congregattonal singing. l splendid effort and worth f V53: t.nertland the band to the T ' W" I . y o a larger . " own Hall, , (audience not of Methodists alone but ot i "tit, qulICklzlwas filled. : .- 'Or " . f ' l i [ll .denominatiots that plan or work for‘I ies, arid Ad aahvn: ai',llei"cfgirgg'ttt l ' mon. . . I h d thrae rousing cheers given f Jr each oi Promismg that all denominations had [ the solthkr boys, wha were seated on the their ideals and could point to Character i mtg-3 In a short address of welcome, a i istic traits that formed the genius of the:E Durhain aluegl,"it1f, tt gratitude of Jdenominationrhe proccded to deal withl"done their bit " and 't'hl'fr'yCC'r,,tgiy, his subject. Methodism had shown itself l Oilthe honor they had conferred on than}. i to have a genius for adaptability, especial- l 'iflg? 1'Itte torn. Pte. King briefly fly in pioneer fields, where formal aids to ( l'ilt),"fh/llecrgligptt tle, reception I worship were wanting or where worship, £9;de each and a 'l'l'Udlfifi7 Jfi"i'lfii, was .att.ended with dWsculty. In early! King .closed the gathering. I lays. in ham or kitchen, or in the open i Again on Monday evening. band and mr, Methodism told its message effective. i 'iktlfit', met at the C. P. R. .station when l ly. i . e. amid Vollet; was given a royal I ‘ h 1.-.: -1“ _ “A2", - . . _ - welcome. And 323m the crowd mm...“ It had also a genius for induStry, for strategy in devining the needs of the people, for social. qualities and an absence of tstiffness, and m undertaking work that meant a struggle, but which strengthened the moral filmi. 1 1n the evening Pres. Rev. J. W. Stewart l, D. of Drew, presided and after devo- I: tional exercises and routine two very in- I teresting addresses were given. The first I by Rev Mr Wren, M. A ' Mt Forest was la delightful patriotic effort, dealing with ', our country, our trust and our church in I all its vital aspects, The other address) was by Rev Mr Mathers ot Waterloo on I "The Genius of Méthodism," and few ad. , dresses could be more enjoyed. It was a ’ splendid effort and worthy of a larger audience not of Methodists alone but ot all denominations that plan or work for! Union. ses were high]: proved helpful I The Annual Convention of the Epworth League of the Mt Forest District was held on Wednesday of last week in Dur' ham and two interesting sessions were held, though owing to poor train privil- eges the attendance was not large in the afternoon. Rev. Mr Mathers, B. D,, Waterloo on "Kittdling the Leagu'e Fires,' 1 by Rev. Mr Meyer on "Northern Summer School," and by Miss May Cryderman l High School Assistant on Literary and Social work in the Leagues. The addres-i [Epworth League Convention The McKechnie brothers here, George I and John W. received on Monday a tele gram announcing the death of their bro- [iii] Guy in Calitornia and asking what disposition theydesired made of the body Another brother Dan, in Massachusetts received the same telegram and answered i to inter it there. So this has been done. I Deceased left home about the age of 17} and hue been agreet traveller, having) visited Japan, China, India and most of the States. He was 54 years of age and unmarried. As the telegram came from the Coroner, the inference is that he died suddenly. Details have been written for. With Sir Thos, White was the chief speaker lat a large Ball meeting in Hanover on 1 Monday. It was we believe a great suc- cess. To-day, ‘Wednesday. in Durham, Hon, W. D. McPherson, Ex-Mayor Urqu- hart of Toronto and Mrs Malcolmam l will address a meeting in Mr Ball's inter- ests. Mr Ball is certainly getting yeoman help, while as far as we can see Mr Wright is covering the ground alone. It is said the government speakers at Hanover tra. velled in state in a private car, which if true is a use of public money grossly un-I fair in an election. As we close our forms, we learn that Vt Malco'ansoit gave a pleasing address to an audience a women chiefly, the hall being more thanhalf-aed. She presented the case to her fellow voters from a Un- ionist standpoint and got a respectful hearing. Mrs T. McGirr occupied the chair tnd introduced the speaker approp- I riately. I The election takes phceM from 'next Monday lid differs from previous _ elections in the absence of meetings called by the candidates, The press is being made use of in larger measure and this week both patties have taken space in our columns to present their views,‘ which are given prominent position on page 4. I "i_t,1_)tirtnbeliitd"'ii, 6352:: We are Show? a tiful line ol Sil-l ver Casseroles . oth pierced Silver pieces from 81 it, 815.00 I Of Mt. Forest District. highly spoke/ of and must give which I: automated the Holstein [wn, Jeweler A1135 tt (ei.iS,aiii,ti,iviei!rit,' :55; in ng i .itafs. never regai health. a,.nd ‘uns poarded for Can: V, V, -- """"er"u"""", eemg a Durham boy from infancy He was slightly gassed last July after having seen six months active service at the Somme. AIM! and Van-c and 951..-]. n._-_ _ A - Pte. Vollett was shot through the hand rendering him unfit for further service. Pte. King, who was shot through the lung. is scarcely known in Durham. as he was here very little before going overseas. his parenis having moved herea couple years ago. Mr King is miller at the Rob Roy Mills. The town however is proud I to welcome the son glsaas a citizen. Pte Em; 9arlty it widelrknown, being 3i ---v v..- a..." " "I’d! ;' welcome. And again the crowd thronged l, to the hall. where he, his mother and sis- ( ter. were guests of honor on the platform. , along with the two other khaki boys A {similar rec? ion was tendered Harold, Reeve Cal er, as 'lt! as the Maryglr. 1 speaking in congra: atory terms o is courage, and thought these boys worthy [ of as great a reception as it they were sonsl ol the Premier. 1 i Durham extended an enthusiastic re- ception on Saturday and Monday even- ings to three of her soldier sons who have seen active service. On Saturday even- ing, only an hour's notice was given that J Ptes. Wm. Darby and r-king would ar- 3 rive on the G. T. R. night train, but so " rapidly did the news spread that the plat- form was thror ged with citizens and band. ', to welcome them, and several cars to can- from Durham Welcomed a Similar meeting. Reeve Calder was chairman and announced himseif une- quivocallya supporter of Mr Ball as representing the present Union govern- ment. Mr. Ball was not present. Time and space forbid further nctice. I In order to elieve congestion, the Banksdesire ubscribers to the Vi Loan to calla y day between this Jan. 2nd next, to arrange payment that date. Pr visiohal receipts are 1 I retained by th Banks in order that may be readily vailable in exchang {interim eerti may will be th, by the Governme t inys few weeks, " wry strong esentation of the for the present Union government made last night to a crowded audi in the Town Hall by Controller Me thy of Toronto, Hon. W. D McPhe and Mrs Malcolmson. We hope it thong the plans of the other side to l , News print is costing X, per cent Imam than it did, twine has gone up 400 per cent, wrapping paper 300 per cent, ink I 63 per cent, roller composition 100 per cent, type metal 100 per cent, and wages I 25 per cent, and yet there are those who I appear to consider a rise in the subscrip- ( tion unnecessary. Special Christmas VJ! filled wrist watches $10. Mr Thos. McGirr foreman at cement ’plant. went to Toronto Monday morning for an operation on his eye, which was burnt sometime ago by a flying steel splinter striking it and destroying the sight. It has since caused him much trouble and to save the sight of his other eye, he is having the injured optic taken I out and a glass one substituted. gl i Agmg: _r] "neifNji,'iilitjliii'iiis.1.,..lii;1 I Miss Kate McFayden of the 2nd I Glenelg. is home after a ten day's to Toronto'. Misses Jean Anderson, Hazel Van ear, and Rutherford of Wroxeter, guests over the week end at Mr . Harding's. Mr Stewart Grant of Varney, whc spent a couple years in Detroit, is h ona few days leave, having enlists the Ordinance Corps of Uncle S: army. He will. return Friday to tak training. Miss Jean McGowan, , gerand her cousin, Miss , day in Dundalk last week Miss Currie of Mt Forest, was the guest of Miss Belle McGirr over the week end. Mr. J. H. Harding, with little daughter Jean was in Orangeville on business Tuesday. Returned Soldiers ubscribers to the Victory y day between this and to arrange payments due iv,i,sior)al receipts are being ) a crowded audience by Controller McCar. 1ks in order that the; lilable in exchange for Which will be issued Lever?! guys to con- aerson, Hazel Van Vel- ord of Wroxeter, were week end atMr J. H. V Miss Hughes spend, ayden of the 2nd con ' after a ten day's visit congestion, the local 7 :caleu on the - 'ess of welcome, 1e glatitude of Joys on hav ng ir appreciatioi erred on them. 3. King brietiy hr the reception :heern were ac- ‘mber and "the ng. band and t station when givcn a royal rowd thronged mother and sis, ( the platform. :haki boys A lered Harold, ' the Mafyor, r terms o his , boys worthy hey were sons mgh the hand ther service. through the l.._‘.A - . >umam, as he ring overseas. here a couple r at _the Rob V. D McPherson We hope it is a- " Var nay, who has in Detroit, is home having enlisted in s of Uncle Sam's l Friday to take up Leader I in ladies gold. 0 $20.00. 2. own. Jeweler fi y per cent has gone up 400 side to have Calder was Miss Stella Bol- was -, ink The following use“ were passed : J C Adams. mom. sala-y ........ .50 00 " Exp re taking Mrs Sharp to House of Mefuor..... 3 20 " fuse plugs and wood for . tire and town hall......... 4 " W B vollett, sal and pus for Nov 40 30 H. J. Snell. street. watering........... " 50 By-law No 700, fixing polling places. received several readings. It was moved by Calder-Ed, Kress that the Special Report of the Finance Com. re Hydro as read be adopted and a cheque for $1261 30 be issued in favor of the Hydro Uom.-Carried At the regular meeting of the Town Mun INot Council on Monday. a grant of $25 was made to the Band to assist in purchase of a music and organization expenses Messrs . Gegnon, Richardson and Geo Kress were Notiee I appointed a Committee of Management, c The Band will meet for prectice in the rooms formerly occupied Robertson bros. , The lto,t tailors over Harding's store. C 96ftâ€? lot mo was voted to the. Library Board to Standard complete 1917 grant. date 5 pen Bending bolts. cut 20 in, (in the round)......... All ties must be peeled to Grand Trunk inspectiw thick, 6 inch face. No 2 t in. face. Cedar & Tamarac No 1...4t Elm, No I...............) Ash, No I-............, Hemlock, No l..........40c Pine, No 1..............,.40c Hardwood, No I.........sse Band will Reorganize; Council gives a Grant TRACK TIES TELEGRAPH POLES POSTS At Durham, Holstein, Hanover, Ayton and TIMBER WANTED TORONTO SWEATE R COATS HOSIEIt UNI) ER\VE CLOTHING 'lv.?, Now is the time of year when people look forward to- wards having cold weather and like the squirrels, there is nothing like being prepared, by laying in a supply of heavy winter wearing apparel, such as Clothing, Under- wear, Sweater Coats, Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, Hats & Caps etc. Our stock is heavy and well-assorted. Our motto “Quality Merchandise at popular prices." S. F. MORLOCK 200, fix.intr nomTations and Jun V of colors and patterns to choose from. A menu of Teques and Scarf Ses, which are year. goods and hard to}; at any price we have just what you want at tea " , We handle nothing but the vet ll.JERWEA1t best of high-grade Underwear! Watson’s Urtttttrittknirte for Ladies and Children cannot be beaten for comfort. tit and waving qualities. while Pen- man's and MacKay‘s Underwear for Men give lasting Wearing gunmen. ,V '__.. -..ku val-lull, V ' “‘**‘ U Ptog'uund Empire Tailored Clothing which are two brands that stand out by themselves forgood reliable Clothing. The Store of Honest Value be peeled, sawed cr well hewed ' subject inspection. No 1 tie-- 8ft long, 6 inch 2. No 2 tie--8 ft long, 6 inches thick. 5 and passed it; Prepare for old Weather “I: Vv__.-- w-III'IIIVIC B. nd - Worsted Hose for which» leave: rd to get at any price. If you need Hosiery, what you want at reasonable prices, ...45 c long, 5 in. in discus: and up, o-.....-...') percent, and WOOD Bit ss W00!) READINGS arge assortment including " "1---.4; .. - _ Cedar & Tamarac No , Elm, No to.......... Ash, No c.,..... ..., Hemlock. No s-..., Pine, lo s........ ..., Hard“, LA DIES 3 _ Remember the Pat- riotic Fund by letting t3pirella Iâ€. ----- - III . J aaLohiiLiiiriiii"i- datesbérca Psbti.tsed Week» at II 6 In «at C. I \IAOI h SON Punt-nu Notice Taxpayers of 7 - A Tm: Town ot Durham ,,_.... .v. nan-I-ti luau-o... . W W. J Lamont-w. rep. are engine... 1 " W. Sharp. 6 sittings Division Court 12 " Hydro light for streets 90 00 Man World for Collector's Guide... " be your Christmas gift. Spec- ial prices for next 6 wks. only. Any size, any type in that ne- cessary and hygienic garment at parlors of Corsetiene. handle the It In War Mt. F crest, Neustadt MRS J. C. NIUHOL water for market house... 4 00 For Ladiu And Gents j an to hand. a variety n. Also large nuan- th are all the age this yLnmeLTues its due on or vwel l 1.tm"tt, PEEK“. 12th. my'hb-leh3r1; Durham. After above be added for collection. Jackson, Treasm or PRODUCE Cashmere #218 8A!