t9tt " Under the rule of ti lore than 3.000.000 Philippines have had in the English lmmua them speak and write er tongue. renal decrease for the past week. According to the Admiralty report, 11 British merchantmen of 1,600 tons or over were sunk during this period by mine or submarine, as well " one merchantman under that tonnage and one fishing vessel. Twelve merchantmen were unsuc- cessfully attacked by submarines dur.. ing the same period. Seventeen ves- sels were sunk the Previous week. A despatch from London any losses to British shipping Show terial decrease for the past wet According to the Admiralty 11 British morphsunmn- " , "et cum to come over the ice to Herschel Island. and from there to Alaska, probably by way of Fort MacPherson. His party consists of about 24 men. The Canadian Arctic Expedition set out in 1913. MAT Lancaster Sm Behring Sea. chosen eithe chose to come Island. and on Melville Island. glut he would com STEFANSSON AND ,, --- nm ARE SAFE xTERlAI. DECREASE SHOWN IN BRITISH SHIPPING LOSSES, . ,7__.- no... "car-inglon says: President Wilson formally announced his decision to take possession and assume control " noon on Friday, December 28, of each and- every system of transportation in the United States. Possession of the transporta- tion systems of the country will be taken through Secretary of War Bak- tr, but after the railroads and other, transportation facilities have come, into the actual possession of the Gov-, ernment, they will be operated under: the direction of William G. McAdoo.' the present Secretary of the Treasury/ -------, "an; Drastic Step Announccd by President Wilson Transportation Facilities Serve ws, M PRESIDENT TAKES OVER ijiiiiirifiiiii'"'"" RAILWAY LINES 0N DECEMBER 28 diam EXplorer and Company Arrive at Fort Yukon, Alaska. /!et?aty.t. from, Washington either id Toe7ese tS THAT SA 1; xpc , Relief For Halifax Victims. One of the trucks sent from Boston for IAN-:1 an "on: Washington says: Mr. MeAdoo was tl Wilson formally announced President to serve as m to take possession and of Railroads. I Dntrol " “M'- A- n_: ' -. o of the United States )0.000 natives of the ' had some instruction manage and more "of write it than any oth- from Ottawa says: mson, the Canadian S ty, are safe. A Mr. G. J. Des- Fri?,,,', .,L1J "s? -. asgiiiG"e I I I 'Ewa 'ii 'i:..::':.;..)::.;,'] MISSED KAISER _.. _ {ya-J" . a. s e c, " am . ' in": i Th Soap should be bought ties; remove the wrapper it to dry. Granted By Board of Railway i Commissioners. A despatch from Ottawa says: An important judgment handed down by the Board of Railway Commissioners provides for a 15 per cent. increase in passenger rates in all parts of Canada, with the exception of British Colum- bia, where the maximum rate is now 3 cents per mile. The judgment also permits, subject to the limitations of [ the Crow’s Nest agreement and ee.rr' tain srpeeiite limitations, an increase in [ freight rates of approximately 10 per' cent. in the West and 15 per cent. in' the East. The Crow's Nest agreement , was made by the Canadian Paeifie Railway with the Government, and by' its provisions rates on a large num-lI ber of commodities are reduced. 1 ADVANCE 1N RAILWAY RATES seat in the House of Lords and the promotion of the Second Bea Lord to his place, briefly announced in ‘an of- ficial communication, will convey but one interpretation to the mind of the general public in view of the strong criticisms for a lone time passed upon the Admiralty, which culminated in, deep disappointment and dissatisrae/ tiOn at the impunity with which Ger-, man raiders recently again sank ai British convoy. I Boston for reiili wqu at Halifax. licoe Ato the hon%iui,' Admiral Jellieoe has been elevated to the peerage in recognition-of his very distinguished services. The hope is expressed that his experience may be utilized later in another post. The translation of Sir John R. Jel-, T..,-, A .. . - Pt John Jellicoe Replaced-h, Made a Peer in Recognition i of Distinguished Services. A despatch from London says: Vice-Admiral Sir Rosslyn Wemyss has been appointed First Sea Lord, in succession to Admiral Sir John R. Jel- Woe, according to an omeial announce-1 ment, ' _ Through the action taken the Pre- sident hopes to be able to cut the (Gordian knot" of the tangle of con- qusion into which the transportation facilities of the nation have been brought as a result of the efforts made since the nation entered the war, to handle the movement of troops, muni.. tions and war commodities, without, at the same. time saerifleing the actual 5 transportation needs of the nation.: and its commerce. I WEMYSS NEW lent Wilson to Make Nation's is Serve War Needs. vest and " per cent. in , Crow's Nest agreement the Canadian Paeifie the Government, and by "__---' u, 4? t T 9 ce; Ck V s--': , f . . * LR' "a. teh" r ‘ A I 1.4;) t Ill, C8, duh iSu r - wig; 5% P, .†Tr 'e-, E IP, git ' ' A†--, II - - aiiE9t CSi; i Silt LORD appointed by the s Director-General eclipse of in quanti-l The good housewife wiil and allow'even one slice of bread a - l wasted. ‘ Fâ€a.†were accordingly assigned to be used for tomatoes. The result of the year’s work is announced in a report just published. which Mates that 10,- 000 pounds of tomatoes were thus grown, all of which were sent in week- ly shipments to about thirty military hospitals in the Liverpool district. ( A despafeh from Liverpool year ago the city of Liverpm to suspend the cultivation o anthemums in the greenhouse ed to public parks, and gro‘ thing useful instead. Several glass were accordingly assign , ; Japan's Contribution Thus Far ’: --No Troops For West. .r A despatch from Tokio says: Jap- "an’s total finamrird support to the En- :' tente Allies aggregates more than 1,- 0@,000,000 yen, said Minister of Fin- ance Shoda recently in an address to ‘500 leading finaneiers or business men of Western Japan. For Japan, he de-; clared, this contribution was immense.) t As to the tallrof dispatching "pay-; lese troops to the European front, he} gadded, this was useless discussion, and ,' jthe Allies were aware that it was an! impossibility. Japan, he said, was) prepared to exert her utmost efforts‘ to aid the Allies in other respects, but her operation could not go to the ex-, tent of sending troops to Europe. To ', listen credulously to peace rumors and / 'so to disturb business, he added, was} premature and foolish. i! TOMATOES INSTEAD OF CHRYSANTHEMUMS The need is great, and the money must be secured before the work for these blinded people can be.properly organized: I At least 200 of these will be totally blind, and the majority of them are young women and children. Sir Fred, eriek Fraser, chairman of the Halifax [Blind Relief Committee, estimated ithat a fund of at least $500,000 will be inquired to provide accommodation and suitable training for those who) have so suddenly become blind. A] ivittorous campaign for “is fund is 1,000,000,000 m TO SUPPORT WAR .illtPextiaaarim as:rt""ii now on, and Sir Frederick Fraser says he hopes that the people of Canada and the United States will actively co- operate in securing the amount re- quired. Majority of Victims of This i Class in Halifax Are Young 1 Women and Children. A despatch from Halifax, N.S., says: The first estimate that 500 men, wo- men and children had become totally or partially blind as a result of the recent disastrous explosion at Hali- fax, is proving correct. 200 iiiiiitt --- BY EXPLOSION - ‘7 --'"____- "xv-w, uvncvuk, an the employes were having a holiday. Numbers of persons were killed or in- jured within the town, and sevelral were blown into the Rhine. - - ---"'. .0. VJ ov'bl-l wulull. A section of the track rwas torn up, cutting communication north. In fact, the emperor's train was the last to leave Mannheim, and no trains arriv- ed at Basel from that city. Two bombs fell on the palace and one on the suspension bridge across the Nee- kar River, both structures being badly damaged. An ammunition factory in a northern suburb was blown up. Few persons were killed here, however, as ‘Mannheim Raid Occurred About An Hour After Emperor Had Left City. - A despatch from Geneva says: The German emperor, returning with his staff from the Verdun front, had a narrow escape during the reprisal raid of a British air squadron on Mannheim Christmas Eve, according to a despatch from Basel. Only about an hour earlier the emporor'a special train left the station, which was partly destroyed by several bombs. city_of Livdrpool Jeeiddi ivation of chrys- rccnhouses attach.. and grow some- . Several acres of Ely assigned to be less discussion, and are thaeit was an m, he said, was her utmost efforts other respects, but not tro to the ex- " to Europe. To peace rumors and IS, he added, was will not allow d a day to be ays: A , “a†"tP--------. , Graham bread spread with salad ‘dreSsing and a Tettuce leaf is an ex- ( celient sandwich. ( In making pies of canned fruit or berries containing a quantity of II syrup, heat the contents of the'jar to f boiiing point and add enough dissolved worn-starch to thicken, and there will _ be no waste. .. Toronto. Jan. lr-Extra clmivo heavy I steers. $11.25 to $12; do., good heavy. ', $10.75 to $11: butchers' cattle, chnk-e. 810.6010 310.255: do., good. $9.60 to 1810.25: dn.. medium, $9 to 89.25: do.. common. â€.25 to $8.60; butt-hers’ hulls. choice. " to tlo; tlo., good bulls. " to 88.25; do.. medium hulls. 87.10 to 87.35: do., rough bulls. $5.25 to 36.25; butchers' wows, choice, 39.50 to $10; do., good. 188.50 to $9: do., medium. $7.75 to 88; :stockers. $7.25 to ttimp, feeders. 89.26 Ito $10; canners and cutters, 'W, to I[85.60; mllkeru. good to choice. " to "MO: do.. mm. and mod. $76 to $90; _s'utrintrers. $90 to $180; light ewes. 812 Ito $14; sheep, heavy, " to $7.75: year- ’llntzs. $12.25 to $13.25; lambs. $17.25 to jsl8.25: canes. good to choice," $14 to ;316.'5.0' links. fed and watered. 818.50;' "lh 53531: ed ott cars, ttting; dm, t.0.b..'i . l. 1 Montreal. Jun. I‘lfeat steers. " to; $12 per hundred pounds: butcher-3'. bulls. $6.50 to $9; butchera' cows. 86.50, to $9; canners' cattle. " to "tti;! sheen $12 to 813: lambs. 817.50; calves. I {rages fed, " to th", milk ted. tig tol H: select hogs. " cars. 818.76; good g Helm-ts. $18 to $18.50. ""t Cured ho to no lb A Lard-- . tubs. ts 15 ' compoum " to 2530; la 0- Manuel 3- western. 1903c; No, 800. F‘lnl Steer-9. $11.25 $10.75 to :11 810.60 .to tit 810.26: do., : common. $8.g choice. " to $8.25; do, rm TORONTO Jute. 1Tr'an"-Ctii"'to Iltyutkrlsrir'fii. J, track, e tei., December. May, " 36 l United lute: lunat- Mityuvarums, Jan. Ir-Corn-No. 3 low, 81.60 to $1.155. otsttr-No. 3 w 781 to 7910. Flour. in unload " Fancy patents. $9.75 nbarrel: comm in sis-pound Potion sacks. tlrat oh {no longpr quoted; second up“: . veWr..P_r. unease. nne Ida. easterna. 2130. creulnery. yf, to 46c â€in £21133. rash. 54 . My, n..l.|5IIL [11“ ‘55.20 to $6.37f. Rolled outs Jim†85.30. Bran, 835. St ‘Middh'mnt $48 to 850. Moutl Wt Hay. No. 2. per ton. 15.50. Chm-um ammo -.--_A, 81.37i': Ni tted, $1.11 wanna-r Grain Winnhmg. Jun. l-Cash Juices “Na. g ctw.. 8310: No. 3, o., 79 gm No, l fend 7mm Mn q ., ' Nil, 466: fi, to Mc. to 32.10. - watt!“ annulal western. No. 8. 90150: extra No. 1 feed 90-310; No. 2 local white. Me; No, 3 do. 860. Flpur---3fGi. 'Prine wheat patents ttrsts, 811.60; uoconds. $11.10: strong bakers’. $10.90; straight rollers, bags p520 to 35.37;. Rnllnd -.... E,,, -- Montreal. Jan, Western. No. 8. 90 90%; No. 2 local 800. F'l.o.1yt.-pfiG.. Pryrs.jll.60; sec Cured meatSQLnng deal to 280 lb; clear belliezt. Mk Lard-Pure lard, Heroes. tubs. '" to 2916; pulls. compound. Heroes. 241 to 2t to 25k; pails. 25 to 25k. Smoked meats--Htur 81c; do., henna 26 to ' 44e; rolls, 27 to 280: 38 to 42c: barks, plain, less. " to “c. Cured meatSQLnng In mm 1L- ~‘r _ ___ Lire Pou.l.tr.v--mtrkerm Mc; Spring chickens. 1b.. 200: hens. 16 to 18c; ducks. Spring. 20 to 220; geese. Itie. Wneyy-tyr'%ir-1-ii'xi"/ii fine. 16 OE.. $3.50; 12 02.. tlt; -No. 2, $2.40 to 82.50. !'trafped---tiiis.' Zr: and 6'm " to 1990 per lb; 10's. 18; to 19c; 60's, 18 to tue. 'itaryy-.ncisiahiii, hand-picked. bush., $8 to 88.60; Imported .htsnd-picirieli, 86.50 to $7; Litmus, " to Inc. e'yu'trttirte--3.ee. lb. Etrttii-ttiiw mm. in cartons. BO to 650: No. 1 storage. " to “c; solve: storage. " to 480. Dressed tr?yltrse--sprimt tehickenn, " to Mc; milkrfed chickens, lb., 800; fowl, 22 to Me; turkeys. 34 to 370; Qt?", Spring. " to 27c; geese. " to c. synrtrartne--g.ee, lb. Etrtrii-thw mm. in ca No. 1 storage. " to 44e 47_to 480. “Int-Class stock. f.o.b.. outside points. Wholesalers are selling to the retail trade at tWe following prices: INtpee--FNei, large. " to 23k: twins, Mt to 2320; early cheese, 25; to Me; large twin, " to 261C. Butter-Kress dairy, vhoioe. 40 to 41trt cgeamery prints. " to 460: solids u m Country Proeueto-wturt-su ".ytrrr---fereamory, solids. per Ib., 42k to 430; "rims. mar 1b.. 42 to 43k: dairy. per lb., " to 38v. Drtrri---rieU gathered eggs. 50 to 62e. !'yy1trv--iGV, dronsml, lb., 21 to 22e. l’otatoesb Wholesalers are nayinx hummus and country shippers 81.75 for tirst-cqtsssi stock. f.o.b.. outside points. Wholesalers are selling to the retail trade at tWe following prices: INtpee--FNei, large. " to 23k: twins, Mt to 2320; early cheese, 25; to Me; luau lwin._‘26 to glue. 4 " "mum Tur-No. l, m 816.60: mixed, do. ronto. Htrriw---Ctsr lots, Millfeed--Car lots real heights. bugs i ton, 835: shorts. do, do. $45 to 846; ttood $3.25. - F -.-. - w.-- .w... _.."., Ao.. 1 feed, 78k. in store Fort William. I itmerir-an Corn-No. 3 yale. nomi- na . I Ontario otutr--No. 2. white. " to "e, momma]: No. 8. do,, " to TTC, nominal. according to heights outside. Ontario wheat-New. No. , Winter, 82.22: basis. in Aore, Montreal. Peas-No. 2. 88.10 to $3.80, accordihg to heights out-ids. Br.riest-awiuik,' $1.30 to $1.31. ac- cording to heights outside. Bycrktyheat--tiit to 81.60. according to heights outside. Rye-jo. 2, 81.78. according to height- outside. Manitoba ttour-First patents. in jute butts. $11.60; 2nd, do., 811; strung bak- ere', do., 810.60, Toronto. Ontario flqur--wintA, [Lt-cording to sample. 89.95. in bags. Montreal; $9.75, Toronto; $9.70 bulk. seaboard. prompt shipment. 1 Northern. $2.38]; No. 2. do., 32.2%: No. 3. do., ".1u', No. 4 wheat. $2.10}. in more Fort William. including lie tax. Manitoba oturr--No. 2 C. W., 83k: No. 1,f"Y: 1yci,, N?. 1 extra; feet,_futr,; Markets’ of the World V -,_...\,,. inu. a Cl."'. : No. 4. do., 81.321: rejected am 31.17. F'ltix--yto. l N.-w.c., ",10t cm., $3.07t; No. 3, do.. $'2.901, in. the aoGiiiji?a, LAFT.. "gr", No. 3, do.. 798e; ex- l feed 79br, No. 1 feed. 7630; do., mic. Ihrtie.v--lG.' t cm. No. 4. do., $1.32!: rejected and .17. Pine-Ni,, I xv “v†‘A prqgtgLJaA A-".iaregtoba when} r-pro. p, Minn. Jan. 1rrLinseed, l3: arrive. $8.42: arrh [ $3.43: DecembI-r. 3143 " bid; July, 83.32 bid. Liv. com. and med.. 875 $90 to $180; light ev ‘ep. heavy, " to $7.75 3 to $13.25; lambs. t was. good to choice," rs. fed and watered. l ott cars, 818.75: do Jay. J-nerrt_ateers, _ ,,‘_... .n u; um'; 're 1 stock. 420: No. , am 'otatoes. per bag. our lots, “Lam. Rolled outs. bags. 90 J. Bran, $85. Shorts. t.40. , $48 to ttio. Moulllle. $56 to w. No. 2. per ton. car low. Cheese. thtest westerns. Mte;, ms. MIC. Butter, choicest y) to 46c; Iecohds. 'u to W, rash. 54 to Me; selected. 1 stock. 42e; No. ' stock. as qrrttross, “A†'s-- - _vovitdona-whommie wwv no no: do., good. '10.. medium. $7.tg to 88; , to $8.75; feeders. $9.26 err; and cutters. 'W, to 1. good to choice. " to u. and med.. 875 to $90; to $180; light ewes. 812 heavy. " to $7.75: year- , $13.25; lambs. $17.25 to [ good to Choice. 314 to fed and watered. 818.50; T oars, ttting; do.. frst, neutral lurk“. Flour. in Cancun lots-d . $9.75 abarrel: contained 'otton sacks. first Nauru. tgid;, Igggnd clears. $6.00. Btock Mtsr%ste, ta.%r" I): umun. I-tret" trteerrr, " to: The artists playing at 1 )ounds: butchers', l _,iii'i'i'/t'ij,crtt'i,titi!i,'ii,'i' Jtoral, Dublin, gm el 9. 'l) t'attle, 0 o" _entertainmeat at we r . 17.60: " .l . tl,'i?"',',',in8, ted. w, "lt 1Hospltal for the “ounde or" cars. 818.76: road fuel,“- .00. m with; _ 'Moiriiatr;" "39. ti,' t bulk, seaboard. prompt r iottt--Delivered Mont- bags inelyded--rirarr, war ‘ts. do., 340; middlinkss, good feed ttour. per has. new. per ton, $15.50 to do.. tit to $15, track To.. ttak t31 tif, per ton, " to $9.50. ry, choice. 40 to 416: to "e; solids. H to he. medium, 30 to 270; cooked, " to breakfast bacon. t, 40 to 410; bone- Y2thtsrrCa_nadian Il.ta.r . bapprt Qinseed. on " to Me. Ir, 281 to Me; s. " to 29le; Me: tubs. '" 5 to $90; ewes. 812 75: year. ‘1735 to e, $14 to d., 818.50: Dlo. 1 reed, ) No. 3 do.. eat patents. Pi agrong 1rtlre fri â€A“, we uunlm Port and Docks Board Soi. Pave granted the application of P. ';Nmnedy for three acres of land for g .vel- fthe erection of a corn mill at Menn- white. dra Wharf. A'itt,-i" John McCormack gave a concert. "trg: in New P?yyy! the proceeds. which $3.10!?! The Dublin Port and "u. ihave granted the appli ;Kemnedy for three acre g .vel- fthe erection of a corn tt Elt/te, dra Wharf. bid Oa ts tiiio Eight hundred thousand pounds of canned fruit were put up by the Provincial Experimental Cannery at the Vineland‘Fruit Station this year for shipment to the military hospitals in England and France. l The (amen; of Rater, 'Cksarystown have agreed t Vlaborens who assist at ithreepence per hour extra Hieu of drink. Cold lima beans" mugged, seasoned and a few minced olives added make a good sandwich. 27] I While attending church Pte. J. Donaley, who has and dumb for nine months shock, suddendy recovered hearing. The sum ot £90,000 has been ‘rtcribed to the Ulster Volunteer I Patriotic Fund for the support of ken down soldiers and their (amt Congratulations were sent to Mabel Dease by the St. John A lance Association ot Borrisoklan her Investment by the King with new Order of the Empire. yd V - VVIILCII in New York, and the proceeds. which 'amouMed to $11,000. were sent to the '69-th Irish Regiment. i It has been 1e :erg‘ht, of Pahan Jaime August, is fmany. The Newton Rural til have allowed a rat-(x three pounds of sugar mix with has rat poison, 11‘1“!“ In: urn. walnut! Capt. Tom C. C. Use, son of Richard Fi/ic/fi, but here Lee. Island Bridge House, Dublin, has fsumed the houses been awarded the Military Cross. lWere obliterated. Tl It is 'hated-thog the Government in, [from rite at the front Itend using Irish munitlon factories j had one shock and m utter the war for ordinary industries. (ttt the from get one l Captain M. O'Lears, V.C., is the ' wait tor the next. I champion sniper on the Saionica ' wrecking experieuo t11mm, where his average is three a I mercifully spared. 3y. I t Vegetables valued at S50,000 have been raised on the elx thousand plot: "surtivated by Belfast working men. i J. T. Campbell, M.A., Dublin, pre- sided at the first debate of the season lot the Dublin Law Btudents' Society. ! A successful concert was given at ,Whlteohurclt. near New Ross, in aid for the local branch of the Red Cross, ireo. l Sir Ernest Clarke has informed {lady Clonbrook that the motor am- fbulance presented to the Connaught Rangers ls doing good service at the IBouJogne base. I BOWL-Major John Wilkinson. 00.! Ruined City Compared to the Devan- tM" ot the Irish Guards, has been Litton of France and Belgium awarded the Club: de Guerra for con- I by Major c. w. Gordon. spleious gallantry 1 The sum of E61 was raised at tt' Returning from Nova Scotia, whvre Jumble Whom " Clam. in aid of , he has been speaking. Major C. W. the Mb’k’nder Soldiera' Home. :Gordon arrived at Toronto recently. New branches of both the Ulster , Fresh from the scene of the disastvr and Northern Banks are being opened "d Halifax, "Ralph Connor" wmpared in various parts of the North of Ire. “be scene with those he had witnerised land. 1in France. Vegetables valued at £50,000 have, "When I came into the. Halifax sta- been raised on the " thousand plots tion," he said, “I was struck with the cultivated by Belfast working men. i Strange and horrible familiuift; ot the J. T, Campbell, M.A., Dublin, an Rene. It was like so many stations sided at the thart debate of the season ‘1 had been in France and Belgium: of the Dublin Law Students' Society. _the shattered buildings tempomrily A successful concert was given at patched up, and the train service be- Whiteegturet, near New Ross, in aid lug carried on amid the ruins and de. 1 the local branch of the Red Cross. bris. The whole hillside gives a good Funds. Ipioture of the ruins at the front. The Sir Ernest Clarke has informed difference between Halifax and the Ady (Honbrook that the motor atm !citles in France and lit-lgium is that )ulance presented to the Connaught :the former crutainod many wooden angers is doing good tservice at the jhouses. At the front the ruined walls 301110916 base. iwouid be left standing and the nth-0's Capt. Tom C. C. Use, son of Richard (traceable, but here the tire had con. I are. Island Bridge House, Dublin, has fsumed the houses and the streets I can awarded the Military Cross. Iwere obliterated. The only difference 4 It is atatedthg: the Government in, 1from rite at the front was that Halifax t 5nd “Saint hid: -.-."t, W__. . IL~-‘ . - The sum of E61 was raised at a Jumble saw held at Clough, in aid of the Ballykinler Soldiers“ Home. Serum-Major John Wilkinson, DC. M., ot the Irish Guards, has been awarded the Croix de Guerre for con- tsploiouss gallantry. 'utttrenutr. In the Enter-Id In}. of Utereh to Muh- From Erin’s Green Isle NEWS BY been learned that Lleut t, gave a. most enjoyable t at the Irish Conn-ties the wounded soldier pa- BY MAH. FROM [RB LAND'S SHORES. Ulster vohnttiiirriiiiii, Rural Food Committee 1 a rat-catcher to use ot sugar per week to ' were sent to Miss the St. John Ambu- the support of Brio: and their families. rt Borrisokhrne, '01, the. King with the , reported missing a. prisoner in Ger- men. manga n the Theatre in Dublin, been deal from shell speech and LSan and 0 give the threshing; NON YouTAre A Mttett LIKE ypr, COVER rr oven WITH CARPET AND IT Was A FINE DOOR View." - I’VE DEEH "@1106 one FOR Wages in A "Move" on the West Front. sub- mu†IO pull out " 10 o'clock. They were held up by the 'storm, and had to turht their my (branch to tho Gui. aklrta ot Haiitax, where they speedily commenced work." me new (from, under Mr. Moore, LL.D., was a splendid piece of organ- ized and Weil directed ohilanthrcio.v. Mr. Moore had the advantage of har. ing been thrcugh four other great disasters in American cities. At four in the afternoon of Thursday the Governor of Massachusetts had asked him to to. and that evening he had the com- etr-Gasa -“"L - __ mucu neavter had it not been for the ( prompt. and efficient help from Boston, _ ttrat by the military unit and than by the Red Cross workers and others. They came in when Halifax was stunned and dazed, and gave help, without which (the [on ot lite would have been much heavier and the list of misslng greatly Increased. “The Red Cross. under Mr. Moore, LL.D., was a splendid piece of organ. lzed and Well directed ohitanthrcio.v. Mr. Moore had the adventage of hav- In; been through Mn- Mk“ I “The titat three days were da.vrot Tunpamlleled misery. First came the ishock end the slaughter. Almost im. ‘medlately upon the wreck of the ‘houses. are sprung up (mm every leome. end quickly hundreds, of tires ’were blame on the Mllslde at the same time. Then followed the storm, the snow, the sale and the rain. The equal ot this was. not seen in forty years. This tell upon the city “here so many people, homeless and with- out 'gothitttr, were searching the "um cqull 01 mus was not seen In forty years. This tell upon the city where so many people, homeless and with. out dealing. were searching the ruins for their relatives and friends. The situation of horror was without Pars atlet In Canada. uuxu me at we rmnt was that Halifax had one shock and no more. The men It the from get one shock and then wait for the next. me that nerve- wrecldng experience Halifax was mercifully spend. "RALPH CONNOR'S" PICTURE OF HALIFAX AWFUL HORROR AND MISERY .Aurkfiiie Reacye Work Started "m "mu-n and others. 15 in when Halifax was ad dazed, and gave hetp, rich the loss or lite would much heavier and Ike list greatly Increased. Uuparalleled Mlury life woigd have been tr the rescue The people d stamina K the same supplies All They AUSTRALIAN soim, m. AGAINST an“: m:~ Adupntch from Mciir, 't i, , tin, IIâ€: Latest fUturcs in th,, “a are 870,000 for conrurit WM “that. Including th, meme {In tho Ausualim; tl, '“ It I. My announu-d “a“ m against "tman Md the vagu- “In: an dark cloud r than“. “you at sulphur {run I. mu very small. In the iaterdor is a I†in extent, the Mi hna umpemum of 11 Wt. and In strong-l m adds. On one r/c': no enters from which with - force and VII mule to ttoat n the sulphur. which i but. strum to my. wan not subscrlbcd " â€mommy I clouds. which an 100 Men. The hhnd mm of “Nut. With 2 mm. Beane 3-4 world. lock n ence, n Ill fr Bond Block of Council, meeting a the whole. decided t thx. halls in New w shingl active made It is, tt oouver tt be a co: Ind stem nee the Ti “SIM Due" the the house t what t Dannie wr j Major John jwho summed {Dragoons earl in: given his in»: was awn for daring m Promoted to t been killed In Wont has I Forks ot the Henderson, br tey, from won: can! engageme About 2.000 as [For The Gum! nuance corded teessan' for l A trfp up P been High ed ix The diminution ct price of salvation t, mice. Such in can in; ot Dr. Adam Stu the Provhtriat Gowr gate the Muse! tar pr Vince or British om.“ I A health clinic build proximately $30,000 wil the vancouver Rotary l hospital grounds facing with the owed ot tttuk termined fight again plague in Vanwuven "nor Cyril H. Nan Mr. J. T. Ncrth, Vam- llsted u I private an mm. with the first t' mmiy invested by Buckingham Palace l anguished Servlco 0rd: A health clinic hulld‘ The small hard of have been bred in (In prison tum " own: ' to the upxsoet dimmed. there in the hope that the nucleus of very herds in that and olher province. Dalian Kerr, Brim (III/inc to register um Service Act. was give the penitentiary. ljiiiiiiiijiiiiiiifirif" Vim Bond subscripti Rupert mounted to $20: cluding the district, mad tal of $295,950. Mrs.M, F and the u Masatnerts. “are. at the Great Wu Yet' h a Fear PM Paragraph; The Richmond municipal council in. veMed 87.000 of the "orportttion's sinking funds in Victory Loan 2011-“? bands. Three "Karine dinners have ovcurv rod in Alaska waters since Novexmlor Mt. The s. s. Alki. the Munhzmau extr WHAT THE WONDERFUL I tr, tttloft".. that after J d ionic ls "C iy Utrm 3 900 te ms :k of Sulp in Cireumf M. F. Cutler rallied of the SuNJeut. w action while “Yin: Corn: in Vanwuve} elimination of a! salvation t, hm Ze for the awarded tl I work 10 to the n: Bruin-h Ct an! d “d 'owe y In the ttt VA 11190. Ire the u: [HIV rvit A It E DOING. ry, Ar n ed " un rr M " d - PEOPLI M " " ly fr " CONTIN " " tr " prom ph directed much " Marty mined I nuppl‘od the um: the treat and the tion win pital .tita to Ct With Ther '..-.-- The tttt it " at tie COSI'IT M Wounded l‘rm ide n rum Tl " I!) wk th th It