14, 191 Ia to-ttight in phio c proud to woken. ier suit ot khaki on enets to viii. In... " battle. " you . I you 1Wl'lUAt hen the "tut an. Emmi". to I punch! Igblcouaneas which once more bun ya this tune be pleu- I I. thin pan. ot by!“ romembnnco of p to“!!! you. " ol the community NS Pi CHINA lot of Huyl Mar 1m strum on complex- "l need Ttot STORE I)!" Hue Will Winds Markets. am Pr Smal Profits pa Me " ers " an 58D 5!") 10 I) mu 1,. ha! weeks "Bonner." We suij vin vs raw paragraphs: .. T, see Britain is to admire bar. Bu: sadly evident is that hwrnblo Muck blot on B'in in's mn'ohoon. ..pen has and I " nor At ups. operating with no cares we tor pn4it, humming on the very walnut the people, re uardlru of the ti an instincts ot bum aniw or palriomsm. agd andgrlhe Would to God that Britain-erm" i'," tain--notylet Briraitt-wotttd “may ' tf this duaily incublu of drink w hm cuuld she not then do ? What heiett's could she not tench ? What Imionnl aspira'iono could she no: waltz,» y Wha eunld aha not Bettie" In herself and the world ? is ir ntt humanly criminal no well ' s unfair, that tho inerensrd produe tion of toodrulfs made pmmbla through the newer unbria" ot Can. ad I. Is nczunllv (mummy the work " British breweries. Ind it. in this proteetion I)! the luv. Oh. the shame and pny an all '. suctotv if he Wit c \rpnrue and e, that continue to curse In Britain. mm to winning Ben Spence to Lloyd George IL-v. lien H. Sp-nce has addreued an ' pu' Itrter" to Hon David Lloyd 1m rg", much cuntaina tag a Worthy l t the uttenu m ot "on that "on scan-smart. Mr Spence tsp-n! seven] in 11mm) in Britain lively and was wit [mu m the deplvrable bold the liquor lrn Hid has on the motherland. His tl .-r :3 an tunes: appeal to the Drip an glimmer to Mid "Britain into Ibo " h that Cantu. bll chosen. Ho reeottr ir. -s he pus mu! predilection of we Premier tt r moral foothillâ€. Ind thinks he wand win evdnrmg lame and the regard of the best element. at society If he wvttld mildly lunch the c xrpnrnte and even clerical interests. that c mime to t humpion the liqnot curse ll] Britain, and so like I long " Pp to winning the war and saving awn zuioo. The letter appmrs in li: Priceville KAKDI EU] Dtt192y. it fie vv,,v,vv,vmMsvvvvvenvvvzvvvvvvmnd House Furnishing Talks Re Flour and Mill Feeds, on order by the Graham Eye-Testing System Men's, Women's and Children's Footwear We are pleased to advise you that all is in nadineu to meet the Spring rush. We believe business will be brighter and brisker than ever. Our prices are very roa- sonahle, indeed lower in many cases than the actual Spring Serges, Silks, Voiles, Etc. market value Spring Announcement . . . Eyes Examined Free now used by over 200 Opticians in this province. MARCH 14, 1918 Never was our stock so complete in order to handle the big business anticipated. Our different lines of every day Fihrts, for spring weer are vety good value. having placed our orders early. Also a full line ot Fine Shoes for every m' mber oi the family. How about new Linoleum. Oilcloth. Stair Oil or Rugs ? We have them. Also a full and pretty displ" of Window Hangings in Marquisetto Nets, Novelty Swims, Muslin, etc. Themour Blind section is complete in every detail. These are much higher than tormerly, and are being quoted higher now. The car of Mn] Feeds we talked about a h w weeks ago is expected anv day now. The first car is being shipped to Fushexton. and those wishing to get their supply immedi- ately will do well to let us know immediately. All of our navy blue and black Serge: an very old when. Thee me exceptionally good quality. Besides we’ve pllced 1n Mock a full range of colours in Silk Poplin. Dachau and Putlette Silks. Raw Silk pretty Muslims and Gingham! Prints, etc. We'll be pleased to show you. Highest Price Paid for Farm Produce 59, T .. KARSTEDT BROS. No. 7, GLENELG Sr uh -Georgina Anderson. Christena MeDunald. Jr 4th - Katherine Quillinan. Winston Haley, Effie McDonald, Wil'red Meechan Sr .3rd--Walter Dunbar, Em- est McRae, Wilbert Haley. Jr 3rd--Jos- eph Quillinan. Archie Black, Bella Mc- Donald. 2nd -Malcolm Black, John Quillinan. Sr lst-Wilfred Quillinan. Jr Ist-Margaret Dunbar, Francis Black. F. E . McGuire, teacher. The men sent. from here to fight side by side wi h the pick of Brinin and France and Laly are amongst the tineat in the world. That these men. clean, upstanding. chivalrcns, heroic. taken trom clean Cnadiun homes and communities. lbou'd be dragged Lhmnghtne immoral fllstt ot'London Ind oher British canine and debauched by British DMZ: while c instituted anthovi'ysnnd idlv by, will, it allmed meantime. “and to the evaluating shame and disgrace of England. We think ot the men in the trench- es, mud-eaked, battered, bruised. enduring intolerable privaliun and suffering with aspirit and heroism beyond praise; of men behind the linen fearless. ready. alert. eager; oi the hosuitals tall ot maimed and wounded. yet pstieut sufferers ; oi the lone, growing lines ot graves r,nd the Borrow and bereavement in British homes ', of the tttttttttless men in the air and on the an. cheerlnlly fining peril nnprecedent. careless olthem- wives if they may but set-Va the mv tion; ot the workers in mine and hickory. tnil‘nz and sweating ; of the millions readv to lnydown their lives ior their iellow men. We think at the glory and tragedy " it all and then took how the horror and heart- break is increased, how victory is retarded hy the 11urtnigtt drink tunic Iny. used turmer to debilittce and Weaken the manhood ot the Mother- land instead of aiding in the prosecu- liun of the war y F g I' I q ' O eadiness , will be rery rea- , actual t SC. Id values. 've placed Duchess Singhams I t le the big every day " placed . 1 for eyexy g tr Rugs? ... t Window Muslins, My detail. ng quoted t prder ska ago is 'hipped to yimmcdi- t RO , s. A Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs Jno. McLean, now of Owen Sound but for many years they resided on a farm south of Priceville t ,eir youngest son l Colin being accidently killed in France. l He and his brother 'lex enlisted in the l ll7th Grey battalion-and both went over- iseas with that unit l olin was later I transferred to the 4th C. M R's, and i Alex is still in an English hospital Both I boys attended school here and are on our l Honor Roll. No furtherparticulars have ', been received. Mr Ray McLean was in larkdale Int week. D G. McLean w“ in Dundalk last week on business Mr J. H. Cray vittited for a few days with Durham friend; Mr Fred MoArthur visited Prieoville friends for a few days, returning to Dur- ham on Friday. Mrs J H. McLean. John Livingstone, Sandy McLeod, and Louis Frock were in Durham last week. _ We wish to correct the error made in the Red Cross report published last week. Songs sold by Mrs Farquhar McKinnon amounted to one dollar and forty cents. not one hundred and forty dollars as re- ported. We also extend heartiest congratula- tions to Pte. Jas. Weir and bride, as we saw by last week’s Review they were married in Scotland, Feb. 4th. Pte Weir is well known and highly respected be- ing a member of the Presbyterian church here. We wish them a long and happy life, ind assure them both of a hearty welcome on their return to Canada. Mr and Mrs J. J. Black visited Glenelg Centre friends en Sunday last. Letters have been received from several cube boys in Fast cc to whom the ladies ot Sep. No 7 Sewing Circle not Xmas pmckages. Following is a let'er received lrom Hunter Harrow, I’riceville t Iwaa verv sorry to hear of Alex McVicar's death, I was up in that pl". ot the setup for n few days. It WM a terrible plies. One (allow even remarked Alter coming on: "If my- body tells you to go to hell tell him you've been there belore.†- _ Mrs Alex Livingstone and daughters, Misses Sadie and Pheobe visited with Mrs Thos. McKeown of the Glen recent- Ir,, -- A___ -_----- Somewhere in France as daylight fades The glistening sun shall steal across And tender beams in soft caress Shall linger on a wooden cross. Bo far from home, a mother's tear May never on the light sods fall And far from her who hoped to be In years to come his all in all. 0h_lon§ly grave, Pttyttuuorttt Last night the Site. had their big dinner. We sure had lots to eat, rout goose. potatoes. tttMohair, ep- ples, oranges. capes, plum pudding and cigars. We have been living on the fesofthe land for the last tew weeks. I got a lot ot Xmas parcels. Please than]: Miss Kate McMillan for the tinirpair of socks. 1 will close wishing your circle the beat wishes for the New Year. Yours truly. H. Harrow Following is a letter received lxom Dave McLeod. Pricevllle '. - Mrs D. G. McLean and M. MeTagtrart enjoyed a pleasant afternoon with Mrs A McLean, north of Priceville. Miss L. Mather is visiting with Mrs R Vause for a few days. What's the at- traction on the 0. D. R. Lizzie t I was very pleased to receive your pucel today. It was indeed just what I needed. I only had one unit at underwear in places. Now I will have a chance '0 " them up a little and the Labadilla. Well I hope I Won't have so much company in a. " days. A fellow does no: general- ly have " much company " Xmaa lune. Messrs Jos. Harrison and Matt. Conkey are busy cutting wood at present. Matt is quite a hustler. . I was very agreeably surpried a few days ago to receive a fine parcel trom Sep S. No 7, G'. C. It was rather unexpected as I meld hardly be considered one of the Glenelg Cen- tre boys. It was indeed very much appreciated and I nsk you to convey my thanks to the ladies of your circle or â€the French any "Merci been cusp." We are supposed to be on: on rest now butIcan‘s say I'm enjoyed it very much so far. Our billets are rather cold and the weather this lttat while has been colder than nsqal. We trot I touch of tool Old Ontario weather tor Xmas clay and that made it more homelike. Dear Miss Dtmbar,--. Miss Jessie Black, Top Cliff. Sundaied with Misses E, Smith and S. McDonald. We enjoyed our senior-'5 corr. letter last week and are gird to see a'though he is enjoying City life so much he hasn't forgotten Priceville and that the readers of the Review look forward for his letters tis appear as usual. Also to see he at. tended the wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Neil McKinnon. formerly of our town but now of Toronto. Their many friends of Priceville also wish them many happy years In their new home. nave is uuuucu J.' u; "'l2" uyn “um _ , - ' , ',ee,ftet't,'iiltit, Well “we I l ae,rcf,liPi2R)/i', iLvQ"t'fp,'r' t Jud A I ll WI 5".!.'l.ee.'. m th kettle, stepladdcr. 2 bed ends, set skid- 'lil :ys. chow (es not trerstsrl ding tongs set plow ha cu. set team y 5V0 " mac compnny at x'n"/ii,i,tj,'i,itiitii" about 3000 d image tiles, a lute. . I quuntity of mixed one ch lumber. a HOW I! Glent.le antre ? I would quantity ot two inch pia I. quantity like to drop In mammal. now, insteid fif.trritttrlro. a.smtli n her of re.d ol sitting in a little "to by four bole ‘* bricks, tt quantity of po.ta I, a.qynt" m the ground. when: if I m up trot mod Yr. 19mm! “Mag-- straight my bad would bump the :fatcela'chama, tisrtro a.†, er without io,. close Please 'xxend! Telm-ts tutd 'raj.teica: ;overthat my ........ to .... I-GWW!’ were. , Jgal'i'd, 1'33: 32:13: ' rgent " Your triernd l uc vulcn n, h' DHAIL. Dear Miss McMillaoE- For oafis mihaful of his own, PRICEVILLE VILLAGE f Intended for lad week) PRICEVELLE tnclla','r A SOLDIER'S GRAVE SCOTCHTOW N Iutttse, Dee. 26, 1917. France, Dee. 27, 1917 Dave McLeod. Angus Hooper-.... . Fre Mr and Mrs Henry Hooper Arthur Scaley. ...... ...... Arch. Mluatg............ Thomas Tucker...... .. Abram Hooper., ......... John Weir w........ ..... Austin Hann............... . Charles Dixon............. Thomas Harrison, Sr . . . . .. Philip and Clarence Harris Joseph Dixon ............ John Calder........ . .... Wm. R. Watson ..r..... John M. Lawrence......... Albert Hann .'.......... Mrs Jones Harrison .. . . .. .. Mrs J.Harrison,.......... MrsJ. Halpcnny.......... Wm. P. Watson......,.,. James Whitmore.... .... .. Thos Harrison. Jr...... .. George Hargrave.......... ‘leachooper.............'.. 1 Henry Eckhlrdt.... .... " Wm G. Wi.non.... ........ ‘Roy Lawrence............ ‘Mts Alfred Tucker.... ..... lFarr Iaawrence-..... . Wm. Lawrence............ Ralph Harriston.... .... .. John Lawrence............ Philip Lawrence...†.... Frank Scott............... Carl Harrison. .......... .. George Hooper,.......'.... Peter Daly.... ..... ...... Thou. Hornsby........ ... Mrs. Stephenson...... .... Mrs. J. Hargrave.......... John Eckhardt............ Among the Weltenen returning to their homes In Mr and In Will Chrisvie who left Thnudny morning. Miss Agnes Black in May also The recent storm of Saturday makes us feel winter in still wish " We extend to Mr and In Wilfred Blush our sympuhy In the death of their three months old babe. We are ttlad toreport " Prank Hendry, Mr H. Bittort and Mr Ed. Sean'slittle boy gradullly improv- ing. Mrs Wm. McEachnie Ind Miss Nellie Haw viailed over the week end " Mr Geo. Hun. Swinton Park The hall was well fillcd Wednes- day eve to Welcome hum: Pte. Jae. MoCollungh who bss done his "ttis" in France by "tsritiointt his left arm, His pastor. Rev. Blackwell. Dundalk presided and also gsve us some very interesting remarks. A short pro- gram was elven. the main feature being an address read 'by Mr John Webster and a purse of money pre- sealed by Mr J s. Billings to Pte Jns MoCdlongh. The questions asked durinza tlve minutes recess were very ably answered tw Pus McCul- lough and Mr S. McCullough also spine a few words A welcome. Lunch was then served and all re tamed buns feeling it wssgood to be t ere. The sewing circ‘e are preparing f r: Box chial to be held Friday, March 22nd in the h II, the main lemurs be In: . Play Iw heal talent eu itlod‘Bos or The Glad Re union. Admission 250. Ladle; with boxes tree. By ytrurottendartee you will assist ='n supplylng our soldiers’ com- forts. Total 8112 50 The ladies of Ebenezer Sewing Circle wish to thank Top Cliff for the donation of $32.00 from the Box Social. Mrs. John Weir, Pres. Miss M. Hornsby, Sec..-Treas. FOR SALE -3 Durham bulls, 11 to 14 months old, all eligible for registration and 1 registered Durham cow. due March 25th. D. J. McCdrmack, Lot G, Con. 19, Proton, R. R. l, Proton. Report of Special Canvas For Ebenezer Sewing Circle Artemeaia. will as Ion Thursday, March 2lst at I o'clock. e following articles, namely I- . FARM STOCK Heavy colt rising 3, general purpose m re supposed to be in foal, brood now I good ewes, steer rising! cow 10 y .o'.d due Apiil24, cow 4 yrs old. mil mg. due Aug. 26; cow 7 yrs old calf a foot ; cow 6 years old due May 24: c w "rs old, steer rising 3, heifey risin I. {heifers rising 2, 5Iteers rising 2, heifers l r old? 7 auckirg pugs. 3 yo " pigs. C,'/d'g' bail 2 years old regi tend, 2 gene and gander. a number of ens, IMPLEMENTS Massey Harris binder 6 " cut nearly new with trucks. Massev Hams tedde ' Massey Harrie side rake and tedder ombined, M. H. hay loader. disc, wauo box, land roller, wagon, Peter Hamil n It hoe drill, Peter Hamilton hay ke ll ft ; Peter Hamilton Mower 5 ft ut, turnip aower, No 21 Fleury plow, uiBer, sprayer, alcigh,set bolstersf Ilelgh, turmp nulper. 2000 lb Gurne platform male. hay rack, 40 ft extenl n ladder, tstock rack, wheelbarrow. Laval Cream Separator. power horse clipper, new. of Farm Stock, etc. W Tér;m-$5 and under' rm ; over that amnum " mos credit ttr 5 r cent " for oath in lieu ot-notes. JAS VAUSE, - D. y PHAIL. JAS VAUS ' JAE MES VAUSE, lot 34, con 4, S D R Auction Sale HOPEVILLE Irinll DURHAM REVIEW $10 00 Mia: B. Barber, Min lute nnd Mr Lorne McIntosh 'Tent Band†with the Intel's grandmother, Mn Du. gave". Again we hue been waited by one of the worn: norms of the canon 3nd " the road, no completely blocked In do not look toe any uni! toe I day or so. Sorry to bear Mr Alek Helmet!)g Who has been In the London Hospital for the put. ten weeks, " not Improv Ina very much Is his which tor Lon- don on Sunni" when she will remain with him tor a week or so. We hope by that time be mll be uble minus the hospita). Mr and Mr; Ashe: Allen took noe- Ieeeion of Mr Molatyre'e firm Mon- day. We welcome them to our burg. Mr and Mrs Colin McIntyre left Monday for the West. We wish them every success in their new home. Mr Jas. Ledinghum lost O nimble cow last week by slipping on the we. Mr Will Dnrgavell lost a very valu able calf on Sunday by falling into I hole in the i:e. We have noticed lu‘ely Mr C Bijou has deserted our town. What is the reason Ge ' "How doth the little busy bee Improve each shining hour." The busiest-and buzziest species of this: insect in this section is known as the wood bee. A hive of these has been at work solving the fuel shortage problem for the farmers. If the drones and big bugs and other parasities that swarm in town only saw that buzz-saw saw I Mr Chas. Shewell intends going west this spring. Mrs Shewell will remain here for the present. The Red Cross workers of B. B. No. 13 are celebrating the first anniversary of their inauguration by patching a quilt. Mr Colin Meintyre's sale realized the sum of 52200 00. A team of horses brought 8355 ; a young horse 8155 l Mes- srs R. J. Corlett and R H Ledingham paid 820 each for young calves. Ten little porkers and their august mater rol led overa hundred and one greenbacks in saying "Good-bye, old home." Yessir, the indrvidnal with the white horse and moustache was the assessor. jotting down the actual value of our land, and the other gentleman was the insur- ance agent, you may be sure. Three within a year, four in a little over two years and five altogether in recent years is a barn-burning record which we trust will not be broken. Form 4, Second Class Pupils enrolled Sr class 30, Jr rr, total 47 Average att 1 27 15 43 Sr 2nd-1 Kelsey, K McLean, M Moum tain, S Hartford, N. McGirr & H. Pilkey. Jr 2nd--M Yirrs. C Dymond, M Lawr. ence, G Pilkey, H qibomisson.. Miss L. B. Walker, teacher Form V-3rd Book Enrolled-Sr Class 22 Jp. 18-Total 40 T" -___ - Average 20 anii 17 Sr. 3rd-E McComb. J Hepburn, LMc- Clocklin. M Saunders, E Levme, -- A _ Form VI-CONTESTS GIRLS-cake baked by themselves : IStContest _- Mae McGirr, Ora Busch!en Carrie McGirr. 2nd Contest - Wil. Common. Mary Me Kechnie, Maud Bryon. t BOYS- $omething from Popular Mechan. Mrs : George Johns, an ice boat Eddit McQggen, peyice for holding -jr%Ai----fs mm; K Milne, F Hopkins E Smith, E Johns. Miss A. C. McKenzie, Teacher Form VI - 4th Book Enrolled-- Sr. 21 Jr. 26. Total 47 Average 18.8 and 23.1 Sr. 4-Mae McGirr, Amelia Blair, Jean Morlock, Sadie Russell and Royden Bur- net, en f NIt.rEDyn.ningx ... A . Jr. "4-wilhetrnine -Calinson, Andrew McAuliffe, Beulah Stonehouse, Myrtle Yirrs, Carrie McGlrr. That Auditors' report as presented be accepted and 50 copies printed and that auditors be paid $15.00 each as per by- aw for their appointment. $360 The following accounts were passed : J C. Adams.Feb. salary.............850 00 W. B. Vollet, " I' .............. 40 00 .. " exp. and stamps....... Municipal World blanks............... Streetlights........ ........................ Ipwnhalllights........................... Clerk's otiiciir.................... The tax roll was extended till next reg- ula_r, meeting _ _ . . The appointment of John Morrison a High School Trustee- for a period of three years was sanctioned by the Council. . ' The license for dogs was fixed at " and bitches at 68 and by-law passed . For which the following prices will be paid delivered in our yards at Durham: - Basswood $12.00 to $28.00 per M 'tt Maple...... Beech...... Soft Elm.. Rock Elm Birch ...... Spruce .... LOGS WANTED By_-law was also passed fixing poll tax at The Durham Furniture Co., Ltd. Durham P. S. Honor Roll NORTH EAST BENTINCK skein Ehile Winding - Bryson Morlock, Electric bell & light TOWN COUNCIL Andrew S Morton, Teacher DORNOCH TORONTO 12.00 to 10.00 to 12.00 to 12.00 to 12.00 to 12.00 to 26.00 20.00 26.00 24.00 18.00 8187 01 51 Hamilton. Ont. ' “About four years ago I wrote you of my condition from Muscular and In.. tlammatory Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble and my efforts through travel and change of climate to rid myself of [these unwelcome guests, and how I (ml r found relief in Gin Pilla alter spending slot of time tsnlsnoltr its foreign lands. West halfo t No.2 Con. 19 Pro- ton, containing acres mare or less. 30 acres cleared a under cu1tivation,the remainder in ti her. Small stable. good spring, making pasture, and farm fenced Cheap quick buyer or easy terms to rent. pply to Jno E. Fe son, Vanguard, Sask. Bl RCH heading och delivered at our yard in Durham, tt be cut 18" or 20" long, to have saw ends and fairly cwn in Iengih, 6" and in diameter. A small portion will taken g" diameter to be free from kn ' and cther defects, for which we will p y 03.75 fter cord. The Durha Furniture Co. - Limitrd. The -rtw.G. Reidof Hamilton. Out. is I familiar one to ulomds throughout the Dominion. For over forty years Mr. Raid has seen service In a commercial traveller. A letter re- cently received from hint indicates how he suffered from Rhmuuatism, and " Inst found relief. OVER 40 YEARS ON THE ROAD Basswood Headi Bolts, cut 'goin. Chen long. 5 inch d up in the round. Hollow timber with inch surface, split in that. knots t mmed close. and crvokcd timber acct ted ; for which I will pay $3.75 per co Since then Gin Pills have been my sheet anchor. I bul in advancing years a tendency of the kidney, to get out of order more easily than formerly but I few doses of Gin Pills puts them right and wards off other and more serious trouble. I feel it not only a duty but a pleasure to recommend Gin Pills for Kidney and Bladder Troubles to my thousands of personal friends through- out Canada to whom I am well known " tgcommercial traveller of over forty years' service." WANTED AT (1. T. R. POINTS Pedigreed Durham ull, Gray Roan Fee 81 50, payable at t e ol service. F. R Murdock One mile south west of Durham Yours 6ru1y, (Signed) W. G. Reid. A sample of Gin Pills sent free upon request to National Dru & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, gomnto. or to the U. s. address --Na-DrttAto Inc.. 202 Main St., Buffalo, NA'. I27 Three pure bred Durl 12 to I6 mos. old. Th Apply to 19 Who have been worki fr so strenuously on the farm producing ed for those at home and those oversea should be iven the opportunity of impr ving their 4k1'i,'l. ation during the slack winter months at Winter term begins Wednel.. Jan. tnd. Circulars free, address C A FLEMING. Principal. Owen Bound, Ont Owen Bound, The fees are no hi ther than when farm produce sold for half the price of today. The young people will be benentted throughout life from the train- ing in business obtained in a few winter months of our Special Business Course. Send for our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties which you can order direct and save the agent's commiuion, of which_rou get the benefit. Our prices will be sure to interest you and all atock is anolutcly ftrat.cla" and true to name and are now prepared to meet existing conditions by offering our high-grade trees and plants direct to customer. at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES _ In†In. ‘Qulumont the behooludlorougnly equipped In manna shill". In catalog! and electric-1 mppnel no “any. ae., lot mu Junie! begun: mu Mano mama van. Tthe lollo'hu magnum can qre In cattle. . r1105 Anus. Ul',htk In; (rim Paulina, All) animate In hula] cultun. sub- Mu; Selma. unusual“ nnd Spelling. In)“. NEH B. In. ot Qnem University snitch; Ustlt, art, Llrersusre, aux-mm non. Ruinâ€. (Mozupny. Aide!" Ill-ton- mm. CBYDERON, B A.. Toronto Univ esrgitr,tsltsou'ertitiesu' In Punks! ‘ulhre Sunken; Eng. Guam-r. Manhunt!“ annual“ KW]. 1w'oatposmtm, an... [may (Ci; 4/wa FRUIT TREES THE CHASE BROTHERS co. of Ontario, Ltd., Nurserymcn Eltabliohed 1857 Colborne. Ont, We need no further introduction than the fact that we have been in the Nur. sery Business SlXTVONE YEARS. aTiisitWruius" -ie - HEM yum-V" 153815: and Wiygwwn. mutiny a. - "qimtpte Int-mung Menu mom can n the “I; um. qua) new: i1ptteittle C 'oe on: up iirapiiiGAldisiki'" __ "e "___- "WW Themed ut new In pa. - II n sum-luau. 2tpir,tgLT,tMrgtffg'; S"t,tlld 'tMt'tlNtett'le"f. w...†I I V "llUl'l'I'ltl magnum-won S%',"lddl' _ nu: umgw†Read this letter: DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL B ASWOO D, 7 and Plants For Spring Planting . Urn-r Bull Calves The Boys a: WANT Bull For Service WdWrAM.'/, J. N. ML‘RDOCK. Durham For Sale APLE, BEECH and TO BUY nu, rzencn. Imam 'atpositioa, Writing. * - tee .. w ' l "'llt'A%tl1 no a" win-human w a. In. We a. I In In Pm...“ Int".', . .rmowm * For Sale lam Bulls for sale we red, one roan. an Eckhardt, _ R. l, Priceville. d Girls in“, W J. a.mrrr0N,tLo.,0 A. HI..- £401. '--'.. 'trh.Aetraeatarmmiosta,t, - Ola - I‘m a all ttqqm, HI..- BRS. JAMIESON & JAMES!“ Imam." famous:- and“ on“ OIHCI: our I. P. “Romania. a†" oncom- my Olen. manner some home mm. d m ole- ou an In on not: a. on!“ HAM noun: t-4t Duals-I Boson utubturE I'm-Io on“... " M lo M M m Dam in am. no... Ottleq - var Jam-[Irv can. and an†Mte Poet Dillon HONOR GRADUATE of Tom... Univmity. graduate of Royal Gallup of Doom] Surgeon" of Ontario Mom Over J t I HUNTERS New 811'. w. cffggxenmo o. 0 s., L E lnourmce Agent, lam-v to In... [Inner of Marl-Inge [Jean-u. A (a on] (lumen! business Irma-coed. DUIEAI. ow. (Lows rom, Barrister, Sonata:- in Sum-on Court Hoary imbue Commissioner Money to you. mtBcas..Am. Lyyhrfyt_tet., opposit- ARTHUR R. JACKSON cm. at no Ceylon Piéif'im'ié -iFiaiFiu" “W to, Won-sputum to D. MoPHA IL.’ Mm. lacuna armament. tor - . ft any you may be nude It sue Resnttrr ot D. 'report.. Ceylon or to c. IAIAGI‘. Dun-ha.- - It lul’lull In: a “lepton. In M. n dent» in Gevlnn The Double Track Route 1“le informuion tram my Grand Trunk Ticket. Agent. orC E Hour ing. District Pm. Agent, Toronto Finlay Grahnm. Town Agent. . Telephone No. 8 Unexcelled Dining Car Service Our New Spring Goods are Now in Sleapinz Cars on night taint and Pa rlor Cam on principal day trains. THE BIG A W. H. BEAN 'rsiF4lr66siFseiFriFstrritii)r 5 New Dress I Goods and T, t Ladies' Suitings t ' . . ' tto arrive this t av week. Get on! iit . . ' iv first choice. - go. L. GRANT t, Mum-4mmâ€: J. [GRANT 0.0.8. L.tt. Licensed Auctioneer tor Go. (in, Notary Puhiie, Commissioner. CONVIYANCII. "he. I: can Goad-u J. P. TELFORD Buy early and avoid being disappointed an goods of all kinda are scarce and hard to-get, so buy early while the assortment lasts. wntoitiAt shim-x: MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT nod CHICAGO cruel IOU" Durham between