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Durham Review (1897), 3 Jan 1918, p. 4

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" Ai51ty Phone U... ' John McGowan Pine IL All blnda 011mm bought at __ -"_- u uuu ""utmu3tor7 hing It bid: and get your money. Low Grade Flour, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Cereal, Bran, Shorts. Middlings, Corn Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn Sovereign, Eclipse Wheat, Barley and Oats Chapaé The CR'MPED O.ATS for Horse Feed at CHOPPED OATS at. . . . verv- "a: THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Repairing as usual Conn Town Shoe Store It c " ,nupuaungthc Local Option uccmli"t. The proceeds of sale of the P. o. site all . . went in one year, so did C. l'. R. lunds, reign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour and Cream Sep. Works. . Mr Calder was right in urging a-uni- Eyery bag guaranteed. If not satisfaotorr form rate, Council should have kept old lrlng It back and get your money. T rate and given $500 to Red Cross. Thought he had done right in [916 by ade Flour, Rolled Oats. Breakfast Cereal, Bran, Suzy“? tl;l',nrc:ntt)eb:,/te due . . . o . ; m e row, e grows Middlings, Corn Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn worse. "MrLaidlaw promised he would . enforce by-laws if elected. -Has he? I could show where he violated by-laws . not 100 yds from his own door." D tons ot No I Mixed Chop He also touched on the sorrow of the l WHEAT AND BARLEY war, made a reference to an unfair at.. l tack made on him last year by Mr Cald- "'"""eye "-e-'----"__= ----_-, "_“""‘ “E” I erandagain urged that tle two "old , 'tttrates bought at market pr%e. tbeednt “In!“ fellow: tttum. more moat of date. a ""imtr-tr'ediirfiiiiia. m" - - We ha ve a stock of Good Heavy Mixed Feed on hand that we are selling at special prices in ton lots. ff you need Feed, get our prices. HEAVY; MIXED FEED The Chevrolet Garage They are made in Dose and purse. Bo Type 'T FairunksUi'ii"i's"i' x Both of which are now on exhibition at the Lambton St. Garage. The 1918 Models of both lines embody several new constructional features which we are unable to mention due to the limited space at our disposal. Buffieient it is to say that they are the Acme of Perfection. both in appearance and 'sffhsiener. Come in and be thoroughly convinced of their superiority over the prevailing cars new offered to the buying public. Both of McLaughlin ' " Fours" OATMEAL MILLS PHONES t Day " Night 'i M Rob liroor Cereal Mills Co, In closing, In it» Vishing our Many Customers a 1tppy New. Year """-r"GrGGa"iL'T we wish to say a few words regarding our at Special Prices New in three popular sizes, 1%, 3, and 6 h. p.--- Special engines (crude oil burning) up to 25 h e Feed at Fair Prices very' reasonable rates '. S. McILRAITH and Greatly Improved Chevrolet Models '"""'"""""'""---'--ra%r-uLuthuy2tUylS, anon to our NEW LINE OF 0 " . and "Sixes 351;? "m"""-------. 1. Etc. :1? y... ....u will: worm of correction gm and the meeting closed _ -- 7-..... ..- “mun you tor this entertainment crancl again urged that tl e two "old we are having and ask you in return to fellows" should retire at out of date. accept this Kodac and Photo Holder, not Mr Laidlaw in defense of his transfer- for their value, but as a slight token of ring Local Option Acct, said he had been our appreciation for you. We conqxude‘ the means ot making most of it. He by wishing you “new Christmasand a thought Mr Canon's remarks showed happy New Year. small appreciation of long services, given Signed on behalf of the Section - without fee. Mr Calder had some words ' " . - o. min- '“‘“ -__% J v-.- m \JIUCU. F Mr Catton came along with t vigorous speech of the evening. not his intention to stand, he l Mr Calder he was' not the non any party, clique or sect. It n time for Laidlaw and Calder t after monopmizing these positions to 2.3 years. Young men should chance. 'To hear these fellows t: would think you could juggle fi into growth. Mr Laidlaw had an i could make money go further the one else." He was without right propriating the Local CPtion-Ac The proceeds of sale of the P n I ucmmea there was likely to be an in. ‘crease of fees, though some feet these should not be increased during the year. He hoped the town would continue to prosper a, d that before. another year closed the war would be ended. l I 1.. r' ' ' l He explained the action taken on Good Roads lines which was carried almost unanimously, the Reeve of Glenelg being chief objector. Durham's share of the Good Roads tax would be $67.5, but “Ll ultimately receive 81000 a year, to bei used strictly in building and maintaining the links of the Good Roads system. He hinted there was likely to be an in. crease of fees, though some feet these should not be increased (lurinn 'L- - . .V. an" unwary, M McUOnaI -- .-..-. "W “‘W- Mlss A. C. Nckenaie,. teache l He entered on a comparison of the De- Fourth clae--aiwraee att. 40 Denture debt, showed that the apparently Sr 4--Amelia Blair, M U McKechnie overdrawn account at the H. Sch. Board George Johns, Mad McGirr, Alben was due to the non receipt of acheck Krcss Jr 4-- Wilhclmille Collimmm from Co. Council, thought the 5per cent Nellie Fulkingham, Myrtle Yirrs, Wrr fine for unpaid taxes was harsh and time bur Traynor, Annie McCullum. should have been extended to lst of Andrew S. Morton, teacher January. ----- He dealt lucidly and at length with EDGE HILL Public School Report Co Council matters. There wasa rate Senior 4t.h--Howard Ritchie. Junior of 5; mills for County and Patriotic pur- 4th -- Willie'Morrison. Tommy Morrison, poses, used to be ll. Just tied his sup- Marion Boyd, Mary Glencross. Senior port of Mr 'ernith an I. P. s. applicant, 3rd Melville Anderson, Ella Ritchie. Jr aslikely to stilt South Grey as well as 3rd Mary Morrison Reta Glencross,, present one educationally and better as, Margaret Anderson, Wilbert Greenwood regards convenience of location in 1 Junior 2nd Ada Boyd, Lavina Paylor, Durham. Milton Horst. Junior Ist-Marjorie He explained the action taken on Good Ritchie, Johnny Morrison, Ada Paylor, Roads lines which was carried almost Glenny Firth. Frederica 3:”.an mu» I unanimously, the Reeve of (Hermit! hair"- Then the council of 1917 had helped themselves by tr.ansferring the Local Option account to General funds, also interest and a Hydro payment of $1200. There wss about $5000 came in in 1917 that would not come in 1918 and thought I it was a mistake to lower the rate, Ir., ---- . Standard Lind of p.-----" size to Sl , 25 h. p. to order. Prices on apolic: - v"...qu [rum Pat 'nounced that he must be reliev i of 1918. Young men must ' ward. i He dealt with the Financial fand said that but for an Ol {$1000 payable from Fumituri rate would have been two mills Mr. Calder was disappoints small attendance (less than 30.', with the Mayor the statement -....... aucuuance (less than 30.) Agreed with the Mayor the statement wasa fair one but it was wise to compare it with previous statements, as taken alone ie might be misleading The liabilities of l '16 and 'I7 were nrartirallu u.- Farm Engines . novice utUIlk'dmC along with the tte.1tli','n"2'd', speech of the evening. It was n ox equ; intention to stand, he assured Primer- kr he was' not the nominee of Campbe y, clique or sect. ltwas high Johnson Laidlaw aud Calder to retire Allan ii' iOpOIizing these positions for 20 ' rs. Young men should have a Andrews, ' To hear these fellows talk one nk you could juggle financcs! th. Mr Laidlaw had an idea he! Present " _-_-., - per cent fine after due tt the trouble grows [law promised he would if elected. -Has he? re he violated by-laws ey go further than any- was without right in ap- l at“! " w. _ on application. ere Lambton Street, Durham, Ontario 1 ' I -"====r-eiePa5E',FEte1ei 1 the Financial statement but for an overlook of from Furniture Co. the suit every pur- an two mills lower. disappointed also "tcally the same Hydro payment of - - __..- anua uuyu, Milton Horst. Junk m Good Ritchie, Johnny Morris almpst Glenny Firth. Frederica g being A Amonell Gienc:oss, of the Primer B-AlbertMorri rut taid wood, J Anderson, May I P, be E. A. MacK: aming m. . No 2, EGREV an m _ For Decemt these Senior 4tlr, I. Barbo year. Barbour. D Kerr, A Nob] mieto Wilson, BMcMeeken. year Allan. Senior 2nd--J C Noble equal, J Marshall. most Lennox, RCampbell. V.K ' was nox equal. Senior Ist-d sured Primer-L Allan, M Noble '5'. of Campbell. Junior Primer _l".gh Johnson, M Wilson, N Wat :33] Allan, B Allen, Edith Kerr, We thank you for we are having and a accept this Kodac ant l I We are, each one, glad to hear that you I are staying with us another year and i' know that you will do everything in.yourg power for our mental advancement as you j did in the past year. ‘ I _-..w., mantle! l 21st, at their Christmas tree. I Dear Miss Barber: We the pupils and parents of U. S. S i No 4, Holland and Sullivan take this op- portunity in showing our kindest regards and appreciation of you for the good work you have done during the past year of school. The following address and presentation was made to Miss Ella Barber, teacher of Un on School Section Non}, Sullivan and Holland at close of schoolcDecember 21st, at their Chriclmnn ...-, Presentation to at Yr 4--Ametia Bl George Johns, l Krcss Jr 4-- M Nellie Fulkingham bur Traynor, Annie 10x, tt Campbell. V. Kerr and A Len. equal. Senior Ist-dt Wilson. Sr [er-- L Allan, M Noble, V Johnson, A pbell. Junior Primer John Allan. C son. M Wilson, N Watson, IAIlan, T 1, B Allen, Edith Kerr, p, Watson. M gunlfry, A Vessic. Jr 2--, M Lang, H Thompson, d Fulkingham, C Dymond. Muss L. We Third class-Average atte Sr 3-..K Hughes J Hepr Jcrs. Wilfred Thompson, D, Jr 3--C, McCrae, Lloyd Mo Mortimer, M Mal a... 5,... I McGhrr, I Kelsey gomrry, A Vessic M Lang, H Thou F'alliinehum, C to V._., "nun-m onmpson, Newton Clark, Freda Falkingham, Mary Glaser. Muss M McKenzie. teacher First Class-avcrage att, 59 tir l-Irene Mayer. Adeline Collinson. Jean McCaughey. Alvrn Snell, lvey Hulme. Jr l-Violet McDonald. Merle" Bauer, Irene McCaughey, Irvine Stor- my, Wallace Hepburn, Lua MchnnM I Second clamp--, Sr '2tMoore ' THE DURHAM VIEWER [Glam-r, Lo Falkm McAuhire Elsie l, Janet Burnett, l mond Mcthrr. C Lawrence Whitrm Jean Collins m, Jo Becker. Mm: M Stella Damian“ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Derbv twmily spent Xmas with Mr, Meyer, Allan Pare, Mrs thear Hahn and son George of Kitchener, are visiting her sister. Mrs Alex Grierson. Much sympathy is extended to Mrs Jas, Park Jr. whose als'er, Mo Nor, man Willis passed away last Week after a short illness. l N l I Mr. and In Jan. Mather and hun. [ ily spent the Christin-a holiday with "Mr Wm Hunter of Egremonc. Miss E B, Murine of Biggar, Sank, is visning her aunt. Mrs. A. Co'bett and other "utived. ‘ Mr, sud Mn. Jae. Turnbnll and family are!" Christmas with the Mo. ROBIN! "iilr. .Mr. June: Watt of Biggnr. Sash. is visiting his sister, Mrs. A. McLean and other Magda. Miss Margaret Derbv ford Hospital was hm: days In: week. Junior --_- um. I. lunruulnz Pt?. Sound Busineu College. I. :pendmg the holidays " her home ere. Miss Bella. Park a Owen sound “(Ilia-- Durham TORONTO miur Primary Brutricc Vos, A. Edge, Teacher. this Miss E. Barber SOUTH "8%”me J. .D_orbv and 2rbv otthe Sm:- the for a few Fresh Groceries Buy before the advance i: G. d; J, McKEGHNIE Our stock is very large and before the advance. We have the SEE OUR NEW Ire-a number of Rugs left in the newest designs in the terns and in the nicest Oriental shades having allthe of the Eastern Rugs, but a great deal cheaper'. 3ydsx 3 Ha..., "““‘ Women’s Dongola Blacker Women's Chrome Tan ... . Men's “when... ...--. Boots and Shoes Men's arriving every Week. The Highest Price: Paid for Produce RUGS newest designs in 3 yds ' , in price, “In" ii inch top Blacker. . . . . . » T c, . , W“ 't t: , iii'tii'ii" 'iiili alr6i tteytill Which is sure -r-.Me.trtt our prices are ri .... ... 15.50 Inn...” 1750 WALL PAPER the nearest ......thttt to come. .... 6.00 right as we bought patterns. The MuLenn Publisi A: I good Canudr. n, do well, ”MIN to Maclca Ibo.“ you UK.) to favor, ”Scion price " 82 00 pe Ber, or dual ttrm The Bus" ttnan, Women a M. GLAS Hens, ll to Gees Duc on Monday a l ivered ur lOl tl tt PUUL " t Rt " at at mv f each fH Less t we must prices l dollars Where It‘ll] newsp: examp their: year a they I J AN Iptmn 0 So ye tr pl

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