ET} Ontario Departm’t of Agriculture Huh-tn Bunch. Puliemom Building, Toronto. Oder E.rir---itt l even: at tho "gamma“ ot the tonne. hung autumnal"). ths any "at be enough Iced to go nd. It In M. viable in order m i a havmu the I under! tilled that pl! hum" Ibould place olden " noon p oirtttlr. All olden no putj‘ct to Mrmvion and will be fitted in the trier rewind. An and " delivered I 2-bu9ho| My man. IbouId to for e on number. of hadn't and no or3e for kn than 2 bushels an be new d. Nuns ot Dm'ribu'. r for Grey Con tr DD ', Rob Roy Cu Hills 00!!!me limb... post em" or expm nud- pqnblo to 00m ot Agriculture. law Puma“ in Cash Pris. in $2 74 per bum] u .11 loc l nominal. In all "Be., without caption. Cull In: â€comm!" ord . Send remn- tmo by lurked eh k, porn! no s, Where to Bar-mt hues any be and. arbor In the u about " the distributing points, tt order. may be placed mm Ibo near t Dionne: IU. nts-cumin of the Pr incl-l Depart. ment ot Agriculture. r they may be nu dines by mail the Maine Bmmrtt.Deperttnent f Agrieuttttte, Path-menu Bulldmgl, Toronto. Ihtrtrittution-.Sd sold only in! 2 bushel bugs. Curl will be plscr _ " at curl-in points i the Pronm-e when less than ostl orders on " Blu'. When Fer "' Club:- or 00s" organs-Hons b " in ctr-Iona lots. the 'moe u that loul unions! mllbs the sun. " t distributing; Tlr, world an“ .0 'r when. in selrgy 2e',',f.' action " lothér. con, . _ a 21fjt,1teit the great» t prsslbls ef "tode,";,",',,',',",,',,': 3?:: as t e Wm. km tum-r a more.» pro ucuon. . The small screws of all When ii) 'Nesday April 2, 1918 In last fall mll mean ncreand Icro- , at I o'eloek, all: . the following val no In ()nurro lVIlll Ie for Sprung uable young aloe : I "nr-old Colt What, The Ontario Government In; Sa.ttle-to heit asupposed in calf, coroperuing Will] the rmen in order a healers With cal .l foot; 4 three yr to pravule sued. It has porch-nod old tueertr, '5 year " steers. a two- 50.0€0 bushels of o 1 Iquuia‘ " old steers. 7 he "5 one year old Sprung When Send I cash the and! Pigs-7 tgrood y, a. sow_ with. n Branch of the Fidllll Popular-m of Pttttt nowmth 8 912' - with 713139. Agriculture. “are I I be purchased? No Reserve 'P th stock, as our tf nccesnry to till no I. 110899 hat expired, d anything offered will be sold. SPRING WHEAT SEED for Ontario Eliaa Dar, of Chicago, one of Am- erica's great dramatic coaches and unthorities of Elizabethan literature. conceived the idea ot reviving the EIiaabethan music. He apent two you: in England, ransacked the dust dtmmed monasteries and ancient lib- nries. and brought to light many beautiful things that had long been "raotten. These, with enough orig- Appearing at the Great Chatauqua Festival in the Town Hall, DURHAM, Afternoon and Evening, Thursday, April 18th Since then the World has moved TaNdtr. Material ambitions and war: for commercial supremacy have dim- med the glow and almost ermd the prophesy ot the rennaistutee. Much of the beautiful music and tender mtiment of the 17th has been lost to the 20th century, And with it much that in inspirational and contort giving. Hampton Court-ttte gem of ro- moo end cultural beautr--aet In the golden dawn ot history, where Queen Elizabeth reigned and turned the dark page: ot a mystic past to 1b. llght of a new era. Music glowed than from the hearts of men, and the In!“ ttouriatted with the story of conquest for better tttings,---- Humpton Court its the centre. Back to Days of Queen Elizabeth -Two Beautiful Programs First Day of Chautau- qua Festival. HAMPTON COURT SINGERS Agrkuimnl Krpwiomriw, laugh. Orc . 10 a. e. nun, a money order io Depnnmem a Banal: hues may be chouu at the order. any be t District Ba- inonl Bop-m- "“11 HAMPTON COURT SINGERS. rio 50 Young ' "s t c. L. GRANT Il.,' '1Mit.4i900qstMt4hqtiifs LANDS THE SHIELD-S. S: No. 6 of Normanby is to be congratulated on win. ning the Shield offered by the Department of Agriculture. to the school obtaining the most prizes per pupil at the school fair. The Shield has been engraved and is now occupyidg a prominent place in the Red, School. Miss Mildred Leeann and her pupils are justly proud of having won the Shield and the congratulations of the De- partment of Agriculture.-ivance t Bulldog, Acma, it sie BigB & Bob Long * w as : Overalls t 3 and Jackets f, qiiiasqlMlNleatenteetriiesro R. Irwin, P roprietor Terms : " months' edit on fur nishing approved joint ates bearing interest at six per cent D ALLAN. Cl k R. Irwin, D. Phail, l The company consists of tive mem- bers, each an individual artist. They ' appear in the rich and beautiful COB- , tumes or the 17th cenmy. The pro- !gram is divided into three distinct 1 parts: Itrt. Old English Motion Songs. , with appropriate notion. 2nd. A ‘Group of readings and pianologues. both serious and humorous. 3rd. An old Irish sketch, "The Kerry Court- , in'," in which are _'uur several of the ', old songs, such " "The Kerry 1 Dance," "Believe Me, If All Those {Enduring Young Charms." "If No I! One Ever Marries Mr," "When Irish _ Eyes Are Smiling," etc. The sketch is in costume and lasts twenty min- I utes. The afternoon program will be T miscellaneous In nature. The under and Auctioneer will sell try Public netion " lot " con, A Egremont, nown as the Wm. Comm homesle d, on Credi 9 en into the present unique program: lot the Hampton Court Singers. Io .ealled because of the idea they ex- _ press. Both prom-ulna will ire onpeclllly appreciated here, and it I: not likely any neat will be vacant. Five years ago he completed his efforts, aehctcd " artiste, coached and placed them before the public, where they have continued, ever win, hing new laurels. ttmt-return dates. They have appeared in mlny principzi towns and cities on the American side, and now they are welcomed to Canada, where their historic setting should make them doubly appre- elated. lnal matter patterned after the modes and spirit of the time. to make a e?ntimyrus setting. have been wov- to arrive this week New Dry Goods Auction Sale F STOCK _ tile, 36 Pigs & Colt in- stock uctmneet Unless all signs fail. the coal shortage} next winter will be more acute than this) winter, and every effort should be exerted to provide a supply of dry hardwood. I Farmers and villagers will be expectcdl to look after their supply, themselves! but in cities and towns the responsibility. of securing the necessary supplies is de- vowing upon the municipal authorities 1 These should lose no time in orgiiisizintt to have wood cut, hauled and stored to dry dyeing the, summer. If this is-not dtxne,titehaatioe? next "i'"rrf"'u1 Council ndjnnrued to meet on Tttetsdav Mon 28th, as a Cnnrt of Re. vision on Ana's Bull and xenon! bus- iness. - Conn of Revision open! at 2 ("clock p m. tbutter-Brown-That the follow- ing accsnnu be paid ; accounts gto the amount " $39 32 for wimer work on roads ', C Ibumure & Son. printing Megan: 32 60 I Councillou' pm sheet " dun 322110 ', Juo. McGrath as» n! enuncil room 83. Bs-law No. 844 to increase the gram maid the construction ot wile fences bordering on the public high. wcyr 30c per rod for fences running in In easterly and mantel-1y direction cud Me per rod " fences running in a northerly and nominal-1y dime. iou was paced. It?. T Calder and R. Irwin wait upon who Minister of Agriculture to near- oeruin “the matter can be reme died. Curried By-hw No. 339 to uleiah S tttttte Labor was pulsed. Hunter- Brown - That By-lawe No Mo, 341 Ind 342 u prepared by the Clerk be ttoettirtned and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Clerk be inltructed to so: 100 orpims printed. Carried printed. Carried ... -- W’ By-lnw No. 313 installing the Clerk's sultry to $27500 per you In. pulsed. 1Ianter-l!'erettsort-TUt in regard to the request at the deputation who hne waned npun the Council "king for assistance in procuring feed, that a oomminye chcheq at the Reeve Mauro C McInnel. u. Calder and R Irwin addressed the Council in regard to the serious condition that prevailed at the present time in con nrction with the procuring of feed fan-hugs. -e Hunter - Brown-That notmth- standing the petitions that have been presented to the Council and the reasons put forth in support of retain- ing Stature Labor in the township, we the members ot this Council after due consideration ' t the matter think it ndvusahie that Statute Labor be abolished and that the coat of con- struction and maintenance of the Township roads be provided tor by a general levy over the whole town. ship. Carried 1 Messrs G. McEschern. C. McInnes and J. McDonzsll “addressed the Council in reterence to the abolishing of Snow stor and also presented ominous signed by a number of rate- pcyers asking the Council no; to abolish statute labor. Feretusorr-MeDotuto - That in regard to the communication trom Root Wright. P. B. Inspector request ing atruant officer to be appointed for the towaahip. That no action be taken in the matter. Carried Council met March 22nd, members all preSent. minutes adopted ; Com 'r McDonnell reported A McTavieh unveiling Eiet and Proton T. L ' $63 40 ; Lia’s share $31.70 work per- Iormed in 191?;Oom feee3 50 ; Comr Brown repotted Joe Campbell bonus wire lance $16 -on recommendation of Com 'r Ferguson, and lance being erected in 1916 , Golden belle 1 What a world of happiness their har- mony ioretells On, from out the sounding cells. What a gustoieuphony volttminotuly wells t. How it swells t, How it dwells On the future '. how it tells Of the rapture that impala, To the swinging and the ringing Of the bells. bells. belle, To the rhyming and the chiming of the bells." Another Yeovil Wedding this week. Particulars later. Oliver Landon of North Arthur brougm his cousin. MISS Hylda Whyte home and spent a few days with rel. atives in this vicinity. Lam week In Grout spent: few very enjoyable dlye near Listowel with her nephews. Nelson and Wand Galloway. On Friday Earl Bunstcn went to Toronto where he expects to takes position. Mrs Donald and little daughter are the guests of Mira Tens Merchant. “Hear the J.ntl,lt"vrtdditttt belle, Our sympuhy in extended to Mr G. Tabby and family in their new he. reaVement and use to Mr and Mrs c, Swan-con in the Ions ot their infant daughter. "Day after day we think whnttbey - undoing In those bright rulmo of nir , Your utter year, their tender steps pursuing. Behold them grown more fair." Miss Marion Walmaley bl! recover- ed tsthtsiently to return home EGREMONT COUNCIL D. ALLAN, Clerk YEOVIL EX? grove. Bunstort-Nfehouott.-At Yeovil at the honeol the bride's parents. Mr and In: Rabi. Nicholson. Mr In Bun-ton orDrotnore to Miss Elizabeth, Nichouon of Yeonl by Rev. Love- A Very painful accident occurred last Wednesday evening while Mr. Matthews' little children were play- ing on the sidewalk in front of their house Little J, J was struck in the face and knocked down by 3 Made ridden by Michael McGrath. The little fellow was picked up utseou- scious. his face being so badly cut, that required the wound being stitch ed. but under Dr Mail's care he is re- covering nicely. This should be a warning to all bicycle riders to ob. serve the I" and not run their wheels on the Iidewalk In the Presbyterian Church Inst Sabbath the pastor finished his work ou "Prayer in its relation to the God. head" and in the evening the subject was 'Eternal life. the gm of God. " At the opening of both services a season of prayer wus conducted for he success of our men In battle and esptchlly new on the west trontat this eritaul time. Mr Inc M. Dickson passed away at his home loud" evening. latch " at the advanced age of " yenu. The funeral unngementa had not been made " time of writing owing to the waiting of the arrival of his none from a distance. Fuller particulat- will be given next week. Mr. R. Isnc of Durham visited friends in Holstein this week. A number of farmers have tapped their tree: but report the run of up not very good yet. Mr ltd. Schlimm of Listowel paid a flying visit to Holstein this week and called on a number of "lends. Mr Chas. Drumm was the (inst this Year to come out in his auto. One day lately With some at his friends he had a merry tide around the town. Some of the employees of the Han- dle Factory were laid ad tor a few days last week owing to some ot the machinery being broken. All are on hand again. M , Malcolm McNicol of Listowel visited his cousin, Mrtt Jno. McGrath " the hotel for a few days this week. Mrs Thou. Johnston vitited with Mrs Archie Band Sunday. Mr Jno Dyer spent a couple of days in Mt. Forest last week the guest of his sister. Mrs Kiltie. Mr Wm Leith'a eon Gordon of N. Egvemont, was operated on Mondav by Dr Groves for appendicitis. At figst but small hopes were entertained for his recovery but we are pleased to report he is some better at time of writing. Rev and Mrs Lovegrove entertained a number of the Yeovil friends at the Parsonage last Friday evening when a pleasant time was spent Mr Wm Davis. on the and con of Egremont north of Holstein met with a painful accident on Thursday after- noon laat Weeas While cutting wood he had some of his fittttertr badly cut and bruised which required services of the Dr. Reeve McArthur and Mr Richard Irwin went to Toronto Tuesday to wait on the Mitt. of Agriculture re- garding the purchasing of larger quantities of feed. Mr Geo Calder went to Toronto Tuesday on business. . Mr Allan Robertson of Toronto is visiting at his uncle's home, Mr.Dasr. id Allan. Mr Jas. Smith has purchased a Mendelssohn piano. MissMcGirr of Durham wean guest over the week and at Mr John Ham- ilton's Friends of Rev Mr Ibbott will re. gret to hear he has been badlv kick- ed by a horse tecentlv. All will hope he will soon recover. Mrs Jas Mark of Mb. Forest visited Mrs Jas Bruce and other friends in the village part of last week. MrJoe Bilton gave the you!!! folks a dance at his farm home last Thurs- day nieht after having a successful wood bee in the afternoon. A number of the young people en- joved a pleasant time at the home of Mr and Mrs Jno. Brown Thursday of last week. Rev. Mrs. Scott went Tuesday of last week to Owen Sound to spend a short visit with her relatives Mr Wm Nelson had a wood bee last Friday when Mr Leith had his gasoline engine on hand and a large pile of wood was the tesnlt. Mr Lou It. Kerr came home to spend a week with his mother. Lou has enlisted with the C. B F. in Toronto and expects to go into training shortly. Mrs Cordingly of Palmerston visi- ted her sister Mrs J. Smith last week. Mrs Petre spent a few days in Durham last week, the guest of her cousin, Mrs Jos Brown. Misses Nettie and Edna Hamilton attended the wedding of their cousin. Miss L N Icholson at Yeovil on Wed. nesday. li" LOCAL Ann PERSONAL HOLSTEIN LEADER IARRlED, TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW Now Nature Mum from her wintry ttsit'ep And heath spring'u gout-l showers, The mtrth [Ill non be robed in green And de.ked with starry 11mm. Then how on man with n Gentile-s soul, [not on the velvet sod, And the wooden tn] changes ttlltrottad And uy there ig no God. Bar. why are the slurs height I'm: fi New In a million church" fair, And from nah ch " I mg. of} y ' Most on me sweet wring I r. on I roar binned-Lord mu on chic day And mm and: took nil In moon. For 2310" an brighten 1mm Mr and In Halponuy accompanied by their Ion Thoma will luv» short Ir for that Western home. The evening Ina spent in games nod social abut and with the singing of Auld Lang Sync I pleasant SNL'- ing came to " end. A Mu J M. Her-grove, Mn Stephaneon. I Jug. Hagan. Joe Stephenlon. Mrs Helpenny replied very feelmll, and thanked all present furtheir kind- neu Ihown. When our meeting end parting here " ended it won her mob tho: ell wou'd meet in I better lend. Shots loeoohel were the mode by Hours Goo. Lothien, John Weir, " fred Tucker. Ju Hen-grove. Gee, Baryon, In Alfred Tucker and In John Welt. ell ot whom exoner- ed their tegrel: at losing Mr end Mu Helpenny from the neighborhood. _ We would Mk you to eocept this purse end we eerneuly hope that God's richest blessing may be bestowed on you In your new home and that you my be spend so enjoy it for may you" to some. Signed on beholf of neighbors end friends. Your high ideas ot life and true Christan chums" will help to rush the moral stand-rd of the world where. ever your lot may be out. What " our loss will be others gun. l When we heard of your departure from our community it was the emer- al feeling of everyone. that. we ware going to lose good friends and neigh. bore You- were alt-yo willing to lend I helpmg bond m tune of need '. sud you may be assured we will min you. bed -_.- And broth the On Monday evening Much 18th about seventy friends and neighbor' of Mr and Mrs Jacob Helpenny me: It the" home to spend on evening and bid them farewell, before their lenvmg for the West. where they will in future reside. Mr Gordon Geddes we: choc. chairmen. and one: asking the couple to be seated called on Ihr Joe. Hur- gnve to tend the nddreee which in as follows Mrs Stephenson presented the gift. To Mr and Mrs. Jeoob Helpenny. Dear Friends end Neighbors '. It is with mingled feelings of nor- row and regret that we your friends and neighbors have gathered in your home to nighr, to spend a few hours. are your departure from our midst. Master Gordon Leith, son of Mr and Mrs Wm Leith, was operated on Monday by Dr. Groves. Fergus. for appendicitis. At present writing we know not the result but we hope lav- orably. The sale of Mr Halpetttsy'a on Mon. day of this week though not large realized good prices. They leave for the West this Thursday. On Monday evening last they were presented with " address and testimonial from ap- preciative neighbors. We have no ipartictt1ara. Mr Jno. Wait has lbought his farm which adjoins his |own. Mr Jan. Lawrence had the misfor- tune to lose one of his best cows last week since moving on his new farm, Everybody is obeying the injunc tion of the Food Controller by mak. ing maple syrup and sugar. Mr Inc. T. Brown of 20th con. has purchased the Finnigan farm, Gore A of the tttth can" and has sold the barn thereon to Mr S. M. Patterson who intends moving it to his own farm. Our new neighbor is not acting as a good Samaritan exactly, yet is of an accommodating nature and willing to assist those who are not provided for going through fire and water to the local lodge or a neighbor's tale, by carrying them on his back through the raging Mods with his long rub. ber boots. An error in last week's issue makes the total amount from box social to be $1 35 after paying all expenses whereas $135 is the correct amount. This shows the power of the dot in money as well so must. Address and Presentation EASTER SUNDAY SOUTH BEND NORTH EGREMONT , J UHN 1V1. r INDLAY Dromurc j, a Phone 3 1-15 J cum 9004104104100 , 941043941 900m 4) _ It end Mrs Sendy McFadden wivh their oer load of hone- end house buld (mote Ion for the West Tuesday Much i9th. Mr Sum McLean Went with them, Mr McLean taking charge ot the cur. Before their leaving the Meade and neighbor-I of Mr and Mr, lcFedden tethered " their home end peoenttd them with en eddreee end e one“ sum of money. The evening wee-pen: in dancing. Every] body enjoyed ttta-ive. Following in tho eddreu , It Milner and Oliver with their little buzz in trying to keep the fur- meu in good humor by lowing them with big piles ot wood In I In: how'- time. Some hue started and other: no preparitttt to gather in the "new of the maples. We are planed to know tbs: Ernie Bocley bus got " dbshartre from the urn" and is enjoying home lite with his parents- . One thing we have Mound the cor- ner is Iota of wuer. If we onlv bed a "ttttn it would nuke our v05 age. "to over the water. to and ham Dru. more. Spring has undo an appearance with a smile ot m ightneu. yet I fail so see any ot the old aeribea anrvivo but just to let you know we didn't all get troze. I win Jotdown a lew item! Mr Editor,-- JOHN M. FINDLAY We again have the temple book containing extra 1: HP papers from which many of our customer. ordered last ymr See our papers anyway. to look them over. Remember the Reg. Boxer papers 1 able. They are largely import goods compared with low-priced pope". Prices this spring are naturally I trifle higher. but maintain the high quality of our Papers, this was I avoidable. to make the decision. You 'r, pay for a mun-e. (up if you dc and will!†caning pot". ll day. Write tr call " once for Tune in money, so DO IT NOW, Mt. B‘or¢'st B: D A. UcLACHLAN. PM. Judging by the large increuo in the ale of our papers last year. we look for a still grater sale this "aarott---tuul you'll find our stock larger and more up-to-dnto than ever To get I [rancid in the qrotht of businem in Commercia] life ate better “an an we Graduates an caning mm 3520 to t9co I , WALL PAPERS So Don't Tltrorrr-----a $20 bill may boot tho family. We will send a pair by mail if you say bit, SACKETT'S CORNER In Boys' and Girls' Shoes that we have for you or someone of the fun/ We want to tell you about and show you a pair of TAYLOR & 00., N()\V -lf, TAYLOR & CO. (i Our Stock is complete. Bee them. This weather is just when you need them good, for a pair of wet feet very often leadg to a large doctor bill and that may cost more than two pair of Shoes. In French Kip, Elk, Mennonite Grain, Urns (mi The prices of these will convince you that Wt have not bought them to-day. because we (“My not buy for what we are selling them at... ... . ..rr It's El p gf1WjE You are your. to Iii! or lose ' you drn't take it, in lvst b; r"er, I by not “an " mm y no: for out free catalog t f I: , - Business Chr', f a '.i../ ‘V L. A. Funny; in: Bpxer Pie no the best obtain- $3.75 to 5.00 per pair an; for comfort and wear they car. FOR SPRING I WEI Eu" 'rlI At [-2 no or businen. The m “an ever below. Out 5:0 to $9co 1 year. mmuuwmm 'SA", 8irted on bettWot yourfriends " neighbo. B, And no a null token of our ettttN We uh you to accept this m-vney ac- tto-Meet bv our good wish†Id you ma 'ttet" in and on the My" your Western henna. Here in the land at your bth yJI In" alwun been though dun upland“! good lellow. Y ll but proved yourself to be a Mud m obligirg neighbor. alwuys minute respond to the on] ; and wmle u 1rttattttat Be the giver .1 lillrad thin" will not tun thee. we no hope that you will not forget. your“ neithhou. you. we learn have denim-d to seek your: in the far we». We sincerely bopothu you will be blessed mm happiness 1nd canton m that In! any had. Dear Mr and In MCFadden and l little Ruby t " we. your friends and neighban have learned with regret cf yum- tended departure trom our and“, '9 hove gethered here this evenmgm order that we any take wire. y 'il the feeling. ot the loud-will u " hold to words you. Study. you nu doubt will feel heal] the pining Without old home when you haw rpenl-H your happy boyhood days. Mr 35th world glue rpm to mom“: can)! t o that we may bttt: r nurtormms You are " perfect liberty â€mascaraâ€... "."iii"iii""tir'i.iio (it Dromore "" MARCH 28, 1918 8-. Iouui‘dO. Willie Lane, Geo. Low Never Faiis to Awake Enthusiasm. The Lymum Arts " Chicago has titit trarr ovot we nmnir â€Nth in tite Wes a the Enter“ (firm qregttqelt triumphs. "What a run-nth agrd how they vm-n on program†I... heard in “an . attend their an. it. eotnpatty air' “I! of ettthtttcartt “I: nice thing Yul); Forbes (in pro se, tr by "ovidmr tht 'llhTffg' must o) Viral) to ti, be! is. an idiot.; “it minded, In} a In: tiertd. huh ml and Pr no' he. The U ikdIould have lr mama be 2 iidt.her of the (a km by†purist " wk Among tl' week war [In of Flesherto doom over t trtratf the r. h the 14tth manhood “i yer. Marr h. hum: Mylerian Um was n Beam t oi the (a if. orchemrn v - nun no in l H mum I an. an " and to tir M at Ca: Fart-ac. ml to “TRIM; line: q li they Nil hr, Miuirwry H1. have tht. Lid call and ' n u and lunnnmi W! at the Urea in tl Ko-Faire---] bk heH on ls Mic. t. c. Nich: Witt have a H dummy. 1 a Drug Store 'iiialttj, " _iii,iiihT, Al" VOL. XLI. H " L A. t. our: H of“ nbr an can. an s E n s h h Circulation h. h hats v _ . W. Mythic N “all Under L attend ti THE ST; " In up " TH b.' Lt't'F.'t Your I) f1 "9 'mr minus .4 Tour and It