2rt John McGowan All Moi“;- bought st market price. Speck] Reduction on Flour and Feed in mulch. Low Grade Flour, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Cereal, Bran, Shorts, Middlings. Corn Chop. Cracked Chicken Corn Boo tons of No l Mixed Chop was“ AND mam Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop-ks Some Men's, Women's and Children's Hosiery at pric- es that at present cannot be duplicated., Trunks, suitcases valises. etc, at prices that are cheap, quality considered. f Repairing " usual Now is the time to start and by dealing at this Store, you will be taking a step In the right direction to save money We have Boots and Shoes in abundance. No room to quote prices but call and be convinced that prices are right. Rubbers have again advanced in price. We are still handing them out at old prices. Down Town Shoe Store If You are Going to. Practise Economy this year------: The Rott Roy Cereal Mills Co. OATMEAL mus nouns :Day M ttight we The knuckles and steering arms of the front axle are Chrome Vanadium.' and the cones of the front wheel bearings are high C rome Carbon Vanadium washed steel. In fact, at each vital point in the power, transmission and control systems, the metal parts are of this guaranteed wear-resisting material. The brakes are adequately in size, assuring absolute safety in the moment of need. For further particulars and demonstrations, see _ . The main plates of front and rear semi-cantilever springs, rear axle, and third member shafts, and gears in the three-speed transmission, are of Chrome Vanadium steel. In the motor, the connecting rods, crank shaft and cam shaft are, too, of this material. The wearing parts are built of carefully selected material, thoroughly tempered.and re- heated time and time again, as each case requires, to meet the demand of utmost strength. Chevrolet material, in "Four-Ninety" model, is not built to meet a price. The care exercised in the selection of materials proves this statement conclusively. Genuine quality of construction has been maintained at all times. The overhead valve motor, with detachable cylinder head, is cast en block (including the upper half of the crank case) of closely grained gray iron, properly seasoned. The flexibility and durability of this superior metal is commended by tsintifie men. The Chevrolet Garage Chevrolet Model 'Four,dhllinety' Hemiy Mixed Peed We have a stock of Good Heavy Mixed Feed on hand (hat we are selling at special prices in ton lots. If you need Feed, get our prices. CRIMPED OATS for Home Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Every bag guaranteed. If not tratiaftustor? bring It back and get your money. Price $825, F. O. B., Oshawa at Special Prices ‘. S. McILRAlTH Warden Boyd has sent the following letter to County Council members : _ Young wo n should consider seriously the need for 0 ce help resulting from the drafting of you men and prepare to fid their Blaces Ov 2200 clerks were taken from anksalone stweekiotherbusiness offices suffered in roporiion and more will have to go late l The proper prepar- ation can behad oliice work at the Northern Business C llege. Owen Sound. Spring term opens T esday. April 2nd. College announcement ree-write for it. C. A. Elem g, Principal I an: just in receipt of a night let tergrsm from G. C. Creelmtui, chair- man ot Agricultural Section. Resour- ces Commission, urging (in accurdaucs with ProclamatiOn of Lient. Governor) war emergency session ot the County Council. the object being the discus sion of cooperation of all public bodies essential " this time' " produce the necessary results to help win the war. Warden Asks CoXouncil re Special War Session Murkdale, Ont., March 20th, 1918 Dear Sir I I sincerely trust the Reeve of every munloipality will " once got right at this important work. In the mean. time I will be governed by inture developments and expreeeionetrom members of the County Council. 3nd Ivonld be grateful to hear from every member of the Council " to " opinion reg-Ming the holding of wet union of County Council u once. ' Yum- very may. John A. Bovd. I Newspapers have been hard hit in the ! paper market. While the price of paper _ has steadily advanced since the beginning of the war- a jump of forty per cent was made a year ago and now, in the face ol an existing contract we have been notitied i that another advance will be made, mak- 1 ing retroactive from February lst. The increase to weekly papers who use flat paper instead of roll paper is about double the price that dailies have to pay. Apart from that. almost everything else that enters into the production of a paper has increased enormously in price and we, therefore. take the liberty of urging that _ all arrearages be paid forthwith, as a good paper cannot be produced without ex- pense. and the money is needed. T 0 each one still owing the amount may seem small, but in the aggregate it means a large sum to us. Accounts take time and postage, and we ask subscribers to save us that trouble by prompt response to this notice. We have no doubt that in many cases the failure to remit has merely been an oversight. In View of the fact that the people have not fully realized the eeriune nees of the situation and m accord-nee with the proclamation ct his honor The Lieui.Ahtsrnor, the resources commission is endeavoring to employ each means as will bring the teen home to every British subject. so that every man and every woman will resolve and determine " this criti- cal time to do his or her very utmost to help win the Win It. therefore, naturelly follows that everv patrio- tie men will get his coat off and do all he can to increase production. The time is somewhat inopportune for a session ot the County Council. As the Work has to be done through the [one] qtttnhipalities end as the session of Council would cost about five or six hundred dollars, I would suggest that fire or six hundred ed- ditionui be added to that amount and distributed among the rural tttttttity palities for orttanizstion ; that the Reeve of each municipality personal- ly take charge of the won, with the nuisance of any outside speakers he could procure and that thelocui mun~ icipolity be responsible tor the ex- pense, subject to reimbursement by the County Council, " their discre- tion. Ttse purham 33:16:11: To Subscribers Not Paid Up La mbton Street, Durham, Ontario MAR 28, IBIS THE DURHAM REVIEW Terms, ; Hay. grain i " and under cub. o, up to IO no. credit will proved Joint notes, hem 6 out cent per Innuqfu: Quantity cf hay, 200 " bushel of clean and Implements-Dee ing binder. mower, 12:ft horse rake ne hay loader new, cultivator. disc, long loush,twin plough Cockehutt. set of s I ‘tion iron barrows, land roller, seed drill. fanning mill, 400 lb scalea, turnip pul er,_turnip tower, lumber wagon, true wagon. double rig, buggy, road cart, utter new, Ford car in good repair, " t of bobpleigha, wagon box new, hay r ck, stock rack, set of heavy harness. a t of tingle har. nesu, collars and bridle wheelbarrow, quantity of wood, nee yokea, double trees,lap kettle, crou ut saw new, hay fork and sling ropes, shovels. fork: and hoes, Other' articl too numeroul to mention. Then I went up to what we used to call the crater line. That is the line where the enemy and our forces faced one an- other for two years and is marked by a continuous row of mine craters. Some of them are 80 feet deep and almost a hund- red yards across. I wasn't at the one we used to hold but I'm going to see it some day soon and see the place where I had my first scrap with Fritz. I also saw many graves up there and one one of them was In writing to his home here, Pte Ernest l McGirr interestingly relates revisiting the I scenes of his first term at the front, near l where he is again located. We quote '. France. Feb. 24, 1918 i - - - - Well I went up for a stroll this morning and found something to write i about. We have moved since I last wrote i and, we are in the ruins of the village I f used-to write about last winter. It is the 5 first time Ihave been here since before) ---.- and I scarcely know the place.) Do you'remember me once last winter; saying that we held a church service in a i great underground cave which I said look- " ed like a cathedral. I was in it again to- 5 day but I scarcely could find it. A lot of l I it has caved in and it is full of bunks now ll No. 838260, Pte. A. D. Dunoon. I don't know him but that is a 147th Bn. number and therefore he was from Grey County. If you wish to put that in the paper you may do so and it his relatives chance to see it, it might do them good to know that he is decently buried. The - Bn. is near here too and Alex and I are going over to see Geo, Lloyd some day. Of Farm S The undeia ned Auctioneer will sell by Public Au ion at Lots 39& 40, on. 3, N.D.R , Bentinck, On Tues ay, April 2, l9l8 At I o'clock, 3 am. the following: Horses-Mat hed black team 9yeara old, Colt , ye: old, Colt l year old, Cattle-" Cow .,-8 with- calf at foot, 2 due April go, 2 ue about end of May, 2 heifer: due let f June. Two Beef-ring he era 2 year: old, 5 two year old steers, l iÂ¥earlinu oteere and heifers, s calves, l egietered Aberdeen Polled Angus Bull one year old. tl."-"'""" Sow with 9 pigs one week o . Pie. Ernest McGirr Back to old Trades Mr Telford was Chairman and action was taken at once and a branch formed. The officers are ", President -Rev. S. M. Whaley. Vice-Pres.-Rev. E. McEwen. Secy.-Miss Marg. McKenzie. Treas.--wm Irwin. Auditor-H. R. Koch. Executive Com.-Mrs Shirk. Rev E. S. Moyer, Mrs Ed. Burnett, Miss L. Walker. Messrs A, Bell, J. A. Graham, J, P. Telford, credit.Aaiction Sale Only two townships and one village in the County had not sent one wait. Dur- ham had sent 25. It was never more im- portant than now to conserve child life, and he closed a sympathetic speech by an appeal for co-operation. He gave pathetic descriptions of homes he had visited. Sometimes they were de- ceived in foster homes, and if lt was found the wards were being made drudges of they were at once removed Children's Aid Association The causes were lack of parental con- trol, indifference and the refusal to make ordinary sacrifice. Monday last a'meeting of those inter- ested in the uplift of neglected children of the County washeld in the Public Library addressed by Mr A. E. Trout who is at the head of the Co. organization. He gavea most interesting account ot the origin and growth of these Associat'on,', suggested in 1886 by seeing two little waits on Yonge St., Toronto, in winter, crying, broken-hearted, because they had only got 15cts. by begging and their be- sotted parents had forbidden them to come home unless they got 25cts. There were now 60 Societies in Ontario and in all about 100,000 children had been benefitted by their operation. Co. Grey was organized live years ago and no fewer than 341 children had been taken from neglected homes and taken into the Institution in Owen Sound or placed in better homes, while the homes of 2000 had been improved by tsitation. Branch formed in Durham k, Implements, &c. I all luau of Mat amount of oats, Btarline Lamb left on Tuesday " ternoon for Craven Sank. where he has secured a situation with Mr Will Burrows. Mr Dan McLean in under the Dr’s care at present. We wish aims speedy recovery. Miss McCracken had a bad full on fhejce hm week and injured her Mr and Mrs Walter Middleton left for their home in Abernathy. Sank†last Fridny. Thev will vimlrlenda in Toronto and other pluses on the way. After buying a 'week at beautiful apt-mg weather, We seem to be buck io winter again this week. Sleizbinz is gone and the loads are ptetry bad in places tor wheeling. A quilt mode by Unlock mid Cross workers out ot left over pieces ot the pyjamo cloth, was sold recently at Mr Ben Bofrtnau's eels by Anotioneer Brigham for the handsome rum of $87. It was sold and returned 81 tunnel. Mr Duncan McKinnon is the proud possessor. Foliammt is a list of those who bought the quilt : J. H. Chittick $11.00. A. C, McDonald 810, Duncan Clark $10, Wm. Lunney $5, Neil MoCellnm $5, Hugh McLean $5, Arch McLean $5. Donald McDonald " Clark Torry $2, 8. C. Vnckere $2, Spence Hopkins " Jae. McDongnll Fil, Thos. Torry 81, Duncan McKm non $1, Robt. Mighton $1. Jae. Mc- Ronald $1, Henry Cook $1. Harry Irvin Ill, Arthur Lunney $1 Geo. Mighton $1, Jog. Porter tii, Edmn Noble $1. Wm, Henderson $1, Thompson Boyd $1, B. Jenke $1, Edward Boyce $1, lrwm Brown t',iil, Neil McLean $1. Friid Shewell $1, Males Feldman $1, Ben Hoffman $1, Duncan MoKinnon $5. l l Fresh Groceries arriving every Week. . 'htrttrhest Prices ma for Produce TRY THEM TO-DAY Large Sales I mending Gin Fills. Tour denier keeps Gin Pills. Why no on suffering from Pnins in the Bark and Side. 'tht-tttttut/um, Lumlugo, Gravel. Brick hu-I De. posits, and "tTticult Uriuntion when the xemedy is at hand? YOU have rend letters me-ndiam IG.. “up Our stock ft very large and beiore the advance. ABERDEEN We have a number of Rugs left in the newest designs in the neatest patterns and in the nicest Oriental shades having all the appearance of the Eastern Rugs, but a great deal cheaper. 3rdsar 3 yds........$|4,oo . 3rdsar3lrds......:ts.S0 3371132.! yds........ 17.50 Buy before the advance in price, which is sure to come 1lfdKahnie's! Weekly News 3:22: MULOCK SEE OUR NEW WALL PAPER We have the newest designs in the nestles} patterns. Women's bongo]: Blacker. . . . . .SMO tWotrtett'sChrosrtethut .......... 2.51 Men's Bucket... ..e...o...o.. " Men's " inch top Blacker. . . . . .. 6, Toma! Boots and Shoes RUGS ir, McKECHN IE n L... A, f,'"w, , , L l â€mm .. n "ri": m ,., - = "', 'iii/i/ji,, 'lir:r?)"5,i, WW"‘,LLILTWE:L l", l _faflttlllltbe),l?,j7titi! t,iiji:'",iii'i8ll " but; -i',r,,"v" 'r"ii,/irii'j'/trecrr 1m";~v-zv' :' I‘ '("iil8"i% _',,iiiii"i,,ijll,!i 'i,,i,li'iii'illilalll ki Lun- 'i‘sz‘wlL'LLLi./~ L rt,,' " ", ot', 'w/fC',"')),),!)')] '_,i'liii)ii' I 'jiiii,?jli Aarill No not: l "I' kv', “12"...5 , t 'r'" l LL.."1L _ ' "W M" ‘ trv, A 'c," li" s' 1 J, cs'.tf/b"it', bi/lt):,! k am "In: in.“ tc"; , l ', a I", I,' , . hir'" ds gymlm‘" , _ n14 ',, "CH," !iliti!tll' l u l] .“I if “51/†' f 7at"tfiii Fr' wii?i"i'ii"/ii, 'O AW, ' â€1.3:.“ iii(1t'lti, 7.7%“ . , ",?,1t,1,/,cr VLW‘ "’1? "',ttih' T L" . t , MI! V and: a: AWL"; k) ipi'i(,it'K/')r1'irit'i/l _HlUgsi',,1, ',il'iii': "a- .,;, W†'ip . " “RIM It)“ rim:- r' 3% mk' 'r"',?? mi l', l ' , . 3.1.! It] JILL", i(,s,h,iS'c',',,a7i.', 't,".1ii _','iS 'iii?ir'iitr. .“ iii/lr'::',);:'?; , jaw-“2" ' gnu-y '4 5/ wrc?sts,- "ik, $913333" w :5; (il.: o_ri4rltci, m“ '6)? E any L r L ,3": .vrh,' (tCi-tiii?,]," ', F 'is-gr, t'jri',i;ijb"y, - r Eula .i éfliwffifl Trl?'-, " rr, ' "' ' tl "uâ€!- 'Hilr " ' u W ' Q'--,'.,'.".' ‘.r . '7‘“ . _ tli l 'ith' '2srssrr??tiift'iiiitlst 'tMill-ite,, L , 'l'; , Lu «mm [ Mt Br ElB28 . ', A', '.'s'sC,ii'j'i'it] r - 'liiM Lg“; ’21 L ll P' , I L Jam-cl L -'ar, " _ = 'rt. "LAKE" W k illBhll, " itlilar1 by the Eyes Examined Free Eyesight Specialist It help: othertt and helps yourself A grant lid to cheer. fuluess i: cheerful moms Come and let us show Tttu how to make vour rooms cheetful and nttractive " small ccst. MacFARLANE'S DRUG STORE for Smut this year. Increase in Weld is guaranteed if you use the beat; We buy the best we can get-use outs. B: mac - buy enly. Every Farmer Be Cheerful should use now used by over no Opticians in this province Now at Central Drug Store FINLEY GRAHAM, Ph. B. Graham Eye-Testing System ', P. R. town office our prices are right as we bought FORMA LIN The tteasel?,,!: Jinn Easter [lowers n Easter Perfume " Cards And Novelties I. Saturday only in You true smokes foe I... .elf--utty not manly "i. as tor her ? In “Mam“, you. we will sell our High-Class Chocolates Buy your We a box of Candy for Sunday MARCH 28, lm A nice ttiortment Bur your tick, h. here regular 50C ior k m or h “I‘m l a Mrs Dun tat', WINS y s; Q "tkits: my w {Hymn L... trig W1 IV In 1 'ttted - y ' _ The n, N i'ai, the h nu -, I ‘lhlmt Ind-um: M_ led Cross, 2“. Durham u concert h l you“: an y: ite a mum I ans of the, Mid lot lt, Icuhrs. : We weicome l ..ad_Umily to tr'.; “mum-n tt" mowmd In; 1 "boasald My _ rai 10; i r',' John A. I', m Senna a “all bo held mun- m "ht'.' -. Inner at C: "bring Sc WWW iiihi it i, I a . in welc ming hey who IS e: . Alsothe res 4. who has, " Sure) r do their dut V pring An hum week use Furnis Il’s, Women's ntwear ceville The cut of M DIM“! any Fttnhertmr I ltd! um do "a Inn V the Hangings in Me. Then Thule are m: higher now. Never was “the“ ' Show tor l our ordws lumen of " ow Flour and They in Rh he t,t'ii,'i.1i:ifvei,i jun . " "mung 0 ad Pricevmc. bk Unthesun is t “Ecol It Holland U " H. McLean olr, I P. F. McArtLt. IABCH 28, RICE ttighest Price The subject A lame we: 'ILLE VILLAI prop with I n tt It