M " Beef Hides, Sheep Slips, Lamb Skins - Hair, Rubbers, etc . wanted and hick-u M: Less than the price of one Egg, I will pay the following prices for livered at my Store in Durham on Mo: unity of each week t THE war has brought to a crisis 1 condition of things which has vexed publishers for years; the t"rllintr-priee of tuiruurwoaper. It has sent prices of paper, ink, type and supplies skyward. It is costing us many more dollars a. week now to produce the Review than before the outbreak of war. Where do we get off at t--in the slang language of to-dey. The answer is we must get more for The Review. And so, from January 1, 1918, the sub- scription price of The Review is 81.50 per year. M, on Monday and Saturday of eachgeek AN you think of any other commodity except newspapers C and their like whose price has remained unchanged and unchanging year after year? Why, then, should your newspaper's price remain forever the same - the same, for example, as when you could buy Crops must be . GLASER POULTRY WANTED ti Your L, 12 to He Chickens, M to MC Geese.........l4 to IS: Ducks.............. l4c You are reasonable, and so we count on yc necessities of the situation cheerfully. th cents a week for your local m""paper-it price. is it not t bedsteak sugar coal boots ur Robert Service L. B, Yates Agnes C Laut Alan Sullivan I Nellie McClunl Peter McArthur Lord Northelitte H F. Gadsby nay Arthur B. McFarlano a pledge to you of the quality ot Macleanl ma- dian savor which in dininctive of MACLBAN'S w your uanada better and well by h month MacLean'I Magazine magazine more entertaining and none other I h worth “bile to you " a Canadian in love Agnong in regular and frequent contributor. " on: Jeep burs, Lamb Skins, Horse , wanted and highest prices paid empty and all birds healthy Weekly Newspaper wn Country a cord of wood for $1.50 a bushel of wheat for 50 cents a common fowl for Me cents a dozen eggs for 10 cents a pound of butter for 12 cents a cow for $25 awxng prices for Poultry, de- Durham on Monday or Sat- 5 and so we count on you to meet the wheat eggs potatoes clover seed of Maclean'. are t L. B, Yates Alan Sullivan Peter McArthur 1: li. Gadsby Durham '. Scarcely three or of a "Smoke" it is worth the 'fsf motor cars lumber horses right, brother, if you have any HOGGISH inclinations you'd better quit the news- paper, for in this business there is little chance of bemg a HOG. We know of one newspaperman who isa successful Hogg and he lives in Collingwood and is H000 only by name and not by nttture.--Bratr ford Witness. 1 ( The editor of the Penetanguishene Her. ald says :"We wish we were in the hog business instead of running a famllv news- paper. To-day, Thursday, James Mc- Aveela brought in four pigs and tucked 225 green-backs for the bunch." That's In all these engagements Sergt Gates} conduct has been distinguished On the occasion of the present battle (April 9 1917) he led his platoon with skill and gallantry. He not only reached his objective-a feat accom- plished by only one oJfieer in the CompaF--but before doing so. he had become second in command of the Company. Sergt Gates is an ex cellent N, C. o who possesses the entire Couiid-nee of officers in the Company. I have great pleasure in recommending him for the D. C. M "No. A 20522 Serg. Joseph Gates has led his platoon into action in the Absence of an officer on tour different occasions. Firstly: At Ypres, on the I3th of June 1916. Secondly: a' the Somme on 26th Sept 1916 t rand“ a third time on 8th October 1916 in the Regina trench action. On this occasion he was one of the very few who reached the Company objective ' An old Egremont boy. who won the Military Medal and has been re- commended for the D. C. M. Many in Egremont will remember Sergt Gates, who enlnsted in the I West. He was employ ed for several vents with Mr W. J Philp, 16th con. The following extract from "Recom- meudation of Honor and Decoration" tells how his honors were won : H. Ross Murphy, o. C. No 4 Co'y WON me MILITARY mod SERGT. JOSEPH GATES ... ... Will I be home nan Hammer? Ask aomething enier. To my mm! It all depend. on the U. States aviation _ campaign next sprung and I hope I will be here to lee tut. [ ... ... Bpleiid d crops grown here. lien part military age. women and boy: harym thorn. frequently some of our uldien take I hand conndering I change " good a. a to“. In the dea. olazed region of France. lilo will re- turn when the guna an away. In plaoea when the Boot" ll retiring to. l wuda Berlin cmlianc hare nlrcady l returned and no u work... _-- . 1 Frcm I laser letter Written 80 Nov. we quote '. " Box "rind "a days tw. fore bland-y Ind never were aim mole 'ppreetutest, the clothing "Per, all, u dun mm scum. ml 9on Cake. and)!“ not. not wall. at! no nil the by: who we] then. be I Forgive this scribble. _ to fituth before dark. as 1 hidden in this billet o nightly bombing nido. but more id no more to: for no new. There wu I rumor the: we were to go to Italy, but it he since died down All would like to go us they dread the cold And damp here, The Cnnedmne hue won consider I able pniee for their victories. eepeoielly ) In such condition: as prevailed. but they worked and traerdhted themselves unepmngly. It is e well known feet [Jill the enemy fears the Cenucke more than other troops and piece tutr I beat regiment. egnlnet them. i: Don’t worry too much about my c- casualty. A dozen of us were in a d surface dugout waiting for breakfast 's 0 get cooked. l was standing at the I: angle which led to passage way out of e the dug-out when a shell struck it and e the corner poet slammed against me g and I faced the earth. The dug out l did not entirely eg6 way and an army - chaplain near by stood me on my feet. I was a little d my for a time. I lost my equipment. great-coat and a nice I collection of souvenir badges and We haven't had the breakfast yet I Later. I wee leading my squad of "Prime" i stretcher bearers [we me the prisoners I for this work when there are any taken) t and dcdging ahell I got a club on the l bani but it in almost better man t There were many tighter corners and seemingly some of us have no right to is be aliye to day, but we are and glad to I be too. Oar unit had 20 casualties 7 b killed outright. V some brich, Perhaps a sign-board with the maze of the village, will tell you what was before wsr'l dented- none blotted " out. All traces of the numerous villages cnpmred. such " Gravenetefel, Bellvue Pauchendeele, Ae., have gone " well as roads lending to them. lfyou d'g deep enough in the mud you will find I on, adding to the misery of run. mud, water, shell-holes, the, It is an awful btsttlefitrld and I sympathize With the e .rcops who have to stay there over winter, If reins are at all frequent the valleys between the ridges will be r takes and swamps, and the only sub- i stuntial protection are the concrete F "Pill boxes" the Germans built with . the sand and cement which is causing , the present disruption between Ho]. 1 land and England. These “boxes" I are at Intervals of every mile or so. I very strongly built re-mforeed by iron , wells 5 to 6 feet thick and about 20 ' feet by 30 feet in dimensions. and low A and squat in appearance. They make a I excellent fortresses and " soon " cap- tured are turned into Red Cross Dress- I ing Stations. Since finding they are " not immune to capture, the enemy is It! building them smaller. but anyway we w have to thank "Heine," for our dress mg stations in Belgium, THE DURHAM REVIEW You will see by bending of lean we ore on, from the nasal-tram of Belt, north east of Ypres. Pusehondnelo Ridge, do. We no book on our old ‘scumping ground sud glad of it. It looks like home After luring" in that hideous Belgnque swamp. Though our divmion was In only 10 days, yet there we re two attacks and both were iieroe and succesolul. Shell fire from hundreds of guns was constantly going [The following not“ no from n- oem lam" received from Fun“. Ind ".strt Ranch and ran life It the trotrt.---Ed0 Notes frat" the frat By Pte. L C. lh - ___ Never robust, hard work and up â€I!" Imre "mid! soon undermined her hunk, when lg, work.... . too, become a victim of this dreaded. ... . disease. Shmed h friends who Me. I om hurrying feared contain, witzout funds, for , " betta no for. she had been unable to one from her '. small earnings, also turned doomed, at on account of may: other. of; her ftg',h,e, an aide. Ion: well. “P t,UT,,t 0m y, em soon Ilkah a tom-nee in In: ‘53... nm_.3d3°."t ttt thd M appeals are new bein nude for the a sky- tw. Mahala Free .iii1r'l't'd'N,, Consump- trem “in. tin- to out». it to continue the cm: 'ttl'.?",-?.???.'?:;';:);;?"`')",',).", " "peer this. No 'dt,ttywuriirihT'l'irl, â€.1 .on it will be welcome. he hi is. _..-.., .3. I'll wo late, W To I e now doine W It, itl every chance of ultimate recovery. ‘m-l- __, - - ,1.pair.aFiiid, may? other an e y Ft iiiiiiiiC'i? FM up , where glue ia _ Seldom has a u told than that of whose Parents, l, have ll died of c her alone to me could. SAVED ,!,'l,l,ie,ij,iji,i, tummy GRAVE i w :uld oume new Ind It, fied medic»! work, they would change “but nap quickly. A nun must be Al to be of “I, nae. A machine gun than our dug-out in whirling sway death-Julian bluw- “1400yaa. rlngn. but we wnll soon be round for our monlu rev, and‘ won't be Borrr. Amoulunco work to I'M-I50 my and no amount... and no pl tt for on! mum If Iona: of tho-o mucknh‘ug omoiala who counsel mm ... ... I wish I could as ‘d you all, ""r . ,. M, (and opeeiahr Uncle Wi I) some n! 'ritstt souvanm of "If I o be " n he 0 tune ,Swordu, tities, muchnne guns, (so in well lt " In I “Ingr- dump, mu ul" Qu mule aim. Esp- ot these Arms was :31; once in Gunman [so-aeolian, Ind could be had t r u a liking. were it pus-minim?“ to bear than any. Fun... I see the Victory Luau was a gram mucus. " men for theurmy were u readily forthcoming " end: It woald be I long step towatda pence. Cun- ndiana as soldiers are In th clans by _ themselves and nothing Ill too . od fur Cnnncka on this ode of the water. It "mama to be M'tttt If Uncln Sun's bunch cm: line up to the nputwon eat-blushed by Nor h N ml] Amman-l. l We are young here next week and I think 90 per cent ore vo=mg fur Ut,. Ion government. Houdquurms have leaned strong circulars ulnar-g the var- wul unite in favor of Unionism. Under duo of Dee, 16 he says : ... ... Home friends here been un.. usually good to me. fer I hue renewed no fewer than 8 parade tho month. Bil splendid gifts. mostly eats. and I ‘think myself fortunate in belo'ngmg tn I unit where there Ire severe] donors oomeniem l Now it is up to no to send "kru"rlsdgernenta, but we don't muzd that u the parcels are duly worth the time and tifort opens on I lunar, --_ -ei-9.___ a-" -.'_. ."""'""" mm Woodward ha. ace tt for onu- We one to bring them the position III the mill lately u g from the danced til 90" through . by untold Masin. I trench 1400 ’do. long, and a main. INN"", '/t,te Ipent from ' . k " n ur av t es I in Durban I panama but": ',"t2,'ect, I g guest of Ptincipal 'an',',',,. I - t a ' a to danger tt 2 'I "trt you in the Mn Intdock of Seattle is vis, r The pout " . add d t her pawns. Mr and Mrs Hima- t 0hei.unto pmth 1 "all e tt ll seventeen years Since Mrs Mun a my collection of oonveum. The! tal',','.",',',',';',,',' “d ahe sais she been In. qu a t erence in our vill; r . . “my Froneh town I luv. Its hu 3 son in France now Srn'iiz; l some of tUm "T tle" puesertr. a Miss D 'ers . , . . shoulder straps on trom Germ“! niece of 'r2'r/'de,te,r:1,P,t, feces i pritrorumr' mum. toe number arrd "3.. week after Visiting Mr and Mrs J 5:8qu denoting "Ewen" &e. The†Dxers. are Ilsa 0 ttotqits of Prussian rttu,or" Mg! Geo. Whetlmm, butcher v una e to et u _ , gnd coma, two bulk“. German tttul Mt For g p P. liattorday fr, British, the smaller, when; husk bran I‘m d2: so Holstein had one me T od - ll at abrn the ride, u . Bru I y ht Mr Douglas Cameron has got I Anything German " eager y tmug ice harvesied tor this season. after harm... ... . Mr Archie McKw, our former SI We ore young here next week and P'? Agent Puid a flying vim to th I thunk 90 Per cent ore mung fur to- stein on Thursd,,, "...a ----- _. The pout and: Inn: you in the Chrimmu package 1 wish added to my collection of economy. They chow French town: I hove been no, some of them very fine plugs. The} shoulder strap- Iro from Gannon prisonora' tunica, to. number Ind m- sigma denoung regiment. kc, There are also a couple of Prussian tumors _ Our front in quiet now. therefore few cases. We hue to bring them from the Idnnced aid pout vhrough n trench 1400 yda. long, uud It mght, pltlema being held unul dark owmg to danger of Gr-tam, Inipmg. j keeping the lump sum and we re- turn to the line a wee; from made, for soother seven don. We hove e oom- fornble billet here, lip-um in 3 mod. on French school, which hue been used u n Military Hospitnl. but now Absolutely nouns. We rig up our own eons end beds. or vary often pro-l cure tool good beds from ruined French I houses. This is e consul): source ot supply tor our went: " any tune. Our billet also hue nsmve and electric lights so we no luring well. , HOLSTEIN LEADER ---- w - mu !ttyt)r.tirG17l' I more tragic tale been I of this young wow, I. brothers and my. " consumption, lelving nke 1 “via: as best she ;!(,' Sweater Coats $3325.33 (if Fresh Fish t'Jft; shipment in ' JOHN M. EINDLAY d ' Jun" Lvu E" [NULAY Dromorc " a Phone bt-us il 1r?he2Seceti,,ttettse-a,t -- c Shirts c fhee,1,y, . --_, --""_r_el-r----- l """"-to-ur"iFLiA- o I “in Ada Manny met with I pain- I ful accident Wednesday of last week. I She was ducting a deck and her hand came quickly against the Ibup point V of a crochet hook. The hook {uten- ed in her hand. Dr Mair took the needle out. - _--....... xou at: (our; to win or lose by it, l "H pay " I col": on. if you donut. it, in loot opporlumm ~ and and!" and†pow I who: sun u once ? Iinter my “I. .Writettcnll-t one: bromine catalog of "tiottuatirr,. run in no»). no no It new. ‘. - -- 1 Mil Wm what under rs! ‘ The Annual meeting ofthe Hol- stein Public Libnry will be held on Friday evening. Jan 25th. at tr o'clock in Robett'l Hall. The public me invited to attend I. R. Nicollon President, MraG Hot'tetter, Secre- tary. to make the deeisitns. "y. for I come owl- Born-~A: Jan 13th. u son, a Ion. 7‘ _ - .34 I To get a foothold in tbe rode! of business. in Commercial We are better than not before. Graduates are esmhttt tron $po to $900 a year. . It“. Up to Yo to ugh II.- a-g-, ‘- ___ "zt"r""" “I nude: the skiltul cure of Nurse Mather. A Mr Archie Baird wu here from Barrie, from Wednesday. shitting the The regular morning service of the Methodist Church will be held in the basement of church until the weather moderates. by order of the Board. Mr Jim Reid had his sale on Tues- day. Quite a numb" anon-AM - ot Miss Ross Mrs Dr Th Mrs Chapel]: their father Il i_otttrly ill " Drumm. Shirt To clear out a line of new. Light Shirts 8 we clef pncticnllv all out stock tor Men'c - Twill Wore Ithirt-tueeed, ll excellent shirt for Winter. All an...†.... ..., Before Stock taking we offer a few Specials: Mr b "H ---Ne .-_... WEI- uu-UIC to attend to duties an engineer in thr In!" for the put two weeks on ac count of rheumatism. Heur- D-vid All". Thou. into" and Alvie Robb were in Owen Sound from Friday until Tuesday. detained on account of the train being block- All Holstein Hunt's. Wm Rtytertt bu NOW nacule MCK"V, our former Sta. Agent paid a flying vial: to Hot. on Thursday and was the guest iss Ross Mr ch.tTlieytrrin bu been LOCAL AID PERSOIAL I 9rcurdviue, to Mr and In . Thompson of Listowel and die of Sutton are whiting r M11110. Ball whoia ser. " the home of C A a number nigh-eigen- unfavorable weather. Brewery in doing nicely no“: -77-, . - - we Tucker, formerly of u viu'tu-g " Mr J. a. Including Black cud mug with bib. at .1 65. Con“ I there are can good value. it doing 'tlce1s of Dr “In Ind. u " his home’ am Friday till , I m, and ...t ow l Pte. Dyets y.d ’2" In England I ,umed home 111mm;- nth Rescue ball Mr and Mrs Jno. ( been no the "cache year when he mad I, butcher was "racrtiice Saturday d,%'2l'llll,'iu,,s-,-,, had one meat-l u. mm "A"“ " . Sand-y, Jno Duck- We!!! from tht. I In Durham the! hai, trot " TH E TIM lu" y Iitine blue- Conan... 1.. A. FLEMING. Prin “a, - van-e noel: ot slim: eqgtto " price. to suit you Murdock Ottawa. “mg An Well-known and popular Hui mu It boy, Wounded Oct goth. dud of tgt, uoundaOc! gut. 1917. She Corp. “any enlisted in \Vmum WM: Col. Shaw's battalion in 5: mt {19:6, and In: Women the s .ttlt an}! year In England he tandem I to â€myth: nth Rm": battalion. and m "o-Ibeen " the Hench-o (when! tee years-then he nude the "Jpn-Inc - Ell"! _ I Preliminary step. hey: been take." to curtail the we of cane wear m (Inc menuflcturc of candies. Mlnufucn ts ere have been infom‘edof the necrssny for caving much sun: and are mm m;- delvoriug to “just the" business to the uquinemente of the situation The money went for candy in ti.e United States lad Canada in the pm The “I: atoms that has pussed over Dunno the put week “us also felt "I Holstein. No nails or mums BttMte Saturday naming and the mm] cumien " duty and: thtngs M-rm GiiG quiet The "ow plough pas- Bed through Tue-day afternoon rnd thorny" afterward. I train hiinumg home punt-gen which had Inn storm-stayed from Jamal duimm part. ’ ' YOII '.'ll'tr, '00: by it. (ot q h loot op ttunttrcs huge-ct? "t,',1',' any Bev‘l. Ila-In Scott and Lou 'd' we did not preach nrtheir other a] I" rm. menu Sunday. Services here um held in the basement: of Church: h Childnm ate Unwed not to bu “In. ing our the I 'e on thedam Mm. the Ink-f in low In lone of our (we: people have (the. in. 11:68.:th of the Utrd's 'iu';rpct was not administered in the l'ttsuv. teth- Clutch Sunday-owing I‘wmg to any of the when being unublq to attend I“ Btare 'striped Pants or .4 elucidating the price I I any yttr.eoiFiiTai" "for; Dam! him had " - doin work. Mr Will Nelson CORP. W. WESLEY MAR JAN. 17 1918 “ADE THE GREAT SACK†iCE 'htottporttsttities Otre last tum “lion, Trout M stock of {lad . bee Iqttt Pr, 90cc mod. M doing the 5rtpper mushy. one; usable m " 0n Nth Dec.. at I River. Mr Jos. MN the me of 7.5 var-4. Durham and viciniu survived try two hm crate“ and Will of h I no of Mrs M and his Wile who , predeceased him tl In last th G. Weer at W Mich, whe several yea to The _ Ottawa. ally reported had noticed I Vania-r m As yet howm no qtticiatl we true. nordid on towns t Mme from I for urine food Ml paid to the tl W. T1 ter, particula On the the harm- I Hill, for F noon Wert shirts, " toy The collectin n m Red Ch Thor.CrMier Scum“. BOOKS m Club: tears that a sdml books. who pits this war. mill l ones put out Thi, walle- inexcusable books the nuthuriag this minimum I Arithmetic, History ammunition. high I (rm. phym-al Render. German an der. Physics and ha [fit he th ducts WM. STAY us " - that Capt. " required to go owl destdt the“ z . appointed Media†Etectro-Thrrnprtttu Brant Military Hog He is now an dut y ' old hotel, rrmtrd l with every mode Tight lo the minul 100 ot the “if: hair Produc VOL. ill " I M! “I "mtrdor um. I Ita n. a.» You " In "dies-A goods. Hun win th andre Mace lot! mm: Mann " Th Wt tiOU "all [IT'D "" n mu B Re toth and tPl the or Milton M iottal shit M mm WI Ma it Izalk ll n