w ll "GoGh 17tiU%GtieG n. was and remind a Christian apical until Mtrr, when Sdadin conquered tho WEE-aver; city founded on min: In AD. " bs, PnptroUradr.itn. under Marxian, Egyptian uni] $trrian domination. Destroyed for the second the ht A.D. " by Titus: . . -iriiiuit is, the Jews under Persian rule, it dimmed hands three times in the next cengnry, betyr gum-lively In": u Jennie-’3 History. -asieo and destroyed by Nebuchad- - In 5_86 Ike, . - Every district has its own needs, and I believe that by far the best my " coping with problems of this nn- ture is for localities to help themselves .11 they can, and then, if they stick, for us to help them. The ordeal bu been long and the end is not yet. The all for men is going to be heavy, and the weight of the strain in going to 1ofPfln 'hrtolt at once. The only men physically fit for high- er grades we cannot take for the forees are the men fully engaged in uriculture (with a few exceptions) or the output of munitions and engines d warfare. such " ships, or on the manufacture of clothing end equip- ment. Coal so far " it is required for var manufacturers Ind iron and “I. I include in munitions work; the railways and canals also are in a an rial class. We ere eard-indexintr the whole of the Army " home, and soon we hope to begin to get back into civil life men who are permanently unfit for active service but are still of practically full Industrial vnlue. . . . I hope to raise tens of thousands, nay. hundreds of thousands of men in this way for. the armed forces of the Crown. I - Call For Men. l The time has come when all men or) Grades I. and n. (which are generally! equivalent to the three old categories' A. B. and Cl) are required for ser-i vice, unless they are definitely ern-l played in connection with the produc-l tion of munitions of war or with the neintenance of the fabric of the State.' v. Turks have held mansion of a. g iatet 1516. I want the young women of that mass of middle-clue homes who are doing no real war work-full time I mean---to come along and join up. The third degree of National Service, s degree which more than 5,000.000 of our fellow-countrymen have qualified for, is service in the armed force of the country. To secure the defeat of Prussian militarism, we shall have to make further heavy calls on the man- of the country. l of the ways Will be by combing: t " en from civil life wherever they: e. be spared. To help to make some; of them sparsble we have at present' s gigsntic bit of work actually prod eeeding. l -'Him. {immediately a further 10,000 for the Women's Army Auxiliary C6rro--ererks, typists, cooks, wait- macs. women of all sorts. . . . I ap- peal to all mistresses of large house- holds to do their utmost to make it any for their maids to join the W.A. There are to-day vacancies for roughly 10,000 men on really urgent Government work. Aeroplane factories also want hands, male and female. What I do want at present is a steady supply of labor to build aero-' drones. . . . No civil building is really of any importance in compari- son with nerodrome construction at the present time. Ladies' clothing is the grove of an enormous amount of human energy. Economy and saving together con- stitute the first degree of National Service. The second degree of Nation.. al Service is to work for the Sub. What I do want at present is a . The first duty which rests on every man, woman, and child in this coun- try to-day is so to order their lives that they make the least possible de- mand at all times upon the energy of others. What is our duty " simple citizens? First we have to maintain our â€mien in the field. Next we have to main- tain and to expand our Air Service. Next. we have to maintain and expand our Fleet. Then we have to build more ships, to make more munitions, to grow more food. In recent speech at Plymouth: The time has come for us to pull ourselves together for the sprint to Tietorr--rk ask, "How long is this last Mort to endure?" I do not know. I do not imagine that it will be a day less than one year it may well be more. It is physically impossible for the war to end next rear unless our etrort this autumn, this winter, and next spring is unprecedented. i Our Duty As Citizens. I Matter of Suit-a] Service Declare- Thnt “Comb-0m†e! Civilit- ll Note-nay. Sir Auckland Geddes, British Mini- ster of National Service, speaking of the need of men and women for the army. declares that they must be ob- tained by I drastic "eoantr.out" of civ- ilians. The following are points from his recent speech at Plvmnnfh- l Minister of CONDITIONS AS THEY EXIST I) BRITAIN. Work For 20,000, AND WOMEN! In a recent statement issued by Mr. Maurice Long, Minister for General Revietuallintt of France, it was shown that the 1917 wheat crop of France was only 39,000,000 hundredweights, as compared with 87,830,000. Disk-HER aa Net prottts . . . Ra]. carr'd ford. muninln "r.-.".' ngt. leans and loans .._.... Dom. und Prov. Govt. sec‘ties Can. Mun. no- vuritlea and Brit. and For. and Col. seen. other than Canadian . . . Current loans. Loans to cities, Total and: .. Liquid assets . Total deposits. "ircutatiiyn . . . Gold and Silver coin ........ Dominion notes Deposits in com tral. gold res. (fall and short Bank of Ionttoal _ Reports “at: ht Excess of $400,000,000 A: the bankers of the Govern- ment, the Bank ot Montreal has evidently assumed its full share In providing for the country'- needn. as indicated by an mere-so of twenty-eittirt million dollars in the value of Dominion and Pro- Vinc‘ial t?overymertt segurritiep: STEADY EXPANSION or DEPOSITS The savings accountl of the People of the country conunuo to pile up Meadny and new "mount to over $246,000.000. In lncreale of almost $36,000,000 for the year. or at the rate of close to $3,990,000 ' month. I". tart" and Important under- ttutirttrs,' In connection with the War. which the Bank In carrying out on behalf of the Dominion und Hriillh Governments. It has '.trstt trtsen possible to manor tho EECAUSE it is a gift that's _'i.,'i, of real; everyday service t ii because it adds to his comfort, I yet subtracts from his expense t I and because it looks-and is--. I the best of its kind, the Gillette I Safety Razorh the one sure-to- I please Chritmas Gift for a TN: i we listen] year ending October Mst, 1911, I: as remark-bio n " is reassuring. Hand In hand wtthxtremendoun nine in Pet-ttthint, It Do.- slble tor the Bank to report total assets In excels at four hundred million dollars (the ttrst time such a tttture he: been reached inVCanadlan banking) " has d0- Wmved a position of still - Mrtmrth as represented try 159nm Sly-sets equiv-lent to over 75 " of liabilities to public. At the same time the varlous accounts reflect the large and Important under- takinxs. In connection with um 1-133? “1-751? n n: n use . sible for the " W551?" In excel: ,VV-- a-" - lvuvlll- III an principal account; The reunion shown by an a!- Rmittat on of the outement for lhe ttseat vnr nun..- n-uAL-- France's Food Situation. The Bank of Montreal. follow- ing its 100th tunlvomry. I. out with its strongest statement and establishes new high records tn alt Drlnclml salmon-no- 1917 "03.980136 276.2M,397 317,156.42? 14.500.000 100,010,214 33.455 97.607, 10,045.81! 2.477.969 1.664.893 11.415 20,592,329! 30,760,233 " 308.088 254 404 383 1916 3365116541 246.982.680 299396.049 113.002.097ia1 orders “9.73. !from amt 21.706U59 93.729.065 11,255.57! 21.040.803 20,273,216 6.478.263 2.200J7l 1.414.023 'r,600,000 Such men " Sir Thomas Beecham, Oscar Asehe, Captain T. A. E. Ma- 1,23 lone, and Robert Evett are a few md among many of the important London "if producers who are helping to keep the r0- men in the garrison camps from get- al'.'. ting tired of the war. A number of up well-known actors, too, are taking 3; their own companies around the, 14- camps. Some artistes in these eont-l, panies, who formerly got their 2100 of week for playing lears, are now under; . six months' contract with the “Sol- 33;“;3; diers' Companies" for 210 a week, and, are remaining decently 1nonrmousl (l', " about it. And all the firgt-elass Pressl lxzjhso agents are wiping dishes in the mess~' 1'.li:% , halls. Which is as it should be. f '.", ; Gillcial Show Bills. 1 #33:): i The "G.T." manager at a Canadians' 7 {camp remarked the other day that he' 00.000 ( could advertise in to-day's department- _ -"'"'""-'V'. -- _..- Ullv‘|tlc uuvlai ! But the "official" shows are billed thus simply: § "First visit of the N.A.C.B. Melo- udrama Company in 'Beven Days' .Leave’ (frornAhe Lyceum Theatre, ilondoni." gal orders for a first-class fress agent {from among the soldiers at the camp, land to-morrow morning he would have la mob of four hundred Press agents in {khaki clamoring at the theatre doors.' Then there are the poor little show girls! Dear, dear, what they have to con- tend with now that they're working for the soldiers.' ete." "Return visit of the N.A.C.B ville Party in their own entertt These theatres are not only self- supporting, but are also the means of keeping men in the camp and away from all the evils' of garrison towns. l There are soldier orchestras, usual- 11y of about a dozen players. There are soldier stage hands, and soldier managers, with red bands on their left arms bearing the black letters “G.H.," which stand for Garrison Theatre, and the "houses" are all sol- diers. For some of the companies hostels have been arranged and fitted up outside the camps. l There are two shows a night on week-days, and "men visiting the sec- ond house receive late passes back to their lines at time of purchase of tickets." On Sunday there are con- certs. Are Now a Feature " Military Camp. in Englund and Are Greatly Appredated. In a garrison camp war coneistl of almost incessnnt drills, coupled with polishing one's buttons and lenmlnlto 'salute smartly, and is Ibout the dead- liest form of dullness ever inventedJ Hence the British Government he: putl up theatres in eight of its campus in England, and five companies have been engaged, rehearsed, and sent on thei road. THEATRES MAINTAINED “In: BRITISH GOVERNMENT. PLAY-HOUSES Away From Temptation. visit of the N.A.C.B. Vaude- in their own entertainment, "tilih'iti " “A. Save old metal about the hm and an? tt “as†s','au"att', of not: on 7 coun- ta-ynoodl it, unmithto cut. - "-riii'll'. new. a i Two-thinly“ the population at Denmark go coma! in Amman: production or in handling‘ antennaâ€! producto. The soldier aa ii, lair; Then, reeoverintMtU speech, he "Well, she's pinched 'emi" The result was a tremendous sur- prise. Queen Mary, neuted in her car, saw the soldier standing at the gate, bouquet in hand, and, naming that he wished to present it to her, she had the car stopped. A: the lol- dier exhibited the bouquet, the queen took it in her hand, marked upon its beauty, calmly uppropriated it, and gave word for the on; to go on. I the flowers had arrived safely, they commissioned one of their number to stand at the hospital gate the follow- ing morning when the queen passed. i To a hospital for wounded soldiersfI Jap Aviators. the Queen of England recently sent an, The Japanese are the greatest mas- exceptionally beautiful bouquet thatlters of human equilibrium in the had been presented to her. The im/world. Watching them balance light- mates received the gift with muchfly on slack wires or stand on their pleasure, says an English periodical, hands on slender poles, one would as- and to Show their totrte.iation of Her sume that aviation has few terrors Majesty's kindness, and to prove that for them. As a matter of fact, how- the flowers had arrived safely, they ever, their peculiar sense of equili- commissioned one of their number to brium does not seem to aid them in stand " the hospital gate the follow- the flying of airplanes. A noted in.. ing morning when the queen passed. structor who has drilled many allied The result was a tremendous sur- airmen says the Japanese make the prise. Queen Mary, seated in her least satisfactory aviators in the car, saw the soldier standing " the world, Eskimos excepted. to pick up whatisveCikruTis com- munication max be going on in his neighborhood. we .-_ -...-.-...,.. The audion bulb, as moat of those; interested in wireless know, made; l feasible the recent long-distance mess- i ages sent out from Washington, and its use for communication by wire' also made feasible the no.w common! transcontinental telephoning between ' New York and San Francisco. 1 The entire principle of the audion bulb is to amplify soun‘i whves and: by making a bulb small enough to be _ placed in the end of the fountain pen} tube Dr. De Forest has literally made! it possible for any "man in the street†, . The instrument depends entirely]! upon the audion bulb for its eMeieney.l ENew Invention Make Possible Picking _ Up Of Any Communication. The "fountain pen" wireless receiv- er is an established fact, for through the use of the audion bulb' Dr. Lee Del Forest has perfected a little instru-, ment, no larger than some of the ex-j tra-size fountain pens in use by meni with heavy hands, through which it isj' possible for a man to pick up wire-i, less messages at distances up to eight or ten miles, says the Illustrated [ World. 1 l Baby's Own Tablets, are a. grand (medicine for little ones. They are a émlld but thorough laxative; are ab- ‘solutely sate; easy to give and never fail to cure any of the minor Ills ot little ones. Concerning them Mrs. Juan. B. Iiastey, Gleason Road, NE, wrltes: r--"I have used Baby's Own Tablets Eris: and have found them perfectly satis- factory for my little one." The Tab. lets are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at M cents a box Iran: The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. {For lol the pipes are all awake l, And playing as of yore They " played before the Highland , chiefs l On Scotia's ancient shore. The Bash of tartan plaid is Been i Along the front in France Wherever hearts beat high and strong, And dauntlesa troops advance. A GRAND MEDICINE _ FOR LITTLE ONES The Campbella they are coming, too, By gloomy lochs and braes, And Afton Water gently flows _ Through Summer’s golden haze. The melancholy pibrochs call The scattered clans attain From miles of heather wild and wet, And sheep-folds gray with rain. WIRELESS FOR ALL TO BEAR. _ V "-'e""' ..-. u, Beneath the misty moon. The FloWers of the Forest fall, And rocky road and glen Are ringing to the tramping feet Of Cameron's marching men. Above the rolling drums is heard The tune of Bonny Poon, And Ant.t.ie..Laurje keeps her try: Whether the camps pared for them, however, was a question that roar upon roar of applause trom the crowd- ed house answered. . _amPqmtetea by a sergeant of mili- tary police, a timid visitor saw two of these little ladies of the lipstick in a dressing-room " the back at the stage. Prom the litter on their wall peeped a bold red sign: “Artistes are not permitted to address the audience except for the purposes of the plan‘ gags, interpolations, speeches, and comments upon matters Meeting military discipline, with any reference to military personalities, are absolute- Ir. prohibited; no alteration is to be imade in the text of the productions without special writtenauthority.†Tame For the'laldies. The stage ladies Ndn't like the camps very well. Nothing ever hap- pened at the camps. They were tak.. en from their hostels outside the camps in a motor-lorry to the theatre and back the same way. They really didn't care for the camps! (311.de rr, . The Queen's'éMistake. The Highlanders. her tryst man-am Lianne!“ enu- Gun: In Con "It is now ordered that sugar, re- fined and unrefined, including maple sugar, may be exported by parcel post up to regulation weight when consign- ed to and intended for Military and Naval Forces Overseas, the limit of weight to the United Kingdom being 11 pounds and for furtherance to France 7 pounds." 1 The Food Controller's Office an- nounced on Wednesday that the Com- missioner of Customs had issued the following memorandum to Collectors of Customs and others:-- Sussex. I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Markham, Ont. C. S. BILLING. Iaketield, Que., Oct. 9, 1907. I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD’S LINIMENT. Halifax. ANDREW KING. I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. LT.-C0L. C. CREWE READ. _ Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, Minister [of Lands, Forests and Mines, is ad.. fvertising for. tenders on pulp and 1other timber in the townships of Id- ;ington and Owens on the National Transcontinental in Northern Ontario. A new project is being instituted un- der which it is proposed to cut strips of four chains wide through the town- ships, so that each farm or quarter section will have ten acres of clearedi land. The purpose of this new plan of timber clearing is to encourage subsequent "elenred farm" settlement. ' MONEY ORDERS Dominion Express Foreign Cheque: are accepted by Field Cashlers and Paymaatera in France tor their full face value. There is no better way to send money to the boys in the trenches. Carrier pigeons have extensive use in the present war, despite the com- petition of the wireless, the telephone, the heliograph and the "witr-watttrer." , But the old superstition that the birds [have an infallible sense of direction is pretty well upset. "We frequently Ehave birds blunder back to us with ltheir messages intact," remarked a Ireneh officer. "The noise and confu- ision of battle or the tremendous 'smoke pail that overhangs the battle lines for days seem to confuse them in some fashion. Frequently they 3 will circle around for five or ten min-: utes before determining their proper direction. About 80 per cent. of the! birds achieve their objective. The, rest are listed as 'missing.' They arel probably prey to the hawks that have) not ceased their depredations, despite, the patriotic purpose of their victims." low cost and its high food value. A better balanced ration than meat or eggs and costumuchless. Two Shred- ded Wheat Biscuits with milk or cream make a com- plete, perfect meal, supply- ing all the nutriment needed for a half day's work at a cost of a few cents. Delicious for any meal with milk or cream, or with fresh or stew- ed fruits. Made in Canada. buf-ru, Set me vex. atious as the cost of foods climbs Skyward. Meat, eggs and vegetables are almost beyond the family purse. Happy is the housewife who knows Shredded Wheat. its " Her Clearing North Country. Sugar to Soldiers Pigeon! Mistakes. rou- PULLEYS, Large tttre. 2ttx66--880; tboth-att B_tAr"F--.Ar" 1M; t2Vatr40-ttt; 12H t BLOWERS fl? FMS. Bil-II make. 1 LARGE LEATHER BELT.’ l WHEELOCK ENGINE, 18x42. Machin sirii- Fdir""'ii'"i'"i"ia" Do not despair. Each carking care To silence will be awed, When this great word thy soul u. heard.. "Delight thyself in God." ---Alezander Louis Fraser. Inn-4'. than“: an“ mum THE ANTIDOTE. (Psalm xxxvii., 4.) When troubles drear to thee appear, And thy weak faith is tried, And sore distrest, thou, seeking rest, Art still urtgatisfied. On the lower side of the stem of a new pipe is a receptable for matches, covered with a roughened metal plate on which they can be scratched. was we may iGtr,ijiieUG b',"siiU. 3......" -. In um. in Tul-el 25c. m wa "ofthjar.-.roo. Ami-Hum Md! c... cue-30a 1l'trrtqeRrefeatseAr jfreckles, tun, gallowness, redness and rmughnesa disappear and how swoon), fsott and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It Is harmless, and the beautiful ne- asults will surprise you. "I wish you would, mum," said the unabashed Nora; "there'a easily en- ough work for two of us." "if such a thing occurs again, Nora," said the mistress of the house severely, "I shall have to get another servant." 1 Your grocer has the lemons end any [drug More or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces ot orchard [white tor I. few cents. Squeeze the Juice of two fresh lemons Into a bottle, lthen put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes 1 quarter il pint of the very best lemon skin 'whitener and complexion beautiiler iknown. Message this unrest. 7 creamy lotion daily into the face, neck. jarms and heads and Just see how ELECTRIC EENERATOR. 80 KW., 116, One to Inch. ttther Wlll locum $800 for dltlon and new on. , wm accept “25 cub for Immo'dlgn an. Make a beauty lotion for at few cents to remove tan, freckles. salIowneu. New Automatic Valve Type. Compton with .utrtrly and c ftywho.l, etc. Will accept $1,200 each tor Immediate uh. anus: warren SKIN The type made famous In fiction is, best remembered " the "Colt," a. htntr-Urreted, heavy shooting "iron": that terrorized its opponents into gut-3' render by the intpreasivenem, of its 1 mouth. No automatic pistol ever: looked so "buttinetus1ike," and the army _ feels more eonthienee of cleening out the trenches with this longer, strong- l er-seeming weapon. l Kidney troubles are frequently caused by bully digested food which overtairoe than organs to eliminate the irritnnt acid. formed. Holp your “and: to properly dht.eat the food by taking 1Rto 30 drop. of Extract of Roots. told no “other “he“ lelve Syrup. ad your Ida-e, Mot will promptly dis. apps". Get'the genuine. , I They say the biuas-lmrreied weapon is much more formidable in tC",','.',',',',) lace than the uutomatic; that there] is more 'rtstiisfnetion using it on ne-l count of the greater display it makes! " lwung in the hand and brandistte.ril, overhead. I A Kidney Remedy oNFilTii'trptfi" V TORONTO . ,,,,-__-_ my .. “no, wuv take I sort of dramatic Slide in the wicked-looking shooting iron made immortal in the days of the wild West. To?“ Putelthe Equip-cut of U. B. Ounce. Any. A thrill of excitement hu run through the United States army at the announcement of the restoration of the "yix-ehooter" to the complement of the over-eel force. The revolver, laminating in many instances the: automatic, delights the regulars, who) '.otittr.,1uusteesettumtaus MP III In“. loo-mo 'GTh'll'.'h"aoa. TJ..t,!.l1,ri, frayuhtcd - Eyelids; "hte ‘ii'voF'i'inmu Int-radon. dummy tree. You In e.rdhtl mam t, III a a... m. an}... Emga I; ','2Ut “POM 0 " " £525ng ran', an um- $"l'at iii? c " sum-um. on." II a Mutual. mm. "trigt Nut you ugh! " In- muuto. In" “and non an Inn-u than. Mum my bu Mol- "" forum! Ml. than an Inn‘- ment will pay In return In. (In rural. 2nt", In 'th alga" a: an to". o n! n hee l'et than," wagon. PM ?,ttcltyleJtlltr n!‘ not To ta'xarrroorram She Wu Willing. Sore Eyes, Eyes rniamed b; Sin, Oak and Wind quickly relieved by Murine. Trill In your Eyesand in Baby's vet. quuaettuhrat in“. WITH LEMON JUICE ' " idiiuTa"i;"iiUi'irhu. ESTATES muggy-non, gm Jia) 55°?in ftyer, M41929! _ ,,-~_- -- -. - - ... . ttttmediate ale. although but b In mum a» would cost about 0600. user. I Por free rmpie. each Adan-0;. ptjswt-JM: 555Ct "i'ntralMigatitii'il",ii"iy'a"r' m l. 30 K.W., 110-120 Volts tut muate ah. . '.'anble, Endless. 24 tttgh trl qtrrrtmtit.m.ts gloves or softer sind-iLife- night or remove surplus Ointment with soft tissue paper as preferred. Ointment gently but freely into th; hands for :ome time. Wear old AfterMrmpineoraftera hurddey are quickly] relieved with Sloan'a I»... '.'hi't,"r,,v,,'g',,tgrttog,.t- We. ,'i,i'iis,i,'i'nitsr'r?,i'i'x?it,Eei'li dull: no otntmegttr. t 2'fhUl mart}? akin. or do: the Evely‘bonc dunk! have I tMi [study for Ionian. ctr-ha. lun- hack. rheumatic . and stir. Ian mode and Ut".' mmmuénul drug- g'uu. m. MK., ".00. , That itch, burn, Clack, chap, and bleed, in a wonderfully short time in most use. Soak the hands on re- Neuralgia Headaches _ ,,. v " -___.. ..i.... " math. U interim! and "trrttat. our“ vul- ou! ul- " our homo "nun-at. Write I beta"- too Inc. Dr. Bellman “all†an. â€mind. Colllnzwood. Ont. Little Irene marched into the room breathless. "O mother," she said, "don't scold late for being late for supper, became ia had such a disappointment. A [bone fell down and they slid they [were going to send for a horse doc- tor, so I waited and waited, and what ‘do you think? It wasn't a home stioetor at all. It was only 3 man." “â€"- B"it,U,','dye,;y, SITI'A’I'ED SITE IN Oahuwn. home leauxhlln Humm- let cum. Wilmuns Hat-mu. so busy fa.- tories. 4t)-rt Lot. fH'le. level, ho-ahhy. Splendid invwmnvm. an R91. mum... ()lffltillll HEALS SURE HANDS . Free Sample Each by Mail Illa-4'- Ktatasmtt Cm. 14.55355. Tyyoryi Laura The Son! of tt Plano Is the Action. Insist on {hie " OTTO HIGELP PIANO ACTION [IBGILMOUI Merely a Man aim-not â€In. tiring in a hot suds of Cuticu. ra Soap, using plenty of the Soap. Bryand tub Cuticum Mt " a FA»? I st",':'., "m