HI 'r:11.fli,r:i'iiilEFt WANTED iclis, L? to Me Chickens, " to lik Geese.........l4t015c Ducks.............. MC T ',si, must be cmmv and all birds healthy ll. GLASER '- '. ,;:(ta)’ and Saturday of each week . 1m Hides, Sheep Skins, up}, suns, Hers "-r, Rubbers, etc , “mud and highest was taid " It: Durham, Holstein, Mt. Forest, ot-s-'.".:".".",)".'),'-,?,:', Ayton and Neustadt [FY WANTED We c 3 .'c,', MURDOCK, Durham ps must be empty and . W. : . 'f. ; rofloning poem wan received by Mn litetumm, 0M. from her eon in France. and given us for ""tieatimt.--ru.5 w. all ye people of a noble land, and listen tangent. _ _r y 'tt u.†but wait awhile, I will not holdyou long: it 'll 130m- \londay morning. bore, at the stroke at halt-pee: the. I ",u.l tore loose on Vimy ridge, and the Canadian- Inede their drive, I ..n- " were, wearily waiting- our thought. wereâ€: away. 'd M. wm- on many an Easter Monday. and where we were to-day. ' M once our an H tore loose ; ’twae delfenin. to hear C, x ' f nu:- artillery on Vimy ridge to clear. _:'. v. rush, a cheer, and over the top our gallant boy. did go; _ . : 3M1“, mines and craters, and throth the blinding snow, '. . / . to Fan's front line. and there we encountered the toe. c' 'Ci :hi-m a j m with the bayonet, a hasty that that wan true; ' -rr “c had Hans lying around nu, and hundreds olpriaonen, too. _ , " " .3 grand -but it wan fearful~the sight of the wounded there V my u 1 the cold bloody ground, and wrestled with death and despair _ t; on'sy stay for a moment, We had ant m-mlv- “-~ - TEL}: 1 bylaw the Hum they did come, : to our human and bomb. they did run. "t ', ' n " the blood it dad cover the ground, . ‘c mum: of the Heine†were lying around. snzzL'rs were still going in by the were. (, trhaure cages held twelve thousand or more. :rc m; rcmamcd, no farther to go, [t 1 gained our "flnat objective†you know. 'i, 't mg A grand and a glorious day _ ml G sons in a land far tray; 21 tum we'll get credit where credit is due, .31: H: our artillery and ttring machine. too, “is: u.) expo mentioned played a very big part, c tulr succcss to the world to impart. F lg: r‘nl;: xt was captured and loot "ain, wt thy Fvcs of thousand: of men . '. 1 at or: have it we'll hold it, I on: Cafe. r "'.lc' we havc captured shall know him no more. ,1'.’ an sic. people.. VII finish up my long 'y frnc on ITmy ridge that you havejust read on; s," 73.4: renders had sons or husbands, too, [', ii tstcr Monday tor the ttagthatu good and true, r vs'n :t l tell you -ther died, like Ioldierl Ibould. ( Ir ticu' frchmn and the land they loved to good. , F. an r Monday morning. boyl. at the stroke of hall-pant Bee. t m- 1 l we on Shmy ridge. and the Canadians made their drive. Written and Composed by Private G. Donovan. An Irish-Canadian. No. sigma. D. Company, 49th Battalion, in the Trenches somewhere in France. __ - -'""".e. we me. ' L' them aij with the bayonet. a huty that that mtm sh' “c had Hans lying around no. and hundreds ol â€inane" N, " " m grand --but it was fenrrui--the night at the wound: , by m the cold bloody around. and wrestled with death . _ d only stay tor a moment, we had not much time to â€are. r" i"_tl 'ttge was slowly creeping to hie lecond line at our tore ( A , _ pcd, “hm: o'er our head the shrapnel bunt galore. . .' NIC' thought of the dunger an through it we did so. . , _.., second hue we dat leap, and soon some Prinu - scare " some of the boys made tumble rum the rear. i Tair the following prices for Poultry, de.. mv Store in Durham on Monday or Sat- :ach week : m ttot stop us. it was forward to [o _ Inst line which was hid in the snow. ‘xsugcs, “hub-Jugs. minniu and bombs hmp us one moment with all their death throng. ., tl ,. a... A.-.“ n... n;__ 2‘ __ . - The Canadian Drive on A' down their rifles, and put " their band. crcy I kamaradt. Mercy! Kama-2" 1r comrndcs had tallen you know. ts. cut round) GRAPH POLES POSTS DEC. 27, 1917 got there, the line it wan bare, ugouta they threw quite I few, tat ‘10 im.loryr, 5 in. in diameter and up, _...,..]...."...............) per cord, vol Ircohsd, sawed or well bowed ' subject pvcrion. No l titr--8ft long, 6 inch N c, 2 tie--8 ft long, 6 inches thick, 5 40e . 40c ' 400 400 irue Cedar & Tamarac No 2 Elm, No S............ Ash, No g......... ". Hemlock. No g...... Pine, No 2.....†... Hardwood............. e land. and linen to my long. mile. I mil not hold you long t mug. boys, at the stroke of halt-pot the, r ridge, and the Canadians made their drive, aiting- -our thought. were far away. Raster Monday. and where we were to-day. loose ; 'twas deafening to hear imy ridge to clear. WOOD BASSWOOD READINGS 5 which gave for shelter-he. had sought down noiae “my Ridg} some with bombs brought Ftitzu were piled in them the hell of a Me 20e 200 20e 200 20e Mr McKinnon and family are muv- ing to Tournto this week and cam wuh (hum good wishes of many friends, in thus part. Muss Laura has been: uremia: In NH Presbyterian church quire r. long time, and was a young lady whose pleasant manner and other good qualities as orgamst was highly “predated by congregation as large Her successor " organist u Miss Re- been In illan. whose talent as org- anist il up to the "moi. Min No Millan is leach“ It Swanton Park. Rev, Mathew!) preached suitable sermons for the reason last Sunday. Neil Shortreod, who Ins been at Cumin in spending holidays at his ham. on South line. We we planned to upon Me Alfred Ptf in getting out his apex-tin up Miss Ella Mekinnon ol Toronto and brother Bobs In; at the oli home in in town this week. Mina Kate McDonald ie spend this week In Toronto and elsewuere The Christmas tree which yielded its fruit against Nature’s decree was loudâ€! and by the mun. it was empt er] of ma c miems, It was the big hour 12 but all the leciplems did uni. mind my lateness ' {the hour as long as they go trom the forest at the balmm tree con. tents lo I 9 Santa Claus come as usual WI") gord wishas. ete. After a vow of thanks to all cnncerncd in making ottertainment a sun-:59, the memng closed mth shming National Aullr'm. Pror ads $81.00 Spam 'Vlll no: allow us giving in derail the nanny perform-nets by th" school children, such " twinning, drilla. and ml " parts. Miss McDon a'd deserves much credit h r manna -n wluch Elle had all the youngs era to act their ditfen us part in th" d Ms. hir Flmcher, a young mm frrm U-y- Ion gave no long rectum» s which were well In Mend, 8:1ecc one on glamophrns- was given by Moran Murphy. that ad Rosie! were glwn by Mr Mime e and Mr McCrae. Mr McCrae spent. a couph yam-s in Price.. Eville a: me 18 years ago and ermll see lmuy changes in old and young folksr, ml at then Supt. T. Nichol gave a good address a! o, Both he av d Mrs Nxchol take much inure“ in our tion. day School_ " " mt an easy task v0 b prompt awry Sunday tut Mr and 'Mrs Niclnl make n a [clot t) he a] ways than. A B McDonald a-sistant 8uptrirrt"ndertt th' d O'hrra deserve much thanks for their faithful atten- dance. All being gaturfirsd from contents of the tables. Supt. Thou. Nichol called to order that to make room, all tha: got serwd to go up to main portion of church. Being done wish tlrst pm of program, Rev. Mutheson. acting as elm “mm. called to order the crowded church and it was a dd%tr't task tn make those youngsters ot" y nrdurs and as it was their night they had llneprl- Mega of 'rnlositog themselvee for some time. Suange. but a “on that Homer 'ut us old heads forget that we lure, yourg also but the young naturally, mus; eni 'r tlnmselyos till culled to order. The Durham Male Quartelte gave five selections which Were. supra o lted h'ghly by audience. They were Messrs H. Cr. Mind: ot 1loW Bank. W. A Glass. Hugh McCray Allen Saunders and Muss Run lrmn as ac- componist. Bo without. making [.00 long a pre- “min", to our suhj-ci, we commence after chairman's Iddress. At b' o'clock the doors were opened to basement ol church where the ever {nitblul ladies providvd ample ofgood stuff to app; we the appetite of old and young. tor vet. erana of some four score years down to voungstera a few months old were there. All didjastiee to the good things on tables. In drawing a comparison from that long away time to the grand program given " our onmveraary on Dec. 20 We oould not retrain from givmg place to the thought of how tune changw; and of intervening vents that passnd how time has made an impression on yombs of three score years ago but old times have passui away and behold all Ihings are made new. Tho<e of " who ore old enough to remember, when m the old In)!" lachool house of more than three some lye-rs of the manner of being taught, can recall and memory the not. that imply, a chime: would he read, and sometime»: hard to find a person who would offer up A few words of mayâ€. however the intention was good To find one who would lead in aiming. " Psalm 23 lo the old tune of martyr dom was also a thfficustt task, howevel not to be belrnd times, some youth who lately learned to sing that old tune would ltembhng lead the praise part which ended lesson for the time being. l zum. was quite I success, Those of us who wem to Sunday School some titty or more yens Mo, could not bat en'erluin the thought of who: u change from the manner of entertainment of long ago. Tbe Anniversary of P day School held on night 20th. was (min . mm“...- Priceville Sunday 1iuaiviijji-ijuriiiiiig ElcsvaLEEWJSQJ“ School Anniversary unory the fact. that would be read, and ofind a person who few words of prayer, ol J?rieserims Sun of December ing L' Lil: h"! be.) F'lourpertswt .... 's?aumsalperiraek, Choptper cum... thai bd........ 'httotiilinr...... was». ......... Barter,.....:.... Eggs F'lourpertswt....... Oatmeal per sack. .. . . Seng, cw:........ Oats. bd............. 0an. milling" ... . .. .. Wheat, ""t""'.. Barter,.....'....... .. PURBAI. Dee. 27. 19t7, Rogrs,live.fots..... Butter................ th Mrs H. Lore is visiung hir parents at Babel. The Mlsaes Ferguson no holiday. ivy under the parental root. Mr and Mo Jas Rid iel, Fergus. are visitors ovvr Xmas hulide a; bare, fl N. Pugs!†of ----- ncaupied pulnit here and at New England, Sun day. duct Jr A number from this part are suffer ing from severe colds. Man Mnrlvy is visiting her aunt " Mrs W Wade. . Mr and Mrs Will Christie and babe of Savvevlle, Atta, are Welcome wal- tora around has», Mum Agnm Swami vis ted her broth era ac Maple L we last wetk. The ml‘rl weather over week and causes much ice tut, no skating. Mr and Mrs Will Burnett, spent Sand .y at Jno MoMurdu's. Dromore. Hector Jaek was in Toronto last week on business. A Umpy New Year tothe Ediur and staff The box 5 cial held in Blothville schcml was n decided sac-cons. The pr' ceeds amounted mover $117 Some of the y 1mg par p'e attended the Sunday Saba)! enur simmer-t in Priscvd e and rep in a gund lime Mr and Mrs Jacob Ptrslow have been visi in: Iris-nds hem and have W'ne, to Stream d m rpand Num. Witt? Mr and Mia wr, Blegeston. The amml mm ol meeting will be be d in the sohoo’house on Wedner, day rext. Mr Neil Chmpbell has returntd from the West. H- is ace mpanied home by J. It Monlw win has been in the West the lasisix months Elec im day passed of quiet here and a good vn'e was p: Bed The ludk I too turned oat and helped to support the Unionist in winning a gwd ms). Irin tor the government Bailent there. 780 [oaks like a gord major- i y. Won't the, bow; at the mun ch er ? 'Ney are keeping the en'my bank with bayonet; we are supporu ine them w. ith ballots. l Durham Markets. Topehff, Ont., Dee. 21, 1917. To Miss Jessie F'. Black, Teacher 8. S. No1o, Glen. & Eg"t, Dear teacher : l We, your pupils, tor the pest year. at this Xmas time, eoappro- priate for expressions of Goodwill, and renewed effort. in pracsieinz that glorious message ct "Peace m earth, and goodwill to men," wish to convey m me our app exiatlon of your an- tiring elf vrts tor our ad vancamcnt in nselul knowledge, for oar welt-re, and um'lnlncss 1n the j "may of lite, end whi e We have omen canned yon‘ annovance. and Wonk! prefer m re liberties at times, yourkindly dispos- nion and a) mpathv have won for you our esteem and gratitude. Asa small token of our . od will we give y u this Xmas box Wishmg you a Merrv Xmas and a Happy New Year, I Signed on behalf of the pupils, Annie 8twrtriuui: A mic McLeod. Pearl L McCuaig. That this meeting desires to " press its appreciatii n of the fairness and justice, with which such investi- gation was conducted in contrast to the mnnstrous atrocities. committed by Germ-In militarism in Flanders and other parts of Europe, and we, the more admire " a result of such deeds our British Ins, nations, which 3 and tor J usLice. Freedom and Liberty. Mac Fates iander care of the Moved by Mr A McCuaig. reeve of the township of Glenclg. . %e.onded, tre MrThos Nichol, ex- reeve of the same township. - ,,._-.‘... waDIW quu' imously at a meeting of investigatinn held in P. inille: on the ute‘rnoon of Dee. 21, 1917, and candncted bv Mr John Miller, Inspector, On'urio Provincial Police an: ' Toronto, for the purpose rt investiga'iug alleged rumors of disloyalty and Pm German- ism on the part of Mr y. G. Karatedc and son Harold, which were entirely groundless. extended to all. On account. of the lamented Oath oi Rev. Philip Jones, the Rev. J. A. Chapman M A, of Toronto has been appointed to the pastorate of Priceville Circuit and will conduct New Year sarvnces at Priceville mat Sunday " 10 80 and Ebenezer at 2 80 and at Salem an 7.80 A cordial invitation - u__v. -..-.. "'"""""' null " all appearance Christmas Mr mil be an icy day. Form ol Resolution. carried unan- s---' - . - - Banning again tly Mom?" In}! py SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE ... .. Icon 1 CU cuddly ruined. Tmil DURHAM REVIEW 27550300 Mans? 76to 80 35 to $5 40 tn 4O b " to r, 80 I7 w 2t0 Apply to ___7..‘, .... - v. -- “I.“ .. v: u. vvu. I, " " R, Bentinck, (5 miles from Durham on a rural route.) 100 acres, mostly cleared Some hardwood bush. Convenient both to Church and School. Terms moderate Being If); 1.of.JI gpd if of QLCon. l, W G A comfortable brick house with a No I I Home cellar. Alan a good frame barn g and seven acres of land one and one-half ' miles east from Hahn Hotel on 2nd con. I Glcnclg. For particulars see I A. H, JACKSOJI, or JOHN Hawm. Durham l Local rep \cntatives to sell finest line of advertisin calendars and novelties in Canada. Me or women. Whole or part time. Liberal Commission. Cranston Novelty Co., 57 ueen West, Toronto. A good d ing horse, harness, buggy and cutter. or particulars apply at the Methodist Pa nage, Pricevilie. "l laugh with ruddy Autumn in the morn; I sound his praises in the golden light; But when high noon has passed and ‘ruwn night Comes rushing down, I wail with those forlorn: The dying loaves, the lone thywers, pale and turn, ' The multitudes confronting death or tiight" "Summer is deady'--it was the wind that apake In the bronze mantle of the sombre pine--- "The sumad, bush unfurls a scarlet Sign; The sore rush signals it in stream and lake; Soundeth a requiem in gildod brake. Where mateless birds a lonely fate repine; The sky is., veiled in tears; each We wish the Editor and all a Happy New Year. Mr 3nd Mrs/W. J. Wilson intend going to Toronto to spend Christmas with their daughters We notice Sunley and Jack are taking a new route. Why not. any nearer Dome boys. Mr P. Watson of Toronto spent Christmas at the hams of Mrs M. Me. Carmel. days We are pjaased to see Mary Wilson gouiehagain and much improved in en t . __ "'--ve 7.«_ -... u-uv vul‘. I Oar concert and box social Friday evening proved to be a great success theechool being peeked to the ttattottt capacity. Mr J. Gillespie at Cedar- ville atrly acted as chairmnn while Swinion Pare orchestra units bly eup- ‘plied the music Mr Archie Clark in " usuel manner isvored as with a couple ot good reeiietxone. A die- logue entitled "From Down East" was well I','",',',,',',',',','.',: The children‘s part of t 0 program showed Miss Richardson’s " d pniience and train. l ine. Mr A. McPhail auctioned the boxes. proceeds emounting to 8117. 50 to no in aid of Bed CHIS. Miss Richardson leftior her home in Simeon County to spend the holi. gray "tronfine 7 if“, "m Bospeaks the shrunken branch the leaves forsake. Well, Mr Editor it is some mine since 'otrheard frctn our iittle bare. TOWN OF DURHAM, I917 , Abstract Statement for year I917, up to ISth December RECEIPTS By William Edward Hunt HydrdEiectric balance C...".", High School Debenture ...... 1Sigewglk tor years 1915-6 7...... gtrek..L... Salaries and allowances Printing, etc........ . Insurance .e.... ...... Fire and Light ...... Law cesium... ..... Streets and Bridges..... Charity ........ ...... Board of Health Balance, cash on hand, Taxes 1917.......,. Taxes 1916 ......... Taxes I9I5 ........ Taxes lou...... .. Arrears taxes ..... Street watering 1917 Rents ...... ........ Licenses w........... Debentures ........ Fines B.............. . Market fees ..... Per cent on taxes Mortgages ......... Electric Supply account Local Option account Bank interest. . . .. Miscellaneous...... Farm To Rent For . Sale. Tttts Wanted For Sale Elizabeth Wilkie, 260 Christie St.. Toronto B00'rliv1LLE 321888 Mt Balance, cash onhlnd 1m to EXPENDITURE lst January 1917 Readers it as good as gold, warm ave iF and unshrinkable, for ' .9 sale at ' 4), sir t C. L. GRANT t 'feot't-altsaorsasteaigiqssiis ft Stanfield's gThe Next Best e9 Investment (lt Buy Victory scsi,' ages War Loan Bonds ' fsil+b%bsirstiesserg A Happy New Year To all oar Customers Winter term begins Wednes , J Circulars free, address C A FLE Owen Bound. The fees are no higher than when farm produce sold for half the price of today. The young people will be benentted throughout life from the train- ing in business: obtained in a few winter months of our Special Business Course. Who have been working so strenuously on the farm producing food for thone at home and those overseas should be given the opportunity of improving their Educ- ation during the slack winter months at For which the following prices will be paid delivered in our yards at Durham: Basswood 812.00 to 828.00 per M ft Maple...... 12.00 to 26.00 " Beech...... 10.00to 20.00 " Soft Elm.. 12.00 to 26.00 " _ Rock Elm 12.00 to 24.00 " I Birch ...... 12.00 to 26.00 " l Spruce.... 12.00 to 18.00 " l S 1430 76 , 285 25 . 74 50 . 2728 02 . 10 so . 169 8tt LOGS WANTED to make is topurchase A sound investment. By purchasing them you are benefitting yourself and helping your country ; and The Durham Furniture Co., Ltd. 2873 I I 3567 62 1261 30 1000 oo 811 K) 132 72 ONTARIO Ana TORONTO The Boys and Girls The Big f VII/WWIâ€, Underwear ,ndd}ess c A ir'Lriiirfid, Principal. Owen Sound. Ont DURHAM . BEAN HIGH SCHOOL 839450 46 811337 12 15149 78 2431 61 F 450 58 72 00 103 50 86 H) 172 (O 6000 00 4.3 00 295 M) 158 06 1000 00 1270 Mt 439 60 138 03 tot 2t 168 32 30 67 an. 2nd ( Oh i t,'d',t,rt,e,,eg I tr, m chem “an“. ac" tot P."-".", usual-ck. no In cum , AY â€was ALLAN, I Also cumin 'ir l jacks; Sciem Nuts; r. mm: * I ganjmjuq [LI Shingles and Latin always on hand " right prices. Cluc- Sawing promptly attended to Mum Evilâ€... Mm“ MIAU‘ “VII“ "OM"... - (bl-luau)..." f Full information from any Grand (Trunk Ticket Agent. or CE Homing {District Pass. Agent, Toronto, Out. I Finlay Graham, Town Agent. , Telephone No. 3 Also 301.59.:qu for n. m. SASH, DOORS, and all kinds of HOUSE FITTIIGS The undersigned begs to "momma to â€amen" o Durhnm and surround. vnz cuunny. than he In. his Plum " And factory fully equipped tad“: onward to bake order. for DURHAM PLANING MILLS Unexcelled Dining Car Service llecping our: on night Quins and Par. or Cara on principal day trains. mus: c l - and Incl-ml. I '.h.t"etroousttrttexmetur "upâ€. In†f ability. " annual um cleanest unmet Mun. ac" tor lull Junior hum; no In.» union-on. The folio-1n column on. no In cum , l T1108 ALLAN, Princlml. ll! CIA“ Serum I Alla ttertitieatetrt Minion! Culture. Bub- l jecu; sauna. Maneuutics bud spelling. 1Hii 1. WEâ€! B. A.. of Que-i P12,t,t,'g lit'rjeers; Lulu. Art, Liverature, '20!!!“ tian, Reading Geography, Ancient 1mm M138“. (TRYUEKHAN. B A., t'oroato UNI ersity,Ristr1,'erdtie,tte " t'hpueol 'ulwro “talc-<26; Ear. Gamma. Wench. Bud-h ‘tu‘unduu lhslory, Goatposiuoa, Writing. mu. lacuna unusual for “In . tom aa. null be mule u 'ttra Review Of magnum-n. t: apr'xpepondenoe “one“ than. or to Ceylon v.07. will be pmmpUg “and“ to, form on swim-non mo - 1011.:an In . "uoaoi. m deuce!" 0.1km. D. MoPHA n. Insurance Agent. Money to Log. locum-of Mart-Inge Licenses. A “on oral tinaeteial huuim-u Launched. "ttleo - ARTHUR H. JACKSON '-" I. " - I. I t-rtor. 7-,. 'eiestttemeosrontmteGsii Mun ole. “Mal! All noun. HEW FIBRE BOARD 0308 GRADUATE Tannin Univ-Ila. a. H duh tpd coma Dent-l “In. mum in Bl it. menu. nun-lei f - Gil WELL Jiiirii a clan on can a. a use: in m OFFICE IOU" J. G. HUT! 0N.M.D.. J a. DRS. JAMIESON & JAWESON omen Hutu-noon. Houu: l-' any.“ Dunner. Solicitor In Sunn- mn Hour, Public Commission! Money to Loan. licensed Aueta'aTio,. Co. Kalb-teen." Pam Indium an“ outer Over J. P. humane-:0, - ie napalm Baum once. J. F. GRANT tt. 0.3 noun. ONT, (Love. iGi, Notary Public. Co"ttstariouer, CONVEXANCBI. Us. t - ver Jewell" cane nd nit» PM 00.1%. -- __..., u. urn-urn! “an“ I a J KUNTrttrt, Navy mm t on anhmn at. opposite Wllooln'e Hashim. Except Banal" . P. TELFORD D. MttPitAiL. Ceylon f"' to C. MIAGE. Durha- 'A' M. I. mp , ' 1W2 â€um E 'fi